COURSE OUTLINE : SOC 002 Last Revised and Approved: 10/18/2018 CURRICULUM Subject Code and Course Number: Division : SOC 002 Social Sciences Course Title : CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL PROBLEMS Summarize the need/purpose/reason for this proposal Addition of Form D Revision of SLOs and SPOs, MOIs, CCOs, assignments, textbooks updated Detail added to MOEs SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes) 1. Examine the structural explanations of social problems. 2. Analyze qualitative and quantitative information on social problems through a sociological lens. 3. Investigate the role of racism, sexism, and class inequality in the creation and maintenance of social problems. SPOs (Student Performance Objectives) 1a. Apply the definition of a social problem to social conditions. 1b. Apply the sociological imagination to social conditions. 2a. Identify social problems using sociological theories, such as structural functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interactionism. 2b. Explain the cultural, economic, political and structural theories of social problems. 2c. Evaluate qualitative and quantitative information sources. 3a. Consider causes and consequences of major social problems. 3b. Examine the intersectionality of social problems. 3c. Evaluate the impact of individual and group solutions to social problems. CCOs (Course Content Outline) I. Introduction A. Definitions of Social Problems 1. Values & Goals 2. Social Conditions, Social Issues and Social Problems 3. Power & Ideology a. Karl Marx b. Emile Durkheim B. Perspectives of Social Problems C. Overview of General Sociological Concepts D. The Sociological Imagination PASADENA CITY COLLEGE --FOR COMPLETE OUTLINE OF RECORD SEE PCC WEBCMS DATABASE-Page 1 of 14 COURSE OUTLINE : SOC 002 Last Revised and Approved: 10/18/2018 1. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis A. Interviews, Ethnography, Case Studies, and Historical Documents B. Surveys, Secondary Analysis, and Statistics 2. Selective Social Problems and Solutions A. Inequality and its Causes 1. Economic 2. Race & ethnicity 3. Gender B. Poverty & Welfare 1. Social policies 2. Construction of poverty C. Work & unemployment 1. Social & economic policies 2. Temp, part-time and precarious jobs 3. Minimum vs. Living Wages D. Incarceration 1. Patterns 2. Social policies 3. War on drugs 4. Reentry/Rehabilitation E. Education 1. Theoretical perspectives 2. School to prison pipeline 3. Dropout nation Methods of Instruction The instructor will engage in a combination of instructional methodologies. Lectures: Generally, this course will begin with lectures; lectures are designed to inform students and ground the class in the specifics of sociological theory and methods. The lectures will include both power points and board writing (e.g., writing on the board). Socratic Method is integrated into the pedagogy. That is, the instructor will encourage students to question sociological perspectives and answer questions posed by instructor. Group work: working in small teams, students have the opportunity to propose ideas and receive feedback from their peers. Here, students have the opportunity to discuss questions posed by the instructor. The instructor then moves from group to group listening (or reading) and commenting on their responses. Methods of Evaluation of Student Performance Evaluation of individual and group assignments designed to demonstrate mastery of the learning objectives and their ability to examine the structural explanation of social problems. Quizzes/examinations designed to assess student's ability to recall, critically analyze, and apply the sociological imagination and theories to social problems. Written assignments and research projects, designed to evaluate the role of racism, sexism, and class inequality in social problems, evaluated for clarity and correctness of explanations, use of quotations and citations from relevant texts, effectiveness of arguments, and giving original examples to illustrate problems and concepts. Assignments Social Problems DVD/Video Analysis Project: Identify a video/DVD from YouTube or elsewhere, which demonstrates a social problem. PASADENA CITY COLLEGE --FOR COMPLETE OUTLINE OF RECORD SEE PCC WEBCMS DATABASE-Page 2 of 14 COURSE OUTLINE : SOC 002 Last Revised and Approved: 10/18/2018 1. Provide a short summary of the video/DVD (Describe the content/scenario of the video. Clarity is important!). Clearly identify the social problem, and how it affects society. 