NECRONS AEONS HAVE THEY SLUMBERED, WHILE WHI LE STARS HAVE WHEELED THROUGH THE HEAVENS AD EMPIRES HAVE RISEN AND FALLEN FAL LEN TO DUST YET ALL THINGS HAVE THEIR TIME AND AMDST THE FLAMES AND MADNESS OF THE GALY'S DEATH THROES, SO THEIRS HAS COME AGAIN AGAIN... ... CONTENTS Introduction....................3 e Necrons .... .4 In Search ofmmortality ... 6 he Relentless March .. 8 Eldritch Arice .....10 War Zone Aonep ..... .....12 12 Tomb orlds............... orlds...............14 14 he Awakening Empire 16 16 he Phaerons' Legions 19 Szarekhan Dynasy ....... 20 Sauekh Dynasy .........21 .........21 Mephri Dynast Dynastyy ......22 ......22 Nephrekh Dynasy .....22 .....22 Nihiakh Dnasty ..........23 Novokh Dynasy .23 .23 Myiad Dynasies ..........24 ..........24 e Sient King..... .....28 28 motekh......................32 ......................32 Trazyn the Innie ...33 ...33 luminorr Szeras lumino 34 34 Orikan he Diviner... ...35 35 ....36 Zahndrekh & Obyon ....36 Anraky....... Anraky ....... 37 Showcase.........38 he Rules........ Rules........48 Combat Parol 50 Be-ge e Deachmen Abiliies..... .....5 5 Dynasic Codes ...........52 ...........52 Ancien Dynasie Dynasiess .....54 .....54 Dynasic Tradiions 54 54 Circumstanes of wakening ...55 ...55 Sratagems Sratagems 56 56 Dynasic Straagems .60 .60 Cryptek Arkana............. ............. 62 62 e arlord Trais 64 64 Dnastic arlord Trais65 Relics .................... ......................66 Powers of the Ctan 68 68 e e Chaper Approved Rules.69 e e Agendas Agend as . .71 71 Requisiions Requisi ions 72 attle rais ................. ................. 73 Dnastic Epithes .......... .......... 74 eapon Enhancmens 76 76 atte Scars Scars 76 Crusade Relics ............ ............ 77 Crusade Army 78 78 Dee Dee moekh he Stormlord .82 Orikan he Diviner ...... 82 82 Anrakyr he Traeler ..83 Vargard Obyon 83 Illuminor Szeras 84 84 Nemesor Zahndrekh ....84 ....84 Trazyn he n n nite ........85 ........85 Royal arden 86 86 Skorpekh Lord. Lord.86 86 Lokhust Lord .............87 Lord .. .. 87 Catacomb Command arge ............ ............88 88 Overord ............ .................... ........89 Technomancer Technomancer 90 Psychomancer 90 Chronomancer ...91 ...91 Plasmancer.................. Plasmancer ..................91 91 Necron arriors ..92 Immoras ...........92 ...........92 Canoptek Reanimaor ...93 ...93 Hexmark Destroyer ...93 ...93 Lychguard Lychgu ard ...... . .....94 94 Deathmarks .94 .94 Fayed Ones ..................95 Crypothrals ...............95 ...............95 Skorpekh Desro Desroyers yers 96 96 Canoptek Plasmac Plasmacye ye ..96 ..96 Triarch Staker .......... ..........97 97 C'an Shard of the Deceiver.............. Deceiver..............98 98 C'an Shard of the Nighbringer...........98 C'an Shard of the Void Voi d Dragon .... 99 Transcendent C'tan. C'tan.00 00 Canopek Spyders .......0 .......0 Canoptek Scarab Swarms 10 10 Ophydian Destroyers ..102 ..102 Tomb ades ............. .............102 102 Triarch Praetorians 103 103 Canoptek raihs .......103 .......103 Annihilation arge .....104 .....104 Doomsday Ark ........... ...........104 Lokhus Destroyers 105 Lokhus Heavy Desroyers..... .....105 Canopek Doomsalker.106 Ghos Ark .106 .106 Doom Scythe ............... ...............107 107 Nigh Scyhe Sc yhe ............ ............107 107 Obelisk ................108 ................108 Tesseract Vaut. .108 108 Monolith Mono lith ... ...109 109 e Silent King ........... ........... 10 10 Convergence of Dominion 11 11 ge eapon Proes P roes ......12 ......12 Points Vaues ............16 ............16 e eeee Gossary Gossa ry ................. .................19 19 Rerencee....20 Rerenc .... 20 PRODUCED BY B Y THE WARHAMMER WARHAMMER STUDIO STUDIO With thanks to the Mourniva and the Infnity Infn ity Circ r their addtona addtona playtesing ser vices Codex: Necons Copyigh Games Workshop Limited 2020. odex: Necons GW Games Wokshop Wokshop Spac e Maine 40K Wahamme Wahamme Wahamme 40000 the 'Aqia Dobeheaded Eage ogo and a assocated ogos, usations images names ceates aces, vehices locations weapons chaactes and the disinctive ikenesses heeof ae eithe® o TM, and/o Q Games Wokshop imied vaaby registered aound the wod A Rights eseved o pa of this pubicaon may be eproduced stoed in a eteva system or transmited in any om o by any means eectonc mechanica phoocopying ecording o oherise wihot he pri pemsson o the pbshers his is a wok of icion the characers and evens poayed n ths book are fictona and any esembance to rea peope o ncidents is purey coincidenta Btish Cataogung-nPbicaion Data A cataogue recod for ths book is avaiabe om the Brits Libay ictes used r istraive pposes ony. Cean Citade poduc may be dangeos if sed incoecty and Games Wokshop does not ecommend them fo se by chiden nde he age of 16 withot adt speision. Whateve yo age be caef when sing ges baded eqipment and spays and make se that yo ead and foow the instucions on the packaging Ges Wokshop Ld, Wiow Rd Lnton Notinghm NG7 2WS gaes-wokshop.o 2 INTRODUCTION Welcome, mighty Phaeron Te tome you now hold contains all you need to know order to command your deathless android legions. Within ts t s pages you will nd the history hi story of the the Necron race details of how their dynastic armies array themselves r battle examples of their their ancient heraldic glphs and all the rules you need to conquer the lesser races once and r all e Necrons are amongst the most ancient and powerl races in the gaa. Armoured bodies of livng livng metal, they Colecting a Necron army r Warhammer 40,000 bales puts a of ths eldritch might at your disposal e Tey are also a ntastic army r collector s and painters painters With their articia bodies bearing cear detais, advancee in inexorabe ockstep upon advanc their terried es Their weapons unleash the ndamenta energies of the cosmos, even as ickering ickering portals bam Necrons Necro ns into battle om across impossibe interstear interstear gus. Shatered shards of insane tar gods warp ealiy itef to annihilate the enem, even as deranged nobes command mighty war engines to eradicate their victims wholesae errible, monstrous beings with bladed limbs and gowing eyes stalk their victims om the shadows atacking in sudden explosions of insane butchery. As the Necrons' archeotechnoogica tomb cities rise up fom below and their eerie invasion leets leets sweep d own om the skies, their enemies fee the icy grip of terror cutch their hearts; surely their doom is upon them. Necrons oer a gr eat many advantages, whether you are a brand new colector or a easoned veteran of tabletop warre. Necron rces are tremendousy resiient, abe to soak up punishment that would eave many armies in tatters. In return, they eve spectacular silades at their enemies, om salvoes of gauss energy that can atomise inantry and armour alke, to beams of star-re, cracklng webs of living ightning and lethal blasts of rce that weaponise time itsel With teeportation technologies and war engines that give them a potent ur n of speed, an array of specialist units that amost ever y strategic niche and mighty combatants capabe of besting the gas greatest warriors in bate, the Necrons are truy a ction to be rekoned reko ned with these models can be made Battle Ready with incredibe speed and ease, and stil ook string when gathered together on the tabetop Aternativ Aternativey, ey, those who wish to can lavish hours of skilled attention into picking ut every intricate feature of the Necrons andrid rms in order to bring to life some of the most eerie, menacing and evocative-looking models in the Warhammer 40,000 gaa. 3 . In the pages that lo, you will nd a weath of background detail about the Necron race, their histor, dyasties and conicts You w aso nd l rues r amassing your own mighy egions, as we as a ntastic array of inspirationa art and photograph, ph otograph, representing representing the Necron race in al its insane grandeur and timeless, pitiless horror. IN SEARCH OF IMMORTALITY Te ecrons are fered across he mperium and beyond as a race of seemingly immoral android warriors Dark rumours circulae of ancien omb complexes rising rom beneah he surces of seled worlds, of ominous invasion lees sweeping down om on high and of inexorable armies crushing all beneath heir meallic meallic read. Ye he Necrons were no always hus hus Mos of he galas senien races know he Necrons ony as he erring beings hey hey are no ndeed i ook he mperium of Manknd many cenuries even o recognise hem as a coheren xenos race. e Necrons ruling nobly were cealy seen o be senien and ferociousy inelligen inelligen However, few amongs hem have made any eors I was in he Necrontr's darkes hour during he reign of Szarekh, as a s of he Sien Kings Kings ha he C' an hose caed caed he Yngir came bere he Necrontyr wh an oer of aid e egends speak of ancien sar gods, beings rmed om he undamenal energies of he universe, who oered Szarekh and his people all hey had ever desired: power and immorai his race, Szarekh ook his ship ino he inergaacic void o seek whaever soace he migh amongs he empy darkess o eaborae upon heir origins or o moivaions o wha hey consider be he lesser races races ey ey have simp simpy y exerminaed hem Al woud coswih was r C'an heanNecronty allyihemseves wi h he C' o desroy desroyo he haed Od Ones rever once heirs, and he gal rembles berewas hem Ye hins exs even o, in deeply buried xenoarcheologica remnans in he ong memories and hidden lore of he Aeldari and n commonalie commonaliess of primiiv primiivee arwork and trba mhoogies of a race very deren deren o he Necron Necronss known and feared in he 41s Miennium THE WAR IN HEAVEN HEAVEN Once, he legends sugges, he Necrons were a esh-and-bood race known as he Necrony Shor-lived and warike hese beings were obsessed wih deah and r all heir wondrous echnoogies echnoogies and sar-spanning sar-spanning empire empire were in c quarresome and acious. Legends ell ha, desperae o unie heir peope, he Necons' ulers began a war wih he beings kow as he he Od Ones Ones I was a war over he secres of immorat immorat and aso a war ha he Necronyr could never win Szarekh deiberaed long, bu in he end he aceped he oer n so doing, he damned his enire race Fragmens of ore describe wha owed he nighmare process of bioransfe bioransference rence ha paced he mds of he Necronyr ino living meal bodies and ransrmed hem ino he Necrons e price was heir souls, devoured devo ured by he eering eering Can and r a bu hose of he ruing ruing cases he obieraion of almos all personait and ee ill No more would he Necrons war and poiick wih one anoher r heir wills were bound o Szarekh's conrol hrough cas-ion command proocos Ye he cos of his uniy had been monsrous indeed If cogen deais of his War in Heaven sill exis hey do so only in he memories of he Necrons hemselves. However, Aedari lore suggess ha he Od Ones webway he were he creaors of he webway arerial nework of eherea unnes ha si spans he inersices beween he e egends coninue, scaered agmens ellig of he defea of he Od Ones and of ho in he momen when he C'an C' an were a heir weakes llowng ha ianic coic he Necrons ook heir revenge and shatered he dupicious sar gods ey describe how Szarekh saw ha his peope's ime was done, r hey could no ce he Od Ones venge servans he Aeldari Aeldari chief amongs amongs hem I is sad ha he Silen King commanded his people o iner hemseves wihin he sasiscrps of heir omb ciies, here o warpOld andOnes realspace he webwa, he drove Using he Necrony back on every on. seep ou he aeons heydesroying coud rise agan o conuer allunil Finall his command proocols and feeing 6 THE AWAKE WAKENING NING e Necons have slep r sxy mllon years, if he Aedari Book ofMouul ofMouul Night is o be beieved Now hey are waking a las, rising up o ake back wha e echnoogies ha ciiaed he Grea Sleep were so r beyond Human comprehension ha hey migh as wel have been sorcery Hperinelligen maser pograms and legions of Canopek slaeconsrucs wached over he Necron ombs as he ages crep pas. Despie all his maniod disasers bese he slumbering xenos Some omb omb words were plundered by esser races or purposey purged by venge Aedari Ohers ced cascade iures in heir sasis-crps, were obieraed by sellar caasrophe or come srike or endured such vioen econic shis ha enire ombs were ooded ooded wih moen ava Even hose worlds ha survived ended up ar om heir origina posiions, scatering he dyasic erriories of od and leavng he Necons agmened and cionalised Te T e chronosas of many omb words sipped due o mechanica ilure or empyic disorion us, raher han rising up as one across he gal, he Necrons have awoken piecemea Some emerged om sasis during during he days of he Emperor's Grea Crusade while many ohers sumber sill Nor have he Necrons hemselves come hrough he process unchanged Corrupion crephe no he minds of many eiherhas during passing ages or while enduring he slow and unsetling Q 0 . . u < z- <w . X 0 0: u " z z · process of revivication Nihistic madness or mindess stupor caim some whle he personaity engrams of others have been distorted by countess subte derangeme derangements. nts. For a this many bilions of Necrons Necrons have aready awoken and trillions more stir. heir nobe eaders might, in many cases be mad, but they have lost none of their arrogant sense of superiori nor their desire r conquest. Every Ev ery Overlord and phaeron has their own agenda, be it to stockpile ad rti, to raid and destabise to send rth mperious envoys or to beg omnicida purges of non-Necron ie. To oher races, the Necrons' behaviour seems random to the point of insanit yet in truth most are working towards the same core goals: reconquer the stars they once rued and restore to glory whichever dyasy they once beonged to. A THOUSAND EMPIRES Most Necron nobles are sil traditionaists traditio naists cleaving to ancient social soc ial and martial rms hey impose rigid hierarchie on their underlings and order and depoy their legions in accordance with or deance nce of the codes codes of the Triarch that once governed them a Most importat hey stl ght r their ancient dyasties Sautekh Mephrit Nihakh ad Ogdobekh Ogdobek h these ad countless countless other t he spintered dyasties make up the Necron race A A are technically united in subservience to the th e rue of the Silent Kng. In truth, t ruth, many beieve themselves as r above their riva dyasties as a Necron nobes believe their species above the lesser races. Dyasties are as ikely to ll into conict as to all, and countess smaller dyasties have been subsumed into he territories of larger ad more power conquerors. For al this more Necrons awaken all al l the time As their numbers gro so too do the dire threats they pose to the gal Now Szareh last of the Sient Kngs, has returned ad seeks to unite his people in galactic onquest again. Whispers precede him of a diabolica plan to negate the gaa-ending threat of Chaos ad subjugate the lesser races once ad r all With his enemies locked in a war of muual annihilation and more Necrons ralying to his baner by the da it may aready be too late r any to stop him . . 7 w > LWC 3 . . tc I Iw Q u " zu (ww z w I = wax "u z I 0 U U z w z< z< < u 0 . zow wou zz u< w zI < - " 0 0 X U ELDRITCH ARTIFICE The Necrons possess a echnological base so fr in advance adv ance of any of he gala's oher inhabitans ha only he arice of he Aeldari Aelda ri warrans even close comparison. is is perhaps unsurprising r a species whose very living rms are mechanical in naure Cerainl i seems naural enough o the t he Necron nobi hemselves, r i suppors heir arrogan presumpion of superiori superi oriyy over he despised lesser races WE APONS OF battle esla weaponry releases beams of fearsome death ray Doomsday weapons SUPREMACY Most widespread of all the Necrons' weapons of war is gauss technology. From the manportable gauss ayers borne by Necron Warriors up to the massive gauss lux arc these weapon weaponss all nction nction in the same shion ey proect a molecular disassembling beam that reduces lesh armour and bone to their constituent atoms one agonising layer at a time. living lightning that scorches scorch es and blasts victims and can even arc om one e to the next Particle weapons work by emitting streams of minuscule antimatter paticles7 Tese detonate on contact with other matte annihilating their targets in violent blasts. Enmitic weaponr too is as ightening as it is eective r its thrumming pulses cause the targets atom to be violently repelled om one another anoth er to spectacular eect eect Heavier repower is provided by such armaments as doomsday weapons or variants of the are plasmabased and possess incredible destructive potential. Tey are so power hungry that entire platrms have been developed to clitate their deployment. Death rays meanwhile, pour immense energies through a cusing crystal unleashing a sustained beam of blinding searing heat and light that carves through targets one aer another. Gauss is but one of the horriing technologies technolog ies the Necrons employ in While the Necrons typically vour overwelming ranged repower as a statement of contemp r the e the t he close quarters weapons borne born e by their more elite or murderous warriors are no less deadly. deadly. Hperphase weaponry vibrates across multiple multiple dimensional states allowing it to pass through a targets defences without resistance. Voidblades work in a similar shion but cause their victims very molecular bonds to collapse at the slightest touch. Some weapons are as much status symbols as they are potent tools of destruction. The sta of light light serves serv es both as an energis energised ed battlescepter and a fearsome shortshort-ranged energy weapon. Warscythes typically carried only by Necron nobility or their Lychgard protectors protec tors project ethereal energy energy elds around their tremendously heay blades Each swing caves caves through even the toughest targets as though they were not there. TECHNOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGICAL BOONS The Crpteks do not restrict themselves to oensive technologies. Their skills extend to the th e creation and mainten maintenance ance of countless other strange devices all of which benet the Necron legions on the battleeld One such technology is quantum shielding. Harnessing the strength of incoming attacs quantum shields transrm that power into harmless equivalent energy; they actually become more eective the stronger the ene enemy's my's more eective weaponr. Scarcely ss of a buwark is the dspersion shield borne borne by retinues of Lychgard towerng and heav, it ncudes ayered energy shed generators that not only stop incoming poecties but sometimes rcochet them straight back at at the e eeportaton technologies are much seen amongst Necron armies, armies , ypicay employing captive wormholes that allow their phalanxes to march straight nto batte fom the depths of their tombs or even om the surfces of rdistant words e eterny gate of the Monoith can even be reversed to create a porta of exle that drags in screaming es jettsoning them into a purgatoa nothingness beyond reaiy tsef. Coupled with gravtic repusion generators which enabe anythng om inntry to massve war engines to gide smoothy through the air at considerabe speeds it is not hard to see why Necron armes are r more strategicay agie than ther warriors' rigd gats would suggest. THE SERVILE AND THE SHATTERED echnology has also aowed the Necrons to enslave ensl ave other enttes to their w il. Some of these were brought into beng specicaly to serve the needs of ther creators whe others were subugated r al eternty r ther crmes aganst the Necron race. Canoptek constructs prolferate through Necron tomb compexes and armies both. Some are arge and owerl such as the Canoptek Doomstakers that guard their masters armoures armour es or the Canoptek Spyders that command and control Scarabs and other lesser drones Others have stranger nctions such as the ghosty Canoptek Wraiths empoyed to repair inaccessibe systems wthin tomb compexes or the Canoptek Pasmacytes that soate and syphon o corrupted corrupted engrams om the sleepers wthin stass-crypts. These ater have been coopted by the deranged warriors of the Destroyer Cuts who actualy seek to have those same engrammatc paterns inected' into themselves so as to rther degrade their rmer personaities and el their nihstic butchery. Regardess no anoptek beng is truy sentient; rather they are a articial saves saves uttery incapabe of independent thought. e C'tan Shards suer a r worse te r they were once the star gods of near imitess power who trcked the Necrontyr into bartering away their sous. Szarekh Szarekh's 's revenge upon these bengs saw them shattered by weapons that empoyed incredibe cosmic energes. Yet the C'tan were bound to reaity itse itse and so coud never never be destroyed, ony spntered into stunted echoes of ther rmer might. Each such shard s stl terryingy powerfl however and so the Necrons bound them nto extradimensiona prsons known as tesseract labynths. When depoyng C'tan as weapons upon the batteeld the Crpteks ensure they are technoogicay shacked eashed like mindess beasts and rced to do their masters' bdding. Of course once n a whle a C'tan breaks its straining fetters fetters at such such tmes devastating retribution is visited upon the Necrons Necr ons and ther es aike Assau and coute-assal pess u and dw the He1h Penisua, Satekh eeces fexing but eer beig verun HI ER ERA A R CHY OF THE N ECR ECRON ON S PHAEON Mghty lord lord and ruler of the tomb world and ts legons ROYAL COURT Overlords Lords Crypteks Royal Wardns ychguard TRIARCH PAETORIANS ARMOURY Monolths Doomsday Arks Anhlaon Barges Arcra Triach Paetorans Triach Trarch Trarc h Stalkers Dstroyers Flayed Oes EGIONS Warriors Immotals CANOPTEK CONSTRUCTS Cnopte Spyde Spyderr Cnopek rath rathss Canopek Scarabs Caopek Doomstales C'TAN SHARDS Shards o the shaere Star Gods, Shards now lower than the owest slaves 18 THE PHAERONS' LEGIONS Every Necron Necron world is organised to t o strict dynastic codes, om the glitteri glittering ng nobilty wh who o rule to th e mighty legions that march out to enfrce their masters' wils. Rare indeed is the tomb world that breaks om this rigid martial orde. Evey omb wold s govened by s ung nobe, be hey phaeon, Oveod o Lod Tese ules ae suounded by he Royal Cou, an assembage o lesse nobles nemesos who command he oya egons, Roya Wadens who seve as leuenans and bodygads menacng enues of Lychgad and scheming knos o Cypek vzes Much polck vzes polcking ing and and ngue ngue goes goes on n hese cous, mos Necons who eaned pesonaes ae boansence emaned boh ambous and uhess TH-E PH ALA NXES Mos Necon legons ae bu aound a coe o phal phalanx anx upon phalanx of Necon aos Neually suned and gndngy obeden, Waos ae spen eely by he uncang unca ng mases Mos nobles ae moe concened h ha a he aos adonmens dspay he eade's saus han hey ae wh keepg hese peons sae om enemy aacks. e Wao phalanxes eque consan decon whou hs, hey can manage le moe ha o hod poson pos on and shoo a neaby OUTSIDERS AND EXILES Some eemens o he ames ae held n conemp by Necon nobles, such as Canopek save-consucs, o Ca Shads ha ha ae mpsoned as a s weapons o powe souces Ye hee ae ohe secs n Necon socey ha ake o he baleed aongsde he egons, bu who he nobil have le le f ay ay comma commad d ove ove Mos econ d he he bes waysoo pomoe pomo e unyules amongs vassas se hem agas a common e When Wh en he legons mach o wa, hese hese deemned and knowedgeabe leades become vauabe asse assess o he egeods egeods esse nobles make egal baeed commades: Royal adens ac as ieuenans, vagads o even dplomac envoys, whle whl e Cpeks keep he dyasc legons on he mach ad unleash he sange coscences o cpple he enemy and ad he ow ces es Popey he epow and deced, eslencehoweve, make ao phaanxes dea pnnng he enemy n pace, gnding hem no dus o bunng he mos ous couneoensves mudemadness henceasngly Desoyes has poven pencousofand wdespead Desoyes eschew al noon o pesona ambon, dese o hope, nsead descendng no a p o cod and caculaed haed ha sees hem seek he eadcaon o al oganc e Tee ae may sub-culs om he Lokhus Lokhus wih he gav-sled bodes ad hea epowe o he badeamed Skopekh o he debased subeanean Ophydan ha shae shae one common demand o he Cypeks, whch s o have he bodes aee aeed d no whaeve m hey hey beeve opma he saug saughe he of all ving hngs Te Necon nobes empoy Desoyes as shock oops, howeve hey do no us hem; no n o ony do man man a he Desoyes madness o be b e infecous, bu hey wonde wonde whom hey hey w w un upon when all ogac vcms ae san Anohe co keeps e Necon nobly n ode, boh on and o he baeed; he ach ach Paeoas hands of he Slen Kng san sand d as abes o he ancen dyasc codes apa om he sucue of he omb wolds. The Paeoas possess he achgven gh o pass udgemen upon he honou and conduc condu c of all even ulng ulng phaeons Nomal, hough, hey esc hemseves o he baeed, whee hey hang suspended by he gavi dspacemen packs as bale commences Fom he vanage pon, hey assss assss he conduc conduc o he e n ae cases hey may may deem an enemy uly senen, and hus desevng of he ancen codes of honou In I n such ccumsances, usaed Necon nobles nd hemseves bdden om deployng dshonouable asses such as Deahmaks, Heak Desoyes and Fayed Ones Moe oenle hanbee no, howeve, hey dem he enemy han vemn, and descend o jon n he exemnaon exemnaon Mos Necon legons suppemen he ao phaanxes wh maons ma ons of moe ele and subsanally subsanally moe sef awae sodey Fom bads of ough and accaly ndependen mmoas o shapshoog Deahmak Assassns and hulng swams of omb Bade aack speedes, he dyases can daw upon a ange o saegcay specased mlay asses o end he legons he edge n bae. DEADLY TREASURES Necon nobles make no sece of he c ha hey consde he vehces o he capacous amoues amou es o be moe pecous ha he Necons who plo hem o, nded, he o sodes who mach o bae n he wa enges shadows he Necons ae a people who have aways equaed he vas echnologca supeot wh an undenable gh o domnae domna e vey cosmcally poweed weapon and eal-wapng engne s a saemen saeme n ha he phaeons possess he powe o amme sa sass and shae gods hus s he amouy of each omb wod no ol a conceed dsplay of each ues maal mgh, wealh and saus, bu also maeal manesaon he gh as aa supeme beng o ceaeoand desoy whaeve and howeve hey see 19 Foemos Foemo s amongs hese ae he Desoye Culs Whe many sans o nsan have aced he Necons, he nhsc Te Flayed Ones, oo, ae eaed and evled by he es of Nec Necon on soce, exed o langsh n he hoc nehe ealm kow as he Bone Bone Kngdom o Dazak Tey ae aced h he hdeous deah cuse o he Can C an nown as Llandugo he Fla sed n body and md, Flayed Ones ae dawn o he scen of blood, bloo d, scssong scssong open open he he esh o eal ad spllng hough om heir ghasl ealm o ll upon he Necons es Te dyasc legons make evey eo o avod hese bengs, whose madness hey a as cachng, buom hey can do le o sop he Fayed Ones jonng bales ha ae aeady aea dy unde wa wa SZAREKHAN DYNASTY w w w w g w - B w g he Szarekha Dyas were comparaively slow o wake. wake. heir worlds had bee scatered by galaic caasrophes he greaes g reaes of which was he ose of warp sorm Asmodeor i M May of heir omb complexes complexes had bee desroyed, wheher by aural disasers or he vegel aeio of he Aeldari, who had sough ou Szarekha worlds wih paricula paricularr veom. Nor were he Aeldari heir oly es om acie days wih Szarekhs commad proocols severed may dyasies awoke wih a burig reseme rese me owards he Szarekha. Who W ho were hey o have se hemselves above al some obles asked. Ohers blamed hem r every horror of he War i Heave holdig hem o acou r he perceived misdeeds of heir abse leader. More ha oe rival yasy aced violely upo such feelgs ad be bewee wee his his hosile aeio ad ha of he lesser races i is a esame o he Szarekha D yasty's skis i sraegy ad marial arice ha he survived a all. Ye survive hey did bese upo a sides bu haughy i heir sese of superiori. heir obles believed wih he fervour of prophecy tha he Sile Kig would retur ad reward heir loyalty. May amogs he rival dyasies feaed his migh prove rue. I f he Szarekha were udeservig, hey asked why why he did he Triarch Praeorias ally hemselves so readily o heir cause oe ghig i he Szarekha defece eve agais oher Necros? Ad why did hei Crypeks evice sis i he craig of weapos, armoured bodies ad poe war egies more rmidable ha hose of ay oher dyasty? was o simply ha hey recruied he mos skilled Crypeks or oly ha he revivicaio ad repair ciliies deep wihi he Szarekha ombs operaed wih he geaes esse ad eciecy; o, his was somehig deeply buried i he Necros arii cialapsyches somehig ha maifesed almos superatural shio so ha eve lesser dyasies subsumed io he Szarekha oaliy soo exhibied hese same rais Was i some nal blessig, besowed by he Sile Kig o esure ha his people would always edure? his a leas, was he Szarekha Phaeos' Phaeos' claim. Now ha Szareh has reured his dyasy hold hemselves vidicaed. Revealig acie reasures ad mosrous superweapos log hoarded agais his da he Szarekha eclaves push rapidly ouwad, lauchig couless attacks o draw eemies away om he sies where he Sie Kig is raisig his coraempyric marix. May smaller dyasies have already ocked o ally hemselves wih, or else bee willigly absorbed io he Szaekha raks aer all ay ay who resis eecively eecively declare hemselves opposed o he will of he Sile Kig. I such a age of chaos ad misrule, here her e are may Necro obles who would surreder much o feel he uity ad validaio of a yra yra s had upo heir shoulder oce agai, ad more who ar he cosequeces co sequeces should hey rese SAUTEKH DYNASTY LEGIONS OF THE STOR STORMLOR MLORD D Te Sautekh Dynasty has long been the most numerous and aggressively aggressively expansionist of all Necron dynasties. Indee d, many of the Necrons' es could be rgiven r their mistaken beli belief ef that the colours of the Saut Sautek ek Dynasty are, in ct, c t, the unied military panoply of the Necron race as a whole - it is their legions, aer all, that have assaied the lesser races the most oen e cownword of the Sautekh D yasy is known as Mandragora Mandragora the Golde Golden n and it is the embodiment embodi ment of the Sautekh themselves Sepuchraly gim in its macabe magnicence and rtied on a scae that makes the notion of invasion seem a dak est Mandagora is a centre r miitary power unimaginabe riche and the singula obsession of utimate galactic conquest This is but one word of the Sautekh Dynasty of couse - in the centuies Dynasty since the st Sautek tomb complexes awoke, this dyasty have caimed hundes hund es more - thou though gh Mandragoa Mandragoa is undoubtedy thei greatest Te Sautekh egions march tirelessl tirelessl the dynast ys entie cus bent uponev marshaling eve more amies aising more eets and sweeping out through the stas s tas to conque ever more teritories teritori es in the name of their phaeon motekh the Stormord. t is fom Imotek himself that this reentess miitaristic bent ows Formerly a amed nemesor r those he saw as his superiors motekh claimed the throne om those same nobes when they proe proe unable to set aside thei own petty squabbles rom that day onwads the Stolord shaped the destiny of his awakeningg dynast awakenin dynast cusing their every eort towards uning the Necrons and ensuring thei dominance ove the upstat lesse races ae subjected to the l might of the Sautekh legions abeit they are usuay accorded he dyastic codes of honou Once humbed they are absorbed al the same though in a more brutal shion than capituation woud have eaned. The Sautek Dynasty does not estrict its conquests to the worlds of other species. Imotekh I motekhs egions have swept ove numerous dynastic territoies during their elentess expansion. Tose Te esults of the unending Sautekh conquests are that their legions ae immensely numerous and thei arsenas epete with mighty wa engines. When motekh stetches out his iving metal taons he can darken the skes with invasion ca uneash the re of thousands of massed war engines and send innty phalanxes beyond number to crush his es While the teritory hed by the Sautekh Dynasty does not yet who oer eady alegiance swily subsumed into the Sautekhae Dy as oen accoded substantia honour thei wngness to accept unity over persona pride Tose dynasties that resist ival that of many races stil is an immense swatheesser of systems r aitfew centuies conquests If Iotekh's advance continues there is no teling how vast the Sautek empire may one day become �- DYNASTY N I H I LAK H DYNASTY DESTINED FOR CONQUEST e Nilakh Dynasty have garnered a fearsome reputation amongst the gal a's younger races snce ther worlds began to awaken. hough oen steady and defensive they are nonetheless ruthless conquerors and deadly es As hey began o rse r se om her Grea Seep, he Nhakh dscovered ha much of her ancen errory had been nvaded. aced wh he very rea danger of beng overrun overrun,, her h er survving noblty consoldaed he h e dynastys dynastys srengh upon her crownworld of Gheden. Ts proved a wse move ndeed. no res un he perceved mpudence of he aackers had been punshed wih uer annhaon The Nhakh had aways been a remendously rch dynast dynast and had nneled much of her vas resource weah no Gheden's herspaa vaus. Now hey drew upon her hoard o shon egon upon legon of war engnes, rase mghy dences and equp her warrors wh he nes weaponry magnabe. The esser races hured her armes agans he newly ried Te well-apponed Nhakh legons had anoher advanage n hs war r survival; greaes of he dynasys cosmc reasures was he preserved head of he Yh Y h Seer he as of s race and a means by whch he Necrons coud peer no he skens of he ure. Armed wh such prescen nellgence he Nhakh sruck precsey where and when hey needed o n order o crush any nerlopers, ransrmng her defensve defensve sance no a more oensve march of conques Now he Nhlakh legons are on he march sezng and heavly rng new errores wh nocih pyons borders of he Nihakh Dyasty andaes. were rebu rebued ed wh devasang casu casuaes. Moreover More over once aacked a acked he arrogan and mpeous Nhlakh nobes woud bere agan agan. have openly algnedadvancng hemselves wh. Tey he reurned Slen Kng, and seek nohng shor of gaacc domnance r her peope OVO Y BLOOD-SPATTERED BUTCHERS Bere botransrence, the Novokh Dynasty was nfamous r its long and elaborate blood rituals, and r the naked savagery of its armies. Tough unrecogn unrecognisable isable as those hosts host s om om prehistor, their legio legions ns retain this bloodthrst bloodthr st Few Necron legons are as ghenng o ce n bae as hose of he Novokh Novokh Dynast. s one hng o wness esh-andbood warrors slashng a pah hrough her es, bu o see gassy eyed androds move om mehodca mechanal klng o ever more enzed ndusral saugher s anoher scale of horror enre en rey. y. The Novokh oer no quarer quare r no mercy r her vcms. Insead hey hack hem apar lke lunac buchers se loose n a pen of vesock. ey do no sop kilng un her vng v ng mea bodes are drenched n gore and her vcms are naugh bu dsmembered mea engrams re rggered rgger ed Tey provde he Novokh soldery wh surges of vigour and aggresson ha prove near narcoc whie envenng he boodspaered Necrons o an ever more dangerous degree Te reason r hs gruesome specacle s ha he memores of er dyasy's blood rt rtuas uas si lnger n he persona engrams of he Novokh Necrons. Though kng advanage of hs ra, he Novokh noblty ed vas numbers of nanry asses headed by bands of blade-wedng Ly Lychguard chguard Tese hey augmen many woud say reckessy wh hose of her dynast who have have len o he Desroyer curse Such a rce possesses numbers and resilence, ye s rue mgh s revealed once s gesa bloodlus awakens and he buchery begns. Empoying hese accs, he Novokh phaeron phaeron Galmakh he Moon Moon Kler has drven drven hs legons relenessly ouwards om hs crownworld of Oho! V n one gory conques aer hey can be ponderous mos somnoen bere a bale's commencemen once her enemes bood sars o ow ose anoher. Theyalke have and crushed and Humans showgreenskns no sgns of slowng. 