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06 Worksheet 1 (Online Version) PALMA

Rob Meshill D. Palma
Directions: Read and analyze the article on 06 Handout 2. Afterward, answer the
following question in at least three (3) to five (5) sentences (3 items x 15 points)
1. Based on your understanding, what does the article imply about popular psychology?
According to what I understand, the popular psychology article suggests that rather than
relying on hearsay or stories of personal experiences to foster empathy, Filipinos should
be more receptive to science-based knowledge. When it comes to issues like mental
health, our worldview, and our way of life, we should always use reason so that pop
psychology does not take advantage of this for their own financial benefit. Additionally,
the essay claims that Truth and Fact are false cures and are distinct.
2. Do you think popular psychology has advantages and disadvantages? What are those?
Popular psychology provides benefits, such as making individuals believe they can be
stronger leaders, better lovers, and better parents. It provides helpful advice and seeks
to lessen pain. The propagation of fake data is encouraged by the drawbacks, which
might take the form of inaccurate general interpretation, inaccurate depiction, or even
fabrication of statistical myths.
3. Reflect on the article and cite examples of popular psychology you have seen online.
Share your opinion about them.
One of the instances of well-known brain research I have seen online is a video blog called
RealTalkDarbs wherein its host makes content tackle connections, self-esteem, and inspiration.
Additionally, at the conclusion of his vlog, the host will impart wisdom. He frequently posts
content on social media about current events and provides lengthy messages based solely on
his opinion and not on the facts. The placebo effect, which occurs when a person's physical or
mental health appears to improve after taking a placebo or dummy treatment and will trigger the
person's belief in the benefit of the treatment and their expectation of feeling better, rather than
actually getting better, occurs in the long run. At first, I believe it helps because it provides
people with the self-validation they needed. However, in the long run, it will develop the placebo
effect on them. This can give people who need professional help false hope and lead them
down a path that is not only ineffective but also potentially harmful.