"An Astronomer" by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation Author(s): MARIKA SPRING, NELLY VON ADERKAS, FLAMINIA RUKAVINA, DAVID PEGGIE and Ferdinand Bol Source: National Gallery Technical Bulletin, Vol. 38 (2017), pp. 76-96 Published by: National Gallery Company Limited Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/45276232 Accessed: 23-01-2022 10:02 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at https://about.jstor.org/terms National Gallery Company Limited is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to National Gallery Technical Bulletin This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation MARIKA SPRING, NELLY VON ADERKAS, FLAMINIA RUKAVINA AND DAVID PEGGIE Ferdinand Bol's An Astronomer (NG 679) is signed and servation treatment,4 the subject of this article. The dated 'fBol*feci(t) / 1652' on the sheet of paper hanging information they provided considerably extended what off the edge of the table at the far left (figs 2 and 3).1 was known about the painting from the traditional By this time Bol was well established in Amsterdam, imaging techniques of X-radiography and infrared becoming a citizen of the city in that year, having arrived reflectography, especially when interpreted in combina- there from his birthplace Dordrecht in around 1636. tion with observations on the layer structure, pigment The work is one of numerous dated works from the composition and binding media from the limited period beginning in 1642, just after he had left number of paint samples.5 This relatively new analytical Rembrandt's studio, and lasting until 1669, when he imaging technique, not yet widely available but now seems to have retired from painting having become being increasingly used to examine paintings, proved comfortably wealthy through his second marriage to to be useful in supporting the cleaning of the painting, the widow of a rich merchant in that same year.2 especially in understanding the degree of abrasion of The astronomer, a popular motif in seventeenth- the original paint in the black beret and cloak, and in century Dutch painting, appears deep in thought as he revealing the original modelling indicating the shape sits with his right hand on his chin, a pose also used by and form of the drapery, which was concealed beneath Boi in other works such as his Portrait of a Scholar sitting old overpaint. The maps were equally valuable in at a Table (St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum; fig . 1), painted around the same time. He wears a black, fur-trimmed robe and beret, the garments of a scholar, over a gown painted in orange and red-brown hues that suggest a changeant fabric. Around his waist is a thickly painted belt richly decorated with gold embroi- dery and colourful gems, with a central medallion that most probably depicts the bust of a Roman emperor. At the left of the painting are the usual attributes of a scholar: books, papers, and two globes - a celestial globe with a terrestrial globe behind it - placed on a damaskcovered table. The tablecloth, the curtain in the top left corner, the background and the two globes hardly differ in colour and before the recent cleaning were obscured by a discoloured varnish creating an almost homogenous brown-green tone across nearly two-thirds of the painting. At the time of the conservation treatment the Gallery was fortunate to have on loan a Bruker Jetstream M 6 macro X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner, through collaboration with the Delft University of Technology.3 The series of maps of chemical elements produced by this instrument - associated with specific pigments - made a significant contribution to the technical examination carried out in conjunction with the con- fig. l Ferdinand Bol, Portrait of a Scholar sitting at the Table, about 1650. Oil on canvas, 122 x 98 cm, St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum (s T3-767). 76 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation fig. 2 Ferdinand Bol, An Astronomer ( NG 679), 1652. Oil on canvas, 127 x 135 cm, after conservation treatment. fig. 3 Ferdinand Bol, An Astronomer ( NG 679), 1652. Oil on canvas, 127 x 135 cm, before conservation treatment. NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 | 77 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Marika Spring, Nelly von Aderkas, Flaminia Rukavina and David Peggie increasing our understanding of the colour changes due of the folds of the fabric, obscured even further by the to pigment degradation that have altered the appear- hazy discoloured varnishes. ance of this work. The cleaning of the black areas was therefore The painting was presented to the National Gallery approached with caution, facilitated by the information in 1 8 62 . A bill dating from February of that year records provided by the macro-XRF maps, interpreted in con- a restoration by Raffaele Pinti, although this was junction with the analyses of paint samples (time did probably only a minor intervention before it was placed not allow, however, for scanning of the top right corner on display in March.6 It was surface cleaned in 1876, a and this is therefore missing in the maps). Conventional regular necessity at this time in the gallery before meas- technical imaging techniques were less useful in this ures were taken to protect paintings from the polluted case, as the paint was highly absorbing in these areas London air.7 In 1886, when the painting was described in the infrared reflectogram, and the X-ray image was as 'much discoloured', the restorer Dyer was paid for dominated by broad sweeping strokes across the canvas 'removing cracked varnish, repairing and restorations', resulting from the application of the preparatory layers at which time his usual practice would have been to with a palette knife. Little of the upper paint layers was apply a varnish based on mastic resin after treatment.8 visible, except in the thickest lead-white-containing Relining is recorded in the early 1890s, followed by areas such as the flesh and the white shirt. These broad surface cleaning and application of another layer of strokes are even clearer in the XRF map showing the varnish, after which there was no further significant distribution of lead, as the stretcher bars do not inter- treatment until the cleaning and restoration carried fere with the image (fig . 4). out by J.C. Deliss, completed in February 1953. The The paint cross-sections show that the canvas was discoloured varnishes were removed, but the black paint prepared with a double ground, comprising a first red- of the cap and the cloak was found to be worn, at least in brown layer containing red earth with a little umber, the areas of the cleaning tests, and much of the repaint coarse black and red lead or lead white, over which is covering this abrasion was left in place. Complaints were grey paint containing lead white, coarse black and a made just a year later that the surface had again become little brown umber (fig. 5). 