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A Beginner's Guide to Getting Started With Diablo IV
Blizzard has kept Diablo 4 true to its roots as an isometric, dungeon-crawling action RPG, but
there are a few systems that might be unfamiliar to longtime fans. This is where these tips come
in! For example, the game lets you respec for free early on. This will let you test out different
abilities and perks without wasting your skill points.
1. Buy from MMOGAH
Throughout the game, players will encounter gear with various text colors - white (Normal), blue
(Magic), yellow (Rare), and tan (Legendary). Equip items that are upgrades to your current gear.
You can also use the Salvaging system to acquire materials that can be used to upgrade your
gear. Five different classes are available in Diablo IV, each offering a unique play style. Choose
your class carefully, and remember that every build is possible with the game's many Skill Trees.
Following the events of Reaper of Souls, the demon-haunted world of Sanctuary is rebuilding.
But a dark new threat is rising from the ashes of what was. Players will be able to fight back
against the undead army with friends in co-op, and take on epic bosses with the new dungeon
system that features Nightmare Dungeons.
2. Check out the Class Guides
With five different classes to choose from, each offering a unique play style, picking your initial
class in buy diablo 4 gold is one of the most important decisions you will have to make.
Fortunately, the game allows players to respec their characters cheaply while at low level, so you
can give each class a try without having to spend your hard-earned loot.
The Barbarian and Necromancer are two of the best options for beginners in Diablo IV,
especially because both classes are able to survive hordes of enemies and bosses due to their
survivability. The Sorcerer and Rogue, meanwhile, are powerful glass cannons that can be
difficult to master, but are great at dealing damage from range. But you may find yourself a new
favorite if you go with a different class!
3. Check out the Skill Tree
As you level up, you'll be able to unlock skills and passive bonuses in the Skill Tree. Each class
has three Unique categories that can be oriented toward offense, defense or utility.
Blizzard wants players to experiment with their builds, so early on respecs aren't too impactful.
However, later on they'll start to cost more and eventually require a substantial investment of
Thankfully, the game makes it easy to try out different builds by allowing you to refund skill
points for free. This allows you to see what each tier of abilities looks like, which is particularly
helpful with the Legendary Aspects that can be earned from dungeons. Using the keyword search
function is also useful for finding a theme around which to build your character's skills.
4. Check out the Salvaging System
Diablo IV has a lot of gear, weapons, and armor to keep track of. You'll be looting a new sword
or set of gloves almost every time you beat a boss, and your inventory will quickly fill up.
Luckily, you can salvage any equipment that doesn't fit your character or your current setup.
Salvaging will not only free up inventory space, but also grant you materials you can use to
upgrade your gear later on — especially important for legendary weapon and armor.
Additionally, salvaging certain gear can unlock its appearance for transmog, giving players more
options when it comes to dressing up their characters. For these reasons, it's always a good idea
to check out the Blacksmith's equipment salvaging features at least once early on.
5. Check out the Gems
Gems are shiny, enchanted rocks that, when socketed in gear, bestow different stat boosts on that
piece of equipment. Depending on the type of gem and its rarity, a weapon may receive an
overpower damage buff, armor may gain a defense boost, or jewelry might receive a resistance
Like in past Diablo IV, players can upgrade their Gems to higher quality levels for a fee at the
Jeweler NPC. This includes transforming three Crude gems into one Chipped gem, and then
upgrading that to a normal or even rare. The world of Sanctuary is a busy place, with sprawling
skill trees, tons of loot, and numerous systems to keep track of. But with these tips, newcomers
can set themselves up for success as they journey toward Lilith and the endgame.