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Ather Ashraf - Spatial Data Scientist Resume

Ather Ashraf
Spatial Data Scientist and Engineer
ather756 (Skype)
32-C Street 42 Phase 1 DHA Lahore Pakistan 54810
ORCID No: 0000-0002-7963-553X
linkedin profile
Google Scholar
· ·
• Having vast experience of research and working in the
field of Data Science and Data Engineering in different
capacities in large organizations
• Experience of working with the organization like Madina Development Authority, Planning and Development Department, United Nations Development Programme, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Focus Humanitarian, ILF Pvt Ltd, NESPAK Pvt. Ltd,
and Netsol Pvt. Ltd.
• Research area is Deep Learning, Machine Learning,
fuzzy GIS and intelligent system development for water, climate, and land suitability analysis and produce
18 publications, 1 book chapter, and three PhD. Scholars in this area.
• Experience of project management in different GIS
projects in the field of Smart City, Disaster Risk Management, Water Resource Management, Urban Planning, Agriculture, and Route Planning for Railway
line and Gas Pipeline.
· ·
• Hands on experience of working in open source solution like QGIS, Udig, HECRAS, R, Python as well
as the commercial solution like ArcGIS, ERDAS and
ERMapper, Matlab.
• Hands on experience of GIS development in Python,
PHP, Java, Javascript, and C#.
• Hands on experience of working in spatial database
and Big Data Handling, i.e., Postgres/PostGIS, Oracle/Oracle Spatial, Apache Hadoop, Elastic Search,
and MySQL, web spatial server, i.e., GeoServer,
Mapguide, Geonode and ArcServer, and spatial libraries, i.e., Openlayers, Leaflet, Cesium, ArcObject,
Geotool, JTS, and Google map API.
• Experience of working in mobile technology like Android, Symbian, and J2ME.
• Experience of teaching in System Architecture and Design, Fuzzy GIS, Geospatial databases, Geostatistics,
Web GIS, Geo-spatial system design and 3D GIS.
Specialties: Water Informatics, Land Suitability Modeling, Fuzzy GIS, Intelligent System, GIS Engineering/ Development, Image Processing, Geostatistics, Geoprocessing
PostDoc Course
International Research Association on Large Landslides
PostDoc course of Field data collection, monitoring, and modeling of large landslides held at State Key Laboratory
of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection (SKLGP), Chengdu China
Ph.D. in Computer Studies
PUCIT Punjab University
2010 – 2015
Focused on the Fuzzy GIS, Intelligent System Development and Land Suitability Analysis. Research thesis
was Spatial Fuzzy Intelligence System for Land Suitability Model.
M.Sc. in Geographical Information System
PUCIT Punjab University
2003 – 2005
Focused on the GIS, Remote Sensing, GIS Analysis and Decision Support System. Research thesis was Denoising of SRTM Data using Wavelet.
M.S. in Computer Science
2001 – 2003
Focused on the Computer Science, Programming, Data Structure, and Databases. Research topic was Shortest
Path Analysis.
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
UET Lahore
1995 – 2000
Focused on the Structure, Hydrology, Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Material, and Soil Mechanics. Research
topic was Computer Application in Construction Management and Planning.
Indus- Flood Early warning system, river basin modeling, and its integration on web platform, held at Deltares,
Delft (Netherlands)
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
Risk Information and Communication for Effective Risk Financing and Development of DRR Policies arranged
by World Bank in Bangkok, Thailand
List of Publication
Journal Publication
1. A Smart Contract Approach in Pakistan Using Blockchain for Land Management Science and Technology, 4(2),
425-435. (2022)
2. Remote sensing based innovative solution of river morphology for better flood management, International Journal
of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (2022)
3. Quantifying the contribution of diminishing green spaces and urban sprawl to urban heat island effect in a rapidly
urbanizing metropolitan city of Pakistan, Land Use Policy 113 (2022): 105874
4. SRTM DEM based 3-D Surface Deformation of Nanga Parbat Syntaxis through Drainage Density and Surface
Roughness, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 37.3 (2021)
5. Complex neutrosophic N-soft sets: A new model with application, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems (2021)
6. Spatially analyzing food consumption inequalities using GIS with disaggregated data from Punjab, Pakistan,
Food Security, Spring(2020)
7. Co-designing Indus Water-Energy-Land Futures, One Earth, Elsevier (2019)
8. Marginality and Social Exclusion in Punjab, Pakistan: A Threat to Urban Sustainability, Sustainable Cities and
Society, Elsevier wordmark(2018)
9. Using geographical information systems to assess groundwater contamination from arsenic and related diseases
based on survey data in Lahore, Pakistan, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer, October(2017)
10. Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems,
Springer (2015).