12 This type of preparation, dirty and cloudy, although this was improved to a providing a neutral warm pinkish-grey surface for the certain extent by a dry polish at that time.9 painter to work on, is common in paintings on canvas When the painting was examined in 2015, before of the mid-seventeenth century, including numerous the recent cleaning and restoration carried out by other works by Bol as well as many by Rembrandt dating Flaminia Rukavina during her Patrick Lindsay Conser- from the 1630s onwards. Karin Groen reported the vation Fellowship in the National Gallery's conservation presence of this kind of double ground on half of the department,10 the layers of dammar varnish applied 153 paintings by Rembrandt that she examined, and on by Deliss were discoloured and rather dull, with an six of the fourteen paintings by Bol that were included unsaturated patchy appearance.11 Retouchings covering in the same study.13 damages had darkened, the most disturbing being those Although these double grounds were essentially along the long old tears, one running horizontally similar, some variations were noted in the exact pigment through the hand and throat of the sitter, and two mixtures reported by Groen, including the choice of others running vertically downwards away from it, black pigments combined with lead white in the upper through the fur and the orange robe to the painting's greyish layer, among which some could be identified as lower edge. The X-radiograph and the infrared reflecto- lamp black of very fine particle size, bone black and gram show the extent of the associated paint loss and it charcoal black. A little red or yellow pigment seems often was clear from close examination and from cleaning to have been added, presumably to give a warmer grey tests that the repaint extended over original paint, at tone, and a little brown umber was also found in almost least to some extent. The worn black areas were less every case, as advised as a siccative in several of the straightforward, since not only had Deliss not removed mixtures for preparation of canvases included in the all the old repaint, he had applied further glazing in manuscript of Theodore de Mayerne (162 0-44). 14 'oil-colour' with an oil-and-varnish medium to disguise Around half of the eight recipes that he had collected the abrasion. The black hat and cloak had become flat are for a grey-over-red double ground, most of them shapes that lacked any modelling defining the structure suggesting 'bolus' combined with a little umber for the 78 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation fig. 4 NG 679, lead XRF map (Ph-L) of the whole painting (excluding the top right corner, which was not scanned). first layer, implying a clay-like red earth rich in alumino- Coal has been identified in a growing number of silicates, as was found on The Astronomer. 1 5 One recipe paintings of the period now that its characteristics when from a Wallonian primer residing in London instead encountered as a pigment are better recognised; it is specifies an initial preparation of 'brown-red or red- generally coarsely ground, with either highly refracting brown from England', followed by the instruction to or deep glossy black particles in which sulphur and prime with 'a second and last layer of lead white, well- carbon and oxygen are the main elements detected by chosen charcoal. Smale coales, and a little umber to SEM-EDX analysis. While in the De Mayer ne Manuscript make it dry more quickly'.16 The meaning of the term and in a few other treatises a black pigment name 'Smale coales' or 'small coals' has not been fully clarified appears that is specific enough to indicate a coal, it might in earlier citations of this recipe,17 but it is interesting also have been classified under the more general term that it occurs together with 'great coales' in seventeenth- of black earth.19 Coals, too, vary significantly in their century accounts related to the coal trade between composition. The large irregular and inhomogeneous northern England and Europe, with the former indicat- black particles in the grey priming on The Astronomer ing a lower grade of this fuel.18 were found by SEM-EDX to contain predominantly NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 | 79 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Marika Spring, Nelly von Aderkas, Flaminia Rukavina and David Peggie aluminosilicates such as feldspar and quartz, suggestive of either stone coal (rather than the sulphur-rich coal more often seen as a pigment) or a black shale (fig. 5). Black shales are related to coals in that they are sedimentary rocks formed through decay of organic matter under anoxic conditions. Like coal, they contain, in addi- tion to silicaceous minerals, reduced free carbon and often some pyrite (iron sulphide, FeS2), as is the case here, where in one of the cross-sections some particles with a characteristic yellow metallic lustre in which iron and sulphur were detected by SEM can be seen in the priming (see fig. 28). Certain unusual metallic elements can be present, most probably associated with the organic matter, and here a small but significant quantity of vanadium was detected.20 This, and the presence of pyrite, is diagnostic of the origin of the pigment, distinguishing it from charcoal, which can have a similar particle shape. Analysis of a sample from the astronomer's robe during the study carried out in 1992 had revealed that asphaltum, another geologically modified organic material, was a component of the black paint.21 This translucent brownish black is mentioned in the De Mayer ne manuscript for glazing of shadows, and was perhaps used in this way here, since ivory black was the predominant black pigment identified in a sample from the robe.22 The overpaint seen in the cross-section was sparsely pigmented with bone black. These pigments, prepared by charring of animal bones or ivory, both con- tain mainly calcium phosphate (in addition to carbon), but could be distinguished using SEM-EDX analysis by the greater quantity of magnesium in the pigment prepared from ivory, present in the original paint.23 The Bruker M 6 Jetstream macro X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner is not able to detect elements lighter than silicon, so it was not possible from the data collected from the painting before cleaning to discriminate between the overpaint and the original in the robe using this technique, on the basis of the difference in magne- sium content. The phosphorous and calcium XRF maps (fig. 8), however, confirmed the presence of these elements from the ivory and bone black pigments in the area of the robe, as would be expected, and although the phosphorous map was noisy due to the low sensitiv- ity of the scanner to this element, the calcium map fig. 5 NG679, paint cross-section from the grey background at the right edge, showing large particles of black in the second grey proved to be useful in understanding the condition of the paint. The brightest small zones show the filling in preparatory layer. The silicon, potassium and aluminium EDX the area of paint loss, presumably containing chalk, maps indicate that these contain aluminosilicates of various but the map also reveals the original modelling and types. 