2. In the following paragraph, explain how Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim would analyze the problem. Then, explain how Marx and Durkheim would resolve the problem? This project requires a 2-3 page double-spaced paper, which is the analysis of the selected video. Be sure to cite all sources. Annotated Bibliography Discussion: For this week's forum, you're going to do a little research. I'd like for you to find 3 reliable sources on the internet that could be used to educate people about drug abuse. Post a link to each source, or cite it appropriately (using MLA, APA, ASA, or Chicago style), and give us a 3-5 sentence summary of what your source is, and is about. Don't make your initial post until you have all 3 sources and their summaries (no copying from classmates, please.) For your responses to classmates, I'd like for you to explore a source from 2 of your classmates, and let us know what you learned and what you thought about it. TECHNICAL DETAILS Catalog Description Identification and analysis of major social problems: inequality, poverty and welfare, incarceration, education. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. C-ID: SOCI 115 Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite(s) Corequisite(s) Recommended Preparation Enrollment Limitations Instructional Activities associated with TBA Units : 3.0 CREDIT COURSE OUTLINE PASADENA CITY COLLEGE --FOR COMPLETE OUTLINE OF RECORD SEE PCC WEBCMS DATABASE-Page 3 of 14 COURSE OUTLINE : SOC 002 Last Revised and Approved: 10/18/2018 Credit Type : C Credit – Not Degree Applicable Maximum Course Units : 3 Minimum Course Units: 3 Computed Total Carnegie Units : 3.00 Course Unit Totals in Agreement? : No Course Units Carnegie Compliant by Type and Mode? : Yes Course Units Carnegie Compliant in Total?: Yes Total Course Hours by Type and Mode COURSE HOURS LECTURE LAB ACTIVITY Scheduled Class Meetings 54 0 0 TBA Hours, Determinate Schedule 0 0 0 *Other Arranged Hours, Variable Schedule 0 0 0 (*Student is required to meet the same number of arranged hours each day or each week) Override Computed Course Units if Necessary COURSE HOURS LECTURE LAB ACTIVITY Scheduled Class Meetings 3 0 0 TBA Hours, Determinate Schedule 0 0 0 *Other Arranged Hours, Variable Schedule 0 0 0 Projected Student Registration and Attendance COURSE ATTENDANCE Registration Capacity 40 Projected Census Enrollment [Total] 0 Projected Census Enrollment [Resident] 0 PASADENA CITY COLLEGE --FOR COMPLETE OUTLINE OF RECORD SEE PCC WEBCMS DATABASE-Page 4 of 14 COURSE OUTLINE : SOC 002 Last Revised and Approved: 10/18/2018 Projected Census Enrollment [NonResident] 0 Projected PA Hours [Total] 0 Projected PA Hours [Resident] 0 Projected PA Hours [NonResident] 0 COURSE VALUES (TOTAL) Scheduled Class Hours Regular TBA Hours Variable Arranged Hours LEC LAB ACTV LEC LAB ACTV LEC LAB ACTV TOTALS Course Hours 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 Course Units 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Load Factor 1 0.75 0.7143 1 0.75 0.7143 1 0.75 0.7143 LHE 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 FTEF 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 STUDENT AND FACULTY WORKLOADS (WEEKLY, FULL-TERM) Scheduled Class Hours STUDENTS Regular TBA Hours Variable Arranged Hours LEC LAB ACTV LEC LAB ACTV LEC LAB ACTV TOTALS Instructional Hours 3.38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.38 Study Hours 6.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.75 Total 10.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.13 Instructional Hours 3.38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.38 Preparatory Hours 3.38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.38 Total 6.76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.76 FACULTY Repeatability : Not Repeatable PASADENA CITY COLLEGE --FOR COMPLETE OUTLINE OF RECORD SEE PCC WEBCMS DATABASE-Page 5 of 14 COURSE OUTLINE : SOC 002 Last Revised and Approved: 10/18/2018 The repeatable restrictions apply for Credit Courses do not apply to Non-Credit Courses. Only Non-Credit Courses can be repeated on unlimited number of times. Reason for Repeatability: Courses for which repetition is necessary to meet major requirements of CSU or UC for completion of a bachelor's degree. Intercollegiate academic or vocational competition