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Chain Pulley Block Safety: Do's & Don'ts

L&T Power – TPPC BU
Ensure that the chain block is in sound condition and good working order. Take action for immediate repair or replacement of damaged
parts. Use recommended parts only. The use of un-authorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.
Ensure the support for the chain block is capable of withstanding a load of at least 1½ times the chain block safe working load.
Keep the chain block clean for the best and safest performance.
Locate the chain block in a suitable, well lit work area.
Keep work area clean and tidy and free from unrelated materials.
Ensure all non-essential persons keep a safe distance whilst the chain block is in use.
Ensure load sling(s) are fully engaged in load hook and that hook safety bar is in the closed position.
Raise and lower in a smooth, controlled manner and DO NOT shock load the chain block by allowing the attached load to fall freely, even
for very short distances.
Check the brake operation by stopping when the load has been raised a short distance (100mm) and ensuring that it is held with no
downward creep.
DANGER: Use the chain block for lifting only, NOT for supporting the lifted load.
Use a qualified person to lubricate and maintain the chain block.
Store chain block in a dry and weather proof area when not in use.
DO NOT operate the chain block if damaged.
DO NOT allow untrained persons to operate the chain block.
DO NOT exceed the rated capacity (safe working load) of the chain block.
DO NOT raise or lower the load with jerky or abrupt movements of the hand chain.
DO NOT attempt to lift a load if the load chain is kinked or knotted.
DO NOT try to raise a load with two, or more, chain blocks - use a single block of adequate capacity.
DO NOT use the chain block to drag the load across the floor. Always position the load directly below the block.
DO NOT wrap the load chain around the load - always us separate, suitable, slings/chains/ropes of the correct capacity.
DO NOT allow anyone to stand or pass beneath the raised load.
DO NOT use the chain block for purposes other than that for which it is intended.
L&T Power – TPPC BU
L&T Power – TPPC BU
Never lift a load in excess of safe working load marked on the block.
Twisting of load chain should be avoided in single fall or multiple fall.
Load to be applied centrally.
No direct binding of load with load chain, i.e. never use load chain as a sling.
No extreme slant slinging.
No over lifting, No over lowering, No rough handling.
Don't forget to oil the load chain after use, do not use grease for lubricating load chain.
If Load chain jumps, does not work smoothly or marks in use, it is probably out of pitch
& should be replaced.
Do not allow dirt and hard grease to gather in pockets of the load or hand chain.
Do not store or leave the pulley blocks lying on the ground where they can collect dirt.
Care shall be taken when replacing the chains that same Grade and size of chain is
fitted; Grade of chain is marked on pulley blocks by manufacturer.
Gears should be periodically greased. (HPC lithon-2 is recommended)
Never weld the load chain.
Hook should be used with safety latch.
Hook should be periodically examined for opening, i.e. for elongation.
Never lift load from hook corner.
Examine the hook for swivel movement, that is top hook under no load and bottom
hook with load should be possible to rotate.
Brake system is through Ratchet and Pawl mechanism, hence never remove pawl.
Friction washers should not be lubricated. They are made of brake lining material.
Operator should always wear helmet during operation and no person should stand
under lifted load.
Operator should warn persons around to avoid any accidents.
Care should taken that lifted load should not swing during operation.
Handling to be done carefully while block is operated above furnaces or on any
heating equipment.
It is always recommended to use Pulley Block as per class Designed.
Pulley Block should be examined, inspected & tested by an impartial & competent
authority once in a year for its wear and safe working as certified in Factories Act
L&T Power – TPPC BU
Routine examination
The chain pulley block should be regularly inspected for damage and wear and to ensure that
it is operating smoothly. Where the hoist is used infrequently, a visual check should be made
of the chain pulley block each time it is used.
The following is a guide to routine checks, which should be carried out, on a chain pulley
block, which is used in normal operating conditions. Where a chain pulley block is used or
stored outdoors or in corrosive or abrasive conditions, inspection and lubrication must be
attended to more frequently.
External Inspection (Monthly checks)
Component /
Type of check
Inspection / Upkeep
Inspect visually
1. There should be no deformation of the hook.
2. There should be no cracks, or serious
3. Hook should hang square to lifting unit or top
yoke (top hook) or to bottom block side plates.
