Quantitative Research Non-Experimental ---SURVEY Experimental CAUSE AND EFFECT PRE-TEST/POST-TEST LABORATORY Quantitative Research Survey- quantitative or numeric description of some part of a population A “sample” via questionnaire (if people are involved) Results enables researcher to generalize the findings from a sample of responses. Experimental- TESTS cause and effect relationships between groups. Researcher manipulates one or more independent variables Determines if manipulations cause an outcome Quan tita tive Meth ods Non pro babl ity NonExperi mental Experi mental Sam plin g Prob abil ity Survey Survey Desi gn Provid es nu meric de scri ptio n of so me p art o f th e po pula tion cross se cti onal Size of sa mple Sub jects Sel ection, as sign ment an d nu mber of su bjects Rand om se lection Conven ience Sam ple Rand om Sam plin g colle cte d at on e po int in ti me In depe nden t Va riabl es Depe nden t lo ngitudin al colle cte d over a perio d of ti me Pop ulation an d Sam ple Describe the po pula tion Describe the sa mpli ng Desi gn si ngle sta ge Overall Desi gn di scu ssio n Desi gn mu ltis tage Spe cific use of In depe nden t varia bles Wh at s urvey in strum ent us ed? di scu ss ma teria ls us ed to create tre atme nt condi tion s Describe in strum ent/s to be used in expe rimen t In strum enta tion an d ma teria ls Provid e di agram to il lustrate res earch de sign Sel f de sign ed mo difi ed Va lidi ty In strum enta tion In tact Reli abil ity Ste p-by-ste p ap proach Procedu re Pil ot Study/ te stin g Sta tistica l An alysis Va riabl es i n Stu dy Data Ana lysis Describe de scri ptive statis tics calculated Describe in feren tial statis tics us ed to te st hypo thes is Social Science (Sample) Surveys When we “survey” something, we inspect it in detail A “social survey”, therefore, is an inspection of a particular society or part of society and a collection of facts about that society, institution or group Social Surveys: History Two developments in the early 20th century paved the way for modern social science surveys: Ideas underlying random sampling, used first in agriculture, were applied to the collection of social facts Techniques of structured interviewing, standardized question wording Social Surveys: 1930s-1940s The 1930s: advent of modern survey research in the U.S.(Gallup and Roper polls) The Depression: Federal government sponsored research into unemployment. World War II: surveys were widely used to study war bond purchases, troop morale, attitudes toward integration. Social Surveys: 1960s-1970s Several developments contributed to widespread use of survey data: development of high-speed computers for processing data widespread ownership of phones made interviewing easier Results: business and government decisions increasingly based on surveys Survey Design Provides a quantitative or numeric description of some fraction of the population - the sample- through the data collection process of asking questions of people. …..always “people”? Typical Components of a Survey Method Plan Design Population and Sample Instrumentation Variables in the Study Data Analysis Survey Design Begin by reviewing the purpose of a survey and the rationale for its selection What is the purpose of survey research? Indicate why a survey is the preferred type of data collection. Indicate whether the survey is cross-sectional (collected at one point in time) or longitudinal( collected over a period of time) Specify the form of data collection - mail, interview, and provide a rationale for the procedure (cost, availablility, convenience) Population and Sample Specify the characteristics of the population and sampling procedure. Describe the population in the study Identify whether the sampling design for this population is single stage or multistage. • Single - research has access to names in the population and can sample directly • Multistage - researcher first samples groups (clusters) obtains names of individuals within each group (cluster) and then samples within the cluster. Populuation and Sample (cont) Identify how indiviuals will be selected Random, judgemental, snowball Discuss whether this sample was stratified….procedures for selecting the sample……number of people in the sample and how this number was determined…etc…etc…etc…. Instrumentation Identify the survey instrument used Self designed??? Modified??? Intact??? Validity and Reliability Include sample items so readers can see actual items used (appendix) Pilot testing or field testing procedures Steps used in administering Surveys and Questionnaires The design of surveys and questionnaires How to frame questions Kinds of scales: Likert, Semantic Differential etc. Analyzing survey data: which items are useful, Item Response Theory Forming a scale to measure an attribute, e.g., satisfaction. Reliability, validity of scale Variables Identify the INDEPENDENT variables Also called treatment conditions or factors These are under the control of the researcher and typically are manipulated in an experiment Independent variables lead to changes in the dependent variable. Dependent Variables Identify the dependent variable or variables to be used in the study The dependent variable is the response or the criterion variable presumed to be CAUSED or influenced by the independent treatment conditions. Data Analysis Present data analysis in a series of steps Step 1; step 2; step 3, etc.