Downloaded from by Mira Maizar BIOLOGY INTERNAL ASSESSMENT TOPIC 5 – ECOLOGY RESEARCH QUESTION: The effect of grazing on the biodiversity of perennial angiosperms as measured by Simpsons Index PERSONAL ENGAGEMENT Overgrazing is linked to many issues, such as water pollution, eutrophication, scarcity of water resources or degeneration of coral reefs (Conserve Energy Future, 2012). Many ecosystems have suffered irreversible damage done by overgrazing and biodiversity is negatively impacted. Overgrazing is also linked to phosphorus and nitrogen contamination in the South China Sea (Conserve Energy Future, 2012). Malham Tarn is one of 8 alkaline lakes in Europe, located in Yorkshire Dales. Conservation grazing is said to be used in Malham Tarn, which is sometimes essential for management of wildlife habitats. Even though overgrazing has many restrains, conservation grazing control more aggressive animals, maintaining species–rich habitats and by preventing scrub encroachment (, 2017). Cattle is often used to avoid damage, as it only grazed on the top part on the plant, therefore grazing by cattle is often selected to support sustainability. Personally, I believe that maintaining mediocracy when taking advantage of land and nature is essential when staying sustainable. In order to establish whether sustainability is maintained and biodiversity is conserved, by employing conservation grazing, I decided to investigate whether biodiversity is different in frequently and infrequently grazed area. Hence, the research question generated is as follows: “The effect of grazing on the biodiversity of perennial angiosperms as measured by Simpsons Index?” BACKGROUND Grazing livestock has an advantage as they convert resources which would be wasted into useful products. Three main types of livestock used to graze grasslands are sheep, cattle and horses. Sometimes goats are also used. (, 2017). Grazing can have a negative impact on biodiversity and bring damage to many ecosystems. For example, the continued trampling of animals speeds up the death of vegetation as animals graze on the slightest shoots of new growth (Conserve Energy Future, 2009), which means they consume recently planted vegetation before it fully develops. The animals will eventually leave the soil bare, by eating all the plants in the (, 2011) and thus, the soil is exposed to harsh weather such as direct sunlight, heavy rain or high temperatures. This disintegrated the rocks and carried the top soil away, which causes soil erosion (Conserve Energy Future, 2009). Compaction and erosion caused by overgrazing can cause land degradation, and sometimes can lead to complete desertification, as denying an area of vegetation is also depriving it of water, which leads to the soil being unable to hold the water or the nutrients needed for plants to grow (Conserve Energy Future, 2009). The natural water cycle is also affected by overgrazing, results in pollution such as animal waste or farming chemicals. These pollutants can contaminate the local drinking water and oceans alike (, 2011). Additionally, overgrazing significantly affects the naturally occurring abundance of species and their ability to regenerate (Conserve Energy Future, 2009). Crops are originally made up of herbs with nutritional value and pastures of hight quality, however, grazing by animals leads to damage of roots of plants which contain food reserves. The crops are replaced by highly adaptive weeds and unpalatable plants, which have less nutritional value (Conserve Energy Future, 2009). Aside from biodiversity, grazing is also said to affect height of plants. Plants growing on grazed areas have to tolerant to soil compaction and its effects on soil conditions, as plants are constantly being trampled (, 2018). Trampling often results in different heights of vegetation, so competition for light may be a factor (, 2018). Additionally, plant growth is limited by reduced food production. Chloroplasts are plant organelles containing chlorophyll, which is a green pigment that traps light energy needed for photosynthesis to occur. Because most of the chloroplasts contained in a plant are located in the leaves, when 1 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar leaves are trampled and destroyed by livestock, the number of chloroplasts enclosed in a plant is reduced. Since the number of chloroplasts is directly proportional to the amount of photosynthesis occurring in a plant, the less chloroplasts are present the less photosynthesis occurs, meaning less energy and food is produced. This limits the plant growth, resulting in shorter plants (University et al., 2007). Moreover, seed