PROPOSAL and PROPOSAL WRITING Proposals and progress reports are some of the most common types of reports you will likely find yourself writing in the workplace. These reports are persuasive in nature: proposals attempt to persuade the reader to accept the writer’s proposed idea. AND progress reports assure the reader that the project is on time and on budget or explain rationally why things might not be going according to the initial plan. A proposal, in the technical sense, is a document that tries to persuade the reader to implement a proposed plan or approve a proposed project. Most businesses rely on effective proposal writing to ensure the successful continuation of their business and to get new contracts. The writer tries to convince the reader that the proposed plan or project is worth doing (worth the time, energy, and expense necessary to implement or see-through), that the author represents the best candidate for implementing the idea, and that it will result in tangible benefits. Proposals are often written in response to a Request For Proposals (RFP) by a government agency, organization, or company. The requesting body receives multiple proposals responding to their request, reviews the submitted proposals, and chooses the best one(s) to go forward. Their evaluation of the submitted proposals is often based on procedures that result from various elements of the proposals. Thus, your proposal must persuade the reader that your idea is the one most worth pursuing. Proposals are persuasive documents intended to initiate a project and get the reader to authorize a course of action proposed in the document. These might include proposals to Perform a task (such as conducting a feasibility study, a research project, etc.) Provide a product. Provide a service. Proposals can have various purposes and thus take many forms. They may include sections such as the following: Introduction and/or background Problem statement Purpose/motivation/goal/objectives Definition of scope and approach Review of the state of the art o Project description Schedule of work/timeline Budget Qualifications Conclusion Four Kinds of Proposals There are 4 kinds of proposals, categorized in terms of whether they were requested, and whether they are meant to solve a problem within your own organization or someone else’s. 1. Solicited Proposals: an organization identifies a situation or problem that it wants to improve or solve and issues an RFP (Request for Proposals) asking for proposals on how to address it. The requesting organization will vet proposals and choose the most convincing one, often using a detailed scoring rubric or weighted objectives chart to determine which proposal best responds to the request. 2. Unsolicited Proposals: a writer perceives a problem or an opportunity and takes the initiative to propose a way to solve the problem or take advantage of the opportunity (without being requested to do so). This can often be the most difficult kind of proposal to get approved. 3. Internal Proposals: these are written by and for someone within the same organization. Since both the writer and reader share the same workplace context, these proposals are generally shorter than external proposals and usually address some way to improve a workrelated situation (productivity, efficiency, profit, etc.). As internal documents, they are often sent as memos, or introduced with a memo if the proposal is lengthy. 4. External Proposals: these are sent outside of the writer’s organization to a separate entity (usually to solicit business). Since these are external documents, they are usually sent as a formal report (if long), introduced by a cover letter (letter of transmittal). External proposals are usually sent in response to a Request for Proposals, but not always. Proposals written as an assignment in Technical Writing classes generally do the following: 1. Identify and define the problem that needs to be solved or the opportunity that can be taken advantage of. You must show that you clearly understand the problem/situation if you are to convince the reader that you can solve it. Rubrics that assess proposals generally place a significant weight (~20%) on the clarity and accuracy of the problem definition. 2. Describe your proposed project, clearly defining the scope of what you propose to do. Often, it is best to give a general overview of your idea, and then break it down into more detailed sub-sections. 3. Indicate how your proposed solution will solve the problem and provide tangible benefits. Specifically, indicate how it will meet the objectives and abide by the constraints outlined in the problem definition. Give specific examples. Show the specific differences between “how things are now” and “how they could be.” Be as empirical as possible, but appeal to all appropriate persuasive strategies. Emphasize the results, benefits, and feasibility of your proposed idea. 4. Include the practical details: propose a budget and a timeline for completing your project. Represent these graphically (budget table etc.). Your timeline should include the major milestones or deliverables of the project, as well as dates or time frames for completion of each step. 5. Conclude with a final pitch that summarizes and emphasizes the benefits of implementing your proposed idea – but without sounding like an advertisement. Additional Proposal Elements to Consider 1. Describe your qualifications to take on and/or lead this project; persuade the reader that you have the required skills, experience, and expertise to complete this job. 2. Decide what graphics to use to illustrate your ideas, present data, and enhance your ground. 3. Include secondary research to enhance your credibility and the strength of your proposal. 4. Choose format; is this a memo to an internal audience or a formal report to an external audience? Does it require a letter of transmittal? All proposals must be convincing, logical, and credible, and to do this, they must consider the audience, purpose, and tone of the proposal. Irish and Weiss urge readers to keep the following in mind: An engineering proposal is not an advertisement. It must show, with objective language, clarity, and thoroughness, that the writers know what they are doing and will complete the project. Language Considerations Proposals are fundamentally persuasive documents, so paying attention to the rhetorical situation—position of the reader (upward, lateral, downward, or outward communication), the purpose of the proposal, the form, and the tone—is vital. Clearly define your purpose and audience before you begin to write. Be sure you have done the research, so you know what you are talking about. Remain positive and constructive: you are seeking to improve the situation. Be solution oriented; don’t blame or dwell on the negative Make your introduction very logical, objective, and practical; don’t start off sounding like an advertisement or sounding biased; avoid logical fallacies. Use primarily logical and ethical appeals; use emotional appeals sparingly. As always, adhere to the 7 Cs by making sure that your writing is: Clear and Coherent: don’t confuse your reader with unclear ideas or an illogically organized structure. Concise and Courteous: don’t annoy your reader with clutter, unnecessary padding, inappropriate tone, or hard-to-read formatting. Concrete and Complete: avoid vague generalities; give specifics. Don’t leave out the necessary information. Correct: don’t undermine your professional credibility by neglecting grammar and spelling, or by including inaccurate information. What are the Goals of a Research Proposal? The research proposal has a set of specific goals: 1. To present and justify the need to study a research problem. 2. To present a practical way in which the proposed research study should be undertaken. 3. To demonstrate that the design elements and procedures being set forth to study the research problem meet the governed standards within the predominant discipline in which the problem resides. Regardless of the research problem being investigated and the methods chosen to study that problem, all research proposals must address the following questions: 1. What do you plan to accomplish? Be clear and succinct in defining the research problem and what it is you are proposing to research. 2. Why do you want to do it? In addition to detailing your research design, you must also conduct a thorough review of the literature and provide convincing evidence that the topic is worthy of study. Be sure you answer the “so what?” question. 3. How are you going to do it? Make sure that what you propose to do is doable. In other words, make sure you have the time, the resources, and, most importantly, the stamina to undertake what you are proposing to do. BASIC PROPOSAL ISSUES The following are the common problems we face while trying to write a proposal: Confused about the format? There are as many proposal formats as there are a number of donors and each donor has a different format. Although the basic information requested by various donors is generally the same, we often encounter snags that make the entire process confusing. Planning problems? Although a good idea exists, yet when we try to plan it out extensively, we face many unexpected challenges. Fear of proposal rejections? No matter how much of an expert we are in writing proposals, the underlying fear of proposal rejection hovers over us while writing it. Tight deadlines? This is perhaps the most universal problem for all proposal writers. For some reason or other, we are expected to complete working proposals under very tight deadlines. Solicited and unsolicited proposal? Solicited and unsolicited proposals are quite confusing. Many NGOs work hard and submit proposals to donors, but soon they get a letter saying that they had never asked them to send a proposal.