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Dreams of Murder

Dreams Of Murder
It all happened again.
But this time, I was tied to a chair with chains tied tightly around my limbs,
surrounded by trees, the smell blood upon it, along with a distorted sky.
And there I saw 'She,' glancing at me from a distance. 'She' had come back again,
preparing to terrorize me once again with everything she had. Before teleporting in
front of me, touching my face gently with her crumpled palm.
I look at her in disgust as she wears her dreadful devil mask.
'Don't you think this is so much fun? 'She' inquired, a small, but visible, sinister grin
appearing on her face. 'Being here with me?'
'Who would even like a monstrous being like you, terrorizing me in my sleep? Who
even are you?' I spoke fiercely while trying to calm myself down.
'Truth is, I'm an evil version of you. All the hatred and maliciousness you keep to
yourself. I am the embodiment of it. Your fury and angry is what made me who I am.
You were nothing but a cold-blooded killer. Killing innocent lives for your
enjoyment,' 'She' said while glancing at me.
I sigh in disbelief telling her that she is just lying and that I was not her. I start to panic
and felt like I was slowly spiralling out of control. 'She' tilts my head up saying 'You
don't believe me, do you?' Then, she snaps her finger.
'These are the innocents' lives you've ruined.'
Suddenly, I hear voices coming from the forest. Corpses start to emerge from the
ground, crawling towards me saying 'You killed me, you monster!' Slowly, they
started overwhelming me with large quantity and feeding off my body as revenge. I
screamed in horror hoping the pain and horror would stop.
'Olivia, honey? Wake up!'
I woke up to the sound of my mother. I look around to see I was in my room. I sigh in
relief while sweating profusely.
'Have you been having those nightmares, again?' My mother looks at me worryingly.
'Yes, they have been bothering me for the whole night.'
'You'll get over with it, soon. So, hurry up and get change for school.'
My mom leaves the room, allowing me to get dressed. I lay in my bed for a while and
decided to just wake up. I get a large sweatshirt and baggy pants as it was an easy look
to pick and no one at my school would judge me for it. I quickly went downstairs and
hop into my mom's car.
When I arrived at school, Edward was standing near our classroom and wave at me
from afar. I waved back at him and walks towards him.
'You look like a disaster today,' Edward observes me from afar.
'I am. I had another horrible nightmare as usual. But this time, was far worse than
others,' I said in a dead tone.
'Want coffee to get you to freshen up? Or do you want me to lecture you about your
'Nightmare,' said Edward as he bumps my elbow with hot piping coffee in his right
'Both please if you mind.' I replied him as I grab the coffee from his hand.
'Alright then. Honestly, if you are asking for my opinion on these nightmares of yours,
they sounded like something out of a fantasy story of sorts. Maybe, it's just your
imagination messing with you.' He says while taking a spill of coffee from his cup.
'But time after time, the dreams started to become more realistic than ever. Even 'She'
came to affront once more. It is not some normal nightmare!' I yell at him while a tear
rolled through my face.
Edward pushes me to the side and gives me some tissue paper from his pocket, wiping
my tear with it. I softly say "Thanks' to him. Thankfully, we did not end up getting
attention from the other pupils walking by us. We did however end up in an awkward
situation with each other. Both of our eyes locked together as we stared.
Bells rungs, Edward and I rush to our class as we didn't want to be late. We arrived at
our class right on time. It was Ms Taylor's Geography Class. Her classes were dull as
she would just say everything from the slides and says it in a monotonous tone.
While being sleep-deprived and exhausted since I didn't get any sleep from the
nightmares. I had begun hallucinating while being in class. My eyes slowly flutter shut
as my surroundings started to disappear out of my sight.
I was back in the forest where the nightmares were once again. I walk around to see if
I remembered anything from the nightmares. I recognized the forest's leaves as they
were the same as the nightmare. I overhear someone talking in one of the nearby
bushes. I hid behind a tree, eavesdropping on their conversation.
'Do you think there is anyone around here?'