Inspect visually
All fasteners should be tight.
Inspect visually
Should be properly lubricated (Use "Cylesso
TK-140" oil) and free from rust and dust.
Rivets, Bolts & Nuts
Slack end pin &Chain Inspect visually
anchor pin
Should not be bent.
Chain wheels
Inspect visually
Chain pockets should not be deformed / worn
out. Should rotate freely.
Load Chain Guide
Inspect visually
Should rotate freely and keep chain in the
pockets of the chain wheel.
Inspect visually
There should not be any damage and wear.
Lifting and Lowering
Lift & lower a light
Hoist should operate smoothly and easily.
Pawl should click during lifting.
Lift & lower Safe
Working Load
Lifting and lowering operations should be
smooth without any of the following defects.
1. Load falls, if hand chain is released.
2. Load falls while lowering.
3. Load slips.
Stripper / Hand chain
L&T Power – TPPC BU
Internal Construction (Yearly checks)
A competent person, as per statutory regulations and to ensure the efficient and safe use of
the chain pulley block should carry the routine inspection and tests given above, together
with the following inspections every year.
Internal Construction (Yearly checks)
Component /
Ratchet Wheel &
Inspection / Upkeep
Type of check
Inspect visually
before dismantling
brake (see below)
Wear on the ratchet wheel profile and pawl
should not be excessive - pawl must engage
fully in the ratchet teeth. The pawl should not
be rusted. Check that the pawl stud is secure
that the circlip / split pin is retaining the pawl.
Load Chain Wheels & Inspect visually
Hand Chain Wheel
Clean out chain wheels pockets and check
that these are not deformed.
Spur Wheels and
Chain Wheels
Inspect visually
Clean of all lubricant and check that gear
teeth are not chipped, damaged or worn. Relubricate.
Chain Guide Rollers
Inspect visually
Should not be damaged, worn or deformed
and must rotate freely.
Inspect visually
Tip of stripper should not be seriously
flattened or damaged. (If in doubt, consult a
competent person or fit new items).
Examine the screw sleeve, split bush, friction washers, ratchet ring
and hand chain wheel, pawl, pawl spring and pawl stud. All items
must be in good condition. The faces of the screw sleeve, ratchet
wheel and hand chain wheel must not be worn or scored. The bores
of the screw sleeve and ratchet wheel should not be worn or scored.
The friction washers should be measured with a vernier caliper.
Minimum permissible thickness is 1.5 mm. Friction washers
must not be split or cracked.
L&T Power – TPPC BU
Load Slippage
Block not
hoisting or
lowering loads.
a. Friction washer(s)
may be worn out.
a. Replace friction washers.
b. Friction washer(s)
b. Clean friction washer with sandpaper.
c. Screw sleeve &
hand chain wheel is
c. Clean screw sleeve & hand chain wheel
square threads for burr / rust formation and
d. Check washer is
not working.
d. Check serration, if required, replace
check washer. Adjust
Nyloc nut.
e. Ratchet wheel &
pawl arrangement is
not working.
e. Check spring, if found defective, replace
it. Check ratchet wheel & pawl, if worn out,
replace them.Ratchet pawl stuck. Check &
clean pawl stud.
a. Check for load
chain twist.
a. Remove load chain twist.
b. Hand chain or load b. Clean chain wheels & replace chain.
chain may be stuck
due to foreign
Block making
a. Split bush may be
worn out.
a. Replace it.
b. Load chain stripper b. Replace it.
c. Load chain wheel c. Replace it.
pockets may be worn
d. Guide roller
d. Replace it.
e. Load chain is
jumping from wheel
e. Check load chain dimensions, refer table
& replace load chain.
f. Hand chain is
f. Check hand chain dimensions, refer table
slipping /jumping from & replace load chain.
wheel pockets
Load chain
a. Hoist is
a. Check load to be lifted & capacity.
b. Load chain may be b. Replace load chain.
worn out.
c. Load chain may be c. Remove load chain twist.
L&T Power – TPPC BU