Uploaded by khaldoun sami

Solar Panel System Design Project Rubric

City and State, and latitude and longitude are specified and correct.
0 pts
Missing one or more elements, or latitude and/or longitude doesn't match the city, state
location (more than 0.5º off).
1 pt
Present and coordinates are consistent with location.
System size, array azimuth, and array tilt are specified and meet guidelines. System size is
between 2-10 kW, azimuth angle is in the range of 165º-174º or 186º-195º, and array tilt
angle matches one of the standard roof pitches from the table.
Roof pitch Roof Tilt in Degrees
0 pts
Failed to specify one or more, or did not follow the guidelines for choosing the specifications
of one or more.
1 pt
System size, array azimuth, and tilt are specified and all within the project guidelines.
Historical temperature conditions of record low and warmest average high are included and
accurate. Verify using https://weather.com/.
0 pts
Missing or incorrect.
1 pt
Present and accurate.
Calculation of annual hours of full sun is correct. Please run the simulation in PV Watts for
the location and system specifications given. Calculate the total annual full sun hours
expected for the specified setup by multiplying the annual daily average Solar Radiation in
the PV Watts output by 365 days.
0 pts
Missing, insufficient information provided to be able to input the system specs (location,
azimuth angle, tilt), or is incorrectly calculated (off by more than a few full sun hours based
on the PV Watts run and calculation).
2 pts
Please provide any additional clarifying feedback to your rubric scores, and/or any additional
comments on this portion of the assignment.
Attached document has table setup according to the directions and is complete, all additional
required information is included (location, latitude, shading diagram used).
0 pts
1 pt
Shading diagram used has a latitude range inclusive of the location's latitude.
0 pts
No or information was not included in the attached document.
1 pt
Monthly and annual solar radiation calculated correctly. The monthly solar radiation should
just be the Daily Solar Radiation multiplied by the number of days in the month. The annual
solar radiation should be the sum of the each month's total solar radiation.
0 pts
Missing or many are incorrect.
1 pt
Most are correct but 1-3 of the calculations have errors.
2 pts
All monthly calculations and the annual total are correct.
Each month's shade is calculated correctly based on the Solar Pathfinder Diagram used.
0 pts
Missing or all all values are incorrect.
1 pt
Most are correct, but 1-2 months are slightly off on the calculation.
2 pts
All monthly shade values are correct.
Each month's Solar loss is calculated correctly, and the total annual loss because of shading is
correct. Each month's solar loss should equal the monthly solar radiation times the shading
portion, and annual solar loss should equal the sum of all the monthly solar losses. (If solar
pathfinder diagram was incorrectly interpreted, but calculations are done properly based on
the shading numbers used in the table, don't take off points as part of this rubric.)
0 pts
Contains 1 or more calculation errors.
1 pt
All calculations done correctly.
Annual percentage of sunlight lost due to shading is calculated correctly. (Calculated as
Annual Solar Loss / Annual Solar Radiation, then multiplied by 100 to convert to a percent)
0 pts
Missing or incorrect.
1 pt
Calculation is was done correctly based on the data in the table.
Please provide any additional clarifying feedback to your rubric scores, and/or any additional
comments on this portion of the assignment.
Specific brand and pv module model identified and accompanied by a working link to the
module specification sheet (typically a pdf), along with an in text summary including Voc,
Vmp, Isc, Imp, Pmax, and voltage-based temperature coefficient. Summary values are correct
based on the linked spec sheet.
0 pts
Some specifications missing or are not the correct values based on model and linked
specification sheet.
1 pt
All correct module specifications included.
New system size is calculated correctly to the nearest 0.01 kW based on the module specs
and number of modules, and the new system size is within less than 1 module's power rating
of the original target system size.
0 pts
Missing or incorrect.
1 pt
Calculated correctly but is more than 1 module's power away from the original target power
of the system.
2 pts
Correct and as close to the original target as possible given the module's rated power.
Specific brand and inverter model identified and accompanied by a working link to the
inverter model specification sheet, along with an in text summary including the number of
series inputs, V input - max, Turn-on Voltage, I input - max, P input - max, P output - max.
Summary values are correct based on the linked spec sheet.
0 pts
Missing one or more of the key specifications in the summary or one or more specs are
incorrect based on the spec sheet.
1 pt
All correct module specifications included.
Number of series strings matches inverter's available inputs.
0 pts
1 pt
String Vmp, Imp, and Isc are calculated correctly and fall within the inverter's safe operating
0 pts
1 or more of the calculations contains an error, or are correct but the value falls outside of the
inverter's safe operating range.
1 pt
All calculations are correct based on the connections and fall withing the operating range of
the inverter.
Temperature adjusted voltages are calculated correctly and work with the inverter specs.
Series-string maximum cold temperature voltage is calculated based on record low and
temperature-corrected Voc, and warm temperature voltage calculated based on warmest
average monthly high temperature and temperature-corrected Vmp.
0 pts
Did not calculate critical temperature dependent voltages or calculated both incorrectly.
1 pt
Error in 1 of the temperature dependent voltage calculations, or both were calculated
correctly but the cold temperature voltage exceeds the maximum inverter input voltage.
2 pts
String temperature adjusted voltages are calculated correctly and are within the safe operating
range of the inverter.
Please provide any additional clarifying feedback to your rubric scores, and/or any additional
comments on this portion of the assignment.
IN37624 - Socket Communication in ControlLogix, CompactLogix and MicroLogix Controllers