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PMP Exam Prep: Practice Questions & Answers

Project Management Professional
Exam PMP
Edition 15.0
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Qu e st ion 1
You are in process of ident ifying and docum ent ing t he proj ect roles
and responsibilit ies and creat e st affing m anagem ent plan. All of t he
following should be addressed when list ing t he roles and
responsibilit ies EXCEPT:
A. Com pet ency
B. Aut horit y
C. Responsibilit y
D. Com pliance
E. Role
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2
Reserve analysis is a t ool / t echnique in all of t he following processes
A. Cost budget ing
B. Act ivit y resource estim ation
C. Risk m onit oring and cont rol
D. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ion
E. Cost est im at ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3
Which of t he following are NOT out put s of t h e Activit y Duration
Est im ation process?
A. Act ivit y Durat ion Est im at es
B. Schedule baseline
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Updat es t o act ivit y at t ribut e
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding t he proj ect
scope m anagem ent plan?
A. The proj ect scope m anagem ent plan describes how t he proj ect
scope will be defined and m anaged by t he proj ect scope
m anagem ent t eam
B. The proj ect scope m anagem ent plan specifies how form al
verificat ion and accept ance of t he proj ect deliverables will be
sat isfied.
C. The proj ect scope m anagem ent plan is cont ained wit hin t he
proj ect m anagem ent plan.
D. The proj ect scope m anagem ent plan ident ifies t he influence and
int erest of t he st akeholders and docum ent s t heir expect ations
E. The proj ect scope m anagem ent plan is an out put of t he Scope
Planning process
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE regarding various Act ivit y
Scheduling t ools?
A. PDM allows for condit ional branching and it erat ion of act ivit ies
B. PDM uses act ivit y- on- n ode ( AON) diagram m in g m et hod.
C. PDM allows for condit ional branching and it erat ion of act ivit ies
D. PDM uses analogous m et hods as an est im at ion t echnique.
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6
Which of t he following can be used t o det erm ine what work is inclu ded
in each work package for each of your t eam m em bers?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. WBS dict ionary
D. Proj ect scope st at em ent
E. Proj ect schedule
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding rolling wave
A. Rollin g Wave Planning is a phased it erat ive approach t o proj ect
developm ent
B. Rollin g Wave Planning is a cost and schedule planning t echnique
used in t he Act ivit y Definit ion process
C. Rollin g Wave Planning is t he process of decom posing each work
package wit hin t he WBS int o t he corresponding schedule
act ivit ies required t o produce t he work package deliverables
D. Rollin g Wave Planning describes a form of progressiv e
elaborat ion planning where t he work t o be perform ed in t he near
t im e is planned in det ail at a low level of t he WBS, while work far
in fut ure is planned for WBS com ponent s t hat are relat ively at a
high lev el of WBS.
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding Expect ed
Monet ary Value Analysis ( EMV) ?
A. EMV is a st at ist ical concept t hat calculat es t he average out com e
of proj ect out com es based on v arious assum pt ions and
B. Decision t ree analysis is a t ype of EMV analysis
C. EMV is a t ool/ t echnique of Qualit at ive Risk Analysis
D. EMV is calculat ed by m ult iplying t he value of each possible
out com e by it s probabilit y of occurrence, and sum m ing t hem
t oget her
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9
Which of t he following describes a group of elat ed schedule act ivit ies
aggregat ed at som e sum m ary level, displayed report ed as a single
act ivit y at sum m ary level?
A. Work act ivit y
B. Cont rol account
C. Planning package
D. Milest one act ivit y
E. Ham m ock activit y
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 1 0
Which of t he following are NOT t ools/ t echniques of t he Act ivit y
Definit ion Process?
A. Expert j udgm ent
B. Decom posit ion, t em plat es
C. Rollin g wave planning
D. Planning com ponent
E. Schedule net work t em plat es
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 1 1
You are in process of developing an approxim at ion of t he cost s of
resources needed t o com plet e each schedule act ivit y. Which of t he
following is t he LEAST helpful in pu t ?
A. WBS, WS dict ionary
B. Market place condit ions, com m ercial dat abases
C. Cost est im at ing policies/ t em plat es, hist orical inform at ion,
proj ect t eam knowledge
D. Schedule m anagem ent plan, st affing m anagem ent plan, risk
regist er
E. Act ivit y cost estim at es, activit y cost est im at e support ing det ail
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 1 2
Planning com ponent s are t ools/ t echniques of t he Act ivit y Definit ion
Process. Which of t he following are planning com ponent s?
A. Rollin g wave planning, decom posit ion
B. Cont rol account , planning package
C. Milest one list , schedule net work t em plat es
D. Cont rol package, planning account
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 3
You are in process of num erically analyzing t he effect s of ident ified
risk s. Which of t he following are NOT t ools/ t echniques you can use in
t he process?
A. Sensit ivit y an alysis
B. Reserve analysis
C. Expect ed m onet ary v alue analysis
D. Modeling and sim ulation
E. Decision t ree analysis
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 4
Which of t he following describes t ool/ t echnique where expendit ure of
funds is reconciled wit h t he funding lim it s im posed by t he perform ing
organizat ion?
A. Forecast ing
B. Cost reconciliat ion
C. Funding lim it reconciliat ion
D. Reserve reconciliat ion
E. Cost aggregat ion
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 5
Which of t he following sit uat ions will cause schedule act ivit y duration
est im at es t o directly influen ce t he cost est im at es EXCEPT:
A. When resource cost rate inform at ion is unavailable from
com m ercial dat abases
B. When resources are applied per unit of t im e of durat ion of
schedule act ivit y
C. When union labor wit h regularly ex piring collect ive bargaining
agreem ent s are involve
D. When seasonal cost v ariat ions are involve
E. When proj ect budget includes int erest rat e changes
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding cost reim bursable cont ract s?
A. cost - reim bursable cont ract s generally carry t he highest risks t o
t he buyer, as t he t ot al cost s are uncert ain
B. cost - reim bursable cont ract s oft en includes in centives for m eet ing
or exceedin g proj ect obj ect ives
C. cost - reim bursable cont ract s resem ble fix unit agreem ent s when
t he unit rat es are preset by t he buyer and seller
D. cost - reim bursable cont ract s are cont ract s t hat involves
paym ent s t o t he seller for act ual cost s, plus a fee represent ing
t he sellers profit
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 7
You have been hired as a proj ect m anager for a sm all local bank. The
banks want s you t o design and develop cust om online bill pay soft ware
so t hat it s cust om ers can pay t heir bills online.
You are ready t o begin t he act ivit y definition of your proj ect . You have
identifies t he scope st at em ent , t he WBS, and t alked wit h t he SME’s. I n
addit ion, for securit y reason, you have been inform ed t hat project
t eam m em bers m ust NOT have crim inal hist ory wit h t he FI CO score of
700 or above. I n addit ion you’ve request ed t h at t he bank purchase t he
necessary t ransact ion processing soft ware, alt hough t he soft ware is
not y et available. What else do you need before you begin activit y
definit ion?
I dent ify
I dent ify
I dent ify
I dent ify
I dent ify
t he
t he
t he
t he
t he
hist orical inform at ion on previous proj ect s
act ivit y at t ribut es
const raint s and assum pt ions of t he proj ect
act ivit ies list s
m ilest one list
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 8
You are t he proj ect m anager at a soft ware com pany developing t he
next - gen OODBMS ( Obj ect Orient ed Dat a Base Managem ent Syst em ) .
As soft ware developm ent can be very chaot ic, your com pany has
elect ed t o follow a m ore rigorous approach t o soft ware developm ent .
Specifically your com pany has chosen t o adopt t he ext rem e
program m ing XP m et hodology for your current soft ware proj ect .
The XP m et hodology is highly it erat ive, and produces num erous
deliverables include UML diagram s, archit ect ure diagram s, prot ot ypes
and t est - cases.
Assum e you are in t he Act ivit y Sequencing phase of t he proj ect . Which
of t he following sequencing m et hods should you use t o ident ify t he
logical relat ionships bet ween t asks, so that t he act ivit ies can be
sequenced correctly?
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 9
All of t he st at em ent s regarding cont rol account s and planning
packages are t rue EXCEPT:
A. Cont rol account s and planning packages are t ools / t echniques of
Schedule Developm ent process.
B. A cont rol account is an assigned WBS level used t o m onit or cost
and schedule perform ance of significant elem ent of work.
C. Planning packages reflect a fut ure segm ent of work wit hin a
cont rol account t hat has not yet been decom posed int o det ailed
work packages.
D. As work becom es m ore clearly defined, planning packages are
convert ed int o work packages.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 0
Reverse analysis is a t ool/ t echnique in all of t he following processes
A. Risk m onit oring and cont rol
B. Act ivit y resource estim ation
C. Cost est im at ion
D. Cost budget ing
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 1
Your proj ect sponsor has asked you t o produce a Risk Managem ent
Plan for your current proj ect . Which of t he following best describes
how you should t ailor t he plan t o your proj ect ?
A. The plan m ust include t he predefined risk m anagem ent policies
as t hey relat e t o t he organizat ion
B. The plan m ust ensure t hat t he level of det ails and risk
m anagem ent effort s are com m ensurat e wit h t he level of risk and
im port ance of t he proj ect
C. The plan m ust be predefined t em plat es as defined by t he
organizat ion
D. The plan m ust include t he predefined roles and responsibilit ies
as t hey relat e t o risk m anagem ent .
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 2
You are t he proj ect m anager at a m anufact urer of elect ronic
com ponent s. Your com pany had been a long t im e m arket leader in
elect ronic com ponent s dist ribut ion indust ry. However, in recent years,
t he I nt ernet has t ransform ed t he com pet it ive landscape. As a result
com pany’s m arket share has been eroding.
Hence, your current proj ect involves im plem enting t he com pany’s
int ernet st rat egies t o best exploit t hese alt ered dynam ics and increase
t he com pany’s m arket share. You com m it t o com plet ing t he proj ect
deliverables by t his dat e. Which of t he following BEST describes why
t his is t he I NCORRECT way t o estim at e t he schedule?
A. A net work diagram should have been used t o produce t he
est im at es.
B. The estim at es should have been creat ed by m anagem ent .
C. The estim at es should have account ed for t he m arket dynam ics
and t im in g requirem ent s.
D. The proj ect sponsor should have been actively involved in
producing t he est im at es.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 3
Reverse analysis is a t ool/ t echnique in ll of t he following processes
A. Risk m onit oring and cont rol
B. Act ivit y resource estim ation
C. Cost est im at ion
D. Cost budget ing
E. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 4
Mont e Carlo analysis is a form of what t ype of analysis?
A. Crit ical pat h m et h od
B. Schedule com pression
C. What - if scenario an alysis
D. Resource- leveling
E. Crit ical chain m et hod
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 5
You have been hired as a proj ect m anager for a sm all local bank. The
bank want s you t o design and develop cust om online bill pay soft ware
so t hat it s cust om ers can pay t heir bills online. You are ready t o begin
t he Act ivit y Resource Est im at ion process for your proj ect . Which of t he
following would you NOT consider when developing t he activit y
resource requirem ent s docum ent ?
A. Resource availabilit y
B. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
C. Resource breakdown st ruct ure
D. Act ivit y list
E. Act ivit y at t ribut es
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 6
A proj ect schedule can be present ed in various form at s. All of t he
following are valid form at s of t he proj ect schedule EXCEPT:
A. Act ivit y- on- node diagram
Logic bar chart
Tim e- scaled schedule net work diagram
Milest one chart s
Flow chart s
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 7
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he Activit y
Sequencin g / Act ivit y Duration Est im at ion process EXCEPT:
A. Act ivit y durat ion estim at es should specify a single, specific
durat ion, and NOT a range of durat ions
B. Analogous est im ation is a form of expert j udgm ent t hat is used
as a t ool / t echnique in act ivit y durat ion est im at ion
C. Precedence diagram m ing m et hods are t ools/ t echniques of
act ivit y sequencing process
D. Act ivit y durat ion estim at es are an out put of act ivit y durat ion
est im at es.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 8
Your proj ect t eam has already creat ed t he WBS, developed est im at es
for t he work packages, and sequenced t he project act ivit ies using t he
arrow diagram m ing m et hod. I n addition, your t eam has applied
resource leveling and schedule com pression t echniques on t he proj ect
schedule. Which actions should be perform ed NEXT:
A. Obt ain approval of schedule
B. Decom pose t he work packages int o sm aller com ponent s called
schedule act ivit ies
C. Develop act ivit y resource requirem ent s
D. I nit iat e schedule change cont rol
E. Obt ain accept an ce of com plet ed proj ect scope
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 9
You are t he proj ect m anager responsible for developing a new hybrid
engine for a m aj or aut o m anufact urer. You are in process of
developing t he proj ect schedule. I n order t o m anage t he uncert aint y
associat ed wit h t he proj ect schedule, you int end t o do t he following:
( a) u se a ve r a ge t ask durat ion est im at es; ( b) schedule backw ards
from t he dat e a proj ect is needed ( t o ensure work t hat needs t o be
done is done, and it is done only when it is needed; ( c) place
a ggr e ga t e buff ers in t he proj ect plan to prot ect t he ent ire proj ect and
t he key t ask s; and ( d) use buffer m anagem ent t o cont rol t he plan.
Which of t he following BEST describes t he t echnique you are using?
A. Crit ical chain m et hod
B. Resource leveling
C. Decision t ree analysis
D. Mont e Carlo analysis
E. Crit ical pat h m et h od
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 0
Which of t he following process involves det erm ining proj ect roles,
responsibilit ies, and report ing relat ionships, and develops t he st affing
m anagem ent plan?
A. Manage proj ect t eam
B. Hum an resource planning
C. Develop proj ect t eam
D. Acquire proj ect t eam
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 1
Three- point est im at es are based on det erm ining t hree t ypes of
est im at es. Which of t he following is NOT one of t hese est im at es?
A. Most lik ely
B. Conservat ive
C. Pessim ist ic
D. Opt im istic
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding proj ect funding
requirem ent s?
A. Funding requirem ent s are derived from cost baselines
B. Port ions of m anagem ent reserve can be include in each funding
st ep
C. The t ot al funds required are t he cost baseline plus t he
m anagem ent contingency reserve am ount
D. Funding usually occurs in increm ent al am ount s t hat are
cont inu ous, and hence appears as S- shaped curves
E. Managem ent reserves are not par of t he project cost baseline,
but are inclu ded in t he budget for t he project .
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 3
Which of t he following processes involves allocating cost est im at es in
order t o est ablish a cost baseline for m easuring proj ect perform ance?
A. Cost est im at ing
B. Cost cont rol
C. Act ivit y cost estim at ing
D. Cost budget ing
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE regarding various act ivit y
scheduling t ools?
A. ADM allows for condit ional branching and it erat ion of act ivit ies
B. PDM allows for condit ional branching and it erat ion of act ivit ies
C. PDM uses analogous m et hods as an est im at ion t echnique
D. PDM uses act ivit y- on- n ode ( AON) diagram m in g m et hods
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 5
Which of t he following are NOT input s t o t he risk ident ification
A. Hist orical inform ation
B. Risk cat egories
C. Risk m anagem ent plan
D. Risk t hresholds
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 6
Which of t he following are NOT out put s of t h e activit y durat ion
est im at ing process?
A. Updat es t o act ivit y at t ribut es
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Schedule baseline
D. Act ivit y durat ion estim at es
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 7
You are in process of ident ifying and docum ent ing proj ect risks. You
are using various inform ation gat hering t echniques t o ident ify t he
proj ect risk s. All of t he following are inform at ion gat hering t echniques
A. Diagram m ing t echniques
B. SWOT analysis
C. Root cause ident ificat ion
D. Delphi t echniques
E. I nt erviewing
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding Mont e Carlo
A. Mont e Carlo is used t o det erm ine pot ent ial proj ect out com es by
sim ulating t he project u nder different scenarios
B. Mont e Carlo analysis used expect ed value ( EV) calculat ions as
one of it s input s
C. Mont e Carlo analysis can be used during t he Schedule
Developm ent and Quant it at ive Risk Analysis process
D. Mont e Carlo is sim ulat ion t echnique t hat can help quant ify risks
associat ed wit h t he proj ect
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 9
You are current ly t he proj ect m anager at rapidly growing ret ailer of
high- end elect ronics equipm ent . You have been t asked wit h t he
proj ect of expanding business. You are current ly ev aluat ing opening
ret ail st ores in one of t hree US- based locations: New York, Seat t le,
San Francisco.
You have been t old t hat t he San Francisco m arket has sm aller m arket
pot ent ial, but higher probabilit y of success. On t he ot her hand, t he
New York m arket h as a larger m arket pot ent ial but lower probabilit y of
success. And t he Seat t le m arket is in bet ween. Your proj ect m anager
has giv en you t he following forecast . Which of the flowing opport unit y
is t he BEST choice?
Eit her New York or San Francisco
Seat t le
New York
San Francisco
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 0
You are in process of developing an approved project schedule t hat will
serve as a baseline against which t he proj ect can be t racked. Which of
t he followin g is needed in order t o com plet e schedule developm ent ?
A. Request ed changes
B. Perform ance m easurem ent s
C. Approved ch ange request
D. Schedule change cont rol syst em s
E. Reserves
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 4 1
Support ing det ails for act ivit y cost est im at es should include all of t he
following EXCEPT:
A. Range of possible est im at es
B. Descript ion of proj ect scope of work
C. Docum ent at ion of const raint s and assum pt ions
D. Perform ance m easurem ent s
E. Docum ent at ion of how t he est im at es were developm ent
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding WBS is false?
A. To ident ify t he m aj or deliverables of t he proj ect requires
analyzin g t he prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent
B. The work package is t he lowest level in t he WBS
C. A WBS from a previous proj ect can oft en be used as a t em plat e
for a new proj ect
D. Different deliverables in t he WBS can have different levels of
decom posit ion
E. The WBS is an out com e of t he Creat e WBS process
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 3
Roger works for a m anufact urer of aut om otive engines. He has been
recent ly assigned t o supervise and m ange t he m anufact uring of a new
m odel of diesel engine. He inform s \ roger t hat his new assignm ent will
be t o h ave 500 unit s of t he new diesel engine m anufact ured in 60
days. Roger is cu rrent ly in t he process of analyzing act ivit y sequences,
act ivit y durat ions, and resource requirem ent s in order t o develop t he
proj ect schedule. Which of t he following processed is Roger
perform ing?
A. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ion
B. Schedule developm ent
C. Act ivit y sequencing
D. Act ivit y durat ion
E. Act ivit y resource durat ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 4
All of t he following sh ould be included in t he init ial st affing
m anagem ent plan as part of Hum an Resource planning EXCEPT:
A. Release crit eria, recognit ion and rewards
B. Com pliance
C. Work perform ance inform ation
D. Safet y , t raining needs
E. St aff acquisit ion, t im et able
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 5
You have been recent ly assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for a large const ruct ion com pany.
Your lead engineer has given y ou the following est im at es for several
crit ical pat h act ivit ies. Your st akeholders want you t o com m it t o a
com pletion dat e for t hese crit ical pat h activit ies. Which of t he following
st at em ent s are t rue?
A. There is approx. 68 percent chance t hat t he proj ect will com plet e
bet ween 64 days and 78 days.
B. There is approx. 95 percent chance t hat t he proj ect will com plet e
bet ween 64 days and 78 days.
C. There is approx. 68 percent chance t hat t he proj ect will com plet e
bet ween 57 days and 85 days.
D. There is approx. 99 percent chance t hat t he proj ect will com plet e
bet ween 64 days and 78 days.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 6
Which of t he following are NOT t ools/ t echniques of t he Plan
Cont ract ing Process?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Expert j udgm ent
C. Screening syst em s
D. St andard form s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 7
You are in process of defining how t o plan and execut e t he risk
m anagem ent act ivit ies for your proj ect . Which of t he following
st at em ent s are false?
A. The out put of t his process is risk m anagem ent plan
B. The input s t o t his process inclu des t he proj ect scope st at em ent ,
proj ect m anagem ent plan, and t he risk regist er
C. The t ools/ t echniques of t his process are planning m eet ings and
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 8
You are t he proj ect m anager responsible for developing a new online
line bill paym ent syst em for a ut ilit y com pany. You are expect ed t o
com plet e t he proj ect wit hin t he next year. You are current ly in t he
process of ident ifying and evaluat ing a num ber of risks quantifying
t heir im pact s and identifying t heir probabilit y of occurrence. You w ould
like t o u se a t ool t hat will det erm ine t he highest expect ed value for t he
various scenarios. Which of t he following t ools should you use?
A. Mont e Carlo sim ulat ion
B. Decision t ree analysis
C. I shikawa diagram s
D. Crit ical pat h m et h od
E. Risk Dat a Quality Assessm ent
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 9
The CPM calculat es t he earliest st art date, earliest finish dat e, and
lat est finish dat e for each act ivit y. Which of t he following st at em ent s
are t rue regarding t he crit ical pat h of a proj ect schedule?
A. The float / slack t im e is det erm ined by subt ract ing t he early st art
dat e from t he early finish dat e
B. Any proj ect act ivit y wit h t he slack t im e of zero or great er is
considered a crit ical pat h t asks
C. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
D. The float / slack t im e is det erm ined by subt ract ing t he early st art
dat e from t he finish dat e
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 0
The risk regist er is an input t o all of t he following processes EXCEPT:
A. Risk response planning
B. Risk m onit oring and cont rol
C. Risk ident ificat ion
D. Qualit at ive risk analysis
E. Quant it at ive risk analysis
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 1
You are current ly in t he process of analyzing act ivit y sequences,
durat ion, resource requirem ent s, and schedule t o creat e t he proj ect
schedule. Which of the following are not t ools/ t echniques you can
A. Crashing, fast - t racking
B. Est im ating t he basis of act ivit y durat ion by m ult iplyin g t he
quant it y of work t o be perform ed by t he product ivit y rat e.
C. Reallocat ing resources from non- crit ical t o critical act ivit ies
D. Calculat ing t heoret ical early st art / finish dat es and lat e
st art / finish dat es by perform ing a forward pass and backward
pass analy sis on proj ect schedule net work pat hs.
E. Applying proj ect calendars and resource calendars t o ident ify
periods when work and resource is available/ allowed.
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 2
Assum pt ions analysis, checklist analysis, and risk diagram m ing
t echniques are t ools/ t echniques of which of t he following processes?
A. Risk ident ificat ion
B. Qualit at ive risk analysis
C. Risk m anagem ent planning
D. Quant it at ive risk analysis
E. Risk m onit oring and cont rol
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding CPM m et hod?
A. The backward pass is used t o calculat e t he la t e finish dat es and
la t e st art dat es for t he uncom plet ed portions of all net work
act ivit ies.
B. The lat est st art of t he t ask can be det erm ined by subt racting t he
durat ion of t he t ask from t he lat est finish dat e of t ask.
C. The forward pass is used t o calculat e t he e a r ly finish dat es and
e a r ly st art dat es for the uncom plet ed port ions of all n et work
act ivit ies.
D. The float / slack t im e is det erm ine by subt ract ing t he early st art
dat e from t he early finish dat e.
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding funding lim it
reconciliat ion?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Funding lim it reconciliat ion is a schedule net work analysis
t echnique t hat m odifies t he proj ect schedule t o account for
resource lim it at ions.
C. Funding lim it reconciliat ion is a t echnique for m easuring t he
perform ance of w ork and is used t o est ablish t he perform ance
m easurem ent baseline.
D. Funding lim it reconciliat ion is used t o ensure t hat t he
expendit ure of funds is reconciled wit h t he funding lim it s
im posed by t he perform ing organizat ion
E. Funding lim it reconciliat ion describes t hat t he expect ed cost s
needed t o com plet e all t he rem aining work for t he proj ect .
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 5
You have been recent ly assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for a large const ruct ion com pany. You are evaluat ing t he
net work diagram s for t he const ruct ion proj ect , and are using backward
pass calculat ions t o const ruct t he schedule.
You are t rying t o calculat e t he lat est st art t im e for laying t he
foundat ion of building. The expect ed durat ion f or t his t ask is 180 days.
The t ask m ust be com plet ed wit hin 300 days, while t he expect ed
com pletion is bet ween 220 days. The latest finish dat e is 270 days.
Based on t his inform at ion, what is t he lat est st art t im e of t his t ask?
A. 270
B. 90
C. 220
D. 300
E. 180
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 6
Which of t he following best describes resource leveling?
A. Adding addit ional resources t o t he proj ect t o com press t he
B. Rearranging resources so t hat a const ant num ber of resources
are used during each period
C. Perform ing act ivit ies concu rrent ly
D. I nfluencing fact ors t hat creat e schedule changes
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 7
You are t he proj ect m anager assigned t o inst all t he elect rical wiring for
a 20,000 square foot office building t hat is currently under
const ruct ion. You are t rying t o est im at e t he cost s of t his proj ect . You
know from past experience t hat is cost s approxim at ely $3 per square
foot t o properly wire and ent ire building. As your building will be
20,000 square feet you est im at e t hat t he proj ect will cost
approxim at ely $60,000. What t ype of est im at ing t echnique did u used?
A. Bot t om - up est im at ing
C. Param et ric est im at ing
D. Cost - based
E. Mont e- Carlo m et hods
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 8
You have been recent ly hired t o be a proj ect m an ager at a bio- t ech
com pany t o develop a new drug t o t reat pancreatic cancer. The drug
has been under developm ent and clinical t est ing for past 5 years. The
FDA is current ly reviewing t he clinical dat a in order t o det erm ine
weat her t he drug has any serious side effect s. I f t he FDA does NOT
approve t he drug, t he proj ect will be in t rouble. This is an exam ple of
which t ype of risks?
A. Organizat ional risk
B. Fore m aj eure risk
C. Proj ect m anagem ent risk
D. Ext ernal risk
E. I nt ernal risk
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 9
Which of t he following are NOT used t o creat e t he scope baseline for a
proj ect ?
A. Det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent
C. WBS dict ionary
D. Proj ect scope m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he procurem ent
m anagem ent plan?
A. The procurem ent m anagem ent plan defines t he st at em ent of
work which cont ains t he det ails of t he procurem ent it em / service
in specific t erm s
B. The procurem ent m anagem ent plan explains how m ult iples
vendors should be m anaged
C. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
D. The procurem ent m anagem ent plan is an out put of t he plan
Cont ract ing process
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 1
You are u sing t hree point est im at ing t echnique t o est im at e t he
durat ion of a schedule act ivit y. Which of t he following st at em ent s are
t rue given t he following dat a:
Pessim ist ic: 100 days
Opt im istic: 40 days
Most lik ely: 65 days
Ave r a ge : 6 8 .3 3 da ys
Va r ia n ce: 1 5 1 .3 8
A. Not enough inform ation is provided
B. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing
C. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing
D. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing
dist ribut ion
E. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing
dist ribut ion
a uniform dist ribut ion
a bet a dist ribution
a pot ential
a t riangular
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 2
You have been recent ly been assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for a large const ruct ion proj ect . You are evaluating t he
net work diagram for t he const ruct ion proj ect .
Your lead engineer has given y ou following est im at es for crit ical pat h
act ivit y: 30 days ( optim ist ic) , 100 days ( pessim ist ic) , and 50 days
( m ost likely) . What is t he st andard deviation for t his act ivit y, assum ing
a bet a dist ribut ion?
A. 55
B. 8.33
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. 11.66
E. 3.33
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding Resource Breakdown
st ruct ure are t rue EXCEPT:
A. The RBS is a st ruct ure t hat relat es t he organizat ional breakdown
st ruct ure t o WBS t o ensure t hat each work com ponent is
properly assigned t o a responsible person/ t eam .
B. The RBS is a hierarchical st ruct ure of t he ident ified resources by
resource cat egory and t ype
C. The RBS can cont ain ot her resource categories ot her than
hum an resources.
D. The RBS is useful in t racking proj ect cost s, and can be int egrated
wit h t he organizat ion’s account ing syst em
E. The RBS is an out put of t he Act ivit y Resource Est im at ion process
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 4
You are t he proj ect m anager for developing a next - generation search
engine for int ernet . I nst ead of using sim ple word or link analysis
m et h ods, your search engine will use a sophist icat ed algorit hm based
on lat ent sem ant ic indexing. You are in process of creat ing t he
de t a ile d pr oj e ct scope st a t e m e n t . All of t he following should be
inclu ded in t he det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect specificat ion, approval requirem ent s
B. Proj ect boundaries, proj ect deliverables, proj ect accept ance
crit eria
C. Act ivit y list s, act ivit y at t ribut es, scope baseline
D. Const raint s/ assum pt ions, init ial defined risks, schedule
m ilest one
E. Und lim it at ions, cost estim at es, configurat ion m anagem ent
requirem ent s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding WBS are FALSE?
A. The WBS is deliverable- orient ed grouping of proj ect com ponent s
t hat define t he t ot al scope of project
B. Each it em in t he WBS is generally assigned a unique ident ifier
t hat can provide a m eans t o t rack cost s and resources
C. The WBS is used t o show which work com ponent s have been
assigned t o which organizat ional unit s.
D. The WBS is an out put of t he Creat e WBS process
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 6
Which of t he following can be used t o display t he assigned roles and
responsibilit ies of proj ect t eam m em bers?
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 7
You are in process of creat ing t he det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent . All
of t he following are input s t o t his process EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect scope
B. Organizat ional proj ect asset s
C. Prelim in ary proj ect scope st at em ent
D. Approved ch ange request s
E. Scope baseline
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding t he Resource
A. The Resource Calendar identifies t he quant it y of each resource
available during each availabilit y period.
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. The Resource Calendar docum ent s working days and non
working days
D. The Resource Calendar provides a hierarchal st ruct ure of t he
identified resources by resource cat egory and resource t ype
E. The Resource Calendar describes t he availabilit y, capabilit y, and
skills of hum an resources.
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 9
All of t he st at em ent s are t rue regarding Analogous Est im at ion EXCEPT:
A. Analogous Est im at ion is a t ool and t echnique of Act ivit y
Definit ion process
B. Analogous Est im at ion is a form of expert j udgm ent
C. Analogous Est im at ion uses t he durat ion of a sim ilar act ivit y t o
det erm ine duration of current act ivit y
D. Analogous Est im at ion is also called t op- down est im at ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 0
You are current ly in process of priorit izing risks by t heir im pact and
probabilit y of occurrence. The risk regist er updat es from t his process
inclu de all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Root cause of risks
B. Low priorit y risks
C. Risks group by cat egories
D. Risks requiring responses in t he near t erm
E. Priorit y list of proj ect risks
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 1
The WBS is an input t o all of t he processes EXCEPT:
A. Scope verificat ion
B. Cost est im at ing
C. Act ivit y definit ion
D. Plan purchases and acquisit ions
E. Cost budget ing
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 2
You are t he proj ect m anager for a soft ware com pany t hat develops
st ock analysis soft ware. You have been assigned t o assigned t o
develop a new t echnical analysis t ool t o forecast t o price of a st ock
given t his hist orical volat ilit y based on Elliot Wave t echnique. You need
t o gat her t he necessary inform at ion t o writ e t he pr oj e ct scope
m a n a ge m e n t pla n. Which of t he following inform at ion do you NOT
need as input s t o your current process?
A. Prelim in ary proj ect scope st at em ent
B. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
C. Ent erprise environm ent al fact ors
D. Proj ect scope st at em ent
E. Proj ect chart er
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 3
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he crit ical pat h
m et h od EXCEPT:
A. The crit ical pat h m et hod account s for resource lim it at ions
B. On a net work pat h , t he schedule flexibilit y is m easured by t he
difference bet ween early and lat e dat es
C. The crit ical pat h m et hod perform s a f orward pass analysis and
backward pass analy sis t hrough t he proj ect schedule net work
pat hs.
D. Crit ical pat hs have eit her negat ive or zero t ot al float
E. The crit ical pat h m et hod calculat es t he theoret ical early st art and
finish dat es for all schedule act ivit ies
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 4
You are t he proj ect m anager for a large children’s t oys m anufact urer.
You’ve been asked t o m anufact ure t he lat est craze in “ Dancing
Widget s” for t he upcom ing Christ m as season. You’ve been inform ed
t hat t he com pany needs at least one m ont h lead t im e t o dist ribut e t he
Widget s in order t o hav e t he Widget s on ret ailers shelves for t he
Christ m as season.
You’ve been asked t o breakdown t he cost s associat ed wit h product ion.
Which of t he following can be cat egorized as variable cost s associat ed
wit h t he product ion?
A. Facilit at es overhead
B. Direct m at erials and labor
C. I nsurance
D. Taxes.
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 5
You are u sing t he t hree- point est im at ing t echnique t o est im at e t he
durat ion of a schedule act ivit y. You are given t he following dat a:
[ Pe ssim ist ic= 1 0 0 da ys] | [ opt im ist ic= 4 0 days] | [ m ost lik e ly= 6 5 da ys]
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. The bet a dist ribut ion gives a m ore pessim ist ic and m ore
conservat iv e value for t he m ean com pared t o t he t riangular
dist ribut ion
B. Alt hough t he t riangular dist ribution gives a m ore pessim ist ic
value for t he m ean, it gives an est im at e wit h sm aller uncert aint y
com pared t o t he bet a dist ribut ion
C. The t riangular dist ribut ion gives a m ore opt im istic and m ore
aggressiv e value for t he durat ion m ean com pared t o t he bet a
dist ribut ion.
D. The beat dist ribut ion gives an est im at e wit h sm aller u ncert aint y
com pared t o t he t riangular dist ribut ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 6
You are in t he process of developing an approxim at ion of t he cost s of
resources needed t o com plet e each schedule act ivit y. Which of t he
following is t he LEAST helpful in pu t ?
A. WBS, WBS dict ionary
B. Market place condit ions, com m ercial dat abases
C. Cost est im at ion policies/ t em plat es, hist orical inform at ion,
proj ect t eam knowledge
D. Act ivit y cost estim at es, activit y cost est im at e support ing det ails
E. Schedule m anagem ent plan, st affing m anagem ent plan, risk
regist er
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 7
You are in process of analyzing t he effect s of ident ified risks. Which of
t he followin g is t he LEAST helpful input ?
A. Proj ect scope st at em ent
B. Risk regist er
C. Perform ance report s
D. Risk m anagem ent plan
E. Proj ect cost m anagem ent plan
F. Proj ect schedule m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 8
You are t he proj ect m anager at an aut o m anufact urer. Due t o t he
recent rise in t he cost of pet roleum , t he m arket dem and for hybrid
cars wit h high fuel efficiency ahs increased. Your com pany has
identified t he m ult i- billion dollar m arket opport unit y for highly fuel
efficient vehicles.
However, y our organizat ion does n ot have enough resources and
expert ise t o exploit t his opport unit y . Hence, y our organizat ion has
decided t o identify t he qualified candidat es. Which of t he following best
describes t he t y pe of st rat egy you are using t o deal wit h t his m arket
opport unit y?
A. Share
B. Accept ance
C. Exploit
D. Enhance
E. Avoidance
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding rolling wave
A. Rollin g wave planning is a form of progressive elaboration
B. Rollin g wave planning is appropriat e for life cycle m odels t hat
allow increm ent al developm ent
C. Rollin g wave planning is a phased it erat ive approach t o proj ect
developm ent
D. Rollin g wave planning is a t ool/ t echnique of t he Activit y duration
E. I n Rolling wave planning, det ailed est im at es are provided for fart erm t asks
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 0
Which of t he following risk s should be classified as a force m aj eure
risk s?
A. Resource conflict s wit h ot her proj ect s
B. Shift ing legal/ regulat ory environm ent
C. Poor allocation of t im e and resource
D. Floods/ hurricanes
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 1
Which of t he following processes involves developing necessary
procedures t o m it igat e t hreat s t o t he proj ect from t he proj ect risks?
A. Risk m anagem ent planning
B. Risk ident ificat ion
C. Risk m onit oring and cont rol
D. Risk response planning
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 2
Which of t he following can be used t o det erm ine what work is inclu ded
in each work package for each of your t eam m em bers?
A. Proj ect schedule
C. Proj ect scope st at em ent
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. WBS dict ionary
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 3
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding Sim ulation and
Mont e Carlo analysis EXCEPT:
A. The out put of sim ulat ion is a probabilit y dist ribut ion ( i.e t ot al
cost s or com plet ion dat es)
B. Modeling and sim ulation are recom m ended for use in cost and
risk analysis because t hey are m ore powerful and less subj ect t o
m isuse t han EMV analysis
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. For cost risk analysis, a sim ulat ion can use t he proj ect WBS or
cost breakdown st ruct ure as it s m odel
E. Sim ulat ion is a t echnique t hat com put es t he proj ect cost or
schedule over m ult iple it erat ions using random v alues select ed
from dist ribut ions of possible cost s or duration values.
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 4
Earned v alue analysis is a perform ance report ing t ool/ t echnique.
Which of t he following best describes earned value ( EV) ?
A. Efficiency indicat or t o reflect schedule perform ance of proj ect
B. Port ion of approved cost est im at e planned t o be spent
C. Tot al of cost s incurred in perform ing work act ivit y
D. Efficiency indicat or t o reflect cost perform ance of proj ect
E. Value of t he work com plet ed
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 5
You are t he Chief Technology Officer of a m aj or st ock exchange. You
are in charge of a proj ect t o reengineer t he organizat ion’s back office
account in g, billing, and adm inist rat ive syst em s. Your proj ect t eam has
com plet ed all t he t echnical work required for t he proj ect and j ust
scope verificat ion. All of t he following are act ions you should perform
next EXCEPT:
A. Collect proj ect records
B. Docum ent lessons learned
C. Obt ain form al accept ance of proj ect deliverables
D. Analyze proj ect su ccess or failure
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding proj ect endings?
A. I nt egrat ion occurs when a proj ect evolves int o ongoing
operat ions
B. None of t he choices are correct
C. Com pletion occurs when t he proj ect end because it was
com plet ed successfully and accept ed by st akeholders
D. Addit ion occurs when t he resources ( personnel, equipm ent ,
propert y, et c) of t he proj ect are reassigned t o ot her areas wit hin
t he organizat ion or ot her proj ect s
E. Ext inct ion occurs when resources are rem oved from t he proj ect ,
such as due t o funding/ resource cut s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 7
All of t he following are input s t o t he Close Proj ect process EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
B. Ent erprise environm ent al fact ors, organizat ional process asset s
C. Deliverables
D. Cont ract docum ent at ion
E. Work perform ance inform ation
F. Adm inist rative closure procedure
An sw e r : F
Qu e st ion 8 8
A SPI < 1 indicat es which of t he following?
A. Proj ect is ahead of schedule
B. Proj ect is over budget
C. Proj ect is under budget
D. Proj ect is behind schedule
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 9
Cont ract docum ent at ion is an input t o t he Cont ract Closure Process. I t
inclu des all of t he following EXCPT:
A. Paym ent record
B. Approved ch anges request s
C. Cont ract closure procedure
D. Support ing schedules
E. Warrant ies
F. Technical docum ent at ion
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 0
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect closure docum ent s and proj ect files are out put s of t he
Close Proj ect Process
B. The form al accept ance docum ent at ion form ally indicat es t hat t he
cust om er or sponsor has officially accept ed t he proj ect
C. The proj ect closure docum ent s provide form al docum ent ation
indicat ing t he com plet ion of project and t ransferring of proj ect
deliverables t o ot hers
D. The proj ect files consist s of docum ent at ion result ing for proj ect
act ivit ies, such as t he proj ect m anagem ent plan, scope, cost ,
risk regist ers, quality baselines
E. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 1
Procurem ent s audit s are a t ool/ t echnique of which of t he following
A. Request Seller Responses
B. Select Sellers
C. Plan Purchases And Acquisit ion
D. Cont ract Closure
E. Cont ract Adm inist rat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 9 2
Perform ing t he adm inist rat ive closure process includes all of t he
following EXCEPT:
A. Gat her lessons learned
B. Archive proj ect inform at ion
C. Review and approve request ed changes
D. Analyze proj ect su ccess or failure
E. Collect proj ect records
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 3
According t o t he PMI , which of t he following best describes “ phase
exist s” ?
A. Reviews at t he conclusion of a proj ect phase t o det erm ine
whet her t he proj ect should cont inue
B. Assignm ent of addit ional resources t o t he proj ect in an at t em pt
t o decrease t he proj ect t im eline/ schedule
C. Process of exceeding t he specified proj ect requirem ent s
D. Schedule com pression by st art in g a new t ask/ phase prior t o
com pleting t he current proj ect t ask s.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 4
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large account ing firm in t he Unit ed
St at es. Th roughout t he year your firm provides both consult ing
services an d account ing/ audit ing services t o XYZ Widget s, I nc, a
publicly t raded com pany list ed on t he New York St ock Exchange.
Current ly , your proj ect involves audit ing t he financial st at em ent s of
XYZ Widget s I nc, in preparat ion for t he annual shareholders/ invest ors
m eet ing.
While your t eam is in t he m idst of proj ect execut ion, you are inform ed
t hat your proj ect is due t o new SEC regulat ions. Specifically, a new
SEC regulat ion prohibit s account ing firm s from providing bot h
consult ing services and audit ing services t o a client , due t o pot ential
conflict s of int erest t hat could arise from such business relat ionships.
Hence your proj ect is cancelled and your project t eam consist ing of
account ant s and audit ors are t aken off your proj ect and reassigned t o
anot her proj ect . Which of t he following t ype of proj ect ending is t his
A. Ext inct ion
B. St arvat ion
C. Cancelled
D. Addit ion
E. I nt egrat ion
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Cont ract closure and adm inist rat ive closure
assurance act ivit ies
B. Cont ract closure and adm inist rat ive closure
verificat ion
C. Cont ract closure and adm inist rat ive closure
cost analy sis
D. Cont ract closure and adm inist rat ive closure
verificat ion
bot h inv olve qualit y
bot h inv olve product
bot h inv olve benefit
bot h inv olve scope
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 6
Which of t he following are NOT considered form al t ypes of proj ect
A. Addit ion
B. Cancellat ion
C. I nt egrat ion
D. St arvat ion
E. Ext inct ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 7
You are in process of com plet ing and set tling each cont ract application
t o t he proj ect or proj ect phase. Which of t he following are NOT out put s
of t his process?
A. Deliverable accept ance
B. Cont ract file
C. Closed cont ract s
D. Lessons learned docum ent at ion
E. Cont ract closure procedures
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 8
All of t he following are obj ectives of a buyer- conduct ed perform ance
review EXCEPT:
I dent ify
I dent ify
I dent ify
I dent ify
perform ance successes or failures
paym ent schedules and requests
progress wit h respect t o cont ract st at em ent of work
cont ract non- com pliance
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 9
Your proj ect t erm in at ed early due t o budget cut s. You’ like t o
docum ent t he current level and com plet ion of your proj ect , even
t hough your proj ect t erm inat ed prem at urely. I n which of t he following
processes would you docum ent t he level of work com plet ed for your
proj ect ?
A. Cont ract Closure
B. Perform ance Reporting
C. Scope Verificat ion
D. I nform at ion Dist ribut ion
E. Manage St akeholders
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 0 0
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large const ruct ion com pany. Your
com pany is under a t im es and m at erials cont ract t o build a new
shoppin g cent er. The est im at ed cost of proj ect is $5,000 ,000. The
proj ect sponsor has approved t his am ount .
However, y ou earned value calculat ions indicat e t hat t he proj ect will
be com plet ed on t im e and under budget by 5,000,000. Based on t his
calculat ion your personal profit will decrease by $10,000. Given t he
est im at ed decrease in personal profit , what act ion should you t ake?
A. Cont inue t o bill t he cust om er for t he full $5,000,000 as originally
est im at ed.
B. Com m unicat e t he proj ect ed financial out com e t o t he proj ect
C. Pad addit ional t asks t o t he proj ect ed financial out com e t o
increase t he act ual proj ect cost
D. Suggest t o t he proj ect sponsor that addit ional feat ures should be
added in order t o leverage t he ent ire project
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 0 1
You work as proj ect m anager at a beaut y product s com pany. One of
t he prim ary product lines is hair- coloring/ dye product s. Your
com pany’s prim ary m arket is current ly in t he Unit ed St at es. However,
your com pany is at t em pt ing t o ex pand it s dist ribut ion channels t o
Europe, specifically wit hin t he count ries wit hin t he European Union.
Your com pany has part nered up wit h several resellers wit hin Europe t o
begin dist ribut ion of t he cosm et ic product s int o various ret ail ch annels.
One of your part ners has j ust inform ed you t hat one of t he rest rict ions
im posed by t he Eu ropean Union is t hat hair- care product s m ust NOT
cont ain any carcinogenic product s. However, y our dye cont ains t race
am ount s of carcinogens. By U.S. st andards, t he t race am ount of
carcin ogens is considered t o be safe. What is t he appropriat e response
t o t his sit uat ion?
A. I nform t he pot ent ial resellers and part ners t hat your hair
coloring product s m ay not com ply wit h the st andards im posed
by Eu ropean Union, and t hat you’ll request an invest igation int o
t his issue.
B. I nform t he pot ent ial resellers and part ners t hat your product
form ulat ion is considered t rade secret and you are unable t o
disclose t he chem ical com posit ion of t he hair coloring product s
at t his t im e. A full invest igat ion int o t his issue will be
undert ak en.
C. I nform t he pot ent ial resellers and part ners t hat your hair
coloring product does not com ply wit h the st andards im posed by
t he European Union, and t hat your com pany will develop a
special form ulation t hat com plies wit h the st andards.
D. Since t he level of carcinogens is assum ed t o be safe, t here is no
need t o inform your resellers and part ners regarding t his issue.
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 0 2
You are current ly working on a web developm ent proj ect t o develop a
new user-int erface for a legacy m ainfram e bankin g applicat ion. You
are under a Tim es and Mat erial cont ract t o develop a wed based
int erface for this applicat ion. You have finished t he work 20 hours
earlier t h an expect ed. This m eans t hat t he profit of your com pany will
decrease. What should you do?
A. You should t ell t he cust om er you’ll be addin g addit ional
requirem ent s t o t he proj ect in order t o m eet profit est im at es.
B. You should add act ivit ies t o t he proj ect t o increase t he num ber
of billable h ours.
C. You should inform t he cust om er t hat your proj ect is com plet e
D. You should invoice t he cust om er for t he expect ed billable
am ount , as allowed by t he provisions of your cont ract .
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 0 3
You are a cont ract m anager wit hin an inform at ion t echnology
depart m ent of a large ret ailer. You are responsible fro developing a
new ecom m erce web- sit e for t he ret ailer. You are in process of
select ing t he vendor who will provide t he hardware, including
com put er servers and net working equipm ent . As a proj ect m anager,
you are in t he Select Sellers process, and have t hree different vendors
on your qualified sellers list who have responded t o y our com pany’s
One of t he ven dors rem aining on t he qualified sellers list is Net Com p
I nc. you are an invest or of t his com pany. I n fact , you own 2% of t ot al
out st andin g shares of t his com pany. I n order t o prevent any
appearance of im propriet y, what should you do?
A. You should aut om at ically disqualify NetCom p I nc from qualified
sellers list
B. As long as Net Com p I nc. is able t o respond properly t o your
com pany’s RFP, you do not have t o disclose your relat ionship
wit h t he com pany
C. You should m ove yourself from t he selection process
D. You should disclose t hat you are an invest or t o t he com pany
E. I n order t o prot ect y our privacy you only have t o disclose your
relat ionship wit h Net Com p I nc. if you are direct ly questioned.
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 0 4
Your friend Robert has recent ly achieved his PMP cert ificat ion. Prior, t o
receivin g his PMP, he had worked as a proj ect m an ager, for various I .T
proj ect s over t he past 4 years. Robert is fam iliar wit h various
t echniques fir I .T qualit y cont rol and assurance.
However, Robert is current ly advert ising him self as an expert in qualit y
cont rol for t he m anufact uring indust ry. But you know t hat t he qualit y
issues an d t echniques differ great ly bet ween t he I .T. indust ry and t he
m anufact urin g indust ry. I n fact , you know t hat Robert has never even
used cont rol ch art s or cause- and- effect diagram m ing t echniques. You
feel t hat Robert is falsely advert ising his credent ials and expert ise.
How should you respond?
A. You should t alk t o Robert t o have him st op falsely advert ising his
experience. Let him know you’ll report him t o t he PMI ot herwise.
B. The com pany t hat will hire Robert is responsible for perform ing
t he necessary background checks and due diligen ce. As a result ,
you are not obligat ed t o t ake any act ions.
C. You are n ot responsible for act ions of ot hers, and hence, you
have no obligat ions t o respond
D. Report Robert t o t he PMI im m ediat ely and recom m ended t o t he
PMI t hat Robert ’s PMP credent ials be revoked for his egregious
E. You are n ot responsible for enforcing and policing t rut hful
advert isin g, and hence are not obligat ed t o respond.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 0 5
Micheal is a self em ployed PMP cert ified proj ect m anager who is
current ly working as a const ruct or at a com pany specializing in
developing m edical equipm ent . The com pany has a policy t hat
explicit ly st at es that sm oking is not allowed during working hours.
However, since Micheal is self- em ployed and not considered a regular
com pany em ployee he decides t o sm oke during lunch hour. Which of
t he followin g st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Micheal should not sm oke during lunch since he should honor t he
obligat ions of t he com m unit y he works in, as discu ssed in
Sect ion C1 of t he PMI ’s Mem ber Code of Conduct .
B. Micheal should not sm oke at lunch hours since sm oking is
pot ent ially harm ful t o ot hers. Micheal has a dut y t o ensure t hat
t he public is prot ect ed from harm , as discussed in Sect ion C2 of
t he PMI ’s Mem ber Code of Conduct .
C. As long as Michael sm okes responsibly, he m ay t ake t he sm oke
during his lunch hour.
D. Since Micheal is self em ployed and not regular com pany
em ployee he does not necessarily have t o abide by t he
com pany’s policies.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 0 6
Please select which of t he following st at em ent s is TRUE regarding t he
init iat ing process group?
A. A proj ect m anager should always be identified and assigned
during t he Direct and Manage Proj ect Execut ion process.
B. The proj ect h as t he highest probabilit y of succeeding during t he
init iating phase.
C. The init iating process group includes t he Develop Proj ect Chart er
and Develop Prelim inary Proj ect Scope St at em ent processes
D. Risk is lowest during t he init iat ing phase.
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 0 7
Which of t he following is NOT included in t he proj ect scope st at em ent ?
A. Product accept ance crit eria
B. I nit ial cost est im at e
C. I nit ial defined risks
D. St akeholders influen ces
E. Schedule m ilest ones
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 0 8
Which of t he following st at em ent regarding com pet it ive m et hods,
scoring m et h ods, and cash flow analysis?
A. There are benefit m easurem ent m et hods used as t ools in t he
init iating process group
B. There are benefit m easurem ent m et hods used as input s t o
init iating process group
C. There are const rained opt im izat ion m et hods used as input s t o
init iating process group
D. There are quant it at ive risk analysis m et hods used as input s t o
t he risk identificat ion process
E. There are const rained opt im izat ion m et hods used as t ools in t he
init iating process group
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 0 9
Which of t he following is not t rue regarding proj ect chart er?
A. Docum ent t hat const it ut e what t he proj ect is, what t he proj ect
will deliver, and how all t he processes will be m anaged
B. Provide t he product m anager wit h aut horit y t o assign
organizat ion resources
C. Provides det ails on t he business j ust ificat ion for t he proj ect
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Form ally aut horizes t he proj ect
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 1 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding proj ect chart er is false?
A. The proj ect ch arter describes t he business needs for t he proj ect ,
such as m arket ing dem ands, legal requirem ent s, t echnological
B. Once t he proj ect chart er is published, chart er m ay be change or
C. The proj ect ch arter should be published by t he m anager ext ernal
t o t he proj ect and not by t he proj ect m anager
D. The proj ect ch arter should include t he prelim in ary scope
st at em ent for t he proj ect
E. The proj ect ch arter does not provide t he proj ect m an ager wit h
funct ional power over personal
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 1 1
You are t he proj ect m anager for t he inform ation t echnology division of
t he large financial brokerage in t he Unit ed St at es. Due t o new
regulat ory requirem ent s en act ed by srbanes- oxely, you have been
assigned t o audit all I .T. syst em s t o ensure com pliances.
You need t o ensure all t he dat a in dat abase is encrypt ed t o ensure
confident ially. You need t o ensure t hat all t he users are properly
aut hent icat ed. You also need t o verify t he aut horizat ion t o confident ial
financial inform at ion follows t he least - privilege principle. This proj ect
cam e about as a result of which of t he following is need?
A. Cost um er request
B. Risk m it igat ion
C. Legal requirem ent s
D. Technological advance
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 1 2
Your work as a proj ect m anager at t he com put er chip m anufact urer,
developing* 86 m icro- processors. As predict ed by m oore’s law each
year your com panies int roduces new m odels of m icro- processors which
are m ore fast er and powerful t hen t heir predecessors. Microprocessors t hat are obsolet e or do not sell are quickly retired from
product ion. The lifecycle for t he m icro- processors begins in R&D,
ext ends t o m anufact uring, and finally ends wit h phase out . This cycle
is oft en referred t o as:
A. Feedback loop
B. Product developm ent
C. Product lifecycle
D. Proj ect lifecy cle
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 1 3
Dennis w orks 4 an int ernat ional m anufact urer of cost um er elect ronics.
He h as been recent ly assigned t o supervise and m anage t he
m anufact urin g of a new m odel of flat screen t elevision. His supervisor
congrat ulat es him on t he expanded responsibilit ies and inform s dennis
t hat his new assignm ent will be indefinit ely m anage t he m anufact uring
of t his new product line. What of t he following describes dennis’s new
assignm ent ?
A. His assignm ent cannot be considered a proj ect since his
assignm ent should be considered on ongoing operation activit y.
B. None of t he ch oice is correct
C. His assignm ent can be considered a proj ect since flat screen
t elevisions have never been m anufact ured by t he com pany.
D. His assignm ent cannot considered a proj ect or an ongoing
operat ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 1 4
Which of t he following best describes t he following organizat ional
st ruct ure?
A. Weak m at rix Org
B. Funct ional Org
C. Balan ced Mat rix Org
D. Proj ect ized Org
E. St rong Mat rix Org
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 1 5
You are t he proj ect m anager at t he Hist orie Shoppe, a rapidly growing
ret ail book st ore sellin g hard- t o- find books and periodicals. Current ly
your com pany is planning on opening addit ional st ores t hroughout t he
Unit ed St at es. Your prim ary m arket includes densely populat ed, m aj or
m et ropolit an cit ies.
Your com pany is deciding am ong New York and Los Angles. Based on
t he followin g dat a which proj ect should be recom m ended using t he
discount ed cash flow t echnique?
Pr oj e ct e d N e w Yor k - M a ke $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 in 2 ye a r s
Pr oj e ct e d Los An gle s- M a ke $ 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 in 3 ye a r s
Assu m e t h a t t h e cost of ca pit a l is 1 2 %
Proj ect Los Angles since it yields t he highest t ot al cash flow
Proj ect Los Angles since it yields t he highest present value
Proj ect New York since it yields t he highest present value
Bot h proj ect s will yield t he sam e present value
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 1 6
You are t he proj ect m anager for an inform at ion t echnology division of
a large financial services firm in t he Unit ed St at es. Your com pany
offers a w eb based t rading plat form t hat provides opt ions and fut ures
t rading for U.S com m odit ies m arket s. Due t o t he rise in popularit y of
fut ures and options t rading, your com pany has grown rapidly .
To keep up wit h t he dem ands you have been assigned wit h t he
responsibilit y of upgrading com pany ’s net work and com put ing
infrast ruct ure. You planned t o purchase a new high- end m ainfram e
server. The new server will cost $250,000 and can be used for 10
years. Aft er 2 years t he resale value of m ainfram es will be 100,000.
Aft er 5 years t he resale value of server will be 50,000. Aft er 7 years
t he resale v alue of server will be 20,000. Aft er 10 years, t he server
will be obsolet e.
What is t he annual depreciat ion expense for t his server if you use
st raight -line depreciat ion?
A. 5,000
B. 10,000
C. 20,000
D. 100,000
E. 25,000
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 1 1 7
You have been recent ly hired t o be a proj ect m an ager at a bio- t ech
com pany t o develop anew drug t o t reat pancreatic cancer. The proj ect
requires significant coordinat ion across m ult iple depart m ent s from
R&D t o m anufact uring.
You’ve at t em pt t o gain t he cooperation of chief scient ist wit hin t he
R&D. however t he Chief scient ist is focused on com pleting her t o- t oday t ask s, and you do not have any cont rol over her work assignm ent .
What is t he best way t o describe her current organizat ional st ruct ure?
A. Proj ect ized
B. Balan ced Mat rix
C. St rong Mat rix
D. Funct ional
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 1 8
According t o PMI , applicat ion areas are cat egories of proj ect s t hat
have com m on elem ent s in t he m aj orit y of proj ect s, but are NOT
necessarily required or applicable t o all proj ect s. Applicat ions areas are
not usually defined in t erm s of:
A. Deliverables
B. Funct ional depart m ent s and support ing disciplines
C. Technical elem ent s
D. Managem ent specializat ions
E. I ndust ry groups
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 1 9
You are t he proj ect m anager at Happy Coffee Café, a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium blended coffee. Current ly, y our com pany is
planning on opening addit ional st ores t hroughout Europe. Your
com pany is evaluat ing different areas for expansion, including France,
Germ any , and England.
You int end t o use NPV ( net present value) analysis t o evaluat e which
area provides t he best opport unit y for expansion. Which of t he
following st at em ent s are t rue regarding NPV calculations?
A. NPV assum es t hat t he cost of capit al is based on t he LI BOR
( London I nt er Bank Offer Rat e)
B. NPV assum es t hat t he cash inflows are reinvest ed at t he cost of
capit al
C. NPV is t he discount ed rat e when I RR is equal t o zero
D. NPV is const rained opt im izat ion m et hod
E. NPV is t he discount rat e when I RR is great er t han zero
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 2 0
You are t he chief t echnology officer of a m aj or st ock exchange in
Unit ed St at es. You have j ust been provided a prelim inary proj ect scope
st at em ent from your proj ect sponsor wit h regards t o reengineering t he
organizat ion’s back office account ing, billing and adm inist rat ive
syst em . Which of the following t he BEST NEXT plan of act ion?
A. St art docum ent ing t he im pact of t he request ed changes
B. St art est ablishing and m anaging proj ect com m unicat ion channels
C. St art est ablishing m anagem ent plans
D. St art scope verificat ion
E. St art perform ing act ivit ies t o accom plish proj ect obj ect iv es
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 2 1
The proj ect ch arter eit her direct ly or by reference t o ot her docum ent s,
should address all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect requirem ent s
B. Proj ect com m unicat ion channels
C. Proj ect purpose of j ust ificat ion
D. St akeholder influences
E. Sum m ary m ilest one schedule
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 2 2
Which of t he following are NOT input s t o t he D e ve lop Pr oj ect
Ch a r t e r process?
A. Ent erprise environm ent al Fact ors
B. Organizat ional Process Asset s
C. Proj ect SOW
D. Cont ract
E. Expert Judgm ent
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 1 2 3
Which of t he following is NOT a t ool/ t echnique of t he D e ve lop
pr e lim in a r y Pr oj e ct Scope St a t e m e n t process?
B. Proj ect m anagem ent m et hodology
C. Expert j udgm ent
D. Product analysis
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 2 4
You are a proj ect m anager in a m at rix organizat ion. All of t he following
are disa dva n t a ge s of t his t ype of organizat ion EXCEPT:
A. Duplicat e of j ob funct ions
B. I ncreased adm inist rat ion overhead
C. Resource allocation difficulties
D. I ncreased pot ent ial fro conflict
E. Mult iple bosses for the proj ect t eam s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 2 5
You are an inform at ion securit y proj ect m anager responsible for
securing y our cooperat e net work. Due t o new regulat ions m andat ed by
t he Sarbanes- Oxley act your com pany’s upper m anagem ent has
t asked you wit h securing t he com pany’s net work infrast ruct ure. You
have just com plet ed t he D e ve lop Pr e lim in a r y Pr oj e ct Scope
St a t e m e n t process. However, upon review y ou have det erm ined t hat
t he result ing Prelim inary Proj ect Scope St at em ent is am biguous and
poorly writ t en. A poorly writ t en Prelim inary Proj ect Scope St at em ent
will direct ly im pact all of t he following subsequent processes EXCEPT:
A. Scope verificat ion
B. Scope plannin g
C. Scope definit ion
D. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 2 6
Which of t he following is form alized docum ent t hat aut horizes t he
proj ect and should be prepared by som eone who is ext ernal t o proj ect ,
and should not be direct ly prepared by the proj ect m anager?
