Uploaded by Wendell Sta Maria


Wendell Sta Maria
GROUP 1: Reflection paper about “Using ICT in developing 21st Century Skill”
Group 1's presentation on "Using ICT in developing 21st Century Skill" was informative and
engaging. They presented a clear overview of the topic and provided detailed examples of how
technology can be used to enhance learning.
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become an essential part of
our daily lives. In the field of education, the integration of ICT has opened up new possibilities
for teaching and learning. In this reflection paper, I will discuss my thoughts and insights on the
presentation entitled “Using ICT in developing 21st Century Skill”. The presentation highlighted
the importance of ICT in developing 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, creativity,
communication, and collaboration. The use of ICT tools such as multimedia presentations, online
collaboration platforms, and educational apps can help students develop these skills. The group
emphasized that teachers should be trained in using these tools effectively to maximize their
I learned that the use of ICT in education can provide a more engaging and interactive learning
experience for students. It can also help teachers to personalize their teaching methods and cater
to the diverse needs of their students. The presentation also highlighted how ICT can help
students develop skills that are essential in today's workforce.
One of the most significant insights I gained from the presentation is the importance of preparing
students for the demands of the 21st century workplace. The use of ICT tools in education can
help students develop skills that are in high demand in the workforce such as problem-solving,
critical thinking, and creativity. It is essential to integrate ICT in education to ensure that students
are prepared for the rapidly evolving job market.
In conclusion, the presentation on “Using ICT in developing 21st Century Skill” provided valuable
insights into the importance of integrating ICT in education. The use of ICT tools can help students
develop essential skills that are necessary in today's world. It is crucial for teachers to be trained
in using these tools effectively to maximize their benefits. As a student, I am excited to explore
how ICT can be used to enhance my learning experience and develop the skills that I need to
succeed in the future.