80 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation structure of the folds of the cloak where it falls over oil showing a low degree of oxidation that has not 'dried' the astronomer's right arm, hidden before cleaning (polymerised) in a conventional manner.26 This has by the extensive overpaint and layers of discoloured perhaps been exacerbated even further by the retarding varnish. At least some of the overpaint is also made antioxidant effect of asphaltum where it is present, a visible as brighter touches where it is thickest, across combination that would be consistent with the vulnera- the upper part of the arm and shoulder, in a distribution bility of the black paint during past cleaning, evident that suggests that it was applied to disguise damage from from the abraded state of the black cloak. abrasion in the original black. The manganese and iron SEM-EDX analyses also indicated that mixed with from the umber pigment present in both of the ground the ivory black in the cloak was a very small amount layers appear strongly in this area of the cloak in the of finely ground smalt, a blue pigment composed of a XRF maps of these elements (figs 7 and 9), confirming potash glass coloured with cobalt. Different grades of the worn condition of the original paint, and correlating smalt could be purchased that varied considerably in with what is known about its state from the photographs the intensity of colour; not all were intended for painting taken after the 1952 cleaning, even if only part of the and they were put to a variety of other uses.27 The overpaint was removed at that time. depth of colour depends on both the cobalt content Ivory black was commonly used by Rembrandt and the particle size (smaller particle size giving a paler and his contemporaries and, along with other black colour), so distinctions between grades could be based pigments, was well known for being a poor drier. Many on one or other, or both of these factors. It has been seventeenth-century treatises mention strategies to suggested that in certain contexts the smalt was not ensure faster drying of oil paints when using problem- added for its colour but as a bulking agent or a drier in atic pigments, with blacks, red lakes and indigo being oil paint (as with manganese, cobalt is known to catalyse those most often cited. These included numerous recipes the drying of oil), and it would be natural to attribute for pre-polymerisation of the oil by heating or boiling its presence in the poorly drying black paint to its it with materials that could function as a siccative, as potential to function as a siccative. Where smalt has well as recommendations for driers to be included in been found in very dark or pure black passages in other the paint mixture on the palette either as an alternative seventeenth-century paintings, for example in numer- or in addition.24 A study investigating the use of driers ous works by Rembrandt, it has usually been interpreted in blacks in the paintings in the Oranjezaal (Huis ten in this way.28 An important aspect of the value of macro- Bosch, The Hague) - all dating from the middle of the XRF scanning lies in its ability to enhance interpretation seventeenth century - revealed that umber was a of what can be deduced from a limited number of paint component of the black paint in 14 of the 17 works samples by revealing the distribution of a material examined, suggesting that it was common practice to across the painting. In the cobalt XRF map (fig. 10) it incorporate a small amount of this pigment (manganese can be seen that the smalt is not spread evenly across being a well-known siccative for oil). In Bol's Astronomer , the black cloak (as would be expected for a drier) but is although a small amount of umber was used in both the present in greater amounts in the lighter areas of the red and grey preparatory layers, it was not included in modelling, where it seems to have been added to give the black paint of the cloak. SEM-EDX mapping of a the paint a slightly lighter greyish tone in the highlights cross-section from the cloak instead found some lead on the loose folds of the wide velvety black sleeves of dispersed throughout the black layer. This, and the lead the cloak. Before conservation treatment the structure soaps (carboxylates) detected by FTIR, suggest that Bol of the cloak was almost hidden by the overpaint, and was relying on the use of a boiled oil prepared from a although the condition of this area meant that in this recipe that included a lead compound. GC-MS analysis cleaning (as in the last one) it was decided that much of confirmed that the binder was heat-bodied linseed oil. In it should be left in place, much was gained by a careful the Oranjezaal study, even though at least one drier and thinning especially in the areas of the lighter folds, more commonly two in combination were present, there guided to a great extent by the cobalt and calcium still seemed to be wide variations in the degree of oxida- XRF maps. tive drying of the black paints.25 The low azelate to Autoradiography of paintings by Rembrandt has palmitate ratio seen in the GC-MS analyses of the black similarly hinted that smalt in dark passages was not in the painting by Bol might similarly suggest a drying always being used only as a drier, through revealing NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 | 81 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Marika Spring, Nelly von Aderkas, Flaminia Rukavina and David Peggie variations in its distribution across a painting that relate to modelling or to the composition. This was most easily seen in the images locating arsenic, an element that is almost always present in the pigment and that is associ- ated with the cobalt ore used in its manufacture. The pale greyish or even brownish appearance of the smalt seen in paint samples from the same paintings has been taken to imply that it was its effect on optical or physical properties of the paint that was appreciated.29 Smalt is an inherently unstable pigment, however, being a potash glass, and to fully evaluate its role in the paint in each case it is useful to distinguish between that which has degraded and that which is a low grade that was always weak in colour. When smalt deteriorates, potassium from the potash glass leaches from the particles into the binding medium, a process encouraged by humid conditions. Potassium soaps are formed by reaction with free fatty acids in the oil, which can then migrate towards the surface of the paint where further interactions occur with air-borne pollutants and with fig. 6 NG 679, detail showing the sitter's sleeve. other mobile fractions of the paint such as lead soaps, resulting in a crust made up of complex potassium- based salts that gives a blanched appearance most disfiguring in the darkest paints.30 The colour in smalt is due to tetrahedrally coordinated cobalt ions in the glass structure, stabilised by potassium ions, so as potassium is lost the equilibrium shifts towards an octahedral conformation resulting in loss of colour.31 Well-preserved smalt contains 12-15 weight per cent K20, while that which has degraded often contains levels as low as only 2-3 weight per cent K20, making quantitative SEM-EDX analysis a useful tool for determining whether the smalt has indeed changed and was therefore originally more blue. 32 Quantitative elemental analysis of the smalt particles in the cloak was a challenge as they are only a few microns in size, but the results indicated that the potassium levels were very low, at around 0.3 weight per cent K90. They are therefore certainly deteriorated, as might be expected given that the tiny particles have a large surface area for reaction with the oil. The cobalt content can give an indication of the original intensity of colour, here measured as around 2 weight per cent fig. 7 NG 679, manganese XRF map (Mn-K) of the detail shown in FIG. 6. CoO. Generally around 3-5 wt % CoO is found in seventeenth-century smalt,33 but even a small amount of cobalt has a considerable tinting effect on the glass, although here this is offset by it having been ground to a very fine powder, making the pigment lighter than one with the same glass composition but larger particle size. 82 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation fig. 8 NG 679, calcium XRF map (Ca-K) of the detail shown fig. io NG 679, cobalt XRF map (Co-K) of the detail shown in FIG. 6. in FIG. 6. Nevertheless, it can be seen in the cobalt XRF map that it was added to the ivory black pigment to create subtle greyish highlights and it must therefore have possessed a certain degree of colour that influenced the appearance of the paint beyond increasing translucency or altering the handling properties (fig. 10). The cobalt XRF map of the full area of the painting that was scanned shows how extensive BoFs use of smalt was in other areas (fig . 