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Government vs Private Scientific Research Essay

Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the
governments rather than private companies. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
It is suggested that the government be in charge of conducting
scientific research, not private entities such as businesses.
Although there are some valid reasons for this suggestion, I am
personally opposed to it.
Government oversight over research in the area of science can
be justified on several grounds. The most potent reason for this
would be prevention of unethical practices. Some companies,
like cosmetics and drug manufacturers, test their new products
on animals and in some extreme cases, on humans, in the name
of scientific advances. This raises moral questions over animal
and human safety. The government could also play a critical
role in sharing scientific research results in a just and
meaningful manner. Companies are sometimes reluctant to
share their research results, but the government could
disseminate knowledge obtained from scientific research
efficiently with extensive resources at its disposal and to people
who need it the most.
Despite these reasons, I object to having the government
control scientific research. The main problem here is research
progress being stifled as a result of excessive regulation. That is,
inherent bureaucracy which comes with government
intervention could hamper research speed as well as business
operations. Allowing businesses autonomy in scientific research
would also fuel healthy competition. Having been given
freedom to research and experiment and deliver new products,
companies would be more driven to innovate, which will
ultimately benefit the economy. Finally, government
involvement can sometimes lead to malicious meddling when
there are corrupt officials involved. In these regards,
government being responsible for scientific research can be
In conclusion, government control over scientific research is
justifiable in some ways, but I believe it is an unwise course of
action as it can hinder progress and market competition and
possibly, create chances for unlawful acts.
294 words, #classwork