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School of Electrical Automation and Information Engineering August 2023 Postgraduate Degree Application and Grant
Work Arrangement
In order to ensure the graduation, employment and further study of graduate students to the greatest extent, the school decided to add a degree
evaluation meeting temporarily in August this year. The arrangements for degree application and awarding in August 2023 are as follows:
Degree application and job content
Pre-defense registration time for doctoral students (Ph.D.+Full-time PhD+Part-time tutor
Beginning of the general term
guides Ph.D. to participate)
Pre-defense time for doctoral students
Arranged by secondary discipline
Time for doctoral students to submit pre-defense registration form
Before the trial
School-blind review of master's degree thesis and allPhDDissertation subject to preliminary The general initial review period
Suggestion: 3 before the
After revising the paper according to the preliminary review comments and submitting the
defense2(Master) or 42(bo)
modification instructions, it can be submitted for blind review
working days ago
Suggestion: 4 before the
Time for doctoral students to submit materials for dissertation school blind review
defense2Submit before business
PhDdegree applicationTime for Online Submission and Confirmation of Achievement
(Master students do not need to conduct online achievement certification)
Suggestion: before the
The deadline for double-certificate master students to submit materials for the blind
defense3Submit 2 working days
review of dissertation schools
Documentary postgraduate submission form, record filing time
Plagiarism check time for academic papers
(weeklyone, three, fiveoutresult,Duplicate checkResults for this semesterValid within)
Approval time
(holidayapprovalpleasecontact the
instructor in advance)
defense time
2023Year8moon15Day 11:00forward
The electronic version of the thesis is submitted to the reference room of the college
(holidayMonday to FridayAvailable
after revision according to the defense opinions
from 9:00-11:00)
Deadline for graduate students to submit degree application materials to the Degree
Evaluation Subcommittee
(Those who have graduated without a degree must submit relevant materials on time)
The time for the Secretary of the Degree Evaluation Subcommittee to sort out the degree
application materials and for each department to review the degree application materials
The time for members of the degree evaluation sub-committee to review degree application
Degree Evaluation Subcommittee Meeting Time
2023Year8moontwenty oneday
The final time for the degree evaluation sub-committee to report the review results to the
2023Year8moontwenty oneday
Deadline for materials to be reviewed by the Graduate School
2023Year8moontwenty twoday
School degree evaluation committee (including science and technology,HumanitiesSocial
Sciences and ArchitectureSubjectDegree Evaluation Committee) meeting time
The electronic version of papers will be submitted to the library after being revised
according to the opinions of the sub-committee (submission of confidential papersPaper
Remark:The dissertation electronic version is submitted through the dissertation system of the
where the originality statement and the thesis use authorization page must be submitted with a scanned
version of the original signed by the degree applicant and the supervisor (seal is invalid). Degree
applicants can check the dissertation submission status through the library’s dissertation management
system (or the text message fed back by the dissertation submission system) to confirm whether the
dissertation has been archived.
Remark:If there is an international student planthis stageApplyDegree or Graduate AdvanceGraduation, please tutorin advanceContact the faculty member of the faculty.
1. All degree applicants must pay the tuition fee one month before the defense, otherwise they will not be able to go through the dissertation defense
procedures. The tuition fee information in the degree management system is extracted from the school’s financial system. If the tuition fee has
been paid in full but the degree management system shows that the tuition fee has not been paid in full, please send the scanned copy of the
payment invoice or payment screenshot to the email ( yjsy@tju.edu .cn ) and explain the relevant reasons, the relevant teachers of the General
Management Office of the Graduate School will verify and deal with it as soon as possible after receiving the email.
3. According to the "Implementation Rules for the Conferment of Master's and Doctoral Degrees of Tianjin University" (Tianda Xiaoyan [2020] No. 3)
and other relevant documents, degree applicants who are required to participate in the school-level blind review of dissertations must participate
in the dissertation Preliminary review and school-level blind review. Degree applicants must send blind review materials to the degree office
mailbox 30 or 40 working days before the defense. Reference for blind review of dissertations: http://gs.tju.edu.cn/xwsy/cyxz.htm.
4. Relevant instructions and precautions for doctoral students' pre-defense, dissertation preliminary review, postgraduate dissertation college blind
review, plagiarism check, and defense instructions will be published on the college website - Graduate Education - Graduation and Degree
(http://seea.tju. edu.cn/yjsjy/byyxw.htm), please continue to pay attention.
5. Students conduct pre-defense, dissertation preliminary review and blind review according to the affiliation of the school, review and approve the
defense and attend the conference according to the affiliation of the discipline, and the basic requirements for the results of the graduate degree
application are implemented according to the documents of the sub-committee.
6. Plagiarism check, defense, and blind review are open throughout the year. Graduate students who do not apply during the centralized time period
should contact the college office in advance.
7. Please fill in the report carefully according to the requirements of the degree management system, and be careful not to omit the "defense
committee information" and the time and place of the defense (fill in the specific conference carrier and conference number for online defense);
Photos, the photo of the dual-certificate graduate degree certificate should be consistent with the photo of the graduation certificate, and the
photo of the single-certificate graduate student should be clear when uploading. If the photos in the degree management system are missing,
please contact the teaching staff of the school (department) where you are located, and the teaching staff will contact the relevant teachers of
the Information Management Section of the Graduate School General Management Office to coordinate and deal with it. Note: The photo in the
degree management system must be exactly the same as the photo of the degree certificate.
8. Two days before the convening of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of Science and Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences and
Architecture, the library will provide the completed list of dissertations to the Degree and Discipline Construction Office of the Graduate School.
The degree evaluation committees of the school (including the degree evaluation committees of science and engineering, humanities and social
sciences and architecture disciplines) will not discuss their degree applications.
9. A master of equivalent education must pass the master's degree course examination and the proficiency examination organized by the state within
6 years. The application for a master's degree by persons with the same academic ability is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations of the
Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council on the Granting of Master's and Doctoral Degrees to Personnel with the Same Academic Ability
as Postgraduate Graduates" ("Regulations" for short), which requires that "applicants should pass all examinations (including The dissertation
should be submitted within one year after the course examination and level examination organized by the state), and the dissertation defense
should be completed within half a year after the applicant submits the dissertation."
11. 2.5-year master's degree application in November, and doctoral degree application in March must be completed in advance according to the
relevant procedures.
12. From August 17, 2023, electronic materials such as pre-defense, preliminary review, blind review, and plagiarism check must be submitted by the
tutor (including members of the tutor team) to the relevant mailbox of the college.
1. Notice on matters related to the certification of doctoral degree application results
2. Supplementary Notes on Applying for a Master's Degree for Persons with the Same Academic Ability
School of Electrical Automation and Information Engineering, Tianjin University