26, p. 88), its deterioration no doubt accounting at least partially for the many passages of rather flat and now brownish paint. At least some smalt is present on the celestial globe, where it correlates with darker more greyish patches relating to the figures depicted for the constellations, most obviously in the figure of Bootes (the Ploughman),34 in the drapery looped around his shoulders and body, as well as in the area on which he stands (figs 11 and 12). The calcium XRF map (fig. 13), deriving from either yellow lake or ivory black, does not coincide with the fig. 9 NG 679, iron XRF map (Fe-K) of the detail shown in fig. 6. same locations as the smalt, but instead corresponds with the more yellow-brown tones immediately either side of the vertical loop on the stand and in the larger area of shadow across the left of the globe. The only other elements detected by macro XRF scanning in the areas of smalt in the globe were those associated with it, such as potassium and nickel,35 suggesting it was not mixed with other pigments and a blue colour was NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 | 83 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Marika Spring, Nelly von Aderkas, Flaminia Rukavina and David Peggie intended. Deterioration of the smalt-containing paint to a brownish grey has made the features on the globe so similar in tone to the overall yellow-brown colour that they are now almost invisible. The strongest cobalt signal is in a small patch to the right of the sitter's shoulder (figs 10 and 26) - another area of the composition that is now rather indistinct, but perhaps relating to some fabric on the back of the sitter's chair - and in the tablecloth, where variations in the amount present according to the modelling reveal how much has been lost of the original structure of the fig. il NG679, detail showing the globe. light and shade across the folds (figs 14-18). A sample from the deepest greenish-grey shadow immediately to the left of the outer contour of the astronomer's cloak confirmed that smalt is the main component of the paint (fig. 19), recognised only through SEM-EDX analyses because only vestiges of the original colour were perceptible as a greyish hue in a few particles. The backscattered electron SEM image revealed the characteristic jagged shape of the smalt particles, and EDX mapping indicated, as expected for the degraded pigment, that they are rather low in potassium, with only a few containing enough to register in the map. A considerable quantity of calcium-containing particles were also present in the paint, and although a few could be identified as ivory black (calcium phosphate), it is mainly present fig. 12 NG679, cobalt XRF map (Co-K) of the detail shown in FIG. 11. as calcium carbonate. This can only be interpreted as the substrate of a translucent yellow lake, although HPLC analysis was not able to detect any dyestuff, perhaps because it is another unstable pigment with a tendency to fade.36 A small amount of a red lake on an alumina substrate was also found, together with some yellow earth (as indicated by the iron EDX map) finely dispersed throughout the paint. A second sample, from the thicker greyish-yellow on the very corner of the table, appeared a much brighter yellow in the paint cross-section (fig. 20) and contained a similar mixture but without the ivory black and red lake that was presumably added to give a darker hue to the paint in the shadow. The smalt in the tablecloth has a similar cobalt content of about 2-3 wt % to that in the black cloak, but fig. 13 NG 679, calcium XRF map (Ca-K) of the detail shown in FIG. 11. is of significantly larger particle size and would therefore originally have been a stronger blue, indicating that Bol used a different higher grade of the pigment. Again, the low levels of potassium in the pigment make it certain that it has altered and has lost its original inten- sity of colour, so that this mixture of a blue pigment with yellow in the form of a bright yellow earth and a deeper yellow lake must have been intended to be green, 84 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation the yellow earth being the only stable pigment and therefore responsible for the residual yellowish tone of the area.37 The calcium XRF map is difficult to interpret, as it shows the distribution of both the yellow lake and bone black, but there appears to be more in darker areas, where the cobalt signal is slightly weaker. Very little calcium seems to be present in the lightest fold running from the corner of the table, but here the signal is fig. 14 NG 679, detail showing the tablecloth. perhaps being blocked by the thicker yellow earth-rich paint on top, evident in the iron XRF map (fig . 17). The iron map gives a suggestion of the pattern and texture of the cloth, especially at the corner, although, as elsewhere in the painting, it includes a strong contribution from the ground layers, particularly in the right hand corner of the detail. More unexpectedly, the XRF scanning detected some copper, located in small discrete touches that are fig. 15 NG 679, calcium XRF map (Ca-K) of the detail shown in FIG. 14. also part of the pattern, and in parallel strokes down the fold hanging from the corner, sometimes corresponding to what seems to be deep brown patches of paint (fig. 18). No copper pigments were present in the two cross- sections from the tablecloth, but in the sample taken for analysis of the dyestuff some calcium soaps and also possibly some copper soaps were detected by FTIR fig. 16 NG 679, cobalt XRF map (Co-K) of the detail shown in fig. 14. fig. 19 NG 679, cross-section of a paint sample from a deep shadow at the right of the tablecloth. fig. 17 NG 679, iron XRF map (Fe-K) of the detail shown in fig. 1 4. fig. 20 NG 679, cross-section of a paint sample from a highlight fig. is NG 679, copper XRF map (Cu-K) of the detail shown in on the fold in the cloth where it hangs from the corner of the FIG. 14. table. NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 | 85 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Marika Spring, Nelly von Aderkas, Flaminia Rukavina and David Peggie that a similar vermilion-containing mixture was used for other orange-red areas in the books, globes and in flesh paint (especially the cheeks and lips), as well the small red jewels on the braid on the hat (fig. 28). However, this pigment is concentrated mainly in the astronomer's orange-red robe, which has deep reddish shadows and bright orange-red highlights applied in fig. 21 NG 679, cross-section of a paint sample from the deepest the same distinctive zigzagging strokes seen in the shadow of the curtain at the right edge of the painting curtain. The mercury map also reveals the only pentiment in the painting, where the vermilion-containing brushstrokes can be seen to extend underneath part of microscopy.38 The latter must have been formed by a the astronomer's left sleeve, showing that its bottom reaction of a copper-containing pigment with fatty acids edge was originally at a steeper angle, and it has been irl the oil, and would therefore be an indication of the shifted downwards, a change which is also just percepti- use of verdigris rather than azurite, since it is more ble in the infrared reflectogram. likely to have interacted with the binder. The appearance of the curtain in the upper left corner has likewise suffered due to the deterioration of Analysis of a sample from a reddish-orange highlight near