ST. THOMAS MORE SCHOOL OF LAW AND BUSINESS Doctolero Avenue, Brgy. Magugpo East, Tagum City Website: Tel.No (084) 216-3866 Course Code: ENG 24 Course Title: PREPARATION OF LANGUAGE LEARNING MATERIALS I. Institutional Outcomes: 1. Graduate Attributes LEARNER •Learns and works independently as well as collaboratively. •Translates knowledge generated from research and other sources to improve quality of life. •Creates new ideas to better understand society •Evaluates own thinking, behavior and spirituality for self-growth REFLECTIVE AND CREATIVE THINKER •Thinks critically and creatively. •Open-minded. •Solves problems systematically. •Loves art and shows artistic sensibility. CARING AND TRUSTWORTHY CITIZEN •Values people and acts in unity with others. •Commits to social justice and principles of sustainability and respect for diversity. •Practices good stewardship and accountability •Manifests social responsibility by helping improve conditions of those who have less in life or circumstance. PROFICIENT COMMUNICATOR •Articulates ideas clearly for varied purposes and audiences of diverse culture. •Listens attentively, engages in meaningful exchange and shares knowledge, values, attitudes and intentions. •Utilizes effectively appropriate media and information technologies. COMPETENT AND PRODUCTIVE PROFESSIONAL •Initiates, innovates better ways of doing things and accountability. •Promotes quality and productivity. 2. Vision A home for quality education where knowledge and character go together. 3. Mission We, the members of the St. Thomas More School of Law and Business, community, commit ourselves to: a. develop and form integrated individuals following the values of St. Thomas More; and b. provoke transformative, liberating and relevant academic programs responsive to the growing and changing needs of the local, national and global communities. 4. Goals 5. To develop socially responsible, competent, honest and effective professionals in the field of law and other allied courses. 6. To attain professional skills and competence necessary for the performance of the assigned tasks. To strengthen placement programs to address the unemployment issues of our country. II. Program Outcomes a. Apply the basic and higher-level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, and learning skills needed for teaching and for learning. b. Create a conducive learning environment based on learner-centered principles. c. Implement educational processes which relate to larger historical, social, cultural and political systems. d. Show mastery of subject matter they will teach. e. Utilize a wide range of teaching process skills including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, and teaching approaches. f. Demonstrate metacognitive skills (reflection) in the practice of the teaching profession. g. Practice the professional and ethical principles/standards of the teaching profession. h. Use a wide range of teaching knowledge and skills to facilitate learning of diverse types of learners. i. Integrate the subject matter, the teaching- learning processes and the broader social forces to enhance knowledge, skills and practices in teaching. j. Utilize information and communications technology (ICT) in the various aspects of the teaching-learning process. k. Engage in self-directed learning with the passion to keep abreast with national and global developments relevant to education. l. Demonstrate information literacy and analytical skills in conducting research in one’s field and in utilizing and sharing results. m. Employ a variety of appropriate assessment tools and strategies, utilize results and report them to learners, parent and superiors. n. Collaborate with various sectors of the community to tap resources for learning and respond to the needs of the community. III. Course Information: 1. Course Number: ENG 24 2. Course Title: PREPARATION OF LANGUAGE LEARNING MATERIALS 3. Course Description: Preparation of language learning materials give students advanced instruction and practice in writing and creating learning materials within an academic discipline and make students aware of the development and administration of language learning programmes in either educational or workplace settings will need little persuading that materials evaluation and design, along with for example, syllabus design, learner assessment and the study of classroom processes are centrally important applied-linguistic activities. This course is designed for students to develop instructional materials. It will provide the context and focus for the materials. Students will identify an important learning objective that learners have difficulty achieving in a given learning situation, then develop a needs analysis tool about the source of the problem, design instructional materials and ways to implement them in order to address the problem in an inclusive way, and design an evaluation plan. At each step the process will be grounded in the foundational knowledge that exists in the disciplinary and educational literature. 4. Course Credit: 3 5. Pre-requisites: NONE IV. Course Outcomes A. Cognitive (Knowledge): o Define and discuss the purposes of instructional materials. o Explain the basis for choosing an appropriate instructional material. o Analyze and systematize the approaches to materials evaluation. o Identify, analyze, and evaluate the process of supplementary materials design. o Plan, organize, revise, practice, edit, and proofread to improve the development and clarity of ideas. B. Affective (Attitude): o Show appreciation of the availability of textbooks. o Respect other people’s creativity and uniqueness. o Show understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of a ready-made IM. o Work harmoniously with group members. C. Psychomotor: V. o Conduct needs analysis. o Design an instructional material. o Write clear and effective coursebook in language, using conventions appropriate to the target students. o Design worksheet exercises, grammar exercises and vocabulary exercises out of the coursebook. o Pilot test the instructional material. Course Outline/Learning Plan Specific Learning Outcomes I. Introduction to Materials Development 1. Principles of Second Language Acquisition