23 1 " u Q : - u o z 0" z W WC X > _ . " " - 0 - . a < - a z z : < _ z < u . a "< "< < z - z< U 0 Z - u u z < u z < > < z Q Q < z I - l zu 0 0 z U 0 I < zu - " z " a - - > z u U < 3 I 0 DYAST ASTY Y M E PH RIT DY THE SOLAR EXECUTIONERS e e ysy e s s e ese ese eesse eesse s e e ee e e ee ee ey ee e ey ese e e Kgs eyg ee sg ey eee ee syses Te millennia have o been knd to the Mephit Dynasy. Tough many o hei omb wods suvive intact, the dynastys phaeon phae on - hy hyek ek he he Eenal Eenal - was sain by penicious Aedai intatos whie he stil slumbeed. Wose sti, he Mephit have awoken o nd thei gand weapons o soa execution ost o desoy desoyed ed by the violen capice o an uncaing gal. Once, civiisations al acoss the gal a knew o dead the Mephit Dynast. Whn an example needed to be made, o a edoubtable opponent shateed, it was the who executed the deed. Employng spacebone weapoy o incalcuabe poe"the poe" the ephi mecilessy slew he sas ha gave enemy systems lie, leavng thei fes ozen in he void o annihaed in seething soms o stea re. any o the ohe Necon Nec on dynasties fund such conduc dishonouable and distastel ew lauded the Mephi f thei deeds, despite the c hat couness intesela campaigns wee swily and decisivey concuded in this way. Thei pees might have sconed hei mehods, but none would have been folish enough to cout the Mephit Dynasty's Rule o he Mephi Dynasy is now hotly contended f. Ambitious nobles such as Zaahusa the Ineable, knohet he Goious and Anubita o he Tousand Vicoies stive to outmanoeuve one anothe poving hei supemacy though miitay vicoies and deeds o gandeu In uth, hough, he st o dispeasue.wee In hesatised end, thetha Mephi hemseves o be eaed was an even geae boon than o be accoded honou and espect. eclaim he ability to mude will suey sue y eign supeme. It is fsas this eason that seveal conendes have now uned to the echnomandies f aid. NK NY WRRIORS OF TH E GOL DEN STARS The trinary stars of the Nephrekh crownworld, Aryand, provide an overwhelming bount of solar energy that has benetted thjs dynasty greaty. In a galaxy of constant war however, however, they have been rced to ght order to keep what is theirs When the tomb complex deep beneath he suce o o Ayand stied to wakelness, is inhabitants emeged o nd hat the egions o the Atymho Dynasy had laid claim to thei wod Tese ivas had been dawn, in pa, by a desie to ensave he Impeial setes who had ong basked in Ayand's sola bounty bou nty.. Howeve, the Altymho had aso sough o haness the enegies o the tinay sas f hei own miliay use. Te Nephekh phaeon, Sylphek wasted no ime in ghting back Te Geat Sleep had couped Sypheks pesonality engams and e him not just appeciative o his cownwolds neighbouing stas, but compeey obsessed by hem e was incensed by what he saw as the desecation o o his dynastys saced ies; he campaign f eibution ha Sylphek Since that da, he Nephekh have basked in the light o thei sas. anessing these enegies has alowed them to amass asenas o doomsday weapony and othe poten technologies with which to blast thei fes to ashes Sylpheks obsessions have also played hei pa, f his desie to be daped in he moten gloy o his sas ed his dynastys Cyeks to shion him skn oliving meagold meagol d tha though advanced advanced ealchemical mical pocesses pocesses allow allowss hyealche him o tansfm into pue ight and coss incedibe disances in an eye blink. Beieving himsel a celesial deit, Sylphek has since besowed his golden fm upon his most usted Oveods and othe lieuenants, and has even had he technoogy woked into the bunished bodies o his lesse soldiey Now, the gand legions o the Nephekh ed was ighningwi and rocious, soon diving Altymho Necrons and mpeia fces aike om he sysem. Dynasy advance in gided magnicence, stuteing and blinking acoss the batleeld with eiing speed. 22 MYRIAD DYNASTIES he War War in Heaven ook is ol upon upo n he Necron dynasies annihiaing many enirey Time has seen se en more si eradicaed as omb compexes have sipped ino rue and abidng deah Si a vas number o dynasies remain each wih their own omb omb words, unique uniq ue heradry and cuura and miiary predisposiions. Indeed here her e are fr moe dynasies dynasies abroad amongs he sars han even Humaniy's darkes nighmares woud envision e shng vod ris of the Hyrak Deeps hde the coreworlds of the okt Dynasty which orbt the massive crownworld of Meghoshta in a statey dance across the aeons Smaler heavly weaponised planetoids orbit them in turn. Wreathed in sparkng cerulean energ the crystaine continent-tombs of the Thok Dynasty feed upon the radoactive power of the void rs that surround them the sky overhead thick wth rpping darkness and ickering blue comets. As their armies emerge om ther stasiscrpts stasiscrpt s and march to war du metal skulls reect the cod sapphire stars ar above ough r om the argest or most proic the okt Dyasy is arguably one of the most dangerous upon the ed of bate due to ts ethal and insidious weaponr. weaponr. Harnessng the potnt radiation in whch its worlds bask the okt Crypteks have ncorporated radreceptors into he weaponry weapon ry of theirr soders. s advancement gves thei its legons an eere aspect causing a shmmering aure gow to radiate om them n waves. s r more than the an aesthetc modItcaton of course; mult-spectra radaton that ro ross o the metallc bodes of ther sodiery sodier y s debltatng n the extreme to ther es e cy lethalty of the Hyrak Deeps eave the e weakened and in agon easy prey r the mercess egons of the Thokt THE PERNCOUS AND THE PARANOD The Nekthyst Dynasy have always been synonymous wth dubious and dshonourabe conduct. Rarey dd they adhere to the dynastc codes r they sought aways to empoy the most expedient expedi ent route to vctory even if that came by dupici msinrmation or assassinaton. So dsenchanted dd the rarch become with the th e conduct of the Nekthyst Nekthyst that durin duringg the reign of Phaeron Phaero n Obs the Enslaver they denied the dynas aid when ts crownworld of Moebius came under ferocious Ork atack The devastaton wrought by the greenskns was terrible, but not tota; though they lost much the Nekthyst Dynasty survved as a jaded and hateul presence Tey replaced ther rmer magnicence wth harsh backened copper carapaces and turned their backs upon the wder Necron race. Tey now employ any means necessary to protect ther domains no matter how ruthless or contemptbe, and spit ready upon the socaled great dream of galactc Necon rule. e Ogdobekh Dyast in comparison, benetted greatly om ther own rather devant practces; an unusual pact beieved to have been rged shortly aer botransference saw the nobiity and Crypteks of ths dynasty accorded equa status Ogdobekh armies were occasonaly even led by concaves of Crpteks were always weand served by ecientand Canoptek Swarms magncent war engines Over tme however the Crypteks of the Ogdobekh Dynasty became arrogant whie ther phaeron Anathrosis of the Back Star became ever more paranod that hs upstart vers would one day try to take power r themselves As the Great Sleep approached Anathrosis nssted upon vertable armies of Canoptek constructs slaved to hs wil alone that coud restore his legions swily to glory should the be compromise comp romised. d. He saw to it that hs tomb complexes were built wth tripe-layered t ripe-layered backup systems, each element built built by rival Cryptek concaves guaranteed not to coude and again excusivey bound to Anathross' command. 24 Al this additonal security proved to be of immense value during the Great Sleep; when the dynastes awoke the vehicles, constructs and warrors of the Ogdobekh emerged om ther tombs al but intact. Tough its eader remans paranod and ts Crpyteks are stl troublesome the dynasy has conquered great swathes of territory ever snce. THE MANY LEGIONS LEGIONS So many agmented or comparatvey minor dyastes are there that even the returned Slent King does not know of them all. Some though are inmous amongst the Necrons ether r ther methods or ther turbulent histories. The Charnovokh Dyasty r example were ravaged by the comng of the yrand hve eets and now clng deantly to the edges of the Eastern Fringe. ough they have ost much ths means that only their strongest and most determned nobes and legons have survved Setting asde any notion of potickng the elite armes of the Charnovokh now ght wth cod ry to reclaim recla im what tproven hey have ost. Needess to say they have they wlng subects r Szarekh since his return, r they know that utmate he aone recognses the dire threat that the th e yrands represent. Te Oruscar Dynasy by comparison possess pentil miitary power They are cautious and defensve however r they guard a treasure of inestimable power and must be ever ready to t o defend it. Deep beneath the surce of ther crownword, anatos les the Celesta Orrery a perfect replca replca of the entire lving ga a wrought n precous metals shimmerng energy and rrepaceable cosmc technoogy As the gal a changes so the Orrery shs n rea tme to reect this and hundreds of Oruscar technoseers study its every nuance to nm the movements of ther legons. More amazng and terrng stil s that wth the greatest care and precison the Orrery can be used to aect the ga a n turn even shonng back holes or snung out stars Fortunatey r the younger races the Oruscar see themseves as celestia custodans, rarely empoyng ther power uness in greatest need Others Ot hers are ess cautous however the Oruscars Oruscars phaeron phaeron Hakmephet currently es besieged by the xenocda legons of the Kardenath Dynast who wsh to uneash the fl destructve potental of the Orrery and remain obstnately blnd to the ghastly consequences r reaiy tself shoud they succeed. aszar the Invincible r exampe has proven a perous e to a who stand bere hm Aer his awakenng the sefstyed and hghy eccentrc Pirate Kng sezed the tomb word of Zapennec. Having manpuated the word words s master program into making hm phaeron Thaszar remade Zapennec nto the Reaveworld buldng a mghy eet eet om drng wrecks and begnnng a campaign of terror aganst the lesser races STRANGE HOSS The mght of the skeetal Necrons s not mted to conventional dynastc legons aone Btter outsiders resent exes and maevoent aberratons abound en there are the Haunted egons of Sarkon crownword of the Empre of the Severed ong have the Necrons dreaded ths aw regon r here catastrophc radiation torms created a dyastys worth of isolated isolated words. As though such a thng were not bad enough however now there are reports of Necron armies ssuing ssuing om ths region n great number Etherea aerimages are sad to dance about ther bodes and they move with with such such eere in the wake of the Great Seep and many hae shoned Necron armes of ther own sychron chronity ity that they seem driven by a sngle god-lke will. As yet repos of these legions lng upon outling 25 ngeworlds and and by some some supernatura process rendering them severed reman unsubstantated. unsubs tantated. I f they are true howeve howeve then th thee Haunted Legons represent a terring threat to what remans of the Necrons' collective sous. The threat of the Destroyer egons meanwhe is cear None can say whether t is natura degradaton or some strange sde-eect of the Great Rss opening but the madness of the R Destroyer Cuts spreads ster through Necron society than ever bere Nobles turn to nhls nhlstc tc slaughter n aarming numbers and n a few rare cases the entre upper echeons of tomb words have dedicated themselves and ther seve legions to ths morbd cause Wth the more unscrupulous Crypteks helpng to shion new varieties of Destroyer al the time, and ghoulsh Fayed Ones lockng to the boodshed they create these egons of the lost and the insane carve bloody paths across the gala Szaekh was not always so singua in his obsession. When the end of the Wa in Heaven came and the last of the C' tan had been shateed, he ecognised ecognised that his people coud not withstand rthe conict; the t he aies and sevants of the Old Ones were cicing wa but vengel and so he ordered vengel ordered the Geat Sleep. Szarekh envisioned a tue intent than to escape his crimes. Others Phaeon Asmothep of the Szarekhan Dynasy and the Roya Cout of Nihiakh not east amongst them beieve he had a greater purpose. erhaps some speclate Szarekh even sought a cure r biotansference in the ightess realms beyond the galactic im Maybe he itended to travel to t o othe galaxies motivation r eturning to the gala appeas staightward e Sient King abandoned exie to save his peope om the menace menace of the Tyranids. It I t is said that he encounteed domant hive leets lowing through the integaactic darkess towads the gaa he had e behind and recognised the peis peis they they repesented what if they devoured al whee their would be defeated by strife strife andenemies time. e time. Necons woud arise unsuspected fom their ong seep. ey woud seize conto of the ga a using their deathless bodies and cosmic weapons and then eed om conict and unshacked fom the ravages of tim and mortaity mortaity they woud at at ast devise a way to reverse biotransrence and theere expunge Szarekh Szarekhss sins. he Sient King woud not share in this pocess however however himsef Szaekh Szaekh chose exie aboad his vast ciysized Oblivion. warship Song of Oblivion. entie and thee nd the soutions to his peoples woes. i bere the Necrons biotansference? biotansfere nce? Worsecoud Worse whatevese if Szaekh Szaekhs s peope had already managed their apotheosis just in time to be devoured in tun? Supposedly diven by pue altruism and a desire not to il his peope again Szaekh tuned the Song of Oblivio n back towads the distant gimmer of the stas he had known so ong ago Szarekh took many of his own dyasty with him into the intergalactic void entombed within stasis-crpts of thei own but awakening in reguar cycles to crew and garison gar ison his vast ship ship None amongst the dynasies tuy knows what the Silent King sought beyond the stars detractos like Imotekh or Zarathusa the Ineable claim he led with no moe None but Szaekh himsef kows the truth and as with many many of the moe troubing troubing mystees suounding the Silent King his race nd themseves unable to reca whether they themseves eve new the answe. Fom which dyast did Szarekh originay hai? What characterised his rue bere biotansference? When precisey did he return to the gal and r how long did he opeate om the hadows bere openly decaring his retun? Even beings like Orikan the Divine who was once Szarekhs cout astrooge, nd stange gaps in thei articia memoies concerning such things. More unsetting sti they rarey seem able to cus on these doubts ong enough to seek any answes. For al the gaps in ecoection that vei elements of Szaeks ie at least his his story n itse has hoes What did Szarekh witness and on what scae that so convinced him of this omnipresent omnipresent peil? How did he chance acoss the encroaching yranids amidst the nea innite gus of space? Questions of pretext and motivation have been raised however brie by the more rebellious amongst the Royal Couts and whispes persist that the Sient King habous some other deeper deeper agenda. Few nd themselves abe to sustain their doubts r long however and those who do the iach ia ch Paetorias Paetor ias ae never a behind. Such shadows and whspers soon burn away n the searg lght of Szarekhs Szarekhs presence. t s sad that merely meetng me etng the Slent Kng n person s to trasrm even the keenest doubter to a suppcant desperate to do hs wll. Shorty aer reveang himself openy to hs people Szarekh chose two phaerons of esser dynastes dynastes who had proven p roven her loyalty through sw servce. Subsumng ther legons nto the Szarekhan ranks the Sient Kig eevated Hapthatra the Radant and Mesophet of the Shadowed Had to rm hs new rarch. Tey became the Phaeron of the Stars and the Phaeron of the Blades as the ancent codes dctated jonng Szaekh upon hs mghy Das of Domnon, om where they coud proclam the rarch's wil Tere are those w ho have noted how thoroughy the wo phaerons are bound nto t he das how the voces have taken on a new tone of command snce ther ascenson and how they speak nearly aways wth perfect synchroncty But of course eevaton to the Fnal rarch was bound to eect changes upon such mnor ruers, ruers , and f they seem aways to support Szarekh's pans wthout queston those pans were mllenna n the layng aer all; who could honesty suggest sugge st amendments to such a comprehensve scheme? e martal mght of the Fna rarch at least s beyond queston. Szarekhs das s empowered by a c aged shard of Nyadrazatha Nyadraza tha hmse, whle the Slent Kngs mante s rmed fom the C ta ta ss lensed necroders. It I t s the Burng One's own re that Szarekh ampies through hs regal Sceptre of Eternal Glor sendng t blazng rth n searng beams of absolute destructon. That same ener gy s channeled nto the potent carrerwave generators of the das that coordnate and motvate nearby Necron solder and aso nto the noctlth beaconss held hgh above beacon abov e Szareks throne Thes T hesee beacons not only bansh the ferna energes of the warp, but aso alow the Sent King to tear open the nvisble skens of the webwa shonng hs own temporary dolmen gates to bear him swiy across vast nterstellar gul guls s Those es not erased b Szarekhs Szarekhs energy basts are ar om safe Whle Hapthatra unleashes urre of neutron-orbs om the Sta of Stars Mesohet hes the Scyhe of Dust, eery swng of ts glmmerng blade reducng vctms to swrlng couds of scorched partces. partces. Enemes who get close enoug h to strike at Szarekh drectly are rced to ther knees by the thrummng energes of hs das das obesance generators Even those b ows that manage manage to ht home are unlkey unlkey to do harm the Silent Kng and hs companons are swathed n a transtempora eld that scaters the rce of the es atacks and thus dsspates them harmlessly harmlessly.. All the whle a par of rarchal rarch al Menhrs orbt Szarekh Sz arekh das proclamng the rarchs omnpotent mght even as they channe the das power B y cusng the resonance of these devces, Szarekh can uneash a devastatng annhlator beam an energ y weapon so potent that t has been kened to the hurled spear of an enraged god None who fee feell ts wrath lve to tell the tae. IMOTEKH TH E STORMLORD STORMLORD Imotekh did not awaken om the Geat Seep as the phaeon of the Sautekh Dynast. Howeve compeed by cicumstance and a singe-minded detemination to ecaim the goious Necon empie of od, he took upon himsef that mante and has bone it with condence and skil eve since Few who fce the Sto mod suvive and those who do ae a e reve changed. When Iotekh awoke om the Great Seep it was to a world grippe gripped d by madness and pety ambition He was soon to discover that even his revivi rev ivication ation had occurred not in the t he name of galactic galactic rconquest but to rther the agenda of one amongst Mandragora's warring ruers Their rmer phaeon had len to the ravagess of the aeons the more ravage ambitious amongst his Royal Court had wasted no time in beginning a grinding civi war r the vacant throne. In the hopes of breking the deadlock, one pretend pretender er had ordered the amed Nemesor Iotekh awakened Surely this popular war leader would provide the edge required to see the war brought to a sw conclusion? Ti motekh did, though not perhaps in the way his awakener imagined. Disgusted by the pety and shortsighted short sighted manoeuvring of the warring nobes motekh ralied an army of his own and - within a year sidere sidereal al - had subjugated subjugated al other contenders r the throne Imotekh became the undisputed phaeron of the Sautekh Sautekh Dynasy and, with its considerabe considera be miitary resources now his hi s to ield he began be gan a campaign of rapid rapid expansion that has lasted ever since. Imotekh has consistenty dispaye dispayed da straegic acumen to best the gala's gretest war eaders. His strategies could be lkened to intricate mechanisms whose whees turn across interstelar gulfs and can encompass dozens of worlds and hundreds hundr eds of armies armies at a time o he more organic or superstitious of his enemies, motekhs incredibe genius has the ring of prescience prescience about it How could he possiby put in pace the multipe layers of contingencies that he does? How could he appear to simpy simpy know where his rces will meet victory or defeat where the e w commit reinrcements and of what sort? How could he empoy minute minute perfect countermanouevre countermanouevress with precisely weighted rces, oen all while coordinating an entirelyseparate batle batleont ont entire star systems away? e truth lies not in dark sorcer, sorcer, nor is is it it as some some hope hope a product of inlated rumour and fearmongering Rather, Imotekh awoke om his Great Seep possessed of a statistical and hyerogical strategic abiity that woud burn out the mind of a eshandblood being Absolut Absolutee recal of every detail, intense cogitation and ogistic processing power and the ability to perceive with absolute cariy the facta web of future future probabiities ie at the heart of what what motekh does. do es. He also grasps better than most mos t of his race the psychology psycholo gy of the lesser races - this epithet he earned earned r his practice practice of raising vast, dark energy storms that sweep bere his armies and engulf those who do battle with him. Communication and coordination colapse beneath the shadow of the storm, and even those few panicked enemies alowed to ee beyond its bounds do so laced with bloodswarm nanoscarabs - these hideous constructs seethe within the bodies of their hosts, sending out a signal that draws the hideous Flaye Flayed d Ones to them lke hounds on a scent Only anarchy and and iogic can undermine otekhs bate plans, and then ony r a time Not without reason does he reve the madness of Chaos or the radom aggression of the greenskins. Tis aside, Imotekh does have one other e who can on occasion skew the incredibe logic of his schemes - himsel himsel Something S omething within motekh cannot abide a riva, and ever he seeks to conront enemy generass in oneonon genera one onon e honour duels Tose he defeats motekh humbes, ypically oppng o a hand as a reminder of his greatness bere alowing them to wthdraw Ts strange compulsion is the reason reaso n that - as his conquests continue continue - motekh amasses an ever ever greater greater list of nemeses who see his down t may aso be the cause of his disdai r the return of the Sient Kng; otekh sees hmsef as the great uniter o f the Necron people, and he has no desire to be eclipsed eclipse d by t he very bein g whom he holds ultimatey accountabe r the pight of the Necron race. 32 NFII NI NITE TE T R A ZYN T H E I NF TH E GREA COLLECTOR As the archeovist of the Solemnace galleries, Trazyn the Innite's duty is one of preservation Amidst the war-torn surounds of the 41 st Milennium, Milennium, howeve howe ve even such a seemingly noble pursuit requies Machiavellan ways and no little lair r violence. Fortunately Fortuna tely r the tomb world o f Solem�ce, Trazy Trazyn n possesses both bot h qualities in abundance. razyn te nnte goes nto battle not smpy to destro destr o but aso to colect catalogue and preserve. rue e commands te egons of Soemnace wt vcous cunnng, c unnng, but e woud argue tat e does ts n servce of goas oer tan mtary conquest t s true also tat s acqustve drve knows no mercy and tat tose wo stand between razyn and s prze are struck down by blows fom s Empatc Empatc Obterator Obterator - a weapon tat says not onl ts mmedate vctm but also a tose nearby of a ike mnd and purpose Yet razyn would assert tat suc measures are necessary, even merc; merc ; e olds s msson to be of paramount mportance and n te ben gs wose garb bengs garb algnment or - n extrems - even speces spece s are wdy storcaly naccurate tme woud take to explan mself to d te lesser racestcountess prceless treasures woul would bebarbarc rever lost to te ames Aer a, to bengs as endurng as te Necrons most cvlsatons rse and dwnde agan n te vertable blnk of an eye H ow does one expan to suc sortlved bengs tat ter ony meanngl contrbuton c ontrbuton t o te gaa>y bos down to a andfl of artects or ndvduas or tat tey soud wlngly gve tese up nstead of selsly clutcng to tem? Yes razyn r azyn te Innte appears to s enemes a rapacous monster wo attacks wtout warnng or apparent cause and eaves canage and devastaton n s wake. However, n s own mnd he s te most atrustc of all s ancent race. eapng to annew nets w lackey skept currenty nab ted r rm be destroyed way esoud s rarey fom nabted s dutes s ong, we s enemes are e owlng n ustraton at te devous arceovst's atest mpossbe escape razyn as llen aul o f s own race more tan once; s lgtngered proclvtes are not reserved ony r te words of te esser races He s rbdden to set ot upon Mandragora s permted onto Moebus ony f s eorts wl drecty benet te Nektyst Dynas, and as been struck down by outraged enemes and potcaly motvated assassns many tmes. razyn s not known as te Innte r notng owever; e s cunnng enoug enoug to work troug countess surrogate bodes e galeres of Soemnace are grand almost beyond Human magnng The sunken cambers are croded wt artects of al rms ncludng te bled wratbone cor of Atansar te presered ead of Sebastan or te ossed usk of an Enslaver and a gant of a man clad n baroque power armour s ce contorted n a permanent scream Most M ost magncent of al Soemnaces treasures are ts prsmatc galeres temseves, wndng cambers of statuary tat recapture events eve nts razn deems worty of preservaton. e Deat of Lord Soar Macarus stands near to Doomrders Doom rders Foly Foly ony cambers away om suc wonders wonder s as te Sword Bot Stoen and Sougt te Last Questons of Hstorcus Ostalan Varus and te ast Stand of Ursarkar Creed. Tese scenes are not brcatons razyn snatces snatces true storca storca moments up woles wolesae ae transmutng ter nabtants nto ardgt olograms ologra ms tat wll rever stand testament to ter deeds It s razyns greatest regret tat notng lasts rever More oen tan e would lke to admt parts p arts of s collecton are destroyed by strucural strucur al coapse Canoptek msandn msandngg or damage caused by oste nvaders At suc tmes e s rced to pause n s works assemble s s legons and strke out nto te gaa to arvest watever watev er repacements eyrequres razyn s more concerned wit spectace tan accuracy accurac He s more tan app to replace orgnal partcpants par tcpants n s doramas wt 33 ILL U MIN INOR OR SZERA SZERA S THE ARCHITECT OF BIOTR BIOTRANSFERENCE ANSFERENCE b yg vv vv wg b t b yg vg b N Z m n O z 3 m n > z " n > n m . > Z m m X m m m m z m m > " m : m , 0 - c m m 0 0 n > m Z < = m m l C f I 0 > m z " 0 ( O m ' n 0 ; t n m m O m - n : " m 0 r > > r 0 > o Te Ctan might have provided the Szras labours to unravel the mysteries of knowedge r biotransference, but it was i, r he fears that he he would be a poor poo r Szeras who made it a reaiy. Even then, sot of god without such secrets at his he saw it as the st of severa steps on ngertips gertips Szeras has been on the brink the path to ultimate evolution, a journey of understanding r many centuries yet that would end as a creature not of esh _somehow na comprehension always or metal but as a god of pure energy escapes him Perhaps there are some Until that da, Szeras is driven to take l concepts in the universe that do not advantage o, and to abour constanty revea themselves bere ogic be those to improve upon the nctionality o, matters of the sou or of the ineabe his android rm Aer a, no longer power of ith. ith. Whatever Wha tever the reason such must he sleep nor dea with the thousand secrets wil almost certainly ie rever ailties and distractions distract ions of the lesh. beyond Szeras comprehension. Tis is a truth he wi never accept however a ct that has, of ate, provid provided ed the Sient King with the everage required to secre Szeras allegiance. Aer al, if the Illuminor wrought biotransference then surey he can reverse the process eects and perhaps, in doing so, garner the na revelations that he has sought r so long? Szeras haunts the battleeds of the t he 41st Milennium like a ghou He requires a constant ow of iving subjects, and the most ecient way r him to acquire them is to trade his expertise in exchange r captives Tough Szeras is obsessed with the secrets of ife his aptitude r augmenting the weaponr and bodies of his low Necrons is peeress. Szeras delvingiving into creatues the rm and nction of so many has taught him how to augment amost every cet of of Necron machinery machin ery a trait seen as distaste distaste by many of his peers The dissection of Vuzsalen Arachtoid compound eyes unlocked an improved array r targeting optics, and the molecuar disassembing of chitinous Ambul hide led the way to more ecient armour congurations, to name but two of many thousands of such advances Szeras own body and wargear are augmented with the most rened of his discoveries His atomic energy manipulator aows him to deconstruct specimens in the heat of batte, while while his studies studies of warp-sensitive active minds have given rise to his empyric overcharger, which can shock enemies brains into sudden catastrophic psychic manifestation It is a matter of some speculation how much invovement Szeras had in the designn and impementation of the Pariah desig Nexus but none can question that he is taking ll advantage of its eects Hundreds of thousands of stiled stiled'' beings have aready vanished into the uminors horric laboratories laboratories and his harvest continues apace O RI K A N T H E D I VI N ER MAST ER OF PAST AND FU F U TURE Te singe eye of Orikan the Diviner Divi ner pierces pierces the veil vei l of the present to rev revea ea deeper secrets of time space and even e itself. His asromanti as romanticc powers alow him hi m to inspect the skeins skei ns of te with geat cari, cari, and to direct events always owards whichever path will best benet him. Yet Orikan has oher powers besides astromanc, powers that may yet make him a god Long ago in a time bere the Necrons rfeited their souls n exchange r eterna rms of livng meta Orikan was court astrooger to Szare himse. A skiled diviner even then, Oran read the portents and oered oered hat guidance he coud to the court of the ast ast Sient Kng. It is said that he aone spoke out against trusting Mephetran, arguing against biotransference right up unti it came to pass. of course that they can pay Orikans price. Tis is never anything anything so prosaic as coin or rsources; the Divner seeks deeds arkaa and gis of promise and he hoards his esoteric riches wel. Even without their knowng the t he ull etent of his powers, most Necron nobes prize Orikans service, if not his atitu atitude, de, in their armies. Te Diviner is inamous r his insouciance and wry mocker which es in the ce of the riarchs ancient codes and the most basic protocos of the Orikan has not rgoen that his warnings were ignored, and has not rgiven Szarekh r dismissing his concerns Since he awoke awoke within a cold body of iving meta and realised that al he feared had come to pass Orikan has oered true fealty to no master save himsel. There is no other that he now trusts to accord hi hiss divinations the weight of respect that they deserve is is perhaps an unir udgement on Orikans part r he has reveaed reveaed the true etent of his power to no other; the Diviner himself is only too awa aware re of his own abiities, however and r years beond count he has empoed empoed them to rther a persona agenda terrig in both scope and scae It is true that Orika reads the low of the cosmos and the auras of the stars and that with the wisdom wisdo m he gleans he predicts historys great events with uniing skill. The Great Crusade the Horus Heres Heres the coming of the yranid hive eets and the opening op ening of the Great Ri Ri these and countless other dramas upon the grand galactic stage were reveaed to Orikan ong bere they came to pass. With more cus, the Diviner can even read the ture of specic campaigns or indivdual heroes, predicting how events wi transpire and selling his knowedge to whichev whichever er nobe court wi nd it most vauable. vauable. Provide Provided d of course, be cautious; even the smallest change in causaliy can hav spirallig and utended consequences t speaks to Orikan's Orikan's ski and cunning that his tempora interrence has never been revealed barring a few overly overly curious allies who who soon met with horrible and entirely improbabe improbabe twists t wists of te. Royal ourts .beeve ourts. Most of Orika Orikan peers simply him to nss be ouche and disrespect either because it is in his nature, or due to some quirk of his revivication. A few canny souls suspect that the roots of this behaviour lie in his ast bitter echanges with Szarekh bere the Necrons' te was sealed. More than this though, Orian is aso a chronomancer of prodigious skl and power. Tis is the talent he keeps hidden, his greatest secret and most potent weapon. Upon grasping some new revelation revelation or spying an opportunity missed, Orkan embarks upon a journey down his own timeine in order to adjust events ev ents or provde hiself with warnng of what is to come. The Diviner must None, however suspect the real truth Orikan takes to the battleeds of the 41st Millennium in urtherance of a subte agenda centuries i n the making He manipuates those armies he ghts alongside and ensures that his own goas are achieved pruning and tweaking the gaactic timeine as a master horticulturist tends his garden Very soon soo n now, Orikan believes, the stars will come into a nal alignment At that moment momen t the unf unfettered ettered power of the cosmos will be his to command and his tempo temporal ral traps - woven carel carelly ly across the gaa like the ult lines of an earthquak earthquakee about to strike - will be triggered al at once. When that moment comes it wll be Orikan who becomes the master and al will be rced to obey his commands. ZAHNDREKH & OBYRON THE TIME-LO TIME-LOST ST LORD AND H IS ITHFUL DEFEN DER wg N w y : g tg y x yy g N l y y g g Zahndrekh is amongs he mos amed o he he Sauekh Dyasty's nemesors. He enjoys he personal vour omotekh o motekh the Stormord. Under hs rule he ingeword o Gidrm has risen o promnence as a power poweru u coreword and mltary hub. He s noble, principed and as a commander commander quie bria briant, nt, not o menion loyaly deended b hs consan shadow, Vargard Obyron. Sad Sad Nemesor Zahndrekh is aso acted wth a deuiona nsaniy o deeply ingrained there is no chance he wil ever recover om i. The nemesor perceives the gal a abou him as t once was, ong befre he horrors o borans boranserence. erence. Zahndrekh beeves himse and his flowers to be eshandblood beings. So convnced o his s he hat he nemesor s empoys severa vera ozen fod tasers to wach fr poson n he asts served up to, bu never consumed b, his Roya Court. Moreover o Zahndrekh the enemes he ghs are no rampagng Ork hordes, elte Space Marne strke frces or daemonworshpping daemonw orshpping cutiss. n heir place Zahndrekh insead sees armed and armoured Necrony Necronyrr servan servans s o rebellious dyasties deluded or deceived by separast demagogues, but Necronyr nonetheless. As such, the od nemesor accords every eve ry fe he ces ce s the exent o the dyasc honour codes. He shuns the use o Deathmarks Flayed Ones or Destroyers where a al possibe, and oers his enemes every chance to surrender or rerea. Zahndrekh even nsiss tha enemy commanders be capured rather than kiled, and orded orde d every couresy c ouresy as respeced Necronyr leaders. For al hs, Nemesor Zahndrekh is a submely skiled srategist srateg ist and a maseru baeeld acican. Still, ths maseru mgh no have been enough o save hm om om he i-voured i-voure d atention o hs mutnous Roya Cour, bu that he is proteced at al tmes by Vargard Obyron. Having served as Zahndrekhs proector snce he days o esh and blood, Obyron Obyr on is uerly and selessly oya to his maser. I is Obyron who quiey pus down coury