the top of the man's thigh, where it runs over the dark red, identified the pigments in the mixture with both smalt and lake pigments, although the complexity more certainty as yellow earth, vermilion and yellow and variety of the mixtures employed makes it more lake on a chalk substrate, with a little lead white and difficult to speculate about its original appearance. The ivory black (see fig. 29). The deep red and more only paint sample analysed, from the left edge just translucent paint beneath the orange highlight in the above the globes in an area of deep shadow that is now cross-section contains red lake, more easily seen by the dark grey-brown, showed two layers in cross-section, the pink appearance of the particles when viewed under upper one lighter and perhaps faded; they are similar ultraviolet illumination. The dyestuff in the pigment was in composition, containing smalt, a lake on a calcium- identified as Mexican cochineal,40 while the substrate containing substrate, yellow earth and ivory black, as includes both aluminium and calcium (with the latter well as a small amount of vermilion and a little lead as calcium sulphate), and a considerable quantity of white (fig. 21). The XRF maps of the curtain (figs potash alum (potassium aluminium sulphate), which is 23-25) bring out distinctions in the distribution of the perhaps present because it was added in excess and not pigments, visualising details that are now almost invisi- fully neutralised during the making of the pigment.41 ble except under bright lighting conditions. The iron Some of the calcium is present as calcium carbonate, XRF map (fig. 24) shows the presence of earth pig- implying (given the results from other areas of the ments throughout the area, the analysis of the sample painting) the presence of some yellow lake to shift the suggesting a yellow rather than red variety, used in colour towards a more orange-red hue. The calcium XRF greater quantity in the lighter folds to the right. The map confirms the high levels present in the whole of the calcium XRF map, as in the tablecloth, shows the distri- robe (see fig. 30), especially in the darker areas, where bution of both ivory black (used here in the shadows) both the red lake (with some calcium in the substrate) and yellow lake (fig. 23). It must be the latter that is and yellow lake contribute. The deep reds have a slightly present in the lively zigzagging thin strokes of paint dull hue that suggests a certain degree of fading; the that suggest a pattern on the cloth, since they also robe as a whole is rather similar in tone to the broad appear in the mercury XRF map indicating a mixture band of the fur lining of the cloak, visible where its with vermilion in this orange-red paint (fig. 25). An edge is turned back along the figure's right side, a lack impression, at least, is given of a more colourful curtain of contrast that may not have been intended but that intended to appear more luxurious, like those in other has developed over time. paintings by Bol, such as Rembrandt and his Wife Saskia The remaining areas of The Astronomer were painted (Royal Collection) 39 or Lady with a Fan (National Gallery, with a similar, limited palette, which could be partially London; NG 5656). identified from the XRF maps. The sitter's flesh tones (in The mercury map of the whole painting indicates his face and hands) include a mixture of lead white and 86 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation fig. 22 NG 679, detail showing the curtain at the top left of the fig. 24 NG 679, iron XRF map (Fe-K) of the detail shown in fig. 22 painting. fig. 23 NG 679, calcium XRF map (Ca-K) of the detail shown in fig. 25 NG679, mercury XRF map (Hg-K) of the detail shown FIG. 22 in FIG. 22 NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 | 87 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Marika Spring, Nelly von Aderkas, Flaminia Rukavina and David Peggie fig. 26 NG 679, cobalt XRF map (Co-K), full mosaic. vermilion, although his left hand also contains an seen in the XRF maps, however, since the tin K-alpha iron-based pigment, presumably red earth. The irises line overlaps with that of calcium, and while this of his brown eyes were painted using an earth-based difficulty could be overcome by mapping of the tin pigment, as can be seen from the bright semi-circular L-alpha line, the sensitivity of the detector in the high shapes that they make in the iron map (see fig . 3 1). The energy region is low. fur of the figure's sleeve was painted in short, stippled In the background, differences in paint composition strokes using a mixture that seems to have included are evident in the XRF maps between the back wall ivory black and vermilion. The same combination of and the architectural column in the middle, a distinction pigments was used in the wood of the globes. The elabo- that was hardly visible before cleaning but that became rate gold-embroidered belt includes earths and yellow more evident once the discoloured varnish had been lakes, as does the braid on his hat, which is decorated removed. The slightly lighter grey-brown of the archi- with gems made with small, bright dots of vermilion. tecture is stronger in the mercury map, and must The highlights probably made in lead-tin yellow are not therefore include some vermilion, while the deeper 88 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation fig. 27 NG 679, potassium XRF map (K-K), full mosaic. grey-brown of the back wall includes more calcium, brown and yellow-brown hues to be visible, but another most probably indicating a greater amount of ivory issue that had to be addressed during the retouching black in the paint. No sample was available from this and varnishing after cleaning was the blanching at area to confirm the precise mixture that was used, but a the surface seen in numerous areas of the painting, sample from the architecture at the right edge identified especially evident in the lower part of the tablecloth, the lead white, ivory black, some vermilion, yellow earth, globes and the back wall to the right of the curtains. umber and a little red lake, as well as some of the blue In the tablecloth and the globes, where the paint is rich iron phosphate pigment vivianite, a complex mixture in smalt, this is almost certainly caused by the crusts that includes several iron-containing pigments that that form as a result of migration of potassium from are not distinguished by the XRF scanning. the pigment, a phenomenon mentioned above. Yellow Removal of the discoloured varnish made a signifi- lakes and bone or ivory black are also associated with cant improvement to the legibility of the composition blanching, and they too may have contributed here to by allowing the subtle variations in the nuanced grey- this problem in both the tablecloth and the globes, NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 | 89 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Marika Spring, Nelly von Aderkas, Flaminia Rukavina and David Peggie fig. 28 NG 679, mercury XRF map (Hg-L), full mosaic. but more especially in the back wall where the paint does not seem to include smalt.42 In some of the crosssections a thin layer is present at the surface in which lead, potassium and sulphur were detected by SEM-EDX, probably as the lead potassium sulphate that has been identified in the crusts that have been analysed during studies of this degradation phenomenon for all three of these pigments.43 It may account for the very patchy fig. 29 Cross-section of a paint sample from a highlight in the figure's red robe where it runs over a deep shadow distribution across the tablecloth in the potassium XRF map, which seemed to be stronger than was expected, given the low levels of potassium detected by EDX in the smalt particles themselves deeper down in the paint in a cross-section, and which does not seem to be related 90 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 3 8 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation fig. 30 NG 679, calcium XRF map (Ca-K), full mosaic. to variations in the paint mixtures according to the which played an important role in improving the modelling (fig . 