Uploaded by Utsab Banskota

Process Essay PPT

Process Essay
A Presentation By:
Utsab Banskota
Westcliff University, California, United States
COM101: Composition 1
Prof. Deepa Silwal
May 14, 2023
Types of Process Essay
Features of a Process Essay
Format of a Process Essay
Steps of Writing a Process Essay
Knowing the Audience
Revising and Proofreading
Some Tips and Techniques
What exactly is a Process Essay?
• An essay written solely for describing a process
• Can describe a process, procedure, or working mechanism of some
• Consists of step-by-step instructions
• Chronological order of steps, without missing any vital points
• Aims to give guidance to the audience
• Can be a simple guidance such as how to ride a bicycle, or complex
ones such as chemistry lab experiments
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Types of Process Essay
• Informational Process Essay
• Explains how something works
• Doesn’t require the reader to perform any steps
• Instructive Process Essay
• Explains a procedure of doing something
• Tells the reader what to do step-by-step
• Written in second person - ‘you’
Although both types of process essays are widely used, we will focus on Instructive
Process Essay.
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Features of a Process Essay
A good process essay ...
Provides a straightforward explanation
Maintains logical order of the steps
Explains the steps in detail
Contains other necessary descriptions related to the steps
Uses transition words like first, second, next, and then, finally, etc.
to connect the steps
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Format of a Process Essay
As with other types of essays, process essay is written in a similar structure, which
consists of introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
Use an emotional question or a hook to grab the attention
Describe the importance of the process
Include thesis statement
Body Paragraphs
Describe the steps in chronological order
Use transition words, and maintain clarity
Minimum 3 paragraphs (one step per body paragraph works quite well)
Restate the importance
Summarize what you have written
End positively with an encouragement to the readers
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Steps of Writing a Process Essay
As with other writings in general, a process essay is written through similar steps as well.
Here are the 5 main steps to follow while writing a process essay.
Know the Audience
Revising and Proofreading
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Know the Audience …
Whom are you writing for?
Determine the skill level of your audience
Is the essay going to be a simple one, or a sophisticated one?
Determine how in-depth you should go with the steps
For Example,
 If you are explaining a simple process to your friends, you can use basic terminologies
and simple language
 If you are writing for your Chemistry professor, you should make use of technical writing
style and jargons
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Pre-Writing …
As with other types of writings, a process essay requires planning
as well …
Choose your topic, and start brainstorming ideas
Perform research if necessary
Write your ideas down without worrying about making mistakes
List out the major steps you have come up with
Use clustering method to map the steps and ideas
Make sure that all the necessary steps are included
Add any other necessary ideas and descriptions
Also, create a working Thesis statement. In Process Essays, thesis statements can be simple.
For example : “Follow these 4 simple steps to make a delicious pancake that will blow your
mind.” is an acceptable thesis statement.
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Outlining …
After you have your ideas and thesis statement ready, you can start arranging them. Outlining
helps to categorize and organize your main points and prevent ‘getting stuck’
Write down the major steps in chronological order
Under each steps, write down the related descriptions and other ideas
Use leveling method to list these steps and supportive descriptions
Aim to maintain a sensible flow and order
Remove any unnecessary ideas
Example of Leveling:
First, you have to adjust your mirrors, and wear your seat belt.
1.1) Doing this makes it easier to see behind you, and ensures your safety.
Many accidents happen because people neglect this vital step.
Currently, there is a $50 fine for not wearing your seatbelt.
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Drafting …
Once your outline is ready, write them down in paragraphs. Follow
the format as described earlier.
Go To Format
Remember to use second person – “you” while writing
Some Tips while making your first draft …
Remember that this is just a working version which can be edited later
Start from the part you know the most about
Keep your audience in mind while writing
Be relevant to the thesis statement, and your purpose
Maintain a positive tone and attitude towards the subject
Take short breaks in between to clear your mind
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Revising and Proofreading …
Once you have completed your first draft, it is time to revise
and make necessary changes.
Take a break to refresh your mind before revising
Take a good look at your steps, ideas, tone, clarity, structure, grammar, punctuation, etc.
Ask for feedback from someone you trust
Make any necessary changes
Remember that multiple drafts and revisions are common while writing essays
Once you are confident with your draft, perform multiple final checks for any minor errors
After going through these steps, your process essay should be ready!
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Some Tips and Techniques
Here are a few things to keep in your mind while writing your process essay …
Prioritize on maintaining clarity of the steps
Maintain relevance to the topic and thesis statement
Maintain an engaging, polite, and active tone
Know that you are guiding your audience on something you know well
Be sure to list out any required materials or skills at the beginning
Mention how much time the process is going to take
Be sure to mention any potential risks and hazards
Mention alternative steps, if any
Remember that small information can have huge impacts
Practice makes perfect!
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Any Questions?
Please ask away!
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but rising every time we fall”
– Nelson Mandela
Thank You!
Have a Great Day!