AI-based Energy Management : Hanyang University Homework 1 (Due by April/14) Please upload your solution (pdf ) in LMS website 1. (chapter-1 Nearest Neighbor) Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the nearest neighbor algorithm. advantages' ho desadvaafuges required trainang , easy dastaucemefracson " foimplement , slow affesffaane rofamformafioe ferg 9xelsare P , 2. (chapter-1 Linear Classifier ) Explain the meaning of weight (W ) and bias (b) in the linear classifier method f (x, W ) = W x + b in high dimensional space? - N they defane haperplane a in . dafferent danensqonal hagh classes of data poants space ( 가중치차 ) derides wqhach Emput data 를 안되기 bl편향 ] " 다음 위해서 노드로 넘길때 같은 값이 곱해꿈 조정값값 3. (chapter-2 Neural Network and backpropagation ) Consider a function f (x, y, z) = (x + y) max(y, z) and x = 2, y = 3, z = 1. 3 (a) Draw computational graph madA) 타리나 a (b) compute weights in forward propagation steps (c) compute gradients in back propagation steps = Note: Refer examples in lecture 2 ) [ zantk CJ . = 분 xb = 15 는 나눈 × AXa f = x5 + 낮 xxN frab A bn : yyafsy = = X3 = 5 = m 해 사이+ 문업 = . . 충한 = × . 5xo = 운 분 평합 분다 α = 5 = 조사 XltBX ( = 8 yrz b f ty = 0 =α 4. (chapter-3 ConvNet) In a convolutional layer, given an input volume of 64 ⇥ 64 ⇥ 3, apply 16 4 ⇥ 4 filters with stride 2 and pad 2, what are the output size and number of parameters? eutputheaght output wadth : - output SKze [ Ipad- f(fferheaghty /stradef / L 64522 oufputdelsfh number of filters = 6 = faputheaghff = gh B 3 XBBh ( 6 = - 4) 개 = m = < number of Paramatavs . 4 4 ) × B +~ x -시 6 xfaltarwadthxamputdptht falHerheaght = 74 5. (chapter-3 ConvNet) Write a code from scratch to perform 2d convolution using numpy library and python. Input: 2d image array with any size, kernel: 2d kernel with any size with odd number and smaller than input image Output: Convoluted image with the same shape as input (zero paddings) 기울기 소실 활성화함수 (tanh) 의 도함수는 모두 기울 시 : 6. (Chapter 4 -RNNs) Explain why vanilla Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) cannot remember long-term information and how this issue can be addressed. As fhe because fame - step longer gets flhegradcentsuised to . prevrons faformafhon updafefheweaghts6 could be lossed durang backpwpagafhon ftheR(NlV can become ) step malfapliad by fha deravafava of fhe acfqvafhon fuacfson af fhr . 7. (Chapter 4 - RNNs) Explain how we can address the vanishing gradient problem of the vanilla RNNs? 로 작동한다 RNN 은 1 와 한정로 연산하지만 LETM은4 개의 small very as are ach layer ag LSTM ht cell sfafe oufpat 만 마미 * 1 Q nput g at e □ 1 . 최가야 다 . nexfcallsfate 아까다 XT haddea . state capat 5. 세 ↓ . . . + . i