11. Mapping Soil Electric Conductivity using Bayesian Kriging – A case study from Qasur, Pakistan, Journal of
Geological Study, Springer (2015)
12. Bipolar Fuzzy Digraph in Decision Support System.” Journal of Multi-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, Journal of
Multi-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, Vol. 0, pp. 1-21,(2015).
13. GIS Enabled Condition Based Asset Management of Gas Distribution Network A Case Study of Shahdara, Lahore
Pakistan, Journal of Geographic Information System, 7, 358-368. doi 10.4236/jgis.2015.74028. (2015).
14. Protecting agricultural land in developing countries — A case study from Lahore, Pakistan, International Journal
of Advance Remote Sensing and GIS. ISSN2320-0243, (2015).
15. Type-II Fuzzy Decision Support System for Fertilizer, The Scientific World Journal 2014, Hindawi Publisher (2014).
16. Fuzzy decision support system for fertilizer." Neural Computing and Applications, Springer Publisher, Neural
Computing and Applications, Springer Publisher, pp 1-11, 2014.
17. Novel Applications of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Digraphs in Decision Support Systems, The Scientific World Journal
2014, Hindawi Publisher, (2014).
18. Digitized Profile of land for agriculture use in Punjab Pakistan, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering
Research, Volume 4th , Issue 11th , November 2013..
19. Spatial variability mapping of soil-ec in agricultural field of Punjab province(Pakistan) using geographic information system (GIS) technique, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4th , Issue 11th ,
Conference Proceeding
1. Geospatial Big Data Platform for Water for All in Indus Basin, World bank conference on Land and Poverty,
March 2019
2. Data Clearinghouse for Water Resource Management, ADB Asian Water Forum 2018 , Oct 2018
3. Multi-criteria Analysis for Spatial Modelling of Forest Protection Zones, GeoMEast , July 2017
4. Enabling Marketing Intelligence in Spatial Domain using Spatial Statistics, SRSA Conference March 31st - April
2nd , 2016.
5. GIS based probabilistic hazard risk assessment of road accidents, GEOMATE2015, Nov 16th - 18th , 2015.
6. GIS based probabilistic hazard vulnerability and risk assessment of flood in swat and Kabul river, SRSA Conference
March 26th - 28th , 2015,
7. Decision Support System for Flood Disaster Management, NARSC Conference, Nov 12th - 15th , 2014.
Data Governance Project for MRDA
Conducting a study of Data Governance for Madinah Regiional Development Authority. The study will use for
optimum utilization and trackable sharing of quality data in Regional planning and decision making.
Tool/Technologies: BPMN, STAC, FDGC
Water Demand Analysis of MRDA
Conduct a study for Water demand analysis for Madinah Region keep in view the Vision 2030 targets. Survey
different governates of the Madinah for water quality and catchement area. Perform hydrological modeling,
Landuse Landcover analysis, and demand modeling.
Tool/Technologies: Python, ArcGIS, PostGIS
Development of DSS for LBDC Zone of PID
This project aims to develop a decision support system for LBDC Zone of Punjab Irrigation Department (PID).
The system will analyze water requirements using Machine Learning based Evapotranspiration of crop cover and
accumulate the requirement at water courses . The system use a spatial data pipeline to extract satellite data and
identify crop cover using Deep Learning within the commanded area and also estimate soil moisture content using
Sentinel-1 data by appling Deep Learning and validate the data based on sensor installed on ground.
Tool/Technologies: Python (Django Framework), React, Postgres/PostGIS, and Docker
Development of Core GIS for DHA Islamabad
This project aims to develop core GIS for Defence Housing Authority Islamabad. The core GIS handle all the
spatial data and processes related to Land department, Town Planning department, Civil & Tech department,
Security Department, and Admin Department. A Decission Support system is develop on top of core GIS to take
neccessary decision and also monitor proeject based on their physical and financial activities.
Tool/Technologies: Python (Django Framework), React, Postgres/PostGIS, and Docker
System Design for Development Authorities (LDA Pvt Ltd)
This project aims to design and Architect a Spatial Data Center, Artifical Intelligence, Block Chain, and business
process reingeering (BPR) of both spatial and non spatial proesses of Lahore Development Authority Pvt Ltd.
