University of Cebu Academe Research Ethics Committee Informed Consent Evaluation Form Form 2.4 Part 1. to be filled by the PI PROTOCOL TITLE: PROTOCOL NO. : Type of Review: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: CONTACT DETAILS: (email add & mobile number) ADVISER: CONTACT DETAILS: (email add & mobile number) INSTITUTION: Status: NEW Re-submission REVIEWER: Part 2. to be filled by the ICF Reviewer GUIDE FOR REVIEWING THE INFORM CONSENT PROCESS & FORM 1. Is it necessary to seek the Informed Consent of the participants? Unable to Assess YES NO IF NO, please explain IF YES, are the participants provided with sufficient information about the following items? YES o o o o o o o o Purpose of the study? Expected duration of participation? Procedure to be carried out? Discomforts and inconvenience? Risks (including possible discrimination)? Benefits to the participants? Compensation and/or medical treatment in case of injury? Who to contact for pertinent questions and/or for assistance in research-related concerns or injury? o Extent of confidentiality? NO 2. Is the inform consent written or presented in non-technical language that participants can understand? Unable to Assess YES NO 3. Does the protocol include an adequate process for ensuring that the consent is voluntary? Unable to Assess YES NO 4. Are the different types of consent forms (assent, patient representative) appropriate for the types of study participants? Unable to Assess YES NO 5. Are the names and contact numbers from the research team and REC in the informed consent? Unable to Assess YES NO 6. Is the Informed Consent translated into the local language/dialect? (if applicable) Unable to Assess YES 7. Do you have any other concerns? RECOMMENDATION: APPROVED Minor Revisions Required Major Revisions Required DISAPPROVED Signature over Printed Name of Reviewer Review Date NO