Intercollegiate Athletics Methods of Delivery Face-to-Face On-Line – Primarily taught via Internet Hybrid – Blend of On-Campus and On-Line ITV – Instructional T.V. Maximum Class Size (NCN) 40 Minimum Qualifications (Discipline) SOCIOLOGY Semester of First Offering Summer 2019 Defaul Grading Option B - Course for grade or pass/no pass Non-Default Grading Option B - Course for grade or pass/no pass E - CE - By Exam U - NG - Non-Graded course N - Non-Credit course P - Course taken for pass/no pass L - Course taken for letter grade only A - Audit COURSE APPLICABILITY, TRANSFER AND ARTICULATION Course Credit Status: C Credit – Not Degree Applicable State Transfer Code: A Transferable, UC/CSU/Private State Classification Code: Basic Skills Status/Level: Y NA Aligns with C-ID Decriptor SOCI 115 Purpose of Course UC Transferable PASADENA CITY COLLEGE --FOR COMPLETE OUTLINE OF RECORD SEE PCC WEBCMS DATABASE-Page 6 of 14 COURSE OUTLINE : SOC 002 Last Revised and Approved: 10/18/2018 IGETC Area: Specify Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences 4J: Sociology & Criminology 4J - Sociology & Criminology Gen Ed. Local AA degree: Please specify Social and Behavioral Sciences AA/AS Diversity Requirement in: Global Studies Ethnic & Gender Studies Other: Please specify CareerTech Certificate: Indicate name of Certificate(s) REPRESENTATIVE TEXTBOOKS OR OTHER MATERIALS Book 1 Author : Sullivan Title : Introduction to Social Problems Publisher: Pearson Date of Publication: 2015 Edition: Book 2 Book 3 Author : Leon-Guerrero Title : Social Problems Community, Policy, and Social Action Publisher: Sage Date of Publication: 2015 Edition: 5th Author : Publisher: Lisa Dodson Don't Call Us out of Name: the Untold Lives of Women and Girls in Poor America Beacon Press Date of Publication: 1999 Edition: (classic text) Author : Mooney Title : Understanding Social Problems Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing Date of Publication: 2016 Edition: 10th Title : Book 4 PASADENA CITY COLLEGE --FOR COMPLETE OUTLINE OF RECORD SEE PCC WEBCMS DATABASE-Page 7 of 14 COURSE OUTLINE : SOC 002 Last Revised and Approved: 10/18/2018 Book 5 Author : Trevino Title : Investigating Social Problems Publisher: Sage Date of Publication: 2018 Edition: Other materials and/or supplies required of students: Barkan Social Problems: Continuity and Change OER Material 2014 RESOURCES & DEPARTMENT PLANNING Additional Resources Needed: Students need to have access to tutoring centers. Facilities Needed to Teach this Course: Classrooms with no more than 35 seats. Equipment Needed to Teach this Course: In-class computers, projectors, video, working Wifi. PROGRAM APPLICABILITY Program Information Program Category In an approved program. General Education Part of a new program. Career and Technical Education Program Not part of an approved program. Noncredit Program Instructional Methods Lecture Lab Lecture & Lab Distance Ed / Online Course Work Experience Independent Study TBA PASADENA CITY COLLEGE --FOR COMPLETE OUTLINE OF RECORD SEE PCC WEBCMS DATABASE-Page 8 of 14 COURSE OUTLINE : SOC 002 Last Revised and Approved: 10/18/2018 TOP Code Information Program title - TOP Code: 220800 Sociology SAM Code A - Apprenticeship course (Courses offered to apprentices only.) B - Advanced occupational (Courses taken in the advanced stages of an occupational program. Each “B” level course must have a “C” level prerequisite in the same program area.) C - Clearly occupational (Courses taken in the middle stages of an occupational program. Should provide the student with entry-level job skills.) D - Possibly occupational (Courses taken in the beginning stages of an occupational program.) E Non-occupational NON CREDIT ONLY Funding Category A English as a Second Language B Immigrant Education C Elementary & Secondary Education D Health & Safety Education E Education Programs for Persons with Substantial Disabilities F Parenting Education G Family & Consumer Sciences H Education Programs for Older Adults I Short-term Vocational Programs With High Employment Potential J Workforce Preparation Enhanced Funding K Other Non-Credit Enhanced Funding L Non-enhanced Funding PASADENA CITY COLLEGE --FOR COMPLETE OUTLINE OF RECORD SEE PCC WEBCMS DATABASE-Page 9 of 14 Form D - DISTANCE EDUCATION ADDENDUM Comments : Course Number : SOC 002 Course Title : Contemporary Social Problems Department : Sociology Effective Term : Winter 2019 