rebelions on Gdrm, and who disposes o Zahndreks honoured prsoners he has been reprimanded reprimanded by hs rambng maser more than once fr the number o al accdents that seem to bel such captves. On the baeed, the huking vargard watches over his master wth unbnkng eyes. rue, he is happy to storm into he enemy a he head o Zahndrekhs where he can butcher the lesserlegions races wih savage abandon, but Obyron is always aler o Zahndrekhss posiion. Should any fe Zahndrekh threaten the nemesors person Obyron acivaes his ghoswalk mante and seps through realiy to appear a Zahndrekh Za hndrekhs sde a hearbea ater More mes han he ca count, the vargard has arrived in tme to bock an enemys descending bade ypicaly elicing a pleased chuckle om hs master along wih blu insrucons o gve he spried spried aacker a ir ght ANRAKYR TH E TRAVELLER TRAVELLER Some see Anrar as the ultimate expression expression of o f Necron Necron stellar supremacy supremacy, an a n indetigable warrior warrior whose crusade r unit is nothing short of o f inspirational. inspirational. Other Necron nobles see him h im as a rogue an opportunist oppo rtunist and a priva privateer teer ittle better than than the plundering ermin ermin of the lesser races Anrakr cares not either way way so long as he is able abl e to continue his hi s quest Anrayr sorms ino batle wth his warscyhe swnging n vcous decapang arcs. Should a owering bason or mighty enemy bar his pah he merely raises hs achyon arrow and - wh a hundercap hundercap ha coud coud spi a mounain in two erases hs arg arge e om exisence Should he e send war engines agas Anrar her shocked crews may nd hemseles suddeny unable o conol heir hicles hicles weapon sysems The r rael aeller ler can projec hs h s consciousness no he machneries of he esser races and bend her crude sprs o hs wl making heavy cannon and energy blasers swe suddeny o new argeng coordnaes bere uneashing punshng saloes ha bow ncremens whie surrounded by hostie es Had he Sen Kng aready decared hs return Anra would undoubedly hae ralled o his banner as he uner and saor of he Necron race Robbed of such agrehead, howeer, Anrayr ook upon hmself o become one he enemy's comanders, ele warrors or accompanyng armour asses o smoudeing peces. agan. Hs sef sefapponed apponed msson has proen chalenging, howeer i ways ha Anra dd no resee For one hing he maps and chars he possesses are aeons ou of dae making i remendousy dicul o locae each world Een when he does Anray oen nds he cold dead run of omb compexes aready long plundered by he lesser races A such imes he descends wih rious ioence upon he ransgressors always hopng ha word of such exampes will spread and dssuade rher respassers o his usraon i neer does Nor does Anra gh lone, of course; hs egons are neerae campagners al battlescarred and deadl A heir hear march te Pyrrhian Pyrrhian Eernals Eernals Necron soldiery ha hail fom Anrayrs own cownword, and who hae ugh a his sde r hundreds of yeas Few enemes can long wihsand he assau of his rareed cadre of hese Necrons who are as ndomabe and resien n close quarers as hey are a range Wha ruly makes Anra remarkabe s no his ski in batle, howeer prodgious mgh e. Insead is his ceaseless campaignng and he goals he seeks o achiee Anrakyr ghs no r he rherance of his dyasty's greaness a he expense of al ohers, bu raher r he greaness of he Necons as a whole Upon awakenng om he Grea Seep, Anrakyr was rtunae enough o nd hmsef hae and whoe, wih his cuies nac and his wil undimmed. I dd no ake him ong o grasp he rue situaion ha he ecrons und hemsees n - scat scatered, ered, los and awak awakenng enng n Tus he became he raeler, leaing he rue of o f hs crownword Pyrrha n ohers hands and akng he as majority of his miary migh o no he sars Anrar vowed o rae om one Necron word o he nex awakenng hose ha sil sumbered and defendng hose ha were under atack, unil a las he Necron dyases were al ly resored and her race ruled he gaa once As Anray Anrayr' r's misson drags eer on so his ranks are depleed In order o mainain he momenum of his crusade he raeler demands a he of mliay mgh om eery Necron wod he encouners, awakens or rescues.. omemes hs rescues h s s g gen en wiingly enough bu on occasion he s accused of exorion exorion and brgandry and mus ake his reinrcemens by rce Such ncdens sadden Anrayr, r he canno undersand how al of hs race do no share in hs ision or zea Howeer he pushes on regardless cerain ha when a las his ques s complee, all of hs race wi undersand and appaud hs son DYNASTIC PANOPLY Te Necrons are a isual dichotomy; their dynasties hold fst to aeons-old martial traditions and highly regimented regimented heraldic schemes, scheme s, yet time and entropy combine to render he grandeur of their legions ded and ghouish ghoui sh Moreover, the further inclusion of ghastl beings such as the Destroyer Cults and Flayed Ones corrupts the magnicence of the spectacle. Necron armies are thus both darkly majestic and menacingly horric, as the examples on the llowing pages sho. The colour schemes an heralic ghs isplaye by the The ghs themselves are are the primary way in whch the varyng yastes egons of the Necron are of roote in a time bere biotransference. Oncethe nobly the esh-and-blood Necrontyr would have sent their solery to war bearng these markings upon armour an utterng banners Some even ha them scarie nto ther troops skin the legions were extensions of their masters' power very much possessions those who rued them and t was ony rght and proper that the ors of the ynasties marke their chatte as such. yastc ranks the sigil legons are Necrons conveye,everythng an every that yasy has tswithn own Tis conveys to the an emboes It is ispaye in varous yasy stans r an rms across al the war engines warriors an noblty of that ynas wth only the ruing elte being permtte to bear the Wit h each step own the Necrons rg gh n ts entret With hierarchy of society an sentence the ynastic yn astic gh s rendere more basic or has sections omtte so that the lowy solery wear ony enough of the gh r it to be ecognsabe ecogn sabe as ther ynastys own When their sodier were transrme into servie anros the Necron nobty took to applying their dynast coours co ours an ghs directly onto the warrors metac boies. The Necrons artcia rms are highly receptive to such ecoraton; empoying the arts of the Crteks the hues of armour plates can be altere on a moecuar leve an the equencies of weapon crystals arcane power sources and the ke can be atuned to glow wth the same erce y astc colours Equal glhs can be picke out n raioactve isotopes or cracklng energy channes that woul scorch away the esh of lvng beings being s but which blaze prouy upon the Necron solery amidst the smoke an shadow of battle. a rmes of ere is another glh that appears throughout the armes the Necrons regarless of ynasty or or algnment algn ment The Ankh of the riarch s the Necrons omnpresent raca moti moti o some nobles t has long been a symbol of de glor an a trational aectaton. o others it s a mark of th an aty to the rulers of the ost Necron empre Wth the open return of Szarekh the Silent King an the rmation of hs new rarch t seems that the latter camp have been vincate n n ther abing f somewhat heboun hebo un th. 38 XN-RE45302X NECR ON DYNAST DESIGNAOS FILE: XN-RE45302X Dynasties Uncouned Even after the Wa in Heaven, thee wee inn umeable Necon dynasties some huge and poweful others small but ambit os. As the Necon s wake fom the Geat Sleep, these ae moe facted and vaiegated than eve before; many of the laest dynasti es ae scatteed scatteed and factionaised, whie a nmbe of lesser nobles seized the opportunity to found dy nasties of thei own Necron Waor fom the Novokh Dynasty Necon Wario from from the Nihilakh Dynasty Neon Wao fom the Necon Waro fom the Necon Wao fom the Neon Wario fom the Sautekh Dynasty Saekhan Dyn asty Zathano Dy nast nastyy Tsaakura Dynasty 39 40 41 FILE: N/387 - NCR ON DSTROYR UT VARANS Aspects of Destruction estye Cults make f a divese and macabe sight, the bdies twisted nt ptimised mecani sms f mde Mst Destyes retan the dynastic clus they wre befe thei descent int madnes s if nly becau because se altei n them them is nt elev elevant ant t the the busines s f killing, and i s thus peceived peceived as a waste time and esouce. Skpekh Destye Ophydian Destyes 42 FILE: FILE: SRR/390/ - NECRON DESTRYER HEAVY ARMAMENTS Lkhust Heavy Destroyer with enmtic exterminator exmark Destroyer Lokhust eavy Des troyer with gass destructo 43 Szarekh, the SSilent ilent Kin g 4 Necron Ovelord Technomancer with Canoptek cloak Flaye Ones Royal Waen 45 TH E RU LES Welcome o the rules secon of Codex: Necrons. On the llowng pages you will nd a the rules content you need to bring every aspect of the Necrons dynases to le on your ableop baleelds Maybe you're nspred o dve sraght nto some open play games maybe you want to rge your own tales of glory and namy wih narraive narrai ve pla, or perhapsplay youconess. can't wat to pt yourself agans your opponens n nail-bting mached Whichever appeas o you even f s a b b of al three this secion of of your Codex provdes provdes a modula toolbox hat alows you o ge the mos ou of your collecion. Of course, heres no need o ake i al a l n a once! Some of the conent on he llowing pages thigs like your army' army 's datasheets and he rules r is weapons wl be useful no mater wha knd of game youre playing Others, such as your armys tratagems, arlord arlord rais and Relics wl become relevan r elevan once you start play playng ng games wth Batle-rge Batle-rged d armes Then heres content like Crptek Arkana or he Powers of the Ctan C tan ha you wl uoc by ncluding particular models in your abletop arm. In each ase you can include these new elements at your own pace; whether youre a brad new hobbyst playing your rst few games or a veeran general ready o cause carnage there's pleny here to provde you wih countess hours of o f esh and excing gamepla On op of his, he Necrons are he only con in ahammer 40,000 wih access to Command Proocol rules by whch you ca gude gude your army's strategy str ategy ad drec your legions o ther neviable victory You w d everyhing you need on the th e lowng pages o include these rules in our games of Warher 40000, not o menton bespoke conten r your y our Necrons Crusade rce Included n the later are excting Requistions hat enable you to expand he ranks of sklls of your Royal Court or see your noble ll o he grip of madness and a ssem of Dyastc Epihets a brand new Bale Honour only avalable to Necrons nobles by whch the ll majesty of your army's leader can be properly communcated o he gnoran lesser races BATTLE-FORGED RU LES CRUSADE RUL E S DETACHMENT DET ACHMENT ABILITIES [ PG 5 1-55) CRUSAD CRU SADEE [ PG 7077) Units i n Necrons Detachments gain additiona abilities to betterr reect how bette h ow Necrons armies operate together and wage war on the bateeld, ncluding Dynastic Codes to describe individua ghting hting styles of dierent Necrons dynasties You can nd out more about Detachment abiities in the Batte rged Armies section of the arhammer arhammer 40000 Core Core Book. Necrons have access access to a host o f additiona rules that rther personaise your Crusade rce ese incude bespoke Requisitions, Requisitions, Agendas, Crusade Reics and Weapon Enhancements that reect the rich background of the Necrons Amongst the rules pr presented esented in this section are Dynastic Epithets, a new pe of Batte Honour that Necrons Warlords Warlords can gain to better reect their individua megalomaniac status STRAAGEMS [PG 5 659) STRA Necrons armies have access to unique battlee battleeld ld strategies and tactics that tha t they can utiise to best their es i any theatre of war; these are represented represented by the Stratagems in this section, which you can spend Command points to use in your games You can nd out more about Stratagems and Command points in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book CRYPT EK AR KAN KANA A [PG 6 2-6 3) models in your Necrons army can be upgraded to take rare and esoteric items caled Cryptek Arkana. Such a CRYPTEK wll be abe to uneash new abilities and powers on the batleed. CRYPTEK DATASHEETS DATTASH EETS [PG 801 1 1) DA s section is essentia to al Necrons players, regardless of preferred prefe rred play style, containing as it does doe s the datasheets r Necrons units Each datasheet describes, among other things the proles of its modes, the wargear they can be equipped with and the abiities they have You can c an nd out more about datasheets in the arhammer arhammer 40,000 40,000 Core Book B ook WARGEAR ARMY RULES WARLORD WA RLORD RAITS [PG 64 -65) The Warord of a Necrons army can have one of the traits presented in this section These help to personalise the leader of your rce and better reect their individual combat prowesss and command syle on the battleeld prowes RELICS [PG 66-67) Necrons characters can can take power artects and ancient weapons caled Relics into batte these Reics and the rues they bestow are described in his section POWERS OF THE C'TAN C'TAN [PG 68) If your army incudes any C' tan Shards or esseract Vauts, they can be given powers fom the Powers of the C'tan ese represent represe nt the realityde reality deing ing talents of o f each ndividua Ctan WEAPON PROFLES [PG 11 22-11 15) Tis section provides provides an a n alphabetised alphabetised ist of o f all the weapons that Necrons units can be equipped with, and shoud be used in conunction with the datasheets section POI NT S POI NTS VALUES [PG 11 6-118) If you are playng a matched pay game, game, o r a game that otherwise uses points vaues, you can use the aphabetised lists in this section to determine the points value of each unit in your arm arm These values wil wil be revewed and updated annua. RULES REFERENCE Shard as they destroy their es wth but a gesture MATCHE MA TCHE D PLAY PLAY RULES CHAPTER APPROVE APPROVEDD R ULES [PG 69) If yo u are are payng a bae that instructs yo u to seect secondary objectives then you objectives yo u w be able to choose om the additional Necrons ones printed here Tese represent the tactica and strategic goals unique to Necrons armies You can nd out more about selecting secondary objectives in many matched pay mission packs, including theEterna War mission pack und in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book GLOSSARY GLOSSA RY [PG 1 19) In his section yo u wl nd a glossary of rules terms terms used in this Codex is is intended to work aongside the gossary und in the Warhmmer 40,000 Core Book and aid in resoving any compargelex compargelex rules interactions that may arise REFE RENCE [PG 120) Here you wi nd a handy bullet-pointed rues reference that summarises some common Necrons rules 49 D E TA C H M E N T A B I L I TI TI E S A NECROS Detachment is one that only includes models with the NECROS keyword (excudng models wth the UALIGD keyword) NECROS Detachments gan the Royal Court and Dynastc Agents and Sta Gods abities NECROS NECROS Codes abii. unts n Detachments gain the Dnastic • Toops unts n NECROS Detachments gan the Objective Secued abliy (ths ably is described n the Warhammer 40000 Core Core Book DYNASTIC CODE S Te scattered dy nas nastie tiess o te Necrons Necro ns pursue many man y dren rentt pats to domi nance, embr embracin acin g teir teir own tr traditions, aditions, ar arcane cane tec tec nologies and martial doct doctri ri nes All NECROS unts wth wt h this abiiy and a a the models in them gan a Dynastc Code so long as every unit in that Detachment is om the same dynasty e Dynastic Code they gan depends upon whch dnasty they ae om, as shown on the lowng pages. Exm: A Meprit unt wit te Dy Exm: Dy nastic Codes Codes ab ili iliy gains gai ns te Solarr Fury Sola Fury code. If you dynasy does no have an assocated Dynastc Code you must nstead ceate a new Dynastic Code r them as descrbed on page 5-55. s alows you to customise customis e the rues r you Necrons dynasty to best represent their their ghting syle on the batteeld. n ether case wte down a of your Detachments' Dynastc Codes on you army oster TH E ROYAL ROYAL COUR T A strict stri ct iera i erarc rcy y dictats dicta ts every every aspect o te Necrons' Necron s' Royal Courts Toug titles suc as Nemeso Varga argard rd or Heirop Heiropactor actor con co ner ffarar-rea reaci ci ng dutie dutiess an d martial autorit autorit , it is literall literall encoded encoded i nto te Necro Necro ns perso persona nalilitty en gr grams ams to or ultimate dr dr nce to te t e igest ig est-placed -placed noble no ble on o n e battleeld battleeld THE ILE KG When musteng you arm as f ityour contains model that mode must be seleted WARORD. Otherwse, if you amy contains a PHAERO model that mode must be seected as you WARORD Othewe, f you amy contains an VRORD mode, that model must be seected seec ted as you WARORD. Othewse, if your army contains a ORD mode, that model must be seected as you WARLORD If your amy contans none of the isted models select you WARORD as normal. DYNASTIC AGENS AND TAR TAR GO DS Tere are Tere are tose tose wo move amon a mon gst te te dynasties dynasties a nd switc sw itc teir alleia alleiances nces a s best suit suitss teir needs needs,, or else else are seen as na naht ht but catte to to be used an d discarded discarded at wi ll • and 'A HARD unts can be ncded n a NECROS Detachment without peventng othe unts in that Detachment om gainng a Dynastc Code • YASC GE and A A HA RD unts never gan a Dynastic Code You can ncud ncudee a maxmum of one A HARD mode in each NCROS Detachment n you amy YASIC GE 51 NAS STI C CO D ES DYNA MEP HRIT: SOLAR FURY Te Mephrit Mephrit have ha h a esse essed d the wrath ofcapti ofcaptive ve stars stars to imbue imb ue into in to NOVOKH: AWAKENE D BY MUR DER Te crimson hosts of Novokh their weapons Tis raging raging energy energ y cors immense im mense rawsolar power and can sear through even the th e thickestt armour thickes arm our with wit h eas ease e remember wperformed ell the sacred sacr ed their rite rites of bloodingwell perf ormed by th eirs warriors in the ancient times e dynasty martial martia l heri herit t awaken a spark of violent pride within its legions legi ons lending power and fero ferocit city y to their th eir attacks • Add 3" 3" to the Range characteristic of ranged weapons (excluding Pistols) that odes with this code are equipped with. • Each tie a ode ode with this code akes a ranged attack that targets a unit within half range, the Arour Penetration Penetrat ion characteristic of that attack is i s improved improved by . • When the Protocol Protocol of the Vengel Stars (pg 8 1 ) becoes active r your ar, i f every unit i n your ary (excluding YNASI GEN and C'AN HARD units has this code you can seect both of that coand protocols directives instead of ust one NEPHREKH RANSOCATION BEAMS RANSOCATION Te Crypteks ofthi ofthiss dynasty adapted adap ted metagold to cre create ate what wha t their phaeron calls the th e olden fform' orm' Teir soldie can utilise trnslocation beamer technology to transm transmute ute their the ir bodies into living light light in order order toic icker ker acr across oss the battle battlee eld ld • Models with this code have a 6+ invulnerabe save • Each tie a unit with this code Advances, Advances, it can ransocate ranso cate If it does, do not ake an Advance rol r it. Instead, unti the end of the phase, add 6" to the Move characteristic of odels n that unit If I f a unit translocates, unti the end of the urn, odels in that unit cannot shoot • Each tie a unit with this code Falls Back or translocates, unti the end of the phase, odes n that unit can ove across odels and terrain as if they were not there. • When the Protocol Protocol of of the Sdden Sdden Stor (pg 81 ) becoes active your ary, i f every unit in your ary (excluding YNAS GEN and CAN HARD units has this code, you can select selec t both of that coand coan d protocols directives instead of just one • Add 1 to charge charge rols ade r units with this this code code • Each tie a odel with this code akes a elee attack, if that odes unit ade a charge ove, was charged or perred a Heroic Interventio Intervention n this turn iprov iprovee the Arour Penetration characteristic characteristic of that atac k by . • When the Protocol Protocol of the the Hungry Hungry Void (pg 8 1 ) becoes active r your ary ary,, if every unit in your ary (excluding YNAST GEN and CTAN HARD units) has this code, you can select both of that coand protocos directives instead of ust one. NIH ILAKH: AGGRESSIVE AGGRESSIVE TERRITORIAL Regal Re gal an d arrog arrogant, ant, th thee war warrio riors rs of this proud proud dynasty dynasty will not give a single inch to their foes oes Te stan stand d their the ir ground groun d dea ant ntll, un leashin leashingg a formidably accurate accurate hailil ore that ha that cleanse cleansess the stain stain of the les lesser ser race racessm the th e Nihilak Ni hilakh h righl righ l lands. • Units with this code code have have the Objective Secured abiiy (see the Warhaer 40,000 Core Book) I f a ode in in such a unit aready has this abiit abiit that odel odel counts as one additiona ad ditiona odel when deterining deterinin g contro of an obective arker • Each tie an atack with an Arour Penetration characteristic characte ristic of -1 is alocated to a odel with this code if that odels unit is wholy within its controler' contro ler's deployent zone, that aack has an an Arour Penetration Penetr ation characteristic of 0 instead. • When the Protocol of the Eterna Guardian (pg 8) becoes active r your ar, if every unit n your ary (excluding YNAST GENT and CTAN HARD units) has this code, you can select both of that coand protocols directives instead of just one 52 'Orde. Unity Obedien O bedience ce We taught the galaxy these things ong ago, and we wil do so again · l mot the Storm /o /ord rd SZAREKHAN: SZARE KHAN: UNCANNY AR TIFICER S e Szarekhan' Szarekhan ' dynasty exhibit a dee deep-root p-rooted ed abi litty waar to fahi fahion onofand a nd maintain theabili thenest nest a Necron Necro n dynast dynas t. Enemy re ricochets harm harmlessl lessly om their thei r magncent android forms while, in return every blastnd lade strke the the Szarekha Szarekhann level at the their ir enemies enem ies s lethal in i n the ex extr treme. eme. • Each tme a model wth wth ths code would ose a wound wound as the resut of a mortal woud rol one D6; o o a 5+ that woud s ot lost. • Each tme a unt wth ths code s seected to shoot or ght, you ca rerol one wound rol rol whe makig that uts attacks. • Whe the Protocol of of the the Udyng Udyng Legons Legons (pg 81 ) becomes actve r your arm arm f every unt your army (excludng YNAS YNASTIC TIC GENT and 'TAN HARD unts) has ths code, you ca select both of that commad protocos pr otocos drectves stead of just one SAUTEKH: RELENTLESS SAUTEKH: ADVANCE Nothing an h alt the inexorable inexorable march the Sautekh. Sautekh . Tese disdainnl conquerors will disdai wi ll stop at nothing nothin g to retak retakee their t heir ancient domain obliter obliterating ating a who wh o dare dare to defy defy them in a stor storm m fdeath and destructio destruction n • Each tme a Morale test s taken r a ut wth ths code you can re-ro that test Istead of lowng the ormal rues r Rapd re weapos, modes wth ths code shootng Rapd Fre weapos weap os make double the umber umbe r o attacks f the shootg mode's target s wthn 18" • When the Protocol of the Coquerg Tyrat (pg 8) becomes actve r your arm arm f every ut your army (excludng YNASTC GENT and 'TAN HARD uts) has ths code, you can seect se ect both that command protoco's drectves stead of ust oe. 53 STRATAGEMS If your army incudes any NECROS Deachmens (excuding Auiliary Suppor Super-heavy Auxiiary or Foricaion Auiliary Network Deachmens) Deachmens) you have access o he Sraagems Sraagems shown here and can spend CPs o use hem When one of hese Sraagems insrucs you o selec a uni fom your arm repace al insances of he <YASY> keyword on ha Sraagem (if any) wih he name of he dynasy ha your seleced uni is om. FRACTAL FRACT AL TARGE TIN G 1C P Necrons - Battle Tact actic ic Stratagem Augmentative ta targetin rgetin routin routines es have been pr pree-pr pro orammed rammed into these thes e om ombb Blades' strte strteic ic engagement protocols ho lding the cr momentaril level as they lock on to their victims and unl eashh a wit unleas wither herin in barrage ore Use his Sraagem in your Shooing phase Seec S eec one TOB arm Uni Unill h e end of he phase: ADES uni om you r arm D IMEN SI O N AL CO R R D O R Necrons - Battle Tacti acticc Stratagem Stratagem Obeying recall recall protocols protocols this t his uni unitt ste step p into a tempo dimensional displaement tunnel and reemerge om the eternity gate ga te ofa nearby nearby Mono Monolith. lith. Use his Sraagem a he sar of our Movemen phase Selec one <YASY> ORE FARY uni fom your army ha is on he baleeld. baleeld. Remove ha uni om he bated bated n he Reinrceme Rein rcemens ns sep of his phase se ha un i back up on he baleeld anywhere ha is wholly whol ly wihin 3" of a iendly iend ly • Al Rapid Fire weapons weapons ha modes modes in ha uni are equipped wih are reaed reaed as being Assau 2 weapons • Models in ha uni do no suer he penay o hi rols incurred r ring Assau weapons in he same urn ha heir uni has Advanced JUD GEMEN T OF OF THE RARCH 1CP Necrons - Battle Tac actic tic Strat Stratagem agem Tose who w ho defy the wi ll of the Fina F ina l riarch riarch are subject subject to sw <YASY> MOOLI enemy models. model and more han 9" away om any ECH NO-O RAC RACULA ULAR R TARGE ARGETNG TNG 1C P Necrons - Battl Battlee Tacti acticc Strata Stra tagem gem Guided by e pains painstakin takingg pre predictio dictions ns of a conclave of astromancers, thi astromancers, t hiss shot sho t strikes inesapably true true ETERNA PROTECTORS Use his his Sraagem in your Shooing Shooin g phase be ber r making he wound rol r an aack made by a NECROS model om your army Do army D o no make a wound rol r ha aack i auomaicay wounds he arge EXTERM EX TERM INA INATION TION PROOCOLS 2C P - Necrons Battle Tacti acticc Stratagem Lokh Lo khust ust Destr Destro oer er have sacrced every every last ember of their thei r souls in order to pursue he eradication of all mortal le Use his Sraagem Sraagem in your Shooing phase when wh en a DKHUS ESROYERS or OKHS EAVY ESROYERS uni fom your army is seeced o shoo Uni he end of he phase each ime a model in ha uni makes an atack you can rerol he wound rol STORM OF FLENSING BLADE BLADES S and merciless retribution. Use his Sraagem Sraagem in your Shooing phase, when wh en a TRIARC uni is seleced o shoo or in he Figh phase when a TRIARC uni is seleced o gh Uni he end of he phase each ime ime a model in ha uni makes an atack add 1 o ha attack's attack's hi rol 2 CP Necrons - Battle Tactic Stratagem Driven into a grtsque grtsqueenz enzy y by by the th e hot h ot gore gore sluicing slu icing through their the ir innards in nards the Flayed Flayed Ones lay lay about themselvs thems elvs wildl wi ldly with wit h their viciou s talon. Use his his Sraagem a he end of he Figh phase. p hase. Seec S eec one LAYED ES uni fom your army wihin Engagemen Range of any enemy unis; ha uni can gh again. 1CP Necrons - Battle Tactic Stratagem tire never give Lychguard are th e ultimat ult imatee bod bod uar uards; ds; th e never tire a thought to their own st sty y over that their master andgt andgt all the harde harderr as the t he danger to that master grows grows grate grate Use his Sraagem in he Figh phase Seec a <YASY> YCHGARD ni om your arm. arm. Uni he end of he phase p hase whie ha uni is wihin 3" of a iendly <YASY> NOBE mode add 1 o he Atacks characerisic characerisic of each model in ha uni RESU RRECON PRO PROOCOLS OCOLS 1CP Necrons - Epic Deed Stratagem Necron ruler rulerss possess possess soph istica isticated ted ser repair epair systems systems th that at can re knitt their kni th eir cor corpo pore reaa lrm rmss aer even even the t he most m ost grievous grievou s wounds Use his Sraagem Sraagem in any phase when w hen a NECROS FARY NOBE or NECR OS FA FARY RY RYPEK RYPEK mode om your army is desroyed. desroy ed. You can choose choos e o roll one D6 a he end of he phase insead of using any rues rue s ha are riggered when ha model is desroyed desroyed (e.g (e. g he Surro Surrogae gae Hoss abiliies) abiliies) f you do hen on a 4+ se ha model back up on he batleeld as cose as possible o where hey were desroyed and more han " " away fom any enemy modes wih D3 wounds remaining This Sraagem canno be used u sed o se he same model back up more han once per batte. 56 STRANGE ECHOES STRANGE 1CP DYNA DY NAST STIC IC HEI RLOOMS 1CP Necrons - Epic Deed Stratagem Necrons Requisition Stratagem Battling its imprisonment, this Ctan Shard shows a icker of will as it moulds mo ulds its powers an w to the alarm al arm o oie iend nd an a n d foe foe alike. Vast and a nd sp sprawlin rawlingg are the th e tre treasu asure re vaults of o f this le leio ion n dy nas nastt and richly appointed are their noble leaders when in battle. Use hs Sraagem your Comad phase. Selec oe 'A ARD model om your_ your _ar army my.. Selec oe o e of he powers om he Powers of he Ca (pg 68) ha he model does o know he Use his Sraagem bere he bate, whe you you are muserig your arm army, y, f f your WARLRD has he NECRS ke keyw yword ord Seec oe NECRS ARA ARACER CER model (excudg A A AR D modes) seeced power repaces oe of he Powers Powers of he Ca ha he he model does kow kow.. n your army ad give hem oe Relic (his mus be a Relic hey ca have). Each Reic your army mus be uque, ad you cao use his Sraagem o gve a model wo Relics. You ca oy use hs Sraagem oce, uless you are playg a Srike orce bae (i which case you ca use hs Sraagem wce), or a Oslaugh battle (i whch case you ca use his Sraagem hreee imes). hre THE DEA DEATHLESS THLESS ARSE 1CP Necrons Epic Deed Stratagem Fcusing all Fcusing al l of its its talents tal ents his echn om oman aner er dr drag agss r r nk upon rn k of su sundered ndered Necron Necron so soldi ldiery ery back to their the ir feet. Use his Sraagem your Commad phase. Selec oe TECHDMACER mode om your army army he ed of he phase, ha mode ca use s Ries of Reaimao abilit abilit oe addioal ime. DI ME NSIONAL DEST DESTABILISA ABILISATON TON 2CP/1CP Necrons Epic Deed Stratagem As the t he powers of thi thiss Ctan C tan Sh Shard ard reshape reshape realit, its aer ersho shocks cks roll across the battle batt leeld trieri triering ngrt rther her cosmic cosmic phen omena. Use his h is Straagem a the t he ed of your Moveme Moveme phase, whe a A HARD model om your army has used a Power of he C'a Rol oe D6; ha model mode l ca immediaely use he correspodg power om he Powers o he C'a (pg 68), eve f i has already bee used his ur If ha model has h TIAIC keword, his Sraagem coss 2CP oherwise coss C. ENTROPIC STRKE 2CP RAREF RA REF ED N OBILITY 1CP Necrons Requisition Stratagem In a show sh ow of arrog arrogaa n t superior periorit it , the Necro Necro ns ns'' leader has brought the cream of their n oble a llies to war at their side side Use hs Sraagem bere he bate, whe you are muserig your army f your WARLRD has he NECRS keword. Seec oe NECRS ARA ARACER CER mode (excudig A A AR D modes) i your army ad deerme oe Warlord rai rai ha model mode l rai hey ca have) ha model s oly o ly (his mus be a Warlord rai regarded regard ed as your WARLRD r he purpos purposes es of ha Warlord Warlord Trai. Each arlord Tra i your army mus be uque (if radomly geeraed, re-roll dupicae resuls) ad you cao use his hi s Sraagem o gve a mode wo arord Tras. Tras. Yo You u ca oly use his Sraagem S raagem oce, uess you are playg a Srke Force battle ( whch case you ca use his Sraagem wce), or a Osaugh bale (i which case you ca use hs Sraagem hree mes). ENS LA LAVED VED PROTECTORS 1CP Necrons Epic Deed Stratagem Necrons Strategic Ploy Stram With ever ever cle nc nched hedst, searin g gaze gaze a nd c on temptuou temptuouss gestur gesture, e, the Ctan Shard obliterates from existence the matter that Shoul d danger threaten Can Should Canoptek optek constru cons tructs cts are are compelled by by theirr pro thei pror rm m mi ng to sur surge ge seessl seessly y to thei t heirr masters' aid comprises its enemies. Use hs Sraagem he igh phase whe a A HARD model om your army s seleced selec ed o gh. U h hee ed of he phase, each ime a melee atack s made by ha ha model, vuerable savg hrows hrows cao be ake agais ha atack Use his Sraagem in your oppoes oppoes Charge phase. Selec S elec oe AEK ui om your army. army. Uil he he ed e d of he phase, ha ui is eigible o perrm Heroic Ierveios as if i was a HARACER. 2CP Necrons Requisition Stratagem a a I " 0 : 3 l z 0 > -w E Z l 0 < z u E w Q - z � 3 I = 0 Z O W I X 1 1 0 w 1 wu > z 0 - 1 < . " I I z- C . c W C 0 U STELLAR STELLA R ALIGNM EN T PROTOCOL PROTOCOL HAN D OF OF TH E PHAERON " 2CP/1CP 0 . - a 0 > C zw Necrons Strategic Ploy Stratagem Tis dynasty dynasty phaeron has sent sen t out heir chosen nemeso imbuing i mbuing them with regal regal and abso lu lute te power to ac in their stead. stead. Driven by Cr Cryptek ma nipulatio n a key Necn wa warr eng in inee activats backup systems in order to ful its crucial pre-alined role in the wider battle battle pla n. Use his Sraagem bere he batle whe you are muserig your arm. arm. If your your army does o coai a model wih he PAERD keyord seec oe NECRS OVERLRD model om your yo ur army (ecudg amed characers) ha ha model m odel gas he PAER keyword ad i your Commad phase i ca use is My Wll Be B e Doe abity oe addioa add ioa ime You ca oly use his Sraagem oce Use his Sraagem i he Commad phase. Selec oe NECRS EHCLE model om your army army ha has a Wouds characersc of 10 or more. U he sar of your ex Commad phase, ha model is cosdered o have is ll wouds remaig r he purposes of deermiig wha characerisics o is prole o use If ha mode has he IAC keword, his Sraagem coss 2CP; oherwise coss C C.. < : 0 - u z 0 WO J V 57 REANIMATION TION PRIORIT ISA ISAT TION REANIMA 2CP SHA DOWS OF DRAZAK 1CP Necrons - Strategic Plo Stratagem Necrons Strategic Ploy Stratagem Canoptek Reanimators can quickly rerioritise which warriors are in geatest need o their healing beams ese Fla Flayed yed O n es have drwn drwn the cwling cw ling shadows shad ows o their cha rne rnell ralm through the veil with them. No they sli slink nk ever closer to to the e nem their t heir red eye eyess glowin glow in like eerie eerie lant lanterns erns om amidst coiling coili ng curt curtai ai ns o ice-cold ice-cold darkness Ue this Stratagem in your opponents Shooting phase ph ase when a NRS unit om your army i selected as a s the target of an aack Select one CAPTEK EAAR model in your army that is within 6 of and visible to the targeted unit. That model can use its Nanoscarab Reanimation Beam Be am abiliy as if it was your Command phase, selecting s electing the targeted unit to to be heale healed d by its reanimation beam (any unit that was already being being healed by that model's reanimation beam is no longer considered to be healed by it). Use this Stratagem in any phase when a FLAYD OS unit om your army is selected as the target of an attack Unti the end of the phase, each time an attack is made against that unit subtract 1 om that attack's hit roll. AETHER AE THER IC INTE RCEPTION 1CP Necrons - Strategic Plo Stratagem BURROWING NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARES S 1CP Necrons Strategic Plo Strata Str atagem gem Writhi Wr ithi ng a nd hiss n n these Ophydian Destrers Destrers plu plun n back into the bedrock with sashin g claw stro strokes kes an dickering dimensional displace dis placeme me nts. Te oe look loo k on o n earl l k no nowi wing ng ha ha t th thee murdero murd erous us a ndroi ndroids ds wil l not remain burie buried dor lon lo n Ue this Strat Stratagem agem at the start of your your Movement Movement phase. Select one OPHYIA STRYRS unit om your army that is on the batteeld Remove that unit om the batleeld. n the Reinorcements step of your next Movement Movement phase you can set that unit back up on the battleeld anywhe anywhere re that is more than 9" away om any enemy enemy models. f the battle ends and that unit is not on o n the battleeld, it is destroyed. destroyed. SELF-DESTRUCTION 1CP Necrons - Strategic Ploy Stratagem St ratagem I en ab le led, d, th thee sedestruct sedestructprotocols o Ca Ca n te tekk Scarabs cause them to explode in a hail o rzorsharp armourments armourments Ue this Stratagem in the Fight phase when a CAPK ARAB WARS uni unitt om your your army army is selected to ght. Select one model in that unit . Aer that unit has nished pilin pilingg in you ca can n select one enemy unit within ngagement Range of that model and ro one D6: on a 2-5 that enemy unit suer suer D3 mortal mor tal wounds; on a 6, that enemy unit suer suerss 3 mortal mort al wounds The CAPTK ARAB WAR model is then destroyed PRISMATIC PRISMA TIC DIME NSIONAL BREACH 1CP Necrons - Strategic Ploy Stratagem Engaging a secon secona ary ry prismaticfter built into is in vasion beam be am projecto projecto the th e Necron Necro n co construct nstruct splits splits the th e skin o realspac realspacee withh mul wit multip tiple le dimensio di mensio na l doorways doorwaysom which the dyn dynastic astic legion leg ion s advance Ue this Stratagem in the Reinrements step of your Movement phase. Select one <YASTY> CR unit om your army that is in Strategic Reserves and then select one iendly <YASY> NGHT YTH or <YAS <YASY> Y> M LI model that is on th e battleeld. battleeld. CR Set that unit up anywhere on the batleeld that is wholly within 3 of that NGHT YTHE or MLI model and not within Engagement Range of any enemy units. Tis Stratagem cannot be used in the rst battle round With hunters' instincts honed over aeons the Deathmarks pounce precis pre cisel ely at the mom ent their prey prey enter battle battle gun ni ng th em downn be dow be ore the they y can even e ven act. Use this Stratagem in the Reinrcements step of your opponents Movement phase, aer an enemy unit has been set up on the battleeld Select one YPERSPAE UTR unit om your army that is either on the baleeld in a h yerspace dimension or in Strategic Reserves. • If that YPRSPA UTER unit is in a hyerspace dimension or in Strategi Strategicc Reserves set it up anywhere anywhere on the baeeld that is within 18 of that enemy unit and more than 9 away om any enemy models. • Tat YPERSPAE UER unit can at the end en d of the phase shoot as if it were your Shooting phase but until the end of the phase it can only on ly target the enemy unit that was just set up on the th e batleeld (and only if that enemy unit is an eligible target r that atack). RELENTLESS ONSLA ONSLAUGHT UGHT 1CP Necrons Strategic Plo Stratagem Stra tagem Te Necro n soldie striderward, tracking their tar Te target getss a nd un leash in ingg volle vol ley y aer aer volle vo lley y with merciless eci en encc. Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a CRE ARY unit om your your army army is selected to shoot Until the end of the phase each time t ime a model mode l in that unit makes an atac atack k with a Rapid Fire weapon an unmodied hit roll of 6 scores one additiona hit CURS E OF THE PHAERON 3CP/1CP Necrons - Strategic Plo Stratagem Necro n nob les are jealously prot protecti ective ve o their armoury armoury should oes destroy destroy such a jew jewel el ot othe he dynastic dynas tic hoard h oard th theey risk tr triering iering vengeance venge ance protocol protocolss inte in tended nded to demonstrat dem onstratee the Necron Necrons's' displea di spleasur suree in a n explosiveashi on on.. VEHLE LE model Use this Str Strata atagem gem in any phase when a NERS VEH om your army army is destroy destroyed ed D o not roll to see if i f that model explodes it does so automatica automaticall ll. . f that model has the ITA keyword keyw ord this Stratagem Stratagem costs 3 CP otherwise it costs 1 C C.. 58 STIGATI TI ON ATAVIST C IN STIGA 1CP MALEVOENT MAL EVOENT ARCIN G 1CP Necrons - Strategic Plo Ploy y Stratagem Stratagem Necrons Ne crons Warg argear ear Stratagem As the Doom Sc Scythe ythe screams overhead overhe ad its foes foes search for for any cover lest they too be b e disintegrated disintegrated in the ensuing e nsuing onslaught. Leaping and coiling abo ut its target target with with malicious pseudo sentience,, the living lightning sentience lightning ofthese of these tesla weapons weapons coils outward like a slaver whi whip p to lash la sh at yet more nearby victims Use his Sraagem in your Shooing phase when a DooM SCYTHE model om your army army is seeced o shoo Aer A er you seec he arge uni r ha models heavy deah ra, seec one enemy uni wihin 3 " of ha arge (you can seec he arge sef if you wish); ha enemy uni can eiher brace or duck r cover. If ha uni braces and i is no a VEHICLE or a ONER uni, i suers D3 moral wounds. • If ha uni ducks r cover cover hen unil he end ohe o he rn subrac om he acks characerisic of models in ha uni and ha uni canno re Overwach or Se o Dend (see he Warhammer 40000 40000 Core Book). R EVEN G E O F TH E D O O MSTALKER MSTALKER 2CP Necrons Strategic Ploy Ploy Stratagem Should their masters be slain vengeance subprotocols ithin Canooptek Doomstalkers are tri Can triere ered. d. Te loomi loom i mahines swing their guns to bear upon those who struck the killing blow Use his Sraagem in any phase when a <DYNATY> ARACER uni om your army arm y is des desroy royed ed by an enemy uni Seec one iendy <DYNAY> ANOPTEK DOOMAKER mode om your arm arm A he end of he phase ha ANOPTEK D OOMALKER model can shoo as if i were were your Shooing phase bu i can ony arge ha enemy un (and ony if ha enemy uni is an eligible eligib le arge r ha aack). Unil he end ofhe batle each ime ha ANOPTEK DooMTAKER model makes an aack ha arges ha enemy uni add 1 o ha aacks hi rol Use his Sraagem in your Shooing phase when a ECRON model om your army arges arges an enemy uni wih a esa weapon (pg 1 2 . Aer making ha weapon' weapon's aacks aacks rol one D6 r each ohe r uni wihin 6 of ha enemy enemy uni: on a 4 + he uni being roed r suers mora wound WHIRING ONSA ONSAUGH UGHT T Necrons Warg argear ear Stratagem Skorpekh Destroyer Destroyerss carom into battle wit withh a spiralling spiralling gait that allow s them to deect allows deect enemy shots with their t heir whirling whirl ing blades. Use his Sraagem in any phase when a SKORPEKH DEROYER a s he arge arge or SKOREKH OR uni fom your army is seeced as of an aack Uni he end of he phase each ime an aack is made agains ha uni subrac om ha aack's wound ro QUANTUM QUAN TUM DEFECTION 1CP Necrons Nec rons Waar Stratag Stratagem em Te thrumming aura ofnegative ofnegative energy known as a disruption eld warps warps and dissolve dissolvess both armour ar mour and an desh. Use his Sraagem in he Figh phase when a ECRON ORE uni om your your army is seeced s eeced o gh. Unil he end of he phase add o he Srengh characerisic of modes in ha uni DIS INT EGRA EGRATIO TIO N CAP CAPACITORS ACITORS 1CP Necrons Warg argear ear Stratagem Necron quantum shielding is a true marvel of techno-arcana phasing into exi existence stence at the moment of impact and capable ofadaptive of adaptive remodulation remodula tion to dse and a nd deect even the most mo st powerl power l ene enemy my attacks. Use his Sraagem in any phase when a ECRON QUANUM uni om your army is seeced as he arge of an uni atack atac k Unil he h e end of he phase, modes in ha uni have a 4+ invulnerabe save. SHELING SOAR PUSE DISRUPTION FIELDS 1CP 1CP Necrons Nec rons - Warg argear ear Stratagem Stratagem Many Necron weapons weapons contain pulsing orbs within which is bound boun d the awesome power of a slarare are.. Use his Sraagem in your Shooing phase Selec one enemy uni Unil he end of he phase each ime a mode in a ECRON uni om your army makes a ranged aack agains ha enemy uni, he arge arge does no receive he benes of cover agains ha aack 1CP Necrons Nec rons Waar Statagem Statagem Molecular disinteration emitters activate within these Necrons' weapons even ev en as they open re re,, a aying ying away additional additiona l laers of enemy amou a mourr in explosive eruptions of glowing dust. RECONSTITUTION PROTOCOS 1CP Necrons Nec rons Warg argear ear Stratagem Stratagem In re resspon ponse se to prero prerormmed rmmed parmete, this Ghost Ark diverts additionall power to ridly repairing additiona repairing and red redeplo eploying ying the fallen Necron soldier sol diery y that it has ha harvest rvested edom the t he battleeld. Use his Sraagem in your Shooing phase when a ECRON uni om your army is seeced o shoo Uni Unill he he end of he Use his Sraagem in your Command phase. Selec one HOT phase eachon ime ha uniemakes anof attack wih a y gauss weapon weap (pga 1mode 2) aninunmodi d hi rol 6 auomaicaly auomaical wounds he arge. RK uni your army Uniabilit he end ofcan he se phase ha uni om us es is uses epair Barge abilit you you up o each o D6 ime desroyed models back up on he baleeld insead of D3 D3.. 59 DYNA YNAS S T I C S TRA TRAT TAG E M S If your army ncludes a MEH RIT, EHREKH I HAKH HAKH OVOKH AUEKH AUEKH or AREKHA Detachment (excludng Auxlary Support, Super-heavy Super-he avy Auxary or or Fortcaton Network D etachments), then th en you wl gan access to that dynastys Stratagem, Stratagem , shown below, n addton to the ones on pages 56-59 Such a Detachment Detach ment s one where every unt n that De tachment (excludng YAS GENS and C'TAN HARD unts) s om th e same dyasty (and t s one o f the ones lsted above). above). • TLENT FOR NN HI L LTON TON BLOOD RITES B Te Mephrit seek not merel merely y t dfeat dfeat their foes but to entirel foes entirely y ex expun ge themom the face face of the gala gala A n ointed in the spu spurting rting blood of ofthe the foe the movements of the Novokh le legions gions become ever ever moree sw purpose mor p urposel a n d deadl deadl Usee ths Stratagem n your Shootng phase, Us when a MEHRT unt fom your army s selected to shoot Unt t he end of the phase, each tme a model n that unt makes m akes an attack, an unmoded w ound rol of 6 ncts cts 1 mortal wound on the target n addton to any normal damage (a maxmum of 3 mortal wound s can be nlcted per phase va ths Stratagem) Use ths Stratagem n the Fght phase, when a OVOKH unt om your army s selected to ght Untl the end of the phase add to the Attacks characterstc of modes n that unt 1CP W Masters of tele Masters teleport portatio atio n tec h n olo the Nephrekh Ne phrekh ride into battle upo upo n bind b ind ing beams of lilit tom om deep deep withi wi thi n their armoured armoured tomb complexe complexes s M ETHODICL DESTRUC DESTRUCTION TION (pg 80) RECLIM LOS LOST T EM PIRE 1CP P P e Nihilakh Nihila kh seek to rule the galax galax a n d o nce they have claimed claimed a domain it is almost impossible to drie them om it Use ths Stratagem n your Shootng phase Select one I HAKH N FA FATR TR unit om your army that s currently perrmng an acton That unt can stll shoot ths phase wthout that acton ng 2CP B t Use ths Stratagem bere the battle when dclarng reserves and transports (f you are payng a msson wthout ths step, use ths Stratagem durng deployment nstead). Seect one EHREKH unt (ecudng EHLE or MONSER unts om you r arm. arm. at unt gans the Dmensona ransocaton ablty 1CP P TRANSLOCON CRYPT 0 < u " w " Q W Z z : w < 0 u w w w < 0 0 0 0 z w u u < w 0 . w e 0 z w o x o z <. > - Z 2 w w - 1 u - z " w < w z w u < w < 3 w w w a < 0 z 0 W < 0 "' : w w < w = w u w w - w w a a w w t 1CP e Sautekh Saute kh Dynast Dyna sty y excel excel in i n systematic systematic killi n n,, marki each target target th en conce nt ntrating rating their their upo upo n it u ntil it is completely obliterated. Use ths Stratagem n your Shootng phase, aer a AUTEKH unt om your army has nshed makng ts attacks Select on e enemy unt that was targeted by an attack made by a model n that unt ths phase Untl the end of the phase each tme an attack s made by a model n another endly AUEKH unt aganst that enemy unt, add 1 t o that attack's ht ro EMPYRIC DAMPING I 1CP W Ma ny Szar Szarekh ekh an bear nel nely y worked n octili octilith th chest-ankh ches t-ankh s tha thatt crate crate an ambie nt counter counter empyr em pyric iceld that tha t deaden s th e abilities of even the most power p owerl psy psykers kers.. Use ths Stratagem n your opponent' op ponent's Psychc phase, when an enemy PSYKER attempts to manfest a psychc power wthn 18" of a AREKHA unt om you army Ro one D6: on a 4+, that psychc power s dened 60 C RYP YPT T E K A R KAN A If yor army s Batlerged and ncudes any NERO Deachments excudng Auxiary Support Superheavy Auxlary and Fortcaon Network Deachmens) hen when you are muserng your arm you can upgrade any of the CRYEK modes n your army by gvng them an tem of Cryptek Arkana chosen om hose presened here. Each tme you gve a CRYTEK mode an tem of Cryptek Arkana s Power Rang Ra ng s ncreased by he amount shown n the abe opposte opposte If you are playing a matched pay game, or or a game ha ses a pons m hen the ponts value of hat mode s aso ncreased by he amount shown on the same table. Make a note on your army ro er each tme you gve a CRYEK model an tem of Cryptek Arkana Named characers cannot be gven rypek Arkana. Each CRYTEK mode can ony have one em of Crpek Arkana An army (or a Crusade rce) cannot ncude he same em of Cryptek Arkana more han once. Crypek Arkana are not consdered to be Recs r any rules purposes - ths means a CRYTEK mode can be equpped wh boh a Relc and an tem of Cryptek Arkana. A Crusade rce cannot sart wth any CRYTEK modes havng Cryptek Arkana to nclude one n a Crusade rce you must must use the Cryptek Arkana Requston Requston pg 7 2). CRYPTEK ARCANA ITEM POWER POINTS ATVIITR +1 +2 5 ORTI SUBUGTR SRB +1 + 15 OUTERTEORL OIE +2 +30 RYTOGEOETRI RY TOGEOETRI AJUTER +1 +15 EI O STU STU +1 + 15 FIL-E 0VERHRGER +2 +30 YER TERIL ABLTOR +1 +25 METLOER E WEVE +1 +20 HOTOI RUBETOR +1 +20 HYTERE HY TERE IVE +1 +20 RITI 0BUTR +1 +20 QUTU RB +1 +20 ATAVINDICATOR D IMEN S IO N AL SAN CUM CUM Employi Emplo yi ng psych psycho oin inter terrog rogative ative tr tr nsoptic project projectors, ors, th this is cruel devicee plucks the target devic target most prim primitive itive fearsom their th eir m i n d an d proec ects ts them n a bewi ld lderi ering ng assaul assaultt upon their theirel eld d of vision Bombarded by horrible visions oftheir oftheir own onrushing death oes are lik likel ely to harm the t hemselves mselves in i n an e tt to esce their th eir hall h alluc ucii natory fate or o r else su su r crippl cripplin ing g psyholog psyhological ical an d ph p hysical side eectsm the their ir state of abject abject t trro rro Tis Cry Crypte ptekk has had a per personal sonal dim ens ion ional alpocket-reality pocket-reality craae cr ed d for for them, om whi w hich ch they the y can emerg emergee i nto battle at will model on on A he end of your Movemen phase select one enemy un excudng EHIE uns) whn 18" of the bearer and ro 3D6: f the oa s equa o or greaer han that th at enemy unts Leadershp characersc t suers D3 mora wounds. CORTICAL SUBJ UGA UGATOR TOR SCARABS PYHER CRYPTOGEOMET RIC ADJUSTER Keed to tr trie ierr vet vetigin iginous ous re responses sponses i n th e sensoy sen soy appara apparatus tus of nonNecron no nNecron l l orms th this is mali m aliious ious device causes nearb n earby y ffoes oes to shoot wildly and an d in accut accuteely as as their the ir per perce ceptio ptionn ofspace and an d time warps warps i n a dizzyi dizzyi ng rush. At he sart of you opponens Shootng phase you can select one enemy unt ha s whn 2 of and vsble o he bearer Untl the end of the phase each tme a mode tha unt makes an atack subtract 1 om ha atacks atacks h roll. P H O TO N IC TR AN SU B JECTO R Tis device fash fash io ions ns temporar temporar, hardlight holo ho lorramma ammatic tic simu lac of its user to bewilder aa aacke ckers rs an and cound assassi assassi ns he bearer gans he Dmensona Transocaon abty (pg 80) Para no id an Para a n d se se-obsesse -obsessed d thi t hiss Cr Crypte yptekk has seen se en to it that tha t key ke y u nderli n n ar isted - witho without ut their kno k nowl wled edge ge of of course - with a specialised specialised variant varian t of mi m i ndshack ndshackle le scarabs scarabs In an emerge emerge nc nc these allow allow the parasitised mi n i o n to be activated their thought th ought patterns overridden by the si ngular an d overwhelmi overwhelmi desir desiree to storm i nto bat battle tle and an d pro protect tect their maste no matt matter er the cost cost Once per batle at he star of he Heroc Inerventons step Once of your opponen's Charge phase you can seec one o ne endly <DYTY> unt whn 6" of he bearer. Unless hat un s whn Engagement Range Ra nge of any enemy unts can perrm perr m a Heroc Inervenon as f were a CHRTER. CO U N TER TEMP O R AL N AN AN O M IN ES Releasedom a hive-em about the bearer' person a swarm Releasedom of nanoscarbs sweep out and lace the ground before them with micro mi crosco scoic ic temporal temporal charge chargess Fes advan advanci ci ng in to this thi s i nvi nvisible sible m in eeldn d realit reality y stuttering stuttering an a n d glitchi glitchi ng aroun around d them as they tri trir r on e m i n ute chrono fault aer aer anothe an othe model ony In your Shoong phase you can select one enemy unt wthn 18 of he bearer. Unl the sart of your nex rn halve Advance rols and and charge rolls made r that un CHRER Once per urn he rst r st me a savng hrow s led r he bearer he Damage characerstc of that atack s changed o 0. 62 FAIL-S AIL-SAFE AFE O VERCHA RGER By tri triering ering the override protoco protocols ls embedded embe dded in this stave, the bearer can activate the guardian ffail-saf ail-safes in in nearby nearby Cano Canotek tek cons construc tructs. ts. Believing the Master Prorm oftheir oftheir tomb world to be under und er direct assau ltand assault the th eenter constructs access hidden power reservoirs a rious state of aressive aressive overdrive. o verdrive. EHNOMANE mode ony. In your Command phase, you can seec seec one iendy ANOPT EK ni wihin 9" of he bearer bearer Uni he sar of yor nex nex Command phase add 1 o he tacks tacks characerisic of modes in ha uni If ha ni is a ONST E or VE LE uni, add D3 o he acks characerisic of models in ha uni insead inse ad of 1 HYPERMATERIAL A BLA BLATOR TOR By simplypointi pointing ng and an d ativating this slender uasinium uasiniu m rod the bearer shrouds shrouds their target targeted ed allies al lies in a hirlingeld accumulated hypermatte. In yor ommand phase you can seec one iend i endly ly <YNASY> O E or < YNAST YNASTY> Y> ANOPT E uni wihin 9" of he bearer Unil he sar of your nex Command phase each eac h ime a range ranged d atack is made agains ha uni, if he atacker is more han 2" awa hen he ni yo seeced is reaed as having he benes of igh cover (see he Warhamm Warhammer er 40000 Core Book) B ook) . UANTUM ORB Tis smooth and aturelss orb is activated by the depres dep ressio sionn of a series of hdden tri trier erss across its surface surf ace in a particu lar seque sequence. nce. Tis act rel releases eases the sa sauardelds with withi i it one at a time When the last of these is released the devce is ann ihilate annihi lated d along with those nearby nearby as itees itees the collap col lapsing sing uantum singulari si ngulari at its heart. heart. LASM AN E mode modell on nce per bale bale in yor Command phase, he bearer can acivae his iem of Crypek Crypek rkana If i does slec one poin on o n he baeed anywhere anywhere wihin 24" of he bearer and pace a marker marker on ha h a poin he sar of yor nex Command phae rol one D6 r each uni wihin 6" of he cenre of ha marker marker sbracing sbracing if he uni being roed ro ed r is a HAA TE. n a 4-5 ha uni uni sers D mora wounds and on a 6 ha uni sers 3 mora wounds. e marker is hen removed METALO ERMAL TESLA WEAVE METALO WEAVE Tis microsilicate weave generates a cyclical electrostat electr ostatic ic overload over load that, providing its user triers it in time sends arcing lightning leaping out to roast onrushing onrushi ng attackers. attackers. he end of he Charges sep of your opponen's Charge phase you can selec one enemy uni ha nished a charge moe wihin 6 of he bearer his phase Rol one D6: on a 2+ _ha enemy ni suers D3 mora wonds PYLACTERINE HIVE PYLACTERINE Held Hel d in i n a stabilised ux ux--eld within this smal s malll micasteel orb is a swarm swarm of o fparticularly potnt shor short-lived t-lived nano n anoscarabs. scarabs. By deactivati deactivating ng the eld e ld then tossing the hive into the midst of a iendly Necron unit these uick-burnin repair drones can be unleashed to restore the physical fform ormss of even the most com comple plex x or unusual anroid sold soldier ier . E HNO MA MANE NE mode ony ony nce per batt batte e when he bearer ses is Ries of Reanimaion abiliy yo can selec one iendly <YNASY> ANOPTEK < YN YNAST ASTY> Y> ESTOYE L or AH A EO A N ni o be aeced by tha abiiy abiiy insead insea d of o f one iendly <YNASTY> O O E uni PRIS MA MATIC TIC OBFUSCATRON Te bearer bearer o fthis glimmering glimmeri ng interspatial interspatial gem is surrounded by a multispectrl glare so dazzling to or organic ganic sight and so bewi bewildering ldering to articial cia l senses that they resemb resemble le nothin less than a blaing sta. sta. Even looking at them is a trial much m uch less le ss att attem empting pting tore upon them. Only Only as as the they y draw dra w nearer does does the cosmic cosm ic glamour subside and a nd the bearer resolve resolve into in to their the ir true se Uness he bearer is he coses eigible arge, enemy modes canno arge i wih ranged atacks 63 WA R LO R D T R A I T S If a NEROS CHARATER model s your WARLOR you can use he Necrons arlord rats table below o determne what Warlord rat they have You can ether rol one D6 to randomly generate one, or o r you can selec one. f you wish, nstead of seect seectng ng a arord rat om the tabe beo, you can selet a D yasc arlord ra r your WAROR om he table oppose but ony f hey are om the reevan reevantt dyast CHARATER model, replace a nstances of When you have a Warlord Warlor d ra r a NEROS o f the keyword on her arord ra rat t (f ( fdeermned any) wh w h he n ame of name the dynasty that your CARATER s fom If I f your Warlo Warlord rd has the<DYASTY> DYASTI DYA STI GET keyword replace repla ce al nstances of he <DYASTY> keyword on any arlord arlord rat hey have f any) wth wt h NE ROS. NECRONS WARLORD TRAI TRAITS TS 1. ENDURING WILL No mortal weaponry will break this warlord' iron resolve Each tme an atack s alocaed o ths WARLOR subtrac 1 om the Damage characterstc of that atack atack (o a mnmum of 1) 2. ETERNAL MADNESS Tis warlord' sanity san ity su su red during the Great Sle, and an d now no w he is driven by a wrathl zeal. Each tme ths WARLOR makes a meee attack, you can re-rol the wound rol 3 IM MORTAL PRI DE Tis warlord refuses to allow his warriors a single step backwards even in theface of of inte intense nse psychi psychicc onslat onsla t • Each me ths WARLOR would lose a wound as the resul of a mortal wound rol one D6: on a 5+ that wound s not los • Ths WARLOR has the lowng ab: 'Immotal Pide (Aura): Whe a endy <DYASTY> CORE unt s whn 6" of ths model, each tme t me a Combat Atrton tes s aken r tha un, gnore any or al moders 4 THRALL OF THE SILENT KNG Tis warlord purs pursues ues the agenda agenda ofthe Silent Sil ent Kin Kin,, and so commands his legions with unparlleled authorit. Add 3 to he range ths WARLORo's aura abites (o a maximum of 9") In of addton, when hs WARLOR uses ts My Wl Be Done, e Lord's W or Adaptve Straegy Straegy abes, you can select one endy <DYASTY> CORE un wthn 2" of ths WARLOR nstea nstead d of9 5 IMPLACABLE CONUE ROR (AURA) Tis warlo warlord rd strides strides at the head hi hiss le legions. gions. Whe a endy <DYA <DYASTY> STY> CORE unt s whn 6 of ths WARLOR, you can rero charge ros made r tha unt 6 H ONOU RABLE CO MBA MBATTANT Tis warlord is a strict adherent to the ancien an cientt codes codes n he Fght phase each tme hs WARLOR s selected to ght, t can engage n honourable combat f does seect one enemy CHARATER unt; unt the end of the phase add 2 to the Atacks characterstc of hs WARLOR but can ony make aacks that target hat enemy CHARATER unt 64 P O WE W E R S O F T H E C ' TA N C'TAN N HAR D units om your army Bere the batte generate the Powers of the Ctan Cta n r C'TA arm y using the table t able below. ou can either rol one D6 to generate each power randomly (rerong dupicate results) or you can select selec t which powers each unit knows. f seectng powers a power cannot be selected r a second tme untl all other powers have been seected at least once by units in your arm and no unit can ca n know the same sam e power more than once. Wrte down any Powers of the C'tan C' tan your units know kno w on your army roster POWERS OF T HE C'T C'TAN AN 1. ANTIMATTER ANTIMATTER METEOR 6. TRANSD IMEN SONAL THUNDE RBOL RBOLT T Tis Ctan Shard gathers an orb oroiling antimatte eore hurlingg the cackling hurlin cackling pr prec ectile tile into into the midst midst oth theeoe Te Ctan Shar Shard d pro projects jects a crackling bolt energ energy ym its outstretched outs tretched pal palm m blasting itsoe int intoo oblivion oblivion Ro one D6 adding Ro add ing 1 to the ro if ths C'TAN HARD s a ES SERAT VAULT: VAULT: on a 3-5, the cosest enemy unit that is wthn 24 of and visbe to this C'TAN HARD suers 3 morta wounds; on a 6+ that enemy unit suers D3+3 mortal wounds. Select one enemy unit within 24" of and visbe to ths CTAN HARD (an enemy CHARATER unt wth a Wounds characteristic of 9 or less cannot be selected selected r this power while it s withn 3" of another enemy unt uness that CHARATER unt is the closest visble enemy unt). Roll one D6 on a 2 that th at unit suers D3 mortal wounds. Then ro rol l one D6 r each other enemy unt within 3 of the seected unt: on a 4+ that unit suers morta wound. f this C'TAN HARD s a ES SERAT VAUL VAUL ro r each other enemy unit wthn 6 of the selected unt nstead of 3 2 TIME'S ARROW wisting theow the ow ocausa ocausalility ty and a nd remoulding tempora temporall stream streams s this Ctan Shard eses its oe existence om space and time CTAN Select unit within 8" of and to ths Rollenemy one D6 adding to the roll visible f ths C'TAN HARD is a essERATVAUT f the tota equals or exceeds the Wounds characteristic of any models n that enemy unt your opponent characteristic selects one of those models to be destroyed. 3. SKY OF FALING STARS Savagely beautl pheres ocoruscating light plummet m the cold depths ospace growing to roaring balestars as they appr ap proach oach then impacti impactin n with killing rce rce Seectt up to three enemy units withn 24 of this C'T Seec C'TAN AN HARD. For each of those units rol rol one D6 on a 1-5 if the dice resut s ess than the number of modes in that unit that unit suers D3 mortal wounds f this C'TA C'TAN N HAR D s a ESSERATVAUT, that unit suers 3 morta wounds om ths power instead instead of D 3. UN I UE C'TAN C'TAN POWERS R VR - M T e C C tan Shard ot othe he Deceiver uses it power powerss to ood his victims v ictims minds with vast and te terrible rrible cosmic tru truths, ths, ove overwhelming rwhelming even the most ironclad minds and an d driving them instantl instantly y and irrevocably irrevocably insane. C'TAN AN HARD Select one one enemy unit wthin 1 2 of and vsibe to ths C'T Rol one D6 and add this CTAN HARD Leadership characterstic to the resut. Your opponent then rols one D6 and adds the Le adershp characteristic character istic of the selected unt to the resut. That enemy unit suers morta wound r each point by whch your total eceeds your opponents. 4 COSMIC FIRE R R R - Z Z A t this Ctan a n Shard ges gestur tured ed command comma nd a pillar pi llar obl black ack fre streaks downom the heav heavens ens to consume consu me the e e Dark energies leap om the Shard eyes and its distended ma rducing oes to blackened bones crawling with st Ro one D6 r each enemy unt wthin wt hin 9" of ths C'TAN HARD on a 4+, that u nt suers D3 mortal wounds If this C'AN HARD s a ESSERATVAUT unts suer 3 morta wounds om this power nstead of D3 Selec t one enemy unt wthn 9 of and vsibe to this C'TAN HARD Roll three D6s r each 4+ that unt suers suers D3 morta wounds. 5 SEI SM IC ASSAUT ASSAUT Stone actures and ores melt mel t as the t he C tan Sh S h ar ard d drags drags up up ide idess o o magma om deep below Foes are plunged screaming into steam gushing gu shing vents vents as the land shatte shatters rs beneath beneath them while tectonic tectonic shock sh ock waves hurl ohers om their their eet with bone-breaking bone-breakingorce orce Select one enemy unit wthin 1 8" of and visibe visibe to this C'TAN HARD Rol one D6 r each model n that unt adding CAN N HAR D is a ES SERAT VAULT VAULT r each to the roll if ths CA 6+ that unit suers 1 morta wound to a maximum maximum of 0 morta wounds. R V R V V RM Wen this th is C'tan points one impe imperious rious hand reel a s the air sis sis with a monstr mo nstrou ouss whine. whi ne. Te a a l sound builds builds then er erup upts ts into a sudden anderocious storm o o emeald lining to ann a nnih ihilat ilat all a ll it touches. Sele ct one enemy unt wthn 8" of and visble to this Ctan Shard (an Select enemy CHARATER unit wth a Wounds characterstc of9 or ess cannot be selected r this power while t is wthin 3 of another enemy unit unit unless that CHARATER unit s the closest visible enemy unit) Rol one D6 on a 2+ that unit sue suers rs D3 morta mor ta wounds (i t surs surs D6 morta wounds instead f t has the VEHIE keywor keyword) d) and until the start of your net turn f that unt s a VEHE whose characteristics change as t oses wounds then it halves the number of wounds it has remaning when determining what characteristics to use. 68 NUMBER OF SELECTED OBJECTIVE MARKERS YOU CONRO 1 2 2 3 . �· . • . � C R U SA SA D E R U L E S In this section you ' find add itional rules for payin g Crusade Crusade battes with Necrons, such as Agendas, Agendas, Batt Batte e Trats Tr ats and Crusade Reics that are bespoke to to N E 0 S units. You can find out more about Crusade armies in the Warham Warham mer 4, 4, Core Book Tis section contains the llowing additional ule: AGENDAS units atept to achieve unique Agendas in Cusade batles, batl es, which can be und on page pag e 71 . es e gen re ect the unique goal s of Necons aies on the baleeld and help to eect their paticua ethods of waging war. You can nd out ore about Agendas in the Crusad e mission packs packs such as that pesented in the Wahammer 40000 Coe Book . NECROS REQUISITION S Te Requisitions presented on page 72 can be used on NECROS unit. They epesent unique upgades and eects r NECROS unit in a Cusade ce that help to elect the individual character of their tob wold and its legions. BATTLE BA TTLEunits TRAIcan TSselect NECROS one o f the Battle raits presented on page 73 as they gain expeience and ae pooted in your Cusade ce. These help to reect the distinctive upgrades and Battle Honours tha ae bestowed pon NECROS units. DYNAST DYNAS T C EPITHETS Each tie a NECROS NO BLE WARLORD wins a victo, thei legend will gow and they will acquie acquie a new title. On page 74 you will nd a list of Dynastic Epithets that can be gained. If such a WARLORD gains enough titles they can also gain one or moe additional abilities, abilities, which ae descibed on page 75. WEAPON ENHANCEME NTS NECROS units equipped with tesla or gauss weapons can select one of the Weapon Enhancements pesented on page 76 as they ae upgraded in your Crusade rce. These help to better elect the deadly hyer-science of Necons technology on the battleeld. ld. BATTLE BA TTLE SCARS f a particular NECROS unit gains a Battle Sca, you yo u can select one om those presented on page 76. Tese Bale Scas repesent the unique challenges and aictions of the Necons, and help to add uther characte to your Crusade ce. CRUSADE RELCS In addition to the Crusade Relics pesented in the arhae 40,000 Core Book, Necons chaacters can quest to seach r one of the Crusade Relics descibed on page 77; these Relics are unique to the Necrons, and grant the beae both power and pestige. SH OWCAS OWCASE E CRUSADE ARMY On pages 78-79 you wil l nd Jay Jay Goldnch's menacing haetekh Dynasty Necrons Crusade ary with a w ite-up detailing the naative and inspiration behind the ce and some details of its battleeld exploits. AGENDAS f your Crusade army ncudes any NEROS units you can seect an a n Agenda om the Necrons Agendas Agendas lsted beow his s a new category of Agendas and lows al the normal rues r Agendas (r exampe when you select beow Agendas you cannot choose more than one om each category) T H E U N E N D I N G TALLY Necrons Agenda Agenda Destr Des troye oyers rs care on o n ly for for the murde murderr of org orgaa n ic l the their ir obsessio n is m ono man ic obsessio ical al their tall tall of the sla sla i n eve everr groingg and their groin thei r jo joyl yles esss apet apetite ite never sat sated. ed. an obective marker mar ker that is not wholy withn your own own depoyment zone can start to perrm this acton A unit cannot start to perrm ths acton whle there are any enemy unt ( excudng IRRAT) wthn range of the same objective marker Ths acton s compl completed eted at the start of your next Command phase Keep an Unending tal r each NEROS DESTROYER unt Each unt gans a number of vctory ponts equal to their om your army At the end en d of each btle btle round, ad 1 t - errtora mperative taly that unts Unendn Unendngg taly if t destroyed 2 or more enemy unts that batte round NESCAPABLE RETRIBUTION At the end of the batte each unit gan 2 experience points r every mark on ts Unendng taly Necrons Ag Agenda enda SUPREMACY THROUGH ANNIHILATION As though it ere not enough en ough of an i nsult that the cr creepi ng thieves ofth ofth e lesser lesser races races de deled th e dy dy nast nastic ic tombs it ithh theirr i ntr thei ntrusio usio n they also also stole precious precious artef artefacts hose truee orth they ca tru ca n n ot compr comprehen ehen d. Tese must be recov re covere ered d even the quest should take a thousa nd years years!! Necrons Agenda Agenda o the Necrons Necrons it is not en ough to simply simply dat their en em emies. ies. ing Tey must mus prove prov e thei ttemptuous heirr superio superiority rity Ho by completely by complete obliterat obliterating th em tith ith on ontemptuous ease. else, els e, a alyer all are he lesser race racess to be b e truly put i n the their ir place? Keep an Annihation tally r each NEROS unt om your army army At the start of each battle round seect one enemy unt that s at ts Startng Strength n whch everyy mode has ts startng number of wounds ever wounds f that enemy unt is destroyed ths bae round add to the Annihilaton tally tal ly of each unt fom your your army that destroyed one or modes om om that enemy unit uni t durng ths bate round Each unit gans a number of experiene points equa to ther Annhlation tal TERRITORAL MPERATIVE Necrons Agenda Agenda Duri ng the Great Slee Slee,, the th e Nec Necro rons ns'' on ce ce-s -spr prali ali ng territories er steadil territories steadil eroded, eroded, co nquered an a n d parcell parcelled ed up by other be in gs Now Now that they are rsi ng on ce more the dyna ynasties sties are loathe to los losee a ny more more ground. Keep a errtora errtora Imperative Imper ative taly r each NEROS unt n your army Add to a unit's errtoria errtoria Imperative Im perative taly each tme t destroys an enemy unit that started the turn whin 3" of an obectve marker and each tme t compees the erritoria erritoria Imperatve Imper atve acton (see beo) If you seected ths Agenda NEROS ATRY units (excludng CARAER unts) om