Scope st at em ent
None of t he ch oices are correct
Proj ect chart er
Product ion descript ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 2 7
You are t he proj ect m anager fro t he large children’s t oy m anufact urer.
You have been asked t o m anufact ure t he lat est craze in “ Dancing
Widget s” for upcom ing Ch rist m as season. You’ve been inform ed t hat
t he com pany needs at least one m ont h lead tim e in order t o have
Widget s on ret ailer’s shelves for Christ m as season. Hence, based on
t he current sales forecast you’ve been asked t o deliver 100,000 unit s
by Novem ber 1 st at t he least .
However four m ont hs int o t he proj ect you’ve n oticed t hat t he proj ect
has becom e 6 weeks BEHI ND schedule. Since m issing t he deadline in
unaccept able you’ve hired t went y addit ional cont ingent workers t o get
t he proj ect on t rack. This is an exam ple of which t ype of following?
A. Scope creep
B. I nadequat e proj ect planning
C. Fast t acking
D. Crashing t he schedule
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 2 8
You are t he proj ect m anager at Day- Old donut s, a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium donut s at discount . Currently your com pany
is planning on opening addit ional st ore throughout Unit ed St at es. Your
prim ary m arket inclu des densely- populat ed, m et ropolit an cit ies. Your
com pany is evaluat ing different com panies fro evaluat ion including
New York, San Francisco, and Los Angles. Based on t he following dat a
which proj ect is recom m ended?
Pr oj e ct N e w Yor k I n it ia l cost of $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0
Fir st ye a r ca sh flow $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 .
$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 ca sh flow pe r qu a r t e r a fte r
Pr oj e ct Los An gle sI n it ia l cost of $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0
Fir st ye a r ca sh flow $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 .
$ 1 2 ,5 0 0 ca sh flow pe r qu a r t e r a fte r
Pr oj e ct San Fr a nciscoPa y back pe r iod of 2 4 m on t h s
A. Proj ect New York since it has t he short est payback period
B. Proj ect San Francisco since it has t he short est payback period
C. Proj ect Los Angles since it has t he short est payback period
D. Eit her proj ect Los Angles or proj ect San Francisco since t he
payback periods are t he sam e
E. Eit her proj ect New York or proj ect San Francisco since t he
payback periods are t he sam e
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 2 9
Proj ect m angers oft en refer t o a proj ect ’s t riple const raint s as a
fram ework for evaluat ing com plet ing dem ands. Please select which of
t he followin g describes t he t riple const raint s?
A. Risks, t im e cost
B. Risks, scope, cost
C. I nit iat ion, planning, cont rolling
D. Tim e, scope, cost
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 3 0
Which of t he following is not included in proj ect scope st at em ent ?
A. Schedule m ilest ones
B. St akeholders influen ce
C. I nit ial defined risks
D. Product accept ance crit eria
E. I nit ial cost est im at es
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 3 1
Please select t he correct order for t he five proj ect m anagem ent
process groups?
A. I nit iat ing, planning, elaboration, cont rollin g and closing
B. I nit iat ing, executing, planning, m onit oring & cont rollin g and
C. Planning, init iat ing, executing, cont rolling and closing
D. I nit iat ing, planning, execut ing, plannin g & cont rolling, and
E. Feasibilit y , planning, execut ing, cont rolling and closing
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 3 2
Which of t he following est ablishes m inim um requirem ent s of
perform ance for one or m ore evaluat ion crit eria when selecting a
prospect iv e seller?
A. I ndependent est im at es
B. Screening syst em s
C. Seller rat ing syst em s
D. Weight ing syst em s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 3 3
Which of t he following Proj ect Hum an Resource Managem ent process
is wit hin t he Executing process group?
A. Hum an Resource planning
B. Develop Proj ect Team
C. Acquire Proj ect Team
D. Manage Proj ect Team
An sw e r : B, C
Qu e st ion 1 3 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding proposal
Evaluation Techniques?
A. Proposal Ev aluat ion t echniques are t ools/ t echniques of t he
Request Seller responses process.
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Proposal evaluat ion t echnique uses a weighting syst em t o
provide an overall assessm ent and com parison of all proposals
D. Proposal evaluat ion t echnique can em ployee a screening syst em
and use dat a from a seller rat ing syst em
E. Proposal Ev aluat ion t echnique use som e expert j udgm ent and
som e form of ev aluation crit eria
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 3 5
You are in t he process of direct in g t he perform ance of planned proj ect
act ivit ies and m anaging t he various t echnical and organizat ional
int erfaces t hat exist wit hin your proj ect . All of t he following are
out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Final product , service or result
B. I m plem ent ed defect repair, work perform ance inform ation
C. Request ed changes, im plem ent ed change request
D. Deliverables
E. I m plem ent ed correct ive act ions, im plem ent ed prevent ive act ions
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 3 6
Which of t he following best describes Maslow’s t heory of m ot ivat ion?
A. People are m ot ivat ed by expect at ion of posit ive out com es
B. People are m ot ivat ed by achievem ent , power and affiliat ion
C. People are m ot ivat ed by hygiene fact ors
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. People are m ot ivat ed by five basic, hierarchal needs
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 1 3 7
You are t he proj ect m anager working on const ruct ing a suspension
bridge for t he cit y of San Francisco. You’ve j ust conduct ed an earned
value analysis and determ ined t hat t he CPI index is 1.20 and SPI index
is 1.30. Specifically, your proj ect is com ing in ahead of schedule and
under budget .
However, one of your st ruct ural engineers inform s t hat he is afraid
t hat t he welding does NOT m eet qualit y st andards. Unfort unat ely,
sub- par qualit y in t he welds could reduce t he st abilit y of t he bridge,
especially is t he eart hquake happens. Hence, you are working wit h t he
qualit y assurance depart m ent t o verify t hat whet her t he proj ect will
sat isfy t he necessary quality st andards. All of t he following are
required in order t o st art t his process EXCEPT:
A. Recom m en ded correct ive act ions
B. Work perform ance inform ation
C. Qualit y m et rics
D. Qualit y cont rol m easurem ent s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 3 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE regarding precision versus
A. Accuracy is consist ency t hat t he value of repeat ed
m easurem ent s have lit t le variance
B. Precise m easu rem ent s are accurat e
C. Precision is correct ness t hat t he m easured value is chose t o
act ual value
D. None of t he ch oices are t rue
E. Accurat e m easurem ent s are precise
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 3 9
All of t he following are t ools/ t echniques of Perform Qualit y Assurance
A. Qualit y planning t ools/ t echniques
B. Process analysis
C. Qualit y audit s
D. Qualit y cont rol t ools/ t echniques
E. Reserve analysis
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 1 4 0
Hert zberg proposed t hat t he sat isfact ion and dis- satisfaction at work
result ed from t w o different fact ors “ Hygiene” and “ Mot ivat ion” fact ors.
Please select which of t he following are NOT considered m otivation
fact ors?
A. Recognit ion
B. Achievem ent
C. Job securit y
D. Job advancem ent
E. Responsibilit y
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 4 1
Which of t he following are NOT benefit s of m eet ing qualit y
requirem ent s?
A. I ncreased product ivit y
B. Less rework
C. I ncrease st akeholder sat isfact ion
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Lower cost s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 4 2
You are t he proj ect m anger at a biot ech com pany, where you are
leading a cross- funct ional t eam t o develop a t reat m ent for diabet es.
The organizat ion has a weak m at rix st ruct ure, where all of your proj ect
t eam m em bers report t o different funct ional m anagers and n one of t he
t eam m em ber report t o you direct ly. Your proj ect has ext rem ely high
visibilit y in t he com pany, and t here is a lot of pressure on you t o
deliver on tim e and wit hin budget . However, you are concerned
whet her you will have t he necessary aut horit y and power t o com plet e
t he proj ect deliverables. Which of t he following t ypes of powers will be
MOST effect ive in y our sit uat ion?
A. Punishm ent power
B. Legit im at e power
C. Expert power
D. Referent power
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 4 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he
com m unicat ion process?
A. None of t he st at em ent are t rue
B. Receiver is responsible for m aking sure t he inform at ion is clear
and com plet e
C. Sender is responsible for m aking t he inform at ion clear and
com plet e
D. Sender is responsible for m aking sure t he inform at ion is clear
and com plet e
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 4 4
You are current ly t he proj ect m anager at a consult ing com pany
specializing in developing finan cial soft ware m odels. Your com pany has
been aw arded a fixed fee cont ract t o develop a sophist icat ed port folio
risk analysis soft ware applicat ion for a m ult i- billion dollar hedge fund.
During proj ect execution, one of your t eam m em bers delivers one of
t he com plet ed risk analysis m odule t o your client . The m odel uses t he
capit al asset pricing m odel and Mont e Carlo sim ulat ions t o det erm ine
t he best risk- adj ust ed ret urns for t he port folio. Unfort unat ely, t he
buyer refuses t he deliverable, st ating t hat t he m odel did not m eet he
t echnical requirem ent s as specified in t he cont ract you h ave reviewed
t he specs, and agree wit h t he buyer’s assessm ent . Which of t he
following is t he best act ion t o t ake?
A. I ssue a change order
B. Com plet e t he original work on fixed fee basis and t hen negot iat e
a cost reim bursable basis t o com plet e t he addit ional work.
C. Alt er t he m anagem ent plan.
D. Review t he work breakdown st ruct ure and WBS dict ionary wit h
t he appropriat e t eam m em bers
E. Use a st op work order unt il t he discrepancy can be resolved
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 4 5
You have j ust awarded a cont ract t o a out side ven dor and developed
t he corresponding cont ract m anagem ent plan. Which process did you
j ust com plet e?
A. Plan cont racting
B. Select sellers
C. Plan purchases and acquisit ions
D. Request sellers
E. Cont ract adm inist rat ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 4 6
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large aut om aker in Japan. Your
proj ect involves designing t he next generat ion four wheel drive Sport s
Ut ilit y v ehicle for t he Asian m arket .
Your proj ect t eam is at t em pt ing t o det erm ine t he right com binat ion of
suspension, t ires and chassis t hat will ensure t he st abilit y of SUV at
high speeds. Current ly, you would like t o m easure t he association
bet ween t wo vehicles: t ire size and overall st abilit y. Which of t he
following diagram s can you use?
A. Gant t chart
B. Run chart
C. Cont rol chart
D. Scat t er chart
E. Paret o diagram
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 4 7
All of t he following are input s t o t he Direct and / m anage Execution
process EXCEPT:
A. Request ed changes
B. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
C. Approved correct ive act ions, prevent ive act ions
D. Approved ch ange request s, defect repair
E. Adm inist rative closure
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 4 8
The proj ect m anagem ent execut ion processes include all of t he
following EXCEPT:
A. I nform at ion dist ribut ion
B. Perform qualit y assu rance
C. Scope verificat ion
D. Select sellers
E. Develop proj ect t eam
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 4 9
Which of t he following describes t he assum pt ions m ade by t he t heory
Y st yle of m anagem ent ?
A. People hav e no am bit ions, want s no responsibilit y, and would
rat her follow t han lead
B. People will be com m it t ed t o t heir obj ect ives if rewards are in
place t hat address higher needs su ch as self- fulfillm ent
C. People work only for m oney and securit y
D. People can handle responsibilit y wit h creativit y and ingenuit y
An sw e r : B, D
Qu e st ion 1 5 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding RACI chart s?
A. RACI chart s are t ools/ t echniques of Hum an Resource Planning
B. RACI st ands for Responsibilit y , Account able, Consult and I nform
C. RACI chart s describe t he t im et able and necessary t im e fram es
fro proj ect t eam .
D. A RACI chart is t ype of RAM.
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 5 1
You are t he proj ect m anager for an int ernational cont ract
m anufact urin g firm wit h m anufact u ring plant s and offices in I ndia,
China and Thailand. Your com pany designs and m anufact ures various
consum er elect ronics, such as flat - screen t elevision, lapt ops, and
m onit ors et c.
Your com pany is in t he process of bidding on a proj ect t o m anufact ure
t he next generat ion t he 128- bit video gam e console for X- Cube
st at ion. As a pot ent ial bidding for t his proj ect , you worked on t he RFP
response and subm it t ing t he proposal. The X- Cube St at ion select ion
com m it t ee received t he RFP responses from all t he vendors, and
applied a weight ed syst em in order t o m ake a select ion. Which of t he
following processes j ust t ook place?
A. Requisit ion
B. Cont ract adm inist rat ion
C. Request seller responses
D. Select sellers
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 5 2
Which of t he following are out put s of t he Develop Proj ect t eam
A. Proj ect st aff assignm ent , proj ect t eam dict ionary
B. Reward and recognit ion sy st em s, perform ance report s
C. Organizat ional chart s, st affing m anagem ent plan
D. Team perform ance assessm ent
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 5 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s re t rue regarding Bidder
Conferences, and Develop Qualified Sellers List ?
A. They are t ool/ t echniques used t o process bid/ proposals in order
t o select one or m ore qualified sellers
B. They are t he part of Proj ect Monit oring and Cont rollin g process
C. They are part of Proj ect Planning process group
D. They are t ool/ t echniques used t o obt ain responses, such as bids
and proposals from prospective sellers
E. They are t ools/ t echniques used t o identify which proj ect
requirem ent can be sat isfied using ext ernal sellers/ vendors
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 5 4
Proj ect st aff assignm ent s are an out put of which process?
A. Manage Proj ect Team
B. Develop Proj ect Team
C. Hum an Resource Planning
D. Acquire Proj ect Team
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 5 5
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding proposals EXCEPT:
A. Proposals are seller- prepared docum ent s t hat describes t he
seller abilit y t o provide request ed services
B. Proposals are considered a form al and legal response/ offer t o a
buyer’s request
C. Proposals are buy er- prepared form al request sent t o each seller
and are t he basis upon which t he seller prepares a bid
D. Proposals are out put of t he Request Seller Response process
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 5 6
You are t he proj ect m anager for a m anufact urer of children’s t oys.
Your proj ect t eam is in process of designing a new children t oy for
next y ear’s Christ m as season.
Your t eam m eet s an d learns about t he opport unit y, agrees on goals
and resources necessary t o t ackle t he t ask. Alt hough y our t eam is
highly m ot ivated, t hey are relat ively uninform ed of t he issues and
obj ect ives of t he proj ect . Which of t he following st ages of Develop
Proj ect Team best describes your t eam ?
A. Perform ing
B. Form ing
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. St orm in g
E. Norm ing
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 5 7
You are t he proj ect m anager for a new soft ware developm ent proj ect .
You are in process of assigning resources t o your proj ect using a work
aut horizat ion syst em . Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE?
A. A work aut horizat ion syst em should balance t he value of cont rol
versus wit h t he cont rol of t hat cont rol
B. A work aut horizat ion syst em is used t o clarify and init iat e work
for specific act ivit y or work package
C. A work aut horizat ion syst em is a deliverable- orient ed hierarchal
decom posit ion of t he work t o be execut ed by t he proj ect t eam
D. A work aut horizat ion syst em is a form al procedure for
sanct ioning proj ect work
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 5 8
Which of t he following process is inv olved in m aking needed
inform ation available t o proj ect st akeholders in a t im ely m anner?
A. Perform ance report ing
B. Manage st akeholders
C. I nform at ion dist ribut ion
D. Com m unicat ions planning
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 5 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s re t rue regarding Herzberg’s
Hygiene t heory?
A. Mot ivat ion fact ors help avoid j ob dissat isfact ion but will NOT lead
t o j ob sat isfact ion.
B. Mot ivat ion fact ors inclu de pay, salary and benefit s
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Hygiene fact ors help avoid j ob dissat isfaction but will not lead t o
j ob sat isfact ion
E. Hygiene fact ors include achievem ent , j ob advancem ent , and
recognit ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 6 0
You are t he proj ect m anager for a com pany t hat sells online m usic.
The com pany is growing so well t hat t he com pany has out grown it s I .T
infrast ruct ure. I n fact , t he com pany’s current infrast ruct ure is unable
t o handle the t erabyt es of m usic download each day.
As a result , t he com pany has decided t o out source it s m usic download
infrast ruct ure t o a t hird part y cont ent m anagem ent vendor. The
cont ent m anagem ent vendor will host t he com pressed m usic files
across it s geographically dist ribut ed web server farm s, and handle all
t he logist ics wit h m usic file downloads and dat a st ream ing.
On your qualified sellers list , you have ident ified one pot ent ial vendor
MusikCM. Your procurem ent depart m ent is conducting an independent
est im at e of cost s of t he proposals in order t o com pare t he vendor
prices. However, your procurem ent depart m en t has ident ified a large
difference bet ween t he independent estim at e and t he proposed ven dor
cost . I n which process is t his t aking place?
A. Select sellers
B. Plan cont racting
C. Cont ract adm inist rat ion
D. Request seller responses
E. Plan purchases and acquisit ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 6 1
All of t he following are t rue regarding change cont rol syst em EXCEPT:
A. A change request syst em t racks t he st at us of change request s
B. A change cont rol syst em is a collect ion of procedures t h at
describe how t o subm it change request s
C. A change request syst em has t he aut horit y t o approve or rej ect
request s
D. A change request syst em defines t he level of aut horit y needed t o
approve changes
E. A change request syst em describes t he im pact of change
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 6 2
Which of t he following are NOT out put s of t h e I nform at ion Dist ribut ion
A. Proj ect records
B. Proj ect present at ions
C. St akeholders not ificat ions
D. Proj ect report s
E. Perform ance report s
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 1 6 3
All of t he following st at em ent s re t rue regarding cont ract negot iat ion
A. Cont ract negotiation is a t ool/ t echnique of t he select sellers
B. The proj ect m anager should be t he lead negot iat or on t he
cont ract
C. For com plex procurem ent sit uat ions, cont ract negotiat ions can
be an indepen dent process wit h input s and out put s of it s own
D. Cont ract negotiations clarifies he st ruct ure and requirem ent s of
t he cont ract
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 6 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding qualit y audit s are FALSE:
A. The obj ective of qualit y audit is t o identify lessons learned
B. Qualit y audit s are generally perform ed aft er scope verification,
but can also be perform ed in parallel with scope v erificat ion
C. Qualit y audit s exam ines how t he proj ect is progressing an d
m akes correct ions
D. Qualit y audit s are a st ruct u red review of ot her qualit y
m anagem ent act ivit ies
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 6 5
All of t he following are exam ples of virt ual t eam s EXCEPT:
A. I ncorporat e em ployees who work from hom e offices
B. Add special expert ise t o proj ect t eam even t hough expert resides
in separat e geographic region
C. I nclude people wit h m obilit y handicaps
D. I nclude t eam of people who work different hours or shift s
E. I nclude st aff assignm ent s defined in t he proj ect chart er
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 1 6 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE?
A. Approved prevent ive act ions are input t o t he Direct and Manage
Execut ion process and consist s of docum ent ed, aut horized
direct ions t hat reduce t he probabilit y of negative consequences
associat ed wit h proj ect risks.
B. Approved prevent ive act ions are input t o t he Direct and Manage
Execut ion process and consist s of docum ent ed, aut horized
direct ions required t o bring expect ed fut ure proj ect perform ance
int o conf orm ance wit h proj ect plan
C. None of t he st at em ent s are false
D. Approved defect repair are input t o t he Direct and Manage
Execut ion process and consist s of docum ent ed, aut horized
request s for product correct ion of a defect found during qualit y
inspect ion
E. Validat ed defect repair are input t o t he Direct and Manage
Execut ion process and consist s of not ificat ion t hat re- inspect ed
repaired it em s have been eit her rej ect ed or accept ed
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 6 7
Which of t he following processes is NOT part of Proj ect Hum an
Resources Managem ent Knowledge Area?
Acquire Proj ect Team
Develop Proj ect Team
Act ivit y Resource Estim at ion
Hum an Resource Planning
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 6 8
All of t he following are different dim en sions of com m unication EXCEPT:
A. Precise and accuracy
B. Vert ical and horizont al
C. I nt ernal and ext ernal
D. Form al and inform al
E. Writ t en and oral
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 6 9
Variance analysis, t rend analysis, and earned value t echniques are:
A. Qualit y cont rol t ools and t echniques
B. Process analysis t echniques
C. Perform ance report ing t echnique
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Cost - benefit analysis t echniques
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 7 0
You are in process of m onit oring t he various proj ect processes and
t heir perform ance. Which of t he following is t he LEAST appropriat e
t ool/ t echnique t o use in t his process?
A. Expert j udgm ent
B. Earned v alue t echnique
C. I nspect ion
D. Proj ect m anagem ent m et hodology
E. Proj ect m anagem ent inform ation sy st em s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 7 1
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding issue logs EXCEPT:
A. I ssue logs are t ools/ t echniques of t he Develop Proj ect Team
B. I ssue logs are t ools/ t echniques of t he Manage Proj ect Team
C. An issue log is know as act ion- it em log
D. I ssue logs are t ools/ t echniques of t he Manage St akeholders
E. An issue log is a t ool t hat can be used t o docum ent and m onit or
t he resolution of issue
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 7 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding random causes
and special causes wit h respect t o st at istical Perform Qualit y Cont rol?
A. Special causes area result of variance t hat are always present in
t he process
B. Random causes are t he result of variance t hat are linked t o
unusu al event s.
C. Random causes are cont rollable at t he operat ional level
D. Special causes are result of variance t hat are linked t o unusual
event s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 7 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s are fa lse regardin g proj ect risk
m anagem ent ?
A. Risk m onit oring and cont rol- t rack identified risks, m onit or
residual risks, execut e risk response plans
B. Qualit at ive risk analysis- priorit ize risk by t heir im pact and
probabilit y of occurrence
C. Risk m anagem ent planning- decide how t o plan and execut e risk
m anagem ent act ivit ies
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Risk response planning- develop act ions t o ident ified risks t o
reduce t h reat s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 7 4
Work perform ance inform ation is an input t o Cost Cont rol process. I t
inclu des all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Est im at es t o com plet e schedule act ivit ies
B. Calculat e CV, SV, CPI , and SPI values for WBS com ponent s
C. Percent com plet e of schedule act ivit ies
D. Deliverables t hat have been com plet ed versus not yet com plet ed
E. Cost aut h orized and incurred
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 7 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding risk response
audit s?
A. Risk audit s are not necessary on sm all proj ect s
B. Risk audit s should be perform ed by an out side part y
C. Risk audit s consist s of perform ing t he cont in gency plan
D. Risk audit s are unplanned responses t o em erging risks t hat were
previously unident ified
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 7 6
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding decom posit ion
A. Work should be decom posed t o a level where it can be
realist ically est im at ed
B. Work should be decom posed t o level where it cannot be logically
subdivided furt her
C. Work should be decom posed t o a level where it can be
perform ed by one person
D. Work should be decom posed t o a level where it can be
out sourced or cont ract ed out if necessary
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 7 7
You are a proj ect m anager at a real est at e com pany t hat develops and
m anages com m ercial, ret ail and resident ial propert ies in Sout h
Am erica, Eu rope, and Asia. As a com pany cont inues t o grow, the
com pany’s I T infrast ruct ure is unable t o m eet business needs of
organizat ion.
Hence you have been assigned t o upgrade t he com pany’s I T
infrast ruct ure. Specifically, your t eam has been asked t o im plem ent a
corporat e general ledger syst em , im prove account ing and real est at e
processes, develop a lease t racking syst em , and im plem ent HR and
payroll syst em s.
Your proj ect t eam has already com plet ed all t he init iat ing / proj ect
planning activit ies and received sign- off/ approvals on t he proj ect
chart er, proj ect scope, and det ailed work packages. Your proj ect t eam
is in t he process of com plet ing all t he work packages.
However, y ou have j ust received a change request t o add addit ional
report ing fun ct ionalit y t o t he lease t racking applicat ion. Fort unat ely
you h ave already det erm ined t hat t his funct ionalit y has no side effect s
on t he com ponent s of t he “ t riple const raint s” . Which of t he following is
t he BEST action t o perform NEXT?
A. Review t he change request wit h t he change cont rol board
B. I m plem ent t he change request as it has lit tle im pact t o t he
proj ect and it s easy t o im plem ent
C. Review t he change request wit h t he proj ect sponsor
D. I nvest igat e opt ions on how t o im plem ent t he change request s
wit h m inim al im pact t o t he proj ect
E. Evaluat e t he im pact of t he change request on t he ot her proj ect
const raint s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 7 8
I nt egrat e Change Cont rol includes t he following act ivit ies EXCEPT:
A. Reviewing and approving request ed changes
B. Assessing perform ance t o det erm ine whet her any correct ive
act ions are necessary
C. Maint aining t he int egrit y of t he baselines by releasing approved
D. I nfluencing t he fact ors t hat effect change
E. Reviewing and approving recom m ended correct ive and
prevent ive act ions
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 7 9
You are in process of reviewing all change request s and cont rollin g
changes t o deliverables and organizat ional process asset s. All of t he
following are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect scope st at em ent updat es
B. WBS updat es
C. Approved correct ive act ions, prevent ive act ions
D. Approved ch anged request s, rej ect ed change request s
E. Proj ect m anagem ent plan updat es
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 8 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Changes t o product scope and defined in t he int egrat ed change
cont rol plan
B. Changes t o product scope are a result of im plem enting
correct ive act ions
C. Workaorounds are used t o correct problem s t hat occur wit h
changes in t he proj ect scope.
D. Changes t o t he product scope should be reflect ed in t he proj ect
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 8 1
You are proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing a new sport s
arena for t he u pcom ing Olym pics. Const ruct ion begins on a proj ect
over a year ago. The st akeholders of t he proj ect want a st at us report
on t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o dat e. You’ve obt ained t he
following m easurem ent s:
BAC= 5 0 0 , ETC= 2 0 0 , PV= 5 0 0 , AC= 2 0 0 , EV= 3 0 0 , CPI = 1 .5
You believe t he type of variances t hat have occurred on t he proj ect t o
dat e are t ypical expect t hese variances t o continue t hroughout t he
proj ect . Based on t he inform at ion above, what is t he EAC for t he
proj ect ?
A. 333.33
B. a400
C. 250
D. 200
E. 300
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 8 2
The Est im at e At Com plet ion ( EAC) can be used t o forecast t he m ost
likely t ot al proj ect cost based upon t he current proj ect perform ance.
Which of t he following form ulas cannot be used t o calculat e t he EAC?
D. EAC= ( AC+ ( BAC- EV) / CPI )
E. EAC= ( AC+ ( VAC- EV) / CPI )
An sw e r : B, E
Qu e st ion 1 8 3
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large aut om aker in Japan. Your
proj ect involves designing t he next generat ion 4- wheel drive Sport
Ut ilit y v ehicle for t he Asian m arket . A new fuel efficient engine design
is required as part of your proj ect .
Unfort unat ely, y our proj ect t eam did not have t he necessary expert ise
t o design and m anufact ure a new fuel- efficient engine. Hence, your
com pany plan s has decided t o subcont ract all t he engine designs t o an
out side m anufact urer.
You are current ly in t he Cont ract Adm inist rat ion process. Which of t he
following st at em ent s is t rue regarding the Cont ract Adm inist ration
A. The t ools/ t echniques of Cont ract Adm inist ration include cont ract
negot iat ion, weighting syst em s and independent est im at es.
B. Cont ract Adm inist rat ion is a Proj ect Managem ent Execut ion
C. Cont ract bet w een t he buyer and seller is creat ed during t he
Cont ract Adm inist rat ion process.
D. Cont ract Adm inist rat ion involves ensuring t hat t he seller’s
perform ance m eet s t he cont ract ual obligat ions
E. Cont ract Adm inist rat ion involves preparing t he docum ent s
needed t o support Request sellers Response.
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 8 4
Which of t he following st at em ent are t rue regarding t he CPI ( cost
perform ance in dex) m easurem ent s?
A. A CPI less t han one indicat es t hat cost perform ance is bet t er
t han expect ed
B. A CPI great er t han one indicat es t hat cost perform ance is bet t er
t han expect ed
C. A negat ive CPI indicat es t hat cost perform ance is bet t er t han
expect ed
D. A posit ive CPI indicat es t hat cost perform ance is bet t er t han
expect ed
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 8 5
You are current ly t he proj ect m anager for a soft w are developm ent
proj ect , developing a next generat ion dat a- m ining t ool. Your t eam is
developing a new soft ware product t hat will help cust om ers bet t er
m anage large volum es of dat a, especially for dat a report ing purposes.
The CEO t ells you t hat t he proj ect m ust be com plet ed wit hin 18
m ont hs. I n order t o m eat t heses st rict deadlines you are current ly in
t he process of estim at ing t he durat ion of proj ect plan act ivit ies,
devisin g t he proj ect schedule, and m onit oring and cont rollin g
deviat ions from t he schedule. Which of t he following Proj ect
Managem ent Knowledge Areas are you involved in?
A. Proj ect I nt egrat ion Managem ent
B. Proj ect Tim e Managem ent
C. Proj ect Scope Managem ent
D. Proj ect Risk Managem ent
E. Proj ect Qualit y Managem ent
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 8 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s BEST describes a work aut horizat ion
syst em ?
A. A work aut horizat ion syst em is used t o m anage who perform s
each act ivit y
B. A work aut horizat ion syst em is used t o m anage t he sequence in
which work is perform ed
C. None of t he st at em ent s is t rue
D. A work aut horizat ion syst em is used t o m anage who perform s
each act ivit y and when act ivit y is perform ed
E. A work aut horizat ion syst em is used t o m anage when each
act ivit y is perform ed
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 1 8 7
You are in t he process of t racking ident ified risks, m onit oring residual
risk s, and execut ing t he risk response plans. Which of t he following
t ools/ t echniques are you LEAST likely t o use during t his process?
A. Risk audit s
B. Reserve analysis
C. Variance and t rend an alysis
D. Assum pt ions analysis
E. Technical perform ance m easurem ent
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 8 8
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding conflict m anagem ent
A. When m anaged properly, conflict s can be healt hy and lead t o
increased creat ivit y
B. Conflict s should be addressed early and usually in privat e using
a direct , collaborat ive approach.
C. Conflict m anagem ent is a t ool/ t echniques of Develop Proj ect
Team process
D. Ground rules and group norm s reduce t he am ount of conflict
E. Source of conflict include scarce resources, scheduling priorit ies,
and personal work st yle.
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 1 8 9
You are t he proj ect m anager of a com pany t hat is building ATM
soft ware for a large bank and financial inst it ut ions. You have been t old
t hat t he ATM soft ware m ust m eet very st ringent qualit y st andards.
I ncluding rigorous audit ing of all t ransact ions, abilit y t o recover in case
of soft ware/ hardware errors, and fraud det ect ion and analysis.
I n order t o ensure t hat these qualit y st andards are m et , you’ve
invest ed heavily in proper t raining of your proj ect st aff, inst rum ent ed
num erous design review and rigorous perform ed qualit y planning.
Which of t he following best describes t he cost associat ed wit h you
proj ect ?
A. Prevent ion cost s
B. Failure cost s
C. Defect cost
D. Appraisal cost
E. Rework cost
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 9 0
A Responsibilit y Assigned Mat rix ( RAM) can be used for all of t he
following EXCEPT:
A. I dent ifying crit ical organizat ional int erfaces
B. Det erm ine who is account able for which act ivit y
C. Track who m ust review and approve work result s
D. I dent ifying proj ect Schedules an d t im elines
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 9 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding Proj ect Scope
Managem ent ?
A. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
B. Scope verificat ion inv olves developing a det ailed proj ect scope
st at em ent as t he basis for fut ure proj ect decisions
C. Scope cont rol inv olves creat ing a proj ect scope m anagem ent
plan t hat docum ent s how t he proj ect scope will be defined and
cont rolled
D. Scope plannin g involves developing t he prelim inary scope
st at em ent
E. Scope definit ion inv olves subdividing t he m aj or project
deliverables int o sm aller m ore m anageable com ponent s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 9 2
Configurat ion m anagem ent activit ies included in t he int egrat ed change
cont rol process inclu de all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Configurat ion m onit oring and cont rol
B. Configurat ion identification
C. Configurat ion st atus account ing
D. Configurat ion verificat ion and audit ing
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 9 3
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o proj ect schedule. All of
t he followin g are t ools/ t echniques of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Schedule cont rol chan ge syst em
B. Variance analysis
C. Perform ance m easurem ent
D. Progress report ing
E. Schedule net work analysis
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 1 9 4
One of your friends is a m anager at t elecom m unicat ions com pany. She
is current ly m anaging a proj ect developing a VoI P ( Voice over I P)
gat eway t hat addresses t he challenges facing service providers
deploying packer- based voice net works. The gat eway offers a
com prehensive approach t o im plem ent ing high- densit y carrier- class
voice over packet gat eway applicat ions.
The proj ect is going well, except for t he large num ber of changes
being m ade for the proj ect requirem ent s. The proj ect is fairly com plex,
requiring coordin at ion across several different functional depart m ent s,
inclu ding m arketing, m anufact uring, engineering, and finance. To help
m anage t he proj ect , t went y proj ect m anagem ent processes, were
select ed for use during t his proj ect . I n addit ion, t he proj ect m anager is
also a t echnical expert regarding VoI P applicat ions and is adept at
m anaging people and com m unicat ions. Which of t he following is t he
MOST likely reason why t he proj ect is expect ing problem s?
A. The fun ct ional organizat ional st ruct ure m ade it difficult for t he
proj ect t o be scope correctly
B. Not enough proj ect m anagem ent processes were ut ilized
C. The proj ect m anger did not receive adequat e t rainin g wit h
regards t o t he organizat ional cult ure and environm ent
D. St akeholders w ere not adequat ely ident ified
E. The proj ect did not receive adequat e m anagem ent support
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 9 5
You are current ly analyzing t he schedule of a proj ect . You have noticed
t hat for cert ain crit ical- pat h act ivit ies in t he proj ect , t he schedule
com pletion dat e of activit y versus t he act ual com plet ion dat e of t he
act ivit ies differed significant ly . Which of t he following st at em ent s are
t rue?
A. Such schedule variances will im pact t he schedule
B. Such schedule variances will not im pact t he schedule
C. Such schedule variances m ay som et im es im pact t he schedule
D. Not enough inform ation is provided
E. Such schedule variances area result of scope changes
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 9 6
You are in t he process of t racking t eam m em ber perform ance,
providin g feedback, and coordinat ing changes t o im prove proj ect
perform ance. Which of t he following t ools/ t echniques is LEAST
A. Observat ion and conservat ion
B. Conflict m anagem ent
C. Proj ect perform ance appraisals
D. Team perform ance assessm ent
E. I ssue log
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 9 7
You are in process of cont rolling changes t o t he proj ect scope. All of
t he followin g are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect scope m anagem ent updat es
B. Scope baseline updat es
C. Proj ect m anagem ent plan updat es
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Work break down st ruct ure updat es
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 9 8
You are in process of cont rolling changes t o t he proj ect cost baseline.
All of t he following are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. WBS updat es, WBS dict ionary updat es
B. Lessons learned, proj ect m anagem ent plan updat es
C. Request ed changes, recom m ended corrective act ions
D. Cost est im at es updat es, cost baseline updat es
E. Perform ance m easurem ent s, forecast ed com pletion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 1 9 9
You are in process of ext erm inating which set of proj ect act ivit ies will
t ake t he longest t o com plet e. Which of t he following is t he MOST
appropriat e t ool t o use?
A. Milest one chart
D. Gant t chart
E. Net work diagram
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 0 0
You are a proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing a new sport s
arena in preparat ion of t he upcom ing Olym pics.
Const ruct ion began on t he proj ect a year ago. The st akeholder of the
proj ect want a st at us report on t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o t he
dat e.
Unfort unat ely, y ou are afraid of t elling your st akeholders t hat your
proj ect is com ing in over t he budget and t he cost change is required
using t he cost change cont rol syst em . Which of t he following t ools
were used t o calculat e t he cost variance project ion?
Perform ance m easurem ent analysis
Proj ect m anagem ent soft ware
Param et ric est im at ing
Perform ance report s
Com put erized t ools
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 0 1
I shikawa diagram s are used in which of t he following processes?
A. Perform qualit y cont rol
B. Creat e WBS
C. Schedule developm ent
D. Risk m anagem ent planning
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 0 2
You are t he Chief Technology Officer of a m aj or st ock exchange. You
are in t he charge of t he proj ect t o reengineer t he organizat ion’s back
office account ing, billing and adm inist rat ive syst em . Your proj ect t eam
is in t he process of im plem ent ing t he t echnical work required for t he
proj ect . However one of t he st akeholders for your proj ect is request ing
variance changes t o t he proj ect . Which of t he following is t he best
approach t o t ake t he beginning of t he proj ect in order t o m anage t he
proj ect ?
A. Add cont ingen cy reserves int o overall proj ect schedule t o plan
for any pot ential change request s
B. Cont act t he st akeholder t o dissuade him from subm it t ing un
necessary ch ange request
C. Cont act t he st akeholder’s supervisor t o request t hat t he
st akeholder’s activit ies be lim it ed t o t he agreed upon scope of he
proj ect
D. I nvolve t he st akeholder in t he proj ect as early as possible
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 0 3
Which of t he following best describes t he conflict resolut ion t echnique
t hat inv olves problem solving and fact - finding m issions in order t o
discuss a win- win resolution?
A. Wit hdrawal
B. Forcing
C. Confront at ion
D. Sm oot hing
E. Com prom ise
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 0 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding configurat ion
m anagem ent syst em is least t rue?
A. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em s est ablish a m et hod t o
consist ent ly ident ify and request changes t o est ablished
B. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em s provide m echanism s t o
com m unicat e changes t o all st akeholders
C. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em s provide m echanism s t o
m anage risk and im plem ent risk response act ivit ies
D. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em s provide opport unit ies t o
im prove proj ect by considering im pact of changes
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 0 5
Which of he following best describes t he risks t hat st ill rem ain aft er
avoidance , t ransfer, or m it igat ion responses h ave been im plem ent ed?
A. Cont ingency risks
B. Tert iary risks
C. Residual risks
D. Secondary risks
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 0 6
Wit h respect t o earned value analysis, which of t he following is t he
value of w ork act ually com plet ed?
A. Act ual cost ( AC)
B. Planed value( PV)
C. Cost variance( CV)
D. Earned v alue( EV)
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 0 7
Which of t he following illust rat e a chart wit h upper / lower lim it s on
which value of som e st at ist ical m easure for a series of sam ples are
plot t ed using sam ple m easure m easurem ent , where t he m ean and
st andard deviat ion are det erm ine from t he sam ple select ed?
A. St at ist ical sam pling
B. Gant t chart
C. Paret o diagram
D. Scat t er diagram
E. Cont rol chart
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 0 8
Which of t he following st at em ent are false regarding issue logs?
A. I ssue logs are writ t en logs t hat docum ent person responsible for
resolving for specific issue by a t arget dat e
B. I ssue logs are t ool of m anage st akeholders process
C. I ssue logs are t ool of m anage proj ect t eam process
D. I ssue logs describes t he ground rules and conflict m anagem ent
procedures t o m anage t he proj ect
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 0 9
Your com pany is m aking a st rat egy shift : form being focused on
fulfilling cust om er request s for becom ing t he best cost dairy producer
in indust ry. I t s exist ing cost m anufact uring cost syst em , however fails
t o capt ure t he cost s associat ed wit h handling special flavors, sm all
product ion orders, and com plex delivery and order processing options.
Hence you’ve been assigned t o supervise an exist ing proj ect t o
develop a new t im e- drive, act ivit y- based cost ing syst em t hat will
capt ure t he full com plexit y of t he com pany’s operations and gives
m anagers new insight s int o t he profit abilit y orders, product s, and
cust om ers. Senior m anagem ent will use t he inform at ion t o enhance
process efficiencies, negot iat ing new t erm s wit h cust om ers, and
at t em pt t o win new business.
You are t aking over t he proj ect during t he planning process group.
Upon reviewin g t he proj ect chart er, you discover t hat eight individuals
were requiring t o sign- off t he proj ect chart er in order t o aut horize t he
proj ect . Which of t he followin g should cause t he MOST concern?
A. Your abilit y t o yield adequat e aut horit y t o m ake resource
allocation decisions regarding t he project
B. The difficult y in det erm ining who will serve on t he change cont rol
board due t o t he num ber of st ake holders.
C. The overhead t hat is required t o notify t he large num ber of
st akeholders regarding changes t hat affect t he proj ect
D. The abilit y t o develop adequat e cost and scope baseline
E. The am ount of t im e t hat will be spent on configuration
m anagem ent due t o t he num ber of st ake holders
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 1 0
Product analysis uses which of t he following t echniques EXCEPT:
A. Value analysis
B. I nspect ion
C. Product break down
D. Syst em s engineering
E. Funct ional analysis
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 1 1
A poorly defined st affing m anagem ent plan will LEAST im pact :
A. Hum an resource planning
B. Acquire proj ect t eam
C. Manage proj ect t eam
D. Cost est im at ing
E. Develop proj ect t eam
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 1 2
You are t he proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing new 100- unit
apart m ent in downt own Manhat t an. As part of const ruct ion proj ect ,
you are planning t o out source t he elect rical wiring of t he building t o an
out side cont racting firm . The cont ract ing firm has request ed a
st at em ent of work from you. Which of t he following st at em ent s are
FALSE regarding t he cont ract SOW?
A. The SOW cont ains t he obj ectives of the proj ect
B. As a buy er, you re required t o writ e SOW
C. The SOW is an out put of t he and acquisit ions process and an
input t o t he plan cont racting process
D. The out side cont racting firm requires a SOW t o det erm ine t hey
have t he capabilit ies t o m eet t he det ailed specificat ions of t he
proj ect
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 1 3
Act ivit y cost estim at es and it s su pporting det ails are out put of which
A. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ion
B. Cost cont rol
C. Cost est im at ing
D. Act ivit y resource estim ating
E. Cost budget ing
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 1 4
Which of t he following best describes t he am ount of t im e one can
delay t he st art of a t ask wit hout delaying t he st art of a successor t ask?
A. Lag t im e
B. Lead t im e
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Tot al slack
E. Free slack
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 1 5
You’ve been hired as a proj ect m anager for a local com m unit y college.
The com m unit y college want s you upgrade t he hardware for each of it s
web servers, and inst all t he necessary securit y pat ches for each webserver.
You are ready t o begin t he act ivit y durat ion est im at ion process. You
are t old t h at there are t ot al 50 web- servers t hat need t o be upgraded.
From past experience, you know t hat it t akes about t wo hours t o
upgrade t he hardware and inst all pat ches on each web server.
Therefore, y ou estim at e t h at it will t ake approxim at ely 100 hours t o
com plet e t his proj ect . Which durat ion est im at ion t echnique did u j ust
A. Analogous est im ation
B. Quant it at ively based durat ions
C. Decom posit ion
D. Expert j udgm ent
E. Reserve t im e
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 1 6
A risk m anagem ent plan is a subset of t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
and describes h ow risk m anagem ent should be perform ed. All of t he
following should be included in t he risk m anagem ent plan EXCEPT:
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Budget ing, t im ing, risk cat egories
C. Met hodology, roles and responsibilit ies
D. P- l m at rix, t racking
E. St akeholder t olerance, report ing form at s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 1 7
You are u sing t he t hree- point est im at ing t echnique t o est im at e t he
durat ion of a schedule act ivit y. Which of t he following is t he correct
form ula for calculat ing variance assum ing a t riangular dist ribut ion?
A. [ ( opt im ist ic- pessim ist ic) ^ 2+ ( m ost likely- pessim ist ic) * ( m ost
likely- optim ist ic) ] / 18
B. ( ( opt im ist ic- pessim ist ic) / 6) ^ 2
C. ( pessim ist ic + opt im ist ic + m ost likely ) / 3
D. ( pessim ist ic + 4 * ( m ost likely) + optim istic) / 6
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 1 8
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting t he logical
relat ionships am ong schedule act ivit ies. Which of t he following are
NOT input s t o t his process?
A. Proj ect scope st at em ent
B. Proj ect schedule net work diagram
C. Approved ch ange request s
D. Act ivit y list s, act ivit y at t ribut es
E. Milest ones list
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 1 9
You are in t he process of est im at ing t he num ber of work periods t hat
will be needed t o com plet e individu al schedule act ivit ies. All of t he
following are t ools t echniques you can use EXCEPT:
A. Est im ating duration from a previous sim ilar schedule act ivit ies
based upon hist orical inform at ion and expert j udgm ent
B. Est im ation duration by using cont ingency reserves
C. Est im ating duration by m ult iplying t he quant it y of work t o be
perform ed by product ivit y rat e
D. Est im ating duration by perform ing a forward pass and backward
pass analy sis t hrough t he proj ect schedule net work pat hs
E. Est im ating duration by calculat ing t he average of t hree duration
est im at es ( m ost likely, optim ist ic, pessim ist ic)
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 2 0
Which of t he following best describes a cost and schedule planning
t echniques where det ails are developed for t he near t erm and general
allocations are m ade for work far in t he fut ure. Det ail is developed for
work far in t he fut ure as inform at ion becom es available t o do so.
A. Milest one list s
B. Planning com ponent s
C. Schedule net work t em plat es
D. Rollin g wave planning
E. Decom posit ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 2 1
You are in t he process of defining act ivit ies t hat need t o be perform ed
t o develop t he necessary proj ect deliverables. Which of t he following
are NOT out put s t hat you will produce during t his process?
A. Milest one list
B. Planning com ponent
C. Request ed changes
D. Act ivit y at t ribut es
E. Act ivit y list
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 2 2
All of t he following are t ypes of st rat egies t hat one can use t o deal
wit h risks wit h upside opport unit y EXCEPT:
A. Transfer
B. Enhance
C. Exploit
D. Accept
E. Share
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 2 3
You are in t he process of est im at ing t he num ber of work periods t hat
will be needed t o com plet e individu al schedule act ivit ies. All of t he
following are valuable input s t o t his process EXCEPT:
A. Risk regist er, act ivit y cost est im at es
B. Hist orical inform ation, hist orical reference dat a
C. Proj ect schedule net work diagram s
D. Durat ion est im at ion dat abases
E. Act ivit y resource requirem ent s, resource calendar
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 2 4
You are in t he process of est ablishing a t ot al cost baseline for
m easuring proj ect perform ance. Which of t he following is t he LEAST
helpful t ool / t echnique?
A. Reserve analysis
B. Vendor bid analysis
C. Cost aggregat ion
D. Param et ric est im at ion
E. Funding lim it reconciliat ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 2 5
I n which of t he proj ect processes should one det erm ine whet her t o
obt ain product s and services from out side t he organizat ion?
A. Plan purchases and acquisit ion
B. Schedule developm ent
C. Act ivit y sequencing
D. Scope definit ion
E. Risk ident ificat ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 2 6
Expert j udgm ent is a t ool/ t echnique in all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan
B. Develop proj ect chart er
C. Com m unicat ions planning
D. Develop prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent
E. Scope plannin g
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 2 7
You have been recent ly been assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for const ruct ing a new 50- st ory casino, in Las Vegas,
Nevada. You are evaluat ing t he net work diagram for t he const ruct ion
proj ect , and are using t he forward pass calculat ions t o const ruct t he
You are t rying t o calculat e t he earliest st art t im e for laying t he
foundat ion of t he building. The expect ed durat ion for t his t ask is 150
days. The t ask m u st be com plet ed wit hin 300 days, while t he expect ed
com pletion is wit hin 220 days. The lat est finish t im e is 200 days.
Based on t his inform at ion, what is t he earliest st art t im e of t his t ask?
A. 50
B. 300
C. Not enough inform ation is provided
D. 150
E. 200
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 2 8
You are t he proj ect m anager responsible for renovat ing a 70- year old
office building. You int end t o hire an out side const ruct ion firm t o
seism ic ret rofit t he building in order t o m ake t hat t he building can wit h
st and large eart hquakes. You are in t he process of select ing a cont ract
t ype best suit ed for t his proj ect . You would like t o select a cont ract
t ype t hat t ransfers t he risks ont o t he seller for any cost risk and nonperform ance issues. Which cont ract t ype should you choose?
A. CPPC cont ract s
B. CPFF cont ract s
C. Cost reim bursable cont ract s
D. T&M cont ract s
E. Fixed price cont ract s
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 2 9
All of t he st at em ent s regarding decision t ree analysis is t rue EXCEPT:
A. Decision t ree analysis is a t ool/ t echnique of Quantit ative Risk
B. Decision t ree analysis uses EMV analysis
C. Decision t ree is a t echnique for m easuring t he perform ance of a
work and is used t o creat e t he perform ance m easurem ent
D. EMV is a st at ist ical concept t hat calculat es t he average out com e
of proj ect out com es based on v arious assum pt ions and scenarios
E. Decision t ree is a diagram m ing t echnique used t o select t he best
course of act ion in sit uations where t he fut ure out com es are
uncert ain
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 3 0
Qualit at ive risk analysis requires accurat e dat a as it s input . Risk Dat a
Qualit y Assessm ent is a t echnique t o evaluat e t he degree t o which t he
dat a regardin g risks would be useful. What is t he best course of act ion
if t he Risk Dat a Qualit y Assessm ent for m ost of t he ident ified risk s are
A. At t em pt t o gat her m ore accurat e dat a
B. Re- ev aluat e t he risk dat a qualit y assessm ent
C. Develop a probabilit y- im pact m at rix t o com pensat e for t he low
D. No furt her act ions are needed, since a low Risk Dat a Qualit y
Assessm ent is ideal
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 3 1
Which of t he following are not t ools/ t echniques t hat can be used t o
creat e t he WBS?
A. WBS dict ionary
B. Decom posit ion
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Work breakdown st ruct ure t em plat es
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 3 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding Managem ent
A. Managem ent Reserves are used t o ensure t h at t he expendit ure
of funds is reconciles wit h t he funding lim it s im posed by t he
perform ing organizat ion
B. Managem ent Reserves describes t he differences bet ween t he
m axim um funding and t he end of t he cost baseline
C. Managem ent Reserves are part of t he project m anagem ent plan
and is usually displayed as a S- Shaped curve.
D. Managem ent Reserves is a t echnique for m easuring t he
perform ance of w ork and is used t o est ablish t he perform ance
m easurem ent baseline
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 3 3
You are current ly in t he process of priorit izin g risks by t heir im pact or
probabilit y of occurrence. Which of following t ools/ t echniques are
LEAST useful?
A. Risk cat egorizat ion
B. Root cause ident ificat ion
C. Risk urgency assessm ent
D. Risk dat a qualit y assessm ent
E. Probabilit y im pact m at rix
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 3 4
All of t he following st at em ent s regarding Cont rol Account s are t rue
A. A cont rol account is an assigned WBS level used t o m onit or cost
and schedule perform ance of significant elem ent of work.
B. Cont rol account s are also referred t o as cost account s
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. A cont rol account is a m anagem ent cont rol point for cost
sum m arizat ion, scope descript ion, and variance analysis and
report ing.
E. Each w ork package/ planning package m ay be associat ed wit h
only one cont rol account
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 3 5
Keepin g up wit h t he growt h w as becom ing a problem for a privat ely
owned Chinese financial services com pany. Alt hough it easily lured
business from st at e- owned com pet it ors, low skill levels and weak
account in g syst em s t hreat en t he com pany’s cash flow. Moreover,
poorly invest ed asset s were delivering inadequat e ret urns.
Hence, you have been assigned over an exist ing proj ect t o upgrade
t he I T syst em t o allow for an expansion. Specifically, t he I T upgrade
will enable t he com pany t o serve m ore com pet it ors, expand t he
product line, gain m arket share, and win m ore licenses.
Your proj ect t eam has already creat ed t he WBS, developed est im at es
for t he work packages, and creat ed t he proj ect net work diagram .
Which of t he following sh ould you perform NEXT?
A. I m plem ent schedule change cont rol syst em
B. Finalize risk m anagem ent act ivities
C. Creat e t he prelim inary proj ect schedule
D. I dent ify logical relat ionship am ong act ivit ies
E. Decom pose t he work packages int o sm aller com ponent s called
schedule act ivit ies
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 3 6
You are in t he process of est ablishing a t ot al cost baseline for
m easuring proj ect perform ance. All of t he following are out put s of t his
process EXCEPT:
A. Cost m anagem ent plan updat es
B. Scope baseline
C. Act ivit y cost estim at es
D. Proj ect funding requirem ent s
E. Request ed changes
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 3 7
You are t he proj ect m anager for a const ruct ion com pany. Your firm
has been cont ract ed t o com plet e t he const ruct ion of a 10- st ory office
buildin g. This proj ect will use t hree point est im at es t o calculat e t he
est im at es for act ivit y durat ion. You have t he following est im at es for
t ask A ( creat in g t he foundat ion) .
Assum ing t he t riangular dist ribution what is t he average durat ion
est im at e based on t he following t hree point est im at es?
Pessim ist ic= 100 days
Opt im istic= 40 days
Most lik ely= 65 days
A. 66.66
B. 75
C. 70
D. 68.33
E. 65
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 3 8
Which of t he following processes is involved wit h ident ifying which
qualit y st andards are relev ant t o t he proj ect and devising a plan on
how t o m eet / sat isfy t hese st andards?
A. Perform qualit y cont rol
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Qualit y planning
D. Perform qualit y assu rance
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 3 9
Which of t he following st at em ent are FALSE regarding t he probabilit y
im pact m at rix t echnique?
A. The probabilit y im pact m at rix specifies com binat ions of
probabilit y and im pact t hat rank t he risk as high, m oderat e and
low priorit y
B. Eit her descript ive t erm s or num eric rankings can be used t o
assign risk rankings t o ident ified risks.
C. I n t he probabilit y im pact m at rix t he probabilit y and im pact s of
each risk s are accessed against defined scale, and plot t ed on a
t wo- dim en sional grid.
D. Opport unit ies and t hreat s should not be evaluat ed in t he sam e
m at rix concurrent ly.
E. An organizat ion can rat e a risk separat ely for each obj ective ( i.e.
cost , t im e, scope)
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 4 0
You are t he proj ect m anger at a soft ware com pany developing t he
next - gen web applicat ion server. As soft ware developm ent can be very
chaot ic, your com pany has elect ed t o follow t he m ore rigorous
approach t o soft ware developm ent . Specifically, your com pany has
chosen t o adopt t he Rat ional Unified Process ( RUP) for your current
soft ware proj ect .
The RUP m et h odology is highly it erative and produces num erous
deliverables include UML diagram s, archit ect ure diagram s, prot ot ypes,
and t est - cases. You have j ust produce t he proj ect schedule net work
diagram and j ust updat ed t he proj ect activit y list . Which process have
you j ust finished?
A. Act ivit y sequencing
B. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ion
C. Schedule developm ent
D. Act ivit y definit ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 4 1
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting t he project roles
and responsibilit ies and creat e st affing m anagem ent plan. All of t he
following are t ools/ t echniques you can use EXCEPT:
B. Organizat ional t heory
D. General m anagem ent skills
E. Net working
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 4 2
You are in t he process of paint ing your house. Since you do not want
t o st art paint in g your house prior t o rain st orm , you check t he weat her
report t o m ake sure t hat weat her is perm it t ing. Which t ype of
dependency best describes the relat ionship bet ween t he weat her and
your proj ect ?
A. Ext ernal dependency
B. Discret ionary dependency
C. Mandat ory dependen cy
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 4 3
The risk regist er is init iat ed in t he Risk I dent ificat ion process and
furt her updat ed in t he Qualit at ive Risk analysis and Quant it at ive Risk
analysis processes. Which of t he following are NOT risk regist er
updat es as part of t he Quantit at ive Risk Analysis process?
A. Priorit ized list of qualified risks
B. Residual risk t hat rem ain aft er planned responses are execut ed
C. Probabilist ic analysis of t he proj ect
D. Trends in quant it at ive risk analysis result s
E. Probabilit y of achieving cost and t im e object s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 4 4
You are t he proj ect m anager at Const ruction Com pany, assigned t o
build 3 0- st orey apartm ent building. I n order t o bein g const ructing t he
fram e of t he building, t he foundat ion of t he building m ust be built .
Which of t he following relat ionship t y pes best describes t his
dependency bet w een fram ing an d foundat ion?
A. Finish- To- St art
B. St art - To- St art
C. Finish- To- Finish
D. St art - To- Finish
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 4 5
You are t he proj ect m anager at a ut ilit y com pany. Due t o t he recent
rise in t he cost of pet roleum , your organizat ion is exploring cheaper,
alt ernat ive form s of energy. You have j ust com plet ed t he proj ect
Scope Pla n n in g process and creat ed t he Scope m anagem ent plan.
However, upon review, you have det erm ined t hat t he result ing proj ect
scope m anagem ent plan is am biguous and poorly writ t en. A poorly
writ t en pr oj e ct scope m a n a ge m e n t pla n will dir e ct ly im pact all of
t he followin g EXCEPT:
A. Abilit y t o define, prepare and int egrat e, all subsidiary plan, int o
t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
B. Abilit y t o f orm alize accept ance of t he proj ect deliverables
C. Abilit y t o creat e a det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent as t he basis
for fut ure proj ect decisions.
D. Abilit y t o cont rol changes t o t he proj ect scope
E. Abilit y t o identify t he necessary act ivit ies t hat needs t o be
perform ed t o produce proj ect deliverables
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 4 6
All of t he following are considered schedule net work analysis
t echniques EXCEPT:
A. What - if analysis
B. Crit ical chain m et hod
C. Crit ical pat h m et h od
D. Resource leveling
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 4 7
Which of t he following processes involves det erm ining what resource
and what quant it ies of each should be used t o perform proj ect
act ivit ies?
A. Act ivit y definit ion
B. Cost budget ing
C. Cost est im at ion
D. Act ivit y resource estim ation
E. Act ivit y sequencing
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 4 8
Which of t he following docum ent s generat ed by t he creat e WBS
process in cludes a code of account ident ifier, a st at em ent of work, and
a list of schedule m ilest ones for each WBS com ponent ?
B. Scope baseline
C. WBS dict ionary
D. Organizat ional process asset s
E. WBS t em plat es
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 4 9
You are t he proj ect m anager assigned t o const ruct a new 10- st ory
office building. You are t rying t o est im at e t he cost s for t his proj ect .
You st art by assigning t he cost s associat ed wit h each of t he proj ect
act ivit y. Then you sum up all t he individual cost s int o a final cost
est im at e. Which t ype of cost est im at ion t echnique did you use?
A. Analogous est im ation
B. Param et ric est im at ion
C. Mont e Carlo m et hods
D. Bot t om - up est im at ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 5 0
The risk regist er describes all t he ident ified risks. Which of t he
following is NOT included as part of t he risk regist er?
A. Risk descript ion, cat egory, cause
B. Risk- relat ed cont ract ual agreem ent s
C. Proposed responses, owners, current st at us
D. Probabilit y of occurrence, im pact on object iv es
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 5 1
You are in t he process of est im at ing t he t ype and quant it y of resources
needed t o com plet e in dividual schedule activit ies. All of t he following
t ools/ t echniques you can use in t his process EXCEPT:
A. Expert j udgm ent
B. Reserve analysis
C. Published estim at e dat a, proj ect m an agem ent soft ware
D. Bot t om - up est im at ion
E. Alt ernative analysis
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 5 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding WBS are t rue?
A. The lowest level in t he WBS is called a work act ivit y
B. The WBS should be organized int o a hierarchy t hat m odels t he
organizat ional hierarchy
C. The WBS is an out put of scope definit ion process
D. Work not included in t he WBS is considered out side t he scope of
t he proj ect
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 5 3
Which of t he following is t he MOST valuable result of creating t he work
breakdown st ruct u re?
A. Resource requirem ent s
B. Team buy-in
C. Act ivit y at t ribut es
D. Act ivit y list
E. Schedule baseline
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 5 4
Wit h respect t o risk m anagem ent , which of t he following st at em ent s
are FALSE regarding Decision Tree Analysis?