'I don't know, maybe there is.'
I slowly come out from my hiding, assuming it wasn't dangerous and was peoples like
me trapped in this world. They didn't sound like 'She' or her minions. I said hello to
Both fell and got spooked by my appearance. I pull them up, offering a helping hand.
They introduced themselves as a pair of twins, Emma and Jake. I introduced myself in
return. They said they had only been stuck here recently and never seen 'She.' It was a
bummer to me, I thought they knew about 'She' and could help me find her. But it
was fine, I decided to show them around the deserted area.
'This is where all the tortures happen.'
I pointed at the center of the field, there was blood splattered all over. Chains were
still there tangling on the chair. Remembering that, tormented me the most. I feel a
sudden ache in my head, the memories flood in. Visions started to appear while voices
telling me to kill them. I resisted as much as I could. But they were overwhelming
'Olivia, are you okay?'
Edward's voice awakens me. I looked at him dazedly and slap myself to awaken myself
once more.
'Yeah, I'm fine.'
Edward passed me his notes since I had zoned out for a while. I was surprised it had
only been 30 minutes, to what felt like an hour or two. I quickly copied the notes and
passed them back to him. Geography class finally ended, and it was breakfast break.
Everyone rushes to the cafeteria while Edward and I walk our way there. As we didn't
want to rush and there were long queues. We usually waited for others to get their
foods, then queue up. Even if we weren't given many varieties, we were fine with it.
We get a seat and chatted while we ate.
'So, they have been bugging you even more, huh?' Edward asked while munching on
his egg sandwich.
'Yeah. Each time become worse than before. I did end up finding someone there for
once.' I replied him.
'And who is the 'someone'?'
'They are a pair of twins named Emma and Jake. They looked like they were 12-13
years old. I was showing them around the world, only for the voices to intervene and
asking me to kill them.'
Edward spills the water he was drinking onto his shirt. I give some napkins to wipe off
the stain.
'How are you so calm about saying that?' He asks.
'I don't even know at this point. I have been having these nightmares for a month.'
I said it to him bluntly while eating my bagel. He looks at me in shock but brushes it
I felt a sudden ache on my head, feeling a heated sensation on it. It's felt like I was
about to faint but I didn't. Instead, I begin seeing memories that I don't remember but
I just brush them off.
Classes pass along with time. Soon to know that school ends. Usually, Edward and I
would walk back home together since we lived nearby. But Edward had a family
gathering he needed to attend to. So, I ended up walking back alone.
I arrived back home. The house was usually quiet as they went out for work. But this
time, I saw my parent's cars parked in the driveway. I didn't think much about it as it
wasn't abnormal for them to be back early. I go up to the front door, seeing that the
door was unlocked. It was odd, as my parents were always cautious about safety.
I push the door open, horrified by seeing fingerprints and drops of blood splattered all
over, the walls. I drop my bag and rushed to the living room where my parents are
usually at. A tear falls. I see their dismembered bodies in horror. Normally, someone
would break down and whimper their heart out. I didn't. I just stared at their
dismembered bodies. I felt nothing. I want to feel something or express something at
I stumbled upon a bloody knife while looking for clues. The voices surrounded me
with thoughts that I did it without knowing my acknowledgement. The thoughts
become louder than ever. It was like a nightmare in real life.
'Haven't I frightened you?' 'She' looks at me with a small, yet playful smirk. 'I guess I
have seen your expression.'
I turned around in shock and stunned at 'She' presence. 'She' holds the bloody knife
while blood drips from it.
'How are you here? You're not even real?'
I yell at her in disbelief. Part of me was confused about the way she acted. She was so
relaxed and unfazed about the matter.
'Technically, your reality isn't real so-' 'She' said calmly till I intervene,
I look at her confused.
'Maybe let us sit down and change up the scenery a bit.'
'She' snaps her fingers and we get teleported into a blank room with a table and two
'Please sit. I promise I won't do anything that means you harm.' 'She' said casually.