2 7). The other blanched areas also seem confidence in the interpretations. The samples, however, to correlate with the potassium map, perhaps again gave only a limited view of the extensive colour changes correlating with a potassium-containing crust at the that have occurred in this work due to Bol's liberal use surface. of the unstable pigments smalt and yellow lake in The case study presented here makes evident the almost every part of the composition. The contrasts value of macro-XRF scanning in addressing questions and distinctions between the colours have been lost, but arising during conservation treatment, especially in this the XRF mapping results give an impression of the rich painting, in which the materials and technique that and varied fabrics that Bol intended to depict, including the artist has used meant that conventional imaging the elaborate patterned curtain that was perhaps made techniques were not useful. The observations that could of velvet, the changeant orange and red robe of the figure be made were augmented to a great extent by the detailed that was perhaps a shot silk and the damask-patterned analyses of the paint samples carried out alongside, tablecloth that is now a prominent dull yellow at the NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 | 91 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Marika Spring, Nelly von Aderkas, Flaminia Rukavina and David Peggie fig. 31 NG 679, iron XRF map (Fe-K), full mosaic. front of the picture space. The luxury of the astrono- Acknowledgements mer's surroundings that this new knowledge of the The authors are extremely grateful to Delft University of original appearance evokes gives his melancholic pose a Technology for loan of the Bruker M6 Jetstream macro new dimension - one in which he contemplates not only X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner, especially Dr Joris Dik, the trappings of his profession, but also of his wealth. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Chair, Materials in Art and Archaeology, Department of Materials Science and Dr Annelies van Loon, Paintings Research Scientist at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. 92 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation Notes cases new cross-sections were prepared from existing unmounted paint fragments. 1 N. MacLaren, revised by C. Brown, The National Gallery Catalogues: The Dutch School, London 1991, pp. 29-31. 2 MacLaren 1991 (cited in note 1). For a general biography of Bol, see A. Blankert, Ferdinand Bol (1616-1680): Rembrandt's Pupil, Doornspijk 1982. 3 The Bruker M6 letstream was the first commercially available macro X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner. This mobile system, developed by Bruker Nano GmbH in close collaboration with Antwerp University and Delft University of Technology, allows paintings to be scanned while secured on an easel in front of the scanner, with no contact being made with the paint surface. See M. Alfeld, J.V. Pedroso, M. van Eikema Hommes, G. Van der Snickt, G. Tauber, J. Blaas, M. Haschke, K. Erler, J. Dik and K. Janssens, A mobile instrument for in situ scanning macro-XRF investigation of historical paintings', Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 28, 2013, pp. 760-7. 4 The Bruker M6 Jetstream macro-XRF scanner was equipped with a 30 W Rhodium target micro-focus X-ray tube attached to a motorised stage, with a silicon drift detector. The beam was defined by a polycapillary optic, which allowed a variable beam size. Scans were carried out at 50 kV and a current of 600 'iA, with a 50 ms dwell time and 1000 pm step size. By slowly moving the measuring head on the x-y stage, the painting is scanned line by line, pixel by pixel. An area of 80 x 60 cm is scanned in one session, typically lasting several hours. Paintings of larger dimensions need to be scanned in sections and the separate XRF images assembled into a mosaic. The size of the picture necessitated nine scans in total, which were stitched together using the image processing software NIP2. By recording the emitted X-ray fluorescence radiation, the chemical elements present in the paint (associated with specific pigments) can be identified. With the Bruker M6, only elements heavier than silicon can be detected. Since the technique not only shows the chemical elemental distribution at the paint surface, but also below, it can visualise changes in composition and provide information about the materials used. As with X-ray and infrared imaging, the entire paint layer stratigraphy contributes to the acquired XRF maps. Surface layers may absorb part of the fluorescence radiation emitted by deeper layers. In particular, elements with low energy radiation (such as phosphorus or potassium) are more strongly absorbed than those with high energy radiation (such as mercury [Hg-L] or lead [Pb-L]). A good understanding of the layer build-up is therefore essential for interpretation of the XRF data. 5 Four samples were taken by Joyce Plesters in 1969 and a further ten samples in 1992 by Ashok Roy, in each case as part of research on the technique of paintings from the circle of Rembrandt. Analysis of the binding medium was carried out in 1992 by Raymond White using Gas Chromatography; the results were published in R. White and J. Kirby, 'Rembrandt and his Circle: Seventeenth-Century 6 See N ational G allery Conservation Dossier for NG 6 7 9 . 7 D. Saunders, 'Pollution and the National Gallery', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 21, 2000, pp. 77-94. 8 See R. White and J. Kirby, A survey of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century varnish compositions found on a selection of paintings in the National Gallery collection', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 22, 2001, pp. 64-84, where analyses of the varnish on two paintings treated by Dyer in 188 7 indicated that it was composed of a mixture of mastic and dammar resins. 9 The conservation history is recorded in the National Gallery Conservation Dossier for this painting. 10 A more detailed account of the cleaning and restoration is given in F. Rukavina, M. Spring, N. von Aderkas, D. Peggie, 'Technical Analysis "and Conservation of Ferdinand Bol's An Astronomer (1652) in London', in Ferdinand Bol and Govert Flinck. New Research, ed. S.S. Dickey, Zwolle 2017, pp. 160-7. 11 Deliss described applying two layers of watercolour retouching in damaged areas, with dammar varnish between them, followed by some further toning in 'oil colour' in the blacks and a final spray coat of dammar; see National Gallery Conservation Dossier for this painting. 1 2 The first red-brown layer is composed of a red earth which was found by SEM-EDX analysis to be rich in aluminium, present as aluminosilicates and some potassium feldspar (Al, Si and K). The earth pigment includes a little titanium. A very small amount of umber was confirmed through the detection of manganese, and a little lead pigment was detected, but it was difficult to determine whether it was present as red lead or lead white, and in one sample some coarse black pigment was present. The second brownish-grey layer contains lead white, a little umber and an inhomogeneous coarse black pigment (see note 20 for more detailed analysis of this black pigment). 