A. Decision t rees shows the im pact of one decision over anot her
B. Decision t rees are t ools/ t echniques of quant it at ive risk analysis
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Solving t he decision t ree indicat es which decision yields t he
great est expect ed value t o t he decision m aker
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 5 5
You are t he proj ect m anager at an ut ilit y com pany. Due t o t he recent
rise in t he cost of pet roleum , your organizat ion is exploring cheaper,
alt ernat es of energy. Your t eam has j ust produced t h e work break
down st ruct u re. However, upon review, you discover t hat t he WBS
lacks t he necessary det ails and requires m ore decom posit ion. A poorly
defined WBS will direct ly im pact all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Abilit y t o define what t o acquire/ purchase
B. Abilit y t o est ablish a t ot al cost baseline t o m easure proj ect
perform ance
C. Abilit y t o cont rol changes t o proj ect scope.
D. Abilit y t o identify docum ent proj ect roles, responsibilit ies and
report ing relationships
E. Abilit y t o develop est im at ion of cost s of resource required t o
com plet e proj ect act ivit ies
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 5 6
All of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE regarding m odeling and
sim ulat ion EXCEPT:
A. Sim ulat ion is t ool/ t echnique of Quant it at ive Risk Analysis
B. Modeling and sim ulation are recom m ended for use in cost and
risk analysis because t hey are m ore powerful and les subj ect t o
m isuse t han EMV analysis
C. Sim ulat ion is a t echnique t hat com put es t he proj ect cost or
schedule over m ult iple it erat ions using random v alue select ed
from dist ribut ion of possible cost s or duration values
D. From schedule risk analysis, a sim ulat ion can use t he ADM
schedule as it s m odel
E. Fro risk analysis, a sim ulat ion can use t he proj ect WBS or cost
breakdown st ruct u re as it s m odel
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 5 7
You are in t he process of developing an approxim at ion of t he cost s of
t he resources needed t o com plet e each schedule act ivit y. All of t he
following are t ools/ t echniques you can use in t his process EXCEPT:
A. Det erm ine resource cost rat e
B. Cost aggregat ion
C. Analogous est im ation, bot t om - up estim ation, param et ric
est im at ion
D. Cost of qualit y , proj ect m anagem ent soft ware
E. Vendor bid analysis, reserve analysis
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 5 8
You are t he proj ect m anager for an inform at ion t echnology division of
a large financial services firm in t he Unit ed St at es. Your com pany
offers a w eb based t rading plat form t hat provides opt ions and fut ures
t rading for U.S com m odit ies m arket s. Due t o t he rise in popularit y of
fut ures and options t rading, your com pany has grown rapidly .
To keep up wit h t he dem ands you have been assigned wit h t he
responsibilit y of upgrading com pany ’s net work and com put ing
infrast ruct ure. You have already inspected t he existing infrast ruct ure
and are in t he process of defining det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent for
your proj ect . All of following are t ools/ techniques you can use
A. Expert j udgm ent
B. Product analysis
C. St akeholders an alysis
D. I nspect ion
E. Alt ernatives ident ificat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 5 9
You are t he proj ect m anager for an inform at ion t echnology division of
a large financial services firm in t he Unit ed St at es. Your com pany
offers a w eb based t rading plat form t hat provides opt ions and fut ures
t rading for U.S com m odit ies m arket s. Due t o t he rise in popularit y of
fut ures and options t rading, your com pany has grown rapidly .
To keep up wit h t he dem ands you have been assigned wit h t he
responsibilit y of upgrading com pany ’s net work and com put ing
infrast ruct ure. You have given t he proj ect chart er progressively
elaborat ed t he requirem ent s, and have j ust com plet ed t he Scope
Definit ion and Creat e WBS processes. Howev er while you are in t he
act ivit y durat ion process you realized t hat cert ain deliverables are
m issin g from t he scope definit ion and creat e WBS processes. What is
your next plan of act ion?
A. I nclude t he deliverable as part of act ivit y definit ion proj ect
B. Review t he WBS t o inclu de the m issing deliverables, and define
t he relevant appropriat e act ivit ies
C. Consult t he scope m anagem ent plan t o det erm ine how t o revise
t he proj ect scope t o include t his deliverable
D. Consult your supervisor as t o whet her t o include t his deliverable
as part of t he proj ect
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 6 0
You have been recent ly assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for const ruct ing a new 50- st ory casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
You are evaluat ing t he net work diagram for t he const ruct ion proj ect ,
and are in t he process of ident ifying t he crit ical pat h of t he proj ect .
Based on t he following diagram , which pat h is t he crit ical pat h?
A- E- F- D- G
A- B- E- F- D- G
A- B- G
A- E- F- G
A- C- D- G
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 6 1
You are t he proj ect m anager responsible for developing a new hybrid
engine for a m aj or aut o m anufact urer. You are in t he process of
developing t he proj ect schedule and would like t o access t he feasibilit y
of your proj ect schedule under various different condit ions. Which of
t he followin g scheduling t echniques is t he LEAST appropriat e?
Variance analysis
Mont e Carlo analysis
What - if scenario an alysis
Sim ulat ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 6 2
Decom posit ion of proj ect work involves all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Decom posit ion upper WBS level int o lower lev el det ailed
com ponent s
B. St ruct uring and organizing t he WBS
C. I dent ifying deliverables
D. Present ing hierarchal depict ion of project organizat ion so t hat
work packages can be relat ed t o perform ing organizat ional unit s
E. Assigning ident ificat ion codes t o WBS com ponent s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 6 3
All of t he following are environm ent al fact ors t hat should be
considered during Hum an Resource Planning EXCEPT:
A. I nt erpersonal
B. Polit ical
C. Logist ics
D. Organizat ional, t echnical
E. Aut horit y , com pet ency
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 6 4
All of t he st at em ent s are FALSE regarding Resource Calendars?
A. Proj ect resource calendar ident ifies t he quant it y of resource
available during each activit y
B. Proj ect resource calendar updat es are an out put of t he Act ivit y
Resource Est im at ion process
C. Proj ect Resource Calendar t ypically ident ifies resource- specific
holidays and availabilit y periods
D. Proj ect resource calendar represent hierarchal st ruct ure of t he
identified resources by resource cat egory and t ype
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 6 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he Risk
Breakdown St ruct ure?
A. The Risk Breakdown St ruct ure describes t he form at and cont ent
of t he risk regist er
B. The Risk Breakdown St ruct ure represent s a hierarchally
organized represent ation of identified proj ect risks arranged by
t he m agnit ude of t he risk
C. The Risk Breakdown St ruct ure ident ifies all elem ent s of risk
act ivit ies t hat will be docum ent ed and audit ed
D. The lowest level of t he Risk Breakdown St ruct ure can be used as
risk checklist
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 6 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding sensit ivit y
A. A t ornado diagram is a display of sensit ivit y analysis
B. Sensit ivit y an alysis is useful for det erm ining t he relat ive
im port ance of variables t hat have a high degree of uncert aint y t o
t hose t hat have lower uncert aint y
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Sensit ivit y an alysis helps det erm ine which risks have t he m ost
pot ent ial im pact on t he proj ect
E. Sensit ivit y an alysis exam ines how variat ion and uncert aint y of
individual proj ect elem ent im pact s of proj ect obj ect iv e, assum ing
all ot her proj ect elem ent s re varied concurrent ly
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 6 7
Risk diagram m ing t echniques include all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Milest one chart s
B. I nfluence chart s
C. Fishbone diagram
D. Process flow chart
E. Cause- and- effect diagram
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 6 8
Risk t o t he proj ect can be cat egorized by all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Sources of risk ( i.e. using t he RBS)
B. Area of proj ect affect ed ( using t he WBS)
C. Proj ect phase
D. Com m on root causes
E. Qualit y and reliabilit y of risk dat a
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 6 9
You are t he proj ect m anager responsible for developing a new hybrid
engine for a m aj or aut o m anufact urer. You are in t he process of
developing t he proj ect schedule and would like t o ident ify t he proj ect
risk s and associat ed risk response plans. Where would you be able t o
ret rieve t his inform at ion?
A. Act ivit y list
B. Risk at t ribut es
C. Organizat ional process asset s
D. Proj ect scope st at em ent
E. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 7 0
All of t he following can be used t o est im at e t he contingency reserves
during Act ivit y Durat ion Est im at ion EXCEPT:
A. Quant it at ive schedule risk analysis
B. Dependency det erm inat ion
C. Percent age of est im at ed act ivit y durat ion
D. Fixed num ber of work periods
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 7 1
The proj ect scope m anagem ent plan is an out put of which of t he
following process?
A. Scope definit ion
B. Scope cont rol
C. Scope plannin g
D. Develop prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent
E. Scope verificat ion
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 7 2
You have been recent ly assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for a large const ruct ion com pany. You are evaluat ing t he
net work diagram for t he const ruct ion proj ect .
Your lead engineer has given y ou the following est im at es for several
crit ical pat h act ivit y: 30 days ( opt im ist ic) , 80 days ( pessim ist ic) , and
40 days ( m ost likely) . Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue,
assum in g t he bet a dist ribut ion?
A. There is approx. 95 percent chance t hat t he act ivit y will
com plet e roughly bet ween 36 days and 53 days
B. There is approx. 95 percent chance t hat t he act ivit y will
com plet e roughly bet ween 20 days and 70 days
C. There is approx. 99 percent chance t hat t he act ivit y will
com plet e roughly bet ween 28 days and 61 days
D. There is approx. 68 percent chance t hat t he act ivit y will
com plet e roughly bet ween 36 days and 53 days
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 7 3
You are in t he process of est im at ing t he t ype and quant it y of resources
needed t o com plet e in dividual schedule activit ies. All of t he following
are t ools/ t echniques you can use in t his process EXCEPT:
A. Published estim at ed dat a, proj ect m an agem ent soft ware
B. Expert j udgm ent
C. Reserve analysis
D. Bot t om - up est im at ing
E. Alt ernatives analysis
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 7 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding est im ation
t echniques?
A. Three- point est im at ing is a m et hod of estim at ing based on t hree
t ypes of estim at es: conservat ive, pessim ist ic, opt im ist ic
B. Analogous est im ation is an est im at ing technique t hat uses
st at ist ical relat ionship bet ween hist orical dat a and ot her
variables t o calculat e an est im at e for activit y param et ers, such
as durat ion and cost
C. Param et ric est im at ion is an estim ating technique t hat uses t he
hist orical inform ation from t he previous sim ilar act ivit y as t he
basis for forecast in g. Analogous est im at ion is a form of expert
j udgm ent
D. Bot t om - up est im at ing is a m ethod of est im at ing a com ponent of
work, where t he work is decom posed int o great er det ails
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 7 5
Which of t he following diagram m ing m et hods can only u se finish- t ost art relat ionships and m ay use dum m y act ivit ies t o ex press logical
relat ionship bet ween act ivit ies?
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 7 6
Which of t he following are out put s of t he Risk Managem ent Planning
A. Residual risk
B. Overall risk planning
C. Risk m anagem ent plan
D. Checklist s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 7 7
You are u sing t hree point est im at ing t echnique t o est im at e t he
est im at e of a scheduled act ivit y. Which of t he following st at em ent are
t rue given t he following dat a:
Pessim ist ic= 100 days
Opt im istic= 40 days
Most lik ely= 65 days
Average = 66.6 days
A. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing a exponent ial
dist ribut ion
B. Not enough inform ation is provided
C. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing a t riangular
dist ribut ion
D. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing a bet a dist ribution
E. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing a UNI FOREM
dist ribut ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 7 8
You are t he proj ect m anager at a com pany developing an online m usic
st ore. You are in t he process of calculat ing t he cost budget for t his
proj ect using a com binat ion of param et ric est im at ion and bot t om - up
est im at ion. Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE:
A. The cost baseline is considered t he expect ed cost of t he proj ect
B. Proj ect s m ay have m ult iple cost baselines t o m easure different
aspect s of cost perform ance
C. The cost baseline is an out put of t he Cost Est im at ing process
D. The cost baseline is used t o m easure proj ect perform ance and
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 7 9
Which of t he activit ies have n e ga t ive slack, giv en t he t able below?
Act ivit y B
Act ivit y C
None of t he ch oices are correct
Act ivit y D
Act ivit y A
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 8 0
Which of t he following is LEAST likely t o im prove t he accuracy of cost
est im at es produced t hrough param et ric cost est im ating t echnique?
A. When param et ers used in t he m odel are quant ifiable
B. When m odel is scalable
C. When cost estim at es of individual work packages are det ailed
and accurat e
D. When hist orical inform at ion used t o develop t he m odel is
accurat e
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 8 1
You are in t he process proj ect a proj ect schedule for repaint ed your
house, y ou first need t o scrap off t he existing paint , and t hen add a
layer of prim er. The prim er provides t he paint a bet t er bondin g surface
so it st icks t o t he base m at erial m uch bet t er. Wit h out prim ing, drywall
surfaces will soak up m ore finish paint in som e areas t han in ot hers,
producing a splot chy effect .
You decided t o speed up t he process by st art ing prim ing before all t he
scraping is finished. However once t he prim er is applied you m ust wait
unt il t he prim er dries before adding on the act ual paint . You est im at e
t hat it will t ake 8 hours for t he prim ary to dry. To correct ly sequence
t hese act ivit ies, which of t he following should y ou do?
A. Add a lead t im e t o t he prim in g t ask wit h respect t o scraping, and
lead t im e t o prim ing t ask wit h respect t o paint ing.
B. Add a lag t im e t o t he prim ing t ask wit h respect t o scraping, and
lag t im e t o prim in g t ask wit h respect t o paint ing.
C. Add a lag t im e t o t he prim ing t ask wit h respect t o scraping, and
lead t im e t o prim ing t ask wit h respect t o paint ing.
D. Add a lead t im e t o t he prim in g t ask wit h respect t o scraping, and
lag t im e t o prim in g t ask wit h respect t o paint ing.
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 8 2
You are t he proj ect m anager at a ut ilit y com pany. Due t o t he recent
rise in t he cost of pet roleum , your organizat ion is exploring cheaper,
alt ernat ive form s of energy. You have j ust com plet ed t he proj ect scope
changes, request ed changes, and updat es t o t he proj ect scope
m anagem ent plan. Which of t he following process did you j ust
com plet e?
A. Scope definit ion
B. Develop prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent
C. Scope plannin g
D. Scope verificat ion
E. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 8 3
Which of t he following best describes project funds t hat are held in
reserve t o account for and offset known risks, such as project scope
risk s, schedule risk s, cost or qualit y risks?
A. Cont ingency reserve
B. Secondary risk
C. Residual risk
D. Cont ingency plan
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 8 4
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting proj ect risks.
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. The t ools/ t echniques of t his process include probabilit y and
im pact m at rix , risk dat a qualit y assessm ent , risk cat egorizat ion,
and risk urgency assessm ent
B. The input of t his process include t he proj ect scope st at em ent ,
risk m an agem ent plan, and proj ect m anagem ent plan.
C. The out put of t his proj ect is t he risk m anagem ent plan
D. You are in t he Risk Managem ent Planning process
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 8 5
Which of t he following is t he t ot al am ount of t im e t hat a scheduled
act ivit y m ay be delayed from it s early st art dat e wit hout delaying t he
proj ect finish dat e?
A. Tot al float
B. Average float
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Crit ical float
E. Free float
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 2 8 6
Which of t he following process is inv olved in developing an
approxim at ion of t he cost s of t he resources needed t o com plet e
proj ect act ivit ies?
A. Cost cont rol
B. Cost est im at ion
C. Act ivit y Resource Estim at ion
D. Cost budget ing
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 8 7
Which of t he following processes involves analyzing act ivit y sequences,
act ivit y durat ion, and resource requirem ent s, t o develop t he proj ect
A. Act ivit y sequencing
B. Schedule developm ent
C. Scope definit ion
D. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ion
E. Act ivit y definit ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 8 8
You are involved in m onit oring specific project result s t o det erm ine
whet her t hey com ply wit h relevant qualit y st andards. You are suing
t he cont rol chart t o illust rat e how t he process is behaving over t im e.
You have const ruct ed your cont rol chart and t hat all dat a point s are
wit hin upper and lower cont rol lim it s of chart . I n addit ion, seven
consecut ive dat a point s re observed, t o be on one side of t he m ean.
Which of t he following is your BEST plan of act ion?
A. Com pare result s from t he last qualit y m anagem ent plan
B. No addit ional act ion is needed, as t he process is wit hin cont rol
C. Adj ust t he m ean based on the observed dat a point s
D. I dent ify t he special cause variat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 8 9
You are in t he process of obt aining t he necessary hum an resource t o
com plet e t he proj ect . Which of t he following are not t he out put s of t his
A. Updat es t o st affing m anagem ent planes
B. Resource availabilit y
C. Proj ect st aff assignm ent s
D. Roles and responsibilit ies
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 2 9 0
Which of t he following describes an input t o t he direct and m anage
proj ect execut ion process t hat consist of docum ent ed, aut horized
changes t o expand or cont ract t he proj ect scope?
A. I m plem ent ed change request
B. Approved ch ange request
C. Approved prevent ion act ion
D. I m plem ent ed correct ion act ion
E. I m plem ent ed prevent ion act ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 9 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he proj ect
hum an resource m anagem ent process?
A. Hum an resource planning involves obt ainin g t he hum an
resources required t o com plet e t he proj ect
B. None of t he st at em ent are t rue
C. Develop proj ect t eam involves im proving t he com pet encies of
t eam m em bers t o enhance perform ance
D. Acquire proj ect t eam involves ident ifying t he docum enting t he
proj ect roles and responsibilit ies
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 9 2
Which of t he following docum ent s describes t he det ails of t he
procurem ent it em s in order t o allow prospect ive seller t o det erm ine
whet her t hey are capable of providing the product s or services?
B. Proj ect chart er
C. Procurem ent m anagem ent plan
D. Scope st at em ent
E. Cont ract st at em ent of work
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 2 9 3
Wit h respect t o t he cost of qualit y which of t he following individuals
are responsible for developing t he “ fit ness for use” approach?
A. Crosby
B. Juran
C. Dem ing
D. I shikawa
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 9 5
A proj ect m anager should exhibit t wo t ypes of leaderships. These are
t ransact ional and t ransform at ional. The leader should guide t he
m em bers by ident ifying t heir roles and responsibilit ies for t he proj ect .
I n addit ion he should inspire t he t eam m em bers t o successfully
com plet e t he proj ect t asks.
I f t he project m anager follows t he Mc” Gragor t heories of leadership
which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Theory Y m anager t hinks t hat people are m ot ivat ed by
punishm ent s and m oney
B. Theory X m anager suppose very rigid cont rols over t he people
C. Theory Y m anager t hinks t hat people are int erest ed in
perform ing t heir best
D. Theory X m anager believes t hat people are creat ive and
com m it t ed t o t he goals of t he proj ect
An sw e r : B,C
Qu e st ion 2 9 6
Which of t he following t ools are used t o im plem ent at ion of approved
change request , correct ive act ions, and defect repairs?
A. Benchm arking
B. Qualit y audit s
C. Process analysis
D. Cost benefit analysis
E. Designs of experim ent s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 9 7
Proj ect report , proj ect record, and proj ect present at ion are out put s of
which of t he following process?
A. Com m unicat ion planning
B. Perform ance report
C. I nform at ion dist ribut ion
D. Manage st akeholders
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 2 9 8
Which of t he following conflict resolut ion t echniques describes a
sit uat ion where each of t he parties involved in t he conflict give up
som et hing in order t o reach a solut ion?
A. Wit hdrawal
B. Com prom ise
C. Confront at ion
D. Forcing
E. Sm oot hing
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 2 9 9
You are in t he process of reviewing offers and ch oosing am ong
pot ent ial sellers. All of t he following are t ools you can use EXCEPT:
A. Bidder conferences
B. Weight ing syst em , screening syst em
C. Cont ract negotiation, seller rat ing syst em
D. Expert j udgem ent
E. I ndependent est im at es
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 0 0
You have j ust com plet ed t he proj ect plannin g process group and are
ready t o begin t he proj ect execut ing process group. You will need no
perform all t he following execut ing process ex cept
A. I dent ify pot ential seller and docum ent product requirem ent
B. I m prove com pet encies of t eam m em bers
C. Review offers and select sellers
D. Obt ain inform ation, quot ations, proposals
E. Make necessary inform at ion available t o st akeholders in t im ely
m anner
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 0 1
You are t he proj ect m anager for t he int ernat ional cont ract
m anufact urin g firm wit h m anufact u ring t he plant s and offices in I ndia,
China and Thailand. Your com pany design and m anufact ure various
consum er elect ronics such as flat screen, t elevision, lapt op com put ers,
m onit ors, e.t .c.
Your com pany is in t he process of bidding on a proj ect t o m anufact ure
t he next generat ion 128- bit video gam e console for x- cube st ation. As
a pot ent ial bidder for t his proj ect your com pany m ust regist er so t hat
it is on t he qualified seller list . Which of t he following st at em ent s are
t rue?
A. The qualified seller list is an input t o t he select sellers and are
used t o rat e and score proposals
B. The qualified seller list is a t ool of t he request seller responses
process and are used t o ensure t hat all t he prospective sellers
have a clear underst anding of t he requirem ent s
C. The qualified seller is a t ool of a request seller response process
and provide inform at ion about t he seller
D. The request seller list is input t o request seller response process
and are used t o ensure t hat all t he prospective sellers have a
clear underst anding of the requirem ent s
E. The qualified seller list is input t o t he select seller process and
provides inform ation about t he seller
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 0 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding qualit y planning
and perform qualit y assurance?
A. Qualit y planning is t he t ot alit y of charact erist ic of an ent it y t hat
bear on it s abilit y t o sat isfy st at ed or im plied needs. Qualit y
assurance involv es evaluat ing overall proj ect perform ance t o
ensure t hat t he proj ect will sat isfy qualit y st an dards.
B. The qualit y planning process uses t he t ool such as benefit cost s
analysis, benchm arking, flow chart ing, and design of experim ent
and cost of qualit y.
C. Qualit y assurance involves evaluat ing overall proj ect
perform ance t o ensure t hat t he proj ect will sat isfy qualit y
st andards.
D. Qualit y planning involves evaluat ing overall proj ect perform ance
t o ensure t hat the proj ect will sat isfy qualit y st andards
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 0 2
You are in t he process of reviewing offers and ch oosing am ong
pot ent ial sellers. All t he following are t he out put s of process except :
A. Select ed sellers
B. Cont ract docum ent at ion
C. Resource availabilit y
D. Cont ract s
E. Cont ract m an agem ent plan
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 0 3
Which of t he following st at em ent are false regarding Delphi’s
t echnique:
A. Delphi t echnique can be used t o elicit feedback wit hout
physically assem bling t he cont ribut ors
B. The Delphi t echnique helps prevent anyone person from unduly
influen cing t he out com e
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Delphi t echnique provides a way t o reach t he consensus am ong
expert s an d allow t he expert s t o part icipat e anonym ously
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 0 4
You are in t he process of direct in g t he perform ance of t he planed
proj ect act ivit ies and m anaging t he various t echnical and
organizat ional int erfaces t hat exist wit hin your proj ect . All t he
following are act ions t hat you should perform in t his st age except :
A. Collect and docum ent lessons learned
B. Manage sellers
C. Manage risks and im plem ent risk reponse act ivit ies
D. Est ablish and m anage com m unicat ion cannel
E. Subdivide t he m aj or proj ect deliverable int o sm aller, m ore
m anageable work packages
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 0 5
You are a proj ect m anager at a biot ech com pany where you are
responsible for developing t reat m ent for diabet es. You are in functional
organizat ion, where you have lit t le form al aut horit y wit hin t he
organizat ion. Which of t he following describes t he t y pe of power you
have in organizat ion?
A. Expert power
B. Referent power
C. Punishm ent power
D. Legit im at e power
E. Coercive power
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 0 6
Which of t he following are least found t o as a part of project ?
A. Roles and responsibilit ies, pricin g and paym ent s
B. I nflat ion adj ust m ent , accept ance crit eria
C. Evaluation crit eria, change request handling
D. Warrant y, lim it at ion of liabilit y
E. St at em ent of work, schedule
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 0 7
Which of t he following is false regarding recognit ion and rewards?
A. Recognit ion and rewards are t ools of develop process t eam
proj ect
B. Recognit ion and reward should consider cult ural differences
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. To be effect ive, recognit ion and rewards should be based on
act ivit ies under a person’s cont rol
E. Zero sum rewards, t hat only a lim it ed num ber of proj ect t eam
m em bers can achieve
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 0 8
You are t he proj ect m anager for t he m anufact urer of children’s t oys.
Your proj ect t eam is in t he process of designing a new t oy for children
for nex t Christ m as season. Your 10 m em bers are working t oget her for
past six m ont hs. All 10 are in const ant com m unicat ion wit h each ot her.
How m any lines of com m unicat ions are t heir in your project t eam ?
A. 50
B. 45
C. 20
D. 10
E. 90
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 0 9
Which of t he following is buyer- prepared form al request sent t o seller
and is basis upon which seller prepares n bid?
A. Cont ract
B. Procurem ent request
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Procurem ent docum ent package
E. Proposals
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 1 0
Which of the following is not one of t he five proj ect m anagem ent
process group?
A. Monit oring and cont rollin g he group
B. I nit iat ing process group
C. Fast t racking
D. Execut in g process group
E. Planning process group
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 1 1
Top t hree cases on conflict on t he proj ect and proj ect schedule, proj ect
priorit ies and:
A. Resources
B. Cost
C. Responsibilit ies
D. Adm inist rative procedures
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 1 2
Which of t he following are not sit uat ions where pre assignm ent of
proj ect t eam m em bers are known in advance?
A. St aff assignm ent are defined in proj ect chart er
B. Proj ect is dependent on t he expert ise of cert ain people
C. Prom ised as a part of com pet it ive proposal
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 1 3
Weight ing syst em s, screening syst em s, and independent est im at es are
t ools of which process?
A. Plan cont racting
B. Select sellers
C. Plan purchase and acquisit ions
D. Request seller responses
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 1 4
Which of t he following proj ect com m unicat ion m anagem ent process is
wit hin t he executing process group?
A. Manage st akeholders
B. Perform ance report ing
C. I nform at ion dist ribut ion
D. Com m unicat ion planning
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 1 5
I m plem ent ed change request , im plem ent ed correct ive act ions and
im plem ent ed prevent ive act ions are input s t o which process?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Direct and m anage proj ect execut ion
C. Perform qualit y cont rol
D. Qualit y planning
E. Perform qualit y assu rance
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 1 6
Which of t he following t ools can be used t o help t o analyze how qualit y
problem s occur, and depict t hat how t he various com ponent s of
syst em int errelat e?
A. Design of experim ent
B. Benchm arking
C. Benefit / cost an alysis
D. Flowchart in g
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 1 7
During proj ect executing, a previously unident ified risk has j ust
occurred. This risk will negat ively effect t he out com e of t he proj ect .
Which of t he following is best t o perform next ?
A. Alert t he m anagem ent t eam
B. Develop t he contingency plan
C. Add reserves t o t he proj ect t o adj ust for t he risk
D. Perform t he risk audit
E. Creat e a work around
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 1 8
A m anager works very closely wit h his subordinat es t o creat e an
effective working environm ent . Once a new person is hired, he works
wit h t he em ployee t o set realist ic goals for t he sh ort t erm and long
t erm . I n addit ion he cont inuously works wit h em ployee t o discuss
career pat h and career am bit ions.
He is const ant ly coaching, counseling and m eet ing. Once his
em ployees reach t he goal, he reward t hem wit h m erit ,
increases/ bonus , offer expanded j ob responsibilit ies, wit h new
challenges, which of t he following m ot ivat ional t heories is least ut ilized
in his m anagem ent approach t o m ot ivat ing his em ployees?
A. B.F skinner’s t heory of beh avioral reinforcem ent
B. McGrager’s t heory X and t heory Y
C. Self efficacy t heory
D. Herzberg’s m ot ivat ion hygiene t heory
E. Vroom ’s expect ancy t heory
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 1 9
All t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding com m unicat ion
m anagem ent plan except :
A. The com m unication m anagem ent plan is an input t o inform ation
dist ribut ion process
B. The com m unication m anagem ent plan provides inform at ion on
st akeholders com m unication requirem ent s and glossary of
com m on t erm inology
C. None of choices are correct
D. Com m unicat ion m anagem ent plan is out put of com m unicat ion
planning process
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 2 0
You are a proj ect m anager for a com pany t hat sells online m usic. The
com pany is going so well t hat com pany has out grown it s I .T
infrast ruct ure. I n fact t he com pany’s current infrast ruct ure is unable t o
handle t he t erabyt es of m usic downloads each day.
As a result com pany decided t o give m usic download t o 3 rd part y
cont ent . On your qualified seller list you have ident ified one pot ent ial
vendor, m usic CM. your procure depart m ent has ident ified a large
difference bet ween t he independent estim at e and proposed ven dor
cost . Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. You are current ly in t he plan purchases and acquisit ion process
B. The vendor failed t o respond t o all t he requirem ent s specified in
t he proposal
C. The vendor is incom plet e and does not underst and t he scope of
t he proj ect
D. The SOW did not cont ain t he enough det ail
E. I f t he discrepancy is in t he com pany’s favor your com pany
should t ake t he advant age of cost saving and select t he vendor
prom pt ly .
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 2 1
Which of t he following are not t he direct result s of m anaging t he
proj ect t eam ?
A. Subm it t ing change request
B. Negot iat ing st aff assignm ent s
C. Resolving issues
D. Developing input t o perform ance appraisals
E. Recordin g t he lessons learned
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 2 2
Which of t he following best describes t he proj ect hum an resource
m anagem ent knowledge Area?
A. I nit iat ion, develop proj ect t eam , acquire proj ect t eam , develop
proj ect t eam
B. Hum an resource planning , acquire proj ect t eam , develop proj ect
t eam , m anage proj ect t eam
C. Hum an resource planning , act ivit y resource est im at ing, acquire
proj ect t eam , develop proj ect t eam , m anage proj ect t eam
D. Hum an resource planning, act ivit y resource est im ating , develop
proj ect t eam
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 2 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding reward
recognit ion sy st em s?
A. Rewards and recognit ion sy st em m ust also consider cult ural
B. rewards and recognit ion syst em s are t ools of hum an resource
planning process
C. rewards and recognit ion syst em s are t ools of develop proj ect
t eam process
D. in order t o be effect ive, reward and recognit ion syst em m ust
m ake t he link bet ween proj ect perform ance and reward clear
and achievable
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 2 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are not t rue regarding correct iv e
act ions?
A. Correct iv e actions are input t o various cont rolling process
B. Correct iv e action is used t o bring expect ed fut ure proj ect
perform ance in line wit h t he proj ect plan
C. Approved correct ive act ions are input s to t he direct and m anage
proj ect execut ion proj ect
D. Correct iv e actions are t he out put s of processes in t he cont rolling
process group
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 2 5
You are t he proj ect m anager for t he m anufact urer of children’s t oys.
Your proj ect t eam is in t he process of designing a new t oy for children
for nex t Christ m as season.
Your proj ect t eam has w orked t oget her for t he last six m ont hs and has
becom e a self- direct ed t eam wit h lit t le, I f any m anagem ent
supervision required. Which of t he following st ages of develop proj ect
t eam best describes your t eam ?
A. St orm in g
B. Norm ing
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Perform ing
E. Form ing
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 2 6
which of t he following best describes t he request seller responses
A. Request seller response involves ident ifying whet her t o procure
product s from out side vendor
B. Request seller response involves ensuring t hat t he vendor m eet
t he specified cont ract ual requirem ent s
C. Request seller response involves t he applicat ion of evaluat ion
crit eria t o select a vendor
D. Request seller response involves obt aining bids and proposals
from prospect ive vendors
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 2 7
All of t he following st at em ent s regarding bidder conferences are t rue
A. All pot ent ial sellers are given equal st anding during t his process
B. Bidder conferences are t ool/ t echnique of request seller response
C. Bidder conferences are m eet ing wit h prospect iv e seller aft er
preparat ion of bid or a proposal
D. Bidder conferences are also called cont ract or conferences and
vendor conferences
E. Bidder conferences are used t o ensure t hat sellers h ave a clear
underst anding of t he proj ect requirem ent
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 2 8
You are a proj ect m anager at a biot ech com pany, where you are
leading a cross funct ional t eam t o develop a t reat m ent for diabet es.
The organizat ion has a weak m at rix st ruct ure, where al of your t eam
m em bers report t o different funct ional m anagers and none of t he t eam
m em ber report t o you direct ly.
You have j ust com plet ed t he lat est round of perform ance reviews and
identified t he CPI is 1.15, SPI is1.05, and few m inor adj ust m ent s are
needed. I n order t o im prove t he proj ect perform ance an d t eam
m ot ivat ion y ou have decided t o collaborat e t hem int o brand new
facilit y. The facilit y has t he st at e of art gym and a 24 hour cafet eria.
Team is quit e excit ed about t he m ove.
Which of t he following best describes t he act ions?
A. Proj ect is lit t le behind schedule, and m oves m ay delay proj ect
deliverables even m ore
B. You subscribe t o t he McGregor’s t heory X m ot ivat ion t heory
C. The perform ance reviews were inadequat e, as addit ional
adj ust m ent should be ident ified
D. Hert zberg’s t heory was incorrect ly applied
E. The m ove is m otivat ing agent t hat will help im prove t he
m ot ivat ion and perform ance of proj ect t eam
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 2 9
You are in t he cont ract Closure process and are reviewing t he cont ract
process t o identify t he lessons learned. Which of t he following best
describes t he t ool/ t echnique you are using?
A. Perform ance reviews
B. Procurem ent reviews
C. Perform ance audit s
D. Procurem ent au dit s
E. Procurem ent report s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 3 0
Cont ract docum ent at ion is an input t o t he Cont ract Closure process. I t
inclu des all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Paym ent records
B. Support ing schedule
C. Warrant ies
D. Approved ch ange request s
E. Procurem ent au dit docum ent at ion
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 3 1
Consider t he proj ect I nt egrat ion Managem ent k nowledge area. Which
of t he process are not included?
A. Perform ance report ing
B. Develop proj ect chart er
C. I nt egrat ed ch ange cont rol
D. Direct and m anage proj ect execut ion
E. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 3 2
During what phase of proj ect lifecycle is t he level of risk and
uncert aint y is t he lowest ?
A. Closing
B. Execut in g
C. I nit iat ing
D. Cont rolling
E. Planning
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 3 3
Which of t he following best describes t he t ool/ t echnique used t o
identify lessons learned during t he procurem ent process, including t he
identificat ion and exam inat ion of any problem s and areas for
im provem ent ?
A. Proj ect archives
B. Procurem ent reviews
C. Procurem ent au dit s
D. Proj ect records
E. Procurem ent report s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 3 4
Product verificat ion is usually perform ed in closing process. Which of
t he followin g st at em ent are t rue?
A. Product verificat ion is a m et hod for quant ifying qualit at ive dat a
t o m inim izes t he effect of biases during select sellers
B. Product verificat ion is used t o verify t hat work was com plet ed
correct ly and sat isfact orily
C. Product verificat ion is includes sam ples of t he suppliers previous
product s for t he purpose of providing a way t o evaluat e a
supplier’s capabilit ies
D. Product verificat ion provides m anagem ent wit h inform ation how
effect ively t he seller is achieving t he cont ract ual obj ect iv es
E. Cont ract closure and m anage st akeholders processes bot h
perform product verificat ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 3 5
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large account ing firm in t he Unit ed
St at es. Th roughout t he year your firm provides both consult ing
services an d account ing/ audit ing services t o XYZ Widget s, I nc, a
publicly t raded com pany list ed on t he New York St ock Exchange.
Current ly , your proj ect involves audit ing t he financial st at em ent s of
XYZ Widget s I nc, in preparat ion for t he annual shareholders/ invest ors
m eet ing.
While your t eam is in t he m idst of proj ect execut ion, you are inform ed
t hat your proj ect is due t o new SEC regulat ions. Specifically, a new
SEC regulat ion prohibit s account ing firm s from providing bot h
consult ing services and audit ing services t o a client , due t o pot ential
conflict s of int erest t hat could arise from such business relat ionships.
Hence your proj ect is cancelled and your project t eam consist ing of
account ant s and audit ors are t aken off your proj ect and reassigned t o
anot her proj ect . Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Since t he proj ect ended due t o extinct ion, you should docum ent
t he lev el and degree of com plet eness during t he scope
verificat ion process
B. Since t he proj ect ended due t o integrat ion, you should docum ent
t he lev el and degree of com plet eness during t he scope
verificat ion process
C. Since t he proj ect ended due t o st arvat ion, you should docum ent
t he lev el and degree of com plet eness during t he scope
verificat ion process
D. Since t he proj ect ended due t o extinct ion, scope verificat ion
process is no longer necessary
E. Since t he proj ect ended due t o integrat ion, scope verification
process is no longer necessary
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 3 6
All of t he following are out put s t he closure proj ect process EXCEPT:
A. Hist orical inform ation
B. Final product , service or result
C. Adm inist rative closure procedure
D. Cont ract closure procedure
E. Work perform ance inform ation
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 3 7
Which of t he following est ablishes t he procedures t o t ransfer t he
proj ect product or services t o product ion and / or operations?
A. Form al accept ance docum ent at ion
B. Adm inist rative closure procedure
C. Cont ract closure procedure
D. Proj ect files
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 3 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he procurem ent
audit t ool/ t echnique?
A. I t is a t ool/ t echnique of cont ract adm inist rat ion
B. I t review t he procurem ent process from plan cont ract ing t hrough
cont ract closure
C. I t review t he procurem ent process from plan purchases and
acquisit ions t hrough cont ract adm inist ration
D. I t review t he procurem ent process from plan cont ract ing t hrough
cont ract adm inist rat ion
E. I t review t he procurem ent process from plan purchases and
acquisit ions t hrough cont ract closure
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 3 9
Which of t he following form ulas is used t o calculat e t he CPI ( cost
perform ance in dex) ?
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 4 0
Hist orical records from previous proj ect are generally used for all of
t he followin g EXCEPT:
A. Risk m anagem ent
B. Life cycle costing
C. Proj ect plannin g
D. Est im ating
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 4 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding t he close proj ect
A. I n m ult i- phase proj ect s, t he close proj ect process closes out t he
associat ed act ivit ies applicable t o a given proj ect phase
B. The out put of t he close proj ect includes t wo procedures:
adm inist rat ive closure procedure and cont ract closure procedure
C. The close proj ect process is necessary for m anaging t he cont ract
and relat ionship bet ween t he buyer and seller
D. The close proj ect process est ablishes t he procedures t o v erify
and docum ent t he proj ect deliverables
E. The close proj ect process docum ent s t he reasons for act ions
t aken if a proj ect is t erm inat ed early
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 4 2
Which process group includes processes used t o form ally t erm inat e all
act ivit ies of a project or a proj ect phase?
A. Execut in g
B. Closing
C. Planning
D. I nit iat ing
E. Monit oring and cont rollin g
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 4 3
Earned v alue analysis is a perform ance report ing t ool/ t echnique used
in m anage st akeholder’s process. Which of t he following perform ance
m easurem ent s is derived by t he following form ula: ( EAC- AC) ?
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 4 4
You are current ly t he proj ect m anager for a soft w are developm ent
proj ect , developing a next generat ion dat a- m ining t ool. Your t eam is
developing a new soft ware product t hat will help cust om ers bet t er
m anage large volum es of dat a, especially for dat a report ing purposes.
Your t eam has just com plet ed one of t he proj ect phases- developing a
sim ple prot ot ype syst em . You would like t o have prot ot ype reviewed
prior t o deciding whet her t o m ove t o t he next phase of t he proj ect .
According t o t he PMI , t hese t ypes of reviews are NOT called:
A. Phase exist s
B. Milest ones
C. St age gat es
D. Kill point s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 4 5
One of your friends is a m anager at t elecom m unicat ions com pany. She
is current ly m anaging a proj ect developing a VoI P ( Voice over I P)
gat eway t hat addresses t he challenges facing service providers
deploying packer- based voice net works. The gat eway offers a
com prehensive approach t o im plem ent ing high- densit y carrier- class
voice over packet gat eway applicat ions. All t he t echnical work has
already been com plet ed on t he proj ect , and t he proj ect is in t he
closing phase. Which of the following should be perform ed at t his
st age?
A. Verify t he qualit y of process
B. Perform scope verificat ion
C. Docum ent s lessons learned
D. Ensure t hat t he proj ect is int egrat ed wit h ot her proj ect s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 4 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding Proj ect closure
docum ent s?
A. Proj ect closure docum ent s est ablishes t he procedures t o perform
product verificat ion, u pdate cont ract records t o reflect fin al
result s, an d archive inform at ion for fut ure use.
B. Proj ect closure docum ent s and proj ect files are out put s of t he
Close Proj ect Process
C. The proj ect closure docum ent s provide form al docum ent ation
indicat ing t he com plet ion of project and t ransferring of proj ect
deliverables t o ot hers
D. Proj ect closure docum ent s includes reasons why t he proj ect was
t erm inat ed and form alizes t he procedures for t ransferring t he
unfinished deliverables of t he canceled proj ect .
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 4 7
Which of t he following are NOT described in t he PMI ’s Mem ber
St andards of Conduct ?
A. Professional behavior
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Relat ionship wit h cust om ers, client s and em ployees
D. Relat ionship wit h public and global com m unit y
E. Responsibilit ies of PMI m em bership
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 4 8
You work at RFI D- PM I nc, a publicly t raded com pany t hat develops
RFI D t echnology. Radio Frequency I dent ificat ion RFI D is a m et hod of
rem ot ely st oring an d ret rieving dat a using devices called RFI D t ags/
t ransponders. An RFI D t ag is a sm all obj ect , such as an adhesive
st icker, t hat can be at t ached t o or incorporat ed in t o a product
Your friend, Nelson, has asked you for t he financial inform at ion
regarding your com pany. So you decide t o forward him t he SEC
( Securit ies and Exchange Com m ission) 10K filing/ financial st at em ent s
from t he SEC web- sit e. Hove you provided insider inform ation
regarding your com pany?
A. Alt hough you have not provided, insider inform at ion you have
violat ed t he confidentialit y agreem ent wit h your com pany
B. Alt hough you have not provided, insider inform at ion you have
violat ed t he non- disclosure agreem ent wit h your com pany
C. You have n ot provided insider inform at ion since you m erely
forwarded publicly available dat a
D. You have n ot provided insider inform at ion and violat ed t he
professional code of conduct
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 4 9
You are a proj ect m anager at a const ruct ion com pany who is working
in a foreign count ry t o perform reconst ruct ion work for t he v arious
infrast ruct ure and ut ilit y services, inclu ding wat er, sewage, and
elect ricit y. During your init ial visit t o t he count ry, you were present ed
a j ewelry gift v alued over $5,000. you were t old t hat t his is local
cust om t o give such gift s t o business part ners during t heir visit s. What
should y ou do?
A. Accept t he gift so as not t o offend anyone. However, report t h e
gift t o appropriat e parties at your com pany so t hat you do not
give t he appearance of im propriet y.
B. Since t he gift will not influence your fut ure decisions, you can
accept t he gift as t here is no conflict or int erest
C. Explain t hat t he gift m ay be const ruct ed as a conflict of int erest
and hence you cannot accept t he gift
D. Since accept ing t he gift m ay give t he appearance of im propriet y
you should decline t he gift
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 5 0
You are t he proj ect m anager wit hin and inform at ion t echnology
depart m ent of a large ret ailer. You are responsible for updat ing t he
net work infrast ruct ure of t he com pany . As a project m anager, you are
in t he Select Sellers process, and have four different vendors on your
qualified sellers list .
One of t he ven dors on your list has invit ed you and your fam ily t o
Hawaii for a “ convent ion” . The vendor assures t hat t he convent ion is
for legit im at e business purposes and will be helpful in let t ing your
com pany bet t er evaluat ing t heir offerings. Howev er, you are hesit ant
t o accept t he gift . To appraise your concerns, t he vendor t ells you t hat
t hey will be doing a dem o of t he syst em s and ot her m em bers of your
proj ect t eam in t he past have at t ended. What sh ould you do?
A. Since t he previous proj ect m anagers has accept ed t he gift , t he
precedent h as already been est ablished wit hin t he organizat ion.
Hence, you can freely accept t he gift
B. Since you suspect t hat t he m eet ing does NOT have legit im at e
business purpose, you should not accept , t he gift , as it m ay give
an appearance of im propriet y
C. You can freely accept t he gift , since t he t rip has a legitim at e
business purpose. The vendor will be providing inform at ion
regarding t heir syst em s.
D. Since t he convention m ay be useful, you m ay accept t he
invit at ion. However, you should report t he accept ance of t he gift
t o t he appropriat e people in y our organizat ion so t hat your
act ions are not quest ioned lat er on.
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 5 1
Which of t he following processes is considered t he m ost effect ive
process t o ensure t hat cult ural and et hical differences do not im pede
success of your m ult i- nat ional proj ect ?
A. Team building activit ies
B. Collocation
C. Training
D. Norm ing
E. Delphi t echnique
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 5 2
You are t he proj ect m anager wit hin an inform at ion t echnology
depart m ent of a large ret ailer. I n order t o allow for bet t er real- t im e
t racking, invent ory cont rol, and supply chain m anagem ent , your
com pany is financing a proj ect t o inst all and deploy RFI D t ags on all
it em s of m erchandise. As a proj ect m anger, you’ve j ust com plet ed t he
Select Sellers process, and select ed a vendor t o perform t he RFI D
inst allation and deploym ent .
Aft er t he cont ract is assigned wit h t he vendor, t he account m anager
from t he vendor calls for t hank you for select ing t hem . As a t hank- you
gift , t hey would like t o give you and your proj ect t eam t ick et s t o a free
dinner convent ion, where t he vendor will be providing a dem o if t heir
lat est RFI D syst em s. How should you respond?
A. You should not accept t he gift , unless t he vendor is willing t o
ext end t his gift t o ot her m em bers of t he proj ect t eam
B. You can freely accept t he gift , since you were not aware of t he
gift during t he select ion process. The gift will n ot influen ce your
decisions, and hence, t here is no im propriet y
C. You should not accept t he gift , as it m ay have an appearance of
im propriet y
D. You should accept t he gift , as long as you t ell t he vendor t o give
you t he gift privat ely
E. You can accept t he gift , as t here is no appearance of im propriet y
wit h t his t ype of gift .
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 5 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he proj ect
chart er?
A. The proj ect ch arter describes t he business needs of t he proj ect
and should be published by a m anager ext ernal t o t he proj ect
B. The proj ect ch arter describes t he business needs of t he proj ect
and should be published under t he nam e of t he proj ect sponsor
C. The proj ect ch arter does not describe t he business needs of t he
proj ect and should be published under the n am e of t he proj ect
m anager
D. The proj ect ch arter describes t he business needs of t he proj ect
and should be published under t he nam e of t he proj ect m anager
E. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 5 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are NOT t rue?
A. Am biguous j urisdict ion is m ore com m on in a weak m at rix
organizat ion t han a proj ectized organizat ion
B. Am biguous j urisdict ion is m ore com m on in a funct ional
organizat ion t han a st rong m at rix organizat ion
C. Am biguous j urisdict ion is m ore com m on in a st rong m at rix
organizat ion t han a weak m at rix organizat ion
D. Am biguous j urisdict ion is m ore com m on in a funct ional
organizat ion t han a st rong proj ect ized organizat ion
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 5 5
You are t he proj ect m anager for an inform at ion t echnology division of
a large healt h care provider in t he Unit ed St at es. Due t o t he new
regulat ory requirem ent s enact ed by HI PAA t o en sure t he privacy of
confident ial m edical records, you have been assigned t o audit all I .T
syst em s t o ensure com pliance.
You need t o ensure t hat all dat a st ored in t he dat a base is encrypt ed
t o ensure confidentiality. You need t o ensure t hat all u sers are
properly aut hent icat ed. You also need t o verify t hat aut horizat ion t o
confident ial inf orm ation follows t he least privilege principle
The deadline t o ensure com pliance wit h HI PAA regulat ions is wit hin
120 day s. Failing t o com plet e t he proj ect wit hin 120 days will result in
significant fines t o your organizat ion. You have been given a budget is
fix ed and cannot be increased.
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. This proj ect cam e about due t o legal requirem ent s, and t he
prim ary const raint is schedule
B. This proj ect cam e about due t o risk m it igat ion, and t he prim ary
const raint is budget
C. This proj ect cam e about due t o legal requirem ent s, and t he
prim ary const raint is t he budget
D. This proj ect cam e about due t o risk m it igat ion, and t he prim ary
const raint is schedule
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 5 6
You have been recent ly hired t o be a proj ect m an ager at a soft ware
com pany t o develop t he next generat ion ant i- virus soft ware program .
The proj ect requires significant coordination across m ult iple
depart m ent s, from engineering t o QA t o m anufact uring. You are
concerned whet her you’ll have enough influence and aut horit y t o
m anage t he proj ect priorit ies across t hese various depart m ent s. What
should y ou do in t his sit uat ion?
A. Evaluat e t he organizat ional st ruct ure t o underst and your level of
aut horit y in m anaging t he proj ect
B. Enhance t he proj ect chart er t o officially grant y ou t he aut horit y
you n eed t o m anage t hese separat e depart m ent s
C. Negot iat e wit h senior execut ives t o obt ain necessary levels of
aut horit y across t he depart m ent s
D. Focus on im proving your assert iveness in order t o influence t he
ot her depart m ent s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 5 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he pr oj e ct
st a t e m e n t of w or k ?
A. The proj ect st at em ent of work is one of t he out put s t o t he
develop Prelim in ary Proj ect Scope St at em ent process.
B. The proj ect st at em ent of work describes t he fact ors t hat
influen ce the proj ect ’s success, including com pany cult ure,
m arket place condit ions, st akeholder risk t olerance et c.
C. The proj ect st at em ent of work is one of t he out put s t o t he
develop proj ect chart er process
D. The proj ect st at em ent of work describes t he business needs,
product scope descript ion, and st rat egic plan for t he proj ect .
E. The proj ect st at em ent of work describes t he processes and
procedures for conduct ing work and knowledge base for st oring
and ret rieving inform ation
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 5 8
One of your friends is a proj ect m anager at a com put er securit y
com pany. She is current ly m anaging a proj ect for t he developm ent of
a NAC ( net work adm issions cont rol) appliance t hat uses t he net work
infrast ruct ure t o enforce securit y policy com pliance on all devices
seekin g t o access net work com put ing resources, t hereby lim it ing
dam age from em erging securit y t hreat s.
Her proj ect t eam has j ust com plet ed t he init ial proj ect budget and
schedule and is ensure what t o perform next . Which of following would
you recom m end as t he NEXT BEST act ion t o perform ?
A. I dent ify proj ect risks
B. Develop t he WBS
C. St art proj ect it erat ion
D. Develop t he PDM
E. I dent ify com m unications requirem ent s
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 5 9
You are an inform at ion securit y proj ect m anager responsible for
securing y our corporat e net work. Due t o new regulat ions m andat ed by
t he Sarbanes- Oxley act , your com pany ’s upper m an agem ent has
t asked you wit h securing t he com pany’s net work infrast ruct ure.
You have j ust com plet ed t he deve lop pr e lim in a r y pr oj e ct scope
st a t e m e n t process. However upon review you’ve det erm ined t he
result ing prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent is am biguous and poorly
writ t en. A poorly writ t en Prelim inary Proj ect Scope St at em ent will
dir e ct ly im pact all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Abilit y t o define, prepare and int egrat e all subsidiary plan int o
t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
B. Abilit y t o creat e proj ect scope m anagem ent plan t hat defines
how t he proj ect scope will be defined and m anaged
C. Abilit y t o creat e t he work breakdown st ruct ure
D. Abilit y t o develop t he det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent as t he
basis for fut ure proj ect decisions
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 6 0
You are current ly t he proj ect m anager for a soft w are developm ent
proj ect , developing a next generat ion dat a- m ining t ool. Your t eam is
developing a new soft ware product t hat will help cust om ers bet t er
m anage large volum es of dat a, especially for dat a report ing purposes.
Midway t hrough t he proj ect y our cust om ers has asked you t o add
addit ional report ing funct ionalit y t o t he soft ware, specifically t o
correlat e sales dat a across m ultiple geographic regions based on t im e.
The fun ct ionalit y was NOT part of t he original proj ect plan. This is an
exam ple of which of t he following?
A. Crashing t he schedule
B. Scope creep
C. Gold plating
D. Fast t racking
E. I nadequat e proj ect planning
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 6 1
Which of t he following describes t he following organizat ional st ruct ure?
Weak m at rix Org
Proj ect ized Org
St rong m at rix Org
Balan ced m at rix Org
Funct ional Org
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 6 2
You are t he proj ect m anger at a ut ilit y com pany. Due t o t he recent rise
in t he cost of pet roleum , your organizat ion is exploring cheaper,
alt ernat ives form s of energy. You are in t he process of developing t he
proj ect chart er. All of t he following are t ools/ t echniques t hat you can
use t o develop t he proj ect chart er EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect m anagem ent m et hodologies
C. Alt ernatives ident ificat ion
D. Proj ect select ion m et hods
E. Expert j udgm ent
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 6 3
You are t he proj ect m anager for a large children’s t oys m anufact urer.
You’ve been asked t o m anufact ure t he lat est craze in “ Dancing
Widget s” for t he upcom ing Christ m as season. You’ve been inform ed
t hat t he com pany needs at least one m ont h lead t im e t o dist ribut e t he
Widget s in order t o hav e t he Widget s on ret ailers shelves for t he
Christ m as season.
Hence, based on t he current sales forecast you have been asked t o
deliver 100,000 unit s by august 1 st at t he lat est . Which docum ent
describes t he business needs for t his proj ect , ident ifies key
deliverables, and gives you aut horit y t o begin t he proj ect and st art
assigning resources?
A. I shikawa docum ent
E. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 6 4
You are t he proj ect m anager at Happy Coffee Café, a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium blended coffee. Current ly, y our com pany is
planning on opening addit ional st ores t hrough t he Unit ed st at es. Your
t arget m arket s prim arily include densely populat ed m et ropolit an areas.
Your com pany is evaluat ing different areas for ex pansion, including
New York, San Francisco, and Seat t le. Based on your m arket analysis
you h ave obt ained t he following inform ation:
N e w Yor k - I RR ( 3 3 % ) , pa yba ck pe r iod ( 1 .5 ye a r s)
Sa n Fr a n cisco- I RR ( 4 5 % ) , pa yba ck pe r iod ( 1 .1 ye a r s)
Se a t t le - I RR ( 3 6 % ) , pa yba ck pe r iod ( 0 .7 5 ye a r s)
Based on t his dat a which area is best for Happy Coffee Café?
A. New York sin ce I RR is lowest
B. Seat t le since payback period is short est
C. San Francisco since t he I RR is t he highest
D. New York sin ce t he payback period is t he longest
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 6 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding st raight line
depreciat ion?
A. I t is a m et hod t hat is calculat ed by subt ract ing t he salvage value
of t he asset from t he purchase prices, and t hen dividing t his
num ber by t he est im at ed useful life of asset .
B. I t is det erm ined by subt racting cu rrent liabilit ies from current
asset s
C. I t is t he lengt h of t im e it t akes t o recoup t he init ial cost of
inv esting t he project . This m et hod com pares t h e init ial
inv est m ent wit h t he cash flows expect ed during t he life of t he
proj ect .
D. I t is t he discount rat e at which t he present value of t he fut ure
cash flows of an invest m ent equals t he cost of init ial invest m ent
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 6 6
Which of t he following is NOT a valid reason t o aut horize a proj ect ?
A. Risk m it igat ion
B. Social needs
C. Cust om er request s
D. Legal requirem ent s
E. Technological advance
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 6 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE regarding t he difference
bet ween a proj ect expedit or and proj ect coordinat or roles?
A. The proj ect expedit or has som e aut horit y and power t o m ake
B. The proj ect expedit or report s t o a higher lev el m anager
C. The proj ect expedit or cannot m ake or enforce decisions
D. The proj ect expedit or is found m ore oft en in a st rong m at rix
organizat ion
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 6 8
You have been assigned t o a proj ect t o build t he largest U.S. nat ural
gas pipeline proj ect in m ore t han 20 years. The proposed 1,350- m ile,
42- in ch diam et er pipeline will provide valuable inf rast ruct ure allowing
producers in t he Rocky Mount ain region t o deliver t heir nat ural gas t o
at t ract iv e m arket s in t he Midwest and nort heast ern part s of t he U.S.
You are in t he proj ect planning process where you are involved in
identifying t he specific schedule act ivit ies t hat need t o be perform ed t o
produce t he various proj ect deliverables. During t his process one of
your t eam m em bers ident ifying an act ivit y t hat need t o be
accom plished. However, another t eam m em ber, based on t his
int erpret ation of t he proj ect scope st at em ent , believes t hat t he act ivit y
is out side t he scope of proj ect . Which of t he following is t he BEST
act ion t o t ake?
A. Mediat e bet ween t he t eam m em bers unt il consensus is reached
B. Ask clarificat ion from senior m anagem ent
C. Research t he issue personally, and m ake an inform ed decision
D. Ask clarificat ion from proj ect sponsor
E. Ask clarificat ion from t he change cont rol board
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 6 9
You are t he proj ect m anager for an inform at ion t echnology division of
a large financial services firm in t he Unit ed St at es. Your com pany
offers a w eb based t rading plat form t hat provides opt ions and fut ures
t rading for U.S com m odit ies m arket s. Due t o t he rise in popularit y of
fut ures and options t rading, your com pany has grown rapidly . I n fact ,
due t o rapid growt h, t he com pany’s I .T. infrast ruct ure is unable t o
m eet t he growing dem ands.
To keep up wit h t he dem ands you have been assigned t he
responsibilit y of upgrading t he com pany’s net work and com pany’s
infrast ruct ure. You have been asked t o calculat e t he payback period
for t he proj ect t hat is t o be com plet ed in t he next 24 m ont hs.
A. 4.5 years
B. 4 years
C. 5.5 years
D. 3 years
E. 2 years
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 7 0
You are t he proj ect m anger at XYZ Soft ware Corp, a U.S soft ware
com pany developing ent erprise Hum an Resources Applicat ions. You’ve
been asked t o reduce the com pany’s engineering cost s by developing
an off- shore soft ware developm ent cent re.
Recent ly a senior VP of engineering has expressed concerns over t he
proj ect plan . His concern is t hat if t he proj ect is im plem ent ed as
planned, he’ll have t o layoff a subst ant ial port ion num ber of US based
soft ware engineers. The organizat ional im pact of t he lay offs is
subst ant ial and was not t aken int o considerat ion during t he project
A. The conflict bet ween t he proj ect sponsor and senior VP should be
resolv ed in favor of t he proj ect sponsor.
B. Based on t he input from t he senior VP, you should file a change
request it em t o adj ust t he proj ect plan accordingly.
C. Since t he im pact of t he layoffs was not t aken int o account during
proj ect planning, t he proj ect should be definit ely post poned unt il
t he im pact can be t horoughly exam ined. The proj ect plan should
be revised t o accom m odat e for t he organizat ional im pact of t he
D. The conflict bet ween proj ect st akeholders should be resolved in
favor of t he cust om er
E. The conflict bet ween t he proj ect sponsor and t he Senior VP
should be resolved in favor of t he Senior VP.
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 7 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s about fast - t racking is TRUE?
A. One of t he advant ages of fast - t racking is t hat it can oft en lead t o
reduced rework and reduces proj ect risks.
B. Fast t racking is t he process of increasing t he schedule by
overlapping v arious proj ect t asks.
C. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
D. Fast t racking refers t o assigning addit ional resources t o a proj ect
in an at t em pt t o decrease proj ect schedule/ t im eline.
E. Fast t racking involves perform ing act ivit ies sequ entially
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 7 2
Which of t he following best describes cost incurred in t he past whose
t ot al will not be affect ed by any decisions m ade now or in t he fut ure?
A. I ndirect cost
B. Variable cost
C. Direct cost
D. Sunk cost
E. Fixed cost
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 7 3
Which of t he following best describes fast - t racking?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Process of quickly ident ifying t he charact erist ics of a product
C. Process of st art ing a new t ask prior t o t he com pletion of current
proj ect t asks
D. Process of solicit ing proposals from prospective vendors and
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 7 4
One of your friend is a proj ect m anager at a nat ural gas energy
com pany. He is m anaging a proj ect for t he const ruction and operation
of pipeline facilit ies at U.S. point s of ent ry for t he im port or export of
nat ural gas. The com pany had perform ed a sim ilar proj ect a couple
years ago.
This is t he crit ical proj ect for t he com pany and he is under a
t rem endous pressure t o deliver t he proj ect . Unfort unat ely, he is new
t o t he com pany and t he proj ect is growing in size every day. He is
st art ing t o feel overwhelm ed by t he proj ect . What is his BEST course
of act ion?
A. Ask for addit ional resource from his supervisor
B. Det erm ine st akeholders ex pect at ions and m anage t heir influence
C. Ask t he previous proj ect m anager for assist ance
D. Obt ain t he hist orical records and guidance from t he PMO
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 7 5
Which of t he following regarding proj ect chart er is FALSE?
A. The proj ect ch arter grant s aut horit y t o the proj ect m anager t o
init iat e t he proj ect
B. The proj ect ch arter should be published by t he proj ect m anager
C. The proj ect ch arter aut horizes t he proj ect
D. The proj ect ch arter describes t he business needs for t he proj ect ,
such as m arket ing dem ands, legal requirem ent s, t echnological
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 7 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE regarding t he scope
verificat ion process?
A. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
B. The t ool/ t echnique of scope verificat ion is inspect ion
C. Scope verificat ion is prim arily concerned wit h verifying t he
correct ness of work result s
D. Scope verificat ion inv olves evaluating overall proj ect
perform ance t o ensure t hat t he proj ect will sat isfy specified
proj ect requirem ent s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 7 7
Which of t he following are t ool/ t echnique of Perform Qualit y Cont rol
t hat inv olves m easuring or t est ing result s t o det erm ine whet her t hey
confirm t o t he requirem ent s and qualit y st andards?
A. Sam pling
B. Paret o diagram
C. I nspect ion
D. Cont rol chart s
E. Monit oring
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 7 8
You are t he Chief Technology officer of a m aj or St ock Exchange. You
are in charge of a proj ect t o reengineer t he organizat ion’s bank office
account in g, billing and adm inist rat ive syst em s. Your proj ect t eam is in
t he process of im plem enting t he t echnical work required for t he
proj ect . However, one of t he st akeholders for your proj ect is
request ing m inor changes t o t he proj ect deliverables. You call a
m eet ing wit h your proj ect t eam t o det erm ine how t o best proceed wit h
t he change. This is an exam ple of which of t he following?
A. Managem ent by obj ect ives
B. Lack o change cont rol syst em
C. I nadequat e levels of decom posit ion of t he work packages
D. Team consensus building
E. Proper int egrat e change cont rol
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 7 9
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o a proj ect baseline.
Which of t he following is t he LEAST helpful input ?
A. Proj ect funding requirem ent s
B. Cost baseline
C. Act ivit y cost estim at es
D. Perform ance report s
E. Work perform ance inform ation
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 8 0
You have been assigned t o a proj ect t o const ruct a 18- hole golf
course, feat uring 7 ,500 yard, par- 72 course t h at has a m agnificent
t ropical set t ing. You’ve calculat ed t he estim at ed proj ect com plet ion
dat e. However t he est im at ed com plet ion dat e is 5 m ont hs aft er t he
desired com plet ion dat e. Aft er analyzing t he project n et work diagram ,
you’ve det erm ined t hat m any of t he act ivit ies have discretionary
dependencies. To decrease t he proj ect durat ion y ou’ve request ed
addit ional resources, but were t old t hat NO addit ional resources are
available for y our proj ect . Assum ing t hat t he proj ect has low risks,
which of t he following is t he BEST plan of act ion?
A. Skip risk m anagem ent planning
B. Om it a proj ect act ivit y
C. Fast t rack t he act ivit ies
D. Crash t he schedule
E. Reduce t he qualit y of deliverables
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 8 1
You are in t he process of m onit orin g t he various proj ect processes and
t heir perform ance. Which of t he following is t he LEAST appropriat e
out put of t his process?
A. Request ed changes
B. Recom m en ded defect repair
C. Recom m en ded prevent ive act ions
D. Recom m en ded correct ive act ions
E. Proj ect scope st at em ent updat es
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 8 2
Which of t he following best describes secondary risks?
A. Risks t hat st ill rem ain aft er im plem enting a risk response
B. Risk t hat arise due t o qualit y issue
C. Risk t hat com e about as a direct result of im plem enting a risk
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 8 3
Which of t he following t ools/ t echniques can be used t o help ensu re
t hat proj ect work t asks will NOT be duplicat ed by m ult iple t eam
m em bers?
B. Change cont rol board
C. Work aut horizat ion sy st em
D. Change cont rol syst em
E. Configurat ion m anagem ent
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 8 4
You are in t he process of m onit orin g t he various proj ect processes and
t heir perform ance. Which of t he following are you LEAST concerned
wit h during t his process?
A. Analyzin g and t racking project risks
B. Monit oring t he im plem ent at ion of approved changes
C. Com parin g act ual proj ect perform ance again st proj ect
m anagem ent plan
D. Providin g forecast t o updat e current schedule inform at ion
E. Assessing inform at ion t o det erm ine whet her corrective act ions
are necessary
F. Reviewing and approving all recom m ended correct ive and
prevent ive act ions
An sw e r : F
Qu e st ion 3 8 5
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect scope. All
of t he following are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Scope baseline updat es
B. Request ed changes
C. Recom m en ded correct ive act ions
D. Act ivit y list updat es
E. Proj ect m anagem ent pan updat es
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 8 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding bar chart s?
A. Bar chart s are generally bet t er at illust rat ing t he resource t radeoffs com pared wit h net work diagram s
B. Bar chart s are generally bet t er at illust rat ing progress or st at us
com pared wit h net work diagram s
C. Bar chart s are generally bet t er at illust rat ing crit ical pat hs
com pared wit h net work diagram s
D. Bar chart s are generally bet t er at illust rat ing logical relat ionship
com pared wit h net work diagram s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 8 7
Which of t he following scheduling t echniques f ocuses on m anaging
buffer activit y durations and t he resources applied t o t he planned
scheduled activit ies, inst ead of m anaging t he t ot al float of net work
pat hs?
A. What - if scenario an alysis
B. Crit ical chain m et hod
C. Crit ical pat h m et h od
D. Mont e Carlo analysis
E. Variance analysis
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 8 8
Keepin g up wit h t he growt h w as becom ing a problem for a privat ely
owned Chinese financial services com pany. Alt hough it easily lured
business from st at e- owned com pet it ors, low skill levels and weak
account in g syst em s t hreat en t he com pany’s cash flow. Moreover,
poorly invest ed asset s were delivering inadequat e ret urns.
Hence, you have been assigned over an exist ing proj ect t o upgrade
t he I T syst em t o allow for an expansion. Specifically, t he I T upgrade
will enable t he com pany t o serve m ore com pet it ors, expand t he
product line, gain m arket share, and win m ore licenses.
The previous proj ect m anager for t he proj ect lack ed an underst anding
of proj ect m anagem ent principles. I n fact , upon close invest igation,
you’ve det erm ined t hat t he proj ect lacks clearly defined proj ect
deliverables and lacks m anagem ent cont rol. Which of t he following
would be t he BEST approach t o resolve t hese short com ings?
A. I m plem ent a net work aut horizat ion syst em
B. Subdivide t he proj ect deliverables int o sm aller, m ore
m anageable com ponent s unt il t he work is defined t o t he work
package level
C. I m plem ent a proj ect cont rol syst em
D. I ncorporat e a syst em life cycle approach t o t he proj ect
E. I nt egrat e a lessons learned for each proj ect phase
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 8 9
You are t he proj ect m anger at a leading m anufact urer of consum er
elect ronics, personal com put ers and peripherals. Unfort unat ely, your
com pany is facing a rapidly m at uring m arket charact erized by
consolidat ion and com m odit izat ion. Hence you have been assigned a
proj ect t o drive growt h and profit by int egrat ing an online CRM
( cost um er relat ionship m anagem ent ) solut ion. I ndust ry benchm arks
suggest t he CRM solut ion should generat e $100- $300M in bot t om t he
benefit s.
The proj ect t im eline is very aggressive and a lot is at st ake wit h t his
proj ect . Hence every week y ou report on t he progress and st at us of
t he proj ect t o all t he st akeholders and proj ect sponsors. Your proj ect
t eam has already com plet ed t he proj ect init ials and proj ect planning
act ivit ies and received sign off and approval on t he proj ect chart er,
proj ect scope and det ailed work packages. Your proj ect t eam is in t he
process of com plet in g all t he work packages. The proj ect t im e line is
very aggressive and your proj ect has a SPI of 1.2 and CPI of1.3. Final
review of t he proj ect deliverables have been scheduled for t he end of
t he m ont h s.
Unfort unat ely as your proj ect near com plet ion you are inform ed t hat
your proj ect is being cancelled since t he result ing product is
unaccept able and does not m eet t he business needs of t he
organizat ion. Which of t he following is m ost likely cause of t his
A. The proj ect st at us was not properly com m unicat ed t o t he
int erest ed parties
B. Your proj ect resources were required on t he higher priorit y
proj ect
C. The proj ect was behind schedule and plagued wit h cost overrun
D. The proj ect ch arter did not provide enough det ail regarding t he
proj ect goals prior t o sign off
E. A key st akeholder is not sufficient ly involved in t he proj ect
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 9 0
Which of t he following is t rue regarding configurat ion cont rol board?
A. A CCB describes h ow change request will be m anaged and
t racked
B. A CCB is a collect ion of procedures t h at describes how t o subm it
change request
C. A CCB defines t he level of aut horit y needed t o approve ch anges
D. A CCB has t he aut horit y t o approve or proj ect request
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 9 1
Which of t he following is configurat ion m anagem ent act ivit y t hat is
involved wit h ensuring t hat t he perform ance an d t he funct ional
requirem ent defined in t he configurat ion docum ent have been m et ?
A. Configurat ion st atus account ing
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Configurat ion definit ion
D. Configurat ion identification
E. Configurat ion verificat ion and audit ing
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 3 9 2
You are a proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing a new sport s
arena in preparat ion of upcom ing Olym pics. Const ruct ion begins on t he
proj ect over a year ago. The st akeholder of a proj ect want s a st at us
report on t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o dat e.
Unfort unat ely you are afraid t o t ell your st akeholders t hat your proj ect
is com ing in significant behind schedule. I n fact schedule delays are so
severe t hat t he rebaselining of t he proj ect schedule is required. Which
of t he following st at em ent are t rue?
A. Rebaselining is u sed as your first resort in cont rollin g t he
B. Approval from all st akeholders is required prior t o rebaselining
t he schedule
C. Hist orical dat a m ay be rem oved when you rebaseline t he
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 9 3
All are t he part of scope baseline except :
A. Proj ect scope st at em ent
C. WBS dict ionary
D. Correct iv e actions
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 9 4
Risk m onit oring and cont rol process involves all of t he following
except :
A. Quant ifyin g t he possible out com e for t he proj ect and t heir
probabilit ies
B. Reanaly zing exist ing risks
C. Monit oring t rigger for cont ingency plan
D. Reviewing execut ion of risk Reponses
E. Tracking identified risks
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 9 5
You are a proj ect m anager at j ava ice cream fact ory. You are currently
supervisin g t he m anufact uring of new flavor ice cream j ava bean,
burgundy crunch. The m anufact uring of t his flav or was proceeding as
planned, unt il a m anufact uring error occurred t hat requires corrective
act ion t o be t aken. I ronically t he m anufact uring error result ed in a new
variant of the flavor.
Product t eam really t hink s t hat flavor would be a success in a
m arket place. They have asked you t o cancel t he correct ive act ion, and
int egrat e t his serendipit ous discovery in t he m anufact uring process. As
a proj ect m anager you have realized t hat t his has result ed in a change
in proj ect scope. Which of t he following st at em ent are t rue?
A. Workarounds are used t o correct problem s t h at occur wit h
changes in t he proj ect scope
B. Changes t o t he product scope should be in t he proj ect scope
C. Changes t o t he product scope are a result of im plem ent ing
correct ive act ions
D. Changes t o t he product scope are defined in t he int egrat ed
change cont rol plan
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 3 9 6
You are a proj ect m anager for a com pany t hat sells online m usic. Your
proj ect is t o develop a new cont ent m anagem ent syst em t hat will not
only m anage all users purchase downloads, but will aut om at ically learn
t he users m usic int erest s in order t o m ake fut ure product
recom m endat ions. I n addit ion your content m anagem ent syst em m ust
scale t o support m illions of concurrent m usic downloads a day.
Your t eam has m ade significant progress on t he proj ect . You are
preparing t he perform ance of a proj ect t o dat e and have calculat ed t he
following m easurem ent s.
PV= 4 ,0 0 0
EV= 3 ,5 0 0
AC= 3 ,0 0 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. The CV is posit ive num ber, which im plies t hat y our proj ect is
under budget
B. The CV is posit ive num ber, which im plies t hat y our proj ect is
over budget
C. The CV is negat ive num ber, which im plies t hat your proj ect is
under budget
D. The CV is negat ive num ber, which im plies t hat your proj ect is
over budget
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 3 9 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding proj ect risk
m anagem ent ?
A. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
B. Qualit at ive risk analysis involves num erically analyzing t he
im pact s of identified risks
C. Risk m onit oring and cont rol involves t racking ident ified risks and
execut ing risk response
D. Risk ident ificat ion involves how t o plan and execut e risk
m anagem ent act ivit ies
E. Risk m anagem ent planning involves det erm ining which risks
m ight affect t he proj ect
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 3 9 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding cost and
schedule variances?
A. The am ount of variance of CV and SV values t end t o increase as
t he proj ect reaches com plet ion
B. The am ount of variance of CV and SV values rem ain t he sam e as
t he proj ect reaches com plet ion
C. Schedule variance will ult im at ely equal t o cost variance when
proj ect is com plet ed
D. The am ount of variance of CV and SV values t end t o decrease as
t he proj ect reaches com plet ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 3 9 9
You are t he proj ect m anager for t he com pany t hat sells online m usic.
Your proj ect is t o develop a new cont ent m anagem ent syst em t hat will
not only m anage all u sers purchases and downloads, but will
aut om at ically learn t he users m usic int erest s in order t o m ak e fut ure
product recom m endat ions. I n addit ion your cont ent m anagem ent
syst em m u st scale t o support m illions of concurrent m usic downloads a
Your t eam has m ade significant progress on t he proj ect . You are
preparing t he perform ance of a proj ect t o dat e and have calculat ed t he
following m easurem ent s.
PV= 4 ,0 0 0
EV= 3 ,5 0 0
AC= 3 ,0 0 0
What is t he SPI of t his proj ect ?
A. 1.333
B. 0.875
C. 1.14
D. 1.16
E. 0.75
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 0 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding t he cost change
cont rol syst em ?
A. I t defines t he procedures by which t he cost baseline m ay be
B. I t defines t he approval level necessary for aut horizing t he
C. I t provides inform at ion on t he proj ect scope and cost
perform ance, such as which budget s have been m et and which
are not .
D. I t should be int egrat ed int o t he int egrat ed change cont rol
syst em
E. I nt egrat ed change cont rol syst em
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 0 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are NOT t echniques used t o resolve
conflict s on a proj ect ?
A. Direct ing, sm oot hing
B. Forcing, sm oot hin g
C. Com prom ise, confront at ion
D. Wit hdrawal, forcing
E. Cont rolling, com prom ise
An sw e r : A, E
Qu e st ion 4 0 2
Which of t he following s m ost likely t o require a rebaselining in order
t o provide a realist ic m easure of perform ance?
A. Revised cost est im at es
B. Correct iv e actions
C. Change request s
D. Budget updat es
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 0 3
One of your friends is a m anager at t elecom m unicat ions com pany. She
is current ly m anaging a proj ect developing a VoI P ( Voice over I P)
gat eway t hat addresses t he challenges facing service providers
deploying packer- based voice net works. The gat eway offers a
com prehensive approach t o im plem ent ing high- densit y carrier- class
voice over packet gat eway applicat ions. She is in t he process of
developing t he proj ect schedule, and has det erm ined t hat t he proj ect
has 4 crit ical pat hs. Which of t he following BEST describes how t he
proj ect will be im pact ed?
A. The proj ect will cost m ore
B. The scenario is incorrect , as a proj ect can only have one crit ical
pat h
C. The proj ect will require m ore people
D. The proj ect risk will increase
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 0 4
You are t he proj ect m anager wit hin a large m ult i- nat ional com pany.
Your current proj ect inv olves a large soft ware developm ent proj ect
t hat inv olves coordinat ion of resources across four different
reengineering t eam s across t hree different count ries. Specifically your
UI t eam is based in I ndia, your dat abase t eam and m iddleware t eam is
in U.S., and your QA t eam is in Canada. The engineers in each of t he
t eam report t o geographic funct ional m anger, but are current ly on loan
t o you for your proj ect .
You are current ly in t he process of assessing t he com plet ion st at us for
each work packages. I n order t o develop an accurat e st at us of t he
proj ect , you’ve asked each of t he engineers t o report t heir percent age
com plet e for t heir respective deliverables.
However, when asked for t he percent age com plet ion st at us, one of t he
QA engineers innocently responds, “ Percent age com plet e of what
exact ly?” ever since the proj ect st art ed you’ve always t hought t hat t his
QA engineer was difficult t o m anage. Especially t ired of such
com m ent s, you finally decided t o report t o t he QA engineer’s
funct ional m anager regarding t he engineer’s lack of cooperat ion.
Based on t he scenario described above, which of t he following BEST
describes t he real problem ?
A. The QA engineer was not t echnically com pet ent and could not
m eet t he satisfy his assigned responsibilit ies.
B. There w as a conflict of int erest bet ween your proj ect and QA
engineer’s obj ect ives
C. You should have m et wit h funct ional m anager t he first t im e you
encount ered problem s wit h t his engineer, rat her t han let t he
problem escalat e.
D. You did n ot receive t he necessary support from t he funct ional
m anager regarding y our proj ect
E. The work packages were not adequat ely defined for t he proj ect
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 4 0 5
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect cost
baseline. Which of the following is t he LEAST helpful t ool/ t echnique?
A. Cost change cont rol sy st em
B. Forecast ing, variance m anagem ent
C. Analogous est im ating, param et ric estim ating
D. Perform ance m easurem ent analysis
E. Proj ect perform ance reviews
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 0 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding proj ect t im e
m anagem ent ?
A. Schedule cost involving ch anges t o t he proj ect schedule
B. Act ivit y resource estim ating involves est im at ing t ype and
qualit ies of resources required t o perform each schedule activit y
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Act ivit y sequencing involves identifying dependencies am ong
schedule act ivit ies
E. Schedule developm ent involves analyzing activit y sequences,
durat ions, resource requirem ent s in order t o creat e proj ect
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 0 7
The applied level of change cont rol is LEAST dependent upon:
A. Com plexit y of specified proj ect
B. Cont ext and environm ent in which proj ect is perform ed
C. Applicat ion area
D. St akeholder risk t olerances
E. Cont ract requirem ent s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 0 8
Which of t he following calculat es t he difference bet ween t he budget at
com pletion and est im at e at com plet ion?
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 0 9
Which of t he following best describes t his illust rat ion?
A. Cause an d effect diagram
B. Hist ogram
C. Gant t chart
D. Scat t er diagram
E. Paret o chart
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 1 0
Approved correct ive act ions are an input t o which process?
A. Schedule developm ent
B. Direct an m anage proj ect execut ion
C. I nt egrat e change cont rol
D. Scope verificat ion
E. Scope cont rol
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 1 1
Change cont rol syst em , v ariance analysis, replanning and
configurat ion m anagem ent sy st em s are t ool/ t echniques of which
A. Scope plannin g
B. Scope cont rol
C. Scope verificat ion
D. Scope definit ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 1 2
You are proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing a new sport s
arena for t he u pcom ing Olym pics. Const ruct ion began on a proj ect
over a year ago. The st akeholders of t he proj ect want a st at us report
on t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o dat e. You’ve obt ained t he
following m easurem ent s:
BAC= 5 0 0 , ETC= 2 0 0 , PV= 5 0 0 , AC= 2 0 0 , EV= 3 0 0 , CPI = 1 .5
You believe t he type of variances t hat have occurred on t he proj ect t o
dat e are t ypical, and do not expect t hese variances t o continue. What
is t he VAC for t he proj ect ?
A. 100
B. 400
C. 300
D. 200
E. 333.33
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 1 3
Which of t he following consist s of t ools and t echniques used t o gat her,
int egrat e, and dissem inat e t he out put s of t he proj ect m an agem ent
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 1 4
You are t he proj ect m anager at t he Java I ce Cream Fact ory. You are
current ly supervising t he m anufact uring of a new flavor of ice cram
JavaBean Burgundy Crunch. The m anufact uring of t his new flavor was
proceeding as planned, unt il a m anufact uring error occurred t hat
requires correct ive act ions t o be t aken. To ensure t he effect iveness of
correct ive act ions, correct ive act ions frequent ly require which of t he
A. Resource leveling
B. Rebaselining proj ect schedule baseline
C. Perform ance m easurem ent s
D. Rebaselining proj ect cost baseline
E. Root - cause an alysis
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 4 1 5
All of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE regarding ground rules
A. Ground rules area t ools/ t echniques of develop proj ect t eam
B. Ground rules are a list of accept able and unaccept able behaviors
adopt ed by proj ect t eam .
C. All proj ect t eam m em bers share responsibilit y f or enforcing t he
ground rules
D. Ground rules help t o im prove working relationships and
com m unicat ion
E. Ground rules help t o aut horize and define t he scope of a new
phase or proj ect .
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 4 1 6
You are in t he process of reviewing all change request s and cont rollin g
changes t o deliverables and organizat ional process asset s. All of t he
following are I NPUTS except :
A. Work perform ance inform ation
B. Recom m en ded prevent ive act ions and correct iv e actions
C. Request ed changes
D. Forecast s
E. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 1 7
Which of t he following BEST describes t he procedures by which t he
proj ect schedule can change, and includes t he paperwork, t racking
syst em s, and approval levels necessary for aut horizing changes?
A. Schedule change cont rol syst em
B. None of t he st at em ent s are correct
C. I nt egrat ed ch ange cont rol
D. Schedule com parison bar chart s
E. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 1 8
The adm inist rat ive closure procedure is an out put of t he close proj ect
process. I t is an input t o which process?
A. Manage st akeholders
B. I nt egrat ed ch ange cont rol
C. Direct and m anage proj ect execut ion
D. Cont ract closure
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 1 9
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large account ing firm in t he Unit ed
St at es. Th roughout t he year your firm provides both consult ing
services an d account ing/ audit ing services t o XYZ Widget s, I nc, a
publicly t raded com pany list ed on t he New York St ock Exchange.
Current ly , your proj ect involves audit ing t he financial st at em ent s of
XYZ Widget s I nc, in preparat ion for t he annual shareholders/ invest ors
m eet ing.
While your t eam is in t he m idst of proj ect execut ion, you are inform ed
t hat your proj ect is due t o new SEC regulat ions. Specifically, a new
SEC regulat ion prohibit s account ing firm s from providing bot h
consult ing services and audit ing services t o a client , due t o pot ential
conflict s of int erest t hat could arise from such business relat ionships.
As a result , your proj ect is cancelled, and t he budget for your proj ect
is cut . Wit hout t he necessary budget , your project t eam is disbanded
and your proj ect t eam m em bers go t o t heir separat e ways. Which of
t he followin g st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Since t he proj ect ended due t o st arvat ion, t he scope verificat ion
process is no longer necessary
B. Since t he proj ect ended due t o integrat ion, t he scope verificat ion
process is no longer necessary
C. Since t he proj ect ended due t o st arvat ion, you should docum ent
t he lev el and degree of com plet eness during t he Scope
Verificat ion process.
D. Since t he proj ect ended due t o integrat ion, you should docum ent
t he lev el and degree of com plet eness during t he Scope
Verificat ion process.
E. Since t he proj ect ended due t o extinct ion, t he scope verificat ion
process is no longer necessary
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 2 0
The adm inist rat ive closure procedure t hat is an out put of t he close
proj ect process includes all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Define st akeholders approval requirem ent s f or changes
B. Validat e exit crit eria have been sat isfied
C. Verify all deliv erables have been provided and accept ed
D. Close all cont ract s associat ed wit h t he com plet ed proj ect
E. Confirm t hat t he proj ect has m et sponsor and st ake holder’s
requirem ent s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 2 1
I n which of t he following docum ent s will you find specific procedures
for cont ract closure?
A. Cont ract t erm s and condit ions
B. Proj ect plan
C. Procurem ent au dit docum ent at ion
D. Cont ract chan ge cont rol syst em
E. Cont ract file
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 2 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding t he relationship
bet ween proj ect phase and proj ect life cycles?
A. Collect ively, t he project phases are known as t he proj ect life
B. The conclusion of proj ect phase is generally m arked by a review
of key deliverables and current proj ect perform ance
C. Proj ect phase- end reviews are oft en called phase- exit s
D. Each proj ect phase is m arked by t he com plet ion of one or m ore
m ilest ones
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 2 3
All of t he following are out put s of t he close proj ect process EXCEPT:
A. Hist orical inform ation
B. Proj ect m anagem ent plan updat es
C. Proj ect closure docum ent s
D. Form al accept ance docum ent at ion
E. Proj ect files
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 2 4
Your proj ect is com ing t o an end, and you are in t he process of listing
t he act ivit ies t hat m ust be perform ed t o close out t he proj ect . Which of
t he followin g should be perform ed during t he closing processes?
A. Seek legal coun sel from t he com pany’s at t orney prior t o closing
t he proj ect
B. Request final inspect ion report s for all vendor supplied product s
C. I ssue a form al n otice of proj ect com plet ion t o sellers
D. I ssue paym ent schedules and request s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 2 5
Which of t he following docum ent s form ally indicat es t hat t he cust om er
or sponsor has officially accept ed t he proj ect deliverables?
A. Hist orical inform ation
B. Form al accept ance docum ent at ion
C. Proj ect closure docum ent s
D. Proj ect files
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 2 6
Hist orical record from previous proj ect are generally used for all of t he
following EXCEPT:
A. Lessons learned
B. Est im ating
C. Risk m anagem ent
D. Proj ect plannin g
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 2 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Procurem ent au dit s review t he procurem ent process
purchases and acquisit ion t o cont ract adm inist rat ion
B. Procurem ent au dit s review t he procurem ent process
purchases and acquisit ion t o close project
C. Procurem ent au dit s review t he procurem ent process
purchases and acquisit ion t o cont ract closure
D. Procurem ent au dit s review t he procurem ent process
cont ract ing t o cont ract closure
from plan
from plan
from plan
from plan
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 2 8
One of your friends is a m anager at t elecom m unicat ions com pany. She
is current ly m anaging a proj ect developing a VoI P ( Voice over I P)
gat eway t hat addresses t he challenges facing service providers
deploying packer- based voice net works. The gat eway offers a
com prehensive approach t o im plem ent ing high- densit y carrier- class
voice over packet gat eway applicat ions. All t he t echnical work has
already been com plet ed on t he proj ect , and t he proj ect is in t he
closing phase. All of t he following should be perform ed at t his st age
A. Analyze t he success or failu re of t he proj ect
B. Docum ent s lessons learned
C. Perform product verificat ion
D. Creat e t he proj ect archives
E. Obt ain form al accept ance of t he proj ect scope and deliverables
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 4 2 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he procurem ent
audit ?
A. The prim ary purpose of procurem ent audit is t o identify lessons
learned during t he procurem ent process
B. The procurem ent audit is a t ool/ t echnique of t he cont ract
adm inist rat ion process
C. The procurem ent audit is a t ool/ t echnique of t he close proj ect
D. The procurem ent audit provides inform at ion regarding how
effect ively t he seller is m eet ing cont ract ual obligat ions
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 3 0
You have been recent ly hired t o be a proj ect m an ager at a bio- t ech
com pany t o develop anew drug for t he t reat m ent of m alignant
m elanom a. As part of feasibilit y st udy, your t eam has been evaluating
t he feasibilit y f or such a drug using com put er sim ulat ion.
Your t eam has just com plet ed one of t he proj ect phases by designing a
pot ent ial chem ical com pound using a sophist icat ed com put er m odel.
You would like t o have m odel reviewed prior t o deciding whet her t o
m ove t o t he next phase of t he proj ect . According t o t he PMI , t hese
t ype of reviews are called:
A. Phase exist s
B. Deliverables
C. Target goals
D. Milest ones
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 3 1
Which of t he following form ulas is used t o calculat e t he SPI ( schedule
perform ance in dex) ?
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 3 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding t he
adm inist rat ive closure procedure?
A. The adm inist rat ive closure procedure is an out put of t he close
proj ect process
B. The adm inist rat ive closure procedure addresses t he t erm s and
condit ions of t he cont ract for cont ract closure
C. The adm inist rat ive closure procedure addresses t he com plet ion
or exit crit eria for t he proj ect
D. The adm inist rat ive closure procedure describes t he procedure t o
t ransfer t he proj ect product s or services t o product ion and/ or
operat ions
E. The adm inist rat ive closure procedure addresses t he st akeholders
approval requirem ent s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 3 3
Cont ract file and form al accept ance and closure are out put s of which
A. Cont ract closure
B. Cont ract adm inist rat ion
C. I nform at ion dist ribut ion
D. Manage st akeholders
E. Perform ance report ing
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 3 4
Product verificat ion is usually perform ed in t he closing process. Which
of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Product verificat ion is perform ed during t he close proj ect process
B. Product verificat ion provides m anagem ent wit h inform ation
about how effect ively t he seller is achieving t he cont ract ual
obj ect ives
C. Product verificat ion is a m et hod for quant ifying qualit at ive dat a
t o m inim ize t he effect of biases during select sellers
D. Product verificat ion includes sam ples of t he suppliers previous
product s for t he purpose of providing a way t o evaluat e a
supplier’s capabilit ies
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 3 5
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o proj ect cost baseline.
Which of t he following is t he LEAST helpful input ?
A. Work perform ance inform ation
Proj ect funding requirem ent s
Perform ance m easurem ent s
Perform ance report s
Proj ect m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 3 6
A WBS can be used foe all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Describe funct ional m anagers for each team m em ber
B. Manage/ cont rol scope creep
C. Com m unicat e wit h cust om ers
D. Help new t eam m em bers underst and t heir roles
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 3 7
Recom m en ded correct ive act ions are an input t o which process?
A. I nt egrat e change cont rol
B. Direct and m anage proj ect execut ion
C. Scope verificat ion
D. Scope cont rol
E. Schedule developm ent
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 3 8
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large account ing firm in t he Unit ed
St at es. Your cu rrent proj ect involves audit ing t he financial st at em ent s
of a Fort une 100 com pany. You are current ly utilizing net work
diagram s t o t rack and schedule t he execut ion of various audit ing t asks
t hrough out t he proj ect .
You are perform in g a backward pass analysis of t he proj ect schedule.
I t is im port ant for you t o exam ine act ivit ies t hat have _________
A. Negat ive
B. Forward
C. Backward
D. Zero
E. Posit ive
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 3 9
Which of t he following obj ect ives is LEAST likely accom plish by
im plem ent ing a proj ect - wide applicat ion of t he configurat ion
m anagem ent syst em ?
A. Provides a m echanism t o com m unicat e changes t o st akeholders
B. Provides opport unit ies t o im prove t he proj ect by considering t he
im pact of each change
C. Provides a m et hod t o ident ify and m anage risks
D. Est ablishes a m et hod t o identify and request changes t o proj ect
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 4 0
Your com pany is m aking a st rat egy shift : form being focused on
fulfilling cust om er request s for becom ing t he best cost dairy producer
in indust ry. I t s exist ing cost m anufact uring cost syst em , however fails
t o capt ure t he cost s associat ed wit h handling special flavors, sm all
product ion orders, and com plex delivery and order processing options.
Hence you’ve been assigned t o supervise an exist ing proj ect t o
develop a new t im e- drive, act ivit y- based cost ing syst em t hat will
capt ure t he full com plexit y of t he com pany’s operations and gives
m anagers new insight s int o t he profit abilit y orders, product s, and
cust om ers. Senior m anagem ent will use t he inform at ion t o enhance
process efficiencies, negot iat ing new t erm s wit h cust om ers, and
at t em pt t o win new business.
The proj ect t im eline is very aggressive and a lot is at st ake wit h t his
proj ect . Hence, every week you report on t he progress and st at us of
t he proj ect t o all t he necessary st akeholders and sponsors. Your
proj ect t eam has already com plet ed all t he init ial and proj ect planning
act ivit ies and received sign- off and approvals on t he proj ect chart er,
proj ect scope, and det ailed work packages. Your proj ect t eam is in t he
process of com plet in g all t he work packages. Te proj ect t im eline is
very aggressive, and your proj ect has t he SPI of 1.2 and CPI of 1.3. A
final review of t he proj ect deliverables has been scheduled foe t he end
of t he m ont h.
Unfort unat ely, as your proj ect near com pletion, you are inform ed t hat
your proj ect is being cancelled since t he result ing product is
unaccept able and does not m eet t he business needs of t he
organizat ion. All t he resources on y our proj ect are being reassigned t o
anot her proj ect . Which of t he following is t he MOST likely cause of t his
A. The proj ect ch arter did not provide enough det ails regarding t he
proj ect goals prior t o sign- off
B. The proj ect was behind schedule and plagued wit h cist overruns
C. A key st akeholder was not sufficient ly involved in t he proj ect
D. Your proj ect resources were required on a separat e proj ect
E. A proj ect st at us was not properly com m unicat ed t o t he
int erest ed parties
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 4 1
Which of t he following calculat es how m uch addit ional budget is
required in order t o com plet e t he proj ect , assum ing t he current proj ect
perform ance t o dat e?
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 4 2
Which of t he following is m ost likely t o require a rebaselining of t he
cost baseline in order t o provide a realist ic m easure of perform ance?
A. Change request s
B. Revised cost est im at es
C. Budget updat es
D. Cost m anagem ent plan updat e
E. Correct iv e actions
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 4 3
All of t he following are FALSE regarding bar chart s EXCEPT:
A. Bar chart s are generally bet t er at illust rat ing t he resource
t rade- offs com pared wit h net work diagram s
B. Bar chart s are generally bet t er at illust rat ing progress or st at us
com pared wit h net work diagram s
C. Bar chart s are generally bet t er at illust rat ing crit ical pat hs
com pared wit h net work diagram s
D. Bar chart s are generally bet t er at illust rat ing logical relat ionship
com pared wit h net work diagram s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 4 4
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he cost cont rol
process EXCEPT:
A. Prevent aut horize changes from being included in t he cost
B. I nform st akeholders from aut horize changes
C. Monit or cost perform ance and underst and cost variances
D. Changes are accurat ely reflect ed in t he proj ect scope
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 4 5
You have been assigned t o a proj ect t o build t he largest U.S. nat ural
gas pipeline proj ect in m ore t han 20 years. The proposed 1,350- m ile,
42- in ch diam et er pipeline will provide valuable inf rast ruct ure allowing
producers in t he Rocky Mount ain region t o deliver t heir nat ural gas t o
at t ract iv e m arket s in t he Midwest and nort heast ern part s of t he U.S.
You are in t he process of developing t he schedule for t he proj ect and
you h ave given t he following act ivit y durat ion est im at es. However t he
proj ect sponsor would like t o share a few week s off t he proj ect
durat ion. Which act ivit y should you short en in order t o reduce t he
overall duration of t he proj ect ?
Act ivit y
Act ivit y
Act ivit y
Act ivit y
Act ivit y
St art - U
W- End
T- S
St art - S
T- X
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 4 6
You are a proj ect m anager at a real est at e com pany t hat develops and
m anages com m ercial, ret ail and resident ial propert ies in Unit ed St at es
and Eu rope. As a com pany cont inues t o grow, t he com pany’s I T
infrast ruct ure is unable t o m eet business needs of organizat ion.
Specifically, y ou have been assigned t o upgrade t he com pany’s I T
infrast ruct ure. Specifically, your t eam has been asked t o im plem ent a
corporat e general ledger syst em , im prove account ing and real est at e
processes, develop and im plem ent lease t racking syst em , and
im plem ent HR and payroll sy st em s and perform diagnost ics and
m ont hly closures.
Your proj ect t eam has already com plet ed all t he init iat ing / proj ect
planning activit ies and received sign- off approvals on t he proj ect
chart er, proj ect scope, and det ailed work packages. Your proj ect t eam
is in t he process of com plet ing all t he work packages.
However, y our client has j ust file a change request t o add addit ional
report ing fun ct ionalit y t o t he I T applicat ion. Fort unat ely you have
already det erm ined t hat t his funct ionalit y will only add one week t o t he
crit ical pat h. To accom m odat e wit h t he request , you’ve det erm ined
t hat you could com press t he schedule t o recover one ext ra week.
Which of t he following sh ould you perform NEXT?
A. I m plem ent t he change request
B. Consult t he proj ect sponsor before t aking act ion
C. I nvest igat e ot her opt ions on how t o im plem ent t he change
request s wit h m inim al im pact t o t he proj ect
D. Evaluat e t he im pact t o t he change request on t he ot her proj ect
const raint s
E. I nform t he client t he im pact of t he change
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 4 7
All of t he following are reporting t echniques u sed in t he Cost cont rol
process EXCEPT:
A. Cost - benefit analysis
B. Earned v alue t echnique
C. Trend analysis
D. Variance analysis
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 4 8
Wit h respect t o v alue analysis which of t he following is t he portion of
t he approved cost est im at e t hat has been budget ed for an act ivit y
during a cert ain tim e period?
A. Planned value ( PV)
B. Earned v alue ( EV)
C. Act ual cost ( AC)
D. Cost variance ( CV)
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 4 9
You are in t he process of reviewing all change request s and cont rollin g
changes t o deliverables and organizat ional process asset . All of t he
following are input s you need EXCEPT:
A. Recom m en ded defect repair
B. Request ed changes
C. Proj ect chart er
D. Work perform ance inform ation
E. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 5 0
Which of t he following are t rue regarding st at ist ical perform qualit y
cont rol?
A. Special causes are the result of v ariances t hat are always
present in process
B. Special causes are the result of v ariances t hat are linked t o
unusu al event s
C. Random causes are t he result of variances t hat are always
present in he process
D. Random causes are t he result of variances t hat are linked t o
unusu al event s
An sw e r : B, C
Qu e st ion 4 5 1
You are a proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing a new sport s
arena in preparat ion for upcom ing Olym pics. Const ruct ion begins on a
proj ect over a year ago. St akeholders of t he proj ect want a st at us
report on t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o t he dat e. You have
obt ained t he following m easurem ent :
BAC= 500, ETC= 200, PV= 500, AC= 200, EV= 300, CPI = 1.5
You believe t he type of variances t hat have occurred on t he proj ect t o
dat e t o be at y pical. Based on t he inform at ion above what will be t he
EAC for t he proj ect ?
A. 400
B. 250
C. 300
D. 333.33
E. 200
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 5 2
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue except :
A. Recom m en ded correct ive act ions, recom m ended correct iv e
act ions, and recom m ended defect repairs are out put s of
int egrat ed change cont rol process
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Recom m en ded correct ive act ions, recom m ended correct iv e
act ions, and recom m ended defect repairs are input s of
int egrat ed change cont rol process
D. Recom m en ded correct ive act ions, recom m ended correct iv e
act ions, and recom m ended defect repairs are out put s of m onit or
and cont rol proj ect work process
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 5 3
Which of t he following are t rue regarding proj ect scope m anagem ent ?
A. Scope verificat ion inv olves subdividing t he m aj or proj ect
deliverables int o sm all m ore m anageable com ponen t s
B. None of t he st at em ent s are correct
C. Scope plannin g involves developing a det ailed proj ect scope
st at em ent as a basis of fut ure proj ect decision
D. Scope definit ion inv olves creat ing a proj ect scope m anagem ent
plan t hat docum ent how t he proj ect scope will be defined and
cont rolled
E. Scope cont rol inv olves form alizin g t he accept ance of proj ect
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 5 4
I nspect ions are a t ool of perform qualit y process. They m ay also be
A. Sam pling
B. m onit oring
C. t rend analysis
D. audit
E. walkt h roughs
An sw e r : E, D
Qu e st ion 4 5 5
You are a proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing a new sport s
arena in preparat ion for upcom ing Olym pics. Const ruct ion begins on a
proj ect over a year ago. St akeholders of t he proj ect want a st at us
report on t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o t he dat e.
Unfort unat ely you are afraid t o t ell st akeholder t h at proj ect is com ing
in significant ly behind schedule. I n fact schedule delay s are so severe
t hat t he rebaselining of the proj ect is required. Which of t he following
st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Rebaselining should be a norm al m ode of cont rolling t he
B. Resource leveling t echniques should not be used t o rebaseline
t he schedule
C. Hist orical dat a are preserved when y ou rebaseline t he schedule
D. Approval from all st akeholder is required prior t o rebaseline t he
E. None of t he st at em ent are correct
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 4 5 6
Which of t he following st at em ent are correct regarding m anaging
st akeholders except:
A. Managing st akeholders increases t he likelihood t hat t he proj ect
will not veer off t rack due t o unresolved st akeholders issue
B. Tools used t o m anage st akeholders in cludes com m unicat ion
m et h ods and issue logs
C. Proj ect m anager is usually responsible for st akeholder
m anagem ent
D. The m anage st akeholder process is t he part of proj ect execut ing
process group
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 5 7
You are a proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing a new sport s
arena in preparat ion for upcom ing Olym pics. Const ruct ion begins on a
proj ect over a year ago. St akeholders of t he proj ect want a st at us
report on t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o t he dat e. You have
obt ained t he following m easurem ent :
BAC= 500, ETC= 200, PV= 500, AC= 200, EV= 300, CPI = 1.5
You believe t he type of variances t hat have occurred on t he proj ect t o
dat e t o be at y pical, and except t hese variances t o continue. Based on
t he inform ation above what will be t he VAC for t he project ?
A. 333.33
B. 133.33
C. 400
D. 166.67
E. 100
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 5 8
All of t he st at em ent s are false regarding variance analysis?
A. Variance analysis inv olves com paring act ual proj ect t o planned
or expect ed perform ance
B. Variance analysis is a t ool of scope analysis
C. Variance analysis is a t oll of schedule cont rol process
D. Variance analysis inv olves exam ining proj ect perform ance over
t im e t o det erm ine if t he perform ance is im proving or
det eriorat ing
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 5 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding proj ect t im e
m anagem ent ?
A. Schedule developm ent involves est im at ing t y pe and qualit ies of
resources required t o perform each schedule act ivit y
B. Act ivit y definit ion involves identifying schedule act ivit ies t hat are
required t o m eet proj ect deliverables
C. Schedule cont rol involving ch anges t o proj ect schedule
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Act ivit y sequencing involves identifying dependencies am ong
schedule act ivit ies
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 6 0
Which of t he following risk m anagem ent processes are workarounds
A. Qualit at ive risk analysis
B. Risk ident ificat ion
C. Risk response planning
D. Qualit at ive risk analysis
E. Risk m onit oring and cont rol
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 4 6 1
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding ground rules except :
A. Only t he proj ect m anager is responsible for enf orcing t he ground
B. Ground rules are t ool of develop proj ect t eam process
C. Ground rules help t o im prove working relation ship and
com m unicat ion
D. Ground rules are t he list of accept able and unaccept able
behavior adopt ed by proj ect t eam
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 6 2
You are t he proj ect m anager in t he I .T depart m en t of m aj or hospit al.
Your current proj ect inv olves developing a web based int erface for
legacy m ainfram e soft ware applicat ions. Your current proj ect involves
a scope change. You are docum ent ing t he physical charact erist ics and
funct ionalit y of t he proj ect , based on t his scope change. Which of t he
following t ool are using?
A. Change cont rol board
B. Work result
C. Configurat ion m anagem ent
D. Correct iv e actions
E. Scope updat e
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 6 3
You are in t he process of m onit orin g t he various proj ect processes and
t heir perform ance. Which of t he following are you least concerned wit h
during t he process?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Com parin g act ual proj ect perform ance again st proj ect
m anagem ent plan
C. Assessing perform ance t o det erm ine whet her correct ive act ions
are necessary
D. Monit oring and im plem ent ation of approved ch anges
E. Providin g forecast t o updat e current schedule inform at ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 6 4
You are a proj ect m anager for a com pany t hat sells online m usic. Your
proj ect is t o develop new cont ent m anagem ent syst em t hat will not
only m anage all users purchases and downloads but will aut om atically
learn t he users m usic int erest t o m ake fut ure product
recom m endat ion. I n addit ion your cont ent m anagem ent syst em m ust
scale t o support m illions of current m usic downloads a day.
Your t eam has m ade a significant progress on t he proj ect . You are
preparing t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o dat e and have calculat ed
t he followin g m easurem ent :
PV= 4 0 0 0 , EV= 3 5 0 0 , AC= 3 0 0 0
Which of t he following st at em ent are t rue?
A. CV is posit ive num ber t hat im plies t hat your project is under
B. CV is a negat ive num ber which im plies t hat y our proj ect is over
C. EAC is negat ive num ber which im plies t hat y ou are spending
m ore t han originally bu dget ed
D. EAC is a posit ive num ber t hat im plies t hat you are spending
m ore t han originally bu dget ed
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 6 5
One of your friends is proj ect m anager in Telecom m unicat ion
Com pany. She is current ly m anaging a proj ect developing a voice over
I P. The gat eway offers a com prehensive approach t o im plem ent ing
high densit y, carrier class voice over packet gat eway applicat ions. She
is in t he process of developing t he project schedule, and has
det erm ined t hat t he proj ect has 44 crit ical pat hs. Which of t he
following best describe how t he proj ect will be im pact ed?
A. Proj ect will require m ore resources
B. There is no significant im pact from having m ult iple crit ical pat hs
C. Proj ect risk will increase
D. Proj ect will cost m ore
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 6 6
Which of t he following describes t he input t o t he direct and m anage
proj ect execut ion t hat is used t o bring t he proj ect back in line and is
t he part of feedback loop?
A. Correct iv e action
Perform ance report s
WBS updat es
Perform ance updat e
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 6 7
The risk m onit oring and cont rol process involves all of t he following
except :
A. Tracking identified risks
B. Assessing t he probabilit y of achieving proj ect obj ect ives
C. Reanaly zing exist ing risks
D. Monit oring residual risks
E. Monit oring t rigger condit ions for cont ingency plan
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 6 8
You are proj ect m anager at a large m ult inational com pany developing
a next generat ion m obile phone using voice over I P t echnology. The
proj ect involves significant coordinat ion of resources across m ult iple
different engineering t eam s locat ed in various different count ries.
Specifically your m obile han dset t eam is based in I ndia, your design
t eam in U.S.A, and your QA t eam in Canada.
You are current ly in t he process of assessing t he com plet ion st at us of
each of t he work packages. I n order t o develop a accurat e st at us of
proj ect , you have asked each of t he engineer t o report t h eir
com pletion dat e for t heir respect ive deliverables.
However one of t he QA engineer abrasively respond” com plet ion dat e
for what ?” you finally decided t o report QA engineer’s uncooperat ive
behavior t o his functional m anager.
Based on t he scenario above, which of t he following best describes t he
problem ?
A. t he work packages were not adequat ely defined for t he proj ect
B. t here was a conflict of int erest bet ween your QA engineer and
your proj ect obj ect ive
C. you did not receive t he necessary support from t he functional
m anager regarding y our proj ect
D. t he QA engineer was act ing defensively t o m ask his inabilit ies t o
m eet his proj ect responsibilit ies
E. you should have m et wit h t he funct ional m anager t he first t im e
you en count ered problem wit h t his engineer rat her t han let t he
problem escalat e
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 6 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding cost and
schedule variances?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Schedule variance will ult im at ely equal zero when t he proj ect is
com plet ed
C. The am ount of variance of SV and CV value t ends t o decrease as
t he proj ect reaches com plet ion
D. The cost variance at t he end of t he proj ect will be t he difference
bet ween t he budget at t he com plet ion and t he act ual am ount
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 7 0
The cost of qualit y oft en refers t o cost t o produce a product or service
according t o specific qualit y st andards. Which of t he following is not
cost associat ed wit h t he cost qualit y ?
A. Appraisal cost
B. Defect cost
C. Failure cost
D. Prevent ion cost
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 7 1
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect schedule.
All of t he following are t he input s t o t he process except :
A. Perform ance report
B. Act ivit y list
C. Schedule m anagem ent plan
D. Approved ch ange request
E. Schedule baseline
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 7 2
The applied level of change cont rol is least dependent upon:
A. Applicat ion area
B. Cont ract requirem ent s
C. Com plexit y of specific proj ect
D. St akeholder influences
E. Cont ext and environm ent in which proj ect is inform ed
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 7 3
Which of t he following is an effect ive t ool t o observe t rends and result s
over a specified period of tim e?
A. Cont rol chart
B. Scat t er diagram
C. Gant t chart
D. Run chart
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 7 4
Which of t he following are not sit uat ions where pre- assignm ent of
proj ect t eam m em bers are known in advance?
A. St aff assignm ent are defined in proj ect chart er
B. Proj ect is dependent on t he expert ise of cert ain people
C. Prom ised as a part of com pet it ive proposal
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 7 5
You are in t he process of direct in g t he perform ance of a planned
proj ect act ivit ies and m anaging various t echnical and organizat ional
int erfaces t hat exist wit hin your proj ect . All of t he following are
required input s EXCEPT:
A. Work perform ance inform ation
B. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
C. Approved ch ange request s, approved defect repair
D. Approved correct ive act ions, approved preven t ive actions
E. Validat ed defect repair, adm inist rat ive closure procedure
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 7 6
Which of t he following best describes t he conflict t hat arises when a
proj ect t eam m em ber has dual reporting relat ionship bet ween a
funct ional m anager and proj ect m an ager?
A. Am biguous j urisdict ion
B. Conflict m anagem ent
C. St orm in g
D. Mat rix organizat ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 7 7
You are evaluat ing several different m ot ivat ional st rat egies t o m otivat e
your proj ect t eam . You subscribe t o t he belief t hat pray and salary
m ay prevent j ob dissat isfact ion, but will not lead t o long t erm j ob
sat isfact ion. You believe t hat over t he long run pay and salary are NOT
m ot ivat ors. Which of t he following m otivat ional t heories are you
A. Expect ancy t heory
B. Achievem ent t heory
C. Maslow hierarchy of needs
D. Hert zberg hygiene t heory
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 7 8
Which of t he following process groups are in loop back relat ionship
wit h t he ot her, where each process group serves as input s t o t he
ot her?
A. Planning and init iat ion
B. Planning and execut ion
C. Execut ion and init iation
D. Execut ion and cont rollin g
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 7 9
You are t he proj ect m anager for a soft ware com pany developing
wireless m obile applicat ion. You are current ly in t he Risk I dent ificat ion
process where you are t rying t o ident ify and docum ent all t he risks
t hat m ight im pact your proj ect . You have assem ble your expert s in
one room for face- t o- face discussion.
You int end t o use a face- t o- face group judgm ent t echnique in which
part icipant s generat e silent ly, in writ ing, responses t o a given
quest ion/ problem ; responses are collect ed and post ed, but not
identified by aut hor, for all t o see; responses are openly clarified, oft en
in a round- robin form at , further it erat ions m ay follow; and a final set
of responses is est ablished by vot ing/ ranking. Which t echnique are you
A. Brainst orm ing
Assum pt ion analysis
Norm ing group t echnique
Diagram m ing t echniques
Delphi t echnique
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 8 0
According t o Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in which does t he need for
accept ance occurs?
A. Safet y and securit y
B. Est eem
C. Social needs
D. Self- act ualizat ion
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 8 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he proj ect
hum an resource m anagem ent processes?
A. Hum an resources planning involves obt ainin g t he hum an
resources required t o com plet e t he proj ect
B. Develop proj ect t eam involves obt aining t he hum an resources t o
com plet e t he proj ect
C. Acquire proj ect t eam involves ident ifying and docum enting t he
proj ect roles and responsibilit ies
D. Manage proj ect t eam involves creat ing t he st affing m anagem ent
E. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 4 8 2
Wit h respect t op cost of qualit y, which of t he following individu als
suggest ed t hat 85% of t he cost of qualit y is a m anagem ent problem ?
A. Crosby
B. Juran
C. Dem ing
D. I shikawa
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 8 3
You are t he proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing new 100- unit
apart m ent in downt own Manhat t an. As part of const ruct ion proj ect ,
you are planning t o out source a part icular deliverable of your project .
You have creat ed a docum ent t hat described t he product an d services
required in det ail and have included t he necessary reporting
requirem ent s. Which of t he following BEAST describes t he docum ent
you h ave j u st prepared?
C. Process m anagem ent plan
D. Scope definit ion
E. Cont ract SOW
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 4 8 4
Which of t he following describes an input t o t he direct and m anage
execut ion process that consist s of docum ent ed, aut horized request s
for product correct ion of a defect found during qualit y inspection?
A. I m plem ent ed prevent ive act ions
B. I m plem ent ed change request s
C. Approved prevent ive act ions
D. Approved defect repair
E. Approved ch ange request s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 8 5
Which of t he following LEAST likely describes a weight ing syst em used
in t he Select Sellers process?
A. Select a single seller t hat will be asked t o sign t he cont ract
B. Ensure t hat prospect ive sellers have a clear underst anding of t he
requirem ent s
C. Rank sellers based on seller’s past perform ance and qualit y
D. Rank all proposals by weighed evaluat ion scores
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 8 6
You are t he proj ect m anager for t he int ernat ional cont ract
m anufact urin g firm wit h m anufact u ring t he plant s and offices in I ndia,
China and Thailand. Your com pany design and m anufact ure various
consum er elect ronics such as flat screen, t elevision, lapt op com put ers,
m onit ors, e.t .c.
Your com pany is in t he process of bidding on a proj ect t o m anufact ure
t he next generat ion 128- bit video gam e console for x- cube st ation. As
a pot ent ial bidder for t his proj ect your com pany m ust regist er so t hat
it is on t he qualified seller list . Which of t he following st at em ent s are
t rue?
A. The qualified seller list is an input t o t he request sellers
responses and provides inform at ion about t he proj ect including
det ails about the RFP and SOW
B. The qualified seller list is an input t o t he select sellers and
provides inform ation about t he sellers
C. The qualified seller is a t ool/ t echnique of a request seller
response process and provide inform at ion about t he seller
D. The qualified seller list is a t ool of t he request seller responses
process and are used t o ensure t hat all t he prospective sellers
have a clear underst anding of t he requirem ent s
E. The qualified seller list is an input t o t he select sellers and are
used t o rat e and score proposals
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 8 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding recognit ion and
A. Zero sum rewards, t hat only a lim it ed num ber of proj ect t eam
m em bers can achieve, m ay undet erm ined t eam cohesiven ess
and perform ance
B. To be effect ive, recognit ion and rewards should be based under
a person’s cont rol
C. Recognit ion and rewards should consider cult ural differences
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Recognit ion and rewards are t ool/ t echniques of t he develop
proj ect t eam process
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 8 8
All of t he following are anot her t erm s of bidder conferences EXCEPT:
A. Pre- bid conferences
B. Vendor conferences
C. Screening conferences
D. Cont ract or conferences
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 4 8 9
Which of t he following conflict resolut ion t echniques describes a loselose sit u ation where one of t he parties inv olved in t he conflict reduces
t o discuss t he conflict , and hence, a resolut ion is never achieved
A. Confront at ion
B. Com prom ise
C. Forcing
D. Wit hdrawal
E. Sm oot hing
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 9 0
You are a proj ect m anager at j ava ice cream fact ory. You are currently
supervisin g t he m anufact uring of new flavor ice cream j ava bean,
burgundy crunch. The m anufact uring of t his flav or was proceeding as
planned, unt il a m anufact uring error occurred t hat requires corrective
act ion t o be t aken. I ronically t he m anufact uring error result ed in a new
variant of the flavor.
Product t eam really t hink s t hat flavor would be a success in a
m arket place. They have asked you t o cancel t he correct ive act ion, and
int egrat e t his serendipit ous discovery in t he m anufact uring process. As
a proj ect m anager you have realized t hat t his has result ed in a change
in proj ect scope. Which of t he following st at em ent are FALSE?
A. Qualit y in spection are used t o det erm ine whet her changes t o t he
proj ect scope h as occurred
B. Changes t o product scope should be reflect ed in t he proj ect
C. The perform ance m easurem ent s baselines will be affect ed by
changes in t he proj ect scope
D. Changes t o t he proj ect scope should be reviewed by t he CCB
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 9 1
You are t he proj ect m anger at an advert ising firm t hat specializes in
m arket ing and prom otional cam paign for at hlet ic shoes. Your com pany
frequent ly uses sport s celebrit ies as part of t he m arket ing and
advert isin g cam paigns. Advert ising t hat uses celebrit ies t o influence
consum er’s purchasing decisions is an exam ple of what t ype of power?
A. Referent power
B. Exert power
C. Legit im at e power
D. Coercive power
E. Punishm ent power
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 4 9 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding t he process
im provem ent plan?
A. The process im provem ent plan is an input t o t he perform qualit y
assurance process
B. The process im provem ent plan is an output t o t he perform
qualit y cont rol process
C. The process im provem ent plan describes t he st eps t o exam ine
processes for wast e and non- value added activit ies
D. The process im provem ent plan is a subsidiary of t he proj ect
m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 9 3
Which of t he following would LEAST likely t o be found as part of a
cont ract ?
A. Warrant y, lim it at ion of liabilit y
B. I ndependent est im at es, evaluation crit eria
C. Roles of responsibilit ies, pricin g and paym ent s
D. I nflat ion adj ust m ent s, accept ance crit eria
E. St at em ent of work, schedule
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 9 4
You are t he proj ect m anger at a const ruct ion com pany. Your com pany
is current ly in t he process of developing a 500- unit apart m ent
com plex. Your com pany plans t o subcont ract all t he elect rical wiring of
t he building t o an out side vendor.
The subcont ract or’s work will inv olve wiring t he building for elect rical
power, as well as cable and I nt ernet Et hernet wiring. I n which of t he
following processes will a cont ract bet ween t he buyer and seller be
creat ed?
A. Cont ract adm inist rat ion
B. Select sellers
C. Plan purchases and acquisit ions
D. Request seller responses
E. Plan cont racting
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 9 5
You are t he proj ect m anager of a com pany t hat is building ATM
soft ware for a large bank and financial inst it ut ions. You have been t old
t hat t he ATM soft ware m ust m eet very st ringent qualit y st andards.
I ncluding rigorous audit ing of all t ransact ions, abilit y t o recover in case
of soft ware/ hardware errors, and fraud det ect ion/ analysis and robust
t wo- fact or aut hent icat ion.
The ATM syst em is current ly in product ion, when a qualit y problem is
identified wit h a PI N card reader. This problem will require wit h a
downt im e of t he m anufact uring process while net works of t he unit are
perform ed. Fort unat ely, t he unit s have not been shipped, t o cust om ers
yet . Which of t he following best describes t he cost of qualit y
associat ed wit h t his problem ?
A. Appraisal cost s
B. Rework cost s
C. Ext ernal failure cost
D. Prevent ion cost s
E. I nt ernal failure cost s
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 4 9 6
Which of t he following is NOT one of t he five proj ect m anagem ent
process groups?
A. Execut in g
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Monit oring and cont rollin g
D. Planning
E. Closing
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 4 9 7
You are involved in m onit oring specific project result s t o det erm ine
whet her t hey com ply wit h relevant qualit y st andards. You are using a
cont rol chart t o illust rat e how a process is behaving over t im e. You’ve
const ruct ed y our cont rol chart and det erm ined t hat all t he dat a point s
are wit hin t he upper an d lower cont rol lim it s of t he chart . I n addition,
seven consecut ive dat a point s are observed t o be on t he one side of
t he m ean. Which of t he following is your BEST plan of action?
A. Com pare t he result s from t he lat qualit y m anagem ent plan
B. Adj ust t he m ean based on the observed dat a point s
C. No addit ional act ion is needed, as t he process is wit hin cont rol
D. I dent ify t he assignable causes
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 9 8
You are current ly in t he process of acquiring your proj ect t eam and are
working wit h functional m anagers t o ensure t hat t he proj ect receives
t he appropriat e st aff during t he required t im e fram e. Which of t he
following BEST describes t he t ool/ t echnique you are using?
A. Pre- assignm ent
B. Acquisit ion
C. Virt ual t eam s
D. Negot iat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 4 9 9
Consider t he proj ect int egrat ion m anagem ent kn owledge area. Which
of t he following process are included?
A. Risk ident ificat ion
B. Perform ance report ing
C. I nt egrat ed report ing
D. Direct and m anage proj ect execut ion
E. Hum an resource planning
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 0 0
Proj ect inform at ion can be shared by t am m em bers and st akeholders
t hrough a variet y of m et hods. Which of t he following are NOT
considered inform at ion ret rieval syst em s?
A. Elect ronic dat abases
B. Videoconferencing
C. Proj ect m anagem ent soft ware
D. Elect ronic m ail
E. Manual filing syst em s
An sw e r : B, D
Qu e st ion 5 0 1
Which of t he following describes t he assum pt ions m ade by t he t heory
X st yle of m anagem ent ?
A. People can handle responsibilit y wit h creativit y and ingenuit y
B. People hav e no am bit ion, want s no responsibilit y an d would
rat her follow t han lead
C. People work only for m oney and securit y
D. People will be com m it t ed t o t heir obj ect ives if rewards are in
place t hat address higher needs su ch as self- fulfillm ent
An sw e r : B, C
Qu e st ion 5 0 2
I nform at ion ret rieval syst em s, inform at ion dist ribut ion m et hods, and
com m unicat ion skills are t ools/ t echniques of which of t he following
A. I nform at ion dist ribut ion
B. Manage st akeholders
C. Perform ance report ing
D. Com m unicat ions planning
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 0 3
Which of t he following proj ect qualit y m anagem ent process is wit hin
t he executing process group?