Flood Hazard Localization for WHH
Worked as Flood Hazard Localization Consultant for Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V., German. The purpose is to
predict potential flood harzard and estimate the risk involve to population and agriculture sector for Disaster Risk
Financing. Flood Hazard is estimated using GloFAS meterological data
Tool/Technologies: Python (FastAPI Framework), GloFAS, PyShed
Fast Map
This project aims to develop Spatial Temporal Asset Catalog (STAC) Server of Cloud Optimize GeoTiff (COG) for
Fast Map Canada using FastAPI framework of Python. Further more Tile Mapping Server is established to server
STAC item as mapping server on Cesium and Leaflet.
Tool/Technologies: Python (FastAPI Framework), AWS S3, pySTAC, COG, RasterIO
App Fidesterra
This project aims to develop Android application to show Vegetation Indices (NDVI) result using Google Earth
Engine Platform. Web services are developed using Python FastAPI Framework.
Tool/Technologies: Python(FastAPI Framework), Google Earth Engine, React Native
Civil Tracker
This project aims to develop web application for monitoring construction activities on ground using high resolution
images. The main requirment includes cut and fill calculation for change detection, stock pile volume calculation,
and Design file variation and updates. The websitis available at this link.
Tool/Technologies: Postgres / PostGIS, Python with Django framework, React, Mapbox GL, Material UI
Flood Emergency Reconstruction and Resilience Project
This project aims to enhance physical and fiscal resilience through structural and non-structural mitigation measures
including climate change adaptations for flood resilient infrastructure and institutional capacity strengthening
under portfolios of PDMA, C&W, Irrigation and P&D Departments.
Working as a project director in P & D component. The main objective includes:
• Development of Data Clearinghouse for water resource management, spatial data sharing, and management.
• Development of Project Performance Monitoring System for Monitoring & Evaluation of all the reconstruction
of under this project.
• Development of Disaster Impact Assessment (DIA) for mainstream DRR into development process.
Tool/Technologies Postgres / PostGIS, Python with Django Framework, Openlayer, Cesium, jqxWidgets, Apache Hadoop,
Ubuntu server
Assets Management for Local Government
Worked as a consultant for the development of GIS-enabled Asset Management for local government. The system
shows a statistical view of the condition and revenue of the asset generated annually. The details show on the
map viewer with its location. An android application is developed to gather its information with their location.
Tool/Technologies Postgres / PostGIS, Python with Django framework, geoserver, OpenLayers, Extjs, High chart and High
map, CentOS linux server
Saaf pani (Safe Drinking water) System
Worked as a Project Manager for the development of the GIS Enabled MIS system for saaf pani project. The system
is consist of 5 modules, i.e., map viewer, construction monitoring, asset management, complaint management
system and content management system.
Tool/Technologies postgres, geoserver, OpenLayers, leaflet, Extjs and Java Spring in a linux server
Land Record Management System for Railways
Working as task lead for the development of GIS Enabled MIS system for land record management of Pakistan
Railways. The main task is to identify land, harmonize it with BOR land record and on top of it developed a
leasing module.
Tool/Technologies ArcServer, Postgres / PostGIS, bootstrap and Java Spring
Land Record Management Information System for PLRA
Working as GIS Consultant for Punjab Land Record Authority. The task include planning of Cadastre Module
and develop a PC-1 for project execution.
GIS Architecture Design for Disaster Risk Reduction
Worked as a consultant for Asian Development Bank. Designing a GIS architecture for Provisional disaster
management authorities of Punjab Province and AJK (Kashmir).
Flood Hazard Maps for NDMA
Developed a Flood Hazard map for four districts of Punjab, i.e., Khushab, Jhang, Multan, and Raheem Yar
Khan, under the project of MHVRA for NDMA. Hazard maps are developed using HECGeoRAS for spatial data
preparation and HECRAS for flood modeling for 10, 50, and 100 years return period.
Probabilistic Flood and Seismic Hazard Modeling
Project funded by the World Bank, working as its project coordinator. Coordinating spatial data sharing and its
availability on web platform for disaster management and planning by National Working Group (NWG). The
output of the project includes flood and seismic hazard mapping, exposure mapping, vulnerability mapping, and
risk mapping. All these maps along with NWG data is shared on a web platform.
