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Cookery Lesson Plan: Workplace Hazards & Risks

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education
Home Economics (Cookery)
Davao Oriental Sate College of Science and Technology
Prepared by: Chrisdel Mazelmae P. Sayson
Learning Objective:
At the end of the 60-minute period, students should be able to;
a. Identify the different types of hazard and risk in the workplace;
b. discuss the importance of knowing the difference types of hazard and risk in the
workplace; and
c. create a role play showing the different types of hazard and risk in the workplace
Subject Matter:
Home Economics (Cookery)
Identifying Hazards and Risks in the Workplace
Curriculum Guide in TLE – Home Economics – Cookery pp. 5
Printed Pictures
Marking Pen
Manila Paper
Scotch Tape
Steel Tape
Skills: Communication Skills
Values Integration: Teamwork
a. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Please all stand for the prayer.
(standing and bow their head)
(the teacher will call one student to lead the (one student will lead the prayer)
2. Greetings
Good Morning, Class!
Good Morning, Miss
Before you take your seats, please pick up (pick up garbage and arrange their chairs)
some pieces of garbage and arrange your
chairs properly.
Are you all done?
Yes, Miss
Alright! You may now take your seats.
(the students will take their seats)
3. Checking of attendance
Class secretary; please check the (the class secretary will record the
attendance of your classmates and give it to attendance of the class)
me after the class.
4. Classroom Rules
Who can recall our agreed classroom (some students will raise their hands to
rules? Please raise your right hand if you answer)
want to answer.
Yes please stand.
(the students will stand up and recite the
agreed classroom rules)
Be Prompt.
Be Prepared.
Be Productive.
Be Polite.
Be Patient.
Very good! I hope that those classroom
rules will be observe not only yester, today
and tomorrow but until the end of this school
5. Review
Alright then, Class who can recall the topic (one student will raise his hand)
that we discuss last meeting?
Yes please stand.
Miss our topic last meeting is about “The
Importance of Occupational Health and
Safety Procedures”
Okay, very Good! Now who share to the (one student raise his hand)
class what you can remember about the Miss
discussion on that topic?
It’s important to recognize the importance of
Yes please stand
Occupational Health and Safety
Okay very good. You may now take your (the students will watch the video)
6. Motivation
Alright before we proceed to our discussion,
let us have a simple class activity first. In
this activity, I will be needing two students
from the class and I will be the one who will
choose who among you here are the ones
who will join me here in front. When I call
your names, I want you to come here in
(the teacher will call 2 random students from (the students will join the teacher in front)
the class)
This time, I want you to think about which of
the two boxes you like the most. Then, in
the count of three, I want you to place your
right hand on top of the box of your choice.
Please be informed that the first person who
can place his/her hand on top of the box will
be the one who will open it. Please be
prepared for some surprises, okay? Now (the students will place their hands on top
place your hands in one, two and three!
of the boxes of their choice)
Very good! Now please pick up the pictures (the students will show the pictures from
inside of each of your boxes and show it to their boxes to their classmates)
your classmates.
Now, did you watched and listen to the It is used to cut the cuticles.
video carefully?
Really? Then, who can give me at least one
tool, equipment or implements shown in the
Okay please stand and state your answer.
(a student raised his/her hand)
And what is the use of cuticle nail pusher in Me miss!
Very good!
I think that our topic for today is all about
the steps in manicure.
You may now go back to your seats.
Now based on the video that you watched,
what do you think is our topic for today?
Yes? Please stand
Very good, but our exact topic for today is
about Preparing the necessary tools and
(the students will read the objectives)
equipment for the specific nail care activity.
Now, before we proceed to our discussion
let us read first our Lesson Objective.
Present Objectives:
At the end of the 60-minute period, students
should be able to;
a. Identify the different tools and
equipment used in manicure and
b. Discuss the importance of using
appropriate tools and equipment in
doing manicure and pedicure; and
c. Prepare the tools and equipment to be
used in manicure and pedicure
Now let us have another activity. In this
activity, I will give you the correct step-bystep procedure in performing manicure and Yes miss!
pedicure and all you have to do is paste the
picture of the tool or material that is used in
performing each step. You can paste the
picture in the space provided. But first, let us (the students will do their group activity)
group you in 2 groups. To come up with the
groupings, the students in my left will be the
Group 1 and the students in my right will be
the Group 2. I will only give you 15 minutes
to do so. You can start after I distribute the
materials and paste your output in the board
after 15 minutes. Do you understand?
(the teacher will distribute the activity
Okay, your 15 minutes starts now!
Activity sheets for Group 1 and 2
(the students will paste their outputs)
(a member of group 1 will raise his/her
(the student will present their output)
(a member of group 1 will raise his/her
(the student will present their output)
Aright time’s up! Paste your output in the
Any volunteer from the group 1 to present
your output?
Okay please present your group output
Very good!
(the teacher will give feedback)
Any volunteer from the group 1 to present
your output?
Very good!
(the teacher will give feedback)
Now let us have another activity.
With the same group, form a circle. All you
have to do is brainstorm how you are going
to demonstrate on how to prepare the tools,
implements and equipment for your
assigned nail care activity creatively. You
can prepare it while singing, dancing or
whatever creative way you can. Also, you
need to explain the importance of using
appropriate tools and equipment in doing
manicure and pedicure; and The group one
will do the manicure and the group 2 will do None miss.
the pedicure. Also, please refer to the
rubrics posted in the board in doing this
activity. I will only give you 20 minutes to do
so and your 20 minutes starts now.
( a student will raise his/her hand)
Me miss.
(the student will answer)
(another student will raise a hand)
Me miss.
( the student will answer)
Alright! You may now start!
Okay times up!
This time, let us start with group 12. Please
come here in front and show us what you
Very Good, please give a hand to group 2.
(students answering their quiz)
You may now go back to your seat.
(the teacher will give feedbacks)
Group 1, please come here in front and
show us what you got.
Okay very good, please give a hand to
group 1.
You may now go back to your seat.
(students submitted their papers)
(the teacher will give feedbacks)
Okay do you have any questions? Need
(students are copying their assignment)
Since you don’t have any question, I will be
done one who’ll ask you.
Yes, Miss
Who can tell me the purpose of this tool?
(the teacher shows the Emery board)
(one student lead the prayer)
Yes, please stand.
Why use this instead of sand paper?
Yes, please stand.
Very good!
Now get 1/2 sheet of paper and answer your
quiz. I will give you 5 minutes to answer and
your time starts now!
On a 1/2 sheet of paper, copy and answer
the questions carefully.
1. Name 1 tool used for pedicure.
2. Name 1 implement used for
3. Why is it important to soak the hands
Goodbye and Thank you Miss
or feet before applying nail polish?
4. What are the implements/tools
needed for cleaning the nails?
5. What is the importance of using
appropriate tools and equipment in
doing manicure and pedicure; and
Time’s up please pass your papers in front
Now get your assignment notebook and
copy your assignment.
Research on the internet the safety
procedures of using tools and equipment.
Write it in a ½ cross wise and submit on our
next meeting.
Are you done?
Okay please stand for our prayer
Please lead the prayer.
Goodbye class.
Prepared by: Chrisdel Mazelmae P. Sayson