A. Perform qualit y cont rol
B. Qualit y planning
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Perform qualit y assu rance
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 0 4
You are t he proj ect m anager at a const ruct ion com pany. Your
com pany is in t he process of developing a 500- unit apart m ent
com plex. Your com pany has subcont ract ed all t he elect rical wiring of
t he building t o XYZ Elect rical. The subcont ract or’s work inv olved wiring
t he building for elect rical power, as well as cable and I nt ernet / Et hernet
wiring. The subcont ract or has j ust com plet ed t he work, and you are in
process of inspect ing his work.
However, y ou’ve j ust discovered t hat t he subcont ract or forgot t o
inst all t he Cat - 5 Et hernet / I nt ernet cabling t hroughout t he building. The
subcont ract or’s perform ance did not m eet ing t he cont ract or
requirem ent s. Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. You are in t he qualit y assu rance process, and perform ed a
qualit y audit of t he cont ract or’s work
B. You are in t he cont ract adm inist rat ion process, and perform ed a
cont ract audit t o verify t he cont ract or’s work
C. You are in t he cont ract adm inist rat ion process, and perform ed a
variance analysis t o verify t he com plet eness of t he cont ract or’s
D. You are in t he scope verification process, and perform ed a
qualit y audit of t he cont ract or’s work
E. You are in t he perform ance report ing process, and perform ed a
perform ance review of t he cont ract or’s work
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 0 5
The cont ract m anagem ent plan is an out put of which process?
A. Plan cont racting
B. Request sellers
C. Plan purchases and acquisit ions
D. Select sellers
E. Cont ract adm inist rat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 0 6
Your are in t he process o reviewing offers and choosing am ong
pot ent ial sellers. All of t he following are t ools you can use except :
A. m et h ods t o evaluat e sellers on past perform ance and cont ract ual
com pliance
B. m et h ods for est ablishing m inim um requirem ent s for perform ance
of one or m ore evaluat ion crit eria when slecting a prospect iv e
C. m et h ods of preparing own independent estim at es of cost s
D. m et h ods t o review seller progress t o dat e
E. m et h ods t o clarify t he st ruct ure and requirem ent s of t he
cont ract s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 0 7
You have j ust com plet ed t he progress planning process group and are
ready t o begin t he proj ect execut ing process group. You will need t o
perform all t he following execut ing processes ex cept :
A. collect and dist ribut e proj ect perform ance inform at ion
B. im prove com pet encies of t eam m em bers
C. m ake necessary inform at ion available t o st akeholder in t im e
m anner
D. obt ain inform ation , quot at ion and proposals
E. review offer and select seller
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 0 8
Which of t he following are not t he direct result of m anaging t he t eam ?
A. Updat ing and st affing t he m anagem ent plan
B. Developing input t o perform ance appraisals
C. Recordin g t he lessons learned
D. I dent ifying t he recourse requirem ent s
E. Subm it t ing change request and resolving issues
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 0 9
You are in t he process of obt aining necessary hum an resource t o
com plet e t he proj ect . All t he following are t ools you can use except :
A. Negot iat ion
B. Acquisit ion
C. Virt ual t eam
D. Pre assignm ent
E. General m anagem ent skills
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 1 0
Which of t he following t ypes of cont ract s requires t he great est am ount
of t im e t o m onit or and audit ?
A. T&M
B. Fixed price
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 1 1
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he com m unicat ions
m anagem ent plan EXCEPT:
A. The com m unications m anagem ent plan should be form al and
highly det ailed
B. The com m unications m anagem ent plan is an input t o t he
inform ation dist ribution process
C. The com m unications m anagem ent plan is an out put of t he
com m unicat ions planning process
D. The com m unications m anagem ent plan provides inform at ion on
st akeholder com m unication requirem ent s and glossary of
com m on t erm inology
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 1 2
You have been assigned t o a proj ect t o build a large 30- st ory
condom inium in Las Vegas. The condom inium will feat ure luxu rious
am enit ies like st at e of t he art work- out facilit ies, conference cent ers,
valet services, m aid services, spas, gourm et dining and resort st yle
You have already finished t he planning processes and have already
begun const ruction. However, during proj ect ex ecution, a large
num ber of changes are being m ade t o t he proj ect . Which of t he
following BEST response t o t hese changes?
A. Hold off unt il changes are det erm ined, and t hen creat e a new
proj ect schedule
B. I m plem ent approved changes as necessary, and adj ust proj ect
m anagem ent plan and baselines
C. I m plem ent changes t hat have only been approved by
m anagem ent
D. Ask for addit ional resources in order t o im plem ent changes
E. Await m anagem ent approval before m aking any changes
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 1 3
You in t he proj ect execut ing process group, and w ould like t o confirm
t he im plem ent at ion of approved change request , corrective act ions,
and defect repairs. Which of t he following t ool/ t echnique can you
A. Qualit y audit s
B. Process analysis
C. Benchm arking
D. Design of experim ent s
E. Cost - benefit analysis
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 1 4
Which of t he following processes best describes t he proj ect hum an
resource m anagem ent knowledge area?
A. I nit iat ion, develop proj ect t eam , acquire proj ect t eam , develop
proj ect t eam
B. I nit iat ion, activit y resource planning, acquire proj ect t eam ,
develop proj ect t eam
C. I nit iat ion, develop proj ect t eam , acquire proj ect t eam , develop
proj ect t eam , m anage proj ect t eam
D. Acquire proj ect t eam , act ivit y resource est im at ion, develop
proj ect t eam , m anage proj ect t eam
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 1 5
You are current ly in t he m arker for t he new car. You are debat ing
bet ween t wo different cars. Car ABC is highly reliable car wit h an
excellent t rack record. However, car ABC lacks som e prem ium
equipm ent , su ch as high- end audio syst em and sport s suspen sion.
On t he ot her hand, car XYZ com es st andard wit h various prem ium
equipm ent including a sport s suspension and high- end audio syst em .
However, car XYZ is m uch les reliable and would require m ore
frequent m aint enance and repairs. How would you charact erized t he
t wo cars?
A. Car ABC is a low grade, high qualit y car while Car XYZ is a high
grade, high qualit y car
B. Car ABC is a low grade, high qualit y car while Car XYZ is a high
grade, high qualit y car
C. Car ABC is a low grade, high qualit y car while Car XYZ is a high
grade, low qualit y car
D. Car ABC is a high grade, high qualit y car while Car XYZ is a high
grade, low qualit y car
E. Car ABC is a high grade, low qualit y car while Car XYZ is a low
grade, high qualit y car
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 1 6
You are a proj ect m anager for t he m anufact ure of children’s t oys. Your
proj ect t eam is in t he process of designing a new children t oy for new
year Christ m as season.
Your proj ect t eam has w orked t oget her for t he last six m ont hs, and
has becom e a self direct ed t eam , wit h lit t le, if any supervision
required. A new m em ber has j ust added t o t he t eam . Which of t he
following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. int roduct ion t o t he new t eam m em ber will cause t he develop
t eam proj ect process t o st art over again at t he st orm ing st age
B. int roduct ion t o t he new t eam m em ber have no effect on develop
t eam proj ect process. The t eam will cont inue in t he perform ing
st age
C. int roduct ion t o t he new t eam m em ber will cause t he develop
t eam proj ect process t o st art over again at t he form ing st age
D. int roduct ion t o t he new t eam m em ber will cause t he develop
t eam proj ect process t o st art over again at t he norm ing st age
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 1 7
Which of t he following st at em ent are false?
A. The qualified seller list describes t hose sellers who are asked t o
subm it a proposals
B. Procurem ent docum ent package is a buyer prepared form al
request sent t o each seller and is t he basis upon which a seller
prepare a bid
C. Qualified seller list and procurem ent docum ent package are
out put of request seller responses process
D. Cont ract are seller prepared docum ent t hat describes t he seller
abilit y t o provide request ed services
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 1 8
Which of t he following t echniques do proj ect m an ager used m ost oft en
t o resolve conflict s?
A. Com prom ise
B. Wit hdrawal
C. Sm oot hing
D. Forcing
E. Confront ing
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 1 9
You are t he part of const ruction proj ect t eam responsible for
developing a new st adium . The proj ect has been ongoing for t he past
several m ont hs. Your proj ect t eam has j ust com plet ed t he init ial
proj ect budget and schedule and is ensure what t o do next . Which of
t he followin g would you recom m end as t he NEXT BEST act ion t o
perform ?
A. I dent ify t he qualit y st andards
B. St art proj ect it erat ions
C. I dent ify t he proj ect risks
D. Develop t he WBS
E. Develop t he PDM
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 2 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding t he project ch art er is
A. The proj ect ch arter grant s aut horit y t o the proj ect m anager t o
init iat e t he proj ect
B. The proj ect ch arter describes t he business needs for t he proj ect ,
such as m arket ing dem and, legal requirem ent s, t echnological
C. The proj ect ch arter provides t he proj ect m anager wit h functional
power over personnel
D. The proj ect ch arter should not be direct ly published by t he
proj ect m anager.
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 2 1
Which of t he following docum ent s init iat es a proj ect and aut horizes t he
proj ect m anager t o assign organizat ional resources t o t he proj ect ?
A. RFQ docum ent
B. Work breakdown st ruct ure
C. Proj ect plan
D. RFB docum ent
E. Proj ect chart er
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 2 2
Which of t he following best describes t he following organizat ional
st ruct ure?
Balan ced m at rix Org
Weak m at rix Org
Proj ect ized Org
Funct ional Org
St rong m at rix Org
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 2 3
You are current ly t he proj ect m anager for a soft w are developm ent
proj ect , developing a next generat ion dat a- m ining t ool. Your t eam is
developing a new soft ware product t hat will help cust om ers bet t er
m anage large volum es of dat a, especially for dat a report ing purposes.
Midway, t hrough t he proj ect , your engineer decide t o add addit ional
report ing fun ct ionalit y t o bet t er analyze correlat e dat a. Alt hough t his
funct ionalit y was NOT part of t he original proj ect plan, t his feat ure
seem s like it could be a useful feat ure for t he cust om er. This is an
exam ple of which of t he following?
A. Gold plating
B. Crashing t he schedule
C. I nadequat e proj ect planning
D. Scope creep
E. Fast t racking
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 2 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he proj ect
st at em ent of work?
A. The proj ect st at em ent of work is one of t he out put s t o t he
develop proj ect chart er process and develop prelim inary scope
st at em ent process
B. The proj ect st at em ent of work describes t he processes and
procedures for conduct ing work and knowledge base for st oring
and ret rieving inform ation
C. The proj ect st at em ent of work describes t he fact ors t hat
influen ce the proj ect ’s success, including com pany cult ure,
m arket place condit ions, st akeholder risk t olerance et c
D. The proj ect st at em ent of work is one of t he out put s t o t he
develop Prelim in ary Proj ect Scope St at em ent process
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 2 5
You have been recent ly hired t o be a proj ect m an ager at a bio- t ech
com pany t o develop anew drug t o t reat pancreatic cancer. The proj ect
requires significant coordinat ion across m ult iple depart m ent s from
R&D t o m anufact uring.
You’ve at t em pt t o gain t he cooperation of chief scient ist ( who report s
t o t he V.P. of R&D) wit hin t he R&D depart m ent . You need her
assist ance t o answer som e quest ions regarding t he clinical t est ing
process of t his new drug. However, t he chief scientist is un- int erest ed
in your proj ect and provides lit t le or no feed back t o your quest ions.
Since your proj ect is NOT one of her priorit ies, she’s been rat her
unresponsive t o your quest ions. What should y ou do in t his sit uat ion?
A. I nform t he VP of R&D of t he perform ance issues. Est ablish t he
expect at ions of t he chief scient ist by com m unicat ing t o your
proj ect requirem ent s t o t he VP of R&D. cooperat ion from t he VP
of R&D is necessary in order t o ensure perform ance from t he
chief scient ist
B. Clearly define and est ablish t he chief scient ist dut ies and
com m unicat e t o her t hat you re expect ing him t o m eet
expect at ions. I nform t he chief scient ist of t he im pact on lost
cust om ers and declining com pany revenues if she m isses her
C. Com m unicat e t o t he chief scient ist t hat you’ll be report ing her
perform ance t o t he VP of R&D at t he com plet ion of t he project .
D. Negot iat e wit h t he VP of R&D t o est ablish ex pect ations of t he
chief scient ist and request t o part icipat e ion t he chief scient ist ’s
annual perform ance review
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 2 6
Which of t he following is NOT a valid reason t o aut horize a proj ect ?
A. Social needs
B. Legal requirem ent s
C. Technological advance
D. Risk ident ificat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 2 7
One of your friends is a proj ect m anager at a com put er securit y
com pany. She is current ly m anaging a proj ect for t he developm ent of
a NAC ( net work adm issions cont rol) appliance t hat uses t he net work
infrast ruct ure t o enforce securit y policy com pliance on all devices
seekin g t o access net work com put ing resources, t hereby lim it ing
dam age from em erging securit y t hreat s. The NAC appliance will
provide wit h self- cont ained endpoint assessm ent , policy m anagem ent ,
and rem ediation services. The com pany had perform ed a sim ilar
proj ect a couple years ago.
This is crit ical proj ect fro t he com pany, and he is under t rem endous
pressure t o deliver t he proj ect . Unfort unat ely, he is new in t he
com pany, and t he proj ect is growing in size everyday. He is st arting t o
feel overwhelm ed by t he proj ect . What is his BEST course of act ion?
A. Ask for addit ional resources from his supervisor
B. Ask t he previous proj ect m anager for assist ance
C. Obt ain t he hist orical records and guidance from t he PMO
D. Cont ract from an out side vendor t o provide t he necessary
t echnical expert ise
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 2 8
Which of t he following best describes progressive elaboration?
A. Process of solicit ing proposals from prospective sellers and
B. Process of st art ing a new t ask prior t o t he com pletion of current
proj ect t asks
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Process of ident ifying t he charact erist ics of product s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 2 9
You are t he proj ect m anager at Day- Old donut s a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium donut s at a discount . Currently, your
com pany is planning on opening addit ional st ores t hroughout Europe.
Your com pany is evaluat ing different areas for ex pansion inclu ding
France, Germ any and England. Your st eering com m it t ee used a
weight ed score m odel and found that in Englan d wit h a score of 75,
provided t he best opport unit ies for expansion. Which of t he following
st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Weight ed scoring m odels are const rained opt im izat ion m et hod,
and is an input t o t he init iat ion process group
B. Weight ed scoring m odels are const rained opt im izat ion m et hod,
and is t ool/ t echnique of t he init iat ion process group
C. Weight ed scoring m odels are benefit m easurem ent m et hod, and
is input t o t he init iation process group
D. Weight ed scoring m odels are benefit m easurem ent m et hod, and
is t ool/ t echnique of t he init iat ion process group
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 3 0
When should a project m anager be assigned t o a proj ect ?
A. When a st akeholder select a proj ect m anager
B. Aft er t he proj ect planning has be done
C. During t he develop prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent process
D. Aft er t he WBS docum ent has developed
E. During t he develop proj ect chart er phase of t he proj ect
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 3 1
According t o t he PMI , who should develop t he proj ect chart er?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Proj ect init iat or ext ernal t o t he proj ect organizat ion
C. Proj ect sponsor t hat is part of t he proj ect organizat ion
D. The proj ect m anager
E. The cust om er
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 3 2
I n which of t he following processes in t he initial process group is one
responsible for producing a high-level definition of t he proj ect and
docum ent ing t he proj ect requirem ent s, deliverables and m et hod of
accept ance?
A. Scope plannin g
B. Develop prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent
C. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan
D. Develop proj ect chart er
E. Creat e WBS
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 3 3
You are t he proj ect m anager for an inform at ion t echnology division of
a large financial services firm in t he Unit ed St at es. Your com pany
offers a w eb based t rading plat form t hat provides opt ions and fut ures
t rading for U.S com m odit ies m arket s. Due t o t he rise in popularit y of
fut ures and options t rading, your com pany has grown rapidly . I n fact ,
due t o rapid growt h, t he com pany’s I .T. infrast ruct ure is unable t o
m eet t he growing dem ands.
To keep up wit h t he dem ands you have been assigned t he
responsibilit y of upgrading t he com pany’s net work and com pany’s
infrast ruct ure. You have been asked t o calculat e t he payback period
for t he proj ect t hat is t o be com plet ed in t he next 24 m ont hs.
A. 4.5 years
B. 4 years
C. 5.5 years
D. 3 years
E. 2 years
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 3 4
Which of t he following t erm s best describe t he approach used by
organizat ions t o t reat aspect s of ongoing operat ions as proj ect in order
t o apply proj ect m anagem ent t echnique t o t hem ?
A. Product m anagem ent
B. Managem ent by proj ect s
C. Program m anagem en t
D. Operat ions proj ect m anagem ent
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 3 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he difference
bet ween a proj ect expedit er and coordinat or roles?
A. There are no funct ional differences bet ween t he proj ect
expedit er and coordinat or roles
B. The proj ect coordinat or cannot m ake or enforce decisions
C. The proj ect coordinat or report s t o higher- level m anager
D. The proj ect expedit er van m ake and enforce decisions
E. The proj ect expedit er has m ore aut horit y t han proj ect
coordinat or
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 3 6
You are t he proj ect m anager at Happy Coffee Café, a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium blended coffee. Current ly, y our com pany is
planning on opening addit ional st ores t hroughout Europe. Your
com pany is evaluat ing different areas for expansion, including France,
Germ any , and England. Based on your m arket analysis, you have
obt ained t he following inform at ion:
En gla n d- I RR ( 3 3 % ) , pa yba ck pe r iod ( 1 .5 ye a r s)
Fr a n ce - I RR ( 4 5 % ) , pa yba ck pe r iod ( 1 .1 ye a r s)
Ge r m a n y- I RR ( 3 6 % ) , pa yba ck pe r iod ( 0 .7 5 ye a r s)
Englan d since I RR is lowest
Germ any since payback period is short est
France sin ce t he I RR is t he highest
Englan d since t he payback period is t he longest
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 3 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he proj ect
chart er?
A. The proj ect ch arter describes t he business needs of t he proj ect
and should be published under t he nam e of proj ect m anager
B. The proj ect ch arter includes t he proj ect goals and object iv es and
should be published under t he nam e of proj ect sponsor
C. The proj ect ch arter includes resources and cost est im at es and
should be published by a m anager ext ernal t o t he proj ect
D. The proj ect chart er includes resources and cost est im at es and
should be published under t he nam e of proj ect m anager
E. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 3 8
Suppose your com pany has acquired a high end server t hree years ago
for $100,000. The server’s current book value is $20,000. The $20,000
book value sis best considered a:
A. Variable cost
B. I ndirect cost
C. Sunk cost
D. Direct cost
E. Fixed cost
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 3 9
You are t he proj ect m anger at a ut ilit y com pany. Due t o t he recent rise
in t he cost of pet roleum , your organizat ion is exploring cheaper,
alt ernat ives form s of energy. You are in t he process of developing t he
proj ect chart er. All of t he following are t ools/ t echniques t hat you can
use t o develop t he proj ect chart er EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect m anagem ent m et hodologies
C. Decom posit ion
D. Proj ect select ion m et hods
E. Expert j udgm ent
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 4 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding decision m odels
using m ult i obj ective program m in g algorit hm s?
A. These are t ool/ t echniques in t he Quant it ative risk analysis
B. These are benefit m easurem ent m et hods
C. These are input t o t he develop proj ect chart er process
D. These are const rained opt im izat ion m et hods/ m at hem at ical
m odels
E. These are input s t o t he develop prelim inary proj ect scope
st at em ent process
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 4 1
You are in t he process of developing an approxim at ion of t he cost s of
t he resources needed t o com plet e each schedule act ivit y. Which of t he
following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding t his process?
A. Act ivit y resource estim ation involves determ ining t he quantit y
and t y pe of resources required ( st aff, equipm ent , m at erial, et c)
and is loosely coordinat ed wit h the cost est im at ing
B. Schedule act ivit y durat ion estim at es m ay affect cost est im at es
t hat have t im e- sensit ive cost s
C. The st affing m anagem ent plan is an input t o t his process and
describes t he t y pe and quant it y of resources required t o
com plet e proj ect work
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ing will affect cost est im at es when t he
proj ect budget in cludes an allowance for cost financing
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 4 2
Which of t he following best describes t he calculat ions of lat e finish
dat es and lat e st art dat es for t he uncom plet ed port ions of all net work
act ivit ies?
A. Backward pass
B. Baseline
C. Schedule variance
D. Forward pass
E. Precedence diagram m ing m et hod
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 4 3
You are an inform at ion securit y proj ect m anager responsible for
securing y our cooperat e net work. Due t o new regulat ions m andat ed by
t he Sarbanes- Oxley act your com pany’s upper m anagem ent has
t asked you wit h securing t he com pany’s net work infrast ruct ure.
Unfort unat ely, y ou lacked det ailed knowledge regarding firewall and
I PS- relat ed t echnologies. You are relying on an out side securit y
consult ing firm t o provide you wit h e x pe r t j u dgm e n t regarding t hese
t echnologies. You are t rying t o forecast how oft en y ou’ll require t heir
expert j u dgm ent during your proj ect . Expert j udgm ent is a t ool/
t echnique in all of t he following processes EXCEPT:
A. Develop proj ect chart er
B. Develop prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent
C. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan
D. Scope plannin g
E. Schedule developm ent
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 4 4
Which of t he following process t akes t he act ivit ies t hat are defined in
t he WBS and act ivit y list , and accesses t he am ount of t im e required t o
com plet e t hese activit ies?
A. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ion
B. Act ivit y definit ion
C. Act ivit y sequencing
D. Schedule developm ent
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 4 5
Which of t he following processes ut ilize rollin g wave planning as a t ool/
t echnique?
A. Creat e WBS
B. Act ivit y sequencing
C. Scope plannin g
D. Act ivit y definit ion
E. Scope definit ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 4 6
A risk im pact scale t hat uses rank- ordered values as ve r y low , low ,
m ode r a t e , an d h igh is considered:
A. Probabilit y scale im pact
B. Non linear scale
C. An ordin al scale
D. Linear scale
E. A cardin al scale
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 4 7
A poorly defined st affing m anagem ent plan will LEAST direct ly im pact :
A. Abilit y t o est im at e cost s associat ed wit h schedule act ivit ies
B. Abilit y im prove com pet en cies of t eam m em bers
C. Abilit y t o obt ain hum an resources needed t o com plet e proj ect
D. Abilit y t rack proj ect t eam perform ance
E. Abilit y t o creat e t he roles and responsibilit ies list needed t o
com plet e t he proj ect
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 4 8
The det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent includes all of t he following
A. Proj ect obj ect ives, proj ect scope descript ion, proj ect
requirem ent s
B. Fund lim it at ion, cost est im at e, configurat ion m anagem ent
requirem ent s
C. Proj ect specificat ion, approval requirem ent s, WBS
D. Proj ect boundaries, proj ect deliverables, proj ect accept ance
crit eria
E. Const raint s/ assum pt ions, init ial defined risks, schedule
m ilest ones
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 4 9
Support ing det ails for act ivit y cost est im at es should include all of t he
following EXCEPT:
A. Range of possible est im at es
B. Cost baseline
C. Descript ion of proj ect scope of work
D. Docum ent at ion of const raint s and assum pt ions
E. Docum ent at ion of how t he est im at es were developed
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 5 0
You have been hired as a proj ect m anager for a local bank. Bank
want s t o develop and design t he cust om online bill pay soft ware so
t hat it s cust om er can pay bills online. You are ready t o begin t he
act ivit y durat ion est im at es for your proj ect .
Two years ago y ou were inv olved in prior proj ect where a t eam of t en
program m ers were able t o creat e sim ilar bill pay soft ware in 180 days.
Therefore in est im at ing t he durat ion of t his new proj ect , you decided
t o use 180 days as an est im at e. This is an exam ple of which t ype of
est im at ing t echnique?
A. Reserve t im e
B. Decom posit ion
C. Qualit at ively based duration
D. Analogous est im ating
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 5 1
All of t he following can be used t o est im at e cont ingency reserves
during act ivit y durat ion est im at ing except :
A. Percent age of est im at ed act ivit y durat ion
B. Fixed num ber of work periods
C. Quant it at ive schedule risk analysis
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 5 2
Which of t he following processes is involved wit h allocat ing t he overall
cost est im at e t o individual work act ivit ies?
A. Cost budget ing
B. Cost est im at ing
C. Cost cont rol
D. Act ivit y resource estim ating
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 5 3
You are in t he process of analyzing act ivit y sequence, durat ions,
resource requirem ent , and schedule const raint s in order t o creat e t he
proj ect schedule. Which of t he following is least helpful input in t his
A. Act ivit y at t ribut es, project schedule net work diagram
B. Act ivit y durat ion estim at es, risk regist er
C. Act ivit y resource requirem ent , resource calendars
D. Schedule baseline, perform ance report s
E. Proj ect scope st at em ent s, act ivit y list
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 5 4
Risks t hat m ay affect t he proj ect can be ident ified and organized int o
risk cat egories. Which of t he following is a not possible risk cat egory?
A. Ext ernal
B. Technical
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Organizat ional
E. Environm ent al
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 5 5
Risk diagram m ing t echniques include all of t he following except :
A. I nfluence diagram
B. I shikawa diagram
C. Fishbone diagram
D. Paret o chart s
E. Process flow chart s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 5 6
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting risk proj ect . You
are using various inform ation gat hering t echniques t o ident ify t he
proj ect risk s. All of t he following are inform at ion gat hering t echniques
except :
A. Delphi t echnique
B. SWOT analysis
C. Brainst orm ing
D. Assum pt ion analysis
E. Root cause ident ificat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 5 7
You are a proj ect m anager at const ruct ion com pany , assigned t o
repaint t he 30- st ory building. One of t he init ial t asks are t o scrape t he
original paint off t he building and t hen t o prim e the buildin g. But
before t he building can be prim ed, t he original paint m ust be scraped
off t he building.
However prim ing can begin while scraping is underway . The t wo t asks
can progress in parallel. Which of t he following relat ionship t ype best
describes t his dependency bet ween scraping and prim in g?
A. St art t o finish
B. St art t o st art
C. Finish t o st art
D. Finish t o finish
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 5 8
Which of t he following are t rue regarding proj ect risk m anagem ent ?
A. Qualit at ive risk analysis involves prioritizing risk by t heir im pact
and probabilit y of occurrence
B. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
C. Risk m anagem ent involves det erm ining which risk m ight effect
t he proj ect
D. Qualit at ive risk analysis involves num erically analyzing t he
im pact s of identified risks
E. Risks ident ificat ion involves deciding how t o plan and and
execut e risk m anagem ent act ivit ies
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 5 9
You are u sing t hree point est im at ing t echnique t o est im at e t he
est im at e of a scheduled act ivit y. Which of t he following st at em ent are
t rue given t he following dat a:
[ Pe ssim ist ic= 1 0 0 da ys] [ Opt im ist ic= 4 0 da ys] [ M ost lik e ly= 6 5 da ys]
Assum ing a be t a dist ribut ion you calculat e t hat t he
durat ion a ve r a ge = 6 6 .6 da ys and durat ion
va r ia n ce = 1 0 0 .
Assum ing a t r ia n gu la r dist ribut ion you calculat e t hat t he
durat ion a ve r a ge = 6 8 .3 3 da ys, and durat ion
va r ia n ce = 1 5 1 .3 8
A. The t riangular dist ribut ion gives a m ore opt im istic and m ore
opt im istic and aggressive value for t he m ean
B. The t riangular dist ribut ion gives an est im at e wit h larger
uncert aint y
C. The dat a dist ribution gives a m ore pessim ist ic and m ore
conservat iv e value for t he m ean
D. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 6 0
You are t he proj ect m anger assigned t o perform seism ic ret ro- fit t ing
on an old office building. You are t rying t o est im at e t he cost s for t his
proj ect . You st art by assigning t he cost s associat ed wit h each of t he
proj ect act ivit ies. Then you sum up all the individual cost s int o a final
cost est im at e. Which t ype of cost estim ating t echnique id you see?
B. Bot t om - up est im at ing
D. Param et ric est im at ing
E. Analogous est im ating
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 6 1
You are t he proj ect m anager for a soft ware com pany t hat develops
children’s video gam es. You have been assigned t o develop a new
gam e t hat m akes m at hem at ics fun for children. You need t o gat her
necessary inform at ion t o writ e t he proj ect scope m anagem ent plan.
Which of t he following inform at ion do you NOT need as input s t o your
current process?
A. Proj ect chart er
B. Organizat ional process asset s
C. Prelim in ary proj ect scope st at em ent
D. Tem plat es, form s, and st andards
E. Ent erprise environm ent al fact ors
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 6 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he crit ical pat h
of a proj ect schedule?
A. Any proj ect act ivit y wit h a float t im e of zero or great er is
considered a crit ical pat h t asks
B. Any proj ect act ivit y wit h a posit ive float tim e is considered a
crit ical pat h t asks
C. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
D. Any proj ect act ivit y wit h a float t im e t hat equals zero is
considered a crit ical pat h t asks
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 6 3
All of t he following st at em ent s regarding t he risk breakdown st ruct ure
( RBS) is t rue EXCEPT:
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. The RBS list s t he cat egories and sub- categories wit hin which
risk s m ay arise
C. The RBS describes t he list of identified risks, list of pot ential
responses, and root causes of risks
D. The lowest level of risk breakdown st ruct ure can be used as a
risk checklist
E. The risk breakdown st ruct ure represent s a hierat ically organized
represent at ion of identified proj ect risks arranged by risk
cat egories
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 6 4
You are in t he process of est im at ing t he num ber of work periods t hat
will be needed t o com plet e individu al schedule act ivit ies. All of t he
following are t ools/ t echniques you can use EXCEPT:
A. Est im ating duration by m ult iplying t he quant it y of work t o be
perform ed by product ivit y rat e
B. Est im ating duration by calculat ing t he average of t hree durat ion
est im at es ( m ost likely, optim ist ic, pessim ist ic)
C. Est im ating duration by using contingency reserves
D. Est im ating duration from a previous, sim ilar schedule activit y
based on hist orical inform at ion and expert j udgm ent
E. Est im ating duration by calculat ing m ult iple proj ect durat ions wit h
varying set s of act ivit y assum pt ions using Mont e Carlo analysis
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 6 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding Schedule Net work
Analysis is t rue EXCEPT:
A. Schedule net work analysis provides a graphical represent at ion of
sit uat ions showing casual influences, tim e ordering of event s,
and relat ionships am ong variables and out com es
B. Schedule net work analysis calculat es t he early and lat e/ finish
dat es and scheduled st art / finish dat es for uncom plet ed port ions
of t he proj ect schedule activit ies
C. Schedule net work analysis is a t ool/ t echniqu e of t he schedule
developm ent process
D. Schedule net work analysis em ploys various analyt ical t echniques
such as crit ical pat h m et hod, crit ical chain m et hod, what - if
analysis, and resource leveling
E. Schedule net work analysis is a t echnique t hat generat es t he
proj ect schedule
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 6 6
Which of t he following is t y pically displayed as a S- shaped curve?
A. Paret o diagram
B. Crit ical pat h
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Resource hist ogram
E. Cost baseline
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 6 7
Cost aggregat ion, reserve analysis, funding lim it reconciliat ion, and
param et ric est im at ing are t ool/ t echniques of which process?
A. Cost est im at ing
B. Cost budget ing
C. Cost cont rol
D. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ing
E. Act ivit y resource estim ating
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 6 8
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he cost baseline
A. The cost baseline is a part of t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
B. The cost baseline is usually displayed as a S- shaped curve
C. Cost baseline is are m anagem ent cont rol point where budget and
act ual cost are int egrat ed and com pared t o earned value for
perform ance m easurem ent
D. The cost baseline inv olves aggregating the est im at ing cost of
individual act ivit ies or work packages and is an out put of t he
cost budget in g process
E. A proj ect m ay have m ult iple cost baseline
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 6 9
You are a proj ect m anager developing a proj ect plan for t he renovat ion
of hist oric landm ark. You are in t he process of perform ing som e risk
planning. your risk m anagem ent plan should include all of he following
except :
A. Scoring an d int erpret at ion
B. Met hodology
C. Response t o individual risk
D. Tim ing
E. Roles and repom sibilit ies
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 7 0
Planning com ponent s are t ools of act ivit y definition process. Which of
t he followin g are planning com ponent s?
Act ivit y at t ribut es
Cont rol account s
Milest one list
Planning package
Act ivit y list
An sw e r : B,D
Qu e st ion 5 7 1
Which of t he following are t he part of WBS dict ionary except :
A. St at em ent of work t o be perform ed
B. Code of account ident ified
C. Act ivit y at t ribut es
D. Who is responsible for t he work
E. Schedule m ilest one
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 7 1
All of t he following st at em ent s regarding decision t ree analysis are t rue
except :
A. Decision t ree is a diagram m ing t echnique used t o select best
course of act ion in sit uation where t he fut ure out com es are
uncert ain
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. EMV is t he st atist ical concept t hat includes t he average out com e
of proj ect out com es based on v arious assum pt ions and scenario
D. Decision t ree analysis are t ools of quant it at ive risk analysis
E. Decision t ree analysis uses EMV analysis
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 7 2
I n which of t he following cont ract t ype will t he buyer assum e t he
highest risk for cost overrun and non- perform ance?
C. Fixed fee plus incent ive cont ract s
E. T&M cont ract s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 7 3
Wit h respect t o risk m anagem ent , which of t he following are not t rue
regarding decision t ree analysis?
A. Solving decision t ree indicat es which decision yields t he great est
expect ed value t o t he decision m aker
B. Decision t ree are t ool of quant it at ive risk analysis process
C. The PDM schedule is t ypically used t o const ruct t he decision t ree
D. Decision t ree shows the im pact of one decision over anot her
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 7 4
You are current ly in t he process of priorit izin g risks by t heir im pact and
probabilit y of occurance. Which of t he following t ool/ t echnique is least
A. Probabilit y im pact analysis
B. Risk dat a qualit y assessm ent
C. Risk urgency assessm ent
D. I nt erviewing, brainst orm ing
E. Risk cat egorizat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 7 5
Quant it at ive risk analysis involves all of t he following except :
A. I dent ify feasible cost and schedule t arget s giv en proj ect risk s
B. Ensure t hat risk m anagem ent policies are bein g followed
C. Assess probabilit y of m eet in g proj ect obj ect ives
D. Quant ify t he pot ent ial proj ect out com es and probabilit ies
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 7 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding sensit ivit y
A. Sensit ivit y an alysis is a t ool used in quant it ative risk analysis
B. Sensit ivit y an alysis is useful for det erm ining t he relat ive
im port ance of variables t hat have a high degree of uncert aint y t o
t hose t hat have low uncert aint y
C. A t ornado diagram is a display of sensit ivit y analysis
D. Sensit ivit y an alysis helps det erm ine which risks have t he m ost
pot ent ial im pact on t he proj ect
E. Sensit ivit y an alysis exam ines how variat ions and uncert aint y of
individual proj ect elem ent im pact s t he proj ect obj ect ive,
assum in g all ot her proj ect elem ent are varied concurrent ly
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 7 7
Which of t he following docum ent include a code of account ident ifier, a
st at em ent of work, and a list of schedule m ilest ones for each WBS
com ponent ?
A. Act ivit y list
B. WBS dict ionary
C. Scope baseline
D. WBS t em plat es
E. Act ivit y resource requirem ent s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 7 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding various act ivit y
scheduling t ools?
A. PDM is also known as act ivit y on arrow net work
B. ADM allows for condit ional branching and it erat ion of act ivit ies
C. PDM approach uses boxes( nodes) t o represent activit ies, and
arrows represent t he relat ionship and dependencies of work
D. PDM allows for condit ional branching and it erat ion of act ivit ies
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 7 9
All of t he st at em ent s regarding Planning Packages are t rue EXPECT:
A. As work becom es m ore clearly defined ,planning packages are
usually convert ed int o work packages
B. Planning packages reflect a fut ure segm ent of work wit hin a
cont rol account t hat has not yet been decom posed int o
det ailed work packages
C. Planning packages are WSB com ponent s wit h know work
cont ent but wit hin det ailed schedule act ivit ies
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 8 0
Product analysis is a / t echnique of which of t he following prosses?
A. Scope Cont rol
B. Scope Definit ion
C. Scope Plannin g
D. Creat e WBS
E. Scope Verificat ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 8 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Tot al slake is t he am ount of t im e one can delay t he st art of a
part icular t ask wit hout affect ing t he st art of a successor t ask.
B. Free slake is t he t im e one can delay t he st art of a particular
t ask, wit hout delaying t he com plet ion of t he proj ect .
C. Tot al slake is t he am ount of t im e one can delay t he st art of a
part icular t ask, wit hout delaying t he com plet ion of t he project .
D. Free slake is t he am ount of t im e one can delay t he st art of a
part icular t ask wit hout affect ing t he st art of a successor t ask.
An sw e r : C, D
Qu e st ion 5 8 2
Your proj ect t eam is already creat ed t he WBS, developed est im at es for
t he work packages, and sequenced t he project act ivit ies using t he
precedence diagram m ing m et h od. Which act ion should be perform ed
A. Finalize t he proj ect schedule
B. I m plem ent schedule change cont rol syst em
C. Apply schedule com pression t echniques
D. Obt ain accept an ce of com plet ed proj ect scope
E. Decom pose t he work packages int o sm aller com ponent s called
schedule act ivit ies
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 8 3
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting t he project roles
and responsibilit ies and creat e st affing m anagem ent plan. All of t he
following are environm ent al fact ors t hat should be considered during
t his process EXCEPT:
A. I nt erpersonal
B. Logist ical
C. Organizat ional, t echnical
D. Com pet encies
E. Polit ical
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 8 4
You are t he proj ect m anager at a ut ilit y com pany. Due t o t he recent
rise in t he cost of pet roleum , your organizat ion is exploring cheaper,
alt ernat ive form s of energy. You have j ust com plet ed t he proj ect
Scope Pla n n in g process and creat ed t he Scope m anagem ent plan.
However, upon review, you have det erm ined t hat t he result ing proj ect
scope m anagem ent plan is am biguous and poorly writ t en. A poorly
writ t en pr oj e ct scope m a n a ge m e n t pla n will dir e ct ly im pact all of
t he followin g EXCEPT:
A. Abilit y t o develop cost approxim ations for resources required t o
com plet e proj ect act ivit ies
B. Abilit y t o f orm alize accept ance of t he proj ect deliverables
C. Abilit y t o creat e a det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent as t he basis
for fut ure decisions.
D. Abilit y t o cont rol changes t o t he proj ect scope
E. Abilit y t o identify t he necessary act ivit ies t hat needs t o be
perform ed t o produce proj ect deliverables
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 8 5
All of t he following scheduling t echniques account for resource
lim it at ions/ availabilit y EXCEPT:
A. Resource leveling
B. Crit ical chain m et hod
C. Crit ical pat h m et h od
D. Apply calen dars
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 8 6
The out put s from risk ident ificat ion are usually cont ained in t he
docum ent called a risk regist er. All of t he following should be included
in t he risk regist er upon com plet ion of the risk ident ificat ion process
A. List of pot ent ial responses
B. Rot causes of risk s
C. Updat e risk cat egories
D. List of ident ified risks
E. Risk audit s
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 8 7
You are u sing t he t hree- point est im at ing t echnique t o est im at e t he
durat ion of a schedule act ivit y. Which of t he following is t he correct
form ula for calculat ing variance assum ing a bet a dist ribut ion?
A. [ ( opt im ist ic- pessim ist ic) ^ 2+ ( m ost likely- pessim ist ic) * ( m ost
likely- optim ist ic) ] / 18
B. ( ( opt im ist ic- pessim ist ic) / 6) ^ 2
C. ( pessim ist ic + opt im ist ic + m ost likely ) / 3
D. ( pessim ist ic + 4 * ( m ost likely) + optim istic) / 6
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 8 8
You are t he proj ect m anger assigned t o build t he house. You have
det erm ined t he dependencies bet ween act ivit ies on t he proj ect . One of
t he act ivit y dependencies is t hat t he foundat ion of t he house m ust be
creat ed prior t o t he const ruct ion of t he fram e which of t he following is
t rue?
A. This is an exam ple of m andat ory dependency
B. This is st art - t o- st art relat ionship
C. This is finish- t o- finish relat ionship
D. This is an exam ple of preferential logic
E. This is st art - t o- finish relat ionship
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 8 9
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting t he logical
relat ionships am ong schedule act ivit ies. Which of t he following are
NOT out put s t o t his process?
A. Act ivit y list updat es
B. Request ed changes
C. Milest ones list
D. Proj ect schedule net work diagram
E. Act ivit y at t ribut es updat es
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 9 0
You have been recent ly assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for a large const ruct ion com pany. You are evaluat ing t he
net work diagram for t he const ruct ion proj ect .
Your lead engineer has given y ou the following est im at es for several
crit ical pat h act ivit y: 30 days ( opt im ist ic) , 80 days ( pessim ist ic) , and
40 days ( m ost likely) . Which of t he following dat es can you com m it
wit h approxim at ely a 95 percent confidence level, assum ing a bet a
dist ribut ion?
A. The act ivit y will t ake bet ween 30 days and 80 days
B. Not enough inform ation is provided
C. The act ivit y will t ake bet ween 20 days and 70 days
D. The act ivit y will t ake bet ween 36 days and 53 days
E. The act ivit y will t ake bet ween 28 days and 61 days
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 9 1
All of followin g are t ypes of st rat egies t hat one can use t o deal wit h
negat ive risk/ t h reat s EXCEPT:
A. Accept
B. Exploit
C. Avoid
D. Mit igat e
E. Transfer
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 9 2
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting t he project roles
and responsibilit ies and creat e st affing m anagem ent plan. Which of t he
following are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect st aff assignm ent s
B. Proj ect organizat ion chart s
C. St affing m anagem ent plan
D. Roles and responsibilit ies
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 9 3
You have been recent ly assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for const ruct ing a new 50- st ory casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
You are evaluat ing t he net work diagram for t he const ruct ion proj ect ,
and are in t he process of ident ifying t he crit ical pat h of t he proj ect .
Based on t he following diagram , which pat h is t he crit ical pat h?
A- B- G- H
A- E- F- D- H
A- E- F- H
A- E- F- C- D- H
A- C- D- H
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 5 9 4
The procurem ent m anagem ent plan describes how t he procurem ent
processes will be m anaged. All of the following should be docum ent ed
in t he procurem ent m anagem ent plan EXCEPT:
A. Types of cont ract s t o use
B. I nt egrat ion wit h ot her proj ect processes
C. Aut horit y of t he proj ect t eam
D. Evaluation crit eria
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 5 9 5
Which of t he following best describes t he schedule developm ent
A. Analyzin g act ivit y sequences and act ivit y durat ions t o develop
proj ect schedule
B. Est im ating t he num ber of work periods t hat will be needed for
each act ivit y
C. I dent ifying int eractivit y dependencies
D. I dent ifying t he specific act ivit ies t hat m ust be perform ed t o m eet
proj ect obj ect ives
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 9 6
All of t he st at em ent s regarding rollin g wave planning is TRUE EXCEPT:
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. I nt erm ediat e est im at es are provided for t he m iddle t erm t asks
C. Broad est im at es are provided for far t erm t asks
D. Det ailed est im at es are provided for near t erm t asks
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 5 9 7
A proj ect schedule can be present ed in various form at s. All of t he
following are valid form at s of t he proj ect schedule EXCEPT:
A. Act ivit y- on- node diagram
B. Tim e- scaled scheduled net w ork diagram
C. Milest one chart s
D. Logic bar chart s
E. I shikawa diagram s
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 5 9 8
You are t he proj ect m anager for a const ruct ion com pany. You are
current ly est im at ing how long it will t ake t o perform t he elect rical
wiring of t he building. You est im at e t hat t here are about 5,000 m et ers
of wiring required. You also est im at e t hat y our proj ect t eam can wire
20 m et ers/ hour. Hence you est im at e t hat wirin g will t ake
approxim at ely 250 hours. Which of t he following est im at ing t echniques
did you apply in your analysis?
A. Analogous est im ating
B. To- down est im at ing
C. Param et ric est im at ing
D. Three- point est im at es
E. Bot t om - up est im at ing
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 5 9 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding t he probabilit y
im pact m at rix ?
A. The probabilit y im pact m at rix is const ruct ed by assigning risk
based on com bining probabilit y and im pact scales
B. The probabilit y im pact m at rix is a t ool/ t echnique of t he
quant it ative risk analysis process
C. The risk score is calculat ed by m ult iplying t he risk’s probabilit y
wit h t he risk’s im pact and com paring t he result s wit h t he
predefined risk t hreshold
D. The probabilit y im pact m at rix is used t o det erm ine if t he risks
should be classified high, m edium , or low risks
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 0 0
You are in t he process of est im at ing t he t ype and qualit y of resources
needed t o com plet e in dividual schedule activit ies. All of t he following
are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Resource calen dar updat es, request ed change
B. Resource breakdown st ruct ure
C. Proj ect schedule
D. Act ivit y at t ribut es updat e
E. Act ivit y resource requirem ent s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 0 1
You are in t he process of num erically analyzin g t he effect s of identified
risk s. Which of t he following are not t ool/ t echniques you can use in
t his process?
A. Expert j udgm ent
B. Sensit ivit y an alysis
C. Probabilit y- im pact m at rix
D. Probabilit y dist ributions
E. Dat a gat hering and represent ation t echniques
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 0 2
Which of t he following represent s a hierarchically organized depict ion
of t he resources t o be used on t he proj ect ?
C. None of t he choices are correct
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 0 3
You are t he proj ect m anager for a soft ware com pany t hat develops
sport s- based video gam es. You have been assigned t o develop a new
3D int eractive basket ball video gam e. You have j ust com plet ed t he
developm ent of t he proj ect scope m anagem ent plan. Which of t he
following processes did you j ust com plet e?
A. Develop prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent
B. Cope definit ion
C. Scope cont rol
D. Scope plannin g
E. Scope verificat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 0 4
Which of t he following is LEAST likely t o im prove t he accuracy of cost
est im at es produced t hrough param et ric cost est im ating t echniques?
A. When cost estim at es for work packages, cont rol account s, and
planning packages in t he WBS are accurat e and det ailed.
B. When m odel is scalable
C. When param et ers used in t he m odel are quant ifiable
D. When hist orical inform at ion used t o develop t he m odel is
accurat e
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 0 5
What is t he t ot al slack for t he following project ?
None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 0 6
You are t he proj ect m anager for a const ruct ion com pany. Your firm
has been cont ract ed t o com plet e t he const ruct ion of a 10- st ory office
buildin g. This proj ect will use t hree point est im at es t o calculat e t he
est im at es for act ivit y durat ion. You have t he following est im at es for
t ask A ( creat in g t he foundat ion) .
Assum ing t he t riangular dist ribution what is t he average durat ion
est im at e based on t he following t hree point est im at es?
Pessim ist ic= 100 days
Opt im istic= 40 days
Most lik ely= 65 days
A. 65
B. 12.3
C. 248.6
D. 68.33
E. 151.4
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 0 7
Which of t he following best describes why one would use a resource
hist ogram v ersus a responsibilit y assignm ent m at rix?
A. Unlike t he responsibilit y assignm ent m at rix, a resource
hist ogram shows when people will do t heir j obs
B. Unlike t he responsibilit y assignm ent m at rix, a resource
hist ogram shows t he report ing relat ionships of proj ect t eam
m em bers
C. Unlike t he responsibilit y assignm ent m at rix, a resource
hist ogram is helpful in t racking proj ect cost s and can be aligned
wit h t he organizat ion’s account ing syst em s
D. Unlike t he responsibilit y assignm ent m at rix, a resource
hist ogram describes t he inert - dependencies am ong proj ect
act ivit ies.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 0 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he crit ical chain
m et h od?
A. I n CCM, planned activit ies are scheduled t o t heir lat est possible
planned and st art and finish dat es
B. The CCM uses, aggregat e problem buffers in t he proj ect plan
inst ead of individual act ivit y/ t ask buffer
C. The crit ical chain describes longest pat h t hrough a proj ect
schedule net work aft er resource leveling
D. CCM fact ors in resource av ailabilit y lim it ations when const ruct ing
t he proj ect schedule
E. The CCM focuses on m anaging t he t ot al float of net work pat hs t o
ensure t hat proj ect are delivered on schedule
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 0 9
Which of t he following st at em ent regarding WBS are t rue?
A. Work include in t he WBS is considered out side t he scope of t he
proj ect
B. For product ivit y reasons, t he WBS should be organized in t he
hierarchy t hat m odels t he organizat ional hierarchy
C. The WBS is an out put of scope definit ion process
D. Each it em in t he WBS is generally assigned a unique ident ifier
t hat can provide a m eans t o t rack cost s and resources
E. The lowest level in a WBS is called a work act ivit y
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 1 0
You are a proj ect m anager at an ut ilit y com pany. Due t o t he recent
rise in t he cost of pet roleum , t he m arket dem and for cheaper,
alt ernat e form s of energy have grown exponent ially. Your com pany
has ident ified, a m ult i billion dollar m arket opport unit y for alt ernat e
form s of energy.
However your organizat ion does not have enough resources and
expert ise t o exploit t his m arket opport unit y . Hence your organizat ion
has decided t o form j oint vent ures and risk sharing relat ionship wit h
various ot her ut ilit y com panies t o coordinat e research and
developm ent act ivit ies. Which of he following best describes t he best
st rat egy you are using wit h t his m arket opport unit y?
A. Enhance
B. Share
C. Avoidance
D. Exploit
E. Accept ance
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 1 1
Which of t he following are t he out put s of t he act ivit y resource
est im at ing process?
B. Act ivit y resource requirem ent s
C. Act ivit y list
D. Cost est im at es
E. Cost baseline
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 1 2
You are a proj ect m anager at day- old donut s, a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium donut s at a discount . Currently your
com pany is planning for opening new st ores t h roughout t he Unit ed
St at es. You hav e been asked t o open a st ore in Manhat t an, New York.
Const ruct ion on new st ore is about t o begin. This corporat e h ead
quart er want s t o be inform ed when const ruct ion is nearly com plet e, so
t hey can produce all t he supplies and invent ories j ust in tim e.
You have been given a proj ect chart er, progressively elaborat e t he
requirem ent s, and have j ust com plet ed t he scope definit ion/ creat e
WBS processes. Howev er while y ou are in act ivit y definit ion process,
you realize t hat cert ain deliverables are m issin g from creat e WBS
process. What is your next plan of act ion?
A. I nclude t he deliverable as a part of t he activit y definit ion process
B. Consult t he scope m anagem ent plan t o det erm ine how t o revise
t he proj ect scope t o include t his deliverable
C. Review t he WBS t o inclu de the m issing deliverables, and define
t he relevant appropriat e act ivit ies
D. Consult your supervisor as t o whet her t o include t he deliverables
as a part of proj ect
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 1 3
The risk regist er describes all ident ified risk s. Which of t he following is
not in cluding as a part of risk regist er?
A. Probabilit y of occurrence, im pact on object iv es
B. Report ing form at s, t racking
C. Proposed responses, owners, current st at us
D. Risk descript ion, cat egory, causes
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 1 4
You are t he proj ect m anager at inform at ion t echnology division of a
large financial services firm in t he Unit ed St at es. Your com pany offers
a web based t rading plat form t hat provides options and fut ures t rading
for U.S com m odit ies m arket . Due t o t he rise in popularit y in fut ures
and opt ions t rading, y our com pany has grown rapidly. I n fact , due t o
t he rapid growt h, t he com pany’s infrast ruct ure is unable t o m eet t he
growing dem ands.
To keep up wit h dem ands, you have bee assigned t he responsibilit ies
of upgrading t he com pany’s net work and com put ing infrast ruct ure.
You have already inspect ed t he existing infrast ruct ure defined t he
det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent for your proj ect . You are in t he
process of developing t he WBS. All of he followin g are out put s of t he
following process except :
B. WBS dict ionary
C. Scope baseline
D. Updat es t o proj ect m anagem ent plan
E. Request ed changes
F. Perform ance report s
An sw e r : F
Qu e st ion 6 1 5
You are in t he process of est im at ing t he num ber of work periods t hat
will be needed t o com plet e individu al schedule act ivit ies. All of t he
following are valuable input s t o t his process ex cept :
A. Schedule m odel dat a
B. Act ivit y resource requirem ent s, resource calendar
C. Durat ion est im at ing dat abase
D. Hist orical inform ation, hist orical reference dat a
E. Risk regist er, act ivit y cost est im at es
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 1 6
Which of t he following is a planning t ool describing how t he proj ect
t eam will define t he proj ect scope, develop t he det ailed proj ect scope
st at em ent define and develop t he work break down st ruct ure, verify
proj ect scope, and cont rol t he proj ect scope?
A. Proj ect scope m anagem ent plan
B. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
C. Prelim in ary proj ect scope st at em ent
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 1 7
Which of t he following describes how t he various risk m anagem ent
processes will be im plem ent ed, m onit ored, and cont rolled t hroughout
t he proj ect and describes t he crit eria t hat are used t o est ablish t he risk
t hreshold?
A. Workaround plans
B. Residual risks
C. Risk m anagem ent plans
D. Checklist s
E. Risk response plans
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 1 8
All of t he following st at em ent s regarding m anagem ent reserves are
t rue EXCEPT:
A. Managem ent reserves are not part of t he proj ect cost baseline
but are inclu ded in t he budget for t he project
B. Any gap at t he end of a proj ect bet ween t he funds allocat ed and
t he cost baseline and cash flow m ount s shows t he am ount of t he
m anagem ent reserve t hat was not used.
C. Managem ent reserve describes t he difference bet ween t he
m axim um funding and t he end of t he cost baseline
D. Managem ent reserves are allowance for unplanned, but
pot ent ially require t o changes t o t he proj ect scope and cost
E. Managem ent reserves are dist ribut ed as part of t he budget and
are part of earned value calculat ions
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 1 9
Which of t he following is t he am ount of tim e t hat a scheduled act ivit y
m ay be delayed wit hout delaying t he early st art of any im m ediat ely
following schedule act ivit ies?
A. Free float
B. Average float
C. Crit ical float
D. Tot al float
E. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 2 0
Qualit at ive risk analysis requires accurat e dat a as it s input . Risk Dat a
Qualit y Assessm ent is a t echnique t o evaluat e t he degree t o which t he
dat a regardin g risks would be useful. What is t he best course of act ion
if t he Risk Dat a Qualit y Assessm ent for m ost of t he ident ified risk s are
A. At t em pt t o gat her m ore accurat e dat a
B. Re- ev aluat e t he risk dat a qualit y assessm ent
C. Develop a probabilit y- im pact m at rix t o com pensat e for t he low
D. No furt her act ions are needed, since a low Risk Dat a Qualit y
Assessm ent is ideal
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 2 1
Which of t he following are NOT part of t he PMI professional code of
cont act ?
A. Ensurin g personal int egrit y of ot hers
B. Enhancing professional capabilit ies
C. Responsibilit y for act ions
D. Professional conduct
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 2 2
Thom as is a proj ect m anager at a biot ech com pany. He is an excellent
proj ect m anager wit h a very successful t rack record m anagin g large,
com plex R&D proj ect s. During his leisure t im e, Thom as com pet es in
am at eur body- building cont est s.
Body- buildin g is an ext rem ely com pet it ive sport . So Thom as t akes
perform ance enhancing drugs, such as st eroids, in order t o m aint ain
his com pet it ive edge. His com pany does not have any policies
prohibit ing usage of such perform ance enhancing drugs. How does t his
affect his PMI st at us?
A. Since Thom as exhibit s professional conduct on his proj ect , he his
st ill considered a successful proj ect m anager, irrespective of his
out side act ivit ies
B. Since his com pany does not have an explicit policy prohibiting
st eroid usage, his st eroid usage should not e called int o quest ion
C. Thom as is violating one of t he responsibilit ies of t he PMI code of
D. His st at us wit h PMI is not affect ed, as his act ivit ies out side of
work is not of concern t o t he PMI . PMI code of conduct in not
applicable t o personal and privat e lifest yle choices
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 2 3
You work at RFI D- PM I nc, a publicly t raded com pany t hat develops
RFI D t echnology. Radio Frequency I dent ificat ion RFI D is a m et hod of
rem ot ely st oring an d ret rieving dat a using devices called RFI D t ags/
t ransponders. An RFI D t ag is a sm all obj ect , such as an adhesive
st icker, t hat can be at t ached t o or incorporat ed in t o a product
Your friend, Nelson, has asked you for t he financial inform at ion
regarding your com pany. So you decide t o forward him t he pro form a
financial st at em ent s for t he upcom ing quart erly report t hat you
obt ained from your finance depart m ent . Have you provided insider
inform ation regarding y our com pany?
A. Alt hough you have not provided, insider inform at ion you have
violat ed t he confidentialit y agreem ent wit h your com pany
B. Alt hough you have not provided, insider inform at ion you have
violat ed t he non- disclosure agreem ent wit h your com pany
C. You have n ot provided insider inform at ion since you m erely
forwarded publicly available dat a
D. You have n ot provided insider inform at ion and violat ed t he
professional code of conduct
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 2 4
Which of t he following are NOT described in t he PMI ’s m em ber
St andards of Conduct ?
A. Responsibilit ies of PMI m em bership
B. Professional best practices
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Relat ionship wit h t he public and global com m unit y
E. Relat ionship wit h cust om ers, client , and em ployers
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 2 5
Which of t he following are NOT part s of t he PMI professional Code of
Conduct ?
A. Enhancing professional capabilit ies
B. Professional conduct
C. Sat isfying st akeholder requirem ent
D. Responsibilit y for act ions
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 2 6
I nt egrat e change cont rol includes t he following act ivit ies EXCEPT:
A. Reviewing and approving request ed changes
B. Monit oring im plem ent at ion of approved changes as t hey occur
C. Reviewing and approving recom m ended correct ive and
prevent ive act ions
D. Maint aining t he int egrit y of t he baselines by releasing approved
E. I nfluencing t he fact ors t hat affect change
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 2 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding configurat ion
m anagem ent syst em s is LEAST t rue?
A. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em s est ablish a m et hod t o
consist ent ly ident ify and request changes t o est ablish baselines
B. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em s provides m echanism t o
com m unicat e changes t o all st akeholders
C. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em s provides opport unit ies t o
im prove proj ect by considering im pact of changes
D. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em s provides m echanism s t o
est im at e project cost s and schedules
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 2 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding net working is f alse?
A. Net working is a t ool/ t echnique of m anage proj ect t eam process
B. Net working is a t echnique of developing relat ionships wit h
people who m ay be able t o assist in t he achievem ent of
obj ect ives
C. Net working act ivit ies include proact ive correspondence, luncheon
m eet ings, inform al conversat ions
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 2 9
You are proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing a new sport s
arena for t he u pcom ing Olym pics. Const ruct ion begins on a proj ect
over a year ago. The st akeholders of t he proj ect want a st at us report
on t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o dat e. You’ve obt ained t he
following m easurem ent s:
BAC= 5 0 0 , PV= 5 0 0 , AC= 2 0 0 , EV= 3 0 0 , CPI = 1 .5
You believe t he type of variances t hat have occurred on t he proj ect t o
dat e are t ypical expect t hese variances t o continue t hroughout t he
proj ect . Based on t he inform at ion above, what is t he ETC for t he
proj ect ?
A. 200
B. 250
C. 133.33
D. 333.33
E. 400
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 3 0
Which of t he following is a configurat ion m anagem ent act ivit y t hat
provides t he basis from which t he configuration of product s is defined
and verified, product s and docum ent s are labeled, and changes are
m anaged?
A. Configurat ion identification
B. Configurat ion definit ion
C. Configurat ion verificat ion and audit ing
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Configurat ion st atus account ing
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 3 1
Which of t he following best describes t he difference bet ween risk
audit s and risk reviews?
A. Risk audit s are m ore proact ive responses t o proj ect risks, while
risk reviews are m ore react ive responses t o risks
B. Risk reviews are perform ed on sm aller proj ect s, while risk audit s
are perform ed on larger proj ect s
C. Risk audit s should be perform ed by an out side part y, while risk
reviews are perform ed by t he proj ect t eam .
D. Risk reviews are also called risk audit s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 3 2
Proj ect cost cont rol includes all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. I dent ifying various cost ing alt ernat ives
B. Monit oring cost perform ance t o det ect variances from cost
C. Ensurin g request ed changes are agreed upon
D. Bringing ex pect ed cost overruns wit hin accept able lim it s
E. I nform ing st akeholders of approved changes
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 3 3
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large invest m ent bank. Your current
proj ect involves developing a creat ive financing solut ion for a large
bio- t ech com pany in order t o facilit at e t he acquisit ion of anot her
com pany. Specifically, your proj ect involves issuing convertible debt
securit ies in order t o access a new pool of low- cost capit al. This
t ransact ion is t he largest ever convert ible t ransact ion in t he bio- t ech
com pany.