Tool/Technologies GeoNode, Python with Django, Postgres / PostGIS, Geoserver, OpenLayers, Extjs and Ubuntu linux
Snow Avalanche Simulation Modeling
Developed an enterprise level Avalanche simulation application for disaster management. Application is developed
for FOCUS Humanitarian which work for Aga Khan Foundation. This application provides detail information
(spatial and attribute) about the village and infrastructure under risk.
Tool/Technologies Postgres / Postgis, Geoserver, OpenLayers, Extjs and Java
Flood Modeling for Pre-Disasters Management
Developed an enterprise level flood modeling application for pre disaster management. Application is developed
for PDMA. This application calculate the flood extent based on discharge and provide detail information (spatial
and attribute) about the village submerged. The system has also the capability of broadcasting the disaster alert
to focal persons and calculate the financial loss.
Tool/Technologies Postgres / PostGIS, Geoserver, OpenLayers, Extjs and Java
Campus Guide
Android application develop for King Saudi University. The purpose is to guide user about the campus, lectures
room and resources within the campus. The informations are provided on maps. User can find path and navigate
with in the campus.
Tool/Technologies Android, Mysql, Geoserver, OpenLayers, Extjs and Tomcat
Spatial Education Information System (SEMIS)
Developed an enterprise spatial education information system for government of Punjab. The project was funded
by GTZ. The application provide detail information(spatial and attribute) about the schools at district level.
Provide number of spatial and attribute analysis in the system.
Tool/Technologies PHP, MySQL, Joomla, Geoserver, OpenLayers, JxLib and Tomcat
Mobile Backup Application
Mobile backup application is developed for storing the content of mobile like contacts, SMS, MMS, calenders,
images and videos. User can view its data on the web and can synchronize the data with its application. OMA
standards were used for the application.
Tool/Technologies Symbian, J2ME, PHP, MySQL and Joomla
Landfolio Software
Developed a GIS module of landfolio software. This software was designed for Stewart International (provides
global land solutions). The software has been deployed in Antigua, Beliz and Bermuda. The front end of the
software is developed in .Net 2005 using ESRI Arc Engine, the back end of the software is in SQL Server 2005.
ArcSDE is used to enable spatial capabilities in SQL Server.
Tool/Technologies SQL Server, VB.Net, ArcServer, ArcEngine
Route planning for GAS Pipe line from OGC Plant (Kunner) to SSGCL tie point (Hyderabad)
In this capacity I have worked as a consultant with German consultant for planning route of Gas pipe line. This
route is from OGC refine plant in Kunner to SSGCL tie point in Hyderabad. The major tasks were image processing,
developing DEM and DTM and finally a 3-D movie show the route.
Tool/Technologies ERMapper 7.1, ArcGIS 9.2, Global Mapper 8.0
Routes planning for railway line from Havailian to Khunjarab (china border)
In this capacity I worked as a local consultant with Germans consultant, for planning routes for Railway line from
Havelian to Khunjarab. This route is along the silk road of Pakistan. The major task was image processing (0.6 m
resolution), developing Digital terrain model, contour generation, hydrological modeling, and survey.
Tool/Technologies ERMapper 7.1, ArcGIS 9.2, Global Mapper 8.0
Kalabagh Dam Resettlement Study
In this capacity I worked as a team lead on Kalabagh Dam resettlement study. Statistics were calculated of different
land cover and land use types like cultivated area, barren area, river area, houses and tress. The statistics were
generated using digital image classification on Quick bird imagery (resolution 0.6m). These statistics were used
for cost estimation of resettlements.
Tool/Technologies ERDAS 8.x, Matlab 7, ArcGIS 9.x
Flood Plane Mapping
In this capacity I have developed flood prediction maps of river Jehlum and Indus (From Taunsa to Guddu
Barrage). These maps were developed using satellite imagery of SPOT (Resolution 2.5m) and SRTM (Shuttle Radar
Topography mission) (Resolution 3 arc sec) data. Satellite imagery along with Survey of Pakistan’s Topographic
sheet was used to identify different features like Bund and Spars along the river bank. SRTM data was first denoised and then used to develop a DTM (Digital Terrain Model). With the help of DTM contours were generated
at 0.5m, 1 m and 2.5 m interval.
Tool/Technologies ArcGIS 9.x, HECRAS and GeoHECRAS
Watershed modelling of Ghizar
Developed a watershed model of Ghizar. To develop this model I have used SRTM data and low resolution
imagery of landsat (15m resolution)
Tool/Technologies ERMapper, GlobalMapper, ArcGIS
WCB Tax Mapping
Worked as a team lead in developing a GIS enabled tax mapping solution. The application includes geo-coding
Walton Cantonment Board area. The software also integrates GIS system with Tax database developed in Oracle.
