Hand Release Push-Up Progressions: START YOUR HAND RELEASE PUSH-UP PROGRESSIONS BY ATTEMPTING MAX UNROKEN SET OF PROPER HAND RELEASE PUSH-UPS IN 2 MINUTES Level 1: You completed 50+ hand release push-ups 1. Complete 3 sets of 5 repetitions of tension push-ups(3 second descent, 1 second pause at bottom, and 3 second ascent) 2. Complete 3 sets of 45 second weighted high plank holds 3. Complete 2 max effort sets of ring push-ups 4. 3 minutes of Tabata hand release push-ups (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest) Level 2: You completed between 35 and 50 hand release push-ups 1. Complete 2 sets of 4 repetitions of tension push-ups(3 second descent, 1 second pause at bottom, and 3 second ascent) 2. Complete 2 sets of 45 second high plank holds 3. Complete 2 max effort sets of dips (rings, box, bars) 4. Complete 2 sets of 30 second high plank shoulder taps 5. Complete max set of hand release push-ups Level 3: You completed between 20 and 35 hand release push-ups 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete 3 sets of 8 push-ups with a 2 second pause at the bottom Complete 2 sets of 45 second high plank holds Complete 3 sets of 10+ repetitions of triceps extension (band, plate, dumbbell) Complete max set of hand release push-ups Level 4: You completed between 10 and 20 hand release push-ups 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete 2 sets of 8 repetitions of in place inch-worm push-ups Complete 2 sets of 45 second high to low plank transitions Complete 3 sets of 10+ repetitions of triceps extension (band, plate, dumbbell) 3 minutes of Tabata hand release push-ups (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest)**switch to elevated or knee push-ups if needed Level 5: You completed less than 10 hand release push-ups 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete 2 sets of 8 repetitions of in place inch-worm push-ups Complete 3 sets of 30 second high plank holds Complete 3 sets of negative push-ups (8+ second descent) Complete 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions of elevated push-ups (bar, box, wall) Follow Michigan ARNG Master Fitness Trainers on YouTube for details on each movement https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSb6OQjzvx8TNbISrF_9s4A ***Ensure to properly warm up before attempting your progression workout. Also, rest roughly a minute between sets.