Fort unat ely, y our proj ect is a head of schedule and below budget , wit h
a CPI of 1.5 and SPI of 1.2. Hence, you have som e flexibilit y t o accept
a new work wit hout delaying your current proj ect or exceeding t he
proj ect budget . Midway t hrough your budget , one of t he st akeholders
of your proj ect issues a change request t o t he change cont rol board t o
add a new t ask t o y our proj ect . Specifically, t he new work involves
developing t he risk cont rol syst em t o m anage t he client com pany’s
pension plans.
Alt hough you have flexibilit y t o accom m odat e t he work change, you
don not underst and how t he new w ork fit s wit hin t he exist ing proj ect
for your current chart er. Aft er evaluat ing t he change request , you
det erm ine that w ork is self- cont ained wit h no overlap bet ween t he
exist ing work and new work. Furt herm ore, different skill set s are
required t o im plem ent t he change request . Which of t he following is
t he BEST plan of action in t his scenario?
A. I dent ify t he proj ect obj ect ives and create t he prelim inary proj ect
scope st at em ent
B. I dent ify t he specific changes t hat are required in order t o
im plem ent t he ch ange request s
C. I m plem ent t he corresponding correct ive actions associat ed wit h
t he change request s
D. Re- ev aluat e t he im pact of t he change request s on t he proj ect
budget and proj ect schedule
E. Re- plan t he proj ect based on t he newly added request
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 3 4
You are a proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing a new sport s
arena in preparat ion of t he upcom ing Olym pics.
Const ruct ion began on t he proj ect a year ago. The st akeholder of the
proj ect want a st at us report on t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o t he
dat e.
Unfort unat ely, y ou are afraid of t elling your st akeholders t hat your
proj ect is com ing in over t he budget and t he cost change is required
using t he cost change cont rol syst em . Which of t he following t ools
were used t o calculat e t he cost variance project ion?
A. Perform ance m easurem ent analysis
B. Analogous est im ating
C. Perform ance report s
D. Perform ance reviews
E. Trend analysis
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 3 5
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large aut om aker in Japan. Your
proj ect involves designing t he next generat ion four wheel drive Sport s
Ut ilit y v ehicle for t he Asian m arket . Your proj ect t eam is at t em pt ing t o
det erm ine the right com binat ion of suspension, t ires and chassis t hat
will ensu re t he st abilit y of SUV at high speeds.
Your t eam m em bers are using st at ist ical m et hods t o ident ify which
fact ors will influence specific v ariables relat ed t o vehicle st abilit y. This
m et h od is best described as:
A. Benefit cost analysis
B. Design of experim ent s
C. Cause effect analysis
D. Flowchart in g
E. Benchm arking
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 3 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding proj ect t eam
m anagem ent ?
A. None of t he ch oices are t rue
B. Act ivit y sequencing involves identifying t he specific schedule
act ivit ies t hat need t o be perform ed t o produce project
C. Act ivit y definit ion involves identifying and docum ent ing
dependencies am ong schedule act ivit ies
D. Schedule developm ent involves est im at ing t he num ber of work
periods t hat will be needed t o com plet e individual schedule
act ivit ies
E. Act ivit y resource estim ating involves est im at ing t he t ype and
quant it ies of resources required t o perform each schedule
act ivit y
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 3 7
Which of t he following processes uses t he approved proj ect schedule
as an input ?
A. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ing
B. Schedule developm ent
C. Act ivit y definit ion
D. Schedule cont rol
E. Act ivit y sequencing
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 3 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding t he cost change
cont rol syst em ?
A. A cost change cont rol syst em is int egrat ed wit h int egrat ed
change cont rol process
B. A cost change cont rol syst em is included as part of t he cost
m anagem ent plan
C. cost change cont rol syst em defines t he procedures by which t he
cost baseline can be changed
D. A cost change cont rol syst em int egrat es proj ect scope, cost and
schedule t o help t he proj ect m anagem ent t eam assess t he
proj ect perform ance
E. A cost change cont rol syst em includes form s, docum ent at ion,
and approval level required t o for aut horizin g changes
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 3 9
You are t he proj ect m anger at a leading m anufact urer of consum er
elect ronics, personal com put ers and peripherals. Unfort unat ely, your
com pany is facing a rapidly m at uring m arket charact erized by
consolidat ion and com m odit izat ion. Hence you have been assigned a
proj ect t o drive growt h and profit by int egrat ing an online CRM
( cost um er relat ionship m anagem ent ) solut ion. I ndust ry benchm arks
suggest t he CRM solut ion should generat e $100- $300M in bot t om t he
benefit s.
You’ve det erm ined t he following inform ation so far: Act ivit y X has an
early st art of day3, early finish of day6, and a lat e finish of day10.
Act ivit y Y is being perform ed by resource t hat had been very difficult
t o obt ain. The CPI of t he proj ect is 0.8 and t he SPI is 1.2. Based on
t he inform ation above, which of t he following areas should cause t he
MOST concern?
A. Schedule
B. Cost
C. Qualit y
D. Float
E. Resource
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 4 0
Which of t he following best describes what is a workaround?
A. Workarounds are way s t o m it igat e risk using avoidance, t ransfer,
or risk m it igat ion
B. Workarounds are equivalent t o corrective act ions
C. Workarounds are unplanned responses t o risk s t hat were
previously unident ified or accept ed
D. Workarounds are result of im plem ent ing a risk response
E. Workarounds are used for m onit oring overall proj ect
perform ance against a baseline plan
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 4 1
Which of t he following best describes risks t hat arise as a direct
im plem ent at ion of im plem ent ing a risk response?
A. Cont ingency risks
B. Secondary risks
C. Tert iary risks
D. Residual risks
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 4 2
The m onit or and cont rol proj ect work process is perform ed t o m onit or
proj ect processes and perform ance. Which of t he following are you
LEAST concerned wit h durin g t his process?
A. Analyzin g and t racking project risks
B. Reviewing and approving request ed changes
C. Providin g forecast t o updat e current cost s
D. Providin g inform at ion t o support st at us report ing
E. Assessing perform ance t o det erm ine whet her correct ive act ions
are necessary
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 4 3
You are present ed t he following schedule dat a regarding various
proj ect act ivit ies on t he crit ical pat h:
You are t old t hat the proj ect has a negative float of 4 m ont hs. Which
act ivit y or activit ies would you crash t o save four m ont hs on t he
proj ect ?
A. T, U, V
B. T, V
C. S, V
D. S,T, U
E. X
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 4 4
You are t he proj ect m anager at a m anufact urer of elect ronic
com ponent s. Your com pany had been a long t im e m arket leader in
elect ronic com ponent s dist ribut ion indust ry. However, in recent years,
t he I nt ernet has t ransform ed t he com pet it ive landscape. As a result
com pany’s m arket share has been eroding.
Hence, your current proj ect involves im plem enting t he com pany’s
int ernet st rat egies t o best exploit t hese alt ered dynam ics and increase
t he com pany’s m arket share. You are in t he proj ect planning process,
and are personally est im at ing t he t im e needed for each act ivit y. Once
you’ve creat ed t he overall proj ect est im at e. You com m it t o com pleting
t he proj ect deliverables t o t his dat e. Which of t he following BEST
explain s why t his is t he I NCORRECT way t o est im at e t he schedule?
A. The estim at es should have com e form t he proj ect t eam
m em bers
B. The estim at e should have account ed for t he m arket dynam ics
and t im in g requirem ent s
C. The proj ect sponsor should have been actively involved in
producing t he est im at es
D. The estim at es should have been creat ed by m anagem ent
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 4 5
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding scat t er diagram s?
A. Scat t er diagram s use st at ist ical m easurem ent t o ident ify t he
m ost im port ant problem s t hrough different m easurem ent scales,
i.e. frequency, cost , et c, and direct s at t ent ion and effort s t o t he
m ost significant problem s and/ or opport unit ies
B. Scat t er diagram s illust rate t he relat ionship bet ween t wo
C. Scat t er diagram s illust rates a chart wit h upper and lower cont rol
lim it s on which values of som e st at ist ical m easure for a series of
sam ples are plott ed
D. Scat t er diagram s display t he durat ion of a set of act ivit ies in a
proj ect ’s cycle
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 4 6
All of t he following are exam ples of qualit y m et rics EXCEPT:
A. Test coverage
B. Checklist s
C. Defect densit y
D. Reliabilit y
E. Failure rat e
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 4 7
All of t he following can be used t o reduce t he am ount of conflict in a
proj ect t eam ?
A. Role definit ion
B. Group norm s
C. Recognit ion and rewards
D. Com m unicat ion planning
E. Team ground roles
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 4 8
All of t he following are part of cost baseline EXCEPT:
A. WBS dict ionary
B. Proj ect scope m anagem ent plan
D. Proj ect scope st at em ent
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 4 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false?
A. The evaluation of a t eam ’s effectiveness can include indicat ors
such as reduce st aff t urnover rat e
B. The m anagem ent proj ect t eam process involves t racking proj ect
t eam m em ber perform ance, providing feedback, and
coordinat in g changes t o im prove proj ect perform ance.
C. As a result of m anaging t he proj ect t eam , t he st affing
m anagem ent plan is updat ed, changes request s are subm it t ed,
and issues are resolved
D. Managem ent of t he proj ect t eam is sim plified when t eam
m em bers are account able t o bot h a funct ional m anager and a
proj ect m anager wit hin a m at rix organization
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 5 0
You are a proj ect m anager at a real est at e com pany t hat develops and
m anages com m ercial, ret ail and resident ial propert ies in Unit ed St at es
and Eu rope. As a com pany cont inues t o grow, t he com pany’s I T
infrast ruct ure is unable t o m eet business needs of organizat ion.
Specifically, y ou have been assigned t o upgrade t he com pany’s I T
infrast ruct ure. Specifically, your t eam has been asked t o im plem ent a
corporat e general ledger syst em , im prove account ing and real est at e
processes, develop and im plem ent lease t racking syst em , and
im plem ent HR and payroll sy st em s and perform diagnost ics and
m ont hly closures.
Your proj ect t eam has already com plet ed all t he init iat ing / proj ect
planning activit ies and received sign- off approvals on t he proj ect
chart er, proj ect scope, and det ailed work packages. Your proj ect t eam
is in t he process of com plet ing all t he work packages.
However, y ou would like t o m ake a m inor change t o t he proj ect
m anagem ent plan. You have already invest igat ed t he opt ions on how
t o im plem ent t he change and det erm ined t hat t he change has no
effect on t he com ponent s of t he “ t riple const raint s” . Which of t he
following should you perform NEXT?
A. I nvest igat e ot her opt ions on how t o im plem ent t he change
request s wit h m inim al im pact t o t he proj ect
B. Ask proj ect sponsor for approval
C. I m plem ent t he change t o t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
D. Ask t he change cont rol board for approval
E. Evaluat e t he im pact of change request on ot her proj ect
const raint s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 5 1
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he crit ical pat h
A. A proj ect can have negat ive float
B. A crit ical pat h can run over a dum m y act ivit y
C. Changes t o t he end dat e of a proj ect will require a change t o t he
proj ect n et work diagram
D. A proj ect can have m ult iple crit ical pat hs
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 5 2
Which of t he following is NOT and out put of m anage st ake holders
A. Resolved issues
B. Approved correct ive act ions
C. I ssue logs
D. Approved ch ange request s
E. Proj ect m anagem ent plan updat es
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 5 3
You are current ly analyzing t he schedule for a proj ect . You’ve not iced
t hat for a cert ain act ivit ies in t he proj ect , large schedule variances
exist . Which of the following act ivit ies are t rue?
A. Such schedule variances will im pact t he schedule
Such schedule variances m ay som et im es im pact t he schedule
Not enough inform ation is provided
Such schedule variances will not im pact t he schedule
Such scope v ariances are a result of scope changes
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 5 4
You are t he proj ect m anager for t he int ernat ional cont ract
m anufact urin g firm wit h m anufact u ring t he plant s and offices in I ndia,
China and Thailand. Your com pany design and m anufact ure various
consum er elect ronics such as flat screen, t elevision, lapt op com put ers,
m onit ors, e.t .c.
Your com pany is current ly under cont ract t o m anufact ure t he next
generat ion 128- bit video gam e console for x- cube st at ion. Work has
begun on t he proj ect , and you are in t he process of confirm ing t he
init ial work result s wit h st akeholders. You are in t he process of
working wit h t he st akeholders t o confirm accept ance of t he init ial work
result s. Which process are you perform ing?
A. Cont rol adm inist rat ion
B. Perform qualit y assu rance
C. Scope verificat ion
D. Perform qualit y cont rol
E. Perform ance report ing
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 5 5
You are t he proj ect m anager in t he I .T. depart m ent of a m aj or
hospit al. Your current proj ect involves developing a web- based
int erface for legacy m ainfram e pat ient - t racking applicat ion. Your
current proj ect has recent ly experienced a change where m any of t he
agreed- upon WBS elem ent s were m odified as a result . Which t ype of
change has occurred wit hin your proj ect ?
A. Proj ect change
B. Qualit y chan ge
C. Scope change
D. Schedule change
E. WBS updat e
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 5 6
Your com pany is m aking a st rat egy shift : form being focused on
fulfilling cust om er request s for becom ing t he best cost dairy producer
in indust ry. I t s exist ing cost m anufact uring cost syst em , however fails
t o capt ure t he cost s associat ed wit h handling special flavors, sm all
product ion orders, and com plex delivery and order processing options.
Hence you’ve been assigned t o supervise an exist ing proj ect t o
develop a new t im e- drive, act ivit y- based cost ing syst em t hat will
capt ure t he full com plexit y of t he com pany’s operations and gives
m anagers new insight s int o t he profit abilit y orders, product s, and
cust om ers. Senior m anagem ent will use t he inform at ion t o enhance
process efficiencies, negot iat ing new t erm s wit h cust om ers, and
at t em pt t o win new business.
Unfort unat ely, y ou have very lim it ed knowledge of t his t echnical area.
Fort unat ely, som e of your proj ect t eam m em bers are highly t echnical,
and hence you’ve decided t o delegat e m ost of t he proj ect
m anagem ent act ivit ies t o t hem . Specifically, you h ave delegat ed
schedule developm ent , cost est im at ing, an assignm ent of proj ect
act ivit ies t o y our t echnical t eam m em bers, while you serve as an
occasional coordinat or of proj ect activit ies. Which of t he following will
be t he MOST likely result of t his arrangem ent ?
A. Your proj ect t eam will init ially exhibit a high level of product ivit y ,
but perform ance and effect iveness will decrease as t he proj ect
B. Your proj ect t eam will exhibit low product ivit y levels, poor
m orale, and high levels of conflict t hroughout t he proj ect
C. Your proj ect t eam will exhibit a high level of creativit y,
com m it m ent , and product ivit y t hroughout t he ent ire proj ect
D. Your proj ect t eam will exhibit low product ivit y levels t hroughout
but will exhibit a st rong t eam spirit and m orale due t o t he shared
nat ure of responsibilit ies
E. Your proj ect t eam will init ially exhibit a low level of product ivit y,
but aft er an adj ust m ent period, will exhibit high levels of
effect iveness and cohesiveness
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 5 7
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect scope. All
of t he following are t ools/ t echniques you can use EXCEPT:
A. Variance analysis
B. Replanning
C. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em
D. Product analysis
E. Change cont rol syst em
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 5 8
The Est im at e At Com plet ion ( EAC) can be used t o forecast t he m ost
likely t ot al proj ect cost based upon t he current proj ect perform ance.
Which of t he following form ulas cannot be used t o calculat e t he EAC
when past est im at ing assum pt ions are incorrect or past assum pt ions
are no longer relevant ?
D. EAC= ( AC+ ( BAC- EV) / CPI )
E. EAC= ( AC+ ( VAC- EV) / CPI )
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 5 9
Qualit y audit s are a t ool/ t echnique of which of t he following processes?
A. Scope verificat ion
B. Perform qualit y assu rance
C. Perform qualit y cont rol
D. Qualit y planning
E. Manage st akeholders
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 6 0
The risk m onit oring and cont rol process involves all of t he following
A. Choosin g alt ernat e st rat egies
B. Modifying t he proj ect m an agem ent plan
C. Analyzin g qualit y of the risk dat a
D. Execut in g a cont ingency plan
E. Takin g correct ive act ions
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 6 1
Keepin g up wit h t he growt h w as becom ing a problem for a privat ely
owned Chinese financial services com pany. Alt hough it easily lured
business from st at e- owned com pet it ors, low skill levels and weak
account in g syst em s t hreat en t he com pany’s cash flow. Moreover,
poorly invest ed asset s were delivering inadequat e ret urns.
Hence, you have been assigned over an exist ing proj ect t o upgrade
t he I T syst em t o allow for an expansion. Specifically, t he I T upgrade
will enable t he com pany t o serve m ore com pet it ors, expand t he
product line, gain m arket share, and win m ore licenses.
You’ve det erm ined t he following inform ation so far: Act ivit y X has an
early st art of day3, early finish of day6, and a lat e finish of day10.
Act ivit y Y is being perform ed by resource t hat had been very difficult
t o obt ain. The CPI of t he proj ect is 1.2 and t he SPI is 1.3.
Midway t hrough y our proj ect , your client has request ed addit ional
deliverables t o your proj ect . Fort unat ely, you have already det erm ined
t hat t his funct ionalit y will only add one ext ra w eek t o t he crit ical pat h.
To accom m odat e t his request , you’ve det erm ined t hat you could fast t rack t he schedule t o recover one ext ra week. Which of t he following
should y ou perform NEXT?
A. Evaluat e t he im pact of t he change request on t he ot her proj ect
const raint s
B. I nform t he client t he im pact of t he change
C. Consult t he proj ect sponsor before t aking act ion
D. I m plem ent t he change request
E. I nvest igat e ot her opt ions on how t o im plem ent t he change
request s wit h m inim al im pact t o t he proj ect
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 6 2
You are t he proj ect m anager at a m anufact urer of elect ronic
com ponent s. Your com pany had been a long t im e m arket leader in
elect ronic com ponent s dist ribut ion indust ry. However, in recent years,
t he I nt ernet has t ransform ed t he com pet it ive landscape. As a result
com pany’s m arket share has been eroding.
Hence, your current proj ect involves im plem enting t he com pany’s
int ernet st rat egies t o best exploit t hese alt ered dynam ics and increase
t he com pany’s m arket share. Unfort unat ely, your proj ect is plagued by
frequent chan ges t o t he proj ect chart er. Who should be t he prim ary
person responsible for deciding whet her t he changes t o t he proj ect
chart er are necessary?
A. St akeholders
B. Proj ect t eam
C. Proj ect sponsor
D. Change cont rol board
E. Proj ect m anager
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 6 3
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect schedule.
All of t he following are t ool/ t echniques of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Variance analysis
B. Schedule change cont rol syst em
C. Progress report ing
D. Perform ance m easurem ent
E. Resource leveling
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 6 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he SPI ( schedule
perform ance in dex) m easurem ent ?
A. A SPI great er t han one indicat es t hat schedule perform ance is
bet t er t han expect ed
B. A negat ive SPI indicat es t hat schedule perform ance is bet t er
t han expect ed
C. A SPI less t han one indicat es t hat schedule perform ance is bet t er
t han expect ed
D. A posit ive SPI indicat es t hat schedule perform ance is bet t er t han
expect ed
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 6 5
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding a change cont rol
syst em EXCEPT:
A. A change request syst em has t he aut horit y t o approve or rej ect
change request s
B. A change request syst em defines t he level of aut horit y needed t o
approve changes
C. A change cont rol syst em is a collect ion of procedures t h at
describe how t o subm it change request
D. A change cont rol syst em t racks t he st at us of change request s
E. A change cont rol syst em is an out put of t he int egrat ed change
cont rol process
An sw e r : A, E
Qu e st ion 6 6 6
You are in t he process of m onit orin g t he various proj ect processes and
t heir perform ance. Which of t he following is t he LEAST appropriat e
t ool/ t echnique t o use in t his process?
Expert j udgm ent
Earned v alue t echnique
Proj ect m anagem ent m et hodology
Variance analysis
Proj ect m anagem ent inform ation sy st em
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 6 7
Which of t he following best describes a conflict resolut ion t echnique
t he t em porarily solves a problem by downplaying t he problem t o m ake
t he problem appear less im port ant / crit ical?
A. Com prom ise
B. Confront at ion
C. Sm oot hing
D. Wit hdrawal
E. Forcing
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 6 8
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect scope. All
of t he following are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Recom m en ded correct ive act ions
B. Work perform ance inform ation
C. Proj ect m anagem ent plan updat es
D. Scope baseline updat es
E. Request ed changes
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 6 9
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect cost
baseline. Which of the following is t he LEAST helpful t ool / t echnique?
A. Perform ance m easurem ent analysis
B. Forecast ing, variance m anagem ent
C. Reserve analysis
D. Proj ect perform ance reviews
E. Cost change cont rol sy st em
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 7 0
Wit h respect t o t he earned value analysis, which of t he following will
t ell you whet her cost s are higher or lower t han budget ed?
A. Cost variance
B. Schedule variance
C. Act ual cost s
D. Earned v alue
E. Planned cost s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 7 1
Which of t he following t echniques m ay be used on a proj ect t o resolve
conflict s?
A. Cont rolling, f orcing, com prom ise, wit hdrawal
B. Direct ing, forcing, com prom ise, confront ation
C. Cont rolling, direct ing, com prom ise, confront at ion, sm oot hing
D. Forcing, sm oot hin g, com prom ise, confront at ion, wit hdrawal
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 7 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding qualit y planning
and perform qualit y assurance?
A. The qualit y planning process uses t he t ool such as benefit cost s
analysis, benchm arking, flow chart ing, and design of experim ent
and cost of qualit y. Qualit y assurance involves ident ifying which
qualit y st andards are relev ant t o t he proj ect .
B. Qualit y planning is t he t ot alit y of charact erist ic of an ent it y t hat
bear on it s abilit y t o sat isfy st at ed or im plied needs. Qualit y
assurance involv es evaluat ing overall proj ect perform ance t o
ensure t hat t he proj ect will sat isfy qualit y st an dards.
C. Qualit y assurance is t he t ot alit y of charact erist ic of an ent it y t hat
bear on it s abilit y t o sat isfy st at ed or im plied needs. Qualit y
assurance involv es evaluat ing overall proj ect perform ance t o
ensure t hat t he proj ect will sat isfy qualit y st an dards
D. Qualit y planning involves evaluat ing overall proj ect perform ance
t o ensure t hat the proj ect will sat isfy qualit y st andards. Qualit y
assurance involv es identifying w hich qualit y st an dards are
relevant t o t he proj ect .
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 7 3
Consider t he proj ect int egrat ion m anagem ent kn owledge area. Which
of t he following process are NOT included?
A. I nt egrat ed ch ange cont rol
B. Develop prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent
C. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan
D. None of t he ch oices are t rue
E. Direct and m anage execut ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 7 4
Which of t he following best
m ot ivat ion?
A. People are m ot ivat ed
B. People are m ot ivat ed
C. People are m ot ivat ed
D. People are m ot ivat ed
describes t he expect ancy t heory of
expect at ion of posit ive out com es
five basic, hierarchical needs
hygiene fact ors
achievem ent , power, and affiliat ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 7 5
Which of t he following process involves m aking needed inform at ion
available t o proj ect st akeholders in a t im ely m anner?
A. Perform ance report ing
B. Com m unicat ions planning
C. I nform at ion dist ribut ion
D. Manage st akeholders
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 7 6
You have been recent ly hired t o be a proj ect m an ager at a bio- t ech
com pany t o develop anew drug for t he t reat m ent for diabet es. George
is your chief scient ist . Over t he past few years, George has helped t he
com pany develop v arious pat ent s and t echnologies wit h regard t o
t reat ing diabet es. To say t he least , George is crit ical t o com pany’s
Lat ely , George has been dem anding a 50% increase in his salary. He is
t hreat ening t o leave t he com pany if he does not receive a salary
increase. Which t ype of power is George yielding in order t o get his
pay in crease?
A. Expert power
B. Referent power
C. Legit im at e power
D. Coercive power
E. Punishm ent power
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 7 7
All of t he following knowledge area process do NOT have processes in
t he Execut ing process group EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect Cost Managem ent
B. Proj ect Tim e Managem ent
C. Proj ect Risk Managem ent
D. Proj ect Scope Managem ent
E. Proj ect Procurem ent Managem ent
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 7 8
You are a proj ect m anager for t he m anufact ure of children’s t oys. Your
proj ect t eam is in t he process of designing a new children t oy for New
Year Christ m as season.
Wit h t he rapidly approaching deadline, your t eam m em bers are
frequent ly arguing wit h each ot her, even if t hey agree on som e real
issues. Wit hin, your t eam t here is a st rong resist ance t o qualit y
approaches and resist ance t o new t asks. Which of t he following st ages
of develop proj ect t eam best describes your t eam ?
A. St orm in g
B. Norm ing
C. Form ing
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Perform ing
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 7 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding Herzberg’s
Hygiene Theory?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Mot ivat ion fact ors inclu de achievem ent , j ob advancem ent , and
recognit ion
C. Mot ivat ion fact ors help avoid j ob dissat isfact ion but will NOT lead
t o j ob sat isfact ion
D. Hygiene fact ors help avoid j ob dissat isfaction but will not lead t o
j ob sat isfact ion
E. Hygiene fact ors include pay, salary and benefit s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 8 0
You are a proj ect m anager at a biot ech com pany, where you are
leading a cross funct ional t eam t o develop a t reat m ent for diabet es.
The organizat ion has a weak m at rix st ruct ure, where al of your t eam
m em bers report t o different funct ional m anagers and none of t he t eam
m em ber report t o you direct ly. Your proj ect has ext rem ely high
visibilit y in t he com pany, and t here is a lot of pressure on you t o
deliver on tim e and wit hin budget . However, you are concerned
whet her you will have t he necessary aut horit y and power t o com plet e
t he proj ect deliverables. Which of t he following t ypes of powers will be
MOST effect ive in y our sit uat ion?
A. Reward power
B. Referent power
C. Punishm ent power
D. Legit im at e power
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 8 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding RACI chart s?
A. A RACI chart is t ype of RAM.
B. RACI st ands for Responsibilit y , Account able, Consult and I solat e.
C. RACI chart s allow person t o see all act ivit ies associat ed wit h one
person or t o see all people associat ed wit h one activit y
D. RACI chart s are t ools/ t echniques of Hum an Resource Planning
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 8 2
Which of t he following t ool / t echnique are of develop project t eam
process EXCEPT:
A. Negot iat ion
B. Recognit ion and rewards
C. Co- location
D. Training
E. General m anagem ent skills
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 8 3
You are t he proj ect m anager of a com pany t hat is building ATM
soft ware for a large bank and financial inst it ut ions. You have been t old
t hat t he ATM soft ware m ust m eet very st ringent qualit y st andards.
I ncluding rigorous audit ing of all t ransact ions, abilit y t o recover in case
of soft ware/ hardware errors, and fraud det ect ion/ analysis and robust
t wo- fact or aut hent icat ion.
The ATM syst em has been shipped t o several large banks and
cust om ers. However, one of your cust om ers is com plaining t hat your
ATM syst em does n ot adequat ely perform t wo- fact or aut hent icat ion. I n
fact , t here is a pot ent ial vulnerabilit y in t he soft ware t hat would allow
a sophist icat ed at t acker t o wit hdraw m oney from ot her people’s
account .
I n light of t hese issues, your com pany has decided t o recall all t he ATM
syst em s, and perform a hardware/ soft ware upgrade. Which of the
following best describes t hese cost s associat ed wit h your project ?
A. Appraisal cost s
B. Prevent ion cost s
C. Defect cost s
D. Failure cost s
E. Rework cost s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 8 4
Which of t he following BEST describes a m ut ually binding legal
agreem ent t hat obligat es t he seller t o provide specified product s /
services an d obligat es t he buyer t o pay t he seller?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Cont ract
C. NDA agreem ent s
D. Cont ract m an agem ent plan
E. Procurem ent docum ent package
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 8 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding proposals
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Proposals are seller- prepared docum ent s t hat describe t he
seller’s abilit y t o provide request ed changes
C. Proposals are not considered legally binding
D. Proposals are out put s of t he request seller responses process
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 8 6
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he request seller
responses process EXCEPT:
A. The t ool/ t echnique of t his process are weight ing syst em s,
independent estim at es, and screening syst em s
B. The prospective sellers, norm ally at no direct cost t o t he proj ect ,
expend m ost of t he act ual effort in t his process
C. The out put of t his process inclu de proposals and qu alified sellers
D. The process involves obt aining responses from prospect ive
sellers on how proj ect requirem ent s can be sat isfied
E. The process is a part of t he proj ect executing process group
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 8 7
Which of t he following t ools/ t echnique of t he qualit y planning process
can be used t o ident ify t he proj ect variables t hat will have t he great est
im pact on overall proj ect out com es and result s?
A. Flowchart in g
B. Design of experim ent s
C. Benefit / cost analysis
D. Benchm arking
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 6 8 8
You are t he proj ect m anager for a com pany t hat sells online m usic.
The com pany is growing so well t hat t he com pany has out grown it s I .T
infrast ruct ure. I n fact , t he com pany’s current infrast ruct ure is unable
t o handle the t erabyt es of m usic download each day.
As a result , t he com pany has decided t o out source it s m usic download
infrast ruct ure t o a t hird part y cont ent m anagem ent vendor. The
cont ent m anagem ent vendor will host t he com pressed m usic files
across it s geographically dist ribut ed web server farm s, and handle all
t he logist ics wit h m usic file downloads and dat a st ream ing.
On your qualified sellers list , you have ident ified one pot ent ial vendor
MusikCM. Your procurem ent depart m ent is conducting an independent
est im at e of cost s of t he proposals in order t o com pare t he vendor
prices. However, your procurem ent depart m en t has ident ified a large
difference bet ween t he independent estim at e and t he proposed ven dor
cost . Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE?
A. The SOW did not cont ain t he enough det ail
B. The vendor failed t o respond t o all t he requirem ent s specified in
t he cont ract
C. The t erm s of t he cont ract did not cont ain enough det ails
D. You are current ly in t he request seller responses process
E. The vendor failed t o respond t o all it em s in t he SOW
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 8 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE?
A. Approved ch ange request s are input t o t he Direct and Manage
Execut ion process and consist s of docum ent ed, aut horized
direct ions t hat reduce t he probabilit y of negative consequences
associat ed wit h proj ect risks
B. Approved defect repair are input t o t he Direct and Manage
Execut ion process and consist s of docum ent ed, aut horized
request s for product correct ion of a defect found during qualit y
inspect ion
C. Approved correct ive act ions are input t o t he Direct and Manage
Execut ion process and consist s of docum ent ed, aut horized
direct ions required t o bring expect ed fut ure proj ect perform ance
int o conf orm ance wit h proj ect plan
D. None of t he st at em ent s are false
E. Validat ed defect repair are input t o t he Direct and Manage
Execut ion process and consist s of not ificat ion t hat re- inspect ed
repaired it em s have been eit her rej ect ed or accept ed
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 9 0
You are in t he process of m aking inform at ion av ailable t o proj ect
st akeholders in a tim ely m anner. All of t he following st at em ent s are
t rue EXCEPT:
A. You need t he com m unicat ions m anagem ent plan as one off t he
process in put s
B. Com m unicat ion skills, inform at ion dist ribut ion m et hods, and
lessons learned processes are t ools/ t echniques you can use
C. Perform ance report s are one of t he process out put s
D. You are in t he proj ect execut ing process group
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 9 1
The proj ect m anagem ent execut ing processes include all of t he
following EXCEPT:
A. I nform at ion dist ribut ion, request seller responses
B. Select seller, acquire proj ect t eam
C. Perform qualit y assu rance, develop proj ect t eam
D. Request seller responses, risk ident ificat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 9 2
Which of t he following process is inv olved wit h collect ing and
dissem inating perform ance inform at ion?
A. I nform at ion dist ribut ion
B. Com m unicat ions planning
C. Manage st akeholders
D. Perform ance report ing
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 9 3
You are in t he process of direct in g t he perform ance of t he planned
proj ect act ivit ies and m anaging t he various t echnical and
organizat ional int erfaces t hat exist wit hin your proj ect . Which of t he
following process are you perform ing?
A. Monit or and cont rol proj ect work
B. I nt egrat e change cont rol
C. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan
D. Hum an resource planning
E. Direct and m anage proj ect execut ion
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 6 9 4
You are t he proj ect m anager at a financial services com pany. Your
com pany h as awarded a CPFF ( cost plus fixed fee) cont ract t o XYZ
Corp, a financial consult ing com pany, t o develop a com prehensive
workst at ion offering real- t im e advanced chart ing, decision support
t ools, and port folio m anagem ent .
The t erm s an d condit ions of t he cont ract ex plicit ly st ipulat e t hat XY
Corp m ust provide weekly st at us report s and perform ance report s
regarding t he proj ect work. However, t he seller has failed t o provide
any st at us report for t he past 3 weeks.
Which of t he following is t he BEST act ion t o t ake?
A. Half paym ent s unt il t he m issing st at us report s are prepared
B. I ssue a change order
C. I ssue a let t er of default
D. I ssue a st op work order t o XYZ Corp, until t he m issing st at us
report s are prepared
E. Alert t he m anagem ent t eam
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 6 9 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding weight ing and
screening syst em s?
A. Weight ing syst em s an d screening syst em s are t ool/ t echniques
of request seller responses process
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Weight ing syst em s are m et hods for quant ifying quantit at ive dat a
t o m inim ize any biases when perform ing seller select ion
D. Screening syst em s est ablish m inim um requirem ent s for
perform ance for one or m ore evaluat ion crit eria when selecting a
prospect iv e seller
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 9 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding Bidder
A. Bidder conferences involves t he receipt of bids or proposals an d
t he applicat ion of t he evaluat ion crit eria in order t o select a
B. Bidder conferences allows prospect ive vendors t o ask quest ions
and clarify issues wit h regards t o proj ect and t he RFP
C. Bidder conferences are m eet ings wit h prospect iv e sellers prior t o
t he preparation of a proposal
D. All pot ent ial sellers m ust rem ain on equal st anding during t his
E. Bidder conferences are t ools/ t echniques of t he request seller
response process
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 9 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding proposals
A. Proposals are seller- prepared docum ent s t hat describes t he
seller abilit y t o provide request ed services
B. Proposals are considered a form al and legal response/ offer t o a
buyer’s request
C. Proposals are out put of t he Request Seller Response process
D. Proposals can com bine t he t echnical ( approach) an d com m ercial
( price) sect ions, which m ust be evaluat ed t oget her.
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 6 9 8
Reasons for changing t he st affing m anagem ent plan include all of t he
following EXCEPT:
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. I llness
C. Prom ot ions
D. Changin g workloads
E. Ret irem ent s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 6 9 9
Which of t he following are out put s of t he inform at ion dist ribut ion
process EXCEPT:
A. I nform at ion received from st akeholders
B. Docum ent at ion of reasoning behind correct ive changes
C. Correspondence, m em os, and docum ent s describing t he proj ect
D. Perform ance report s
E. Form al and inform al proj ect st at u s report
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 0 0
Which of t he following describes an input t o t he direct and m anage
proj ect execut ion process t hat consist s of docum ent ed, aut horized
direct ions required t o bring expect ed fut ure proj ect perform ance int o
conform ance wit h proj ect plan?
A. Approved ch ange request s
B. I m plem ent ed prevent ive act ions
C. I m plem ent ed change request s
D. Approved prevent ive act ions
E. I m plem ent ed correct ive act ions
F. Approved correct ive act ions
An sw e r : F
Qu e st ion 7 0 1
Which of t he following are out put s of t he develop proj ect t eam
A. Team perform ance assessm ent
B. Perform ance report s
C. Reward and recognit ion sy st em s
D. Proj ect st aff assignm ent
E. I nput t o perform ance appraisals
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 0 2
You are in t he process of direct in g t he perform ance of t he planned
proj ect act ivit ies and m anaging t he various t echnical and
organizat ional int erfaces t hat exist wit hin your proj ect . All of t he
following are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Deliverables
B. I m plem ent ed WBS updates
C. I m plem ent ed defect repair, work perform ance inform ation
D. I m plem ent ed correct ive act ions, im plem ent ed prevent ive act ions
E. Request ed changes, im plem ent ed change request
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 0 3
Which of t he following are false regarding correct ive act ions?
A. Correct iv e actions generally do not require root cause analysis t i
identify t he cause of variat ion
B. Correct iv e actions are t he out put s of process in t he cont rollin g
process group
C. Correct iv e actions are used t o bring expect ed fut ure proj ect
perform ance in line wit h t he proj ect plan
D. Approved correct ive are input s t o t he direct and m anage proj ect
execut ion process
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 0 4
You are a proj ect m anager at a proj ect com pany developing wireless
m obile applicat ions. You are current ly in t he risk ident ificat ion process,
where y ou are t rying t o ident ify and docum ent all risk t h at m ight
im pact t he proj ect .
You have assem bled your expert s bot h from inside and out side t he
com pany. You have asked t hem t o m ake a anonym ous quest ionnaire
t o ident ify t he pot ential risks of t he proj ect . Th e expert s will t hen m ail
back t he quest ionnaire direct ly t o you. Once you have received t he
feedback, you int end t o organize t he responses in order t o com pile a
final list of pot ent ial proj ect risks. Which of t he following best describes
t he t echniques are you using?
A. Norm al group t echnique
B. Assum pt ion analysis
C. Delphi t echnique
D. Brainst orm ing
E. Diagram m ing t echnique
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 0 5
Which of t he following depict s a hierarchical t abulat ion of physical
assem blies, subassem blies and com ponent s required t o m anufact ure a
product ?
E. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 0 6
You are in t he process of defining t he specific act ivit ies t hat need t o be
perform ed t o develop t he necessary proj ect deliverables. Which of t he
following are NOT out put s t hat you will produce durin g t his process?
A. Act ivit y list
B. Milest one list
C. Proj ect schedule net work diagram
D. Request ed changes
E. Act ivit y at t ribut es
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 0 7
You are in t he process of est ablishing a t ot al cost baseline for
m easuring proj ect perform ance. Which of t he following is t he LEAST
helpful I NPUT?
A. WBS, WBS dict ionary
B. Proj ect funding requirem ent s, perform ance report s
C. Act ivit y cost estim at es & support ing details
D. Cont ract , resource calen dars, cost m anagem ent plan
E. Proj ect scope st at em ent , proj ect schedule
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 0 8
Which f t he following processes involves det erm ining and docum ent ing
which risks are likely t o affect t he proj ect ?
A. Risk response planning
B. Risk m anagem ent planning
C. Risk ident ificat ion
D. Risk m onit oring and cont rol
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 0 9
You are current ly t he proj ect m anager at a rapidly growing ret ailer of
high- perform ance audio equipm ent . You have been asked t o lead t he
proj ect t o expand t he ret ail business in t he Unit e St at es. You are
current ly decidin g am ongst t hree prom ising geographic locat ions: New
York, Seat t le, and San Francisco.
You have been asked t hat San Francisco has a sm aller m arket
pot ent ial, but t he probabilit ies of success is high. On t he ot her hand,
t he New York m arket has larger m arket pot ent ial, but t he probabilit y
of success is low. Your proj ect t eam m em ber has given you t he
following forecast . Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. You should select Seat t le, as it provides t he highest expect ed
m onet ary value
B. You should select San Francisco, as it provides t he highest
expect ed m onet ary value
C. You should select New York, as it provides t he highest expect ed
m onet ary value
D. You should use m ult i- obj ective program m in g algorit hm s t o
det erm ine which locat ion t o select
E. You should select San Francisco, as it provides t he lowest NPY
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 1 0
Schedule m odel dat a, which is an out put of t he schedule developm ent
process, includes all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Schedule m ilest ones, schedule act ivit ies
B. Resource hist ogram
C. Schedule baseline
D. Alt ernative schedules
E. Act ivit y at t ribut es, const raint s and assum pt ions
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 1 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding sensit ivit y
A. Sensit ivit y an alysis helps det erm ine which risks have t he m ost
pot ent ial im pact on t he proj ect
B. Sensit ivit y an alysis is a st at ist ical concept t hat calculat es t he
average out com e of proj ect obj ect ives under different
assum pt ions and scenarios
C. A t ornado diagram is a display of sensit ivit y analysis
D. Sensit ivit y an alysis exam ines how variat ion and uncert aint y of
individual proj ect elem ent im pact s of proj ect obj ect iv e,
assum in g all ot her proj ect elem ent s re varied concurrent ly
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 1 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding proj ect scope
m anagem ent plan?
A. Proj ect scope m anagem ent plan specifies how changes t o t he
proj ect scope st at em ent will be m anaged.
B. Proj ect scope m anagem ent plan specifies how WBS will be
creat ed, m aint ained and approved
C. The proj ect scope m anagem ent plan describes how t he proj ect
scope will be defined and m anaged by t he proj ect scope
m anagem ent t eam
D. The proj ect scope m anagem ent plan is an out put of t he Scope
Definit ion process
E. The proj ect scope m anagem ent plan is cont ained wit hin t he
proj ect m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 1 3
All of t he following precedence relat ionships can be expressed using
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. St art - t o- finish
C. Finish- t o- st art
D. Finish- t o- finish
E. St art - t o- st art
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 1 4
You are in t he process proj ect a proj ect schedule for repaint ed your
house, y ou first need t o scrap off t he existing paint , and t hen add a
layer of prim er. The prim er provides t he paint a bet t er bondin g surface
so it st icks t o t he base m at erial m uch bet t er. Wit h out prim ing, drywall
surfaces will soak up m ore finish paint in som e areas t han in ot hers,
producing a splot chy effect .
Unfort unat ely, y ou have t o wait once t he prim er is applied you m ust
wait unt il t he prim er dries before adding on t he act ual paint . You
est im at e t hat it will t ake 8 hours for t he prim ary t o dry. To correctly
sequence t hese act ivit ies, which of t he following sh ould you do?
A. Add a lag t im e 8 h ours t o t he prim ing t ask
B. Add a lead t im e of 8 hours t o t he prim ing t ask
C. Add float t im e bet ween t he prim ing and paint in g t asks
D. Fast t rack t he prim ing and paint ing t asks
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 1 5
Which of t he following describes t he difference bet ween t he m axim um
funding an d t he end of cost baseline?
A. Funding requirem ent s
B. Expect ed cash flow
C. Est im at e t o com plet ion
D. Managem ent reserve
E. Funding lim it reconciliat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 1 6
A poorly writ t en det ailed Proj ect Scope St at em ent will im pact all of t he
following EXCEPT:
A. Abilit y t o creat e a w ork breakdown st ruct ure
B. Abilit y t o develop a proj ect chart er
C. Abilit y t o define schedule act ivit ies
D. Abilit y t o define cost estim at es
E. Abilit y t o define risk m anagem ent act ivit ies
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 1 7
All of t he following are he benefit s of using WBS except :
A. Shows dependencies bet ween proj ect t asks
B. Obt ain t eam buy in
C. Facilit ies com m unicat ion bet ween proj ect t eam m em bers and
st akeholders
D. Provides a basis for est im at ing cost and t im e
E. I dent ifies all t he required work for proj ect
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 1 8
You are a proj ect m anager at an ut ilit y com pany. Due t o t he recent
rise in t he cost of pet roleum , t he m arket dem and for cheaper alt ernat e
form s of energy has grown exponent ially. Your com pany has ident ified
a m ult i billion dollar m arket opport unit y for alt ernat e form s of energy.
However your organizat ion does not have enough resources and
expert ise t o exploit t his m arket opport unit y . Hence your organizat ion
has ident ified and hire a t eam of scient ist s. Your organizat ion is
working wit h recruit in g firm t o identify t he qualified candidat es. Which
of t he following best describes t he t ype of st rat egy you are using t o
deal wit h t his m arket opport unit y?
A. Avoidance
B. Accept ance
C. Exploit
D. Share
E. Enhance
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 1 9
You would like t o develop a cost est im at es for your proj ect . However
you are under t rem endous t im e pressure, and do not have a tim e t o
perform ext ensive cost calculat ions. You j ust need t o det erm ine a
quick, ball park estim at es for your proj ect . Which of t he following cost
est im at ing t echniques should you use?
A. Cost based est im at ing
C. Bot t om up est im at ing
E. Analogous est im ating
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 7 2 0
You are u sing t he t hree point s est im at ing t ech niques t o est im at e t he
durat ion of t he scheduled act ivit ies. Which of t he following st at em ent s
are t rue given t he following dat a?
Pessim ist ic= 200 days
Opt im istic days= 100 days
Most lik ely= 120 days
Average= 140 days
Variance= 466.66
A. The calculat ions were perform assum ing a uniform dist ribut ion
B. Not enough inform ation is provided
C. The calculat ion were perform ed assum ing a exponent ial
dist ribut ion
D. The calculat ion were perform ed assum ing a t riangular
dist ribut ion
E. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing he bet a dist ribut ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 2 1
You are t he proj ect m anager for t he soft ware com pany t hat develops
st ock analysis soft ware. You have been assigned t o develop a new
t echnical analysis t ools t o forecast t he price of st ock given it s hist orical
volat ilit y based on Elliot Wave t echniques. You n eed t o gat her
necessary inform at ion t o writ e t he proj ect scope m anagem ent plan.
Which of t he following inform at ion do you not need as input t o your
current process?
A. Expert j udgm ent
B. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
C. Market place condit ion, st akeholder risk t olerance
D. Hist orical inform ation
E. Proj ect chart er
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 2 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he crit ical pat h
m et h od?
A. The crit ical pat h m et hod calculat es t he early st art , early finish,
lat e st art , lat e finish dat es, and float t im es for each act ivit y
B. The crit ical pat h m et hod calculat es t he early st art , early finish,
lat e st art , lat e finish dat es, and weight ed averages for each
act ivit y
C. The crit ical pat h m et hod calculat es t he opt im istic, pessim istic,
and m ost likely durat ion t im es for each act ivit y
D. The crit ical pat h m et hod calculat es t he opt im istic, pessim istic,
and m ost likely float/ slack t im es for each act ivit y
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 2 3
Which of t he following describes t he longest pat h t hrough a proj ect
schedule net work aft er resource leveling?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Crit ical pat h
C. Crit ical chain
D. Lat e finish
E. Lat e st art
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 2 4
You are t he proj ect m anger at a leading m anufact urer of consum er
elect ronics, personal com put ers and peripherals. Unfort unat ely, your
com pany is facing a rapidly m at uring m arket charact erized by
consolidat ion and com m odit izat ion. Hence you have been assigned a
proj ect t o drive growt h and profit by int egrat ing an online CRM
( cost um er relat ionship m anagem ent ) solut ion. I ndust ry benchm arks
suggest t he CRM solut ion should generat e $100- $300M in bot t om t he
benefit s.
You have j ust finished developing t he risk response plan for t he
proj ect . Which of t he followin g is t he BEST act ion t o perform next ?
A. Perform Schedule developm ent
B. Perform a risk audit
C. I dent ify t he qualit y st andards
D. Perform a risk reassessm ent
E. Develop overall risk ranking for t he proj ect
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 2 5
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding sim ulation and
Mont e Carlo analysis EXCEPT:
A. For cost risk analysis, a sim ulat ion can use t he proj ect WBS or
cost breakdown st ruct ure as it s m odel
B. For schedule risk analysis, a sim ulat ion can use t he PDM
schedule as it s m odel
C. Sim ulat ion is a t ool t echnique of qualit ative risk analysis
D. Modeling and sim ulation are recom m ended for use in cost and
risk analysis because t hey are m ore powerful and less subj ect t o
m isuse t han EMV analysis
E. Sim ulat ion is a t echnique t hat com put es t he proj ect cost or
schedule over m ult iple it erat ions using random v alues select ed
from dist ribut ions of possible cost s or duration values
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 2 6
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he crit ical pat h
m et h od EXCEPT:
A. The crit ical pat h m et hod account s for resource lim it at ions
B. The crit ical pat h m et hod calculat es t he theoret ical early st art and
finish dat es for all schedule act ivit ies
C. On a net work pat h , t he schedule flexibilit y is m easured by t he
difference bet ween early and lat e dat es
D. Crit ical pat hs have eit her negat ive or zero t ot al float
E. The crit ical pat h m et hod perform s a f orward pass analysis and
backward pass analy sis t hrough t he proj ect schedule net work
pat hs
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 2 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding expect ed
m onet ary value analysis ( EMV) ?
A. Decision t ree analysis is a t ype of EMV analysis
B. EMV is t echnique for m easuring t he perform ance of work and
used t o est ablish t he perform ance m easurem ent baseline
C. EMV is calculat ed by m ult iplying t he value of each possible
out com e by it s probabilit y of occurrence, and sum m ing t hem
t oget her
D. EMV is a st at ist ical concept t hat calculat es t he average out com e
of proj ect out com es based on v arious assum pt ions and scenarios
E. EMV is a t ool/ t echnique of Qualit at ive Risk Analysis
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 2 8
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting t he project roles
and responsibilit ies and creat e st affing m anagem ent plan. All of t he
following should be addressed when list ing t he roles and
responsibilit ies EXCEPT:
A. Training needs
B. Role
C. Responsibilit y
D. Com pet ency
E. Aut horit y
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 2 9
A sum m ary activit y describes a group of relat ed schedule act ivities
aggregat ed at som e sum m ary level, and displayed/ report ed as a
single act ivit y at t he sum m ary level. What is anot her t erm for a
sum m ary act ivit y ?
A. Work act ivit y
B. Planning package
C. Ham m ock activit y
D. Cont rol account
E. Milest one act ivit y
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 3 0
Which of t he following best describes t he am ount of t im e one can
delay t he st art of t ask wit hout delaying t he com plet ion of t he proj ect ?
A. Lead t im e
B. Tot al slack
C. None of t he ch oice are correct
D. Free slack
E. Lag t im e
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 3 1
Wit h respect t o m anagem ent planning, t im ing defines how oft en risk
m anagem ent process should be perform ed t hroughout t he proj ect
lifecycle. Which of t he following is t he key f act or affect s t im ing?
A. Tim ing should allow result s t o be developed early enough t o
affect decisions
B. Tim ings should be det erm ined by t he budget and cost of t he
proj ect
C. Tim ings should be det erm ined by t he organizat ion’s risk
m anagem ent policies
D. Tim ings should be det erm ined by t he size of t he proj ect
E. Tim ings should be det erm ined by t he criticalit y of t he proj ect
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 3 2
You are t he proj ect m anager at a soft ware com pany developing t he
next - gen OODBMS ( Obj ect Orient ed Dat a Base Managem ent Syst em ) .
You are in t he process of developing proj ect schedule using CPM
( Crit ical Pat h Met hod) .
One of t he disadvant ages of CPM is t hat it does NOT consider resource
availabilit y . I n fact , you’ve quickly ident ified t hat one of your key
engineers, Michael, is over allocat ed. Which of t he following
st at em ent s are t rue?
A. You should use crashing in order t o resource level t he crit ical
pat h t asks
B. You should use t hree point est im at es in order t o reassign t he
resource appropriat ely
C. You should use resource leveling heurist ics t o reassign t he
resource appropriat ely
D. You should fast t rack t he process in order t o resource level t he
crit ical pat h t asks.
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 3 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding analogous
est im at ing t echniques?
A. Analogous est im ating is a form of expert j udgm ent
B. Analogous est im ating is a t ool and t echnique of act ivit y definit ion
C. Analogous est im ating uses t he duration of a sim ilar act ivit y t o
det erm ine the duration of current act ivit y
D. Analogous est im ating is also called t op-down est im at in g
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 3 4
Reserve analysis is a t ool/ t echnique in all of t he following processes
A. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ing
B. Cost est im at ing
C. Schedule developm ent
D. Risk m onit oring and cont rol
E. Cost budget ing
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 3 5
All of t he following sh ould be included in t he init ial st affing
m anagem ent plan as part of hum an resource planning EXCEPT:
A. Tim e fram es for proj ect t eam m em bers
B. Cert ificat ions and t rainings need for t eam m em bers
C. Assessm ent of proj ect t eam ’s perform ance
D. Applicable governm ent regulat ions, union cont ract s
E. Crit eria for rewards
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 3 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE?
A. Analogous est im ating is a form of expert j udgm ent and is
generally less accurat e t han ot her t echniques, but is also cost ly .
B. Cost aggregat ion and param et ric est im at ion is a t ool/ t echnique
of cost budget ing process
C. Param et ric est im at ing is an est im at ing t echnique using proj ect
charact erist ics/ param et ers t o est im at e t he t ot al proj ect cost s
D. Cost aggregat ion is used t o ensure t hat t he expendit ure of funds
is reconciled wit h t he funding lim it s im posed by t he perform ing
organizat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 3 7
You are a proj ect m anager at day- old donut s, a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium donut s at a discount . Currently your
com pany is planning for opening new st ores t h roughout t he Unit ed
St at es. You hav e been asked t o open a st ore in Manhat t an, New York.
Const ruct ion on a new st ore is about t o begin.
You have det erm ined t he dependencies bet ween act ivit ies on a
proj ect . One of t he act ivit y dependencies is t hat t he t russes on t he
buildin g m ust be inst alled prior t o t he inst allat ion of t he roofing. Which
of t he following is t rue?
A. This is an exam ple of soft logic
B. This st art - t o- finish relat ionship
C. This is an exam ple of discret ionary logic
D. This is finish- t o- st art relat ionship
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 3 8
Probabilit y- im pact m at rix, risk dat a qualit y assessm ent , risk
cat egorizat ion, and risk urgency assessm ent are t ool/ t echniques of
which process?
A. Quant it at ive risk analysis
B. Risk response planning
C. Risk ident ificat ion
D. Qualit at ive risk analysis
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 3 9
You have been recent ly assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for a large const ruct ion com pany. You are evaluat ing t he
net work diagram s for t he const ruct ion proj ect , and are using backward
pass calculat ions t o const ruct t he schedule.
You are t rying t o calculat e t he lat est st art t im e for laying t he
foundat ion of building. The expect ed durat ion f or t his t ask is 120 days.
The t ask m ust be com plet ed wit hin 300 days, while t he expect ed
com pletion is bet ween 220 days. The latest finish dat e is 290 days.
Based on t his inform at ion, what is t he lat est st art t im e of t his t ask?
A. 170
B. 300
C. 120
D. Not enough inform ation is provided
E. 290
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 4 0
You are in t he process of developing an approved proj ect schedule t hat
will serve baseline against which t he proj ect can be t racked. All of t he
following can be following are required as part of schedule
developm ent EXCEPT:
A. Reserves
B. Net work diagram
C. Leads and lags
D. Resource calen dars
E. Perform ance m easurem ent s
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 7 4 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s m ost accurat ely describes t he
difference bet ween plan purchases and acquisit ions and plan
cont ract ing?
A. Plan purchases and acquisit ions involves docum ent in g product
requirem ent s and ident ifying pot ent ial sources, while plan
cont ract ing involves obt aining quot at ion, bids, offers, and
B. Plan purchases and acquisit ions involves docum ent in g product
requirem ent s and ident ifying pot ent ial sources, while plan
cont ract ing is det erm ined what t o procure
C. Plan purchases and acquisit ions involves det erm ined what t o
procure, while plan cont racting involves docum ent ing product
requirem ent s and ident ifying pot ent ial sources
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 4 2
Poor allocation of t im e and resources and inadequat e qualit y of t he
proj ect plan should be classified in which of t he following risk
cat egories?
A. Force m aj eure risks
B. Technical risks
C. Proj ect m anagem ent risks
D. Ext ernal risks
E. Organizat ional risks
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 4 3
All of t he following sit uations will cause schedule act ivit y durat ion
est im at es t o directly influen ce t he cost est im at es ESCEPT:
A. When t he proj ect budget includes cost of financing com ponent s
B. When planned com ponent s and cont rol account s are not
adequat ely defined in t he WBS
C. When union labor wit h regularly ex piring collect ive bargaining
agreem ent s are involved
D. When resources are applied per unit of t im e for duration of
schedule act ivit y
E. When seasonal cost v ariat ions are involved
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 4 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding t he act ivit y
durat ion estim at ing process?
A. The risk regist er is an input t o t he act ivit y durat ion est im at ing
B. Durat ion est im at es should be as precise as possible, and hence a
single specific durat ion value should be provided
C. The durat ion estim at es are progressively est im at ed
D. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ing involves estim at ing t he num ber of
work periods t hat will e needed t o com plet e individual schedule
act ivit ies
E. The act ivit y cost est im at es are an input t o t he act ivit y durat ion
est im at ing process
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 4 5
Which of t he following process is used t o identify proj ect roles,
responsibilit ies, and report ing relat ionships for project t eam m em ber?
A. Hum an resource planning
B. Act ivit y resource estim ation
C. Acquire proj ect t eam
D. Develop proj ect t eam
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 4 6
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he procurem ent
m anagem ent plan EXCEPT:
A. The procurem ent m anagem ent plan explains how m ult iples
vendors should be m anaged
B. The procurem ent m anagem ent plan is an out put of t he plan
purchase and acquisit ion
C. The procurem ent m anagem ent plan defines t he st at em ent of
work which cont ains t he det ails of t he procurem ent it em / service
in specific t erm s
D. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 4 7
You are current ly in t he process of priorit izin g risks by t heir im pact and
probabilit y of occurrence. The risk regist er updat es from t his process
inclu de all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Low priorit y risks
B. Risks requiring responses in t he near t erm
C. Risk reassessm ent s
D. Risk group by cat egories
E. Priorit y list of proj ect risks
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 4 8
A WBS is an input t o all of t he processes EXCEPT:
A. Cost est im at ing
B. Act ivit y definit ion
C. Cost budget ing
D. Scope cont rol
E. Direct and m anage proj ect execut ion
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 7 4 9
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding cost - reim bursable
cont ract s EXCEPT:
A. cost - reim bursable cont ract s oft en includes in centives for m eet ing
or exceedin g proj ect obj ect ives
B. cost - reim bursable cont ract s are used when t here is lit t le
uncert aint y regarding t he proj ect
C. cost - reim bursable cont ract s generally carry t he highest risks t o
t he buyer, as t he t ot al cost s are uncert ain
D. cost - reim bursable cont ract s are cont ract s t hat involves
paym ent s t o t he seller for act ual cost s, plus a fee represent ing
t he sellers profit
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 5 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding t he CPM
m et h od?
A. The lat est st art of t he t ask can be det erm ined by subt racting t he
durat ion of t he t ask from t he lat est finish dat e of t ask
B. The forward pass is used t o calculat e t he e a r ly finish dat es and
e a r ly st art dat es for the uncom plet ed port ions of all n et work
act ivit ies
C. Free slack is t he am ount of t im e one can delay t he st art of a
part icular t ask, wit hout delaying t he com plet ion of t he proj ect .
D. The backward pass is used t o calculat e t he la t e finish dat es and
la t e st art dat es for t he uncom plet ed portions of all net work
act ivit ies
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 5 1
You’ve been hired as a proj ect m anager for a local com m unit y college.
The com m unit y college want s you upgrade t he hardware for each of it s
web servers, and inst all t he necessary securit y pat ches for each webserver. You are ready t o begin t he act ivit y resource est im ation process
for your proj ect . Which of the following would you NOT consider when
developing t he activit y resource requirem ent s docum ent ?
A. Act ivit y list s
B. Act ivit y at t ribut es
C. Resource availabilit y
D. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
E. Resource breakdown st ruct ure
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 7 5 2
Which of t he following
A. The risk regist er
quant it ative risk
B. The risk regist er
C. The lowest level
st at em ent s regarding risk regist er is FALSE?
cont ain s t he result s of qualit at ive risk analysis,
analysis, and risk response planning
is a com ponent of t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
of t he RBS can be used as t he risk regist er
D. The risk regist er provides inform ation on risks regarding t he
probabilit y of occurring, im pact on obj ectives, proposed
responses, owners and st at us
E. The risk regist er describes all ident ified risk s, along wit h t heir
descript ion, cat egory, and cause
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 5 3
Which of t he st atem ent s regarding t he WBS is FALSE?
A. A WBS from a previous proj ect can oft en be used as a t em plat e
for a new proj ect
B. To ident ify t he m aj or deliverables of t he proj ect requires
analyzin g t he det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent
C. Different deliverables in t he WBS can have different level of
decom posit ion
D. The work activit y is t he lowest level of t he WBS and is t he point
at which t he cost and schedule for t he work can be reliably
est im at ed
E. The WBS is an out put of t he creat e WBS process
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 5 4
All of t he st at em ent s regarding cont rol account s and planning
packages are t rue EXCEPT:
A. Planning packages reflect a fut ure segm ent of work wit hin a
cont rol account t hat has not yet been decom posed int o det ailed
work packages
B. A cont rol account is an assigned WBS level used t o m onit or cost
and schedule perform ance of significant elem ent of work
C. As work becom es m ore clearly defined, planning packages are
convert ed int o work packages
D. Each w ork package / planning package m ay be associat ed wit h
only one cont rol account
E. Cont rol account s and planning packages are t ools / t echniques of
act ivit y definition process
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 5 5
Which of t he following describes a hierarchically organized
represent at ion of identified proj ect risks arranged by risk cat egories?
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 5 6
Act ivit y at t ribut es ident ify m ultiple at t ribut es associat ed wit h each
schedule act ivit y is an out put of t he act ivit y definit ion process. All of
t he followin g are considered act ivit y at t ribut es EXCEPT:
A. Act ivit y ident ifier, act ivit y codes
B. Leads and lags, resource requirem ent s, im posed dat es
C. Predecessor act ivit ies, successor act ivit ies, logical relationships
D. Act ivit y descript ion, const raint s and assum pt ions
E. Schedule m ilest ones
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 7 5 7
One of your friends is a proj ect m anager at a com put er securit y
com pany. She is current ly m anaging a proj ect for t he developm ent of
a NAC ( net work adm issions cont rol) appliance t hat uses t he net work
infrast ruct ure t o enforce securit y policy com pliance on all devices
seekin g t o access net work com put ing resources, t hereby lim it ing
dam age from em erging securit y t hreat s.
Her proj ect t eam has j ust com plet ed t he init ial proj ect budget
identifies t he com m unicat ions requirem ent s, and defined t he work
packages. Which of the following would you recom m end as t he NEXT
BEST act ion t o perform ?
A. Obt ain accept an ce of proj ect deliverables
B. Execut e work defined in t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
C. Monit or perform ance of work packages
D. Det erm ine t he qualit y st an dards
E. Perform risk identificat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 5 8
You are u sing t he t hree- point est im at ing t echnique t o est im at e t he
durat ion of a schedule act ivit y. You are given t he following dat a:
[ Pe ssim ist ic= 1 0 0 da ys] | [ opt im ist ic= 4 0 days] | [ m ost like ly= 6 5 da ys]
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. The bet a dist ribut ion gives a m ore pessim ist ic and m ore
conservat iv e value for t he m ean com pared t o t he t riangular
dist ribut ion
B. Alt hough t he t riangular dist ribution gives a m ore pessim ist ic
value for t he m ean, it gives an est im at e wit h sm aller uncert aint y
com pared t o t he bet a dist ribut ion
C. The t riangular dist ribut ion gives a m ore opt im istic and m ore
aggressiv e value for t he durat ion m ean com pared t o t he bet a
dist ribut ion.
D. The beat dist ribut ion gives an est im at e wit h sm aller u ncert aint y
com pared t o t he t riangular dist ribut ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 5 9
You are in t he process of defining how t o plan and execut e t he risk
m anagem ent act ivit ies for your proj ect . Which of t he following
st at em ent s are FALSE?
A. The out put of t his process is t he risk m anagem ent plan
B. The t ools/ t echniques of t his process are checklist analysis and
diagram m ing t echniques
C. The input s t o t his process inclu de the proj ect scope st at em ent
and proj ect m anagem ent
D. You are in t he risk m anagem ent planning process
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 6 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s is MOST t rue regarding Activit y A,
considering t he followin g t able?
Act ivit y
Act ivit y
Act ivit y
Act ivit y
Act ivit y
An sw e r : E
has a lead
is behind schedule
is on t he crit ical pat h
has a lag
is not on t he crit ical pat h
Qu e st ion 7 6 1
Subnet work are a t erm used in reference wit h which of t he following?
A. Resource requirem ent
B. Act ivit y list s
D. Net work t em plat es
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 6 2
You are t aking over a proj ect from anot her proj ect m anger during t he
proj ect plannin g process. You’ve ident ified t hat your proj ect t eam has
already creat ed t he WBS, developed est im at es for work packages, and
sequenced t he proj ect act ivit ies u sing t he arrow diagram m ing m et hod.
I n addit ion, your t eam has applied schedule net work analysis
t echniques t o creat e t he proj ect schedule. Which act ion should be
perform ed NEXT?
A. Obt ain accept an ce of com plet ed proj ect scope
B. Decom pose t he work packages int o sm aller com ponent s called
schedule act ivit ies
C. Develop act ivit y resource requirem ent s
D. Obt ain approval of schedule
E. I nit iat e schedule change cont rol
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 6 3
Which of t he following st at em ent are FALSE regarding t he probabilit y
im pact m at rix t echnique?
A. The probabilit y im pact m at rix specifies com binat ions of
probabilit y and im pact t hat rank t he risk as high, m oderat e and
low priorit y
B. Eit her descript ive t erm s or num eric rankings can be used t o
assign risk rankings t o ident ified risks.
C. I n t he probabilit y im pact m at rix t he probabilit y and im pact s of
each risk s are accessed against defined scale, and plot t ed on a
t wo- dim en sional grid.
D. Opport unit ies and t hreat s should not be evalu at ed in t he sam e
m at rix concurrent ly.
E. An organizat ion can rat e a risk separat ely for each obj ective ( i.e.
cost , t im e, scope)
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 6 4
Which of t he following are not used t o creat e t he scope baseline for a
proj ect ?
A. WBS dict ionary
C. Perform ance report s
D. Det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 6 5
The risk m anagem ent plan is a subset of t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
and describes h ow risk m anagem ent should be perform ed. All of t he
following should be included in t he risk m anagem ent plan EXCEPT:
A. P- l m at rix
B. Budget ing, t im ing, risk cat egories
C. Risk regist er
D. Met hodology, roles and responsibilit ies
E. St akeholders t olerance, report ing form at s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 6 6
You are a proj ect m anager for a com pany t hat publishes children
books. Five years ago, your com pany purchased a sophist icat ed
prin t ing press capable of high- volum e product ion. The com pany
originally purchased t he print ing press for $500 ,000.
However, print ing press’s current book value is $200,000. The
$200,000 book value is best considered a:
A. Direct cost
B. I ndirect cost
C. Fixed cost
D. Sunk cost
E. Variable cost
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 6 7
You are current ly on a 3- week vocat ion in Aust ralia. You’ve decided t o
rent a car as your m eans of t ransport around t he count ry. Drivin g in a
foreign count ry can be pot ent ially a risky act ivit y as you are unfam iliar
wit h t he t errain. Hence, t he probabilit y of being involved in an accident
is higher. You are very concerned wit h regards t o t he financial liabilit y
incurred if y ou were inv olved in an accident .
As a proj ect m anager, you are aware of various t echniques used t o
respond t o underst an d risks. You would like t o apply your risk
m anagem ent knowledge t o reduce t he risks associat ed wit h your
driving. Which of t he following is t he BEST exam ple of risk
t ransference?
A. Be ext ra careful while drivin g defensively
B. Avoid drivin g, use public t ransport at ion inst ead
C. Accept t he risk associat ed wit h driving
D. Buying aut o insurance
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 6 8
Wit h respect t o risk m anagem ent planning, t im ing defines how oft en
risk m an agem ent processes should be perform ed t hroughout t he
proj ect lifecy cle. Which of t he following is t he key fact or affect ing
t im ings?
A. Tim ing should be det erm ined by t he crit icalit y of t he proj ect
B. Tim ing should allow t he result s t o be developed early enough t o
affect decisions
C. Tim ing should be det erm ined by t he budget and cost of proj ect
D. Tim ing should be det erm ined by t he size of proj ect
E. Tim ing should be det erm ined by t he organizat ion’s risk
m anagem ent policies
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 6 9
Qualit at ive risk analysis requires accurat e dat a as it s input . Risk dat a
qualit y assessm ent ranking is a t echnique t o evaluat e t he degree t o
which t he dat a regarding risks would be careful. Risk qualit y dat a
assessm ent involves exam ining all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Reliabilit y and int egrit y of dat a
B. Probabilit y of t he risks
C. Ext ent of underst anding of risk
D. Dat a available about t he risk
E. Qualit y of eh dat a
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 7 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s regarding Resource Breakdown
st ruct ure are t rue EXCEPT:
A. The RBS is a st ruct ure t hat relat es t he organizat ional breakdown
st ruct ure t o WBS t o ensure t hat each work com ponent is
properly assigned t o a responsible person/ t eam .
B. The RBS is a hierarchical st ruct ure of t he ident ified resources by
resource cat egory and t ype
C. The RBS can cont ain ot her resource categories ot her than
hum an resources.
D. The RBS is useful in t racking proj ect cost s, and can be int egrated
wit h t he organizat ion’s account ing syst em
E. The RBS is an out put of t he Act ivit y Resource Est im at ion process
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 7 1
Which of t he following is t he MOST likely candidat e for a t hree- point
est im at e?
A. A schedule activit y wit h a fix ed duration
B. A schedule activit y wit h a considerable variat ion
C. A well- underst and schedule activit y wit h lit t le ex pect ed variat ion
D. A brief schedule act ivit y t hat t akes a couple of hours
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 7 2
All of t he following st at em ent s regarding Cont rol Account s are t rue
A. A cont rol account is an assigned WBS level used t o m onit or cost
and schedule perform ance of significant elem ent of work.
B. Cont rol account s are also referred t o as cost account s
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. A cont rol account is a m anagem ent cont rol point for cost
sum m arizat ion, scope descript ion, and variance analysis and
report ing.
E. Each w ork package/ planning package m ay be associat ed wit h
only one cont rol account
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 7 3
Which of t he following describes t he longest pat h t hrough a proj ect
schedule net work aft er resource leveling?
A. Crit ical chain
B. Lat e finish
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Crit ical pat h
E. Lat e st art
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 7 4
You are t he proj ect m anager for an inform at ion t echnology division of
a large financial services firm in t he Unit ed St at es. Your com pany
offers a w eb based t rading plat form t hat provides opt ions and fut ures
t rading for U.S com m odit ies m arket s. Due t o t he rise in popularit y of
fut ures and options t rading, your com pany has grown rapidly .
To keep up wit h t he dem ands you have been assigned wit h t he
responsibilit y of upgrading com pany ’s net work and com put ing
infrast ruct ure. You have given t he proj ect chart er progressively
elaborat ed t he requirem ent s, and have j ust com plet ed t he Scope
Definit ion and Creat e WBS processes. Howev er while you are in t he
act ivit y durat ion process you realized t hat cert ain deliverables are
m issin g from t he scope definit ion and creat e WBS processes. What is
your next plan of act ion?
A. I nclude t he deliverable as part of act ivit y definit ion proj ect
B. Review t he WBS t o inclu de the m issing deliverables, and define
t he relevant appropriat e act ivit ies
C. Consult t he scope m anagem ent plan t o det erm ine how t o revise
t he proj ect scope t o include t his deliverable
D. Consult your supervisor as t o whet her t o include t his deliverable
as part of t he proj ect
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 7 5
Which of t he following are not t ools/ t echniques of t he activit y
definit ion process?
A. Expert j udgm ent
B. Rollin g wave planning
D. Decom posit ion, t em plat es
E. Planning com ponent s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 7 6
You are in t he process of num erically analyzin g t he effect s of identified
risk s. Which of t he following is t he LEAST helpful input ?
A. Risk regist er
Risk m anagem ent plan
Proj ect schedule m anagem ent plan
Proj ect scope st at em ent
Risk relat ed cont ract ual agreem ent s
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 7 7 7
You are t he proj ect m anger at a soft ware com pany developing t he
next - gen web applicat ion server. As soft ware developm ent can be very
chaot ic, your com pany has elect ed t o follow t he m ore rigorous
approach t o soft ware developm ent . Specifically, your com pany has
chosen t o adopt t he Rat ional Unified Process ( RUP) for your current
soft ware proj ect .
The RUP m et h odology is highly it erative and produces num erous
deliverables include UML diagram s, archit ect ure diagram s, prot ot ypes,
and t est - cases. You have j ust produced your act ivit y durat ion
est im at es and updat ed your activit y at t ribut es. Which process have
you j ust finished?
A. Act ivit y sequencing
B. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ion
C. Schedule developm ent
D. Act ivit y definit ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 7 8
Which of t he following processes involves analyzing act ivit y sequences,
act ivit y durat ion, and resource requirem ent s, t o develop t he proj ect
A. Act ivit y sequencing
B. Schedule developm ent
C. Scope definit ion
D. Act ivit y durat ion estim at ion
E. Act ivit y definit ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 7 9
All of t he following are const raint s t hat can lim it flexibilit y in hum an
resource planning EXCEPT:
A. Tem plat es and checklist s
B. Organizat ional st ruct ure
C. Econom ic condit ions
D. Collect ive bargaining agreem ent s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 8 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s is t rue regarding PDM ( precedence
diagram m ing t echniques) ?
A. PDM oft en uses t he st art - t o- st art relat ionship
B. PDM oft en uses t he finish- t o- st art relat ionship
C. PDM oft en uses t he finish- t o- finish relat ionship
D. PDM oft en uses t he st art - t o- finish relat ionship
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 8 1
You are involved in m onit oring specific project result s t o det erm ine
whet her t hey com ply wit h relevant qualit y st andards. You are suing
t he cont rol chart t o illust rat e how t he process is behaving over t im e.
You have const ruct ed your cont rol chart and t hat all dat a point s are
wit hin upper and lower cont rol lim it s of chart . I n addit ion, seven
consecut ive dat a point s re observed, t o be on one side of t he m ean.
Which of t he following is your BEST plan of act ion?
A. Com pare result s from t he last qualit y m anagem ent plan
B. No addit ional act ion is needed, as t he process is wit hin cont rol
C. Adj ust t he m ean based on the observed dat a point s
D. I dent ify t he special cause variat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 8 2
Which of t he following are t he part of WBS dict ionary except :
A. St at em ent of work t o be perform ed
B. Code of account ident ified
C. Act ivit y at t ribut es
D. Who is responsible for t he work
E. Schedule m ilest one
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 8 3
Which of t he following are not t he direct result of m anaging t he t eam ?
A. Updat ing and st affing t he m anagem ent plan
B. Developing input t o perform ance appraisals
C. Recordin g t he lessons learned
D. I dent ifying t he recourse requirem ent s
E. Subm it t ing change request and resolving issues
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 8 4
Procurem ent s audit s are a t ool/ t echnique of which of t he following
A. Request Seller Responses
B. Select Sellers
C. Plan Purchases And Acquisit ion
D. Cont ract Closure
E. Cont ract Adm inist rat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 8 5
Which of t he following processes is involved wit h ident ifying which
qualit y st andards are relev ant t o t he proj ect and devising a plan on
how t o m eet / sat isfy t hese st andards?
A. Perform qualit y cont rol
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Qualit y planning
D. Perform qualit y assu rance
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 8 6
You are a proj ect m anager for a com pany t hat sells online m usic. Your
proj ect is t o develop new cont ent m anagem ent syst em t hat will not
only m anage all users purchases and downloads but will aut om atically
learn t he users m usic int erest t o m ake fut ure product
recom m endat ion. I n addit ion your cont ent m anagem ent syst em m ust
scale t o support m illions of current m usic downloads a day.
Your t eam has m ade a significant progress on t he proj ect . You are
preparing t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o dat e and have calculat ed
t he followin g m easurem ent :
PV= 4000, EV= 3500, AC= 3000
Which of t he following st at em ent are t rue?
A. CV is posit ive num ber t hat im plies t hat your project is under
B. CV is a negat ive num ber which im plies t hat y our proj ect is over
C. EAC is negat ive num ber which im plies t hat y ou are spending
m ore t han originally bu dget ed
D. EAC is a posit ive num ber t hat im plies t hat you are spending
m ore t han originally bu dget ed
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 8 7
The cont ract m anagem ent plan is an out put of which process?
A. Plan cont racting
B. Request sellers
C. Plan purchases and acquisit ions
D. Select sellers
E. Cont ract adm inist rat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 8 8
The Pr e lim in a r y Scope St a t e m e n t which is and out put of t he
D e ve lop Pr e lim in a r y Pr oj e ct Scope St a t e m e n t process, is an input
t o all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Scope verificat ion
B. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan
C. Scope plannin g
D. Scope definit ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 8 9
Dennis w orks for an int ernational m anufact urer for consum er
elect ronics. He has been recent ly assigned t o supervise and m anage
t he m anufact u ring of a new m odel of flat - screen t elevisions. His
supervisor congrat ulat es Dennis on his expanded responsibilit ies.
He inform s Dennis t hat his new assignm ent will have t he 1000 unit s of
t he new flat screen m anufact ured by Sept em ber. Before Dennis begins
m anufact urin g t hese new unit s he needs t o det erm ine t he
charact erist ics of his new product line, such as screen size, color,
resolut ion e.t .c. which of t he following t asks m ust Dennis perform prior
t o m anufact u ring t he product ?
A. Fast - t rack t he proj ect —begin m anufact uring t he product w hile
t he requirem ent s are clarified
B. Subm it a RFP t o get t he det ailed requirem ent s
C. Consult t he supervisor for t he det ailed requirem ent s
D. Progressive elaborat ions
E. Subm it a RFQ t o get t he det ailed requirem ent s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 7 9 0
I n which of t he following proj ect m anagem ent process group can
st akeholders be identified?
A. Planning, m onit oring and cont rollin g
B. I nit iat ing, planning, execut ing, m onit oring and cont rol and
C. I nit iat ing, planning and execut ing
D. I nit iat ing only
E. I nit iat ing and planning
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 9 1
According t o t he PMI , which of t he following best describes t he
differences bet ween program s and proj ect s?
A. Program s are u sed t o describe proj ect s in a st rong m at rix
organizat ion
B. Program s are group of proj ect m anaged t oget her m anaged
t oget her
C. There is no difference bet ween program and proj ect . These
t erm s are int erchangeable
D. Program s are ongoing operat ions while proj ect s are t em porary
and unique
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 9 2
Which of t he following best det erm ines t he am ount of aut horit y a
proj ect m anager will h ave during a proj ect ?
A. The proj ect m anager’s negot iat ing skills and com m unicat ion
B. The priorit y and im port ance of t he proj ect wit hin t he
organizat ion
C. Organizat ional st ruct ure
D. The am ount of aut horit y a specified in t he proj ect chart er.
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 9 3
Which of t he following best describes t he following organizat ional
st ruct ure?
St rong Mat rix Org
Balan ced Mat rix Org
Weak Mat rix Org
Proj ect ized Org
Funct ional Org
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 7 9 4
You are t he proj ect m anager for an inform at ion t echnology division of
a large financial services firm in t he Unit ed St at es. Your com pany
offers a w eb based t rading plat form t hat provides opt ions and fut ures
t rading for U.S com m odit ies m arket s. Due t o t he rise in popularit y of
fut ures and options t rading, your com pany has grown rapidly .
To keep up wit h t he dem ands you have been assigned wit h t he
responsibilit y of upgrading com pany ’s net work and com put ing
infrast ruct ure. You planned t o purchase a new high- end m ainfram e
server. The new server will cost $150,000 and can be used for 10
years. Aft er 2 years t he resale value of m ainfram es will be $100,000.
Aft er 5 years t he resale value of server will be $75,000. Aft er 7 years
t he resale v alue of server will be $30,000. Aft er 10 years, t he server
will be obsolet e.
What is t he annual depreciat ion expense for t his server if you use
st raight -line depreciat ion?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. 25,000
C. 150,000
D. 5,000
E. 15,000
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 7 9 5
You are t he proj ect m anager at Happy Coffee Café, a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium blended coffee. Current ly your com pany is
planning on opening addit ional st ores t hroughout Europe. Your
com pany is evaluat ing different areas of expansion, including, France,
Germ any and England.
You int end t o use NPV ( net present value) analysis t o evaluat e which
area provides t he base opport unit y for expansion. Which of t he
following st at em ent s are t rue regarding NPV calculations?
A. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
B. I f t he NPV value is great er t han zero, t he proj ect is unfavorable
C. I f t he NPV value is less t han zero, t he proj ect is fav orable
D. NPV assum es t hat t he cost of capit al is based on LI BOR
E. NPV is t he discount rat e when I RR is equal t o zero
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 9 6
You are a proj ect m anager at a hist oric Shoppe, a rapidly growing
bookst ore selling hard t o find books and periodicals. Current ly your
com pany is planning on opening addit ional st ores t hroughout t he
Unit ed St at es. Your prim ary m arket includes densely populat ed, m aj or
m et ropolit an cit ies.
Your com pany is deciding am ong New York, Los Angeles, and Seat t le.
Based on dat a which proj ect should be recom m en ded usin g t he
discount ed cash flow t echnique?
Proj ect New York m akes $100,000 in 2 years
Proj ect Los Angeles m akes $110,000 in 3 years
Proj ect Seat t le m akes $120,000 in 4 years
Assum e t hat t he cost of capit al is 8%
A. Proj ect New York since it yields t he highest value
B. Proj ect Los Angeles since it yields t he highest value
C. Proj ect Seat t le since it yields t he highest value
D. Proj ect Seat t le since it yields t he highest t ot al cash flow
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 7 9 7
You are t he proj ect m anager at inform at ion t echnology division of a
large healt h care provider in t he Unit ed St at es. Due t o t he new
regulat ory requirem ent s enact ed by HI PAA t o en sure t he privacy of
confident ial m edical records, you have been assigned t o audit all I .T.
syst em t o ensure com pliance.
You need t o ensure t hat all t he dat a in dat abase is encrypt ed t o ensure
confident ially. You need t o ensure t hat all t he users are properly
aut hent icat ed and aut horizat ion t o confident ial inform at ion follows t he
least privilege principle.
The deadline t o ensure t he com pliance wit h HI PAA regulat ions is wit hin
120 day s. Failing t o com plet e t he proj ect in 12 0 days will result fine t o
your organizat ion. You have been given a budget of $500,000 dollars.
Due t o t he ov erall bu dget cut s t his year, you have been t old t hat t he
budget is $500 ,000 and cannot exceed from t his. Which are t he
prim ary const raint s for t he proj ect ?
A. Scope
B. Schedule
C. Budget
D. Qualit y
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 7 9 8
You are a part of proj ect soft w are t eam responsible for developing a
new CRM soft ware applicat ion. The proj ect has been ongoing for t he
past several m ont hs. A few m em bers of t he proj ect t eam are current ly
discussing int roducing a significant change t o one of t he m aj or work
packages. Aft er discussions you received a m essage from t he vice
president of engineering inform ing you of t he proj ect changes, and are
asked t o com plet e t he necessary paperwork in order t o process t he
change. This is an exam ple of:
A. A proj ect expedit er role
B. A configurat ion m anagem ent syst em
C. Managing st akeholder need
D. Managem ent by obj ect ives
E. A change cont rol syst em
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 7 9 9
According t o PMI , applicat ion areas are cat egories of proj ect s t hat
have been com m on elem ent s in t he m aj orit y of proj ect s, but are not
necessarily required or applicable t o all proj ect s. Applicat ion areas are
not usually defined in t erm s of:
A. Technical elem ent s
B. Funct ional depart m ent s
C. Support ing disciplines
D. Proj ect phases
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 0 0
Your com pany m anufact ures m em ory chips for workst at ion com put er.
Your proj ect inv olves m anufact u ring a very high capacit y m em ory
chip. 12 8GB. You have worked on he sam e proj ect t wo year ago t o
m anufact ure low capacit y m em ory chip.2GB.
You are in t he DEVELOP THE PROJECT CHARTER process. Which of t he
following input s is least helpful?
A. Organizat ional process asset s, st andardized guidelines and
perform ance m easurem ent crit eria’s
B. Hist orical inform ation on t he previous proj ect m anufact uring 2GB
capacit y chip. This inform at ion could be helpful since t his new
proj ect is sim ilar in nat ure.
C. Ent erprise environm ent al fact ors, such as st akeholders risk
t olerances and m arket place condit ion
D. The proj ect const raint s and assum pt ions t o m ake sure t hat t he
any significant proj ect risk can be ident ified and m it igat ed
E. The proj ect ’s prelim inary scope st at em ent t hat docum ent t he
charact erist ic of t he proj ect
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 0 1
You are t he proj ect m anager fro t he large children’s t oy m anufact urer.
You have been asked t o m anufact ure t he lat est craze in “ Dancing
Widget s” for upcom ing Ch rist m as season. You’ve been inform ed t hat
t he com pany needs at least one m ont h lead tim e in order t o have
Widget s on ret ailer’s shelves for Christ m as season. Hence, based on
t he current sales forecast you’ve been asked t o deliver 100,000 unit s
by Novem ber 1 st at t he least . Since t he t oys will be used by young
children, t he “ Dancing Widget s” m ust be m anufact ured t o m eet very
specific safet y specificat ions.
Your com pany drives 90% of if it s revenue f rom sales generat ed
during t he Christ m as holiday season. As a result , you have been given
a budget of $15 m illion dollars t o com plet e t his proj ect . Which of t he
following is t he prim ary const raint for t his project ?
A. Risks, since t he widget s m ust be m anufact ured t o m eet very
specific safet y specificat ions
B. Tim e, since t he delivery cannot be changed
C. Scope, sin ce t he forecast for 100,000 unit s m ay change once
m anufact urin g begins.
D. Cost , since your budget has been fixed at $15 m illion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 0 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Changes t o product scope and defined in t he int egrat ed change
cont rol plan
B. Changes t o product scope are a result of im plem enting
correct ive act ions
C. Workaorounds are used t o correct problem s t hat occur wit h
changes in t he proj ect scope
D. Changes t o t he product scope should be reflect ed in t he proj ect
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 0 3
You’ve been hired as m anager t o design and const ruct a new casino in
Las Vegas, over t he next 18 m ont hs. Given t he size of t he proj ect and
t he abbreviat ed t im e fram e, you are at tem pt in g t o identify ways t o
reduce t he t im efram es for m any of various t ask s. You’ve developed
t he WBS and creat ed a Gant t chart using specialized scheduling
soft ware.
Aft er analyzing t he dat a, you’ve discovered several opport unit ies
where t asks and phases m ay be overlapped in order t o save tim e. This
is an exam ple of:
A. Progressive elaborat ion
B. Resource elaboration
C. Fast t racking
D. Crashing an d schedule
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 0 4
Your com pany m anufact ures m em ory chips for workst at ion com put ers.
Your current proj ect inv olves m anufact uring a very high capacit y
m em ory chip ( 128GB) . You worked on the sam e proj ect t h ree years
ago t o m anufact ure a lower capacit y m em ory chip ( 2GB) . You’ve
received a proj ect chart er from your supervisor. Which of t he following
st at em ent s are FALSE?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. The proj ect ch arter should describe t he sum m ary budget for t he
proj ect
C. The proj ect ch arter does not provide you wit h functional power
over various depart m ent s
D. The proj ect ch arter should describe t he sum m ary m ilest one
schedule for t he proj ect
E. The proj ect ch arter grant s you t he aut horit y t o begin assigning
resources t o t he proj ect
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 0 5
During which phase of t he proj ect lifecycle is t he level of risk and
uncert aint y is highest ?
A. Closing
B. Cont rolling
C. I nit iat ing
D. Execut in g
E. Planning
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 0 6
Which of t he following are not input s t o t he deve lop pr e lim in a r y
pr oj e ct scope st a t e m e n t ?
A. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
B. Organizat ional process asset
C. Ent erprise environm ent al fact ors
D. Proj ect chart er
E. Proj ect st at em ent of work
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 0 7
You are t he Chief Technology Officer of a m aj or st ock exchange. You
have just com plet ed t he WBS, and WBS dict ionary wit h respect s t o
reengineer t he organizat ion’s back office account ing, billing, and
adm inist rat ive syst em s. Which of t he following is t he BEST NEXT plan
of act ion?
A. Develop t he activit y list s
B. I dent ify t he proj ect s st akeholders
C. Begin com plet ing t he work packages
D. Com plet e risk m anagem ent act ivit ies
E. Perform scope verificat ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 0 8
The proj ect ch arter, eit her direct ly, or by reference t o ot her
docum ent s, should address all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. I nt ernal/ ext ernal proj ect const raint s
B. Sum m ary budget
C. Resource calen dar
D. Sum m ary m ilest one schedule
E. St akeholder influence
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 0 9
You are t he proj ect m anager at a ut ilit y com pany. Due t o t he recent
rise in t he cost of pet roleum , your organizat ion is exploring cheaper,
alt ernat ive form s of energy. You have j ust com plet ed t he proj ect
Scope Pla n n in g process and creat ed t he Scope m anagem ent plan.
However, upon review, you have det erm ined t hat t he result ing proj ect
scope m anagem ent plan is am biguous and poorly writ t en. A poorly
writ t en pr oj e ct scope m a n a ge m e n t pla n will dir e ct ly im pact all of
t he followin g EXCEPT:
A. Abilit y t o define, prepare and int egrat e, all subsidiary plan, int o
t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
B. Abilit y t o f orm alize accept ance of t he proj ect deliverables
C. Abilit y t o creat e a det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent as t he basis
for fut ure proj ect decisions.
D. Abilit y t o cont rol changes t o t he proj ect scope
E. Abilit y t o identify t he necessary act ivit ies t hat needs t o be
perform ed t o produce proj ect deliverables
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 1 0
You are t he proj ect m anager at Day- Old donut s a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium donut s at a discount . Currently, your
com pany is planning on opening addit ional st ores t hroughout Europe.
Your com pany is evaluat ing different areas for ex pansion inclu ding
France, Germ any and England. Your st eering com m it t ee used a
weight ed score m odel and found that in Englan d wit h a score of 75,
provided t he best opport unit ies for expansion. Which of t he following
st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Weight ed scoring m odels are const rained opt im izat ion m et hod,
and is t ool/ t echnique of t he init iat ion process group
B. Weight ed scoring m odels are benefit m easurem ent m et hod, and
is input t o t he init iation process group
C. Weight ed scoring m odels are const rained opt im izat ion m et hod,
and is an input t o t he init iat ion process group
D. Weight ed scoring m odels are benefit m easurem ent m et hod, and
is t ool/ t echnique of t he init iat ion process group
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 1 1
Proj ect s are t ypically aut horized as a result of one or m ore of t he
following needs:
A. All choices are correct
B. Cust om er request s
C. Legal requirem ent s
D. Technological advance
E. Social needs
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 1 2
Which of t he following best describes progressive elaboration?
A. Process of solicit ing proposals from prospective sellers and
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Process of ident ifying t he charact erist ics of product s
D. Process of st art ing a new t ask prior t o t he com pletion of current
proj ect t asks
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 1 3
You are in t he process of direct in g t he perform ance of planned proj ect
act ivit ies and m anaging t he various t echnical and organizat ional
int erfaces t hat exist wit hin your proj ect . All of t he following are
out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Final product , service or result
B. I m plem ent ed defect repair, work perform ance inform ation
C. Request ed changes, im plem ent ed change request
D. Deliverables
E. I m plem ent ed correct ive act ions, im plem ent ed prevent ive act ions
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 1 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE regarding com parative
m et h ods, scoring m et hod, and cash flow analysis?
A. These are included as part of t he product descript ion
B. These are proj ect select ion crit eria
C. These are considered as expert j udgm ent
D. These are out put s of t he init iat ing process group
E. These are proj ect select ion m et hods
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 1 5
You are t he proj ect m anager wit hin an inform at ion t echnology
depart m ent of a ret ailer. I n order t o allow for bet t er real- t racking, in
invent ory cont rol, and supply chain m anagem ent , your com pany in
financing a proj ect a proj ect t o inst all and deploy RFI D on all it em s of
m erchandise. As t he proj ect m anager you’re in select sellers process,
and have 4 different vendors on your qualified sellers list . One of t he
vendors on y our list has invit ed you t o lunch. What should you do?
A. You can accept t he invit at ion, as t here shouldn’t conflict of
int erest wit h t his invit at ion.
B. You should decline t he invit at ion, as t his m ay give an
appearance of a conflict of int erest .
C. You should decline t he invit at ion, as you have not select ed a
vendor yet . This m ay give an unfair advant age t o t he seller.
D. You should decline t he invit at ion, as t his m ay give appearance of
im propriet y.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion : 8 1 6
You are t he proj ect m anager wit hin an inform at ion t echnology
depart m ent of a large ret ailer I n order t o allow for bet t er real- t racking,
in inv ent ory cont rol, and supply chain m anagem ent , in invent ory
cont rol, an d supply chain m anagem ent , your com pany in financing a
proj ect t o inst all an d t o inst all and deploy RFI D on all it em s of
m erchandise. As t he proj ect m anager, you’ve j ust com plet ed t he select
sellers’ process, and select ed a vendor t o perfum e t he RFI D inst allat ion
and deploym ent .
Aft er t he cont ract is singed wit h t he vendor, t he account m anager
from t he vendor calls t o t h ank you for select ed t hem . As a t hank- you
gift , t hey ’ll be sending you round- t rip t icket t o Hawaii for you and your
fam ily. How should you respond?
A. You should not accept t he gift , unless t he vendor is willing t o
ext end t his gift t o ot her m em bers of t he proj ect t eam
B. You should not accept t he gift , as it m ay give an appearance
of im propriet y.
C. You should freely accept t he gift , as long as you t ell t he
vendor t o give you a gift privat ely.
D. You can freely accept t he gift , since you were not aware of t he
gift during t he select ion process. The gift did not decision, and
hence, t here is no im propriet y .
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion : 8 1 7
Michael works as a proj ect m anager at the const ruction com pany
developm ent a suspension bridge for t he cit y of Chicago. He has asked
t he couple of his t eam - m at es t o ret urn t o t he warehouse t o pick up
addit ional supplies. The ware is close t o where Mich ael lives, so he has
asked his t eam - m at es t o also st op by his hom e t o help clean t he
debris from his driveway. I s Michael’s behavior t he PMI code of et hics?
A. Michael is not in violation since Michael is j ust t rying t o utilize
his resources in t he m ost efficient m anner possible
B. Michael is not in violation since t here is no conflict s of
int erest s in his action
C. Michael is in violat ion since he is inappropriat ely u sing
resources for his own personal benefit
D. Michael is not in violation since t he prim ary reason for t he
t rip is work- relat er. The secondary request s do not t ake
m uch t im e or resources
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion : 8 1 8
You are proj ect m anager at a const ruct ion com pany who is working in
a foreign count ry t o perform reconst ruct ion work for various
infrast ruct ure and ut ilit y services, inclu ding wat er, sewage, and
elect ricit y. You’ve been in t he foreign count ry for a couple of week,
and are beginnin g t o feel disorient ed. Which of t he following best
describes your experiences?
A. Cult u ral disorient at ion
B. Post - t raum at ic
C. Exhaust ion
D. Geographic shock
E. Cult u re shock
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion : 8 1 9
One of key act ivit ies for achieving cust om er satisfact ion is t o define
t he:
A. Proj ect st at us
B. Business use
C. Change cont rol
D. Qualit y m et rics
E. Requirem ent s
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion : 8 2 0
You are a cont ract proj ect m anager wit hin an inform ation t echnology
depart m ent of a large ret ailer. You are responsible for developing a
new e- com m erce web- sit e for t he ret ailer. You are in t he process of
select ing t he vendor who will provide t he hardware including com put er
servers and net workin g equipm ent . As t he proj ect m anager, you are in
t he select sellers process and have t hree vendors on your qualified
sellers list who have responded t o your com pany’s RFP.
One of t he ven dors rem aining on t he qualified sellers list is Net Com p.
Alt hough you have no financial int erest s in t his com pany, one of your
friends Dennis is an invest or of t his com pany. I s t here a conflict of
int erest in t his sit uat ion?
A. Because of your friendship wit h Dennis a conflict of int erest s
exist s t hat m ust be disclosed im m ediat ely.
B. Depending on t he dept h of friendship wit h Dennis, a conflict of
int erest could exist .
C. I n order t o prot ect y our privacy, you only h ave t o disclose your
relat ionship wit h Net Com p I nc. if you are direct ly questioned
D. Since neit her you nor your fam ily m em bers hav e any financial
int erest in t he com pany, t here is no conflict of int erest
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 2 1
Which of t he following is used t o m aint ain an index of cont ract
docum ent s and correspondence, and assist wit h ret rieving and
archivin g cont ract s docum ent at ion?
configurat ion m anagem ent syst em
cont ract m an agem ent syst em
record m anagem ent syst em
Paym ent sy st em
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 2 2
Which of t he following are t ools t o cont ract closure process?
A. Cont ract docum ent at ion
B. Perform ance report ing
C. Proj ect report
D. Procurem ent au dit
E. Cont ract file
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 2 3
You are a proj ect m anager at a large account in g firm in Unit ed St at es.
Throughout t he year your firm provides bot h consult ing services and
account in g services t o XYZ widget s, inc, a publicit y t raded com pany
list ed on a New York st ock exchange. Current ly your proj ect involves
audit in g and financial st at em ent s t o XYZ widget s, in t he preparat ion of
annual shareholders m eet ing.
Your t eam has just com plet ed t he financial audit ing of t he firm , and
recent ly published it s finding. You have perform ed t his proj ect u nder
cont act an d are in t he cont ract closure process. Which of t he following
should y ou docum ent as a part of cont ract closure process?
A. Form al deliverable accept ance
B. Perform ance m easurem ent
C. Request ed cont ract changes
D. Paym ent schedules and request
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 2 4
Which of t he following proj ect m anagem ent areas cont ains t he m anage
st akeholders process?
A. Proj ect com m unicat ion m anagem ent
B. Proj ect t im e m anagem ent
C. Proj ect int egrat ion m anagem ent
D. Proj ect scope m anagem ent
E. Proj ect procurem ent m anagem ent
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 2 5
Which of t he following are input s t o t he close proj ect process except :
A. Deliverables
B. Final product , service or result
C. Work perform ance inform ation
D. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
E. Cont ract docum ent at ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 2 6
Which of t he following best describes t he com plet e set of indexed
cont ract docum ent at ion, including t he closed cont ract , for in clusion
wit h t he final proj ect file?
A. Lessons learned docum ent at ion
B. Cont ract file
C. Procurem ent au dit s
D. Cont ract closure procedure
E. Cont ract m an agem ent plan
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 2 7
Which of t he following are not considered as ent erprise environm ent al
fact or?
A. St akeholder risk t olerance
B. Organizat ion com m unicat ion requirem ent s
C. Market place condit ion
D. Work aut horizat ion sy st em
E. Exist ing hum an resource
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 2 8
You have been hired as a proj ect m anger for a local com m unit y
college. The com m unit y college want s you t o design and develop a
cust om st udent regist rat ion web sit e, so t hat st udent can select and
regist er for t heir classes online.
Your proj ect is nearly com plet e. However near t he end of t he proj ect
your t eam ex perienced som e t echnical difficult ies t hat caused cost
overrun and schedule delays. This inform ation m ay be useful in fut ure
proj ect s in all of t he following act ivit ies except :
A. Creat e WBS
B. Product verificat ion
C. Cost est im at ing
D. Act ivit y estim ating
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 2 9
According t o t he PMI which of t he following is considered as a special
case of cont ract closure?
A. Cont ract fraud
B. Cont ract default
C. Cont ract ual non perform ance
D. Early t erm ination of cont ract
E. Cont ract bank rupt cy
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 3 0
Earned v alue analysis is perform ance report ing t ools used in m anage
st akeholder process. Which of t he following m easurem ent should be
used as a perform ance m easurem ent baseline?
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 3 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding proj ect ending?
A. St arvat ions occur when t he resources ( personal, equipm ent ,
propert y e.t .c) of t he proj ect are reassigned t o t he ot her areas
wit hin t he organizat ion or ot her places
B. Ext inct ion occur when t he proj ect end because it was com plet ed
successfully and accept ed by st akeholders
C. Subt ract ion occurs when resources are rem oved from t he proj ect ,
such as due t o funding/ resource cut s
D. I nt egrat ion occurs when t he proj ect revolves int o ongoing
operat ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 3 2
You r t he proj ect m anager at a large account in g firm in t he Unit ed
St at es. Th roughout t he year your firm s provides bot h the consult ing
services an d account ing/ audit ing services t o XYZ Widget s, I nc, a
publicit y t raded com pany list ed on a New York st ock exchange.
Current ly y our proj ect inv olves audit ing and financial st at em ent s t o
XYZ widget s, in t he preparation of annual shareholders m eet ing.
While your t eam is in t he m idst of proj ect execut ion, you are inform ed
t hat your proj ect is cancelled due t o new SEC regulat ions. Specially a
new SEC rule prohibit s accounting firm from providing bot h audit ing
services an d consult ing services t o t he client , due t o t he pot ent ial
conflict s of int erest t hat could rise from such business relat ionship.
As a result your proj ect is cancelled and budget for your proj ect is cut .
For necessary budget y our proj ect t eam is banned and your project
m em bers go t heir separat e ways. Which of t he following t ypes of
proj ect ending is t his considered?
A. Addit ion
B. Ext inct ion
C. I nt egrat ion
D. Cancellat ion
E. St arvat ion
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 3 3
Which of t he following est ablishes t he procedure t o perform product
verificat ion, u pdate cont ract records t o reflect final result s and archive
inform ation for fut ure use?
A. Form al accept ance docum ent at ion
B. Cont ract closure procedure
C. Proj ect files
D. Adm inist rative closure procedure
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 3 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding cont ract closure
A. The cont ract closure procedure is an out put of closure proj ect
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. The cont ract closure procedure involves bot h product v erificat ion
and adm inist rat ive closure
D. The cont ract closure procedure is an input of closure proj ect
E. The cont ract t erm s and condit ions m ay prescribes specificat ion for
cont ract closure
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 3 5
You are t he proj ect m anager wit hin an inform at ion t echnology
depart m ent of a large ret ailer. I n order t o allow for bet t er real- t im e
t racking, invent ory cont rol, and supply chain m anagem ent , your
com pany is financing a proj ect t o inst all and deploy RFI D t ags on all
it em s of m erchandise. As a proj ect m anger, you’ve j ust com plet ed t he
Select Sellers process, and select ed a vendor t o perform t he RFI D
inst allation and deploym ent .
Aft er t he cont ract is assigned wit h t he vendor, t he account m anager
from t he vendor calls for t hank you for select ing t hem . As a t hank- you
gift , t hey would like t o give you and your proj ect t eam t ick et s t o a free
dinner convent ion, where t he vendor will be providing a dem o if t heir
lat est RFI D syst em s. How should you respond?
A. Since t he previous proj ect m anager had accept ed t he gift , t he
precedent h as already been est ablished wit hin t he organizat ion.
Hence, you can freely accept t he gift .
B. You can freely accept t he gift , since you were not aware of t he
gift during t he select ion process. The gift will n ot influen ce your
decisions, and hence, t here is no im propriet y
C. You should not accept t he gift , unless t he vendor is willing t o
ext end t his gift t o ot her m em bers of t he proj ect t eam
D. You should not accept t he gift , as it m ay have an appearance of
im propriet y
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 3 6
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large aut om aker in Japan. Your
proj ect involves designing t he next generat ion 4- wheel drive Sport
Ut ilit y v ehicle for t he Asian m arket . A new fuel efficient engine design
is required as part of your proj ect . Unfort unat ely, your proj ect t eam
did not have t he necessary expert ise t o design and m anufact ure a new
fuel- efficient engine.
Hence, your com pany plan s has decided t o subcont ract all t he engine
designs an out side m anufact urer in Europe. During your init ial visit s t o
European part ners, you were present ed wit h an expensive gift . You
were t old t hat t his is local cust om t o give such gift s t o business
part ners t o during t heir visit s. What should you do?
A. Since t he gift will not influence your fut ure decisions, you can
accept t he gift as t here is no conflict or int erest
B. Since accept ing t he gift m ay give t he appearance of im propriet y
you should decline t he gift out right
C. Accept t he gift so as not t o offend anyone. However, report t h e
gift t o appropriat e parties at your com pany so t hat you do not
give t he appearance of im propriet y
D. Explain t hat t he gift m ay be const ruct ed as a conflict of int erest
and hence you cannot accept t he gift
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 3 7
You are t he proj ect m anager wit hin and inform at ion t echnology
depart m ent of a large ret ailer. You are responsible for updat ing t he
net work infrast ruct ure of t he com pany . As a project m anager, you are
in t he Select Sellers process, and have four different vendors on your
qualified sellers list .
One of t he ven dors on your list has invit ed you t o lunch t o a very highclass and expensive rest aurant . I n fact , a m eal can cost anywhere
from $500- $1000 USD. What should you do?
A. You should review your com pany’s policy on t he t ype of gift s you
can accept
B. You can accept t he invit at ion, as t here shouldn’t conflict of
int erest wit h t his invit at ion
C. You can accept t he invit at ion, since such lunch invit at ions are
generally okay, regardless of how expensive t he m eal is.
D. You should decline t he invit at ion, as t his m ay give appearance of
im propriet y
E. You should decline t he invit at ion, as you have not select ed a
vendor yet . This m ay give an unfair advant age t o t he seller
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 3 8
Michael works as a proj ect m anager at a const ruct ion com pany
developing a new 150 st ory sky- scraper. He has asked a couple of his
t eam m em bers t o ret urn t o warehouse t o pick addit ional supplies.
Since one of his t eam m em bers is an expert elect rician and since
warehouse is close t o where t he Michael lives, he has asked his t eam
m at es t o also st op by his house t o fix som e very m inor elect rical
problem s in his house. I s Michael behavior violat ing t he PMI code of
et hics?
A. Michael is not violating since t he prim ary reason for t he t rip is
work- relat ed. The secondary request do not t ake m uch t im e or
B. Michael is not in violation since t here is no conflict s of int erest s
in his act ions
C. Michael is not in violation since Michael is j ust t rying t o utilize his
resources in t he m ost efficient m anner possible
D. Michael is in violat ion since he is inappropriat ely u sing resources
for his own personal benefit
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 3 9
You are t he proj ect m anager wit hin an inform at ion t echnology
depart m ent of a large ret ailer I n order t o allow for bet t er real- t racking,
in inv ent ory cont rol, and supply chain m anagem ent , in invent ory
cont rol, an d supply chain m anagem ent , your com pany in financing a
proj ect t o inst all an d t o inst all and deploy RFI D on all it em s of
m erchandise. As t he proj ect m anager, you’ve j ust com plet ed t he select
sellers’ process, and select ed 5 different vendors on your qualified
sellers list who has responded t o y our com pany’s RFP.
One of t he ven dors rem aining t he qualified sellers list is RFI D- PM I nc.
alt hough you have no financial int erest in t his com pany, one of yours
old high school buddies, Terence, sit s on t he board of direct ors of t his
com pany. I s t here a conflict of int erest in t his sit uat ion?
A. Depending on t he dept h of your friendship wit h Terence, a
conflict of int erest could exist
B. I n order t o prot ect y our privacy, you only h ave t o disclose your
relat ionship wit h RFI D- PM, I nc. if you are direct ly quest ioned
C. Since neit her you nor your fam ily m em bers has any financial
int erest s in t his com pany t here is no conflict of int erest
D. Because of your friendship wit h Terence, a conflict of int erest
exist t h at m ust be disclosed im m ediat ely
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 4 0
You have det erm ined t hat a design error will int erface wit h m eet ing
t echnical perform ance obj ect ives. Which of t he following is t he
preferred response in t his sit uat ion?
A. Sim plify t he overall t echnical com plexit y of t he proj ect
B. Develop alt ernat ive solut ions t o address t he problem
C. I gnore t he error and set new perform ance object iv es
D. Reduce perform ance obj ect ives t o be equal t o t he current
assessed value
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 4 1
Which of t he following t ool/ t echnique are un planned responses t o
risk s t hat were previously unident ified?
A. Workarounds
B. Correct iv e actions
C. Risk dat abase
D. Proj ect risk reviews
E. Risk response audit s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 4 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regrinding issue logs?
A. I ssue logs describe t he ground rules and conflict m anagem ent
procedures t o m anage t he proj ect .
B. I ssue logs are writ t en logs t hat address t he roles and
responsibilit ies of each project t eam m em ber.
C. I ssue logs are t ool/ t echnique of t he Manage Proj ect Team
process and Manage St akeholders process.
D. I ssue logs are a graphic display of proj ect t eam m em bers and
t heir reporting relat ionships.
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 4 3
The Monit or and Cont rol Proj ect Work process is perform ed t o m onit or
proj ect processes and perform ance. Which of t he following are you
LEAST concerned wit h durin g t his process?
A. Maint aining t he int egrit y of baselines by releasing only approved
B. Providin g inform at ion t o support st at us report ing
C. Analyzin g and t racking project risks
D. Assessing perform ance t o det erm ine whet her correct ive act ions
are necessary
E. Com parin g act ual perform ance against proj ect m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 4 4
Which of t he following are not t ools/ t echniques of Manage
St akeholders process?
A. Com m unicat ions m et hod
B. St at us review m eet ings
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. I ssue logs
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 4 5
You are in t he process of m onit orin g t he various proj ect processes and
t heir perform ance. Which of t he following is t he LEAST appropriat e
out put of t his process?
A. Recom m en ded defect repair
B. Recom m en ded prevent ive act ions
C. Recom m en ded correct ive act ions
D. Forecast s
E. Proj ect m anagem ent plan updat es
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 4 6
Your friend is a proj ect m anager at a real est at e com pany t hat
develops and m anages com m ercial, ret ail and resident ial properties in
Unit ed St at es and Europe. As a com pany cont inues t o grow, t he
com pany’s I T infrast ruct ure is unable t o m eet business needs of
organizat ion.
Hence she has been assigned t o upgrade t he com pany’s I T
infrast ruct ure. Specifically, her t eam has been asked t o im plem ent a
corporat e general ledger syst em , im prove account ing and real est at e
processes, develop a lease t racking syst em , and im plem ent HR and
payroll syst em s and perform diagnost ics and m ont hly closures.
Her proj ect t eam has already com plet ed all t he init iat ing / proj ect
planning activit ies and received sign- off/ approvals on t he proj ect
chart er, proj ect scope, and det ailed work packages. Your proj ect t eam
is in t he process of com plet ing all t he work packages.
However, sh e has j ust received a change request t o add addit ional
report ing fun ct ionalit y t o t he proj ect deliverables. She calls a m eet ing
of her proj ect t eam t o det erm ine how t o proceed wit h t he change. This
is an exam ple of which of t he following?
A. Proper int egrat ed change cont rol
B. Lack of change cont rol syst em
C. I nadequat e levels of decom posit ion of work packages
D. Managem ent by obj ect ives
E. Team consensus building
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 4 7
Which of t he following forecast s t he m ost likely t ot al proj ect cost s
based on t he current proj ect perform ance t o dat e?
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 4 8
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect scope. All
of t he following are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect m anagem ent plan updat es
B. Perform ance report s
C. Recom m en ded correct ive act ions
D. Scope baseline updat es
E. Request ed changes
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 4 9
You are t he proj ect m anager at a m anufact urer of elect ronic
com ponent s. Your com pany had been a long t im e m arket leader in
elect ronic com ponent s dist ribut ion indust ry. However, in recent years,
t he I nt ernet has t ransform ed t he com pet it ive landscape. As a result
com pany’s m arket share has been eroding.
Hence, your current proj ect involves im plem enting t he com pany’s
int ernet st rat egies t o best exploit t hese alt ered dynam ics and increase
t he com pany’s m arket share. You are in t he proj ect planning process,
and are personally est im at ing t he t im e needed for each act ivit y. Once
you’ve creat ed t he overall proj ect est im at e. You com m it t o com pleting
t he proj ect deliverables t o t his dat e. Which of t he following BEST
explain s why t his is t he I NCORRECT way t o est im at e t he schedule?
A. The proj ect sponsor should have been actively involved in
producing t he est im at es
B. The estim at es should have com e form t he proj ect t eam
m em bers
C. The estim at es should have been creat ed by m anagem ent
D. The estim at e should have account ed for t he m arket dynam ics
and t im in g requirem ent s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 5 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE regarding t he scope
verificat ion st at em ent ?
A. Scope verificat ion inv olves evaluating overall proj ect
perform ance t o ensure t hat t he proj ect will sat isfy specified
proj ect requirem ent s
B. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
C. Scope verificat ion is prim arily concerned wit h verifying t he
correct ness of work result s
D. The t ool/ t echnique of scope verificat ion is inspect ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 5 1
All of t he following are sources of conflict EXCEPT:
A. Scheduling priorit ies
B. Ground rules
C. Personal work st yles
D. Scarce resources
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 5 2
You have been assigned t o a proj ect t o build a large 30- st ory
condom inium in Las Vegas. The condom inium will feat ure luxu rious
am enit ies like st at e of t he art work- out facilit ies, conference cent ers,
valet services, m aid services, spas, gourm et dining and resort st yle
You’ve calculat ed t he est im at ed proj ect com pletion dat e. However, t he
est im at ed com pletion dat e is 2 m ont hs aft er t he desired com plet ion
dat e. Aft er analyzing t he proj ect net work diagram , y ou’ve det erm ined
t hat m any of t he act ivit ies have discret ionary dependencies. To
decrease t he proj ect durat ion, you’ve request ed addit ional resources
but were t old t hat NO addit ional resources are av ailable for your
proj ect . Assum ing t hat t he proj ect has low risks, which of t he following
is t he BEST plan of act ion?
A. Reduce t he qualit y of deliverables
B. Om it risk m an agem ent act ivit ies
C. Om it a proj ect act ivit y
D. Perform schedule activit ies in parallel
E. Crash t he schedule
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 5 3
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect schedule.
All of t he following are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Schedule baseline u pdates
B. Perform ance m easurem ent s
C. Schedule m odel dat a
D. Schedule m odel dat a updat es
E. Act ivit y list updat es
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 5 4
You would like t o m easure t he associat ion bet ween t ow variables.
Which of t he following is NOT a m easuring t echnique or m easure you
would use t o do t his?
A. Correlat ion
B. St andard deviat ion
C. Scat t er diagram
D. Regression
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 5 5
Which of t he following best describes residu al risks?
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Risks t hat st ill rem ain aft er im plem enting a risk response
C. Risk t hat com e about as a direct result of im plem enting a risk
D. Risks t hat arise due t o qualit y issues
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 5 6
You are t he proj ect m anager in t he I .T depart m en t of t he local
universit y . Your current proj ect involves developing a web- based
int erface for legacy st udent regist rat ion applicat ion.
Your current proj ect has recent ly experienced a change where you
have been asked t o support an addit ional dat a base syst em , inst ead of
current dat abase syst em in use. As a result , m any of t he greed upon
WBS elem ent s were m odified. Which t ype of change has occurred
wit hin your proj ect ?
A. Scope change
B. WBS updat e
C. Proj ect change
D. Schedule change
E. Qualit y chan ge
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 5 7
To ensure t he effect iveness of correct ive act ions, corrective act ions
frequent ly require which of t he following?
A. Resource leveling
B. Root - cause an alysis
C. Perform ance m easurem ent s
D. Rebaselining proj ect schedule baseline
E. Rebaselining proj ect cost baseline
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 5 8
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he Paret o
diagram s?
A. Paret o diagram involves usin g m at hem at ical t echniques t o
forecast fut ure out com es based on hist orical result s
B. Paret o diagram s use st at ist ical m easurem ent s t o ident ify t he
m ost im port ant problem s t hrough different m easurem ent scales;
i.e. frequency, cost , e.t .c. and direct s at t ent ion and effort s t o
m ost significant problem s and/ or opport unit ies
C. Paret o diagram illust rat e t he relat ionship bet ween t wo variables
D. Paret o diagram s are creat ed by random ly select ing random
port ions of a populat ion for inspect ion
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 5 9
Keepin g up wit h t he growt h w as becom ing a problem for a privat ely
owned Chinese financial services com pany. Alt hough it easily lured
business from st at e- owned com pet it ors, low skill levels and weak
account in g syst em s t hreat en t he com pany’s cash flow. Moreover,
poorly invest ed asset s were delivering inadequat e ret urns.
Hence, you have been assigned over an exist ing proj ect t o upgrade
t he I T syst em t o allow for an expansion. Specifically, t he I T upgrade
will enable t he com pany t o serve m ore com pet it ors, expand t he
product line, gain m arket share, and win m ore licenses.
You’ve det erm ined t he following inform ation so far: Act ivit y X has an
early st art of day3, early finish of day6, and a lat e finish of day10.
Act ivit y Y is being perform ed by resource t hat had been very difficult
t o obt ain. The CPI of t he proj ect is 1.2 and t he SPI is 1.3.
Midway t hrough y our proj ect , your client has request ed addit ional
deliverables t o your proj ect . Fort unat ely, you have already det erm ined
t hat t his funct ionalit y will only add one ext ra w eek t o t he crit ical pat h.
To accom m odat e t his request , you’ve det erm ined t hat you could fast t rack t he schedule t o recover one ext ra week. Which of t he following
should y ou perform NEXT?
A. Consult t he proj ect sponsor before t aking act ion
B. I nvest igat e ot her opt ions on how t o im plem ent t he change
request s wit h m inim al im pact t o t he proj ect
C. I nform t he client t he im pact of t he change
D. Evaluat e t he im pact of t he change request on t he ot her proj ect
const raint s
E. I m plem ent t he change request
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 6 0
Which of t he following are t rue regarding t he crit ical pat h EXCEPT:
A. Crit ical pat h act ivit ies t hat are delayed can result in a negat ive
B. A crit ical pat h can run over a dum m y act ivit y
C. Changes t o t he end dat e of t he proj ect m ay not require a change
t o t he proj ect net work
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. A proj ect can have m ult iple crit ical pat hs
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 6 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding Proj ect Tim e
Managem ent ?
A. Act ivit y resource estim ating involves est im at ing t ype and
qualit ies of resources required t o perform each schedule activit y
B. Schedule developm ent involves analyzing activit y sequences,
durat ions, resource requirem ent s in order t o creat e proj ect
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Act ivit y sequencing involves identifying dependencies am ong
schedule act ivit ies
E. Schedule cost involving ch anges t o t he proj ect schedule
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 6 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE:
A. Budget updat es are a special cat egory of revised cost est im at es
B. Revised cost est im at es are m odificat ions t o t he cost inform at ion
used t o m anage t he proj ect .
C. I f cost variances are severe, rebaselining m ay necessary in order
t o provide a bet t er m easure of perform ance
D. The cost change cont rol syst em is an input t o t he Cost Cont rol
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 6 3
You are proj ect m anager responsible for const ruct ing a new sport s
arena for t he u pcom ing Olym pics. Const ruct ion began on a proj ect
over a year ago. The st akeholders of t he proj ect want a st at us report
on t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o dat e. You’ve obt ained t he
following m easurem ent s:
BAC= 5 0 0 , ETC= 2 0 0 , PV= 5 0 0 , AC= 2 0 0 , EV= 3 0 0 , CPI = 1 .5
Based on t he m easurem ent s above, which of t he following st at em ent s
are TRUE?
A. The cost perform ance of t he proj ect is bet t er t han expect ed
B. The schedule perform ance of t he proj ect is w orse t han expect ed
C. The schedule perform ance of t he proj ect is bet t er t han expect ed
D. The cost perform ance of t he proj ect is worse t h an expect ed
An sw e r : A, B
Qu e st ion 8 6 4
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding qualit y audit s?
A. Qualit y audit s are used t o identify lessons learned
B. Qualit y audit s are used t o det erm ine t he progress of t he proj ect
and ident ify correct ive act ions
C. Qualit y audit s are used t o review qualit y m anagem ent act ivit ies
D. Qualit y audit s are t ools/ t echniques of t he Perform Qualit y
Cont rol process.
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 6 5
Proj ect cost cont rol includes all of t he following EXCECPT:
A. Recordin g all changes t o t he cost baseline
B. I nform st akeholders of approved changes
C. I nfluencing fact ors t hat creat e changes t o t he baseline
D. Bringing ex pect ed cost overruns wit hin accept able lim it s
E. Est ablish contingency reserves t hat allow for un planned, but
pot ent ially required, changes
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 6 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s best describes t he responsibilit y of
t he Change Cont rol Board ( CCB) ?
A. The CCB is responsible for approving/ rej ect ing changes t o t he
proj ect ch art er
B. The CCB is responsible for approving/ rej ecting change request s
C. The CCB is responsible for approving/ rej ecting changes t o
proj ect schedule/ cost baseline
D. The CCB is responsible for approving/ rej ecting changes t o t he
E. The CCB is responsible for approving/ rej ecting changes t o
proj ect plan
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 6 7
You are a proj ect m anager for a com pany t hat sells online m usic. Your
proj ect is t o develop new cont ent m anagem ent syst em t hat will not
only m anage all users purchases and downloads but will aut om atically
learn t he users m usic int erest t o m ake fut ure product
recom m endat ion. I n addit ion your cont ent m anagem ent syst em m ust
scale t o support m illions of current m usic downloads a day.