I sat down with her and 'She' explained everything to me. 'She' offered me some tea to
calm myself down after hearing everything.
'She' explains that the world I live in or my 'reality' isn't real. Both my nightmares and
'reality' are linked as one. Just that my 'reality' looks more human than the other. The
friends I have made including Edward were mere illusions of my real friends. Along
with my parents were never real, it's was a challenging thing for me to process
through all at once. Knowing that everything around you from peoples you known for
years not being almost made me insane.
'I'm surprised that you haven't breakdown yet.' 'She' chucks.
I was full of rage at that moment and decided to throw a punch at 'She.' She dodges it
swiftly saying that killing her doesn't make any difference as they are both the same
person or 'She' calls it may alter ego. I've been frustrated that I felt like it was
unnecessary to kills off my parents. 'She' sips her tea and says that it was the only way
to knock in the sense of you to realize everything. It's maybe hard to hear but you
have to bear with it.
'She' also remarked that the reality I'm in is a subconscious state of mind or I am in a
dream for simple terms.
'You mean I'm in a coma?'
I asked her. She nods back at me. She notes that the reason for her having to torture
me was to give you some karma. I didn't get what she meant about 'karma;' she shows
me that the real me had been in a car accident. That explains why I had been here for
so long. I created this world as an alternate universe of my real-world to escape all my
worries and troubles behind.
It was hard to handle what was presented to me and did line up with everything that
has been going on. It was like everything make sense for once. The headaches I would
get constantly, Edward sometimes being flirtatious towards me. One thing that didn't
make sense however were the nightmares.
'The nightmares? Oh. They were real to a certain extent.' 'She' says.
'What do you mean by 'a certain extent'?' I asked.
'The corpses emerging from the ground weren't real, of course. But those corpses
were peoples you desire to kill.'
'You mean I kill those peoples?'
'Technically yes. But you physically don't do it, I do. I act based on your darkest
thoughts. Why did you think I would randomly summon corpses onto you?'
'That's why we're both the same. Just that you don't want to remember it,
remembering your sins you've committed.' 'She' adds on.
'She' rolls her sleeves up as she wears a dark coat that covers her entire body. To
reveal, multiple scars on her right arms as well as her left.
'These are scars from the killings, it was pretty funny honestly. Have your memories
freshened up?'
As she says that, my memories start to remember things I don't remember.
Graveyards, killings, murders. I had finally realized it after so long. I begin to feel
scared and anxious. I nervously sweat as the memories floods in. I was the one who
did it all.
'Then, why aren't I out of here? Out of this world yet?' I asked.
'I have been trying to figure it out for months. One conclusion I had that seems
realistic enough was that you didn't want to come out of here. Something is holding
you back.' 'She' replied.
'Is it because you had made a life here and you wanted to live here for the rest of your
life or is it something else, something more sinister?' 'She' adds.
I thought for a moment. And answered her.
'I wanted to kill, wasn't it? Because I hid that truth from myself and everyone.'
'Bingo! The first time you guessed correctly.' 'She' smiles.
Suddenly, I see Edward behind 'She' and he stabs her with a knife causing 'She' to fall
'Edward! How did you get in and why are you here?' I asked him.
'Olivia. You can stop playing dumb now. She's dead.'
I laugh at him and giggles.
'I see that you had caught up with the latest topic. It took me three months to just get
intel from her.'
'And I also see that you are a great actor, considering she bought your act for months.'
Edward smirks.
Truth be told, I had spied on 'She' for months before I encountered her. And that I
needed to get crucial intel from 'She' about alternate dimensions as the dream
belonged to her. I had linked her dreams to mine. I manipulated her into thinking that
the dream belonged to me even though it didn't. And endured her torture to lead into
this very moment. I asked Edward to be my accomplices few months prior and he
agreed. To sum thing up, we were the true villains in this story.
We decided to burn her body and throw it into a cliff nearby. As we threw her body,
the mission was over as the world begins to disappear, or so we thought.