13 K. Groen, 'Grounds in Rembrandt's Workshop and in paintings by his contemporaries', in E. van de Wetering, with contributions by K. Groen, P. Klein, J. van der Veen, M. de Winkel, A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings: IV, The Self Portraits, Dordrecht 2005, pp. 318-34, and associated Tables, pp. 660-77. See especially Table VII, pp. 675-7, which includes information on the ground layers in 14 paintings by Bol dating from 1640 to 1667. Six of these have double grounds of the type found on NG 679. This type of double ground was not only used in the Netherlands; it was also common elsewhere in Europe. 14 Groen 2005 (cited in note 12); M.J.N. Stols-Witlox, Historical recipes for preparatory layers for oil paintings in manuals, manuscripts and handbooks in North West Europe, 1550-1900: analysis and reconstructions, PhD thesis, Amsterdam School of Historical Studies, 2014, available at http://dare.uva.nl/searchPmetis. record.id=430263 (accessed 23 August 2017). 15 See note 12 for details of SEM-EDX analysis of the red ground layer. 1 6 une seconde & derniere couche de Banc de plomb, de Charbon Dutch Paint Media Re-examined', National Gallery de braise bien choisy. Smale coales, & un peu de terre dombre Technical Bulletin, 15, 1994, pp. 64-78. Further samples were taken of the varnishes, overpaint and original paint for GC-MS and FTIR analyses during the 2015 conservation treatment. For the pigments and layer structure, the existing samples were re-examined and further analyses were carried out by SEM-EDX during the treatment and afterwards to aid interpretation of the XRF scanning results. No new samples were taken, but in some pour faire plus vistement seicher'; see J.A van de Graaf, Het De Mayerne manuscript als bron voor de schildertechniek van de barok, Utrecht 1958, p. 138. By this time artists could have purchased ready primed canvases from the primeur ; see Stols-Witlox 2014 (cited in note 14), pp. 219-21. 17 Groen 2005 (cited in note 13); Stols-Witlox 2014 (cited in note 14). 18 J.U. Nef, The Rise of the British Coal Industry, vol. 2, NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 ΔΌ 93 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Marika Spring, Nelly von Aderkas, Flaminia Rukavina and David Peggie Abingdon 1932 (1st edn), second impression 1966. Appendix F, An estimate of Scots Coale; 1670, State papers, No. 252, General Register House, Edinburgh, p. 409, gives tables of 'Great Coales' and 'Caching Smale Coales' from different locations, including the relative prices that they would fetch in Scotland and in Holland. A footnote explains that most of the coal is exported to Holland, with some to 'Ostend', 'a few Small Coales for France and some Great Coales for London'. 19 M. Spring, R. Grout and R. White, "'Black Earths": A Study of Unusual Black and Dark Grey Pigments used by Artists in the Sixteenth Century', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 24, 2003, pp. 96-114. 20 Potassium feldspar (K, Al, Si detected) and other aluminosilicates were detected by SEM-EDX analysis within the particles (see fig. 5), indicative of stone coal, a type of of the oxidative drying process, thus the low azelate level relative to palmitate suggests a lower degree of oxidation of the binding medium compared to a well 'dried' film. 2 7 Pale grades were used as a laundry blue to function as an optical whitener or to tint paper. See M. Spring, C. Higgitt, and D. Saunders, 'Investigation of Pigment-Medium Interaction Processes in Oil Paint containing Degraded Smalt', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 26, 2005, pp. 56-70; and M. Spring, V. Kugler and S. Bean, 'Quantitative energy dispersive X-ray analysis of the blue pigment smalt in the variable pressure scanning electron microscope', Historical Technology, Materials and Conservation, SEM & Microanalysis, eds N. Meeks, C. Cartwright, A. Meek and A. Mongiatti, London 2012, pp. 114-22. 28 Roy and Kirby 2006 (cited in note 23), pp. 45-7. 29 P. Meyers, M.W. Ainsworth and K. Groen, 'Chapter 2: black shale, or of another type of black shale. Spot Pigments and other painting materials', in Art and analysis sometimes detected a little titanium and/or vanadium in addition, which again can be found in black shales (including those with an asphalt content, as well as stone coals). In the rest of the layer some quartz was also present, and small yellowish particles identified as pyrite Autoradiography: Insights into the Genesis of Paintings by Rembrandt, Van Dyck, and Vermeer, New York 1982, pp. 101-4, especially p. 102. 30 Spring, Higgitt and Saunders 2005, (cited in note 27). 31 L. Robinet, M. Spring, S. Pagès-Camagna, D. Vantelon and N. Trcera, 'Investigation of the Discoloration of Smalt Pigment in Historic Paintings by Micro-X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at the Co K-Edge', Analytical Chemistry, 83, 2011, pp. 5145-52. 32 See M. Spring, 'Fading, darkening, browning, blanching: a review of our current understanding of colour change and its consequences in old master paintings', in Colour Change in Paintings, eds R. Clarricoates, H. Dowding and A. Gent, London 2016, pp. 1-14. by SEM-EDX (FeS2), both of which must be associated with the black pigment. Pyrite is a common component and is associated with formation under anaerobic reducing conditions. See Y.-J Hu, Y.-M Zhang, S.-X. Bao and T. Liu, 'Effects of the mineral phase and valence of vanadium on vanadium extraction from stone coal', International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 19 (10), 2012, pp. 893-8; and H.L.O. Huyck, 'When is a metalliferous black shale not a black shale?', in Metalliferous Black Shales and Related Ore Deposits, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1058, Denver 1989, pp. 42-56. 2 1 White and Kirby 1994 (cited in note 5 ) . 22 Van de Graaf 1958 (cited in note 16), p. 146. 2 3 Ivory and bone black are distinguished by the presence of magnesium, which is found in greater amounts in ivory black. A. van Loon and J.J. Boon, 'Characterization of the deterioration of bone black in the 1 7th century Oranjezaal paintings using electron-microscopic and micro-spectroscopic imaging techniques', Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 59, 2004, pp. 1601-9. A. Roy and J. Kirby, 'Rembrandt's Palette', Art in the Making : Rembrandt, eds D. Bomford, J. Kirby, A. Roy, A. Rüger and R. White, London 2006, p. 44. 24 See E.S.B. Ferreira, L. Speleers and J.J. Boon, ' 'Le noir ne seiche jamais sans addition", methods to ensure the 33 The particle size was measured in the backscattered SEM image. Standardless quantitative EDX analysis was carried out in an EVO-MA 10 variable pressure SEM using an Oxford Instruments X-Max 80 mm2 EDX detector and INCA software. For the methodology and accuracy of the quantitative measurements, tested using Corning Museum of Glass reference standards, and for a discussion of trends in the cobalt content of smalt in different periods, see Spring, Kugler and Bean 2012 (cited in note 27). The values measured were, as weight % oxide (normalised): 0.6 % Na20, 0.9 % A1203, 69.8 % Si02, 0.2 % K20, 1.8 % CaO, 2.2 % FeO, 2.1 % CoO, 0.5 % NiO, 4.1 % As203, 1.5 % Bi203. These are an average of the measurements taken from every particle in the paint sample from the black cloak, but the small particle size means that the drying of black paints in the Seventeenth-Century Oranje- results are significantly affected by the matrix. Neverthe- zaal ensemble', 5th International Symposium : Painting less, it is still possible to draw broad conclusions from them. The low potassium content indicates that the smalt Techniques ; History, Materials and Studio Practice, Rijksmu- seum, Amsterdam, 18-20 December 2013, ed. A. Wallert, Amsterdam 2016, pp. 123-32. Ferreira et al. provide a survey of seventeenth-century primary sources such as the De Mayerne Manuscript on painting with black pigments in oil, including methods for improving drying properties. 