your army can aempt the owing acton as descrbed n the Warhammer Warhammer 40000 Core Book Territorial Imperative (Action): At the end of your Movement phase one NEROS FATRY unit om your army (excuding CHARAERS) that s withn range of fnyou yo u selected ths Agenda then aer botset both h sdes have ished deployng your opponent must up one objective object ive marker on the baeeld that s not wthi wthin n ther own deployment zone zone hs obective marker represents the Dynastc Dynast c reasure reasure but b ut does not count as an objectve marker r any rues purpose other than r this t his Agenda NEROS ATR ATRY Y unts om your army can aempt the lowing low ing acton as described n the Warher Warher 40000 Core Book: Recover Recov er Treasure Treasure (Action): (Action ): At the end of your Movement phase one unt om your army that is i s wthn 3" of the Dynastc reasure objectve marker can start to perrm this action s action s competed at the start of your next Command phase f competed remove the Dynastc reasure obectve marker om the th e batteed A unit gans 3 experence points f t completed ths acton f that unit u nit s either wthn your deployment zone at the end of the battle, or f every enemy ene my unt on the batleeld is destroyed, destroyed, and that unit s a CARATER, you can addtionay use the Rec Requisition Requisition (see the th e Warhamer Wa rhamer 40000 Core Book) or Cryptek Cr yptek Arkana Requiston (pg 72) 72 ) to give that mode a Relic or Cryptek Arkana as f t had gained a ran without spendng a Requiston point (that model must be abe to take either a Rec or an tem of Cryptek Arka na). • : i6 . . • . - . REQUISITIONS A Crusade army ha ncudes any ERONS unis can spend Requisiion poins (RPs) (RP s) on any of he owing Requisiions in addiion o hose presened in he Warhammer 40000 Core Book 1R P CRYPTEK AR KANA KANA THE SLOW SLOW DEC DECA AY OF THE SELF 1RP Cry rypteks pteks are forever forever inven i nventin tin seeking seek ing to bend ben d the laws of the material universe to teir whims by shackling those forces within It isper perilo ilous us to ght alongside a longside the Dest Destroyer royer Cults Cults for too lon lon lest le st thei theirr nihilistic nihilistic madn madness essnd pur purcha chase se withi withinn the per personali sonali devices that stand testament to their subjug subjugation ation of ofthe the livi cosmos He cosmos Here re is but the latest product f that endless en dless quest. enrams en rams of formerly stable Necrons Purchase his Requisiion when you add a CRYPTEK uni o your Order of Bale (excuding named characers) or when a CRYPTEK model in your Cusade rce gais a rank a mode is upgraded o have one iem of Crypek Arkana as described on page 62 increase is Power Raing accordingy and make a noe on is Crusade card A model can never have more han one iem of Crypek Arkana You Y ou canno purchase his Requisiion if doing so woud cause your oa Power Leve o exceed your Crusade C rusade rces Supply Limi Purchase his Requisiion aer a bale in which your Crusade army conained one or more unis wih he ESTROYER CUTS keyword Seec one ORO or ERLORD mode ha was aso par of ha Crusade army remove remov e ha mode om your Order of Bale and repace i wih a ESTROYER C U UT T CARATER mode om he same dynasy You canno purchase his Requisiion if doing so woud cause your oa Power eve o exceed your Crusade rce's Suppy Limi The newy added ESTROYER CUT CARATER mode sars wih he same number of experience pois as he CARATER i replaced and immediaely gains he appropriae number of Bate Honours r is rank THE GLORY OF OF SU BJUGA BJUGATION TION 1RP A s the ancient ancient code codess o fhonour demand, the victor in any dynastic - war may and claima the spoils grea gr eate ter r notoriet notoriet rich rich of the treasures titheresultant osoldiery subsumed rom the leions defeated foe Purchase his Requisiion aer a vicory is achieved n a bale agains a ERONS army Your arlord gains 5 experience poins and you can immediaey purchase he Fresh Recruis R ecruis Requisiion (see he Warhammer 40,000 Core Book) once r R R CUNNIN G AD ADVISOR VISORS S 1RP Te greater a Necron noble reputation, the more cunning and accomplishe d are the Cry accomplished rypteks pteks who wh o seek see k them out and or them service Purchase his Requisiion when you add a CRYPTEK uni o your Order of Bae i your Crusade rce aready incudes a OBLE uni of a eas Booded rank Tha CRYPTEK uni gains 6 experience poins (and herere gains he Booded ank) Seec one Batle Honour r hem as norma ELDRTCH ARTIFIC ARTIFIC E 1RP No greater greater status symbo symbols ls are there to the Necron nob nobility ility than mighty war engines Any dynasti leader with designs on hierarhical hierar hical elevation would do well wel l to pour all the resour resources ces the can into furnishin urnishingg their armoury armoury with the nest wea weapons pons they possibly can. Purchase his Requisiion when you add a ERONS VEE uni o your Order of Bae, or o r when a ERONS VEIE uni in your Crusade rce gains a rank if your Crusade rce EHNOMANER. VEE incudes a uni gains one Weapon Enhancemen; increase is Tha Crusade poins accordingy and make a noe on is Crsade card. BATTL TTL E TRAI TS BA When a EN un gans a Batle Trai Trai you can use oe o he ables below b elow insead o one of he ables n he Warhammer 40000 Core Book Each ime you do so ro one D6 and consul he appropriae abe o randomy deermne wha Bale Tra he un gains or choose one ha els he bes narrave r your un. Al he norma rue r Batle ras ras apply apply (e.g a uni canno have he same Bate Trai more han once) As wh any Bate Honour, mae a noe on he un's Crusade card when gans a Bale Ba le Tra and increase s Crusade poins accordingy as descrbed n he Warhammer 40000 40000 Core Book NOBL E U NTS D6 1-2 TRAT Hierarchical dvancemet This noble hs successfully climbed another rung "thin the byzntine hierarchies ofthe Royal Court Add 3" to the range of this mode 's My Wil Be Doe abi lity 34 CRYPEK UNTS D6 1-2 Matia potheosis The passing aeons provide ample opportunity improve one's bladesmanship when mortality is but a dim memory. Each tme an attack is made by this mode , re-roll a hi t rol of 1 dless Legios As ever more systes awake upon this noble's tomb world, everr greater legions become theirs command. eve 34 Corporea Integrato This Cryptek has taken into themselves elements oftheir own technologies with potent results results Oce pe battle afterthis afterthis mode has used its hronometro Harbnger of Despair arbiger of Destructio o Rites of of Reaimat io ability it ca use use hat abili ty oe additioal time ergy Savat Able perceive the living currents currents ofcos ofcos mic energy that power their stave, this Cryptek can channe l its power with increased incre ased ecacy ce per battle, you Shootig phase, afte this unt has shot it can soot again 5-6 Imore f tisexperiece model i s pa of your Crusade army and it gaied 3 or poits from the battle [excludig experiece gaed from Maked fo Geatess, see the Wahamme 40000 Core Book) an 1 Requisitio point 5-6 Dimensiona macipation Dimensiona By accident design this Cryptek Cryptek hasplaced has placed themselves slightly out ou t ofphas fphasee with realspace As a result, their blows pass throughf through foes def defences as a s easily as any an y hypehse hyp ehse blade • Improve the Weapon Weapon Skil characteistic ofthis ofthis model by 1. • Each time this model makes a melee attack, a successful hit roll automat automatically ically wods the target target CORE UNITS D6 TRAIT TRAIT he Wll to Serve 12 These combatants have developed a truly indomitable will, rapidly recovering recove ring fr from om even e ven the m catastrophic damage in determination t serve their masters CAOPEK UNTS D6 Out of Actio tests ken forth is uit are automatcally automa tcally passed. ngammatc Impitg The soldiery soldi ery in this unit are receptive the desires and 3-4 56 Guarda Costucts 12 commands oftheir betters even at great distances. This Canoptek unit exhibit hyper-developed protective protocols engaging extermination extermination protocols defend their Cryptek masters While s unitattack is within 6 of of by a friedly uit,reeach time ath melee is made a modelCYPT i hsKuit, -rol a woud oll of 1 This unit will beefit from the selected diective diective of your army's actve command protocol while t is withi a ny rage of a friedy ON CAATE model [excludg C'AN SA models) istead of 6. Udying Rev Reven enants These Necrons rise again and again despite the ms grievous wounding, resolutely refusing succmb their wounds TRAIT 3-4 ptimised ggess ggessors ors Theirduties as tomb t omb guardians discarded, these Canoptek constructs have adapted focus on speed a nd aggression. You can re-roll Advance rolls ad charge rol ls made for this nit. ach time yo u make Reanimatio Prot Protocol ocol rolls for this it, yo ca cha ge a sigle dice esul t to a 6 5-6 Self-repcatr odes Augment Aug mented ed wth wth advanced matter-replication matter-replication capabilities capabilities these Canoptek Canopt ek constructs can sw swtly tly repair thems themse/ves e/ves in battle Each time yo make Reanimatio Protocol rolls for ths nit, you can chage a sigl e dice result to a 6 73 ' - . � . . . • • DYNASTI DYNA STI C EP IT HETS f the WARLOR o f your Crusade arm is a ERONS OBLE (excudng a named caracter) then each tme you wn a batte you must generate a new Dynastc Epthet Ept het r that WARORD. You can either select one o ne om the tables below, or you can randomly generate one by rst rolng a D6 to seect s eect one of the two tables on a -3 use table ; on a 4-6 4-6 use table 2) bere rolng a D66 on that tabe (to rol a D66 rol two D6s one aer the other the rst result is your tens and your second s your yo ur unts For exampe, a D66 ro where the rst D66 TABLE 1 EPITHET resut s a 3 and the second is a 6 is a resut of 36) . Make a note of any Dynastc Epthets ganed on that mode's Crusade card or every thrd ttle gained you can seect see ct one of the Dynastc abites shown opposte r that CHARATER unt Increase ts Crusade ponts by 1 r each of these abtes selected selected No model can have more than ve of these abities and the same abiy cannot cann ot be taken more tan once n your Crusade rc D66 TABLE 2 EPITH ET 11 Archnemesor Archnemes or ofthe of the Dread Legion 11 Banee of the Talassari Ban Talassari 12 Keeper of the ght 12 Hierarchh of the Gho ul Stars Hierarc 13 Grand Sunderer 13 Ne mess of the Gu l'dar Race 14 Ever Vengefu Vengefu Tyrant of the Nght 14 Scourgee of the Blood Worlds Scourg 15 Un corroded Slayer of Emp res 15 Break er of the Ctan 16 Butcher of the Five H undred Worlds 6 Technomartyr of the Inne r Wolds Wolds 2 Doom of Morr Morrgar gar 2 Saviour of the Wars of Rust 22 King of the Crimson Risng 22 bterator ofthe ofthe Negat Negatuu uu 23 n de struc structib tib le Lord of Stars 23 Resplend ent Master of the C osmi c Fires 24 Death of the Great Krork Em pire 24 Monarch of the Outer Void Void 25 Embodiment o f Metaoglory Metaoglory 25 Opp ress ressor or of the Unwort Unworthy hy 26 Sentine l of the Eternal Gate 26 Uniter ofthe ofthe Broken Worlds Worlds 3 Keeper of the Blad ed Void 3 Wiee r of the Secret Blade 32 ntolerant Rule r of the N nth Kingdom 32 Chapion of the the Ancient Codes 33 Undy ing C ommander of the ost ost Legi Legions ons 33 He Who Spit Spitss U po n the Ancent Ancent Codes 34 Wrathful Wrathf ul ord of the Crysta E mp ires 34 Slayer of a Thousand Foes 35 Destr Des troyer oyer of the Flesh ng Curse 35 Keeper of ofthe the Sempte rnal Tome 36 Ruler of a housand Moons 36 Conquero r of the S perithras perithrastt Knarls 4 Master of te Corewords 41 Behead er of the Emperor Enthroned 42 Awakened Aw akened Hei r to to the Crownworld 42 A-conquering Master Master of the Billio n Blades 43 Subjugator Subjugat or of the Phoxos Hordes 43 He Who Bars the Gate 44 Conq ueror of the Xoraxians Master of te wil wil ight Kng doms 44 45 45 Plun derer of the Sola r Catacomb Catacomb Herald of the N ght Unen ding 46 Vanquis her of the Zoath 46 Unse epn g Eye of nfinty 51 Rightf Rig htful ul Ru ler ofthe of the Thrd Dyn ast astyy 5 He Who Listens Not to to U nworthy Prattlings 52 Eternal Lord of Heaven s 52 Breaker ofth ofth e Beings Below Below 53 Keeper of the Hyper-ankh 53 Bane of the Vyggh 54 Enli ghtened Mon arch of the Void 54 Despi ser of the Yabi Yabiab i SS Majestic Lord o f the S hft hftng ng Stars SS Eradcator ofthe ofthe Equon 56 Sovereignn ofthe hirty-f Sovereig hirty-five ive H oll ow Worlds 56 Sco urg urgee of the Ssly th 6 Slayerr of te Cosmc Spyder Slaye 6 Bladethef Bladeth ef ofthe of the Kehletai 62 he E ye of the Triarch 62 Domi nator ofthe Per Perncio ncio us Antedil 63 Reaper of the D horm Sy stem 63 Monarch of Monarchs 64 64 65 Ceestial Ruler of Divine Divine Right Techn omagister ofthe hrd Epoch 65 The Great Awakener Un rust rusted ed ord of the Bratak Empire 66 Voidlord ofth e Vassal Vassal Dynasties 66 Destroyer ofth ofth e Swarm . ARKANE COLLECTOR RESTORER OF EMPIRES Tis Necron yearns to undersand the mysteries ofthe galax seeking to study the artce art ce of of each of of its other oth er rces to learn how h ow best to subjugate them utterly Tis dynast dynastic ic master seeks to impose an order ofthe oftheir ir own devising devi sing - that ofdomina ofdominance nce under their rule Each ime a meee atack atac k made by his NOBE destroys an enemy mode tha has a Relc hs NOBE gans 2 bonus experence pons. LORD OF LEGIONS If his N B LE is part of your Crusade Crusa de army and a he end of the bate you are the victor you can increase your Crusade rce's rce's Supply Lmt by . LOYAL LOY AL SE RV RVANT ANT Tis noble n oble ha ha prioritised the awakening of of their vast legions legions as only an obsessive completionist could Tis noble retains absolute devotion t o the Silent Kin Kin, , comman comm and d protocols or no Wile some may now believe themselves themselves more suitable to rule, this loyal servant seeks to work Szarekh' will by furthering his plans in battle If his NOBE s part of your Crusade rce then he Fresh Recruts Reqstion Reqstion (se e he Warhammer 40000 Core Book) costs Requit Requiton on pons f he unt beng ncreased is om the same dynasy as his NOBE. Once per battle f f his NOBLE is on he batleeld yo can use one Srategic Ploy Sratagem r Command points DYNASTIC DYNA STIC EMBOD IMEN T ARCH-MACHINATOR Tere is much m uch to learn in the gala galax x for much mu ch has changed since the Great Sleep Sleep Tis noble pours all oft oftheir heir time into in to setting new schemes in motion, bending this new reality to their will If his NOBE is part of your Crusade army then when seecing Agendas (pg 7 1) you can select one addiona addiona Agenda. If yo you u do so aer Agendas are revealed you must must dscard one of them MARTIAL MARTI AL PERFEC TIONIST Since their reivcation, this noble has become obsessed with renin ning g their htingf htingfor orm m to peak e cien ciencc f for they desire to slaughter the lesser races Once per bae if his NOBLE is on he baleed you can use one Batle Tacics Sratagem r Command points Fr this Necron Necron,, order orde r an and d tradition traditio n are everyth everythin in Te T e codes of battle must be adhered to. If hs NOBLE s part of your Crusade Cr usade army you can seec seec a maximum of wo Agendas fom page 71 insead of one UNFL INCHI NGL NGLY Y REGRESSIVE Tis command commander er long longssfor the glory glory days days of of the past, when their existence was simple and the galax galaxy y was not plagued with upstart races Nothing bring bri ngss them the m clari cla ri like lik e the absolute absol ute expu expun ning ing of the lesser species om their si s ight I a the end of the bate ths NOBE s on the bateeld and there are no enemy modes on the battleeld, this bonus experence ponts NOBLE gains 3 75 _. • �* • . • . • • WEAPO WE APO N E N HAN CEM EN TS BATTL BA TTL E SCARS When a E uni gains a Weapon Enhancemen you can, if he weapon seeced is i s eiher a esla weapon or a gauss weapon (pg 12 ) use one of the tables below insead of one of he ables in he Wahamme 40000 Core Boo. Boo . Once Onc e you have seeced he weapon rol one D3 and consut he appopriate able to randomly determine what Weapon Enhancement is gained, or choose the one hat tes the bes narative r your unit If he NY Y I E weapon you have selected is equipped on an N model, you can insead rol wo D3 (e-roing dulicae resus) o choose two. A A the normal ues r Weapon Enhancemens stil app app As with any Batle Honour make a noe on the unis uni s Cusade card when whe n i gains a Weapon Enhancemen and incease is Cusade points accordingly as descibed in he Warhammer 40000 Coe Boo. When a EN uni gains a Bae Scar you can selec he elevan Batte Scar below insead of detemining one om he Wahamme 40000 Core Boo. A he norma rues r Batle Scars appy (e.g. a uni cannot have the same Bale Sca more than once) once ) As wih any Bate Sca make a note on o n he units Cusade card but unlie othe Batte Scars Scars do not decease a uni's Crusade poins r acquiing one on e of the Bate Scas listed beow. D3 ENHANCEMENT BATLE BAT LE SCARS UNIT Creeping Madness This noble's sanity unravel unravelling ling one engram at a time time,, lending them a savage vitality, but rendering their capacity issue rational commands n onexistent. OBLE nit only lectromagnetic vercapacitors This weapon's living lightning discharge arcs and a nd leaps with increasedf increased ferocity and aggression a ggression 1 Each time an attack made with this weapon targets targets a unit within 1 2, the addtiona hts soed as a reslt of this weapon's abiites are on an nmodied hit rol o 5+, instead ofa 6 rcsock Projector rcsock Projectorss Quantum cells ensure this weapon ires at maximum discharge. 2 3 In yor Shooting phase, after you have made attacks with this weapon, nless the Statagem Statagem as alr eady been used this phase you can use the Maevolent Arcing Stratagem Stratagem fo OCP. OCP. BATLE BA TLE SC AR • Add 1 to the Strength Strength and Attacks characteristics of models i n this nit. • This nit is not conside red to be a OBLE o r CHAATE nit for the prpos es ofthe ofthe Comman Commandd Protocols abiity (pg 81) and no longer has the folowing ablities: My Wil l Be Done; he Lods Wil Mndless Reaper Watever dregs ofpersonality ofpersonality o r intellect this being possessed are draining away replaced by their mechanistic obsession with endless slaughte. DETOYE CU unit only tmosperic Fminator rray As they rise skyward this weapons lightning blasts splinter into a crackling web that envelos aerial targets. Each time an attack is mad e with this weapon against an AT unt, add 1 to that attack attacks s hit roll and wound roll • When a model n this unt makes an attack you can re-rol the hit rol. • I n yor Shootig phase each time this unt is selected to shoot models in this nt ca n only target the closest eigble enemy unt • In yo Charge phase each time this unt declares a chage, you can only seec t the the closest enemy nit (exclding A) as the targe targett of that c harge ngrammatc Degradation damaged ha s this unit been that their core core personality engrams have become scrambled D3 ENHANCEMENT Moleclar Vaporise Vaporiserr 1 2 Targets afthis Targets afthis weapon we apon areayed apart with suc h violence that they explode in shocking moleclar eruptions eruptions C'TA SA units] If an enemy model s destroyed as a result of an ttack made with this weapon, untl the end f the turn, that models unt is treated as being at beow Halfstength anopartclate Disassember Cols This weapon assesses and then assiduously deconstructs target's moleclar makeup at a errying rate Each time an attack s made with this weapon, an unmo di ed hit rol of6 scores 1 additional t. Metalophagic tomc Decoupers Even the heaviest slabs ofarm Even farmor or cannot resist thejensing the jensing touch ofthis vcious weapon 3 EON nit only [excuding In your Shoot ig phase, after yo yo have made attacks with this weapon unless the Statagem as aleady been sed this phase you can use the Disntegrat Disntegration ion Capacitors Stratagem Stratagem foO C CANOEK unt only • Sbtact 1" fom the Move characteristic of models in this unit. Su btract 1 from Advance and charge rolls made for this unit. • This unit always beneits from the the selected di rectiv rectivee of the comma d poto potocol col that was active active for yor amy dur ng the irst battle rond instead of the seected diective ofthe ofthe command protoco protocoll that is crently active fo your army. Depeted ransmaterial Reserves These constructs are running on exhausted power supplies leaving them nothing in reserve eect serepair during battle • A dd 1 to th e Atta Attacks cks chaacteristic chaacteristic ofmod els i n this unit • This nit cannot se its Reanimation Protocols and Lvng etal abiities. CRUSADE REL ICS ARTFICER RELCS ANTOUTY RELCS LEGENDARY RELCS A ERO NS CHARATR can be gven one of the owng Arcer Relcs nstead of one of he ones presened n he Warhammer 40000 Core Book. A ER ONS CARATER o f Heroc Heroc rank can be gven one of he lowng Anquty Relcs nstead nst ead of one of he ones presened n the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book Add o a unt's oal Crusade pots r each Antquy Relc has hs s n addton to he 1 om ganng a ate Honour r a oal of 2 A ERONS CAR CARATE ATER R o f Legendary rank can be gven one of the lowng Legendary Recs nstead of one of the ones presented n the Warhammer 40000 Core Book. In addon n order o gve a model a Legendary Rec you mus also pay 1 Requson pon (f you do no have enough Requson pons you cannot gve ha ha mode a Legendary Relc). Add an addtonal 2 o a uns oal Crusade ponts r each Legendary Rec t has ths s n addon addon to to he 1 om ganng a Batle Honour r a oa of +3 +3.. Tansdimensonal Shoud A veil ofgossa gossamer mer-- ne dimen sion sional al traa nsitio tr nsitions ns billows about this Necron Necron obscating ob scating their the ir precise location location a nd cauin cau ingg inco i ncoming ming en em emy y r ree to be b e divert diverted ed into alt alternate ernate dimensio dim ensional nal states states Each tme a ranged atack s made aganst he bearer an unmoded wound wou nd rol of -3 r that atack s rrespecve of any abtes hat the weapon weap on or he mode makng the attack may have. Engrammatc Entangle Te core core ofth of this is Necro Necro n ' artcial cerebrum cerebrum is maintaned w ithin a quasin quasin ium casin casin that is in a state of cons constant tant quantum enta nglemen t with a n exact c c stor stored ed withi n the vau vaults lts of the bear bearer' er' tomb world worl d Should S hould the Necron' Necron ' physical form be destroed beyon d all possibi pos sibilit lity y of o fse se repai re pai thei theirr perso persona na lit lity y engram is insta in sta ntly projected across the intertellar gu and into its cerebrum backup Necoexcucato is un assuming device posse possesse ssess the t he abilitto inict such potent agonies upon the necrodermis ofCtan ofCtan Shards that even the stunted and a nd rcur rcursiv sivee echoes echo es of con sciousn ess tr trap aped ed within wit hin can feel it So motivaed, Cta n strive strive to to un leash every every iota of cosmic might available to them. the m. Whether this reaction is an attempt to stop thee pain th pai n or a consed c onsed gesture gesture of outra outra at the presump presumptio tionn ofthose wh whoo i nict it is debatabe. Tachyon Feld Phase In duce The beare has the lowng aby: A c ontro ontrover versial sial an d dange dan gerou rouss weapo weapons ns technn olo tech olo th is device ge nerat nerates es a tachyo tachyo n eneeld ene eld around aroun d its bearer' blade, resultin res ultingg in their every blow stri strikig kigster tha n li liht ht and an d dischargin dischargingg treme tremendous ndous destructiv destr uctivee energ e nergy y into in to their t heir victims. Should Shoul d the beare bearerr be slain sla in the eld rapidl rapidly y overloads and detonates in a blindingash 'Necroexcruciator (Aura): Whe a of lethal powe po we.. endly C'TAN HAR model s wthn 2" of hs model add " o he Move charactertc of that CTAN HAR mode and add 1 to the Strength oughness and Attacks characterstcs of that CTAN ARD model • Al Bae Scars ths un has are are removed om ts Crusade card. • Ou of Acon ests made r the bearer are automacaly passed. ll hail or Hasmoteph the Resplendent Master of the Thousand Wor Worlds lds,, Oppressor of the Vordish Hordes. . ' A Lord Hasmoteph glared imperiously down upon his foes as his Royal Warden, Mohep he Indomitable intoned the phaerons inn umerable honorics. honorics. The ind ailed through through the boughs of the trees that clung to the ooded ridge but Moheps amplifed vocalisation vocalisa tion easily overrode the pieing hol His ords even cut through th e din of the erce battle raging belo belo.. Grand mmolator of the Poisoned Star He Who Fought the Scraming Scr aming God Wielder Wielder of the Song of Sorro Sorros s . . . '. . The enemy ere trying again to force their ay through the Necron lines As Hasmoteph understood it these blue-armoured beings ere the fnest fnest soldiery of the Human species He as 1ot impressed. Eve Evenn no their transport vehicles shuddered as gauss re stripped aay armour plating and ravaged ther motive systems. One of the skimming vehicles ploughed into the ground and belched ames Th other to managed to land in a more co1trolled fashion, disgoging bands of bluearmoured giants hose guns thundered They blasted sathes of his arriors from their feet but the phaeron as unmoved. Peons he could easily replace • Select one meee weapon the bearer s equpped wth Each tme an attack made wh hat weapon scores a h, tha attack nicts 1 morta wound n addton o any norma damage. • Wh When en he bearer bearer s destroyed ro ro one D6 bere removng om pa. pa. On a 2+ t explodes and each un whn 3 suers D3 mora wounds. Master of the Seven Seven Realities Realities Lord of the Outer Kingdoms . . Hasmotephs elite soldiery ere closing in on the humans no While his Warriors kept the enemy pinned Thoktars mmortals and Shekhmets Lychguard converged from the a1ks Aay amidst the ruins more bluearmoured Humans lay don covering fre but ith Hasmotephs omb Blades strang them they had problems prob lems enough of their on '.. Executionerr of Cossol Executione Cossol Wearer Wearer of the Starpyre Starpyre Raiment . . . The ;as of the tr trap ap closed closed Tes Tesla la blasts spat and crackled. Energised blades clove primitive poered armour. Still the humans fought back. His soldiery ere no doubt becoming increasingly anxious Tradition dictated that should victory not be on by the time Mohep nished his recitation recitation the phaen ould be compelled to oin the ght. On such occasions the punishments Hasmoteph doled out to sho his disappointment ee severe Yet privately the th e phaeron illed his Royal Warden to nish the announcement His list of titles gre longer ith evey co1quest and t had been an age no since Hasmoteph had gotten to butcher the lesser lesser rce rcess in person. Perh Perhaps aps this time he th ought a1d gripp gripped ed th e ha� of {is arscythe arscythe tig{ter as Moheps voice voice droned on ' " DATASHEETS This section con tains the datasheets that you wil need to fght fght battes with your Necron s mi niatures, as we as an expanation o any seectabe keywords keywords those datasheets datasheets might have and detais o army-specfc abi ities. You can fnd out how to use datasheets datasheets i n the Warhamme Warhamme r 40,00 0 Core Book TH E < DYN DYNAST ASTY> Y> KEYWOR KEYWOR D Many datashees n hs section have the <DYASTY> keyword This is a keyword that you can seec s eec yousel you sel,, as dscibed dsci bed n the Warher 40000 Coe Book with the guidce beow Most Necrons units ae dawn om a dynas. When you include such a unit n your army, you yo u mus nominate whch dynasy t s om and hen repace rep ace the <DYASTY> keyword in evey insance on s datashee wih he name o yor chosen dynas This could be one of the dynasties deailed a Wahammer 40000 pubicaon o one o your own design e: Iyou in include clude a Royal Warde ardenn in your arm arm and you decide it ism ism the th e Novo Novo/h /h Dynast, its < DYASTY> keyword becomes NOVOK and its Relentless March March abi ab i lity reads Wh Wh i le a iendly NOVOKH CORE unit is wit hin 6" of this model each time that unit is selected selected to make a Normal Move or Advance Advance untl the th e end of the phas phase, e, add 1 to the ove characteristic characteristic of models in i n that unit. uni t. you cannot nclude unts om two derent dyasies n the same Detachmen You can nd out more abou Battle-ged Battl e-ged amies in he arher arher 40000 Coe Book REANMATION PROTOCOLS Should a Nec Necn n be slain, its body body becomes becomes wreathed wreathed i n an eerie glo.. Crawling limbs glo limbs reatt reattach. ach. Sundered Sundered torsos and smashed smashed skulls reform ref orm ami a midst dst emerld sparks sparks Wit itch chligts ligtsar aree back to l wit w ithi hinn dead dea d eye-lense eye-lensess and the Necron Necron rises gin, sha shambli mbli ng back into their the ir battle line. li ne. Tose Necrons Necrons too catastro catastroph phica ica ll damaged damaged to reform vanish instead teleported away to their tombs for rpair. Each time an enemy un shoos o ghs aer i makes is attacks if any models in ths un were destoyed des toyed as a result of those aacks bu this un was not desoyed his un's reanimaion reanima ion protocos are enaced and those destoyed models begn o reassembe Each ime a unis eanimation poocos ae enacted, make Reanmaon Protoco os r that unit by olling a number of D6 equa to the combined Wounds characerscs charac erscs of all the eassemblng modes Each Reanimaon Protocol o of 5 is put into a poo A Reanimaton Potocol ol can never be moded by more than 1 o + If you army s Batter Batterged ged WARGEAR Te weapon poles und on datashees describe the primay weapons that modes n that uni can be equpped equppe d wih A summay of a Necon weapon poles can be und on pages 12-115 A B IsLdatashee I T I Ewi S list al the ablities i has Cean A un' wi abliies tha ae common to many uns are ony reerenced on he daasheets raher than descbed descb ed n fl Tese are described beow D IM EN S IO N AL TR AN S LO CA CAIO N Te Necrons Necrons are unparalleled unparalleled master masterss of o ftechnoloical lore and can even bend the dimesions ofspace of space to suit their whims I the number of dce in that poo is greae han o equa t o he Wounds chaacteristic chaacteristi c of any any of he reassembin reassembingg models select one of those models to be Reanmaed A Reanmaed mode: • Is added back o is uni with is ll wounds emaning. • Can only set up withn Engagement Range o o enemy units that ae aleady wthn Engagemen Range o he Reanimaed modes unt • Cannot f t is you Chage phase, be set up closer to any enemy unts ha are tages o a chage decaed by its unit his phase • No onge counts as havng been destroyed r the puposes o Moale ests hs urn You then educe he number of dice n ha poo by a number equal to he Wounds characersc of the Reanimated mode and epea his process unti eithe thee t hee are no more eassembling models or the t he number of dce emaining in the poo s less than he Wounds characestic charace stic of any of he eassembling eassem bling models Any model s tha did no Reanmate i o eassemble and any dice emanng in the pool ae dscaded Example: In the th e Shooting Shoo ting phase an enemy unit uni t targ target etss and makes Durng depoymen d epoymen yo can set up hs un n a herspace dmension insead of setting it up on the bateeld If you do do hen n the Reinorcemens sep of one of your Movement phases you can se up this this unt unt anywhere anywhere on the batleed that is more han 9" away om any enemy modes LIVIN G METAL Te Necrons' Necrons' semisentient metal skin ski n lets lets the m he al midbattle. midbattle. A he star o your Command phase each model mod el in this uni its attacks against agains t a 5-st 5-strong rong unit of Lych ychuar uard, d, dest desto oin ingg 3 models and leaving another with only one wound le. Lychgard unit reani re animation mation ptocols are are enacted, enacted, and you now make Reanimation Reani mation Protocol Pr otocol rolls roll sr Each Lychgar ard d has h as a Wounds characterist characteristic ic 2 so you would rol rolll a total ofsix ofsix D6s Iyou rolled 1 3 4 5 and 6 you wouldput three dice ce into i nto a pool. Tis pool contains contain s enough dice to Reanimate one of o f the destr destro oed ed models models and so it is i s set back up up on o n the battleeld. Aer Aer that model mo del has been Rean Reanimated, imated, there the re is on onlly one dic dicee rema remaini ining ng in yourpo pool. ol. Tis is not no t enough to Reanimate Reanima te another anot her reassem reassembli bling ng Lychu ychuard ard mode, mode, as it is le than egains 1 los wound the model Wounds characteristic; this dice is therefor discarded 80 8 OTEKH H TH E STO STO RM LO RD IM OTEK No. 1 PO WER Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv lmotekh the Stormlord 6" + s s 6 4 0 lm otekh the Stormlord s equip ped with: Gantet of Fre; Sta of the Destoyer. Destoyer. You army can only i ncl ude one model. W s D BIIIS Assault 06 5 -1 1 Each time an attack s made with this weapon, that attack automatical ly hits the target. Assaut 3 Meee 6 1 -3 -3 2 2 G 2" Gauntlet of Fire Sta ofthe Destroye (shootng) Sta of the Destroye [m elee ) 18" Melee BIIIS 80-81 iving Metal Command Prot Protocol ocolss (pg 80-81 od of the torm: torm : Once pe battle in yor Shooting Be Done: In yor Command phase, you c an select oe friendly friendly nit within 9 of his nit ntil the start start of you r next Command hase each time a model n that unit makes an attack, add 1 to hat attack attack's 's hit rol Each uni t can only be seected for this abity once per phase phase, this model can cal the storm. If it does seect one enemy model within 48" of and visible visible to i (you can onl y select a model wth a Wounds cha racteristc of 9 or ess if it is the cosest enemy mode l to lmotek h) Roll one 06 for each other enemy nit within 6 of that model on a 4+, that nit sers 03 mora wounds Then roll on e 06 on a 4+, that mode sers 3 morta mortall wounds Relentless March March (ura): Whe a friendy unit is wthin 6 of this model, each ime that nit is ran d trat trategist egist:: If your army i s Battle-forged, Battle-forged, yo selected to make a Nom a Move or Advance until the end of the pas e, add 1 to the the Move c haracteistic of modes receive 2 additional Command Points if you seectthis receive seectthis model as you . in tha nit Phaeron: Tis model can use its My W Be Done one additional time per trn. hase hifte: his mode has a 4 invulnerable save FACTION KEO RD: ECRON, SAUT FACTION SAUTEKH EKH KEORD: IN FANTR ANTRY, Y, HARACER, HARACER, HAERO N VERLOR , O LE, I OTEKH THE STOR LOR 6 OR IK IKAN AN TH E DIVI N ER No. POWER Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv Drikan the Diviner S" 3+ 3+ 4 4 s 2 10 4 Orikan Empowered 2+ 2+ 7 7 5 4 0 4 Orikan the Dvi ner is eqipped wth Sta ofTomo ofTomoro row. w. Your Your army can only include one O model. W G s D BIIIS ach time a n attack attack is made wth this weapon, 03 Sta ofTomorrow ofTom orrow Melee Melee User -3 invul nerab saving thows cannot be taken against thateatack BIIIS iving Metal omm and Protocols (pg 80-81) Command phase you can Maste hronomancer: In your Command select one friendly unit within 9" of this model imesplinter Mantle: This model has a 4 Util the start start of your next Command pha se, yo can re roll cha g gee rolls made forthat for that nit and models in that unit have a 5+ invu nerable save. model s on the battlefield, battlefield, rll one 06: if the result is less than the crrent battle round number then until the end of he battle, se the Orikan Empowered profile for this model (note that any wounds it has a eady lost reman los] Prescient tike At the star of the Fight phase, if this model s within Engagement Range of any e nemy nits, it can figh first that pase. FACON KEOR D: E CRON KE ORD: N FANTRY ANTRY,, HARACTER, THE DVNER invlnerable save save.. he tars re Right: n yor Command phase, if this this H RO NO ANC ER, DYNAC ENT, RYTEK, RYTEK, R KAN 82 AN RAK AKR R TH E TR TRA AVELLER 1 Anrakyr the Tra Travelle velle r 7 PO WER M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv 6 2+ 2+ 6 5 6 4 10 3 Anrakyr Anrak yr the Tav Tavell ell er s equpped with with tachyo ar arow; ow; warscythe. warscythe. You You army ca oy clude oe AK THE model W s 0 Tach yo arrow 120 Assault 1 12 -5 06 Warscythe Meee Meee 2 4 2 BIIIS The beare ca oly shoot with with this weapon o ce pe r batte batte BIIS iving Metal Command Proto Protocols cols [pg 80-81) My e one: your Command phase, you ca select one friendly friendly N C uit wthin wthin 9" of this this moel Util the start start of ou next Commad phase, each time a mode l i that uit makes a attack, add 1 to that attac attack's k's hit roll. Each uit can can on ly be selected fo this ability onc e per phase. Relentless Marc (A Relentless (Aura) ura) : While a fedly N C uit is wthi 6" ofthis ofthis mode, each time that that uit is seected seec ted to make a Normal M ove or Advace, Advace, untl the ed of the pha se, add to the Move chaacterstc of modes in that unit ord of te Pyrrhan egi egions ons (Aura) : Whie a friedy N C uit is within 6" of this model, add 1 to the Attacks At tacks characterstc of models i n that unt Mind the Machne: At the start start of you r Shootig phase, you can elect one eemy V model tat is visible to ad wthin 12 of this model a d roll 3D6 (i f the model you selected is , rol 2D6 istead]. Ifthe Ifthe result is greater ta o eq ual to the eader ship cha racte racteristc ristc of the seected mode l, you can shoo t one of that model's ranged weapos as if that that model was a unt from from y our army, usigths usig ths mod els Ballstic S kill chaac chaacter tersti stic instead of the the target mode's. Phase hift hifte: e: Ths model has a 4+ nvulerable save FACON KEOR DS ERON FACON KEORDS IN ANTR ANTRY Y HARATER O LE DYNAT GE NT NT ERL OR NRAYR THE RAVELLER VARGARD O BYRO N . 