Graphics OutPut Primitives By : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Basic Graphics System CGVR Output device Input devices Image formed in FB [Edward Angel, Interactive computer Graphics, 2009] Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Raster Graphics Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Frame Buffer Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Frame Buffer Refresh CGVR Refresh Rate Usually 30~75 Hz Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Color CRT Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University LINE-DRAWING ALGORITHMS CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University LINE-DRAWING ALGORITHMS CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University LINE-DRAWING ALGORITHMS Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University LINE-DRAWING ALGORITHMS CGVR LINE-DRAWING ALGORITHMS The Cartesian slope-intercept equation for a straight line is y=m.x+b with m representing the slope of the line and b as they intercept. Given that the two endpoints of a line segment are specified at positions (x , y ,) and (x , y ), as shown in Fig. we can determine values for the slope m and y intercept b with the following calculations: 1 1 2 2 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University LINE-DRAWING ALGORITHMS CGVR Numerical example of finding slope m: (Ax, Ay) = (23, 41), (Bx, By) = (125, 96) By Ay 96 41 55 m 0.5392 Bx Ax 125 23 102 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Output Primitives CGVR Points Lines DDA Algorithm Bresenham’s Algorithm Polygons Scan-Line Polygon Fill Inside-Outside Tests Boundary-Fill Algorithm Antialiasing Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Points CGVR Single Coordinate Position Set the bit value(color code) corresponding to a specified screen position within the frame buffer y setPixel (x, y) x Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Lines CGVR Intermediate Positions between Two Endpoints DDA, Bresenham’s line algorithms Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University DDA Algorithm CGVR The digital differential analyzer (DDA) is a scanconversion line algorithm based on calculating either y or x, Case 1: Consider first a line with positive slope, as shown in Fig. 3-3. If the slope is less than or equal to 1, we sample at unit x intervals ( x = 1) and compute each successive y value as Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University DDA Algorithm CGVR Digital Differential Analyzer 0 < Slope <= 1 Unit x interval = 1 Subscript k takes integer values starting y2 from 1, for the first point, and increases y1 by 1 until the final endpoint is reached. Since m can be any real number between 0 and 1, the calculated y values must be rounded to the nearest integer. x1 x2 y k 1 y k m Equation 3.6 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University DDA Algorithm CGVR Digital Differential Analyzer 0 < Slope <= 1 Unit x interval = 1 Slope > 1 y2 Unit y interval = 1 For lines with a positive slope greater than y1 1 we reverse the roles of x and y. That is, we sample at unit y intervals ( y = 1) and calculate each succeeding x value as x1 x k 1 x2 1 xk m Equation 3.7 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University DDA Algorithm CGVR Digital Differential Analyzer 0 < Slope <= 1 Slope > 1 Unit x interval = 1 y1 Unit y interval = 1 y2 -1 <= Slope < 0 Unit x interval = -1 x1 Equations 3-6 and 3-7 are based on the assumption that lines are to be processed from the left endpoint to the right endpoint (Fig. 3-3). If this processing is reversed, so that the starting endpoint is at the right, then either we have x = -1 x2 y k 1 y k m Equation 3.8 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University DDA Algorithm CGVR Digital Differential Analyzer Slope >= 1 0 < Slope < 1 y2 Unit y interval = 1 -1 <= Slope < 0 Unit x interval = 1 y1 Unit x interval = -1 Slope < -1 Unit y interval = -1 or (when the slope is greater than 1) we have y = -1 with x1 x k 1 x2 1 xk m Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Equation 3.9 Graphics Lab @ Korea University DDA Algorithm CGVR Advantages DDA algorithm is a faster method for calculating the pixel positions than the direct use of line equation. • It eliminates multiplication by making use of raster characteristics. Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University DDA Algorithm CGVR Disadvantages • DDA algorithm runs slowly because it requires real arithmetic (floating point operations) and rounding operations Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University DDA versus Bresenham’s Algorithm CGVR The Bresenham line algorithm has the following advantages: An fast incremental algorithm Uses only integer calculations Comparing this to the DDA algorithm, DDA has the following problems: Accumulation of round-off errors can make the pixelated line drift away from what was intended The rounding operations and floating point arithmetic involved are time consuming Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Bresenham’s Algorithm CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Bresenham’s Line Algorithm CGVR Midpoint Line Algorithm Decision variable d F M NE 1 F x p 1, y p 2 Q 1 a x p 1 b y p c 2 d > 0 : choose NE d new M P(xp, yp) E 3 F x p 2 , y p : dnew= dold+a+b 2 d <= 0 : choose E d new 1 F x p 2, y p 2 : dnew= dold+a Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Bresenham’s Algorithm(cont.) CGVR Initial Value of d 1 1 F x0 1, y 0 a x0 1 b y 0 c 2 2 1 F x0 , y 0 a b 2 F x , y 2 a x b y c d 2a b Update d x , if d 0, then y , d 2 a b x , if d 0, then d 2a Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Bresenham’s Algorithm(cont.) CGVR BRESENHAM’S LINE DRAWING ALGORITHM (for |m| < 1.0) Input the two line end-points, storing the left end-point in (x0, y0) 1. 