Type of delivery (Check all that apply.) Hybrid: The course has online components and requires regularly or irregularly scheduled face to face meetings Fully Online: The course has no required face-to-face meetings Fully Online Delivery Requirements: • Any planned face-to-face meetings, such as an orientation or study session, must be optional. • Students must be notified via the college schedule of classes and the syllabus for the class if proctored tests are required for this course. • The use of asynchronous discussion is a required component of every fully online course. All Distance Education courses (hybrid and online) must be: • Taught using the College’s Learning Management System. • U.S. Government ADA and Section 508 compliant (all online content must be accessible for students with disabilities). Hybrid Delivery Requirements: • Dates and times of required meetings must be included in the Schedule of Classes. Regular & Effective Contact Describe how course interactions will promote a learning community with instructor to student, student to student, and student to content interactions. Title V (5211) mandates regular and effective contact with students. For each type of interaction (instructor to student, student to student, and student to content) consider: • What types of interactions will occur? • What types of communication/technology tools will be used? • How frequently will communication/interaction occur via these various tools? Interaction 1. Instructor to Student: Describe how both instructor-initiated and student initiated interaction will occur. Form D - DISTANCE EDUCATION ADDENDUM Instructors will provide feedback to students through weekly discussions on course topics using the LMS Discussion tool. Instructors will post weekly announcements through the course LMS. Instructors will hold virtual office hours using the LMS conferencing tool. Instructors will respond to individual students’ questions through the LMS messaging tool several times per week. Instructor will post content material (presentation slides, textbook chapters and outside articles, videos and video lectures), as well as interactive quizzes (Softchalk) that both explain content and assess understanding. Instructor will design quizzes, monitor assessments, and provide feedback to students. 2. Student to Student: Describe how the instructor will ensure a community of learners so that student to student interaction will occur. Students will post and respond to weekly discussion questions using the LMS in order to gain a deeper understanding of course content. Students will collaborate with one another on group assignments using a variety of LMS tools like web-conferencing, collaborative documents and discussion boards, messaging, or email. Students will have a Student Lounge discussion forum for questions and comments amongst themselves. Students will participate in several wikis throughout the course to share with classmates their formative understanding of course concepts. 3. Student to Content: Describe how the course curriculum will promote interaction with course content. Students will explore and connect with readings through note-taking, highlighting and responding to critical questions each week. Students will rexplore the content through multimedia posted in the LMS modules each week. Students will further address content by posting critical questions weekly on LMS discussion board. External links and materials will be posted in each module to give students additional opportunities to interact with the course content. Form D - DISTANCE EDUCATION ADDENDUM Course Outline Please describe how students will achieve Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for this course as described in the official Course Outline of Record (in WebCMS) for this course. Instructions: Copy the SLOs from the course outline into the left column of the table below. In the center column of the table (Method of Instruction), provide an example of an assignment that will facilitate achieving the associated outcome. Also in the center column, specify any adaptations in instructional methodology resulting from offering this course in a distancelearning mode (online or hybrid), as opposed to the face-to-face mode assumed by the current course outline. In the far right column (Method of Evaluation), list how the assignment or activity you specified in the center column will be assessed in the online environment. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) SLO 1: Examine the structural explanations of social problems. SLO2: Analyze qualitative and quantitative information on social problems through a sociological lens. SLO 3: Investigate the role of racism, sexism, and class inequality in the creation and maintenance of social problems. Method of Instruction: Provide an example of an assignment or activity for each Outcome SLO1: Problems DVD/Video Analysis Project The instructions for this project will be presented in an LMS discussion forum. Select a video/DVD from YouTube or elsewhere, which demonstrates a social problem. Students post link to video clip for comments from peers and instructor on DVD/Video clip selection. • Provide a short summary of the video/DVD (Describe the content/scenario of the video. Clarity is important!).Clearly identify the social problem, and how it affects society. • In the next paragraph, explain how Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim would analyze the problem. Then, explain how Marx and Durkheim would resolve the problem? This project requires a 2-3 page double-spaced paper, which is the analysis of the selected video. Be sure to cite all sources Students will share and respond to peers’ analyses in the LMS discussion board forum. Form D - DISTANCE EDUCATION ADDENDUM SLO2: PowerPoint Presentation Students must choose one social problem and its ongoing influence on individuals, groups, and society. Students must convey the social problem’s significance within society. This project is best presented within the LMS conference tool, so small groups of students (2-5) might discuss their PowerPoint, and allow replies from others. Completed PowerPoints will be submitted in a discussion forum in the LMS, so that students may view and comment on their peers’ PowerPoints (or Prezi or Google Docs) presentation. SLO3: Research Paper (5 pages) assignment will be presented using an LMS assignment. Students will select a social problem, locate and evaluate sociological resources (journals & books) in order to develop an academic paper that uses sociological terms & perspectives to frame their topic. Students will interact with each other through discussion boards in the LMS to give feedback on their topics, sources and drafts (outline and sources). Method of Evaluation: Provide an example of how the assignment or activity will be assessed: SLO1: Use assignment rubric to determine grade: quality of DVD/Video; Sociological significance; usage of Sociological perspectives. SLO2;Presentation rubric to evaluate: quality of presentation, quality of research, quality of discussion among peers and social problem identified. SLO3: Assignment Rubric to evaluate: Use of sociological research materials - Understanding of sociological perspectives & concepts, - Structure of the paper: introduction, presentation of data, findings, conclusion, and citations Accessibility Describe how the design of the distance education course will ensure access for students with disabilities as required by The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the1998 amendment to the Workforce Rehabilitation Act (Section 508). Multimedia content will be closed-captioned and, when possible additional transcripts will be provided. Images and tables will use alt-tags. Documents will include styles for headings and format for readability as well as alt-tags for tables and images. External links will be evaluated for accessibility. Form D - DISTANCE EDUCATION ADDENDUM Support Services & Resources Describe the resources or services that may be required for students to successfully participate in the course. Briefly identify/explain implications or impact in each of the areas specified below. Information Technology Services & Resources College Helpdesk/Technical support Computer labs Computer requirements, links to technical support, lab information and online helpdesk information will be provided. Student Services Bookstore Tutoring Proctoring Links to the online bookstore, 24/7 tutoring services, and counseling and support services will be provided in the course syllabus and support materials. Library Online library resources Library facilities Library Orientation Links to the 24/7 online library chat, online databases and online resources will be provided. Other Required Support Services or Resources (i.e. additional software or materials) N/A