Application enabled WCB to view reports like Tax, Area and lessee details
Tool/Technologies ArcObject, ArcGISEngine 9.x, Visual Basic 6, Crystal Report 8 and ErMapper 7
Work Experience
Jan 2022 - to date
Working as Geosptaial data analysis and Legislation Consultant for Decision Support System Department of
Madinah Regional Development Authority. Duties include to analysis dataset, requirement, and architect Decision
Support System.
Madinah Regional Development Authority
Oct 2018 - Jan 2022
Responsibility include research and teaching Data Scence, Geo-statistics, GIS Programming, Geo-Spatial Databases,
Web GIS and Geo-spatial System design.
Department of Data Science, Punjab University
June 2016 - September 2018
Worked as a project director in ADB- Assisted "Flood Emergency Resilience Reconstruction Project" (FERRP).
The main duties include supervision of all the teams under GIS development, Disaster Risk Reduction, M&E,
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Development Process. Developing a spatial data clearing house for
data sharing and assessing disaster impact. Looking after the financial aspect of the project.
Planning and Development Department
March 2015 - September 2015
Worked as a GIS consultant for Asian Development Bank. Duties include designing a GIS architecture for flood
management in Provisional disaster management authorities of Punjab Province and AJK.
Asian Development Bank
March 2012 - January 2013
Worked here as a GIS Consultant. Responsibilities include development and technical guidance for the development of web based pre and post flood disaster management application.
PDMA Punjab
August 2011 - December 2011
Worked here as a disaster risk reduction mainstreaming coordinator. My responsibilities include mainstreaming
disaster risk reduction into development process, development of disaster map and capacity building.
United Nation Development Program(UNDP)
Febuaury 2011 - March -2011
Worked there as a GIS trainer. Responsibility include training of census department on developing and using of
GIS data, its analysis and its management for Census.
United Nation Fund for Population (UNFPA)
August 2007 - May 2016
Worked in Punjab University as an Assistant Professor in GIS Center. Responsibility include research and teaching
Water Resource Management, Water Informatics, Geo-statistics, GIS Programming, Geo-Spatial Databases, Web
GIS and Geo-spatial System design.
PUCIT, Punjab University
June 2007 - March 2008
I have worked there as a GIS consultant and developed a Land Management system by the name of "Landfolio"
which is now owned by Trimble. This has been deployed on three countries Antigua, Beliz and Bermuda.
CTO 24/7 Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.
July 2006 - September 2007
Netsol is one of the largest IT Company in Pakistan. It is the only company in Pakistan which is at CMMI level 5.
I worked here as a GIS developer. My designation was Senior Software Engineer. My responsibility included
designing of Land Record Management Information System and develop its prototype.
NetSol Technologies
September 2004 - Feb 2006
NESPAK is one of the largest engineering consultant company in Pakistan. I worked here as a GIS Engineer.
Responsibility includes the development of flood plain mapping, team lead for resettlement analysis of Kalabagh
Dam project and development of enterprise spatial solution for WCB tax mapping.
NESPAK Pvt. Ltd.
December 2003 - August 2004
J-Tech is a joint venture of JGC (Japan) and Descon(Pakistan). Currently it is known as JGC-DESCON. I worked
here as CAD Analyst. My designation was Asst. Software Engineer. Responsibility included customizing CAD
solutions and initiating and maintaining projects in Databases and CAD.
JGC-DESCON (J-Tech) Pvt Ltd.
April 2000 - August 2001
FONGAS (Fauji Foundation subsidiary) is an LPG gas storage and distribution plant at Kot Addu near PARCO.
My company was involved in the Installation of Tube well, laying of GAS pipeline (from PARCO to FONGAS
plant) and lying of water supply line and firefighting line within the plant. I worked here as a site engineer. My
responsibilities included
• Manage, handle and communicate with a team of technical staff and subcontractor
• Supervising laying of gas pipelines and Installation of Tube well
• Certifying and complying with standards of FONGAS (Fauji Foundation)
• Maintaining engineering quality standard for materials and work
• Prepared BOQ (Bill of Quantity).
A.H. Trader
• Member, Saudi Engineering Council
• Member, Pakistan Engineering Council
• Member, Indus Basin Knoweldge Forum, IIASA, Austria