Relevant to Materials Development 2. IMs for Teaching Language 3. Role of Instructional Materials 4. Basic Principles and Procedures in Materials Development 5. Benefits of instructional Materials Topics for Coverage By the end of this chapter, students will be able to: o Understand the principles in second language when developing materials o Distinguish the learning materials from other teaching language materials o Determine the roles of instructional materials in a language –learning classroom o Apply the principles of materials in developing languagelearning materials o Identify the benefits of instructional materials Teaching/ Learning Activities Video Lectures ○ Handouts ○ Interactive discussion ○ Oral Reports ○ Hands-on activities Resources LAPTOP TV WORKSHEET Assessment Tasks Common assessment methods that will be use are: ○ ePortfolio ○ Exit Ticket ○ Recitation ○ Quizzes ○ Graphic Organizer ○ Requirement PRELIM EXAM II. Preparation of Materials 1. Types of Instructional Materials 2. Classification of Materials 3. Advantages Claimed for Authentic and Created Materials 4. Qualities of a Good Material 5. Factors to Consider in Writing Instructional Materials 6. Factors to Consider in Writing IMs 7. Principles in Materials Design 8. Design, Development and Dissemination of Materials 9. Guidelines for Developing Materials By the end of this chapter, students will be able to: o Distinguish instructional materials form other types used in the language classroom o Differentiate authentic materials from created material o Distinguish authentic materials from created materials used in language teaching ○ Video Lectures ○ Handouts ○ Interactive discussion ○Oral Reports ○Hands-on activities LAPTOP TV WORKSHEET Common assessment methods that will be use are: ○ ePortfolio ○ Exit Ticket ○ Recitation ○ Quizzes ○ Graphic Organizer ○ Requirement By the end of this chapter, students will be able to: o Familiarize with the proper use of words in the worksheets in relation to the context o Practice integrating the language skills o Plan, organize, and design a suitable exercises ○ Video Lectures ○ Handouts ○ Interactive discussion ○Oral Reports ○Hands-on activities LAPTOP TV WORKSHEET Common assessment methods that will be use are: ○ ePortfolio ○ Exit Ticket ○ Recitation ○ Quizzes ○ Graphic Organizer ○ Requirement IV. Materials Evaluation 1. Definition and Principles in Materials Evaluation 2. Qualities of Each Unit of Materials should Reflect 3. Types of Materials Evaluation V. Materials Adaptation 1. Principles and Procedures for Adapting Materials 2. Teacher-centered and Learner-centered Approach to Adaptation 3. Key Features of Materials Adaptation 4. Materials and Digital Technology o Revise, practice, edit, and proofread to improve the development of the worksheets. o Identify the different ways of evaluating materials o Apply the principles on evaluating the materials o Differentiate the different types of evaluating materials be able to: o Discuss the principles of materials adaptation o Identify the techniques for materials adaptation o Explain reason in adapting materials o Apply the evaluation processes in adapting materials o Differentiate teacher-centered from learner-centered instruction o Determine the advantages and disadvantages of teacher and leaner-centered approach ○ Video Lectures ○ Handouts ○ Interactive discussion ○Oral Reports ○Hands-on activities Video Lectures ○ Handouts ○ Interactive discussion ○Oral Reports ○Hands-on activities LAPTOP TV WORKSHEET LAPTOP TV WORKSHEET Common assessment methods that will be use are: ○ ePortfolio ○ Exit Ticket ○ Recitation ○ Quizzes ○ Graphic Organizer ○ Requirement MIDTERM EXAM Common assessment methods that will be use are: ○ ePortfolio ○ Exit Ticket ○ Recitation ○ Quizzes ○ Graphic Organizer ○ Requirement IV. Developing Specific Types of Materials 1. Teaching Grammar 2. Teaching Vocabulary 3. Developing Reading Skills 4. Developing Writing Skills 5. Developing Speaking Skills 6. Developing Listening Skills o Identify the significant features in adapting materials o Integrate digital technology in a language-learning classroom o Incorporate social media interactive tools in language teaching o Design games for interactive learning o Create their own e-learning kit By the end of this chapter, students will be able to: o Develop an instructional materials suitable for every macro skills language teaching o Create a specific material that caters for the students different learning styles and cultural differences Video Lectures ○ Handouts ○ Interactive discussion ○Oral Reports ○Hands-on activities LAPTOP TV WORKSHEET Common assessment methods that will be use are: ○ ePortfolio ○ Exit Ticket ○ Recitation ○ Quizzes ○ Graphic Organizer ○ Requirement FINAL EXAM 7. Developing Viewing Skills 8. Developing for Cultural Awareness VI. Textbooks: NONE VII. References: Masuhara, H., Mishan F., & Tomlinson, B. (Eds.). (2017). Practice and Theory for Materials Development in L2 Learning. Newcastle upon Tine: Cambridge Scholars Tomlinson, B. (Ed.). (1998). Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press The Bridge School (2008). Instructional framework for effective learning. Retrieved on December 10, VIII. E-journal/s: NONE IX. Course Requirements: Reflection Paper ePortfolio Performance Task Oral Reports eLearning Kit X. Grading System: Performance Tasks 35% Assessment/Quizzes 15% Attendance 10% Exam 40% ____ 100% XI. Classroom Policies: 1. Regular attendance is required for all students; three (3) unexcused absences will mean automatically dropped from the course. 2. A student is responsible for his/her absence; no make-up projects will be given. 3. Wearing of the College students’ ID and uniform at all times is required for all the students except when having field activities. 4. Active participation individually or in group is expected. 5. Fifteen (15) minutes of tardiness is equivalent to one (1) period of absence. 6. Student shall abide the instructor/professor’s policy on the submission of learning outputs based on the metrics and deadlines given. 7. Others (agreed upon by the class) Prepared by: SOPPHIA FAYE CHLOE F. CALOPE, LPT Reviewed by: SILVER FEB J. AUMENTADO, LPT Approved by: VINA M. ZARAGOZA, ED. D