25 In their study of the blacks in the seventeenth-century paintings in the Oranjezaal, Ferreira et al. found that they all included driers, but still exhibited a wide range of drying effects compared with the relatively consistently well-dried white passages. See Ferreira, Speleers and Boon 2016 (cited in note 24). 26 The fatty acid ratios (palmitate/stearate = 1.4, azelate/ palmitate = 0.4, azelate/suberate = 3.5) determined by GC-MS analysis of a sample of black paint from the figure's robe, removed from within a cleaning test, indicate that the paint medium was a heat-bodied linseed oil. The diacids such as azelate and suberate are the final products is degraded. 34 See MacLaren 1991 (cited in note 1). For a betterpreserved depiction of globes in seventeenth-century paintings, see Thomas de Keyser's Portrait of Constantijn Huygens and his (?) Clerk, 1627, National Gallery, London (NG 212). 35 Nickel is a common constituent of smalt, deriving from the cobalt ore used in its manufacture. See Spring, Higgitt and Saunders 2005 (cited in note 2 7). 36 D. Saunders and J. Kirby, 'Light-induced Colour Changes in Red and Yellow Lake Pigments', National Gallery Techni- cal Bulletin, 15, 1994, pp. 79-97. 37 See note 33 for methodology and for the results from the smalt in the black cloak. The results of quantitative analysis of the smalt in a paint sample from the tablecloth were, measured as weight % oxide (normalised): 0.2 % Na20, 2.2 % A1203, 78.8 %Si02, 6.9 %K20, 1.8 %CaO, 2.6 % FeO, 2.3 % CoO, 0.6 % NiO, 3.5 % As203, 1.1 % Bi203. 94 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 3 8 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms An Astronomer by Ferdinand Bol: Materials, Colour Change and Conservation 38 The FTIR spectrum obtained from a sample of paint removed from the tablecloth showed two sharp absorbance bands, centred around 1576 cm1 and 1541 cm1. These are most probably related to the carbonyl stretching modes of metal carboxylates. Calcium stearate has two sharp bands associated with the carbonyl stretch centred around 1575 cm1 and 1540 cm1, for example, and is perhaps therefore the main soap present, although there may also be some contribution from copper soaps (copper stearate has a single carbonyl stretching band centred around 1586 cm1). In paint such as this, however, which contains several pigments that can form soaps, it is difficult to assign FTIR bands with certainty. The mixture includes smalt, which reacts with oil to form potassium soaps, yellow lake on a calcium carbonate substrate, which would be capable of reacting to give calcium soaps and a smaller amount of an unidentified coppercontaining pigment (seen only by macro-XRF scanning) likely to be either verdigris or azurite, the former in particular almost always reacting to form copper soaps. 39 R. de Sancha, 'Rembrandt and Bol in The Royal Collection. A close examination of Rembrandt's Portrait of Agatha Bas and Ferdinand Bol's Rembrandt and his Wife Saskia ', in Rembrandt Now: Technical Practice, Conservation and Research', forthcoming London 2018. 40 Mexican cochineal was identified using HPLC by the presence of carminic acid. 41 For association of potassium with red lake pigments see J. Kirby, M. Spring and C. Higgitt, 'The Technology of Red Lake Pigment Manufacture: Study of the Dyestuff Substrate', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 26, 2005, pp. 71-87. P. Noble, A. van Loon, G. Van der Snickt, K. Janssens, M. Alfeld and J. Dik, 'Development of new imaging techniques for the study and interpretation of late Rembrandt paintings', in Preprints, ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference, 15-19 September 2014, Melbourne, Australia, ed. J. Bridgland, Paris 2014, art 1310 (8pp). For variations in the amount of potassium in red lakes among Dutch seventeenth-century paintings see: E.M. Gifford and L. Deming Glinsman, 'Collective style and personal manner. Materials and techniques of high-life genre painting', in A.E. Waiboer, with A.K. Wheelock Jr. and B. Ducos, with contributions by P. Bakker, 0. Buvelot, E.M. Gifford, L. Deming Glinsman, E. Schavemaker, E.J. Sluijter and M.E. Wieseman, Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting ; Inspiration and Rivalry, exh. cat., Musée du Louvre, Paris, National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin and National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, 22 October 2017-21 January 2018, New Haven, London and Dublin 2017, pp. 65-83 and 270-4. 42 For blanching associated with yellow lakes, see M. Spring, 'Pigments and Color Change in the Paintings of Aelbert Cuyp', in Aelbert Cuyp, ed., A.K. Wheelock Jr, exh. cat., Washington DC, London and Amsterdam, 2001-2, Washington 2001, pp. 64-73; M. Spring and L. Keith, Aelbert Cuyp's Large Dort : Colour change and conservation', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 30, 2009, pp. 71-85; and Spring 2016 (cited in note 32). For blanching on the surface of bone black paint films see A. van Loon, 'Chapter 3: The whitening of bone black in oil paint films', Color Changes and Chemical Reactivity in Seventeenth-Century Oil Paintings, PhD Thesis, FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF), Amsterdam 2008. 43 See Spring, Higgitt and Saunders 2005 (cited in note 27) and A. van Loon, P. Noble and J.J. Boon, 'White Hazes and Surface Crusts in Rembrandt's Homer and Related Paintings', in Preprints, ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference, 19-23 September 2011, Lisbon, ed. J. Bridgland, Almada 2011, paper 1316 (10 pp). NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 | 95 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Photographie credits All images © The National Gallery, London, unless credited otherwise © Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California: fig. 6, p. 9. below. MADRID AMSTERDAM Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid © Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam: fig. 3, p. 58; fig. 4, p. 58; fig. 5, p. 58. BAYONNE © Photo MNP / Scala, Florence: fig. 1, p. 56. NAPLES Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Napoli Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne © RMN-Grand Palais - René-Gabriel Ojéda: fig. 24, p. 45. BERGUES © Musée du Mont-de-Piété, Ville de Bergues: fig. 16, p. 40. FRANKFURT AM MAIN © Photo Scala, Florence - courtesy of the Ministero Beni e Att. Culturali: fig. 7, p. 9. ROTTERDAM Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (Koenigs Collection): fig. 11, p. 37. Städel Museum © Städel Museum - U. Edelmann / ARTOTHEK: fig. 15, p. 40: fig. 35, p. 52. ST PETERSBURG With permission from The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg: Photograph © The State Hermitage Museum. Photo by Yuri LONDON Molodkovets: fig. 1, p. 76: Photograph © The State Hermitage The British Museum, London Museum. Photo by Vladimir Terebenin: fig. 29, p. 72. ©The Trustees of The British Museum: fig. 18, p. 64; fig. 23, p. 45: fig. • 25, p. 46: fig. 28, p. 46. Whereabouts unknown Fig. 6, p. 59. 96 I NATIONAL GALLERY TECHNICAL BULLETIN VOLUME 38 This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:02:33 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms