Scientific Research Methods Dr. Ishtiaq Rasool Khan Department of Computer & Engineering, University of Jeddah, KSA 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 1 Layout Schedule The Course Outline Recommended Books Fundamentals of research and research process 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 2 Lecture Schedule When Mon, Wed: 13:00 – 14:20 Venue NJ1 Course Outline Fundamentals of research and research process Scientific Research in Computer Science Defining a research problem Literature Review Research Design Processing and Analysis of Data Interpretation Report Writing Use of Latex and Endnote 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 4 Recommended Books Textbook Research Design. Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. By John W. Creswell, Fourth Edition. SAGE Publication, 2014 Additional References Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques 2nd Edition by C. R. Kothari Lecture slides, Research articles and Web material will also be useful references. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 5 Course Main Objective The main objectives of this course are: To get familiarity with the complete research process to solve a research problem and to achieve new insights into it. To explain difference between research methods and research methodology and select/apply appropriate research methodology to systematically solve the research problem. To develop research skills to conduct research independently by keeping into consideration the ethical issues. To conduct high quality research with its social implications at the National and International level. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 6 Assessments & Evaluations Grade Distribution Sr.# Assessment Task Week Grade (%) 1 Assignment 1 4 5 2 Quiz1 5 5 3 Homework 6 5 4 Discussion Forum 3-12 5 5 Mid Term 7 25 6 Assignment 2 8 5 7 Quiz 2 9 5 8 Proposal Writing/Presentation 13/14 15 9 Final Exam 15/16 30 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 7 Research (what do it mean) There are Several ways of collecting and understanding information and finding answers to professional questions▬Research is one of them. Conducting the research to answer questions or obtain information implies that the process being applied is being undertaken within a framework of a set of philosophies uses procedures, methods and techniques that have been tested for their validity and reliability; is designed to be unbiased and objective. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 8 Research (what do it mean) The term ‘research’ consists of two words: Research: Re+ search ‘Re’ means again and again and ‘search’ means to find out something. The following is the process: Observes Collection of data Person---------------------->Phenomena------------------------> Conclusions Again and again Analysis of data 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 9 Research (what do it mean) Research is a process of which a person observes the phenomena again and again, collects data, analyze data and then draw some conclusions. Research is oriented towards the discovery of relationship that exists among phenomena of the world in which we live. The fundamental assumption is that invariant relationship exists between antecedents and certain consequents. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 10 Research (what do it mean) Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge A scientific and systematic information on a specific topic. search for pertinent An art of scientific investigation 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 11 Research (what do it mean) According to Clifford Woody research comprises Defining and redefining problems Formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions Collecting, organizing and evaluating data Making deductions and reaching conclusions Carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 12 Research (what do it mean) According to Rusk Research is a point of a view, an attitude of inquiry or a frame of mind. It asks questions which have hitherto not been asked, and it seeks to answer them by following a fairly definite procedure. It is not a mere theorizing, but rather an attempt to elicit facts and to face them once they have been assembled. When successful, research adds to the scientific knowledge of the subject”. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 13 Research (what do it mean) According to P.M. Cook Research is an honest and exhaustive process. The facts are studied with understanding. Research is problem- centred. The findings are valid and verifiable. contribute new knowledge in that field 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 14 Objectives of Research Generally research objectives fall into a number of following broad groupings. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it (exploratory or formulative research studies) To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group (descriptive research studies); To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else (diagnostic research studies To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables (hypothesis-testing research studies). 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 15 Classification of Research Objectives Theoretical Objectives Those researches whose objectives are theoretical aim to formulate new theories, principles, or laws. Such type of research is exploratory because it explains the relationships of certain variables. The researches contribute some basic knowledge to the human knowledge. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 16 Classification of Research Objectives Factual Objectives Aim to find out new facts. Descriptive in nature Describe facts or events which happened previously. Such type of research is done in history. Application Objectives Does not contribute a new knowledge in the field of human knowledge but suggests new applications. By application, we mean improvement and modification. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 17 Types of Research Types of research can be looked at from three different perspectives Applications of the findings of the research study Objectives of the study Mode of enquiry used in conducting the study 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 18 Types of Reseach Types of research can be looked at from three different perspectives Application Applications of findings of research study Objectives Types of Research of Enquiry mode the the Pure Research Applied Research Quantitative Research the Qualitative Research study Objectives Mode of enquiry used in conducting study 6/18/2023 the Descriptive Research Correlational Research Dr Wajid Aziz Exploratory Research Explanatory Research 19 Types of Research (Application perspective) Pure Research Involves developing and testing theories and hypotheses that are intellectually challenging to the researcher but may or may not have practical application at the present time or in the future. Concerned with the development, examination, verification and refinement of research methods, procedures, techniques and tools that form the body of research methodology. Examples include developing a methodology to assess the validity of a procedure Developing an instrument, say, to measure the stress level in people Finding the best way of measuring people’s attitudes 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 20 Types of Research (Application perspective) Applied Research Most of the research in the social sciences is applied. Research techniques, procedures and methods that form the body of research methodology are applied to the collection of information about various aspects of a situation, issue, problem or phenomenon. Information gathered can be used for policy formulation, administration and the enhancement of understanding of a phenomenon. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 21 Types of Research (objectives perspective) Descriptive Research Attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon, service or programme, or provides information about, say, the living conditions of a community, or describes attitudes towards an issue. Main purpose of such studies is to describe what is prevalent with respect to the issue/problem under study For example, it may attempt to describe Types of service provided by an organization Administrative structure of an organization Living conditions of Aboriginal people in the outback needs of a community What it means to go through a divorce How a child feels living in a house with domestic violence, Attitudes of employees toward management. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 22 Types of Research (objectives perspective) Correlational Research Discover or establish the existence of a relationship/ association/interdependence between two or more aspects of a situation. Examples include What is the impact of an advertising campaign on the sale of a product? What is the relationship between stressful living and the incidence of heart attack? What is relationship between fertility and mortality? What is the relationship between technology and unemployment? What is the effect of a health service on the control of a disease? What is the effect of the home environment on educational achievement? 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 23 Types of Research (objectives perspective) Explanatory Research Attempts to clarify why and how there is a relationship between two aspects of a situation or phenomenon. For Example, this type of research attempts to explain Why stressful living results in heart attacks? Why a decline in mortality is followed by a fertility decline? How the home environment affects children’s level of academic achievement? 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 24 Types of Research (objectives perspective) Exploratory Research This research is undertaken either to explore an area where little is known or to investigate the possibilities of undertaking a particular research study. When a study is carried out to determine its feasibility it is also called a feasibility study or a pilot study. It is usually carried out when a researcher wants to explore areas about which s/he has little or no knowledge. A small-scale study is undertaken to decide if it is worth carrying out a detailed investigation. On the basis of the assessment made during the exploratory study, a full study may eventuate. Exploratory studies are also conducted to develop, refine and/or test measurement tools and procedures. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 25 Types of Research (mode of enquiry perspective) This perspective of research is concerned with the process one adopts to find answers of research questions. Aim of enquiry is exploration, confirmation or quantification. Findings are used for – policy formulation or process understanding. Broadly, there are two approaches to enquiry Structured approach: Unstructured approach In structured approach, everything that forms the research process such as objectives, design, sample, and the questions are predetermined, whereas, unstructured approach, by contrast, allows flexibility in all these aspects of the process. The structured approach is more appropriate to determine the extent of a problem, issue or phenomenon, whereas the unstructured approach is predominantly used to explore its nature. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 26 Types of Research (mode of enquiry perspective) Quantitative Research Based on the structured approach. Used to quantify the variation in a phenomenon, situation, problem or issue; if information is gathered using predominantly quantitative variables; the analysis is geared to ascertain the magnitude of the variation. Examples of Examples of quantitative aspects of a research study are How many people have a particular problem? How many people hold a particular attitude? 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 27 Types of Research (mode of enquiry perspective) Qualitative Research Based on the unstructured approach. The research is classified qualitative, if it is primarily to describe a situation, phenomenon, problem or event If the information is gathered through the use of variables measured on nominal or ordinal scales (qualitative measurement scales) If the analysis is done to establish the variation in the situation, phenomenon or problem without quantifying it. Examples of Qualitative research include The description of an observed situation Historical enumeration of events an account of the different opinions people have about an issue Description of the living conditions of a community. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 28 Research Journey 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 29 Research Journey The eight-step model for carrying out research: Phase A: DECIDING what to research Step 1: Formulating a research problem Phase B: PLANNING a research study Step 2: Conceptualizing a research design Step 3: Constructing an instrument for data collection Step 4: Selecting a sample Step 5: Writing a research proposal Phase C: CUNDUCTING a research study Step 6: Collecting data Step 7: Processing and displaying data Step 8: Writing a research report. 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 30 Research Process 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 31 Phase A: DECIDING what to do Step 1: Formulating a research problem Most important step, because the following steps are influenced by the research problem What do you want to find out about? Have you got sufficient funds to do the research? Have you got the time available to conduct the study? Have you got knowledge of relevant disciplines? Do you have sufficient knowledge of skills needed? 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 32 Phase B: PLANNING a research study Step 2: Conceptualizing a research design What you find depends on how it was found Select an appropriate research design: Quantitative Qualitative Mixed methods The design has to be Valid Workable Manageable Be aware of its strengths and weaknesses 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 33 Phase B: PLANNING a research study Step 3: Constructing an instrument for data collection How will you collect your data? Construct a research instrument or research tool to collect data (interview schedules, questionnaires, notes on observations, diaries, interview guides, etc.) Or use secondary data (information already collected for other purposes) Do a pre-testing of your research tool (pilot study) 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 34 Phase B: PLANNING a research study Step 4: Step IV: Selecting a sample Who will take part in your research? Select appropriate sample/participants to represent the study population Avoid bias Random / probability samples Non-random / nonprobability samples Be aware of strengths and weaknesses of different sampling methods 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 35 Phase C: CONDUCTING a research study Step 6: Step VI: Collecting data Doing the data gathering using one or more data collection method, such as: Conducting interviews Mailing out questionnaires Conducting nominal/focus groups discussions Making an observation Be aware of ethical issues! 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 36 Phase C: CONDUCTING a research study Step 7: Processing and displaying data What did you find how? Analyzing the data depends on the type of information and how to communicate the findings Distinguish between Descriptive Quantitative (statistical procedures) Qualitative (narrative, content analysis) Attitudinal 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 37 Phase C: CONDUCTING a research study Step 8: Step VIII: Writing a research report What have you done? What conclusions have you drawn from the findings? Different format for quantitative and qualitative research Structure using main themes of study Use academic conventions 6/18/2023 Dr Wajid Aziz 38