1 5 POWER M WS BS s T w A d Sv Vargardd Obyro Vargar 6 2 5 5 6 4 10 2 Vargar Var gardd Obyo is equpp ed with: wascyth wascythe. e. Your army army can o nl y iclude o e V model W Warscythe Melee Melee s AP D 2 - 2 BIIS BIS iving Metal Command Prot iving Protoco ocos s imensiona ranslocation (pg 80-81 Cleaving Counterblow: When this model i s destoyed destoyed by a melee me lee attack, do not remove this model fro from m pl ay after the attackig models unt has fni shed makig its attacks, attacks, ths model ights as f it were the Fight phase This mdel is then emoved from from pay he ord's : n your Command p ase, you ca select oe friendl friendl y UK C uit within 9 of this model Untl the start start of your next Commad phase, each time a mode l i that uit makes a attack, reroll a hit oll of 1 h e Vargar Vargard's d's uty (Aura) : Whi le a riedy riedy N ZK unit s withi withi 3 o f this mode ee my modes canot target that u it wth age d attacks FACION FA CION KEORD S: KEORDS: Reentless March (Aura): While a friedly UK C ut s withi 6" of this mode l, ea ch time that uit is selected to to make a Normal Move o Advace, util the ed of the phase, a dd 1 to the Move characteris characteristic tic of modes n that unt hostwlk Mantle: At the start start of you Movement phase, you ca emove this mo del fom the battleield f you do, the i n te Renorcem ets step ofthat phase, set this mode back up on the batteield, aywhere withn 3" of a friedly Z ZK K mode. ver-present Protector: If a Detachmet icludes N ZK the V ca be included in that Detachmet Detachmetwithout without takig up a Battefie d Role slot. Battefie ERON SATEH N FANRY ANRY HARATER OR O LE ARGARO ARGARO YRON 83 l L LU U M I NO R SZ SZER ERA AS . 1 8 PO WER M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv llu minor Sze Szeras ras 8 3 3+ 6 6 7 4 10 3 lu minor Szeras s equipped wth Elditch Lance Lance impali ng legs Your Your army can only incude one U model W Eldritch Lance (shooting) Eldritch Lance meee) Impaing legs s 36 Assault 03 Melee Melee Melee Melee 8 User -4 -4 D 06 2 Use -2 1 BIIIS Each timenal theattacks bearerwth fights, fights, makes 2 additio thisitweapon BIIIS ivngg Meta Com mand Protoco ivn Protocols ls pg 80-81) Mechanica Augme Augmentatio ntation n At the end of you Movement phase you can select one friendly N C unit iess of eanimation: n your Command phase, you can ie within 6 o this model If you do, rol on e 03 and consut the select one friendly friendly N C unit within 6 o this table below model One destroyed model from that unit is Reanimated (pg 80). lfthe selected unit is a N unit, 3 esult 3 destroyed models fr from om that unit are Reanmated instead 1 Untl the end of the battle, add 1 to the Strength Each unit can only be seected seected forthis forthis ability once per phase. characteristic characteris tic of models n hat unit. mpyrc vercharger (Aura): While an enemy PK unit Untl the end of the bale, add 1 to the 2 s within 12 of this model, each time a Psychic test test is taken taken Toughness characteristic characteristic of models n that unit. fo that unit, it suers Peils of the Warp Warp on any dice roll that 3 Untl the end of the bale, imp rove the Ba Balistic listic nclud es a double, nstead of only a double 1 o double 6. Skil l cha rac racterist teristic ic of models in that unit by 1. Atomic nergy Manipulator In the Fight phase, if this model destroys destr oys one o r more enemy modes then at the en d of that that ach unit can only be selected for this ability once per battle pase it can use its Mechanical Augmentation abilty as if it were the end o your Movement phase FACT ACTIO IO N KEORDS E R O N KEORDS: IN FANRY ANRY,, HARAER, histime modelper can use its Rites of Reanmation ability llluminor one additional turn DYNA DYNA GEN, GEN, RYE, RYE, E HNO AN ER, I LL N R SERA NE M ESOR ZAH N DREK DREKH H . 1 ' PO WER M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv Nemeso Zahndekh 6 2+ 2+ 5 5 6 10 2 Nemesor ahndrekh s equpped wth: sta sta of light Your army can on ly in cude one N ZK mode. W Sta of light (shootg) Sta of light light [mele e] 18 Assault 3 Melee Melee s D 5 User -2 1 -2 1 BIIIS BIIIS [pg 80 81) D In your Command phase, you can select one frendly UK C unit within 9 of this mode Until the stat of your next Command ph ase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, add 1 to that attacks hit rol Each unit can only be sele cted for this abilty once per phase elentesss March (A elentes (Aura): ura): While a riendly UK C unit is within 6" of this model, each time that unit is selected to make a Normal Move or Advance, until the end of the pha se add 1 to the Move characteristc of models in that unit. Counter Tactics: Once per battle when your opponent declares they wil l use a Stratagem during a battle ound but before any ommand ponts are spent, ths model can engage its counter tactics tactics it does, you r oppon ent cannot use that Stratagem thisIfbattle round. Phase hier This model has a 4+ invunerable save. Transient Tr ansient Madness: In your Command phase, you can seect one fiendly UK C unit wthin 9 of this model and roll 306. l fthe total total is less than this model's model's Leadershi p characteristic, you can select one of the results beow to apply to that unit; otherwise, roll one 03 to determine which of the results below apply to that unit. 3 esult Avenge the allen: Until the start of your 1 next Command pha se, ad d 1 to the Attac Attacks ks characteristic of mode ls in that unit. 2 Quel the ebelion Until the start of your nextt Comman d phase, im prov nex provee te Ballistic Skil o models in that unit by by 1 olarmills? Charge!: Charge!: Until the start of you 3 next Command phase, you can reroll charge rolls m ade for that unit FAC ACTION TION KEORDS ERON, SAEH KEORDS: IN FANR ANRY Y HARAER, VERLOR O LE, E EOR AHN REH 84 TRA AN TH E I N FI N ITE TR No. 1 5 POWER Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv razyn the Infnte 6" 2 2+ 5 5 6 4 0 3+ Trazyn Tra zyn the Innite is eqp ped with: Empathc 0bterator 0bterator Your army can only incld e one Z Z model WEAPON Empathic 0bliterator RANGE Meee TYPE Melee s +2 AP -1 D ABILTES D3 Each tme an atta attack ck is made wit withh this weapon if a mode s destroyed by that attack attack each en emy nit wthin 6" of the bearer sers sers D3 morta wonds. ABLTIES iving Meal Command Pro Protoco tocols ls [pg 80-81 80-81 save Phase Shfer Ths mode ha s a 4 invnerable save My Wi e one: n yor Command phase, yo can select one friendy N nit with 9" of this m odel Until the stat stat of your next Command phas e each time a model in that unit makes an attack add 1 to that atack's atack's hit roll Each unit can only be selected for for ths ths abili ty once per phase Ancien olletor: If this mode is ncuded in yor ary, the Dynast c Heiroom s Stratagem Stratagem pg 57 costs 1 fewer Command points to use the frst frst tme yo se it If ths ths model is ncuded in yo r Crusade Crusade force force the elic eqistion costs 0 Reqisiton ponts to se Surrogate osts: When this model s destroyed instead of usng any other rl e that s trggered when a mode s destroyed, ater removng it fom fom pay y ou can roll one D6 on a 2, yo can selec t aother fiendy fiendy N model on the batefied e d [excludin g named ch aracte aracters) rs) emove that model as if it were destoyed (you canno t se ay rules that are triggered ggered when a model is destroyed) and retrn this model to play placing it in the removed model 's place with 3 wonds reman remanng ng elentless Marc (Aua): Whie a friendy N nit s wthin 6" of this mode, each t me tat unit is selected to make a Normal Move or Advance, Advance, nt nt the end of ofth e phas characteristic of models in th that unt a dd 1 to the Move characteristic FACTION KE ORDS ECRONS KEORDS: N FANTR ANTRY, Y, HARACTER, VERLO R, OBLE DYNA VERLO DYNASTC STC GENT GENT RA RAYN YN THE I NF NTE 85 ROY ROYAL AL WAR WAR D E N . 1 4 POWER M W B s T w A Ld Sv Royal Waden 6 3+ 3+ 5 5 4 3 10 3+ A Royal Warden is equi pped wth rec gauss blaster WE Reli c gass gass blaster GE E 30 Rapi d Fire Fire 2 s D 5 -2 2 BIIE BIIIE iving Metal ommand Proto Protocols cols [pg 8-81) Adap Ada ive trategy: In your Command phase, yo can select one frendly pive frendly < nit within 9" o this model. Until he e nd of the tun, that nit is eligibl e to shoot and dec lare a ch arg argee with in a tun i n which they el ack Reletlesss March (A Reletles (Aur) ur) While a rendly < nit is within 6 ofthis mode, eac tme that unit is selected to make a Normal Move or Advance unti the end of the phase, add 1 to he Move characterstic characterstic of models in that nit FAC ACIO IO N KEO RDS C RON S DYNASTY> DYNASTY> KEORDS: IN FANTRY ANTRY,, HARACT R OYAL OYAL WAR WAR N SKORPEKH LORD 1 Skopekh Lod 7 PO WER M W B s T w A Ld Sv 8 2 2 6 6 6 4 10 3 A Skopekh Lord Lord is equ ipped wth: enmiti c anni hilator flensing claw; claw; hyperphas e harvester harvester WE Enmitic annihator lensig claw Hyperphase haes haester ter GE E 18 Melee Melee Assalt 203 Meee Melee s D BIE 6 -1 1 Blast ser ·1 1 2 4 3 Each tme an attack is mad e with with ths weapo make 2 hit ols instead o 1. Each tm e an att attack ack is mad e with this wea pon, su btrac btractt 1 from that attack's hit rol. BIIIE ivin g Meta ommand Protocos (pg 80-81) Phase hifter This model has a 4 invulneab e save save nited estruction (Aua): While a fiendly < CULT nt is wthin 6 ofthis mod el each tim e ardwed for estruction: ach tme this model makes an attack, re-roll a hit h it roll of 1 a mode in that nit makes a n attack, re-rol a wond ol ol of 1. FACTION KEOR DS CRONS DSTROYR ULT, DYNASTY> FACTION KEORDS: N FANTR ANTRY Y HARACTR, KORKH OR 86 6 LO RD LO KHU ST LO No. 1 PO WER Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv okhus ord 8" 3 3 5 6 6 4 0 3 TYPE s AP D Assau 3 5 -2 1 A okhus ord s equ ippe d wh sa of igh. WEAPON Sa of igh [shooing RANGE 8" Sa ofigh [me ee] Meee Meee ser -2 1 Voidbade Meee Meee ser -3 1 Wascyhe Meee Meee +2 -4 2 ABILITIES Each ime he bearer fighs, fighs, i makes addi iona atack wih wih his weapon OTHER WARGEAR ABILITIES Phyacery Each ime his mode uses is iving Mea abi iy regans up o 03 os wounds nsead of 1 Resurrecon orb Once pe batte in you Command phasehe b eer an use is esurecon ob If does, seect one friendy < un wihn 6 of he beare bea re ha is no a is Sarting Sengh Sengh and has no had is reanimai on poocos enaced his phase Tha unis reanimaion proocos are enacted, enacted, and ever everyy desoyed mod e in ha uni begins o reassembe WARGEAR OPT ONS Th is modes sa of igh igh can be repaced wih one of he foowng hy perphas perphasee sword sword (pg 1 14 14)) 1 void bade; warscyhe Ths mode can be equ pped wih one of he foowing: 1 phy acery resurrecion orb ABIITIES Lvng Met al oman d Protocols (pg 80-8) 80-8) nited in estruction (Aua) Whi e a fried fried < ardwed for estruction Each ime his mode makes an s wihin 6 of his mode, eachro ime a mode in ha uniuni mode ma kes an attack, re-ro a wound of 1 CULT atack re-o re-o a hi o o f 1 Phase Shifter This mode h as a invunea be save. FACION KEORDS: ECRONS, DESTROYER ULT, DYNASY> KEORDS IN ANTRY ANTRY HAR ACTER, FY FY, OK HUST OR LORD No. 1 5 POWER Name M WS BS s T w A d Sv ord 6" 3+ 3 3 10 3+ A ord is equ ppe d wih sa of igh WEAPON Sa of igh [shooing RANGE TYPE 18 Assau 3 s AP -2 Sa of igh igh (me ee] Meee Meee User -2 Void bade Meee Meee User -3 Wascyhe Meee Meee 2 -4 D ABILITIES ach ime he bearer bea rer fighs, i makes 1 addi iona atack wih wih his weapon 2 OTHER WARGEAR ABIITIES Resurecion orb Once per bae in yo ur ommand p hase he bearer can use is resurecion orb i does seec one friendy friendy < uni wihi n 6 of he bearer ha s no a is Saring Srengh Srengh and ha hass no had is eanmaion prooco s enaced his pha se Tha unis reanimaion proocos are enaced, enaced, an d every desroyed desroyed mode in ha uni begins o reassembe WARGEAR OPT ONS This mod e's sa sa of igh ca cann be repaced wih one ofhe of he foowi foowing ng 1 hyperphase sword sword (pg 1 14 1 voidbade; void bade; 1 warscyhe • This mode can b e equipp ed wh 1 resurrecion ob ob ABILITIES Living Metal ommand Proto Living Protocols cols (pg 80 -81) he Lord's Will I yo ur Command phase, you can seec seec elentless elent less March (A (Aura): ura): Whie a fiend fiend y < uni is wihin 6 of hs mode , each ime ha uni is one frhe iend y < un whin 9" of hisime modea Unifriend sar of your nex Command phase each model i n ha uni makes an atack, re-ro a hi ro of 1. seeced o o make a Norma Norma Move or Advance uni he e nd of he phase, add " o he Move characeisi characeisic of modes in ha uni FACT ACTIO IO N KEORDS ECRONS, DYNAS DYNASTY> TY> KEORDS INANTRY, HARACTER, OBE OR 87 CATACO M B CO M MAN D BARG E No. 1 9 POWER Name M WS BS s T w A d Sv Catacomb Comman d Barge 12 2+ 2+ 5 6 9 4 10 3+ A Catacomb Co mmand Bage s eup ped wth: gass cano; sta of lght lght WEAPON s AP Heavy 3 6 -3 B" Assault 3 5 2 03 1 30 Heavy 3 6 0 1 RANGE TPE Gauss cano 24 Sta of of ight (shootin g) Tesla caon Hyperphase sword Melee Meee +1 -3 1 Sta of ight ight (m elee) Melee Melee User 2 1 Voidbade Melee Meee User -3 1 Warscythe Melee Melee +2 4 2 ABIITIES Each time an atta attack ck is made with this weapo an modii ed hit ol of 6 weapo scoress 2 addi tional hits score Each time the bearer ghts it makes 1 addti ona attac wth wth this weapo OTHER WARGE WARGEAR AR ABIITIES Resurecto Resurecto orb Oce per battle battle i n yor Comma Commadd ph ase, the beae ca use its esrrecto esrrectonn orb If it does, select one friedly <DY> t withi 6" of the bear e etha tha t is not at its Statig Strength and has not had its reaimation protocols enacted ths phase That uit's reaimatio protocols are eacted ad evey destroyed model that uit begins to eassemble WARGEAR OPTIONS • h is model's gass cano ca be replaced wth 1 tesla canon. • Thi model's sta lightped light canwith be re1placed wth one lowig g 1 hypeph ase sword 1 voi d blade 1 warscythe Thiss mode l ca beof equip resrrectio orbof the folowi ABIITIES Living etal, Comman oto otocols cols [pg BOB) Quatm hieling: This model has a 5+ ivlerabe y il e Done: your Command phase you ca ca select one fiedly <DY> CORE uit within 9 of this model save I additio each tme a atack is made agaist ths mode an umodied wo nd roll of 1-3 aways fais irespective of ay ay abli ties that the weapo or the attacker may have til the start of of you next Commad ph ase ea ch time a model n n that it maes an attac add 1 to to that attacks attacks hit rol. Each unit ca oy be seected fo this ablity oce per pase. eetless ach (ua): While a friedl friedlyy <DYY> nit s withi 6 of ths ths mod el each tme that it is selected to make a Normal Move or Advance, util the ed of the phase add 1 to the Move c haracteristic of models in that nit CORE FACTION KEORDS: N KEORDS V UU B xploes: When this model is destoyed ol oe D6 before removing it from play O a 6 it explodes and each nt withi 3 sers 1 mortal wod. overing: istaces are measred to and from either this mode's hull or its base whichever s the closest closest S N O F F 88 6 POWER OVERLORD No. Name M ws BS s T w A Ld Sv 1 Overlord 6" 2+ 2 5 5 5 4 10 3+ A Ove Ovelod lod is equpped wth: tachyo aow hypephase glaive WEAPON RANGE TYPE s AP D Sta of light (shootg) 18 Assault 3 5 -2 1 Tchyo n arow 120" Assault 1 2 -5 06 Hypephase gaive Melee Melee 2 -3 03 Hype phase swod swod ( Sta of light melee) Melee Melee -3 1 Melee Melee Use 2 1 Vodblade Melee Melee Use -3 1 Voidscythe Melee Melee x2 -4 3 Warscythe Melee Melee 2 4 2 ABILITIES The beare ca ol y shoot with th ths weapo oce per batte Each time the b earer ghts ghts it makes 1 addtoa atta attack ck wth this weapon Each time a attack s made with this weapo n, subtact 1 fom that atacks atacks hit ol OTHE R WA WARGEAR RGEAR ABILITIES Resurectio ob Once per battle, i you Command phase the beare ca use its esurrection ob If it does, select oe friedly <DYNATY> unt within 6 o the beare r that is ot at ts Startig Stength ad has ot had its eaimatio protocols e acted this phase Tha uit's eanimatio potocols ae enacted and evey destroyed model i that it begins to reassembe WARGEAR OPTIONS • This mo del's tachyo arow arow and hyperph ase glaive ca be repl aced with oe of the followig followig 1 hyperphase swod; swod; 1 sta of lght lght 1 void blade 1 voidscythe 1 warscythe • If tis mod e is not equp ped wit a tachyo arow arow it ca be equipp ed wth 1 esurection ob ob ABILITIES Living Meal, Meal, Comman d Potocol Potocolss (pg 80-8 1) elentless March (ura): Whle a frendly <DYNATY CORE unt is with 6 o this mode each time that uit s selected to make a Nomal Move or Advace, uti the end of the phase a dd 1 to the Move chaacteistic o models i that unt My Wll Be Done: n you r Commad phase, you can select oe friedly <DYNATY> CORE unit within 9" of this model Utl the stat of you ext ommad phase each time a mode i that unit makes a attack attack add 1 to that attack' attack's hit roll Each u it can only be selected o this abilty o ce pe phase Phase Shifter: This mode has a 4+ invue rable save. FAC ACTION TION KORDS: ECRO NS, <DYNAS <DYNASTY> TY> KEORDS: INFANTRY, HARACTER, OBLE, VERLOR 89 TECHNOMANCER No. 1 4 POWER Name M ws BS s T w A Ld Sv Technomancer 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 10 4+ A echo echo mac er is equ pped wth: sta o light WEAPON Sta of ight (shootn (shootng) g) Sta Sta of ight [melee) OTHER WARGEA WARGEA R Canoptek cloak Canop tek control nde RANGE 18" TYPE s AP D Assault 3 -2 1 ser -2 1 Melee Melee ABILTIES ABLTES he beaer has a Mov e characterstic o 10 and the FLY keyword In addi tion, at the end of yor Movement phase, you can repair one friendly friendly <DYASTY> model within 3 of this model That model regains up to 03 ost wonds Each mode can only be repaired once p er trn. The bearer has the folowing ability: 'Control Node (ura): Whie a friendy <DYASY> CAOPTEK nt is withn 6 6 of of this model , each time a model n that nit makes a attack, add 1 to that attack's atta ck's ht roll ' WARGEAR WA RGEAR OPTONS • This model can be equipp ed with one of the following: following: 1 Canoptek cloak; 1 Canoptek control node ABLTES iving Metal, Command ot otocols ocols pg 8-81) Dynastc dvisors If yo ur army is Batt Battle- le-rged rged then for each CRYPTEK nit ( exclding DYASI GETS nits inclde d in a Detachment that also contais at least one tes of eanimation In your Command phase, you can seect oe friendl friendl y <DYASY> CORE unit within 6 of this model. One destroyed model from that unit is Reanmated (pg 80. lfthe selected unit s a NERO WARRIORS nit, NOBE nt, a second CYPTEK nit exclding DYASTI GETS units can be included n that Detachment Detachment withot withot taking p an additional Battlef Battlefied ied Role sl ot. 03 destroye models unit are for Reanmated instead. Eac unt canfom on y that be selected this ability once per phase FAC ACTION TION KEORD S: NECROS, <DYASTY> K: K : I FA AR R� � HAR HARAC ACER, ER, RY RYP PE E,, ECHOMACER PSYCHOMANCER No. 1 4 Name M WS BS s T w sychomancer 5 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 A POWER Ld Sv 10 4+ A Psychomancer is eqipped with abyssal ance. RANGE TYPE Abyssal lance [shooting [shooting Abyssal lance (melee 18 Melee Assault 3 Melee S AP D 4 -3 Userr Use -3 1 ABLITES ABLTES iving Metal Comma nd otocols pg 8-81) Dynastc dvisors If your arm y is Battle-orged, e-orged, then fr each CRYEK unit ( excluding DYASTI GETS nits) iclded in a Detachment that that also contains at least one NOBE unt a second CRYEK unit [excuding DYASTI GETS units) can be icluded in that Detachment witottaking p an add tional Battlefield eld Role slot. Harbinge o Despair In you r Moale phase, you can seect one enemy nit within 12 ofthis model and roll 3D 6: if the result is greater than the enemy nits Leadership c haracteristic, select one o the reslts op poste to take eect unti the start of yor next Morale phase Each unit can ol y be selected or ths abi lity once per phase. T he selected nit cannot perform perform actions [if that unt is currently peforming an action, it immedately fais]. • T he selected nit lose s the Objectve Objectve Secured abiity • Halve Advance rolls and charge roll s made for the selected unit • The seected nit cannot ire Overwatc Overwatchh or Set to Defend, and is not elgibe to ight in the Figh Fightt phase until aer all elig ible units from your army have done so Nghtmare hroud (ura) While an enemy unit Nghtmare is with 6 of this model subtract 1 rom the eadership ch aracteristic of models i n that nit and subtract 1 rom Combat Attriton ton teststaken for that nit ACTION KEOR DS: NECROS, <DYASY> ACTION KEORDS I FARY ARY,, HARACER, L LY Y, RYPE, SYCH SYCH OMA CER 90 CHRONOM ANCER No. 1 4 POWER Name M ws BS s T w A Ld Sv Chroomacer 8" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 1 10 4+ A Chronom ancer is eqipped wth aeonstave; aeonstave; chronotendrils chronotendrils WEAPON RANGE TYPE s AP D ABILITIES Blast. Each time an attack is mad e wth this weapo, nvulnerable savig throws canot be taken agan st that attack attack Aeonstave (shooting) 18 Assalt 03 5 -2 1 Entropic lance [shooting] 18" Assalt 1 8 -3 03+3 Aeonstave [melee] Melee Melee ser 2 1 Chronotendrils Melee Melee ser 0 . Entropic lace [melee] Melee Melee ser 3 3 ac time a attack s made with this weapon, ivunerable saving trows canot be taken agaistt that atack agais Each tme the bearer fights, fights, it makes makes 3 addi tiona l attacks with this weapon attacks WARGEAR OPTION S • This mode l's aeo aeostav stavee ca be eplaced with 1 et ropic lance. ABILITIES Living Meta, Comma nd Protocols (pg 808) 808) Timesplinter Timespli nterMantle This model has a 4+ invulerable save. ynasti c Advisors: Advisors: If yourar your ar my i s Bate-forged, Bate-forged, the or Chronometron your Comma nd phase , you can select each RYPTEK uit [excluding DYNAST DYNASTIC IC GENTS units incl uded i a Detachm ent that also contains at least oe oe OBLE it, a second RYPTEK uit [excdig DYNASTIC GENTS nits) ca be inclu ded i that that Detacment without takig p a aditiona l Battlefiel Roe slot. one fendy <DYNASTY> nit within 9 of tis model Until the start of yor ext Commad phase yo ca n rero rero cha rge rolls made ma de for that uit ad mode ls in that nt n t have a 5 ivulnerable save. FAC ACTION TION KEORDS E RNS , <DYNA <DYNAST STY> Y> KEORDS NFANTRY NFANTRY,, CHARATER LY LY CRYPTEK, CHR ON OM ANE R PLASMANCER No. 1 4 POWER Name M WS BS s T w Plasmancer S" 3+ 3 4 4 4 A Ld Sv 10 4+ A Pasmacer is eqipped with plasmic ance WEAPON Plasmic lance shooting shooting)) Plasmic lance melee) RANGE 18 Melee TYPE s AP D Assalt D3 7 -3 2 User -3 2 Melee ABILITIES ABILITIES Lving Metal Command Po Potoco tocols ls [pg 80-81) Lving Lightning At Atthe the start ofte ofte Figh Fightt phase, rol one 0 6 for eac h eemy uit within 6 oftis of tis model: o n a 4, that that nit sues 1 mortal wond Harbnger of estruction At the end of you Movement phase, ifthis ifthis mod el di d ot ot Fall Back that phase, roll three D6s for each 4 the closest enemy uit withi 24 ofad vsble to this model suers 1 mortal woud. DynasticAdvisors f your army is Batt Battle-f le-forg orged, ed, then for DYNASTC C GENTS uits] each RYPTEK uit excludig DYNAST iclded i a Detachment Deta chment that also contais at least oe OBLE unit a second RYPTEK uit [excludig DYNASTIC GENTS uts) can be clded in that Detachm e ett without takg up an additonal Battlefield Battlefield Role slot ACTION KEORDS: E R NS < DYNA YNASTY STY> > KEORDS INFANTRY, CHARATER, LY, CRYPTEK LASMANER 91 6 N ECRO N WARRI O RS Name M WS BS s T w 10-2 0 Necron Waror 5 3+ 3 4 4 1 No. A POWER Ld Sv 10 4+ If this this nit contans contans 1 o more mod es it has Power Ratng 12. ve very ry mode s eq ippe d with: with: gass fayer fayer WEAPON RANGE 24 12 Gass ayer Gass reaper TYPE s AP Rapid Fire 1 4 - Assalt 2 5 2 D ABILITES WARGEAR O PTIONS • Any nmber of models can each have heir gauss ayer replaced with 1 ga ss eaper ABILTIES The Numbe is Legion: Reroll Reanimation Protocol The Protocol rolls Reanmation Potocos, Command Protocols pg 80-81) o made for this this nit FACTION KE ORDS NECRO S, < D YASTY> KEORDS I FATRY ATRY,, ORE, NECR O WARRO RS 4 PO WER IMMORTALS No. Name 5-10 Immorta M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv 5" 3 3 4 5 1 2 10 3+ If tis nit contans contans 6 or moe modes mod es,, t has Powe atig 8. Ever Everyy mod e s eqi pped with gauss blaster. blaster. WEAPON Gass blaster RANGE TYPE 30" Rapid Fie 1 s AP D 5 -2 1 ABLTES Each time a n attack attack is mad e with this this Tesla carbne 24 24 Assaut 2 5 0 1 weapo, an unmodified ht roll of6 scores 2 additoal hits. WARGEAR OPTIONS A l of the models in the nit can have have their gauss blaster rep lace d with with 1 tesla carbine each ABILITIES eanimation Protocols Command Protocols (pg 8081 AC ACTON TON KEORD S: NECRO S < D YASTY> KEORDS: IFATRY, ORE, IMMORTALS 92 6 MAT TO R CAN O PTE K REAN I MA No. 1 POWER Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv Canoptek Reanimator 8 4 4 5 5 6 4 10 3+ A Caoptek Reanimat o is eqippe d with: 2 atomiser beams; eaimato's caws WEAPON Atomise beam Reanimato's caws s AP D 6 -2 se -2 1 RANGE YPE 12 Melee Assalt 3 Melee ABILTIES ABILIES anoscaab eanimation Bea m (Au anoscaab (Aura) ra) I yor Command phase, yo ca seect one fiedy fiedy <DYNASTY> nt withi 6 of ad visibe to this mod el Unti the start of yo ext Commad phase, whle that it is wth 6 of ad visbe to this model that nit is beig healed by ths modl's reaimaton beam Whle a nit is being healed by a reaimation beam add 1 to Reanimation Protocol rolls made fo that t Each nit can oly eve be healed by one reanimatio beam at a time iving Met al Comman d Protocols (pg 80-81) ol oe D 6 xplodes Whe thi s mode is destoyed, ol before removng t from before from pay O a 6 t explodes, a d each nt within 3" sers sers mortal ound FAC ACO O N KEOR DS: ERNS, ANOEK, <DYNASY> KEORDS: O NSER, ANOEK EAN MAR 4 H EXMARK D ESTRO ESTROYER YER No. 1 POWER Name M WS BS s T w A d Hexmark Destoyer 8 3+ 2 5 5 5 4 10 Sv A emak Destoyer is eqippe d with 6 enmti c dsntegrato pistos WEAPON Emitic dstegrato pistol RANGE TYPE 18 Pistol 1 s AP D 6 -1 1 ABTES ABTES vig Metal Commad Protocols mensional Translocato [pg 80-81) 80-81) escapable eath ach time his model makes a anged attack yo can ignore any or al ht roll and Ballistic Skil mod iers and the target target does ot eceive the beets of cover against that attack I addi tion, ea ch time this model ires Dverwatch Dverwatch it scores hts on unmod ed hit ols of 2 instead of 6 Multi-threat imnator: Each time an eemy mode is destroyed by a range d attack made by thi s modes emitic disi nteg ntegrat rator or pstols ater this model makes the rest of its attacks, t can shoot with one of its emi tic disintegrator pistols oe additioal time These attacks canot generate generate addit ioal attacks arwired for estruction: Each time this this model makes an attack, re-ro a hit rol of 1. FACION KEO RDS E RON S, D ESROYER UL, FACION UL, < DYNA DYNAS SY> Y> KEORDS IN FANTRY ANTRY,, HARAER, YERSAE YERSAE U NER, EXMA RK D ESR ESROYER OYER 93 7 PO WER No. Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv 5-10 Lychguard 5" 3+ 3 5 5 2 3 10 3+ If his ni contais contais 6 o more models, i t has Power Ratng 14. ve veyy mode l is eqi pped wth: warscyhe WEAPON RANGE TYPE Hyperphase swor swordd Warscythe Meee Meee Melee Melee s AP D +1 +2 -3 1 2 -4 ABILITIES OTHE R WARGEAR WARGEAR ABILITIES Dispesonn shield Dispeso The bearer has a 4 ivlnerable save In additi on add 1 t armour saving hrows hrows made for the bear er er WARGEAR OPTIO NS • All of the the models in the unit can have theirwarscythe theirwarscythe replaced with 1 hype rphase sword sword and 1 dispersio shield each ABILITIES Living Metal Reanimation P Potocols otocols Command Proto Protocos cos (pg 80-81 80-81 Guardan Prot Protocols ocols (ua) (ua) : Whi e a friedly <DYNASTY> INFANTY OBE or DYNAS DYNAST T ENT NFAN NFANTY TY OB E uit is wthn 3· of this uit enemy n its cann ot target targetthat nit with ranged weapo ns FACTI FACT I N KEORDS: ECRON S, <DYNASTY> <DYNASTY> KEORDS INFANTRY, ORE, LYCHGUARO D EA EATH TH M AR KS 4 No Name M WS BS s T w 5-10 Deathmark 5" 3 2+ 4 5 1 A POWER d Sv 10 3 f this this it contains 6 or more modes, it has Pow Power er Rating 8 Every model is eqi pped wih syna ptic dis inegr inegrator ator WEAPON Synaptic di sintegrat sintegratrr RANGE TYPE 36" Heavy 1 s 5 AP -2 D 1 ABILITIES Eac h time you select a target fo this weapon, Each weap on, you can igo igore re the ook Ot Si rle Each time an aack is made with this weapon, an unmodii ed woud roll of 6 iicts iicts mortal woud on the target i add additi iti on to ay normal damage. ABILITIES Reanimation Protocols, Command Protocols, Dimension al ranslocation ranslocation pg 80-81) FACTI FACT I N KEORDS: ECRON S, <DYNASTY> <DYNASTY> KEORDS IN FA FANTR NTRY, Y, ORE, YPERS YPERSPACE PACE UNTER, DEATH MARKS 94 3 FLE E D ON O N ES FL No. Name 520 Flayed Oe M WS BS s " 3+ 6 4 4 w POWER A d Sv 3 10 4+ If ths ths nt contans between 6 and 10 mo dels, it has Power atng 6 lfths nt contains between 11 and 15 models it has Evey y model is eqip ped with: ayer caws Powe ating 9. fhi s unit contains 16 or more models it has Powe Powe Powe ating 12. Eve WEAPON Flaye claws RANGE TYPE s AP D Meee Melee User -1 1 ABILITIES ABILITIES eanimation Protocols ommand Protocols imensional raslocation (pg 80-81) erifyng oes (Aura): While an enemy nit is wthin 3 of this unit sbtact 2 from the Leadership cha racteristc of models n that unit lesh unger: Each time a model in this nit makes a melee aack aganst an enemy -V unt, an nmodied ht ro of 6 scores scores 1 adtiona hit. FACIO FAC IO N KEORDS EC RON S < DYN DYNAS ASTY> TY> KEORDS NANTRY FLAYE NES C RYPTOTH RALLS No 2 2 PO WER Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv Cryptothral 5 4 4+ 5 5 2 3 10 3+ Ever Ev eryy model is eqpped wth scorng eye; scythed imbs WEAPON RANGE TYPE Scouingg eye Scouin 2" Pistol Scythed lmbs Meee Meee s AP 5 -2 User -1 D ABILITIES ABILITIES vng Metal, eanimati on Protocos omman d Protocols (pg 80-81 Bound reation: If yor amy is Baleforged e forged then for each t included in a Detachment, one unit can be included in that Detachment Detachment without taking up a 8ale 8aleield ield Role slot. Protectors [Aura]: While a friendly unit is within 3" of this unit enemy nts cannot target that nit Protectors with ranged weapons. ystematic Vigour Vigour:: Whie this nit s withn 6 of any friendy friendy units, models in this unit have a Weapon Skll and al listi c Skill characteristic of 3 and an Aacks Aacks chaacteristic of 6 ACTON ACT ON KEORDS: ECRONS ANOTEK <DYNASY> EORDS INANTRY RYTOTHRALS 95 SKORPEKH DESTROYERS 5 POWER No. Name M WS BS s T w A d Sv 36 Skorpekh Destroyer 8" 3 3+ 3 3 10 3 f this u nt contains 4 or more more model s, it has Power Rating 10. For ever everyy 3 model s in this unit, oe m ode s equ ipped wth: hyperphase reap- blade very other other model is euippe d wt wt hyperp hase threshers WEAPON Hyperphase reap-blade Hyperph ase threshers ANGE TYPE Melee Melee Melee Melee s AP D +2 -4 3 Use -3 2 ABILITIES Each tim e at the bearer ight it makes 1 additonal attack tack withights, with ths s,weapon ABILITIES Living Metal R eanimati on Protocols, Command Protocols (pg 80-81 Hadwred for De�ruction ach time a model in this unit makes an attack attack re-rol re-rol a hit rol l of 1 FACTION KEORDS NCR, DRR U, <D> KEORDS: I FR R, , SKR KH D RR CAN O PTEK PLA PLAS S MAC MACTE TE Name M WS BS s T Canoptek Plasmacyte 8" 4 4 4 5 No. 1 1 w POWER A Ld Sv 1 10 + A Canoptek Plasmacyte is equipped wth monomolecular poboscis WEAPON Monomolecular probos proboscis cis ANGE TYPE Melee Melee s AP Use -1 D ABILITIES ABILITIES Dime nsion a Tansocation Tansocation Comma nd Protocols Protocols (pg 80-81) Vira Construct If you r army i s Batte-foge Batte-foged, d, then or YNASTY> TY> DESTROYER CULT unit included in a eac <D YNAS Detachment one < DYNASTY> CANOP TEK ASMAYTE unit can be included in that Detachmentwitout takng up a Battleield Role slot You You cannot incl ude more < DYASTY DYASTY> > CANOPTEK ASM ASMAYTE AYTE units in a Detac hment than than there ae <DYNASTY> DESTROYER CU LT units in that Detachme nt. Evasion Eva sion Pr Protoco: otoco: While this mo de is within 3 o a fiendly <DYASTY> DESTROYER C ULT uit enemy models canot target target ths mo del with ranged weapons un less it is the closest eigile target target I n addi tion this unit cannot perform actions Recal Protoc Protocol: ol: In the nit Coherency Checks step of of the Morae pase, if this mode is not within 6 of any friendly < DYASTY DYASTY> > DESTROYER C LT units, this model is destroyed. Infused Madness: Once p er turn, at the start of eter your Charge hase or the ight phase, phase, yo u can select one friendly <DYASTY> DESROYER CU LT unit withn 3 of this model I f you do, roll one D6 o a 1, one model in that unt is destroyed Regar Regardless dless of the resut unt the end of the turn, add 1 to the Strength and Attacks characterstics of models i n that that unt ach un it can only be selected for this ab il ity once per turn. AC ACTON TON KEO RDS NC R , K, <D <D> > KEORDS B, , K PMC 96 IARCH H ST STALKE ALKER R TR IARC 7 POWER Some ofthi ofthi s model's chaacterstics chaacterstics change as it sues sues damage as shown beow No. 1 M ws BS s w A Ld Sv Tarch Stalker (7+ wonds remainng 10· 3+ 3+ 7 6 12 3 10 3+ arch arch Stalk Stalker er ( 4-6 wonds re maining) e· 4+ 4+ 7 6 N/ 3 10 3+ Tiarch Stalker (1-3 wounds remainng 6" 5+ 5+ 7 6 N/ 3 10 3+ Name A riarch riarch Stalker is eqipped eqip ped wth: heat ay; Stalkes foelimbs foelimbs WEAPON RANGE TYPE Heat ray Before Befo re selecting targets targets sel ect one of the the proiles bel ow to make atta attacks cks with. s AP 0 ABLTIES · Dispersed 12 Heavy 26 5 -1 1 Each ime an attack is made with with this weapo that attack atomatcaly hits the ta taget get.. · Focsed 24 Heavy 2 B 4 D6 Each time an atta attack ck made with this weapon targets a un t within half ange, that attack targets attack has a Damage characterstic characterstic of06+2 . Partcle Partc le shredder 24 Havy B 6 1 2 Twin heavy gauss cannon 30 Havy 6 7 3 D3 User -2 3 Stalkes foembs Melee Melee WARGEAR OPION S • h s mode's heat ray can be replace d wth one of the following: following: 1 particle shedder; 1 twn heavy gass cannon. ABLITES Liing tal, Command Protoc Protocols ols (pg 80-81) Quantum Shildn Shildng: g: his model has a 5+ nvnerable nvnerable save In add tion, each time a n attack is made aganst ths model, an n modi ied wound roll of 1-3 1-3 always fails, irrespective of any any ab ilites that the weapn or the attacker may have. Tag agting ting Rlay Eac tme this mode makes a anged attack aganst an enemy unt, if a hit is scored, unt the attack end of the phase, each time another friendly NECROS mod el makes a ranged attack against that that enemy nit, re-rollll a ht roll of 1 re-ro Explods When this model s destroyed, rol one 06 beoe removng it from from play O n a 6 it explodes, and e ach unit withn 6" sers D3 mortal wounds FCO KO: NER S KO: VEH ILE, DY DYAS ASTI TI GET RIARH , RIARH ALER 97 C'T TAN SHARD O F TH E D EC EIVE R C' No. 1 18 POWER Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv C'ta Shard of the Deceiver B" 2+ 2+ 6 7 9 5 1D 4 he Cta Cta Shard of the the Deceiver is equ ipped with with:: golden is ists ts Your Your army ca ony incl ude oe TA TAN N SHA R F THE model. DECEIVER WEAPON RANGE TYPE s AP D Golde ists Meee Melee User -3 3 ABLTES ABILTES Living Livin g Metal, im ensional Tr Translocation anslocation pg O) Misdrection: Each time an attack is made agaist this Grand Iuson: At the start of the irst battle round, you mode, su btr btract act 1 from from the hit roll can select up to three friedly ECRN its Remove Remove those its rom th th batleie batleie d , the set them up aywhere o the battleield that is wholy withi your deploymet zoe. Ifthe Ifthe mssio you are playing uses the Strategic Reserves rules, you ca place ay of those uits ito Strate Strategic gic Reserves istead save In Necrodermis: This model has a 4 ivulerable save Enslaved Star God This model c a ever have a Relic or a Warod Warod Trait. Trait. In additio , ee my models can igor igoree the Look Out, Sir rule when sele cting this mode as the target target of a raged attack. additio, additio , this model ca caot ot lose mor moree tha 3 wous i the same pha se. Any wouds that that would be lost aerthat aer that poit are ot lost Reality Unravels When this model is destroye destroyed, d, rol one D6 beore removig it from from play. O a 4+ t explodes and each unit withi 6" suers suers D3 morta wounds. POWERS O F THE C'TAN This m odel kno ws the the Cosmic Insanty C ta Powe and oe other C'ta Power Power selected from the Powers Powers of the C'tan [ pg 68). At the ed of you r Movement phase, i f this model did not Advace or Fa Back that phase, it can use two o the C'ta C'ta Powers it knows It cannot use the same C'ta Power more tha once per tur. FACTIO FACT IO N KEORDS: ECRNS KEORDS MO NSTER, HARACTER LY, LY, 'TAN 'TAN HAR , 'TAN 'TAN HAR OF TH E DEC EIVE R 18 C'TAN SHARD OF THE N IGHTBRI N GE R No. 1 POWER Name M WS BS s w A Ld Sv Cta Shard of the i ghtbringe B 2+ 2+ 7 7 9 6 1D 4+ The Cta Cta Shard of the Ni ghtbringe ghtbringerr is equip ped with: Scythe o the the Ni ghtbrige ghtbriger.r. Your army can oly i cld e oe 'TAN SHAR T HE IGHTBRINER mode. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILTIES Scythe ofthe ofthe Nightbrger - Reapg sweep sweep Before selectg tagets, tagets, select one of the proiles below to make attacks with Each time a attack is mad e with with this weapon proile, ma make ke 2 Meee Melee User -3 1 hit rols instead of 1 - Etrop Etropic ic blow blow Meee Melee x2 4 D6 Each time a attack is made with this weapon proile, invuerable saving throws canot be ma de agast that attack. ABLITIES Living Metal (pg O) Reality Unravels: When this mode is destroyed, rol one Necroderms This model has a 4+ invulerable save I additi, this mode cannot lose more tha 3 wouds i the same ph ase Ay wouds that would be lost aer that poit are ot lost have a Relic o r Enslaved Star God This mode c an ever have a Warlod od Trait. Trait. In addi tio, e emy m odels can igore the Look Out, Si r rule when selecting this mode as the taget taget of a raged raged attack att ack D6 before removig it fom fom play. O a 4+ it explodes, and each unit withi 6" suers suers D3 morta wouds Drain Life Each time this mod el makes a mele e attack that s all ocated to a eemy mod e, that eemy mdel cannot use ay ru es to igore the wouds it loses POWERS OF THE C'AN This model kows the Ga e of Death C'tan Pow Power er ad on e other Ctan Ctan Pow Power er fom fom the Powes othe othe C'ta (pg 6 8) At the end of your Movement phase i this model d id otAdva ot Adva ce or Fal B ack that phase it can use two o the C'ta Powers Powers it know knows s It canot use the same Ca Power more than oce per tur. FACTIO FACT IO N KEORDS ECRONS KEORDS MO NSTER, HARACTER HARACTER LY LY, 'TAN 'TAN HAR, 'TAN 'TAN HAR OF THE IGHT BRI NGE R 98 C'T 'TAN AN SHARD O F TH E VOI VOI D D RAGO N 1 8 No. 1 POWER Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv C'tan Shard of the Vo Vod Dragon 8" 2+ 2+ 6 7 9 5 1D 3+ The C'tan Shard of the Vod Dragon s equpped wth: Spear o the Vod Vod Dragon; Canoptek tail blades You army can ony nclude one C'TA C'TAN N SAR F TE VO DRAGON model WEAPON ANGE TYPE s AP D ABILITIES Each tme an attac attackk s made wth ths weapon, if a ht Spear of the Vod Dragon (shootng) 2" Heavy 9 4 D6 s scored, draw a straght between pont of ths model's base line [or hull ) and the thatclosest of the closest model n t he target unt Make one wound roll agans aganstt the target target unt, and each othe unt ths l ne passes ove ove Each tme a n attack made wth ths weapon is alocated to a VEILE model that attack h�s a Damage characterstc of D3+3 Canoptek tal bades Melee Melee User -2 Each tme the bearer ights, ights, t makes D6 addt ona attacks with with ths weap on. Spea r of the Vod Dragon [melee Melee Melee +3 -4 D6 Each tme an attack made wth ths weapon s all ocated to a VEHILE model , that attack has a Damage charactestc of D33 ABILITIES Livng Metal (pg 80) Necrodermis hs mode has a 4 nvulnerable save. In addton ths ths mode l cannot cannot lose more than 3 wounds n the same phase Any wounds that woud be lost ae that pont are not lost Ensaved Star God: Ths mode can never have have a Relc or a Warlord Trait. Trait. In addton, enemy mo dels can gnore the Look Out, Sr u le when seectng ths mod el as the target target of a ranged attack Realty Unravels: When ths model s destroyed roll one D6 before removng t from from play On a 4+ t explodes and each unt wthn 6" suers D3 morta wounds. Matter Absorption: At the end of eac phase, ol one D6 for each enemy VEHIE mode destroyed as a result of an attack made by ths model o r a Ctan ower used by ths model that phase for each 2, ts model regan s lost wound [to a maxmu m of 3 reganed reganed wounds per phase]. POWERS O F THE C'TAN Ths m odel kn ows the Voltaic Storm Ctan Power Power and on e other C'tan Power fom the Powers of the Ctan [p g 68). At the end of your Movement phase, f ths model di d not Advance Advance or Fall B ack acktha tha t phase t can use two of the C'tan Powers t knows It cannot use the sam e Ctan Powe Powe more than once pe tur. FACTIO FACT IO N KEORD S: C KEORDS: O T HCT, FLY ' FLY ' H D, T T HD O TH VOI D O 99 TRAN AN SC E N D E NT C'TAN TR No. 1 14 POWER Name M ws BS s T w A Ld Sv Transcendent 'an 8 2+ 2+ 6 7 9 5 10 4 A Tr Transcend anscend ent C'tan is equpp ed with: cacklng tendi ls. WEAPON racling tendils RANGE TYPE s AP D Melee Melee User -4 D6 ABLTIES ABLTES iving Metal [pg 8 Necrodermis: This moe has a 4 invulnerable save. save. In 06 Ability 1 osmic yant At the end of your Movement addition this model cannot lose more than 3 wounds in the sa me phase. An y wounds that would be lost afer afer that that point are not ost ost_ _ nslaved tar God This model can neve have a Reic or a Warlod Trait n addition, enemy models can ignore the Loo Out Sir rue when se lectin g this model as the target of a ranged atac phase if ths model has not Advanced Advanced o r Falen Bac that that phase it can use one additiona l C'tan Power that it nows It cannot use the same C'tan Power more than once pe r turn. 2 Immun e to Natural aw ach time an attac is made against this this model an unmodified wound roll of 13 a lways fais respective respective of any abilities that the weapon o the attacer may have D6 before emoving emoving it fom fom pla y. On a 4+ it explodes a nd each uni t withn withn 6" suers D3 mortal wounds. 3 entient Necrodermis This model has a Save Fractued Personaity Bef Before ore the battle seect on e of 4 eality Unravels Whe this model is destroyed, roll one characteristic of 3+ gains the Dimensiona Tanslocation ability (pg). the abili ties in the table to the right for this model to have for the duration of the batle. Alternatively, you can random y determne two abilit es from the the table for this model to have by rolling two D6 and looing up the result (if a double is rolled rol both dice again until two dierent dierent results ae olled]. ransdmensional isplacement his model 5 Attacs Untamed Power Thi s model h as an Attacs characteristic of 6 and a Strength chaacteristic of 7. 6 Writhing Worldscape At the sta of your Movement phase oll o e D6 for each enemy unt within Engagement range ofthis model: on a 4, that unit suers 1 mora wound n addit ion each time a unit dec lares a charge against this model until the end of the pha se, subtract 2 from charge rolls mad e for that that unit POWERS OF THE C' C'AN AN This odel nows two Ctan Powers from the Powers Powers of the the Ctan [p g 68) . At the end of your Movemen t phase, i f this model dd not Advance or Fal Bac that phase it can use one of the Ctan Powers Powers it nows FACTION KEOR DS EC R O N S FACTION KEORDS: O NSER HARACTER , LY, TAN LY TAN H AR D, RANS RANS CEN DE NT 'TAN 'TAN CAN O PTEK S PYDE RS 4 POWER No Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv 1-3 Canopek Spyde r 6 4+ + 6 6 6 5 10 3 Power er Rtng 8 lfhs ni conans 3 models, i has Powe Rting 12 Eve I f hs n conains 2 modes has Pow Every ry model is equi pped wih: aomaon claws WEAPON RANGE aricle beamer 18 Aomaon claws Melee YPE s AP D Assaul 6 5 0 Melee 2 -3 2 ABLTIES OTHER WA WARGEAR RGEAR ABLTIES Fabrcaor caw aay <DYNATY TY VEHICL E A he end of yor Movemen phas e he beaer can repa ir one frendl frendl y <DYNA mode wihin 3 of i Tha Tha model egain egain s p 03 los wound s Each mode ca n only be repared once perun Goom pism n y ou opponen's Psyc hc phase, he berer's n can attemp attemp o o deny o ne ps ychc power as if i were a PYKE. WARGEA R OPTIONS • Any nmber of models can each be equipped wh 2 particle bea mers • Any number of models models can each be equipped wih 1 fabrcao fabrcaorr claw array • Any nu mbe of of models models can each be equ ppe d wih wih 1 gloom prism ABLTES Living Met, Reanimtion Protocols, Comm and Potocols Scarb Hive: In yo Command phase one [pg 80-81) desroyed model from each friendly <DYNATY> ANOTE SCARAB SWARM n whin 6 of his uni is Reanimaed [pg 80) Each uni can only be aeced aec ed by his abiliy on ce per phase Explodes Each ime a model n his ni s desroyed ol ol one 06 bef before ore remoing remoing i from from play O a 6 i explodes and ea ch n wihin 3" sers sers mo ra rall wond. FACTION KEORDS NEROS, <DYASTY> FACTION KEORDS O STER, FLY FLY CAOPTEK, CAO PTEK PYE RS CAN O PTEK SC SCAR ARAB AB SWARMS No. Name M WS 3-9 Canopek Canop ek Scaab Swarm 10 + BS 2 PO WER s T w A Ld Sv 3 3 10 6+ Powe e Rating 4. lfhs n conains 7 o moe I f hs n conain s beween4 beween 4 an d 6 models has Pow moe modes i has Power Rtng 6 Evey mode is eqipped wih: feede mandbles WEAPON Feeder mandibles RANGE TYPE Melee Meee s User AP 0 D ABLIES 1 Each ime an attack is made wh his weapon an nmodified hi rol rolll of 6 auomaically wo unds he arge ABLTES iving Metl, Renimtion Potocos, Comm nd Protocols (pg 80-81) 80-81) FACTON KEORDS NE ROS, <DYA <DYASTY STY> > KEORDS: WARM, LY, CAOPTEK, CAOPTEK ARAB WARMS WARMS 101 OPHYDIAN DESTROYERS No. Name 36 Ophydian Destro Destroye ye 5 POWER M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv 10· 3+ 3+ 4 4 3 3 10 4+ If this nt contans 4 or moe modes it has Power Rating o evey 3 modes n this uni t one mode is equip ped with: 2 hypephase eapblades ophydan claws Every othe model is euipped wit hyperphase threshers; ophydian claws WEAPON RANGE TYPE s AP D ABILITIES Hyperphase eap-blade Melee Melee +2 -4 3 Hy perphase threshers threshers Meee Melee Use -3 2 Each time the bea rer ights it makes 1 addtonal attac attackk wth this weapon Ophydian claws Meee Melee Use -1 1 Each time the bea rer ights, ights, it makes 2 additi onal attacks with this weapon. ABLTES Living Metal Reanimation Protoco Protocols ls Comm and Protocols (pg 8081 Harwired for Destction: Eac h time a model in this uni t makes an attack, re-oll re-oll a hit roll of 1 Hyperpase Reap-blades Each time a model in ths unit makes an attack with a hyperphase re ap-blade, an unmodiie d hit roll roll of 6 scores 1 additona hit Whipcoil Bodies: Each time a melee me lee attack is ma de against this unit, subtract 1 fom that attac attac's 's ht oll Tunnelling Horrors Ding dep oy ment, you can set up this unit undeground instead o setting it up on the battleield battleield If you do, then du ring the Rei nfocements step of one of your Movement phases you c an set up this unit anywhere on the battleield that is more than 9" away from from any enemy mo dels FACION FA CION KEOR DS NE CRO S <DYASTY> <DYASTY> KORDS: I A ATRY TRY DESTROYER U LT 0PHYO A DESTRO YERS TOM B BL BLADES ADES 4 PO WER No Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv 39 Tomb Bla de 14" 3+ 3+ 4 5 2 10 4+ IfIfthi thi s unt contans beteen beteen 4 and 6 mode models, ls, t has Powe Powerr Ratng 8. lfthis unit contans contans 7 or more models it has Power Rating 12 Evey model is eq uipp ed wth twin gauss gauss blaste. WEAPON RANGE TYPE s AP D Particle beamer 18" Assalt 6 5 0 1 win gauss blaste 3" Rapid Fire 2 5 -2 1 win tesla ca bine 24" Assault 4 5 0 1 ABLTES Each time an atta attack ck is made with this weapon, an unmodi ied hit roll o 6 scoes 2 addit ioal hts OTHE OT HE R WA WARGEAR RGEAR ABILITIES Nebuloscope Each tim e the bearer make s a anged attack, the target target does not receive the beneits of cove against that attack Shadowoom The bearer has a + nvuneabe save Shiedvanes The bearer has a Save characteristic of 3+. WARGEAR WA RGEAR OPTI ONS • Any numbe of models can each ha ve thei twin gauss basters basters replaced wth one of the folowig 1 patice beamer; 1 twin tesla tesla cabi ne • Any numbe of modes can each be equpp ed with shieldvanes • Any numb e of models can each be e quipped with one of the folowing folowing 1 ne buloscope 1 shadowloo m ABILTES Evason Engrams Each Eachti ti me a ranged attack attack is made agains t ths ut, su btrac btractt rom that attack's attack's hit oll ivig Metal, Reanmation Protocols Protocols Comm and Protocols [pg 8-8) FACTO FACT O N KEORDS NE CROS <DYAST <DYASTY> Y> KEORDS KER, FLY FLY ORE OMB AES 102 6 TRIARC H PR PRAET AETO O RIAN S No. Name 5-1 0 riarch Pae Paeorian orian POWER M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv 10" 3+ 3+ 5 5 2 3 10 3+ f his unit conains 6 or mor modes i has owe ating ating 12. Ev Ever eryy m odel is q uipp ed wih: wih: rod of covnant covnant WEAPON RANGE TYPE s AP D 12" 2 Psol 2 6 0 1 Assalt 5 3 2 Paricl caser Rod of cov covnan nan s hooting Rod of covnan covnan (melee) Meee Meee User 3 2 Voidbade Void bade M M User -3 1 ABILTES Each ime the ar ghs i maks 1 addiona aack wh wh his weapon WARGEAR OPT IONS All of he he mod s in he uni can have hei rod of covenan replaced with 1 parcle casr and 1 vo idblad e each ABILTES iving Met al eanimati on rotocos ommand otocols [pg 80-81) ACON KEORDS ECRONS ACON KEORDS IN FANTR FANTRY, Y, LY LY,, DYNASTC GENT, RA RCH, RA RCH PRAETOR ANS 5 CANOPTEKWRAITHS POWER No Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv 3-6 Canop ek Wraih 12" 4+ 4+ 4 5 3 4 10 3+ Every mod s eq upp ed wth: viciou s caws IfIfhis his u ni conais 4 or more models i has owe ating Every WEAPON Paic casr RANGE TYPE s AP D 12" Pisol 2 6 0 1 ransdimensona b eamer ransdimensona Vicious caws 12 Meee Assau 1 Meee Whp coils Mlee Mee -3 3 4 +2 -2 2 se ABILITES Each time a n aack is made with hs weapon, make 2 hit ros nstad of 1. WARGEAR OPTONS • Any numbe ofmodes ofmodes can each be equipped with with one ofhe of he following following 1 paricle case; case; 1 ransdime nson al bea me • Any numb of modes ca n each ha hav v her vcious claws placed with th whip cois ABILITIES ivin g Metal eanima tion rotocols omman rotocols rotocols (pg 808) linkin g trke This un it is eligible o shoo and declare a charge wih h n a urn in whch i Fell Fell Back raith orm: Modls n ths unt have a 4 invunerable sav n addion, each im hs un makes a Normal Move Advances, Fals Back or i makes a charge move un ha move is nshed, mods i n his uni can move hoizonaly hrough models and errain faurs faurs hey canno insh a move o n op ofano her mode, or is base) FAC FA CTIO N KEORDS: ECRONS < DY DYNAS NASTY TY> > KEORDS BEASTS ANOTEK, ANOTEK WRATHS 103 6 A N N I H I LTI ON B A RGE No. 1 PO WER Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv Annihi laton Barg Bargee 12 6+ 3+ 5 6 8 3 10 3+ An Ani hilaton Bag Bagee s equi pped with: gauss cannon ; twin tesl a destructo destructo WEAPON Gauss cannon RANGE PE 2 4" Heavy 3 s AP 0 -3 03 6 Tesla cannon 30" Heavy 3 6 D 1 Twn tesla destructor 36" Heavy 10 7 D 1 ABILIIES ach tme an attack is ma de with this weapon an unmod ied hit rol of 6 scoes scoes 2 addit ona hits Each tme an attack is made with this weapon an unmodied hit ol of6 scoes 2 additona hits WARGEAR OPIONS • Th is models g<uss cannon can be eplaced with 1 tesa c annon. ABLIIES Living Metal Command Potocols [pg 8081) Quantum Shielding: his model has a S+ invulnerabe save sav e n addition each tim e an attack is made against this mode an unmodied wound roll of 1-3 always ails respective v e of any abi lites that the weapon or the attacker may have Explodes: When this model is destroyed roll one 06 before removing it from from play O n a 6 it explodes and eac h unt wthin 3 suers 1 mortal wound Hoveing: Distances are measured to an d fom eithe ths model's hull o its base whcheve s the cl oses osest t ACION KEORDS: NC, <DYY> KEORDS VHC, QUU SH , F FY, A H B DO OM S DAY ARK 10 PO WER ome of ths m odel's caacteristics caacteristics change as it sues sues damage, as shown below: No 1 Name M ws BS s T w A Ld Sv Doomsday Ak (B+ wounds remaning) 2" 6+ 3+ 6 6 14 3 10 3+ Dooms day Ak (4-7 wounds remainng) e· 6+ 4+ 6 6 N/ 3 0 3+ Doomsday Ak 1-3 wounds remaini ng) " 6 5+ 6 6 N/ 1 10 3+ A Doomsday Ark is euipped with doomsday can non 2 gaus gausss fayer arrays s AP D ABILIIES WEAPON RANGE PE Doomsday cannon Beore selecting tagets select on of ofthe the pro ies below to make attacks with Low power 36" Heavy 06 B -2 03 - Hgh powe 72" Heavy 06 10 -5 06 Gauss faye array 24 Rapd Fire 5 4 1 1 Blast Bl ast he beare can only make attacks with ths poil e if t Remaned tationary duing its previous Movement phase ABLITIES iving Metal, Metal , Comma nd Protools pg 80-81) Oantum Shielding Ths model has a + invunerable destroy troyed, ed, roll one 06 Explodes When this mode is des beore emovng it fom fom play On a 6 it explod es and each unit wthn 6" surs 03 mortal wounds. save In addtion each time an attack is made aganst this model an unm odiied wound rol of 1-3 always fals rresp rrespectiv ectivee of any abil ites that the weapon o the attacker may have Hovering Distances are measured to a nd from either ths modes hu o its base whichever is te cosest FACTON FA CTON KEOR DS: N C <DYY> <DYY> KEORDS VHC, QUU SH , FY FY, D Y Y AK 104 3 LOKH U ST DE STROY TROYE E RS POWER No Name M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv 1-6 Lokhust Destoye 8 3 3+ 4 5 3 2 10 3+ 01 Lokhust eavy Dest Destoyer oyer 8 3 3 4 4 2 10 3 ncease ths unit's Powe Rating y o evey evey addt onal okus Destroyer Destroyer t ncudes Incease this u nts Power Rating by +4 if it ncudes a Lokhust Heavy Desroyer mode l. Every Lokhust Destoye Destoye is equip ped wit gauss cannon A Lokhust eavy Destroye Destroyerr s e uipp ed with: gauss destructor destructor WEAPON Enmtic extermintor RANGE 6 24 Gauss cannon 36 Gauss destructor TYPE AP 1 D 7 6 -3 D3 10 -4 3D3 s Heavy 3D3 Heavy 3 Heavy 1 ABILITIES 1 Bast WARGEAR WA RGEAR OPT OPTO O NS • Th e Lokhust Havy Havy Destroyer's gauss destuctor destuctor ca n be repl aced wih enmiic eteminator ABIITES Living Metal, Reanimation P Potocols, otocols, Command Protoco Protocols ls (pg 80-81) for iring Heavy weapons in he same Repulsor Platfo Platfom m Modes in his uni do no suer the penalty t o hit rols incured for tunn ta their unt has move tu moved. d. Hardwired for Destruction: Each time a mode n this uni t makes an attack, rerol a i roll o 1. ACTO N KEORDS ERNS, <DYNAS AC <DYNASTY TY> > KEORDS [Lokhust Destoyers] I N FANTRY ANTRY,, LY LY, DESTRO YER CU L, OK UST DE STROY ERS KORDS okhus Heavy Destoye): INFANRY, L DESTROYER CULT, OKUST HEAVY DESTROYER LO KH U ST H EA EAV VY D ESTROYERS 4 POWER No. Name M WS BS s w A Ld Sv 1-3 okus Heavy Desroyer B" 3+ 3 4 5 4 2 10 3 If ths unt conains 2 mode ls, i as Powe Rating 8. t is uni contains 3 modes, t has Power Ratng 12 Eve Every ry mode s equi pped wih: gauss destructo. destructo. YPE s AP D ABLTES Enmitic eteminator 36" Heavy 3D3 7 -1 Blas Gauss desructor 36 Heavy 1 0 -4 3D3 WEAPON RANGE WARGEAR OP ONS • Any numbe of modes can eac have their gauss desrucor desrucor replaced wih 1 enmi tic eteminaor. eteminaor. ABILIIES Living Metal, Reanimation Protocos Com mand Potocos (pg 80-81) ring Heavy Heavy weapos i n the same Repulsor Platfor Platform: m: Mode ls in th is unt do not suerhe penalty o hit olls incured or ring turn that hei unit as moved Hadwired for Destruction Each time a model in tis unit makes an attack, reoll a hit rol of 1 FACTIO N KEORDS ERONS <DYNASTY> KEORDS I N FANTRY Y Y DESTR OYER CU LT OK UST HEAVY DESTRO YERS 105 CAN O PTEK D OO M STALKER 7 POWER Some ofth ofth is model's chaa chaacteristi cteristics c s change as i t suers suers damage, as shown below: No. 1 M ws BS s T w A Ld Sv Canoptek oomstalker oomstalker ( 7+ wonds remaining 0· 4+ 4+ 6 6 12 10 3+ Canoptek Doo mstaker ( 4-6 wonds emanin g] e· 5+ 4+ 6 6 NA 2 10 3+ Canoptek Doomstaker (1-3 wounds remaining] s· 6+ 4+ 6 6 NA 1 10 3+ Name A Canoptek Doomstalker is equpped with: doomsday blaster; twin gauss flayer WEAPON RANGE TYPE Doomsday blaste blasterr Before selecting targets, select one of the proies below to make attacks with s AP D ABTES - Lo Low w ower 24 Heavy 06 8 -2 03 Blast - Hig Highh powe powe 48 Heavy 06 10 -5 06 Blast. The bearer can o nly make atacks atacks with ths proile i f it Remained Stationary duing its previous Movement phase Twin gauss fayer 24 Rapid ire 2 4 -1 1 ABLTIES iving Metal ommand Protocos (pg 8081) ontanment eld Thi s model has a 4+ invulneable save Sentnel onstruct: Each time an enemy unt declaes a charge aganst a friendy < or G nit within 6" of this model, unles s this model is within Engg Enggement ement Range of any enemy modes, this mode can ie verwatch verwa tch at the charging unit as if it were were also a taget taget of that charge (ths is in addit ion to any other units that are irng Overwatch] Each time this mode l ies Overwatch, Overwatch, it makes atacks with its doomsd ay blaster usi ng the hgh power proile xplodes When this model is destroyed, destroyed, roll on e 06 befoe befoe removing it from play On a + it explodes, and each unit within 6" sers 03 motal wonds FACTION KEOR DS: ECRONS, DYNASTY> FACTION KEORDS ON STER STER,, ANOEK, ANOTEK ANOTEK DOO STALKER 8 GH OS OST T ARK PO WER Somee ofths Som of ths mode llss cha ra racterist cteristics ics change a s it suers damage as shown below: No. Name M ws BS s T w A Ld Sv Ghost Ark Ark (8+ wnds remaining] 2· 6+ 6 6 14 10 3+ Ghost Ark 4-7 wounds remainng a 6+ 6 6 A 03 10 3+ Ghost Ark Ark ( 1-3 wounds remaining) 4• 6+ 5+ 6 6 A 1 10 3+ A Ghost Ak Ak s equ ipp ed with 2 gauss flayer arrays WEAPON Gass flayer array RANGE 24" TYPE s AP D Rapid Fire 5 4 -1 1 ABLTES ABIITES iving Metal ommand Protocols (pg 80-81 Quantum Sheldng This model has a + nvulneable save In additi on, each tme an atta attack ck is made against this mode, an unmodifed wond roll of 1-3 always fails , irespective irespective of any ablities that the weapon or the attacker may have Hoveig: Distances are measured to and from either this models hll or its base whicheve is the closest epair Barge In you Command phase, you can select one friendly < < WI unit within 6 of ths mode l I f you do up to 03 destroyed mo dels from from that nit Reanimate [pg 80) Each nt can only be seected for this ability once per phase xplodes When this transpot transpot is destroyed, roll one 06 before any embarked mo dels disembak and befo before before re removng it from play On a 6 it explodes and each uni t within 6 suers 03 mortal wounds TRANSPORT Ths mode has a transport transport capacity of 10 < < N WI or < F models FACTON KEOR DS ECR ON S, DYNASY> FACTON DYNASY> KEORDS VEHICL, QUANTUM HIELDING RANSPORT, FLY, HOS RK 106 D O O M SCY SCYTH E 10 POWER Som e of this mode's ch arac aracteris teristcs tcs change as it ses ses damage as shown below No. 1 Name Doom Doo m Scythe [? wounds wounds remainng] Doom Scythe [4-6 wods remaning) Doo m Scythe [ 13 wounds remaining) d 10 3+ / 3 03 10 3+ N/A 1 10 3+ M ws B s w 20-50 2050"" 2040 20 40 2030 20 30"" 6 3+ 6 6 2 6 4+ 5+ 6 6 6 6 6+ A Doom Scy the is eq ippe d with: heavy death ra y; twn tesa destuctor destuctor WN N Heavy death ray 36" Heavy 3 Twin tesa destructo 36" Heavy 10 s D 12 -4 D33 7 0 1 BIII Each tme an attack s made with thi s weapon, an unmodiied ht roll o 6 scoes scoes 2 additional hits BIII ving Mtl n rtcs [pg 8081) uprsnc: Each time this model makes a Normal move t t: Each time a ranged attack is made against this uni t, sbtract 1 fr from om that attack's attack's ht roll Advances or alls Back, irst piot Advances piot it on the spot up to 9D [this does not contribute to how far the mode moves], then mov e te mode staight orwards orwards t cannot pivot again after the initi a pivot Aibrn: Yo cannot decl are a charge with this model and t can onl y be chos en as a taget taget o a chage ifthe if the nt making the charge can Y You can on ly ight with this mode l if it is within Engagement Range o any ene my nits that ca Y, and ths mode can only make melee attaks atta ks agaist nit s that can LY. Enemy nits can only make melee melee attacks against this m odel f they can L L xps When this model s destroyed, ol one D6 before emoving it from from play O a 6 it explodes, and e ach unit within 6 suers suers D3 mortal wounds FACION KEORDS NECROS, <DYASY> FAC KEORDS: VEH CLE, R CRAT CRAT FLY FLY, DO OM CYTHE N I GH T SC SC TH E 8 POWER Some ofth ofth is mode l's chaacteistics change as it suers damage, as shown beow: No 1 Name Night Nig ht Scythe [?+ wonds emaining Night Scythe [ 4-6 wonds emaining Night Scythe [ 13 wonds emai ning) d 10 3+ N/ 3 03 10 3+ N/A 1 10 3 M ws B s T w 2050 " 2050" 2040"" 2040 2030 6+ 3+ 6 6 12 6+ 4+ 6 6 6+ 5+ 6 6 A Night Scythe is eqi pped with twn tesla destuctor destuctor WN Twin tesla destctor N 36 Heavy 10 s D BIII 7 0 1 Each time an attack is ma de wth this weapon, an unmodiied ht roll of 6 scores 2 additonal hits. BI Lvng Mt n rtcs [pg 8081) uprsnic: Each time this model makes a Nomal move, Advances or Falls Back, rs rstt piot it on the spot up to 9D [ths does nt contibute to how athe model moves] then move te model straight owads owads It canot pivot again a er te initial pivot. xps: When this mode is destoyed, rol one D6 beore any embarked model s disemba disembark rk and beo beore re removig it from play On a 6 it expodes, and each nit within 6 suers D3 mota wonds N Arbn: Yo cannot declar e a charge with th this unit and t can onl y be chosen as a target of a charge if the unit making the charge can You can onl y ight with with ths model if it is within Engagement Range of ay enem y nits that can and this model ca only make me lee attaks against unts that can Enemy nits ca ca only make meee atta attacks cks against n st this model if they can Y r t t Each time a ranged attack is made against this it , subtract 1 rom that attack attacks s hit oll <DYNASTY> > O RE NFANTRY NFANTRY < DYNAS DYNASTY> TY> N FANTR FANTRY Y HARACTER or YNASTIC This model has a transport capacity of 20 <DYNASTY GENT N FA FANTRY NTRY models ACTON KEORDS NECROS, <DYASY> KEORDS VEH CLE, R CRA CRAT, T, FLY, FLY, RASPORT, RASPORT, N G T CYTHE CYTHE 107 19 OBELISK PO WER Some othis othis model modelss characteristcs s tcs chage as it suers damage, as show below No. 1 Name M ws BS s T w A d Sv Obelisk 15+ wouds remain remainig) ig) a· 6+ 8 8 28 6 10 2 Obeli sk 814 wouds remainng) 6" 6 4+ 8 8 NA D6 10 2 Obelisk (17 woud s remainig) remainig) 4" 6+ S+ 8 8 NIA D3 10 2+ An Obesk is equipped with with:: 4 tesla spheres. WEAPON RANGE 24 Tesla sphere TYPE s AP D ABILITIES Assault 4 7 0 1 Each time a attack is made with this weapo, an unmodiied hit roll of 6 scores 2 addtioa hits ABILITIES Living Metal, Comn Potoc Potocos os [pg 8081) Hoveing Distances are measure d to and from either ths Deat Descending Duri g depoymet, you ca set model's hul or its base, whichever is the closest up this mode in the uppe atmosphee instead instead of placg t on the battleield. If you do, then during the Reinforcements step of oe of your Movemet p hases, you ca set u p this unit aywhere o the battleield that s more tha 9 away from any eemy models. Explodes: When this model i s destroyed, roll one D6 befoe emovig emovig itfom play. On a 6 it expodes, ad each uit within 6 sues D6 mortal wouds. Hoveing Sentinel: I your Movement phase, if this model Remais Statiory, then untl th e start start of your ext Movemet phase, its tesla sphees have a Type of Assault 6, a Strength characteristic of 8 ad a D amage cha racters racterstic tic of 2 Gavityy Pulse I you r Shooting phase, you can select one Gavit eemy un it that that ca FLY and s within 24 of this model Until the sta start rt of your next Shooting phase, have the Move characteristic s tic of modes i that uni t If the selected uit is a IRCAFT, rol 26 for each poit by which the total exceed s that un it's Toughess cha racterstic, that unit suers suers 1 morta woud ach uit can only be selected for this ability once per phase. FACON K EORDS E CRON S, <YNASTY> FACON <YNASTY> KEORDS: VEHIC LE, IT ITAN IC, LY LY, BELSK 25 TESS TES S E RA RACT CT VAU LT POWER Some ofthi ofthi s mode's chaacteistics change as it sues sues damage, as show beow No 1 Name M ws BS s T w A Ld Sv Tesseract Vault 16+ wounds remaining) a· 6 3+ 8 7 30 6 10 2+ Tesseract Vaut (915 wounds remainng) 6 6 4+ 8 7 NIA D6 10 2+ Tesseract Tesse ract Vaut 1-8 wou ds remang) 4 6+ S+ 8 7 NA D3 10 2+ A esseract esseract Vault is eq uipp ed with 4 tesla spheres WEAPON RANGE Tesla sphere 24 TYPE s AP D ABILITIES Assault4 7 0 1 Each time a attack is made with thi s weapo an unmodiied hit roll of 6 scres 2 additioal hits ABILITIES Living Metal [pg 80) Tanstemporal T anstemporal Force Fied: This model has a 4+ Vengeance of the the Enchai ned When this mode is ivulerabe save. destroyed, rol one D6 before removg it from pay O n a 4 it explodes and each unit wth 2D6" suers D6 motal wouds Hoveing Distaces are measu ed to and from eithe ths models hu o its base whichever is the closest. POWERS O F THE C' C'TA TAN N This model kows four C'tan C'tan Powes from the Powers of the C'ta pg 68 ) At the ed of your Moveme nt phase i f this m odel did no Advance or Fal Back that phase, it can use a umber of C'ta Powers Powers it kows equa to the umber the tabe below It cannot use the same C'tan Power more below more than o ce per turn Remang Wouds Powes of the C'tan 9-15 3 2 18 1 16 FACTION KEOR DS ECR ONS, <YNA FACTION <YNASTY> STY> KEORDS VEH CLE, ITANIC FLY, FLY, 'TAN HA RD, ES SERACT VAULT VAULT 108 19 MONOLITH POWER Some of this mode 's characerscs characerscs change as it sues shown below No. Name M ws BS s w A Ld Sv Monolih (3+ wounds remainng) e· 6+ 8 8 24 6 0 2+ Monolih (7-2 wounds emaining 6" 6+ 4+ 8 8 N/A D6 0 2 Monolih (-6 wounds remanng] 4" 6+ 5 8 8 NA 10 2+ A Monolih is equppe d with: with: 4 gauss fux arcs; partc partcle le whip; port portal al of exile exile WEAPON RANGE TYPE s AP D Death ray 24" Heavy 1 9 3 33 Gau ss fux ac 30" Rapd Fre 3 5 2 Paticle cle whip 36" Heavy D6 2 -3 3 Blast Portal of exle Meee Use 3 3 Each ime an atack s made wth this weapon, that aack auomaticay his he aget. aget. Meee ABLTES WARGEAR WA RGEAR OPTION S • Ths models 4 gauss fux acs can be rced wih 4 deah ays ABILIES Living Meal, Command Protools pg 8081) Deah Descenin Descening: g: Duing depoyment you can se up his model n he up per atmosphere instead of placng on the batlefed f you do, the n durin g the Renforcemens step step of one of you Movement phase s you can se up this uni an ywhee on the balefeld balefeld that is more han away away from any enemy model s Hovering Distances are measured to and fro from m either ths model's hul or is base, whchever is the coses Explodes When ths model s destroyed roll one D6 befoe emovng i from play On a 6 i expodes, and each befoe uni wihin 6" sues D6 moal wounds FACTION KEOR DS: CRNS <YNASTY> FACTION KEORDS: VIL ITANI ITANI ON OLIT Eterniy Gae In you Movemen Movemen phase f this model Remans Staonary hen n the Renorcement step of hat phase t can summon a unt f t does seect one <DYNASTY> <DYNAS TY> CORE IN FA FANTRY NTRY unt fom fom yo ur amy ha is in Srategic Reserv Reserves se up that 3" unofthis anywhere he baef ba efed ed that i ises wholy withn of this modelon and not within Enga Engageme gement nt Range of any enemy models Models n unts that are set up up us ng hs abity coun as havingg moved a disance n inche s equa o their Move havin characterstc in he Movemen phase 109 23 KI NG THE SILENT KI POWER Sme f Szarekh's charactescs ch ange as sues damage, as shw n belw M ws Szaekh [9+ wnds emanng) e· 2+ Szaekhh (58 wunds eman ng Szaek 6" 2+ Szaekhh ( 1-4 wunds emanng Szaek 4" 8" 2 1 2 Tachal enh BS 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 6+ s w Ld S 5 7 16 6 10 3+ 5 7 N/A 4 10 3+ 5 7 N/A 2 10 3+ 5 7 5 1 10 3+ Szaekh Sza ekh s eq upped wth Scepte Scepte f Etenal G; Staf Sta f Stas Stas Scthe f Dust. Eve rarcha rarcha enh s equpped wh annhlat beam. Yur Yur arm can n nc de ne T unt. W nnh at beam Scepte f Etena Gl [shtng Sta f Stas ( shtng Scepte f Etena Etena G meee] 36"" 36 Heav 1 12 4 D 6 s 24 ssaut 3 8 -3 2 24" ssaut 9 6 -2 1 eee eee +4 3 2 Scthe f Dust eee eee +3 -4 3 Sta f Stas me lee eee eee Use -2 1 BLIIS vngg Met Cmm nd Pt vn Ptcs cs (pg 80-81 ctith ecns In u ppnents Pschc phase Szaekh Sza ekh can attemp t den ne pschc pwe as he wee a PK besnce enets: the stat f the Fght phase f thee an enem unts wthn Engagement Range Szaekh Szae kh then unt the end f the phase thse uns cannt ght untl afte afte a he egbe unts fm u am have dne s fend Phen fthe ts ts (A) Whe a fend C unt orT P un s wthn 6" f Szaekh each tme a anged anged atack s made b a mde n that unt u c an e- e- he ht Phen f the d es (Au) Whe a end end C un T P unt s wthn 6" f Szaekh each tme a me ee attack s made b a mde n that nt u can e- the wund eentess ess Mch (Au) (Au) Whe a fend 0 C T P P unt s wthn 6" f Szaekh each tme tha