2. Plot the point (x0, y0) 3. Calculate the constants Δx, Δy, 2Δy, and (2Δy - 2Δx) and get the first value for the decision parameter as: p0 2y x 4. At each xk along the line, starting at k = 0, perform the following test. If pk < 0, the next point to plot is (xk+1, yk) and: p p 2y k 1 k Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Bresenham’s Algorithm(cont.) CGVR Otherwise, the next point to plot is (xk+1, yk+1) and: pk 1 pk 2y 2x 5. Repeat step 4 (Δx) times The algorithm and derivation above assumes slopes are less than 1. for other s lopes we need to adjust the algorithm slightly. Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Adjustment CGVR For m>1, we will find whether we will increment x while incrementing y each time. After solving, the equation for decision parameter pk will be very similar, just the x and y in the equation will get interchanged. Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Bresenham’s Algorithm(cont.) CGVR EXAMPLE : To illustrate the algorithm, we digitize the line with endpoints (20, 10) and (30,18). This line has a slope of 0.8, with x = 10 , y=8 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Example – Draw a line from (20,10) to (30,18) x = 10 CGVR y=8 initial decision parameter has the value p0 = 2 y – x = 6 (30,18) Increment for calculating successive decision parameter are 2 y = 16, 2 y – 2 x) = -4 (20,10) k pk (xk+1,yk+1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 2 -2 14 10 6 2 -2 14 10 19 (21,11) 18 (22,12) 17 (23,12) 16 (24,13) 15 (25,14) 14 (26,15) 13 (27,16) 12 (28,16) 11 (29,17) 10 (30,18) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Bresenham’s Algorithm(cont.) CGVR 20 , 10 Pk (X k+1 , Y k+1) 0 6 21 , 11 6 + 16 -20 = 2 1 2 22 , 12 2 + 16 – 20 = -2 2 -2 23 , 12 -2 +16 = 14 3 14 24 , 13 14+ 16 – 20 = 10 4 10 25 , 14 10 + 16 - 20 = 6 5 6 26 , 15 6 +16 -20 = 2 6 2 27 , 16 2 + 16 – 20 = -2 7 -2 28 , 16 -2 +16 = 14 8 14 29 , 17 14 + 16 -20 = 10 9 10 30 , 18 10 +16 - 20 = 6 If pk < 0, the next point to plot is (xk+1, yk) and: pk 1 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Pk + 2 y–2 K x pk 2y Graphics Lab @ Korea University Bresenham’s Algorithm(cont.) CGVR Go through the steps of the Bresenham line drawing algorithm for a line going from (21,12) to (29,16) Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Circle : CGVR Drawing a circle on the screen is a little complex than drawing a line. There are two popular algorithms for generating a circle − Bresenham’s Algorithm and Midpoint Circle Algorithm. These algorithms are based on the idea of determining the subsequent points required to draw the circle. Let us discuss the algorithms in detail − In computer graphics, the midpoint circle algorithm is an algorithm used to determine the points needed for rasterizing a circle. Bresenham's circle algorithm is derived from the midpoint circle algorithm. Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Mid-Point Circle Algorithm Similarly to the case with lines, there is an incremental algorithm for drawing circles – the mid-point circle algorithm In the mid-point circle algorithm we use eight-way symmetry so only ever calculate the points for the top right eighth of a circle, and then use symmetry to get the rest of the points Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar CGVR The mid-point circle algorithm was developed by Jack Bresenham, who we heard about earlier. Bresenham’s patent for the algorithm can be v i e d Graphics Lab @ Korea University Mid-Point Circle Algorithm CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Mid-Point Circle Algorithm CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University Mid-Point Circle Algorithm CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University The Mid-Point Circle Algorithm 1. CGVR MID-POINT CIRCLE ALGORITHM Input radius r and circle centre (xc, yc), then set the coordinates for the first point on the circumference of a circle centred on the origin as: ( x0 , y0 ) (0, r ) 2. Calculate the initial value of the decision parameter as: p0 1 r 3. Starting with k = 0 at each position xk, perform the following test. If pk < 0, the next point along the circle centred on (0, 0) is (xk+1, yk) and: pk 1 pk 2 xk 1 1 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University The Mid-Point Circle Algorithm (cont…) CGVR Otherwise the next point along the circle is (xk+1, yk-1) and: pk 1 pk 2 xk 1 1 2 yk 1 5. Where 2x k+1 = 2xk + 2 and 2yk+1 = 2yk - 2 Determine symmetry points in the other seven octants Move each calculated pixel position (x, y) onto the circular path centred at (xc, yc) to plot the coordinate values: x x xc y y yc 6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 until x >= y 4. Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Mid-Point Circle Algorithm Example CGVR To see the mid-point circle algorithm in action lets use it to draw a circle centred at (0,0) with radius 10 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University Mid-Point Circle Algorithm Exercise CGVR Use the mid-point circle algorithm to draw the circle centred at (0,0) with radius 15 Compile by : Engr. Syed Atir Iftikhar Graphics Lab @ Korea University