Your t eam has m ade a significant progress on t he proj ect . You are
preparing t he perform ance of t he proj ect t o dat e and have calculat ed
t he followin g m easurem ent :
PV= 4 0 0 0 , EV= 3 5 0 0 , AC= 3 0 0 0
What is t he CPI of t he proj ect ?
A. 1.333
B. 0.75
C. 0.875
D. 1.16
D. 1.14
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 6 8
The Est im at e At Com plet ion ( EAC) can be used t o forecast t he m ost
likely t ot al proj ect cost based upon t he current proj ect perform ance.
Which of t he following form ulas cannot be used t o calculat e t he EAC
when current proj ect variances are NOT t ypical and such variances
NOT expect ed t o cont inue?
A. EAC= ( AC+ ( VAC- EV) / CPI )
C. EAC= ( AC+ ( BAC- EV) / CPI )
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 6 9
Which of t he following t echniques m ay NOT be used t o a proj ect t o
resolv e conflict s?
A. Wit hdrawal
B. Direct ing
C. Com prom ise
D. Forcing
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 7 0
All of t he following are part of scope baseline EXCEPT:
A. Product analysis
B. WBS dict ionary
C. Proj ect scope st at em ent
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 7 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are TRUE?
A. Team building activit ies and general m anagem ent skills are t ool
t echniques of t he Manage Proj ect Team process
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. The Develop Proj ect Team process involves t racking t eam
m em ber perform ance, providing feedback and coordinat ing
changes t o im prove proj ect perform ance
D. Managem ent of t he proj ect t eam is com plicat ed when t eam
m em bers are account able t o bot h a funct ional m anger and
proj ect m anager wit hin m at rix organizat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 7 2
Which of t he following best describes a win- lose conflict resolution
t echnique t hat uses form al power t o com m and/ dem and a specific
solut ion t o a problem ?
A. Forcing
B. Sm oot hing
C. Wit hdrawal
D. Confront at ion
E. Com prom ise
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 7 3
Which of t he following is t he configurat ion m anagem ent act ivit y t hat is
involved wit h capt uring, st oring, and accessing configurat ion
inform ation needed t o m ange product s?
A. Configurat ion m anagem ent
B. Configurat ion definit ion
C. Configurat ion verificat ion and audit ing
D. Configurat ion st atus account ing
E. None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 7 4
Keepin g up wit h t he growt h w as becom ing a problem for a privat ely
owned Chinese financial services com pany. Alt hough it easily lured
business from st at e- owned com pet it ors, low skill levels and weak
account in g syst em s t hreat en t he com pany’s cash flow. Moreover,
poorly invest ed asset s were delivering inadequat e ret urns.
Hence, you have been assigned over an exist ing proj ect t o upgrade
t he I T syst em t o allow for an expansion. Specifically, t he I T upgrade
will enable t he com pany t o serve m ore com pet it ors, expand t he
product line, gain m arket share, and win m ore licenses.
You’ve det erm ined t he following inform ation so far: Act ivit y X has an
early st art of day3, early finish of day6, and a lat e finish of day10.
Act ivit y Y is being perform ed by resource t hat had been very difficult
t o obt ain. The CPI of t he proj ect is 1.2 and t he SPI is 0.9. Based on
t he inform ation above, which of t he following areas should cause t he
MOST concern?
A. Qualit y
B. Float
C. Cost
D. Schedule
E. Resources
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 7 5
I nt egrat ed ch ange cont rol includes t he following act ivit ies EXCEPT:
A. Validat ed defect repair
B. Docum ent in g im pact of request ed changes
C. Regulat ing t he flow of request ed changes
D. Maint aining t he int egrit y of t he baselines by releasing approved
E. Providin g inform at ion t o support st at us report ing
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 7 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding configurat ion
m anagem ent ?
A. Configurat ion definit ion provides t he basis from which t he
configurat ion of product s is defined and verified, product s an d
docum ent s are labeled, changes are m anaged, and
account abilit y s m aint ained.
B. Configurat ion st atus account ing provides t he basis for capt uring,
st orin g and accessing configurat ion inform at ion needed t o
m anage product s
C. Configurat ion verificat ion and audit ing provides t he basis for
ensurin g t hat the perform ance and functional requirem ent s
defined in t he configuration docum ent at ion hav e been m et
D. The configurat ion m anagem ent syst em is a su bsyst em of t he
overall proj ect m anagem ent inform at ion syst em s.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 7 7
Keepin g up wit h t he growt h w as becom ing a problem for a privat ely
owned Chinese financial services com pany. Alt hough it easily lured
business from st at e- owned com pet it ors, low skill levels and weak
account in g syst em s t hreat en t he com pany’s cash flow. Moreover,
poorly invest ed asset s were delivering inadequat e ret urns.
Hence, you have been assigned over an exist ing proj ect t o upgrade
t he I T syst em t o allow for an expansion. Specifically, t he I T upgrade
will enable t he com pany t o serve m ore com pet it ors, expand t he
product line, gain m arket share, and win m ore licenses.
Your proj ect t eam has already creat ed t he WBS, developed est im at es
for t he work packages, and creat ed t he proj ect net work diagram .
Which of t he following sh ould you perform NEXT?
A. Decom pose t he work packages int o sm aller com ponent s called
schedule act ivit ies
B. Finalize risk m anagem ent act ivities
C. I dent ify logical relat ionship am ong act ivit ies
D. I m plem ent schedule change cont rol syst em
E. Creat e t he prelim inary proj ect schedule
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 7 8
All of t he following st at em ent s regarding qualit y m et rics are t rue
A. None of t he ch oices are correct
B. Exam ples of qualit y m et rics include t est coverage, reliabilit y,
defect densit y, failure rat e, and availabilit y
C. Qualit y m et rics are an input t o t he Perform Qualit y Assurance
D. Qualit y m et rics are an input t o t he Perform Qualit y Cont rol
E. Qualit y m et rics are an out put t o t he Qualit y Planning
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 7 9
You are present ed t he following schedule dat a regarding various
proj ect act ivit ies on a crit ical pat h:
You are t old t hat the proj ect has negat ive float of 4 m ont hs. What is
t he m inim um am ount it will cost t o save four m ont hs by crashing t he
proj ect ?
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 8 0
Which of t he following defines, t he procedures by which t he cost
baseline m ay be change, including t he paperwork, t racking sy st em s,
an approval levels for aut horizing ch anges?
A. Cost baseline
C. Scope m anagem ent plan
D. Cost change cont rol sy st em
E. Cost m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 8 1
Your proj ect is nearing com plet ion when a previously undocum ent ed
risk is ident ified. The risk could negatively affect t he out com e of t he
proj ect . Which of t he followin g is t he BEST act ion t o perform next ?
A. Creat e a workaround
B. Develop a risk response plan t o m it igat e t he risk
C. Add reserves t o t he proj ect t o adj ust for t he risks
D. Not ify t he m anagem ent t eam about t he im pact of t he risk
E. Analyze t he risk
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 8 8 2
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect cost
baseline. Which of the following is t he LEAST helpful t ool/ t echnique?
A. Cost aggregat ion
B. Forecast ing, variance m anagem ent
C. Perform ance m easurem ent analysis
D. Cost change cont rol sy st em
E. Proj ect perform ance reviews
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 8 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding t he cost
change cont rol syst em ?
A. I nt egrat ed ch ange cont rol syst em
B. I t provides inform at ion on t he proj ect scope and cost
perform ance, such as which budget s have been m et and which
are not .
C. I t defines t he procedures by which t he cost baseline m ay be
D. I t defines t he approval level necessary for aut horizing t he
E. I t should be int egrat ed int o t he int egrat ed change cont rol
syst em
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 8 4
You are in t he process of cont rollin g changes t o t he proj ect scope. All
of t he following are t ools/ t echniques you can use EXCET:
A. Replanning
B. Change cont rol syst em
C. I nspect ion
D. Configurat ion m anagem ent syst em
E. Variance analysis
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 8 5
Which of t he following processes involves ensuring t hat risk plan s are
properly execut ed?
m onit oring and cont rol
response planning
ident ificat ion
m anagem ent planning
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 8 6
All of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he configurat ion
cont rol board ( CCB) EXCEPT:
A. A CCB has t he aut horit y t o im prove or rej ect request s
B. A CCB m em bers m ay include st akeholders, m anagers an d
proj ect t eam m em bers
C. A CCB is a collect ion of procedures t h at describe how t o subm it
change request s
D. A CCB describes h ow change request s will be m anaged and
t racked
An sw e r : C, D
Qu e st ion 8 8 7
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large invest m ent bank. Your current
proj ect involves developing a creat ive financing solut ion for a large
bio- t ech com pany in order t o facilit at e t he acquisit ion of anot her
com pany. Specifically, your proj ect involves issuing convertible debt
securit ies in order t o access a new pool of low- cost capit al. This
t ransact ion is t he largest ever convert ible t ransact ion in t he bio- t ech
com pany. Unfort unat ely, y our proj ect is plagued by frequent changes
t o proj ect chart er. Who should be prim ary person responsible for
deciding whet her t he changes t o t he proj ect chart er are necessary?
A. Proj ect m anager
B. Change cont rol board
C. Proj ect t eam
D. Proj ect sponsor
E. St akeholders
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 8 8
All of t he following are out put s of t he Risk Monit oring and Cont rol
process EXCEPT:
A. Request ed changes
B. Recom m en ded prevent ive act ions
C. Recom m en ded correct ive act ions
D. Work perform ance inform ation
E. Risk regist er updat es
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 8 9
Wit h respect s t o t he cost of qualit y , which of t he following individuals
was responsible for developing t he “ zero- defect s” approach?
A. Dem ing
B. I nshik awa
C. Crosby
D. Juran
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 9 0
Which of t he following t ools/ t echniques of t he qualit y planning process
com pares previous sim ilar act ivit ies from a prior proj ect t o t he current
proj ect act ivit ies t o develop perform ance m easurem ent st andards?
A. Benchm arking
B. Design of experim ent s
C. Flowchart in g
D. Benefit / cost analysis
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 9 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding collocat ion?
A. Collocation is a t ool/ t echnique of t he acquire proj ect t eam
B. I n order t o be effect ive, collocat ion m ust t ake t he link bet ween
proj ect perform ance and reward clear and achievable.
C. Collocation involves placing proj ect t eam m em bers in t he sam e
physical locat ion t o enhance t heir abilit y t o perform as a t eam
D. Collocation is a t ool/ t echnique of Hum an Resource planning
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 9 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding Qualit y Planning
and Perform Qualit y Assurance?
A. The qualit y planning process uses t he t ool such as benefit cost s
analysis, benchm arking, flow chart ing, and design of experim ent
and cost of qualit y
B. Qualit y planning involves evaluat ing overall proj ect perform ance
t o ensure t hat the proj ect will sat isfy qualit y st andards
C. Qualit y planning is t he t ot alit y of charact erist ic of an ent it y t hat
bear on it s abilit y t o sat isfy st at ed or im plied needs. Qualit y
assurance involv es evaluat ing overall proj ect perform ance t o
ensure t hat t he proj ect will sat isfy qualit y st an dards
D. Qualit y assurance involves evaluat ing overall proj ect
perform ance t o ensure t hat t he proj ect will sat isfy qualit y
st andards
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 9 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he Expect ancy
t heory?
A. Hygiene fact ors help avoid j ob dissat isfaction but will not lead t o
j ob sat isfact ion.
B. I ndividuals will only put effort s int o a cert ain beh avior/ act ion
dependent upon expect ancy, valence, and inst rum ent alit y.
C. I ndividuals are sat isfied by unsat isfied needs, and t hat cert ain
lower needs t o be sat isfied before higher needs can be sat isfied.
D. I ndividuals are m otivat ed by achievem ent , power and affiliat ion.
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 8 9 4
You are in t he process of m aking inform at ion av ailable t o proj ect
st akeholders in a tim ely m anner. Which of t he following st at em ent s
are t rue?
A. Forecast s and perform ance report s are out put s of t his process
B. Cost report in g syst em s and t im e report ing syst em s are t ools/
t echniques you can use in t his process.
C. You need t he com m unicat ions m anagem ent plan as one of t he
process in put s
D. You are in t he Proj ect Monit oring and Cont rollin g process group
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 8 9 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding cont ract s?
A. The m aj or com ponent s of a cont ract generally include
accept ance crit eria, warrant ies, perform ance bonds, and
disput es resolution m echanism s.
B. A cont ract can be in t he form of sim ple purchase order
C. A cont ract is m ut ually binding legal docum ent
D. A proj ect m anager should be t he lead negot iat or on t he cont ract .
E. A cont ract is an out put of t he Select Sellers process.
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 9 6
The proj ect m anagem ent execut ing processes include all of t he
following EXCEPT:
A. Select sellers, cost budget in g
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Perform Qualit y Assurance, Develop Proj ect Team
D. I nform dist ribution, Request Sellers Responses
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 9 7
You are in t he process of direct in g t he perform ance of t he planned
proj ect act ivit ies and m anaging t he various t echnical and
organizat ional int erfaces t hat exist wit hin your proj ect . All of t he
following act ions t hat you should perform in t his st age EXCEPT:
A. Manage risks and im plem ent risk response act ivit ies
B. St aff, t rain, and m anage proj ect t eam m em bers assigned t o
proj ect
C. Creat e and validat e proj ect deliverables
D. Prepare t he proj ect st at em ent of work
E. Obt ain and m anage resources including t ools and equipm ent
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 8 9 8
Consider t he Proj ect I nt egrat ion Managem ent knowledge area. Which
of t he following process are NOT included?
A. Schedule Cont rol
B. Develop Proj ect Managem ent Plan
C. Close Proj ect
D. Direct and Manage Proj ect Execut ion
E. I nt egrat ed Change Cont rol
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 8 9 9
You are t he proj ect m anager for t he m anufact urer of children’s t oys.
Your proj ect t eam is in t he process of designing a new t oy for children
for nex t year’s Christ m as season.
Your 5- m em bers are working t oget her for past six m ont hs and has
becom e a com plet e self- direct ed t eam wit h lit t le, if any m anagem ent
supervision required. All five m em bers are in const ant com m unicat ion
wit h each ot her.
How m any lines of com m unicat ions are t heir in your project t eam ?
A. 15
B. 20
C. 10
D. 5
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 0 0
All of t he following are t ools/ t echniques of t he develop proj ect t eam
process EXCEPT:
A. Conflict m anagem ent
B. Team building activit ies
C. Recognit ion and rewards
D. Ground rules
E. Co- location
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 0 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding Delphi t echnique?
A. Delphi t echnique provides a way t o reach t he consensus am ong
expert s an d allow t he expert s t o part icipat e anonym ously
B. Delphi t echniques m ay un- int ent ionally increase t he dat a
C. Delphi t echnique requires t hat t he participant s be t oget her in t he
sam e room .
D. The Delphi t echnique helps prevent anyone person from unduly
influen cing t he out com e
An sw e r : A, D
Qu e st ion 9 0 2
Negot iat ion, preassignm ent , and acquisition are t ools and t echniques
of which of t he following processes?
Acquire Proj ect Team
Develop Proj ect Team
Hum an Resource Planning
None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 0 3
You are t he proj ect m anager responsible for renovat ing a 70- year old
buildin g. You int end t o hire an out side const ruction firm t o seism ic
ret rofit t he building in order t o m ake su re t h at t he building can
wit hst and t he large eart hquakes. The out side const ruction firm has
request ed SOW. Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE
regarding t he cont ract SOW?
A. The SOW cont ains t he obj ectives of the proj ect
B. The out side const ruction firm requires a SOW t o det erm ine
whet her t hey have t he capabilit ies t o m eet t he det ailed
specificat ions of t he proj ect .
C. As a buy er, you are required t o writ e t he cont ract SOW
D. The SOW cont ains a descript ion of t he seism ic ret rofit designs
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 0 4
You have j ust com plet ed t he proj ect plannin g process group and you
are ready t o begin t he proj ect execut ing process group. You’ll need t o
perform all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Develop Proj ect Team
B. Direct And Manage Proj ect Execut ion
C. Perform Qualit y Assurance
D. Acquire Proj ect Team
E. Manage Proj ect Team
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 0 5
You are t he proj ect m anger at a leading m anufact urer of consum er
elect ronics, personal com put ers and peripherals. Unfort unat ely, your
com pany is facing a rapidly m at uring m arket charact erized by
consolidat ion and com m odit izat ion. Hence you have been assigned a
proj ect t o drive growt h and profit by int egrat ing an online CRM
( cost um er relat ionship m anagem ent ) solut ion. I ndust ry benchm arks
suggest t he CRM solut ion should generat e $100- $300M in bot t om t he
benefit s.
As t he proj ect com es t o an end, you’ve det erm ined t hat t he CPI is 1.2
and SPI is 1.1. I n addit ion, you’ve det erm ined t hat t he proj ect t eam
has added six report ing capabilit ies and funct ionalit ies t hat were
overlooked in t he proj ect m an agem ent plan. Upper m anagem ent is
very sat isfied wit h t he result s of your proj ect . Which of t he following
BEST describes t he proj ect ’s success?
A. The proj ect was a definit e success since t he proj ect was under
budget and ahead of schedule
B. The proj ect was unsuccessful since it was gold plat ed
C. The proj ect was unsuccessful since t he proj ect was over proj ect
D. The proj ect was definit e success since t he st akeholders were
sat isfied wit h t he proj ect result s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 0 6
Which of t he following best
m ot ivat ion?
A. People are m ot ivat ed
B. People are m ot ivat ed
C. People are m ot ivat ed
D. People are m ot ivat ed
describes t he Achievem ent Theory of
achievem ent , power and affiliat ion
five basic, hierarchical needs
hygiene fact ors
expect at ion of posit ive out com es
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 0 7
I n which of t he following process is t he qualified sellers list developed?
A. Select Sellers
B. Plan Cont ract ing
C. Request Sellers Responses
D. Plan Purchase And Acquisit ion
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 0 8
Which of t he following describes an input t o t he direct and m anage
proj ect execut ion process t hat consist s of docum ent ed, aut horized
direct ions t hat reduce t he probabilit y of consequen ces associat ed wit h
proj ect risk s?
A. I m plem ent correct ive act ions
B. Approved correct ive act ions
C. I m plem ent ed correct ive act ions
D. Approved correct ive act ions
E. I m plem ent ed change request s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 9 0 9
You are in t he process of obt aining t he necessary hum an resources t o
com plet e t he proj ect . Which of t he following are NOT out put s of this
A. Team perform ance assessm ent
B. Resource availabilit y
C. Updat es t o st affing m anagem ent plans
D. Proj ect st aff assignm ent s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 1 0
You are a proj ect m anager for t he m anufact ure of children’s t oys. Your
proj ect t eam is in t he process of designing a new children t oy for New
Year Christ m as season.
Wit h t he rapidly approaching deadline, your t eam m em bers are
frequent ly arguing wit h each ot her. However, recent ly your t eam has
j ust begun t o work well t oget her. There appears t o be a sense of t eam
cohesion and friendliness. Your t eam m em bers are able t o express
crit icism s const ruct ively, and able t o work out t heir differences. Which
of t he following st ages of develop proj ect t eam best describes your
t eam ?
A. St orm in g
B. Norm ing
C. Perform in
D. None of t he ch oices are correct
E. Form ing
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 1 1
You have j ust com plet ed t he proj ect plannin g process group, and you
are ready t o begin t he proj ect execut ing process group. You’ll need t o
perform all of t he following execut ing processes EXCEPT:
A. I m prove com pet encies of t eam m em bers
B. Develop opt ions t o reduce risk/ t hreat s t o proj ect obj ect ives
C. Apply qualit y act ivit ies t o ensure t hat t he proj ect em ploys all
processes required t o satisfy requirem ent s
D. Obt ain hum an resources needed t o com plet e proj ect
E. Make necessary inform at ion available t o st akeholders in a tim ely
m anner
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 1 2
Which of t he following are TRUE regarding Bidder conferences?
A. Bidder conferences are m eet ing wit h prospect iv e seller aft er
preparat ion of bid or a proposal
B. Bidder conferences are t ool/ t echnique of request seller response
C. Bidder conferences are out put s of request seller response
D. Bidder conferences involves t he receipt of bids or proposals an d
t he applicat ion of t he evaluat ion crit eria in order t o select a
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 1 3
You have been recent ly hired t o be a proj ect m an ager at a bio- t ech
com pany t o develop t reat m ent for diabet es. George is t he voice
president of R&D. he t ell y ou t hat your proj ect is over budget and t hat
you n eed t o reduce salary expenses by $500K. Which t ype of power is
George yielding in order t o influence your decisions?
A. Legit im at e power
B. Coercive power
C. Referent power
D. Punishm ent power
E. Expert power
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 1 4
All of t he following st at em ent s regarding Bidder conferences are TRUE
A. All pot ent ial sellers are given equal st anding during t his process
B. Bidder conferences are m eet ings wit h prospect iv e sellers prior t o
preparat ion of a bid or proposal
C. Bidder conferences are also called cont ract or conferences and
vendor conferences
D. Bidder conferences are used t o ensure t hat sellers h ave a clear
underst anding of t he proj ect requirem ent s
E. Bidder conferences are t ool/ t echnique of Select Seller Process
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 1 5
You are t he proj ect m anger at a biot ech com pany, where you are
leading a cross- funct ional t eam t o develop a t reat m ent for diabet es.
The organizat ion has a weak m at rix st ruct ure, where all of your proj ect
t eam m em bers report t o different funct ional m anagers and n one of t he
t eam m em ber report t o you direct ly. Your proj ect has ext rem ely high
visibilit y in t he com pany, and t here is a lot of pressure on you t o
deliver on tim e and wit hin budget .
However, y ou are quiet new t o t he com pany j oining com pany j ust 3
weeks before. Hence you are concerned whet her you’ll have necessary
aut horit y and power t o com plet e t he proj ect deliverables. Which of t he
following t ypes of powers will be MOST effective in your sit uation?
A. Legit im at e power
B. Expert power
C. Referent power
D. Punishm ent power
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 1 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding qualit y audit s?
A. Qualit y audit s exam ines how t he proj ect is progressing an d
m akes correct ions
B. The obj ective of qualit y audit is t o identify lessons learned
C. Qualit y audit s are generally perform ed aft er scope verification,
but can also be perform ed in parallel with scope v erificat ion
D. Qualit y audit s are a st ruct u red review of ot her qualit y
m anagem ent act ivit ies
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 1 7
You are in t he process of reviewing offers and ch oosing am ong
pot ent ial sellers. All of t he following are t ools/ t echniques you can use
in t his process EXCEPT:
A. Met hod for preparing own independent estim at es of cost s
B. Met hods for est im at ing m inim um requirem ent s of perform ance
for one or m ore evaluat ion crit eria when select ing a prospect ive
C. Met hods for quant ifying quant it at ive dat a t o m inim ize any biases
when perform ing seller select ion
D. Met hods t o evaluat e sellers on past perform ance and cont ract ual
com pliance
E. Met hods t o det erm ine whet her product can be produced by
proj ect t eam or purchased from ext ernal source
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 1 8
You are t he proj ect m anager for a com pany t hat sells online m usic.
The com pany is growing so well t hat t he com pany has out grown it s I .T
infrast ruct ure. I n fact , t he com pany’s current infrast ruct ure is unable
t o handle the t erabyt es of m usic download each day.
As a result , t he com pany has decided t o out source it s m usic download
infrast ruct ure t o a t hird part y cont ent m anagem ent vendor. The
cont ent m anagem ent vendor will host t he com pressed m usic files
across it s geographically dist ribut ed web server farm s, and handle all
t he logist ics wit h m usic file downloads and dat a st ream ing.
On your qualified sellers list , you have ident ified one pot ent ial vendor
MusikCM. Your procurem ent depart m ent is conducting an independent
est im at e of cost s of t he proposals in order t o com pare t he vendor
prices. However, your procurem ent depart m en t has ident ified a large
difference bet ween t he independent estim at e and t he proposed ven dor
cost . Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE?
A. The SOW did not cont ain t he enough det ail
B. The vendor failed t o respond t o all t he requirem ent s specified in
t he proposal/ bid
C. The t erm s of t he cont ract did not cont ain enough det ails
D. The vendor failed t o respond t o all it em s in t he SOW
E. You are current ly in t he request seller responses process
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 1 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are NOT t rue regarding corrective
act ions?
A. Correct iv e actions are out put s of processes in t he cont rollin g
process group
B. Correct iv e action is used t o bring expect ed fut ure proj ect
perform ance in line wit h t he proj ect plan
C. Correct iv e actions are t ools/ t echniques of t he direct and
m anage proj ect execut ion process
D. Approved correct ive act ions are input s to t he direct and m anage
proj ect execut ion process
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 2 0
Evaluation crit eria are an input t o t he Select Sellers process. Which of
t he followin g is LEAST likely an exam ple of an evaluat ion crit eria?
A. Review of supplier’s hist ory
B. Sam ples of supplier’s previously produced product s
C. Review of supplier’s delivery perform ance
D. Review of procurem ent docum ent package
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 9 2 1
Proposals are seller prepared docum ent s t hat describe t he seller’s
abilit y t o provide request ed services. Which of the following processes
is used t o elicit t h e proposal?
A. Request seller responses
B. Select sellers
C. Plan cont racting
D. Plan purchases and acquisit ions
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 2 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding t he Close Proj ect
A. The close proj ect process docum ent s t he reasons for act ions
t aken if a proj ect is t erm inat ed early
B. I n m ult i- phase proj ect s, t he close proj ect process closes out t he
associat ed act ivit ies applicable t o a given proj ect phase
C. The close proj ect process is necessary for m anaging t he cont ract
and relat ionship bet ween t he buyer and seller
D. The out put of t he close proj ect includes t wo procedures:
adm inist rat ive closure procedure and cont ract closure procedure
E. The close proj ect process est ablishes t he procedures t o v erify
and docum ent t he proj ect deliverables
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 2 3
You are in t he process of com plet ing and selling each cont ract , and
resolving any open it em s. All of t he following are input s you require
A. Perform ance report s
B. Cont ract docum ent at ion
C. Cont ract closure procedure
D. Procurem ent m anagem ent plan
E. Cont ract m an agem ent plan
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 2 4
You are t he proj ect m anager at a large account ing firm in t he Unit ed
St at es. Th roughout t he year your firm provides both consult ing
services an d account ing/ audit ing services t o XYZ Widget s, I nc, a
publicly t raded com pany list ed on t he New York St ock Exchange.
Current ly , your proj ect involves audit ing t he financial st at em ent s of
XYZ Widget s I nc, in preparat ion for t he annual shareholders/ invest ors
m eet ing.
Your t eam has just com plet ed t he financial audit ing of t he firm , and
recent ly published it s findings. Wit h t his proj ect com plet ed, you have
j ust been given your next proj ect assignm ent . Which of t he following
st at em ent s are t rue?
A. Your proj ect ended due t o addit ion
B. Your proj ect ended due t o st arvat ion
C. Your proj ect ended due t o com plet ion
D. Your proj ect ended due t o extinct ion
E. Your proj ect ended due t o int egrat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 9 2 5
You are current ly in t he closing process and are involved in t he
product verificat ion. Which of t he following best describes t he purpose
of product verificat ion?
A. To verify whet her t he work w as com plet ed correct ly
B. To verify t he goals of t he proj ect and verify whet her t he product
m eet s requirem ent s
C. To evaluat e t he work and com pares t he result s t o t he proj ect
cost baseline
D. To evaluat e t he work and com pares t he result s t o t he proj ect
scope baseline
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 2 6
I n which process is form al accept ance and han dover of t he final
product / service perform ed?
A. Scope verificat ion
B. Close proj ect
C. Cont ract adm inist rat ion
D. Cont ract closure
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 2 7
Product verificat ion is usually perform ed in t he closing process. Which
of t he following best describes it s purpose?
A. Product verificat ion is a m et hod for quant ifying qualit at ive dat a
t o m inim ize t he effect of biases during select sellers
B. Product verificat ion provides m anagem ent wit h inform ation
about how effect ively t he seller is achieving t he cont ract ual
obj ect ives
C. Product verificat ion is used t o verify t hat work was com plet ed
correct ly and sat isfact orily.
D. Product verificat ion includes sam ples of t he suppliers previous
product s for t he purpose of providing a way t o evaluat e a
supplier’s capabilit ies
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 2 8
Which of t he following est ablishes t he form al docum ent at ion as t o why
t he proj ect was t erm inat ed and form alizes t h e procedures for
t ransferring t he unfinished delivers of t he cancelled proj ect ?
A. Proj ect files
B. Hist orical inform ation
C. Proj ect closure docum ent s
D. Form al accept ance docum ent at ion
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 2 9
Earned v alue analysis is a perform ance report ing t ool/ t echnique used
in t he Manage St akeholders process. Which of the following
perform ance m easurem ent s is derived by t he following form ula:
( EV/ PV) ?
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 3 0
Which of t he following best describes t he proj ect int egration
Managem ent Knowledge Area?
A. Act ivit y definit ion, activit y sequencing, schedule cont rol
B. Com m unicat ions planning, inform at ion dist ribut ion, perform ance
report ing, m anage st akeholders
C. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan, direct and m anage proj ect
execut ion, int egrat ed change cont rol
D. Hum an resource planning, acquire proj ect t eam , develop project
t eam
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 3 1
All of t he following are out put s of t he close proj ect process EXCEPT:
A. Form al accept ance docum ent at ion
B. Cont ract closure procedure
C. Adm inist rative closure procedure
D. Final product , service or result
E. Deliverables
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 3 2
According t o t he PMI , early t erm inat ion of a cont ract is considered a
special case of:
A. Cont ract cancellat ion
B. Cont ract severance
C. Cont ract ual severance
D. Cont ract default
E. Cont ract ual non- perform ance
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 3 3
Which of t he following st at em ent s are false regarding t he records
m anagem ent syst em ?
A. A records m anagem ent sy st em defines t he process by which t he
cont ract can be m odified
B. A records m anagem ent sy st em is a t ool/ t echnique of cont ract
adm inist rat ion and cont ract closure
C. A records m anagem ent sy st em is used to m anage cont ract
docum ent at ion and records
D. A records m anagem ent sy st em m aint ains an index of cont ract
docum ent s and correspondence
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 3 4
Which of t he following process is inv olved wit h t he com plet ion and
set t lem ent of t he cont ract ?
A. Manage st akeholders
B. Cont ract closure
C. Cont ract adm inist rat ion
D. Perform ance report ing
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 3 5
Cont ract docum ent at ion are an input t o t he cont ract closure process.
Which of t he following are NOT inclu ded as part of t he cont ract
docum ent at ion?
A. Cont ract chan ges
B. Support ing schedules
C. I nvoices and paym ent records
D. Seller response report s
E. Cont ract file
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 3 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding proj ect endings?
A. I nt egrat ion occurs when a proj ect evolves int o ongoing
operat ions
B. Ext inct ion occurs when resources are rem oved from t he proj ect ,
such as due t o funding/ resource cut s
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Addit ion occurs when t he resources ( personnel, equipm ent ,
propert y, et c) of t he proj ect are reassigned t o ot her areas wit hin
t he organizat ion or ot her proj ect s
E. Com pletion occurs when t he proj ect end because it was
com plet ed successfully and accept ed by st akeholders
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 3 7
Which of t he following is NOT considered an organizat ional process
asset ?
A. Finan cial cont rols procedure
B. Proj ect closure guidelines
C. St akeholders risk t olerance
D. Perform ance m easurem ent crit eria’s
E. Risk cont rol procedures
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 3 8
The purpose of lessons learned docum ent at ion, t hat is an out put of t he
cont ract closure process, is all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Docum ent accept ance of work result s
B. Evaluat e proj ect goals and com pare t hem t o proj ect deliverables
C. Review success and failure
D. Docum ent possible im provem ent s for fut ure proj ect s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 3 9
Which of t he following are not t ools/ t echniques of t he develop proj ect
chart er process?
A. expert j u dgm ent
C. Proj ect m anagem ent m et hodologies
D. Proj ect select ion m et hods
E. St akeholder analysis
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 4 0
You are a proj ect m anager at for an inform at ion t echnology division of
a large financial brokerage in t he Unit ed St at es. Due t o new regulat ory
requirem ent s enact ed by Sarbanes- Oxley you have been assigned t o
audit all I .T. syst em s t o ensure com pliance. You need t o ensure t hat
all dat a in t he dat a base in encrypt ed t o ensu re confident ially. You
need t o ensure t hat all users are properly aut hent icat ed. You also need
t o verify t hat aut horizat ion t o confidential finan cial inform at ion follows
t he least - privilege principle.
The deadline t o ensure com pliance wit h Sarbanes- Oxley regulat ions is
wit hin 180 days. Failing t o com plet e t he result in 180 days will result
in t he significan t fines t o y our organizat ion. You h ave been given a
budget of $2 m illion dollars. Due t o t he overall budget cut s t his year,
you h ave been t old t hat budget is fixed and cannot be increased by
$1000 dollars. Which is t he prim ary const raint for t his proj ect ?
A. Schedule
B. Budget
C. Scope
D. Qualit y
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 4 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are not t rue?
A. I n a st rong m at rix organizat ion, proj ect m angers have lit t le or no
form al aut horit y
B. Proj ect m anagers have low t o m oderat e level of aut horit y in a
Balan ced Mat rix organizat ion
C. Proj ect m anagers have high level of aut horit y in a proj ect ized
organizat ion
D. I n a w eak m at rix organizat ion, conflict s bet ween funct ional
m anagers and proj ect m anagers are com m on.
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 4 2
Which of t he following best describes t he following organizat ional
st ruct ure?
Funct ional Org
St rong Mat rix Org
Weak Mat rix Org
Proj ect ized Org
E. Balan ced Mat rix Org
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 9 4 3
Proj ect s are t ypically aut horized as a result of one or m ore of t he
following needs:
A. Technological advance
B. Market ing needs
C. All of t he choices are correct
D. Business needs
E. Legal requirem ent s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 4 4
Your com pany develops large com m ercial and indust ry real est at e. I n
you current proj ect , you have been asked t o m an age the const ruction
of a 30- st ory office building. Which docum ent describes t he business
needs for t his proj ect , ident ifies key deliverables, and gives you
aut horit y t o begin t he proj ect and st art assigning resources?
A. Work break down st ruct ure
B. Execut ive sum m ary
C. Proj ect chart er
D. I shikawa docum ent
E. Work aut horizat ion form
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 4 5
Dennis w orks for an int ernational m anufact urer of consum er
elect ronics. He has been recent ly assigned t o supervise and m anage
t he m anufact u ring of a new m odel of flat - screen t elevisions. His
supervisor congrat ulat es Dennis on his expanded responsibilit ies.
He inform s Dennis t hat his new assignm ent will have t he 1000 unit s of
t he new flat screen m anufact ured by Sept em ber. What of the following
is t rue regarding Dennis’s new assignm ent ?
A. His assignm ent cannot be considered a proj ect since his flat - screen
t elevisions are not a unique product for t he com pany
B. His assignm ent cannot be considered a proj ect since his
assignm ent is t o supervise t he m anufact uring of a new and unique
line of product s
C. His assignm ent cannot be considered a proj ect since his project
has no clear end- dat e
D. His assignm ent cannot be considered a proj ect because t his
product line has never been m anufact ured by t his com pany.
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 4 6
According t o PMI , applicat ion areas are cat egories of proj ect s t hat
have com m on elem ent s in t he m aj orit y of proj ect , but are NOT
necessarily required or applicable t o all proj ect s.
Applicat ion areas are NOT usually defined in t erm s of:
A. I ndust ry groups
B. Managem ent specializat ions
C. None of t he ch oices are correct
D. Technical elem ent s
E. Funct ional depart m ent s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 4 7
Your com pany m anufact ures CPU for high- end workst at ion com put ers.
Your current proj ect inv olves m anufact uring a very high speed CPU
( ~ 10GHZ) . You worked on a sim ilar proj ect t hree years ago t o
m anufact ure a lower speed CPU ( ~ 2GHZ) .
You are in t he develop proj ect ch arter process. Which of t he following
input s are LEAST helpful?
A. Hist orical inform ation on t he previous m anufact uring 2GHZ chips.
This inform ation could be helpful since t his proj ect is sim ilar in
nat ure
B. The proj ect ’s prelim inary proj ect scope st at em ent which defines
t he scope of the proj ect
C. The proj ect ’s st at em ent of work ( SOW) , which includes t he product
scope descript ion
D. The proj ect const raint s and assum pt ions t o m ake sure t hat t he any
significant proj ect risks can be ident ified and m it igat ed
E. Dat a on m arket place condit ions t o m ake sure t hat t he m arket
really exist s for t his new 10GHZ chips.
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 4 8
You are t he proj ect m anager at Happy Coffee Café, a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium blended coffee. Current ly, y our com pany is
planning on opening addit ional st ores t hrough t he Unit ed st at es. Your
t arget m arket s prim arily include densely populat ed m et ropolit an areas.
Your com pany is evaluat ing different areas for ex pansion, including
New York, San Francisco, and Seat t le. Based on your m arket analysis
you h ave obt ained t he following inform ation:
N e w Yor k - I RR ( 4 5 % ) , pa yba ck pe r iod ( 1 .5 ye a r s)
Sa n Fr a n cisco- I RR ( 3 2 % ) , pa yba ck pe r iod ( 1 .1 ye a r s)
Se a t t le - I RR ( 3 6 % ) , pa yba ck pe r iod ( 0 .7 5 ye a r s)
Based on t his dat a which area is best for Happy Coffee Café?
A. San Francisco since t he I RR is t he lowest
B. New York sin ce I RR is highest
C. Seat t le since payback period is short est
D. New York sin ce t he payback period is t he longest
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 4 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. The payback period calculat ions do not consider t he tim e value of
m oney
B. I RR calculations do not consider t he t im e value of m oney
C. Discount ed cash flow calculat ion do not consider t he tim e value of
m oney
D. NPV calculat ion do not consider t he t im e value of m oney
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 5 0
According t o t he PMI , which of t he following are NOT t rue wit h regards
t o program s and proj ect s?
A. Proj ect s consist s of one or m ore relat ed program s
B. Program s oft en include elem ent s of ongoing operat ions
C. Program s are groups of proj ect m anaged t oget her
D. Program s m ay involve a series of repet it ive undert akings
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 5 1
Which of t he following are not input s t o t he develop prelim inary
proj ect scope st at em ent ?
A. Organizat ional process asset s
B. Ent erprise environm ent al fact ors
D. Proj ect chart er
E. Proj ect st at em ent of work
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 5 2
You are t he proj ect m anager at Day- Old donut s a rapidly growing
franchise selling prem ium donut s at a discount . Currently, your
com pany is planning on opening addit ional st ores t hroughout Europe.
Your com pany is evaluat ing different areas for ex pansion inclu ding
France, Germ any and England.
You need t o give t he present at ion t o t he st eering com m it t ee t o discuss
which areas provide t he best opport unit ies for expansion. For each of
t he t hree locat ions, you have been asked t o det erm ine t he discount
rat e at which t he present value of fut ure cash flows of an invest m ent
equal t o t he cost of invest m ent . What is t his considered?
A. Weight ed scoring m odel
D. Payback period
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 5 3
You are t he proj ect m anager for an inform at ion t echnology division of
a large financial services firm in t he Unit ed St at es. Your com pany
offers a w eb based t rading plat form t hat provides opt ions and fut ures
t rading for U.S com m odit ies m arket s. Due t o t he rise in popularit y of
fut ures and options t rading, your com pany has grown rapidly . I n fact ,
due t o rapid growt h, t he com pany’s I .T. infrast ruct ure is unable t o
m eet t he growing dem ands.
To keep up wit h t he dem ands you have been assigned t he
responsibilit y of upgrading t he com pany’s net work and com pany’s
infrast ruct ure. You have been asked t o calculat e t he payback period
for t he proj ect t hat is t o be com plet ed in t he next 24 m ont hs.
The I RR of t he proj ect is 12% and t he annual savings will be $2m illion.
The t ot al cost of proj ect will be $6m illion dollars. The cost of capit al
used by t he com pany during previous proj ect s is 5 % . What is t he
payback period for t his proj ect ?
A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 4.5 years
D. 5.5 years
E. 4 years
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 5 4
Subj ect m at t er expert s are resources t hat can provide very valuable
inform ation t o t he proj ect . I n which scope- st at em ent processes are
subj ect m at t er expert s first ut ilized?
A. Scope cont rol
B. Creat e WBS
C. Scope plannin g
D. Scope definit ion
E. Scope verificat ion
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 5 5
The Pr e lim in a r y Scope St a t e m e n t which is and out put of t he
D e ve lop Pr e lim in a r y Pr oj e ct Scope St a t e m e n t process, is an input
t o all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Scope definit ion
B. I nt egrat ed ch ange cont rol
C. Scope plannin g
D. Develop proj ect m anagem ent plan
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 5 6
Which of t he following st at em ent s about fast - t racking is TRUE?
A. Fast t racking refers t o assigning addit ional resources t o a proj ect
in an at t em pt t o decrease proj ect schedule/ t im eline
B. Fast t racking is t he process of increasing t he schedule by
overlapping v arious proj ect t asks
C. One of t he advant ages of fast - t racking is t hat it can oft en lead t o
reduced rework and reduces proj ect risks
D. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
E. Fast t racking involves perform ing act ivit ies sequ entially
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 9 5 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he risk break
down st ruct u re?
A. The risk break down st ruct ure represents a hierarchically
organized represent ation of identified proj ect risks arranged by
risk im pact
B. None of t he st at em ent s are t rue
C. The risk break down st ruct ure ident ifies all elem ent s of risk
act ivit ies t hat will be docum ent ed and audit ed.
D. The risk break down st ruct ure describes t he form at and cont ent
of risk regist er
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 5 8
You are t he proj ect m anager for t he soft ware com pany t hat develops
st ock analysis soft ware. You have been assigned t o develop a new
t echnical analysis t ools t o forecast t he price of st ock given it s hist orical
volat ilit y based on Elliot Wave t echniques. You n eed t o gat her
necessary inform at ion t o writ e t he proj ect scope m anagem ent plan.
Which of t he following t ools/ t echniques will NOT be useful for you in
t his process?
A. Proj ect m anagem ent plan
B. Tem plat es
C. St andards
D. Form s
E. Expert j udgm ent
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 5 9
Fragm ent net work area t erm used in reference wit h which of t he
A. Resource requirem ent s
C. Net work t em plat es
D. Act ivit y list s
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 6 0
Schedule m odel dat a, which is an input of t he schedule developm ent
process, includes all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Schedule m ilest ones, schedule act ivit ies
B. Cont ingency reserves
C. Alt ernative schedules
D. Act ivit y at t ribut es, const raint s and assum pt ions
E. Risk regist er
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 6 1
What is t he t ot al slack for act ivit y D, considering t he following t able?
None of t he ch oices are correct
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 6 2
Which of t he following st at em ent are FALSE regarding t he probabilit y
im pact m at rix t echnique?
A. Opport unit ies and t hreat s should not be evalu at ed in t he sam e
m at rix concurrent ly
B. The probabilit y im pact m at rix is a t ool/ t echnique of t he
quant it ative risk analysis process
C. Eit her descript ive t erm s or num eric rankings can be used t o
assign risk rankings t o ident ified risks
D. An organizat ion can rat e a risk separat ely for each obj ective ( i.e.
cost , t im e, scope)
E. The probabilit y im pact m at rix specifies com binat ions of
probabilit y and im pact t hat rank t he risk as high, m oderat e and
low priorit y
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 6 3
You have been recent ly been assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for const ruct ing a new 50- st ory casino, in Las Vegas,
Nevada. You are evaluat ing t he net work diagram for t he const ruct ion
proj ect , and are using t he forward pass calculat ions t o const ruct t he
You are t rying t o calculat e t he earliest st art t im e for laying t he
foundat ion of t he building. The expect ed durat ion for t his t ask is 150
days. The t ask m u st be com plet ed wit hin 300 days, while t he expect ed
com pletion is wit hin 220 days. The lat est finish t im e is 200 days.
Based on t his inform at ion, what is t he earliest st art t im e of t his t ask?
A. Not enough inform ation is provided
B. 150
C. 200
D. 300
E. 50
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 6 4
Which of t he following is t he BEST candidat e for a t hree- point
est im at e?
A. A schedule activit y wit h a considerable variat ion
B. A brief schedule act ivit y t hat t akes a couple of hours
C. A schedule activit y wit h a fix ed duration
D. A schedule activit y wit h lit t le duration variat ion
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 6 5
Which of t he following is an est im at ing t echnique t hat uses a st at ist ical
relat ionship bet ween hist orical dat a and ot her v ariables t o calculat e an
est im at e for act ivit y param et ers such as durat ion and cost ?
A. Bot t om - up est im at es
B. I nfluence diagram s
C. SWOT analysis
D. Analogous est im ating
E. Param et ric est im at ing
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 6 6
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting t he project roles
and responsibilit ies and creat e st affing m anagem ent plan. All of t he
following are t ools/ t echniques you can use EXCEPT:
B. Organizat ional t heory
C. Net working
D. Negot iat ion
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 9 6 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding Managem ent
A. Managem ent Reserves are part of t he project m anagem ent plan
and is usually displayed as a S- Shaped curve
B. Managem ent Reserves are used t o ensure t h at t he expendit ure
of funds is reconciles wit h t he funding lim it s im posed by t he
perform ing organizat ion
C. Managem ent Reserves describes t he differences bet ween t he
m axim um funding and t he end of t he cost baseline
D. Managem ent Reserves is a t echnique for m easuring t he
perform ance of w ork and is used t o est ablish t he perform ance
m easurem ent baseline
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 6 8
You are in t he process of developing an approxim at ion of t he cost s of
t he resources needed t o com plet e each schedule act ivit y. All of t he
following are out put s of t his process EXCEPT:
A. Cost m anagem ent plan updat es
B. Act ivit y cost estim at es
C. Act ivit y cost estim at e support ing det ail
D. Request ed changes
E. Cost baseline
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 6 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding cost est im at ing
t echniques?
A. None of t he ch oices are t rue
B. Bot t om up est im at ing is a t echnique t hat uses st at ist ical
relat ionship bet ween hist orical dat a and ot her v ariables t o
calculat e a cost est im at e.
C. Analogous est im ating is generally m ore cost ly t han ot her
t echniques but produces m ore accurat e est im at es
D. Param et ric est im at es involves est im at ing t he cot s of individual
work packages at t he lowest level of det ail, and “ rollin g up” and
sum m arizin g t he cost s at higher levels
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 7 0
You are in t he process proj ect a proj ect schedule for repaint ed your
house, y ou first need t o scrap off t he existing paint , and t hen add a
layer of prim er. The prim er provides t he paint a bet t er bondin g surface
so it st icks t o t he base m at erial m uch bet t er. Wit h out prim ing, drywall
surfaces will soak up m ore finish paint in som e areas t han in ot hers,
producing a splot chy effect .
You decided t o speed up t he process by st art ing prim ing before all t he
scraping is finished. To correct ly sequence t hese act ivities, which of
t he followin g should you do?
A. Add float t im e bet ween t he prim ing and paint in g t asks
B. Fast t rack t he prim ing and paint ing t asks
C. Ad lag t im e t o t he prim ing t ask
D. Add lead tim e t o t he prim ing t ask
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 9 7 1
The risk regist er is init iat ed in t he Risk I dent ificat ion process and
furt her updat ed in t he Qualit at ive Risk analysis and Quant it at ive Risk
analysis processes. Which of t he following are NOT risk regist er
updat es as part of t he Quantit at ive Risk Analysis process?
A. Risk cat egorizat ion
B. Trends in quant it at ive risk analysis result s
C. Probabilit y of achieving cost and t im e object s
D. Probabilist ic analysis of t he proj ect
E. Priorit ized list of qualified risks
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 7 2
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding t he scope
baseline for a proj ect ?
A. The scope baseline is an out put of t he creat e WBS process.
B. The scope baseline is an out put of t he scope verification process
C. The scope baseline is an input of t he creat e WBS process
D. The scope baseline is an input of t he scope verificat ion process
E. The scope baseline is an input of t he scope cont rol process
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 7 3
You are current ly on a 3- week vocat ion in Aust ralia. You’ve decided t o
rent a car as your m eans of t ransport around t he count ry. Drivin g in a
foreign count ry can be pot ent ially a risky act ivit y as you are unfam iliar
wit h t he t errain. Hence, t he probabilit y of being involved in an accident
is higher.
As a proj ect m anager, you are aware of various t echniques used t o
respond t o underst an d risks. You would like t o apply your risk
m anagem ent knowledge t o reduce t he risks associat ed wit h your
driving. Which of t he following is t he BEST exam ple of risk avoidance?
A. Accept t he risk associat ed wit h driving
B. Be ext ra careful while drivin g defensively
C. Buying aut o insurance
D. Avoid drivin g, use public t ransport at ion inst ead
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 9 7 4
Qualit at ive risk analysis requires accurat e dat a as it s input . Risk dat a
qualit y assessm ent ranking is a t echnique t o evaluat e t he degree t o
which t he dat a regarding risks would be useful. Risk qualit y dat a
assessm ent involves exam ining all of t he following EXCEPT:
A. Reliabilit y and int egrit y of dat a
B. Tim e- crit icalit y of risk relat ed actions
C. Qualit y of eh dat a
D. Ext ent of underst anding of risk
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 7 5
Which of t he following st at em ent s m ost accurat ely describes t he
difference bet ween plan purchases and acquisit ions and plan
cont ract ing?
A. Plan purchases and acquisit ions involves docum ent in g product
requirem ent s and ident ifying pot ent ial sources, while plan
cont ract ing involves obt aining quot at ion, bids, offers, and
B. Plan purchases and acquisit ions involves producing t he
st at em ent of work, while plan cont ract ing inv olves producing t he
procurem ent docum ent and evaluat ion crit eria
C. Plan purchases and acquisit ions involves det erm ined what t o
procure, while plan cont racting involves docum ent ing product
requirem ent s and ident ifying pot ent ial sources
D. Plan purchases and acquisit ions involves producing t he
evalu ation crit eria while, plan cont racting involves producing t he
st at em ent of work
An sw e r : B, C
Qu e st ion 9 7 6
Which of t he following best describes a form of progressive elaboration
planning where t he work t o be perform ed in t he near t im e is planned
in det ail at a low level of WBS, while t he work far in fut ure is planned
for WBS com ponent s t hat are relat ively high level of t he WBS?
A. Planning com ponent s
B. None of t he ch oices are correct
C. Decom posit ion
D. Schedule net work t em plat es
E. Milest ones list
F. Rollin g wave planning
An sw e r : F
Qu e st ion 9 7 7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding t he crit ical
chain m et hod?
A. The crit ical chain describes longest pat h t hrough a proj ect
schedule net work aft er resource leveling
B. The CCM uses, aggregat e problem buffers in t he proj ect plan
inst ead of individual act ivit y/ t ask buffer
C. I n CCM, uncert aint y is m anaged by padding t ask durat ion,
st art ing work as early as possible, and m ult i- t asking
D. CCM focuses on m anaging buffer act ivit y durat ion in lieu of
m anaging t he t ot al float of net work pat hs
E. CCM fact ors in resource av ailabilit y lim it ations when const ruct ing
t he proj ect schedule
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 7 8
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting t he logical
relat ionships am ong schedule act ivit ies. Which of t he following are
NOT t ools/ t echniques you can use in t his process?
A. Schedule net work t em plat es
B. Rollin g wave planning
C. Dependency det erm inat ion
E. Applying leads and lags
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 7 9
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue regarding GERT?
A. I t is considered a condit ional diagram m ing m et hod
B. I t only uses finish- t o- st art relat ionships
C. I t does not support it erations and condit ional branching
D. I t uses dum m y act ivit ies t o express logical relat ionships bet ween
act ivit ies
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 8 0
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE regarding expect ed
m onet ary value analysis ( EMV) ?
A. EMV is calculat ed by m ult iplying t he value of each possible
out com e by it s probabilit y of occurrence, and sum m ing t hem
t oget her
B. EMV is a st at ist ical concept t hat calculat es t he average out com e
of proj ect out com es based on v arious assum pt ions and scenarios
C. EMV is a t echnique that com put es t he proj ect cost or schedule
over m ult iple it erat ions using random values select ing from
dist ribut ion of possible cost s or durat ion values
D. Decision t ree analysis is a t ype of EMV analysis
E. EMV is a t ool/ t echnique of Qualit at ive Risk Analysis
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 8 1
Which of t he following st at em ent s are FALSE?
A. Funding lim it aggregation is used t o ensure t h at t he expendit ure
of funds is reconciled wit h t he funding lim it s im posed by t he
perform ing organizat ion
B. Cost aggregat ion and param et ric est im at ion is a t ool/ t echnique
of cost budget ing process
C. Analogous est im ating is a form of expert j udgm ent and is
generally less accurat e t han ot her t echniques, but is also less
cost ly
D. Param et ric est im at ing is an est im at ing t echnique using proj ect
charact erist ics/ param et ers t o est im at e t he t ot al proj ect cost s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 8 2
The risk m anagem ent plan is a subset of t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
and describes h ow risk m anagem ent should be perform ed. All of t he
following should be included in t he risk m anagem ent plan EXCEPT:
St akeholders t olerance, report ing form at s
Met hodology, roles and responsibilit ies
Recom m en ded prevent ive act ions
P- l m at rix
Budget ing, t im ing, risk cat egories
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 8 3
You have been recent ly assigned t o provide an accurat e proj ect
schedule for const ruct ing a new 50- st ory casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
You are evaluat ing t he net work diagram for t he const ruct ion proj ect ,
and are in t he process of ident ifying t he crit ical pat h of t he proj ect .
Based on t he following diagram , which pat h is t he crit ical pat h?
A- B- E- FD- G
A- B- D- G
A- E- F- D- G
A- C- D- G
A- E- F- G
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 8 4
You are in t he process of est ablishing a t ot al cost baseline for
m easuring proj ect perform ance. Which of t he following is t he LEAST
helpful t ool/ t echnique?
A. Param et ric est im at ing
B. Cost aggregat ion
C. Forecast ing
D. Reserve analysis
E. Funding lim it reconciliat ion
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 8 5
You are t he proj ect m anager at a ut ilit y com pany. Due t o t he recent
rise in t he cost of pet roleum , your organizat ion is exploring cheaper,
alt ernat ive form s of energy. You have j ust com plet ed t he proj ect
Scope Pla n n in g process and creat ed t he Scope m anagem ent plan.
However, upon review, you have det erm ined t hat t he result ing proj ect
scope m anagem ent plan is am biguous and poorly writ t en. A poorly
writ t en pr oj e ct scope m a n a ge m e n t pla n will dir e ct ly im pact all of
t he followin g EXCEPT:
A. Abilit y t o identify t he necessary act ivit ies t hat needs t o be
perform ed t o produce proj ect deliverables
B. Abilit y t o define, prepare and int egrat e, all subsidiary plan, int o
t he proj ect m anagem ent plan
C. Abilit y t o cont rol changes t o t he proj ect scope
D. Abilit y t o creat e a det ailed proj ect scope st at em ent as t he basis
for fut ure proj ect decisions
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 8 6
What is t he lowest level in a WBS called?
A. Work package
B. Work unit
C. Proj ect t ask
D. Work act ivit y
E. Work t ask
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 8 7
You are u sing t he t hree- point est im at ing t echnique t o est im at e t he
durat ion of a schedule act ivit y. Which of t he following is t he correct
form ula for calculat ing variance assum ing a t riangular dist ribut ion?
A. ( pessim ist ic + opt im ist ic + m ost likely ) / 3
B. ( ( opt im ist ic- pessim ist ic) / 6) ^ 2
C. [ ( opt im ist ic- pessim ist ic) ^ 2+ ( m ost likely- pessim ist ic) * ( m ost
likely- optim ist ic) ] / 18
D. ( pessim ist ic + 4 * ( m ost likely) + optim istic) / 6
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 8 8
You are in t he process of ident ifying and docum enting proj ect risks.
Which of t he following is t he LEAST helpful t ool/ t echnique?
A. Root cause analysis
B. Risk audit s
C. SWOT analysis
D. I nfluence diagram s
E. Cause an d effect diagram s
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 8 9
All of t he following st at em ent s regarding Cont rol Account s are t rue
A. Each Cont rol Account cont ains one or m ore work packages and
planning packages
B. Each w ork package/ planning package m ay be associat ed wit h
m ult iple cont rol account
C. Cont rol account s are also referred t o as cost account s
D. A cont rol account is a m anagem ent cont rol point for cost
sum m arizat ion, scope descript ion, and variance analysis and
report ing
E. A cont rol account is an assigned WBS level used t o m onit or cost
and schedule perform ance of significant elem ent of work.
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 9 0
Which of t he following is t he MOST valuable result of creating t he work
breakdown st ruct u re?
A. List of risks
B. List of act ivit ies
C. Milest ones chart s
D. Team buy-in
E. Resource requirem ent s
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 9 9 1
You are in t he process of est im at ing t he t ype of and quantit y of
resources needed t o com plet e individual schedule act ivities. All of t he
following are t ools/ t echniques you can use in t his process EXCEPT:
A. Param et ric est im at ing
B. Published estim at ing dat a, proj ect m anagem ent soft ware
C. Alt ernatives analysis
D. Bot t om - up est im at ing
E. Expert j udgm ent
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 9 2
All of t he following are const raint s t hat can lim it flexibilit y in hum an
Resource Planning EXCEPT:
A. Com pliance and safet y
B. Organizat ional st ruct ure
C. Collect ive bargaining agreem ent s
D. Econom ic condit ions
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 9 3
You are t he proj ect m anager responsible for renovat ing a 70- year old
buildin g. You int end t o hire an out side const ruction firm t o seism ic
ret rofit t he building in order t o m ake su re t h at t he building can
wit hst and t he large eart hquakes. You are in process of select in g a
cont ract t y pe best suit ed for t his proj ect. You would like t o select a
cont ract t y pe t hat t ransfers the risk ont o t he seller for any cost risks
and no- perform ance issues. Which cont ract t ype should you choose?
A. Fixed price cont ract
B. Tim e and m at erials cont ract s
C. Cost plus fixed fee cont ract s
D. Cost reim bursable cont ract s
E. Cost plus percent age of cost cont ract s
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 9 4
You are in t he process of defining t he specific act ivit ies t hat need t o be
perform ed t o develop t he necessary proj ect deliverables. Which of t he
following are NOT t ools/ t echniques t hat you can use in t his process?
Bot t om - up est im at ing
Planning com ponent
Rollin g wave planning
Expert j udgm ent
Decom posit ion, t em plat es
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 9 5
Which of t he following best describes t he process of ident ifying which
proj ect needs can be m et by procuring product s or service out side t he
proj ect organizat ion?
A. Plan purchases and acquisit ions
B. Request seller responses
C. Select sellers
D. Plan cont racting
An sw e r : A
Qu e st ion 9 9 6
You are u sing t he t hree- point est im at ing t echnique t o est im at e t he
durat ion of a schedule act ivit y. You are given t he following dat a:
Pe ssim ist ic= 2 0 0 da ys
Opt im ist ic= 1 0 0 da ys
M ost like ly= 1 2 0 da ys
Ave r a ge = 1 3 0 da ys
Va r ia n ce = 2 7 7 .7
Which of t he following st at em ent s are t rue?
A. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing
dist ribut ion
B. Not enough inform ation is provided
C. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing
dist ribut ion
D. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing
dist ribut ion
E. The calculat ions were perform ed assum ing
a exponent ial
a t riangular
a bet a dist ribution
An sw e r : E
Qu e st ion 9 9 7
All of t he following are out put s of t he scope definit ion process EXCEPT:
A. Proj ect scope st at em ent
B. Proj ect scope m anagem ent plan ( updat es)
C. Prelim in ary proj ect scope st at em ent
D. Request ed changes
An sw e r : C
Qu e st ion 9 9 8
All of t he following are t ypes of st rat egies t hat one can use t o deal
wit h risks wit h upside opport unit y EXCEPT:
A. Share
B. Avoid
C. Accept
D. Exploit
E. Enhance
An sw e r : B
Qu e st ion 9 9 9
You are t he proj ect m anager responsible for developing a new hybrid
engine for a m aj or aut o m anufact urer. You are in t he process of
developing t he proj ect schedule and would like t o access t he feasibilit y
of your proj ect schedule under various different condit ions. Which of
t he followin g scheduling t echniques is t he LEAST appropriat e?
A. Resource leveling
B. Schedule com pression
C. Variance analysis
D. Mont e Carlo analysis
E. Crit ical pat h m et h od
An sw e r : D
Qu e st ion 1 0 0 0
All of t he following are considered schedule net work analysis
t echniques EXCEPT:
A. Crit ical pat h m et h od
B. Variance analysis
C. What - if analysis
D. Crit ical chain m et hod
E. Resource leveling
An sw e r : B