unt s seected t make a Nma ve dvance unt th e end f the phase add 1 t the ve charactesc characte sc f mdes n that unt . My il B o: In u Cmmand phase u can seect ne fen fen d C r T P P unt wthn 9 f Szaekh Szaekh Unt h e sta f u next Cmmand phase each tme a mde n tat unt makes an atack add 1 that attacks ht Each un can n be selectedd f ths ab t nce pe phase selecte Phen hs mde can use ts W e Dne ne addtna tme pe tu FACCTIO N K EORDS ER ON, SZAREHAN FA SZAREHAN BILIIS Each tme the beae ghts t makes 4 addtna attac attacks ks wth wth ths weapn and n me han 4 aacks can be m ade wth ths weapn Each tme the b eaer ghts ghts t makes 3 addtna atacks wth ths weapn and n me than 3 atacks can be mad e wth hs weapn. Vce f the ch Once pe batte a the stat f an bae und f Szaekh s n the batteed he ca ate u cmmand ptcs If he des the cmmand ptc that u d d nt assgn t an bate unds tha!! e the bate ec mes actve u am f tha bee be batte und nstead f the ne that u assgned t t acha Tch Menh Whe ths un cnans a n acha Tch enh s mdes t des nt cunt cunt as a C f the pups es f the Lk Out S ue and each tme an attack successfl wunds ths unt that atack must must be a cated t ne thse mdes he dest destuct uctnn f acha enh s s gned f the pupses f ae tests If Szaekh s eve desed an emanng tests acha acha enhs n ths u nt ae as dested he le nt ng If u am s atte-fged Szaekh must e pnts u ams amfSzaekh u. eceve 3 addtna eceve . Cmmand fsSzaekh s u Tnsemp ce ed des n th s unt have a 4 nvuneabe save Pesevtve Aut-t If Szaekh has 8 fewe wund s ema nng t cannt make attacks wth ts Sta f Stas and ses the Phaern f he Stas ablt f Szae Szaekh kh has 4 r fewe fewe wund s ema n ng t cannt make attacks wth ts Scthe f Dust and ses the Phaen f the ades abt. Vengence f the Vengence the Ench ned When Szaekh s dested ne 06 bef befe e emvng t fm pa On a 4 t expdes and each un t wthn wthn 20 6" sues sues 06 mta wunds HARAER, F FY, SURE E OAN ER, HA HAERO ERO N, O E, KEORDS (Szarekh): EHE, HARAER, DYNA DYNA GEN, GEN, HE S EN NG , SZAREH KORDS (Tiarchal Menhis]: EHE FY, FY, DYNAT DYNAT GENT, HE SEN NG, RARHA EN H R llO CONV ONVERGENCE ERGENCE OF DOM INI ON 6 POWER Some ofth ofth is mode's chaacterstics change as it sues sues damage, as shown beow No. 3 M ws BS s T w Starstele Stars tele [6+ wounds emai ning) + 6 B 10 3+ Starstele (3-5 wounds emainng 4+ 6 B N/ 3+ Starstele (2 wounds emaining] + 6 B N/ 3+ Name A Ld Sv Every model is equipped wth: transdimensiona abductor. abductor. WEAPON Tansdimensional abductor RANGE 12" TYPE s AP D Assault 3 4 -3 3 ABILTES ABTES Living Metal, Comman d Protocos Protocos (pg 8081) Convergence of Dominion When this unt is fir first st set up on the battlefield its models do not have to be set up n unit coherency Instead, each model must be set up wholly within 12 of one other mode fr from om its unt. From that point on, each model in his unit is treted treted as a sepaate unit. Dominion Protocols (ura) While a frendly <DYNASY> CORE unit is wihin 6 of this moel add 2 to the Leadershp chara cterstic of models in that unit. Dynastic Command ode While a command protocol is active for your army, friendly units wth the Command Protocols Pro tocols ab lity that are within 6 ofthis model benefit rom rom the sel ected dective(s) of the active command protocol Trans ocation Protocols: Whi e thee ae any ARSEE units from your amy on the battefied, CRYEK unts n your army ca n attempt the olowin g action as descrbed in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book: 'ctivate rans ocation Protocols (cton) At the the end of your Movement phase, one r rendly endly CRYEK unit from your army that is withn 3 of any friendl friendl y ARSEE units can startto perform this action. The action is compl eted at the end of your tun. Once completed, select one ofthose of those ARSEE units and emove t rom rom the battlefield; in the Reinforcements step of your next Movement ph ase, set that ARSEE unit back up on the battlefiel battlefiel d anywhee that is moe than 9 away from from any enemy models If the battle ends and that Starstele unit i s not on the bat battefield, tefield, it is destroyed.' FACTION KEORD S NECRS, <DYASTY> FACTION KEORDS: BUI LI G, VEHCLE, TAR TARSTE STELE LE OERGE CE OF DOMI IO 111 EA P O N P R O F I L E S W EA Below you wil nd the weapon proes r al the weapons that Necrons modes ca be equpped wth. If I f a weapon has the Bast abilt, the detais of this abiity can be und n the Warhamm Warhammer er 40,000 Core Book WEAP O N rer D EFN IT IO Nweapons' S Some rules t o gauss gauss or tesla weapons The TAesla tesa Weap weaponons s any weapon whose whos e prole incudes the word dentions tions of these weapons r the purposes of such r ues can be und below: tesa (tesla carbine twn tesla destructor etc) and any Relic that repaces such a weapon he Voltac Sta (pg 66) is also als o a tesla weapon Gauss Weapons A gauss weapon is an weapon whose prole incudes the word gauss (gauss baster gauss ayer arra gauss arr a etc.) and an d any Relic Relic that replaces such a weapon (eg. Condut of Stars page 67). RANGED WEAPONS RANGE TYPE s AP D Abyssa ance (shoot Abyssa (shooting) ing) Aeonstave shooting) 18" 18" Assaut 3 Assaut D3 4 5 3 -2 1 1 Annihator beam Atomiser At omiser beam Death ay Doomsday baster - ow power - High powe powe Heavy 1 1 2 -4 6 12" Assaut 3 6 -2 1 24" Heavy 1 9 -3 D33 Beforee sel ecting tages Befor tages,, seect one of the profiles below to make atack atackss with. 24" Heavy D6 8 2 D3 Blast 48" Heavy D6 Blast.. The beare can on y make attacks Blast attacks with ths pofle pofle if it 1D 5 D6 Remaine d Stationay during its pevious Movement phase Beforee sel ecting tages Befor tages select one of the profiles below to make attack attackss with Heavy D6 3 6" 8 -2 D3 Blast " 72 Heavy D6 Blast. The bearer can only m ake attacks with ths pofle if t 10 5 D6 Remaine d Stationary during its previous Movement phase 36" Assaut D3 8 - 4 D6 18" Assaut 2D3 6 Blast -1 1 18" Pisto 1 1 6 1 36" Heavyy 3D3 Heav 7 1 1 Bast 18" 8 -3 D3+3 Assault 1 Each tme an atack is mad e with this weapon that atack 12" Assault D6 5 1 1 automaticaly hts the target 30" Rapid Fre 1 5 -2 1 24" Heavy 3 6 3 D3 Doomsday cannon Low power - High powe powe Elditch lance [shoot [shootng ng Enmitic annihilator Enmitc d isintegrato isintegrato psto Enmitc extermnator Entropic ance [sh ootng) Gau ntle ntlett of Fire Gauss blaster Gauss cannon Gauss destuct destuctor or Gaus s flayer flayer Gauss ay er aray Gauss ux arc Gauss reaper Heat ray - Dspe Dspers rsed ed - Focu Focused sed Heavy death ray Patce beam e Patce caster Patce Pat ce shredder Patce Pat ce whp Plasmic lance [shooting) Relc gauss blaster Rod of covenant shootng) ABILITES Blast. Each time an aack is made with this weapon, nvulnerable saving throws throws c annot be taken against that atack 3 6" 36 Heavy 1 1 0 4 3D3 4 24" -1 Rapid Fire 1 1 4 24" Rapid Fire 5 1 -1 30" Rapid Fire 3 5 -2 1 12" Assault 2 5 2 1 Befoe selecting selectin g targets targets select one of the profiles beow to make attacks with 12" Heavy 2D6 1 1 Each time an atack s made wth ths weapon, that atack automatically hits the target 24" Heavy 2 4 D6 8 ach time an attack made ma de wth ths weapon targets a uni t wthi wthinn half range, that atack atack has a Damage ch aacter aacterstic stic of D62 36" Heavy 3 12 -4 D33 18" Assaut 6 5 1 0 12" Pisto 2 6 0 1 24" Heavy 8 6 -1 2 36" Heavy D6 12 -3 3 Bast 7 18" Assaut D3 3 2 Rapid Fre 2 30" 5 2 2 12" Assault 1 -3 5 2 Sceptre of Eternal Glory (shooting) Scouring eye 24" 12" Assault 3 Pstol 2 8 5 -3 2 2 1 112 RANGED WEAPONS RANGE TYPE s AP D ABILTES Spear of he Vod Dragon shooting] 12 eavy 1 9 4 06 Each tme an aack is ma de wih his weapon f a hi s scored draw a straight ght ne between the closest pont of ths model's base (or hu] and tha of the closest mode in he target target uni Make one wound ro aganst he tar targe ge uni and e ach other uni this line passes over over Each ime an atac k made wih hs weapon is alocated to a VEHICLE model, that atack has a Damage characeri charac erisc s c of 03+3 Sa of ligh shootng Sa of Stars Stars shooti ng Sa of he Dest royer (sh oong) Syna pic dis neg negaor aor 18" 24" 24" 18" 36" Assault 3 Assaut 9 Assaut 3 Heavy 1 6 6 5 -2 2 5 2 1 1 2 1 achyon arrow esla cannon 120" 30" Assaut 1 Heavy 3 12 6 .5 D 06 1 esla carbine 24" Assaut 2 5 D 1 Tesla sphere 24" 24" Assaut4 7 D 1 Transdmensiona abductor Transdmensiona Transdmensiona Tr ansdmensiona be amer Twn gauss blaser Twn gauss aye r Twn heavy gauss cann on Twin esa car ne 12" 12" 30" 24" 30 30 24"" 24 Assaut 03 Assaul 1 Rapid Fire 2 Rapid Fire 2 Heavy 6 Assaul4 4 4 5 3 3 -2 1 3 D 3 3 1 1 03 1 Twin esa desrucor 36 Heavy 10 7 D 1 5 4 7 .3 Each time you seect a target forth s weapon you can gnor gnoree he Look Out Sr rue. Each tme an attack is made wth ths weapon an unmodified wound roll of 6 incts 1 motal wound wound on he targett n addtion o any norma damage targe The bearer can ony sh oo wh h this weapon once per bat bate e Each ime an atack is made with with his weapon an un mod fied ht rol of 6 scores scores 2 additi onal hits Each ime an atack s made with his weapon an unmo dfied ht rol of 6 scores scores 2 add itional hits Each ime an atack is made wth his weapon an unm odfi ed ht rol of 6 scores scores 2 add tional hts Each ime an atack is made wth ths weapon an unmo dfed ht rol of 6 scores scores 2 addi ional hts Each time an atack is made wth wth hs weapon an un modifed ht rol of 6 scores 2 additi ona hts ; � 113 MEEE WEAPO WEAPONS NS RANGE TYPE AP D Abyssa ance [meee Aeon stae stae ( me ee Melee Melee Melee Meee User 3 User 2 1 1 Automaton claws anoptek tal baes Melee Melee Melee Meee +2 -3 User 2 2 1 hronotenrils Melee Melee User 1 ackling ters Eldtchh Lace (mel ee) Eldtc Empathic Obtea Obteato to Melee Melee Melee Meee Meee Meee User -4 User - 4 +2 -1 D6 2 D3 Entropic ance [melee Feee mables Melee Melee Meee Meee User User 0 3 1 Flayer claws Flensng caw Melee Melee Melee Melee User -1 User 1 1 1 Go en fists Goen Hyperphase glaiv glaivee Hyperphase haester Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee User +2 +2 3 D3 3 Hyperphase reap-blae Hyperphase swor swor Hyperphase threshers Meee Melee Meee Melee Melee Melee +2 4 +1 3 User -3 3 1 2 Impaling legs Meee Melee User 2 Moomoecula poboscis Ophyda claws Meee Meee Melee Melee Use 1 User ·1 1 1 s 0 -3 -3 -3 4 ABILITIES Each tme a attack attack s mae wth ths weapon inuera in uerabe be savig throws throws canot be taken agai nst that attack attack Each tme the beaer ights, it makes D6 ai toa toa attacks with with ths weapn. Each tme the bearer ights, it makes 3 adtonal ad tonal attacks with ths weapn. Each tm e a attack Eachtm attack s ma e wth wth ths weapon, i a CRT R moe s estroye estroye by that attack, attack, each enemy u t with 6" of the beae sues sues D3 m ortal wous. Each tme a attack s mae wth wth ths weapon, an unmodifie hit oll o 6 automaticay wouns the target Each tme a attack s mae wth ths weapon make 2 hit rolls istea of 1 Each tme a attack s mae wth ths weapon su btract 1 from that attack's ht o. Each time the bearer fghts, it makes makes 1 aitoal ai toal aack wth this weapo Each tme the bearer ghts, t makes 2 adtonal adto nal attacks wth ths weapn. Each time the bear er ights, ights, it makes 2 adtonal ad tonal attacks with ths weapon 14 MELEE WEAPONS RANGE TYPE Plasmic lance (meee] Portall of exile Porta Meee Meee Melee Melee User -3 User 3 2 3 Reanimato's claws Rod of covenant covenant mele e] Sceptre Scept re of Eterna Eterna Gory [melee] Scythe of Dust Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee User -2 User -3 4 -3 3 4 1 2 2 3 Scythe of the Nightbringer Reaping sweep - Entr Entropic opic blow Scythed limbs Spear of the Void Dragon meee] Sta o lght lght (melee] Sta o Stars melee ] Sta ofthe Destroyer melee me lee Sta o Tomor row Stalkers forembs forembs Viciou s caws Void bade Voidscythe Warscythe Whp coils Meee Melee Melee s AP D ABILITIES Each tme an atack is made with ths weapon, that attack automaticay hits the target Each time the beaer ights it makes 4 additi onal atacks with this weapon and no more than 4 attacks can be made wth ths weapon. Beore selecting sel ecting targets seect one of the poiles poil es below to make attacks with. Meee Melee User -3 1 Each time an attack s made wth this weapo poe, make 2 hit olls nstead of 1. Meee Melee x2 - 4 D6 Each time an attack s made wth wth this weapo poe, invulnera ble savng throws throws cannot be made aganst that attack. attack. 1 Melee Meee Use -1 Melee Melee 4 D6 Each time an at atack ack made with with this weapon s allocated to a +3 VEHICLE model that attack has a Damage characteristc of D3+3. Melee Meee User - 2 1 Melee Meee Use - 2 1 Each time the beaer ghts, it makes 3 additiona attacks wth this weapon and no more than 3 attacks can be made wth this weapon Melee Meee + 1 3 2 Melee Meee User -3 D3 Each tme a n at atack ack is ma de with ths weapon weapon invunerable saving thows thows cannot be taken aganst that aack. Melee Meee Use 2 3 Melee Meee 2 2 2 Melee Meee Use - 3 Each tme the beare ights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. Melee Meee x2 4 3 Each tme an atack is made with ths weapon, subtract from that atacks atacks hit rol ro l Melee Meee +2 -4 2 Melee Meee 1 User -1 Each tme an atack is made with ths weapon proile make 2 hit ros instead of 1 115 PO I NTS VALU ES You can use this secton to deermine the pons (ps) (p s) value of each unit in your army army Each enry iss the units sze (i.e. (i. e. how many modes the un can conain) and how many poins the un costs If an entry has a unit cos of x ps/mode; then he unt coss x pons r every model in hat un. You mus mus hen add pons r each weapon, or tem of wargear, tha s ncluded in ha un f t s lsted in tha uni's entry entr y (weapons and wargear not isted n a unts unts enry cost no addiiona pons o include in hat unt) Anrakyr the Trav Travelle elle r (pg 83) 8 3) Overlord (pg 89) Unt sze ......................................................... 1 mode Unt cos......... cos.............. ............ .............................. ....................... 1 40 ps Unit sze ........... ............................ . ........................ . ....... . 1 model Uni co cos s .............. .................. ............ 95 pt ptss • Resurrectio orb .................................................... .... 30 pts pts • Tchyon ar arow ow ............... ............................................................... +5 ps ps • Voidscyhe Voidscyhe ........... ...... +15 pts pts • Wascy Wascythe the ........ ...... ..... .... . ... ........ ....... +5 pt ptss Catacomb Command Barge Barge (pg 88) Uni size ............................ 1 model Uni cost ............................................. 1 45 pts • Gauss canno n ........ ............ .... . . . ............ .. 5 pt ptss • Resurection or orbb ........... ...... .. .. ... 30 pt ptss • War Warscyt scythe he ................ .... 5 5 pt ptss Plasmancer (pg 9) Unt size ........................................................... model Unit cost.......... cost......................... . ..................... .......... . .. 0 ps Chronomancer (pg 91) sychomancer (pg 90) Uni size ...... ........... ........... ............. .......... ...... .... . .... .... model Uni cost....................................................................... cost....................................................................... BO pts Unit size ........ ............... ........................................................ 1 model lllu minor Szera Szerass ( pg 84) Uni cos ................................................................. 70 Uni size ..................................................... 1 model Uni cost........................................................................ cost........................................................................ 160 pts pts Roya Warden (pg 86) nit size ................ .................... .... 1 model Uni cost ......................................................... 75 pts lmotekh the the Stormlord ( pg 82) Uni size .... ..... 1 model Uni cost................................ . . .. ..... ... 145 pts Skorpekh Skorpe kh Lord (pg 86) Uni size ........... .. 1 model model Uni cost............................................................ cost............................................................ 130 pts Lokhust Lord Lord ( pg 87) Unisize ................................................ 1 mode Uni cost... cost.................................. .. .. ............. .............. 1 05 ps ps • Phyactery ...................................................................... ... +5 pts pts • Resurec Resurecton ton orb orb ...... ............................................. ......... .......... +30 pts pts • Wascyt Wascythe he............................................................ ......... ... +5 +5 pts pts Technomancer (pg 90) Uni sze ................................................................ 1 model Uni cost. .................................................... 75 ps • Canoptek cloa cloa........ ........ ............. ................................................... 5 ps ps • Canoptek contol node .. ...... .................................. .......... 1 5 pts pts Lord Lo rd (pg 87) Tra razyn zyn the Infini Infinite te ( pg 85 ) Uni size ...... .... 1 model model Unit size size ......... ... . 1 model model Uni cost... ............................................................................... 0 pts • Resue Resuecton cton ob ..... ............ ................................................ +30 pts pts • War Warscy scyhe he . ......... +5 pts pts Uni cost. ................................................................................. 100 pts Vargard Obyron (pg 83) Nemesor Zahndrekh (pg 84) Unit sze ................................................................. ....... 1 model Uni cost.......... cost................... ............... .................. . ................ .................. . ............ 100 pt ptss Uni sze ................................... ...................................... 1 model Uni cost............................................ cost............................................ 135 pts Cryptek Arkana Arkana ( pg pg 62-63) Orikan the Diviner (pg 82) Uni sze ......... ............ ......... ............................................ model Uni cost......... ... .................. ...... ... ... ............ 11 0 pts • • • • • • • • • Atavindcator ............ ....................... ............... +25 ps Atavindcator ps Cortical subjuaorscaabs ............... +15 pts Countertemporl Countertempo rl n nomnes ............................ 30 ps Crypogeometric Crypogeo metric adjuse adjuse .... . .. ..... . +15 p pss Dimens ioal sanctum ................................ ....... .. . +1 5 p pss Fal-sae ovecha ovechager ger.... ....................................................... +30 pts pts Hyp ermae ermaeal al ablaor .................................. ..... +25 p pss Metalodermal tesla weave weave ................................................... 20 ps ps Photonc ransubje ransubjector ctor ...................................................... 20 ps •• Phyacterine hve hve ................................................... 20 +20 ps ps ps Prismatc obfuscat obfuscatron ron ...................................................... • Quanum orb orb ................................................................... 20 20 ps ps 116 1 TROOP TROOPSS Transcendent Tr anscendent C'tan {p g 100) Immortals (pg 92) Unt size ....... 1 mode Unt cost............... cost............................. ................................... .............................. .............. ..... 270 pts Unt size................ size ................ 5-10 modes Unit cost 17 pts/model • Tes Tesa a carbine ................... ................ .......... ....... ....... .... 2 pts Trarch Tr arch Stalker {pg 97 ) Necron Warri Warriors ors {p g 92) Un t size size ............................ 10 -20 modes Unit cost ............................................................ 13 pts/model + ELITES C'tan Sha rd of the Decev Decever er { pg 98 ) Unt size····································· ·································· ·····················=·· ········=······ ········ 1 model Unt cost cost ..... . . 350 pts Unt size ....................................... 1 mode Unt cost. cost. 135 pts • Hea Heatt ray . . ... .. ..................... ..... ... .... 5 pts • Twin heavy heavy gaus gausss cannon .. .... .... ... . ... . +1 5 pts . FAST TCK Canoptek Scarab Scarab Swarms {pg 101) Unt size.. ...... .... ......................................................39 modes Unt cost.............. . . 15 pts pts/mode /mode Canoptek Wrait Wraiths hs {pg 103) C'tan Shard of the Nightbrnger (pg 98 ) Unt size ................. 1 model Unt cost........................................................ ................. 350 pts Unit size .............................................................3-6 .............................................................3-6 modes Unt cost............ cost............ 35 pts/mode • Partic Particle le caster caster......................... ................................... .......... +5 pts • Tr Transdime ansdime nsona l beamer .. 10 pts pts C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon Dragon (pg 99 ) Unt size .................................................... ......... ....... ... 1 model Unt cost............................... cost............................... 350 pts Ophyd ian Destroyers Destroyers (pg 102) Unt size ....... .......................................................... ...............................3-6 modes Unit cost . 35 pts/mode pts/mode Canoptek Plasmacyte {pg 96) Unt size ................. ................. 1 model Unt cos cost t....... ......... ....... . 15 pts Canoptek Reanimator Reanimator {pg 93) Unt size ..................................................................................... 1 model Unt cost.... cost.... ....................... 10 pts Canoptek Spyders {pg 101) Unit size .............................................................................. 1-3 models Unit cost.......................................................................... cost.......................................................................... 60 pts/model • Fabricat Fabricator or claw array ...... ..... ....... . . ...... . .... .. +5 pts pts • Goom prism .......... ............ ..... ... +5 pts • Pa Patic tice e beamer . . +5 pts Cryptothrals {pg 95) Unit size ................................................. 2 models Uni cost.... cost.... .............................. 40 pts Tomb Blades Blades (pg 102) Unit size ......................... 39 mod es Unit cost.. ........................ 25 pts pts/mode /mode • Nebuoscope........................................... Nebuoscope........................................... 3 pt ptss • Shadowloom .... ........ ......... .............. ............ ........... ............ 5 pts • Shieldvan es ........ ............ ........... ........ ............. .............. ....... 3 pts • Twn gauss baster................................... +5 pts • Twn tesl teslaa cabine ....... ...... ......... .... ........ ........... ........... 5 5 pts pts Triarch Praetorans Praetorans (pg 103) 103 ) Unit size ............................. 51 0 modes Unit cost.. 25 pts/model pts/model • HEA H EAVY VY SU SUPPORT PPORT Annihiation Barge Barge (pg 104 ) Unit size .............. .................................................... .... 1 model Deathmarks (pg 94) Unit cost.. cost............... . . 120 pts • Gauss canno n . . . . 5 pts Unit size ....................................................................... 5-10 models Unit cost........... .......................... .......................... ................... 18 pts/mode Canoptek Doomstalker Doomstalker (pg 106) Flayed Ones (pg 95) Unit size .......... ......... .......... .............................................. 1 model Unt cost cost................. . 140 pts ________ Unt Un t size ze ..................... ...................... . 5-20 modes Unt cost .................. 13 pts/model Destroyerr (pg 93) Hexmark Destroye Unt size size ........... ..................... ...... ...... 1 model Unt cos cost. t............................. .................................................. .............................. ........... ... 75 pts Doomsday Ark (pg 104) Unt size ...................................................................... 1 mode Unt cost .. 190 pts Lokhust Destroyers (pg 105) Unt size ........................................................................ 510 models Unit cost cost.. .................................... ..................................28 pt pts/ s/mode mode Unt size ..................................................... .......... 17 mode ls Unit cost............ ........ ... 55 pts/mode pts/mode • Gauss dest destuctor uctor ....... ...... ............... ......... ..... ..... ....... +1 5 pt ptss • Enmti c extermat extermato o .......... ......... .......... ............ .......... ....... + 5 pts Skorpekh Destroyers Destroyers (pg 96) okhust Heavy Heavy Destroyers Destroyers (p g 105 ) ychguard ychgua rd (pg 94) Skorpekh Destroyers Destroyers (pg 96) okhust Heavy Heavy Destroyers Destroyers (p g 105 ) Unit size .... .......... ................ ................ .......... ....36 36 models Unit cost.. .............................................. 35 pts/model Unit sze ... ....... ......................... ..................... 13 models Unit cost. cost. ...... ............. .............. ....... 70 pts pts/m /model odel 1 17 CATED TED TRANSPO RT RTS S . DE DI CA Ghost Ark (pg 106) WAR • LOR DS OF WAR Monolith (pg 109 Unit siz sizee ....... ................. ...................... . ................. .......... ............................. .........................1 model Unit cost. ...................................................... 145 pts Unit size ... ....... ........ ....... .... ... ....... .......... ........ ............................ .............................. ..... 1 model Unit cost. ....................................................... 360 pts • Dea Death th ray ray ....................... ...................................... ............... ...... ........... . +5 pts pts *fl FLYERS Obelisk (pg 108) Doom Unit sz sze Scythe e .... ........ ........ (pg........ 10) .................. ...................................... .......................... ... ... model Unit cost. .............................................................. 200 pts Night Scythe (pg 107) Unit sz szee .................. ..................................... ............................... ................. .......... ........ ......... ............ ...... 1 model Unit cost ................................. =.. 1 45 pts = ..... Unit size ........................................................ 1 mode Unit cost .................... ........................................ ...................................................... .................................. 370 pts The Silent King (pg 110 Ut size....................................................... size ....................................................... 3 models Ut cost.......................... cost.................................................. .................................. ................ .......... ....... ... 450 pt ptss esseact Vaut (pg 108) Uit size.................................. Uitsize ...................................... ........ ....... ....... ....... ...... ... 1 model Unit cost........................................................... cost........................................................... 500 pts I FORTIFCATIONS Converg Con vergenc encee of Dominion (pg 111 1 11 Unit sie ................................................ 3 mdels Unit cost cost.. ..... ...... ........ .......... ........ ......... ............... .............................. ........................ . .. 120 pts 18 GLOSSARY On ths page you wi fnd a glossary that contains a nu mbe mberr o o ter terms ms used in ths Codex These are are intended to provde precise defintons to he lp resove some o the more compl ex rules interactions interactions that may arise, and payers shoud ee unde r no obigation to memorise ths st. Activ Active e comm andfor protoco protocol l ( pg 81): he command protocol that is currentl active active your army. A of the models n the unit can hav havee the r Weapon A repaced wth 1 each: h: When this wargear option is selecte d for a unit , every Weapon B eac sngle model i n that uni that is equpped with Weapon Weapon A must must have ts weapon weapon replaced wit Weapon . It is ot possible for ony some of the models in that uni t to have thei weaon rep rep aced aced and for others not to. Any number o modes an each have their Weapon A replaced wth Weapon 8: When this wargear option is seected for a unt, any number of models in that unit that are equipped with Weapon A can each have its weapon weapon replaced Weapon B It is possble for only so me of the mod els i n that u t to have ther weapon replaced and for others others not to. From pgA80:The 80: dynasty that adynasty unit belogs is thethat dynasty they are from. unitThe i s from a certain if theytohave tha t dyn asty s name isted on its Faction Faction keyword line auss weapo weaponn pg 12 ): A ranged weapon whose proile i nclud es the wod gauss', or a Relc that replaces a gauss weapon ER ONS etachme etachment nt pg 51: A Detachment in a attle-foged attle-foged army where every model has the ERDNS keyword [ excludi excludi ng modes with the UNLGNED keywords) ecrons secondary objectives pg 69: Addtonal secondary objectives v es that can be used i n certain matched play misson packs f every Detachme_nt n t in yo ur army is a ERONS Detachment. owerr of the Ctan pg 68 : A ist of C'tan Powers that CTN RD owe models can use. Comand protoco protoco pg 81): Thee are sx comman d protocols Protocoll o f the Conquering Tyrant Protocol of the Eternal Guadian; Protoco eanmate pg 80: When a model Reanmates it is set back up on the battleied with ts full wounds remai nng Protocol of the Hungry od; Protocol of the Sudden Storm; Protocol of the Undyng Legions; Protoco of the Vengeful Stars eanmation proto protocos cos are are enacted enacted pg 80 : Af Afte te a unit wi th the Reanima tion Protocols ability has any of its modes destroyed by enemy attacks, its reanimation potocols are enacted, and the modes that were destroyed by those attac attacks ks begin reassembing CryptekAran Crypte kAranaa pg 62): A uniq ue piece o f wargea wargea that can be gven to ERONS CRYPT CRYPTEK EK modes [excluding named character characters) s) C'TN HRO (pg 51): unt that C'TN that can be included n a ERONS Detachment without preventing othe r unts i n that Detachment fom gaining a Dynastic Code. Ctan owers (pg 68: TN HRD models can attempt to use Ctan Powers that they know irective (pg 81: One part of a command protoco, whe a comm and protocol prot ocol becomes actie e for your army, one of that command protocol's di rectives wil l be selected to be the one that app lies to the aected aec ted unts in you r army. YNSTI AGENT (pg 5 : A unt that can YNSTI can be incuded i n a ERONS Detacment without preventing other units n that Detachment from ganig a Dynastic Code. ynastc Code pg 51) : Detachment ablity for ERONS Detachme Deta chments nts An abil ity gained by ERONS modes excludn excludn g YNSTI YNS TI AGENT and CT CTN N HRD mode ls) base basedd o the Dynasty they are fom, if al m odel s in that Detachment ae from from the same dynasty. ynastc pthet pg 74): A Crusade rue app ied to OLE CHRTER WRORD models upon victory eanmaton rotoco rotoco rol (pg 80): One 06 roll. Cannot be modiied by more than -1 -1 or +1 eassembling eassemb ling pg 8 0): When a unts reanimation potocols ar e enacted, enac ted, Reanimaton Protoco Protoco rolls a e made for the models in that unit that are reassembing elc o the the Aeons Aeons (pg 66 -67: A type of Relic that can be given to ERON S CHRTERmodels. CHRTER models. tratagem label: A Stratagem Stratagems labels are written beneath its ti tle and can i ncude: Necrons; attle Tactic; Tactic; pc Deed, Strategic Ploy; Requisition; Wargear Wargear A Stratagem Stratagem can have more than one l abel; for example, a Stratagem wthabels. 'Necons Wargear Stratagem has both the Necrons and Wargear esa weapon pg 112: A ranged weapon weapon whose proile inc udes the word tesla, or a Relic that replaces a tesla weapon. 19 REFERENCE This secton also nclu des a bule t-ponted summ ary of a numbe r of Necrons ru es. In mos mostt games, you may nd referencin g this s umm ary is al you need to resolve a rue but f not fol fol ow the page reference to to read the entrety of the rue COM MAND PROTOCOLS (PG 81) REANMATION REANMA TION PR OTOCOLS (PG 80) • Command Command Protocos ony applies applies if every uni in your army is om the same dyasy (excuding YNAS GEN, C'AN HARD and UNAIGNED unis) and your WARORD is a OBLE. • Bere batle secretly assign assign one command proocol to each of rst ve batte rounds (no repeats. • Star of each batte round reveal command command protoco protoco and seec one of its direcives. • Units with with his abily bene fom selected direcive direcive if within 6" of fiendy ERONS CHARAER unit (ecuding CAN HARDS) and iendy OBE is on he batleed. • Aer an enemy enemy unit attacks i f any any models in his unit unit were desroyed Reanimation Protocol rolls are made. • For each model desroyed by those atacks, roll number of D6 D6 equal to is Wounds characerisic. Each 5+ added to a poo umber of dice in pool / Wounds characterisic = number of modes Reanimaed Reanimaed and added back to t o the unit. DE TACHMENT ABILITIES (PG 51-55) • ERONS Detachmens gain Roya Court and Dynasic Agents and Sar Gods abiities. • ERONS units in ERONS Deachmens gain the Dynasic abli • Codes Troopsabli unis.n ERONS Deachmens gain the Objective Secured ably (see arhammer arhammer 40000 40000 Core Book). Book ). DIMEN SONAL TRANSLOCA TRANSLOCATION (PG 80) • Duing deployment can se uni up in a herspace dimension insead of seting it up on the bateed. • Uni can then arrive during Reinrcements Reinrcement s sep of one of your Movement phases. • When unit arrives set it up on batleeld more than 9" 9" om any enemy models. DYNASTIC DYNA STIC CODE [PG 5 1-55) If every unit i n a Deachment is om he same dynas dynas a ERONS unis (excep YNASTI GENT and CTAN HARD units in that Detachment gain a Dynasic Code. Dynasic Code gained depends on wha dyasy hey are fom. If dyasy does not have an associaed Dynasic Code you mus create one r them To do so seec one D yastic Tradition om page 54 and one Circumstance of Awakening om page 55. DYNASTIC EPITH ETS (PG 74-75) 74-75) • Aer bate, bate, i f army army's 's WARORD was a OBLE and you won it gains a Dyasic Epihe • For every hird Dynastic Epithe increase model's model's Crusade poins by and it gains one of the associaed abiliies. <DYNASTY> <DYNAST Y> KEYWORD (PG 80) • When you include a unit wih the <YNASY> keword nominate which dnasy i is fom. • Replace every insance of he < YNASY> keword on tha units datashee with he name of your chosen dyasy. THE ROYAL COU RT (PG 51) • If army has HE IEN KING, i is your WARORD Otherwise if it has a PHAEON, it is your WARLORD. Otherwise if it has an VERLORD, i is your WARORD. Otherwise, if i has a ORD it is your WARORD STARR GODS AND DYNASTIC AGENT S PG 51 ) STA • YNASI GEN and CA CANN HARD models do no prevent other ERONS unis themselves everom gaingaining one a Dynasic Code but they do not • Can incude a maxmum of one one C'AN HARD mode in each Detachment in your army ETAL ET AL (PGPhase 80) his model egains •LIVNG I n you youMCommand egains 1 los wound. 120