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Trials and Tribulation1

Trials and Tribulations
Olaf sat hunched over working on his machine slaving away on the lenses of the magnificent
contraption that focused the sun’s rays on a particular point. He would finally get revenge on the
stupid Boudaliars. He remembered when he got kicked out of the spyglass club when he killed a cat
angry and hurt, he had killed Monty’s parents and it had never been discovered . This was the first of
a long spree of murders.
Count Olaf aimed his machine it at the mansion. He savoured the sweet sense of victory that he had
felt when he had burned down , Captain Widdershins house. The feeling of lighting the matches
watching the oil light up and burn the house down the pleasure in the screams as the people inside
died. He opened the lens but nothing happened damm it a cloudy day he thought.
He peered out of the window but sun “hmmm” he thought. Olaf took the machine apart pouring
over every part there a tiny scratch on the lens. He called the glassmaker and asked for another lens.
The lens came and he placed it in the machine he smiled a cunning smile.
He aimed the machine and paused for a second he had felt hurt when he had been kicked out of the
spyglass club how would the children feel about this. He paused confused why was he feeling these
strange thoughts.
A crafty smile crossed his lips as he called up Poe the banker. “Who is first in line to receive the kids if
their parents die?” He asked.
“You are of course. answered Mr. Poe” Olaf looked at his bank account and thought 3 slaves and
$321 billion. Olaf pulled the trigger and watched the world burn.
He watched through his spyglass as the parents burned saw the kids playing on briny beach and
wrote up a list of chores. I will get the money and kill all who wronged me he cried but it was lost to
the wind. He turned away and smiled called the actors in his troupe and got ready for the slaves to
The slaves turned up at his house and he welcomed them in them not knowing the horrors he had in