production is prevented as the growing point is destroyed (, 2017). In order to establish which factors may impact plant life and biodiversity, a number of abiotic measurements will be taken. These include soil temperature, moisture, organic matter, pH and depth. Soil temperature varies with depth and time and the optimal soil temperature is between 6 and 24°C (, 2019). It has an indirect effect on plant growth, as it impacts root growth, as well as water and nutrient uptake (, 2014). Optimal soil moisture for clay soil is between 20-35%. Saturated soil is not advantageous for healthy plant growth as the conditions in saturated soil are anaerobic (Help Desk, 2015). Because Malham Tarn is an alkaline lake, the pH of the soil is slightly higher than typically expected. Soil pH affects availability of nutrients, which are most available in the optimum 5.5 to 7.0 range (, 2019). Additionally, the structure of the soil is affected by the pH, especially in clay soils. In high or low pH, the soil is hard to cultivate and tends to become sticky, whereas in the optimum range it is granular (, 2011). The types of plants that are able to grow is deeply influenced by soil depth, as deeper soils tend to provide more nutrients and water, as well as mechanical support (, 2017). The depth of the soil is likely to have an effect on height of plants, as deeper soils are able to grow plants with larger roots. Organic matter affects biological properties of the soil in chemical, biological and physical ways. Because of livestock manure, I hypothesize that soil organic matter will be higher in the frequently grazed area. Manure is an important source of carbon, which is an important source of energy that makes nutrients available to plants (Garden and Garden, 2011). The type of grazing animal has a large impact on the biodiversity. In Malham Tarn, cattle is employed. Due to the structure of it’s mouth, cattle is only able to consume the shoot of the plant, leaving most of the stem and the root untouched (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2019). This allows the more sensitive species to survive, maintaining biodiversity. In this experiment, frequently (12 month a year) and infrequently (1 month a year) grazed grasslands will be investigated. Compared to usual soil conditions around the world, the soil in both of these areas tends to be more alkaline. As shown above, moderate grazing can have positive impact on biodiversity. Based on this, species diversity should not be much different in two areas as conservation grazing is done in Malham Tarn. However, it can be predicted that height of plants and length of leaves is significantly different in two areas. Null hypothesis: There is no significant difference between species diversity in frequently and infrequently grazed grassland. Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant difference between species diversity in woodland and infrequently grazed grassland. 2 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar PROCEDURE Variables: In order to ensure that the results of the investigation are reliable, multiple throughout the investigation. TABLE 1: Control variables CONTROL VARIABLE REASONS FOR CONTROLLING THE VARIABLE Measuring equipment Different measuring equipment has different accuracy levels Person carrying out the Minimizes researcher bias investigation Sampling technique Ensures data sets are comparable factors had to be kept constant HOW THE VARIABLE CONTROLLED Use the same equipment IS Have the same person carry out the investigation Use the same sampling technique Number of trials Needed to make the investigation a fair test and make the data comparable Carry out 10 trials in each location Time of the year During different times of the year abiotic factors vary, affecting the number of plants growing During different times of the day abiotic factors vary Carry out the experiment during the same day Time of the day Height above sea level Ensures that the height above sea level does not affect the number and type of plants growing Carry out the experiment as quickly as possible and move on to the second location as soon as 10 trials have been carried out in the first Choose locations so that both are at the same height above sea level Abundance of limestone Limestone is alkaline and can therefore affect Choose locations that are equally far from the growth of plants the same alkaline lake Distance from a body of water The number and type of plants growing is Choose locations so that both are equally impacted by the pH of the soil, which is far from the lake affected by the pH of the body of water TABLE 2: independent, dependent and monitored variables INDEPENDENT VARIABLE DEPENDENT VARIABLE MONITORED VARIABLES Type of land Infrequently grazed grassland (1 month a year) Frequently grazed grassland (12 months a year) Species diversity Depth of soil Height of the tallest plant Length of the longest leaf Soil depth Soil temperature Soil moisture Soil organic matter content pH of soil Apparatus Open quadrat (x1) Soil sampling cups (x20) Ruler (x1) ±0.1mm Distilled water (400ml) Oven (x2) ±1C Garden shovel (x1) pH meter (x1) ±0.01pH Tape measure (x2) ±1cm Soil pin (x1) Crucible (x20) Weighing scale (x1) ±0.01g Calculator (x1) Grass rod (x1) 3 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar Method: 1. Using 2 tape measures, set up a 10x10 grid in infrequently grazed area 2. Using a calculator, generate 2 random number and use them as coordinates on the grid. 3. Place the bottom left corner of the quadrat on the point where the coordinates meet. 4. Take a soil sample from the middle of the quadrat using a small garden shovel. Place it in a sampling cup. 5. Measure the soil temperature by placing the soil thermometer halfway into the soil in the centre of the quadrat. 6. Stick the soil pin in the middle of the quadrat until it reaches rock. 7. Take out the soil pin and use a ruler to measure how far it went into the soil. 8. Measure the length of the longest leaf in the quadrat using a ruler. 9. Measure the height of the tallest plant in the quadrat using a ruler. 10. Identify different species of plants present in the quadrat and letter them. 11. Record the number of each species in the quadrat 12. Repeat steps 2-11 nine times 13. Repeat steps 1-12 in frequently grazed area. Soil samples analysis: 1. Place 20g of soil into a measuring cylinder 2. Add 20ml of water 3. Mix well using a glass rod to form slush 4. Using a pH meter, record the pH of the slush 5. Repeat steps 1-4 with all other soil samples 6. Record the weight of the crucible 7. Record the weight of the crucible with the soil 8. Repeats steps 6-18 with other soil samples 9. Place 20 crucibles onto a tray and place the tray into an oven Preliminary investigation In order to establish where data samples would be taken from, a preliminary investigation was carried out. As some of the infrequently grazed grassland was trampled by people, I chose to use the area that was not used for walking, in order to eliminate extraneous variables. This is because height of plants would be negatively affected by trampling, affecting my conclusions. Regarding the frequently grazed grassland, I chose an area roughly the same height above the lake as in infrequently grazed grassland, in attempt to minimize the effect of different pH levels in two areas. Having collected data on height of plants, soil moisture and soil organic matter, I noticed a great difference in measurements between the two areas, which I decided to prove using statistical tests. Sampling technique and data processing Due to the uniform nature of two areas, random sampling technique was employed. Using data collected, Simpson’s diversity index will be calculated for every quadrat, in order to fairly compare which area maintains richer biodiversity. To determine whether the difference in species diversity is statistically significant, a T-test will be carried out. In addition, a T-test will be used to establish whether there is a significant difference in other biotic factors, such as plant height and leaf length, as well as other abiotic factors. Risk assessment Ethical considerations: No major ethical considerations need to be taken into account in the experiment as no animals were involved. Environmental considerations: It is best to walk over plants as little as possible to minimize the disturbance done to plants and animals. 4 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar Safety considerations TABLE 3: Risk assessment 1 – low, 2 – medium, 3- high HAZARD RISK Stones, slippery Falling or tripping over slopes Cold weather Hypothermia Species Grazing animals Getting attacked Insects Bites, infections Spiky plants Scratches, injuries CONTROLS Walk slowly and carefully Likelihood 2 Severity 2 Wear warm clothes 1 3 Stay calm, don’t be loud, don’t walk near the animals Avoid contact with insects 2 3 3 2 Avoid contact with plants, wear clothes that cover skin 3 2 RAW DATA TABLE 4: Number of plants of each species in every quadrat in frequently grazed area Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Spring sandwort Marsh Helleborine Blue moor -grass Field Gentians Dandelion Alpine Pennycress Milkwort 21 3 1 11 32 0 0 12 0 3 12 28 1 1 28 0 2 10 25 3 0 13 2 1 15 30 4 0 11 0 0 20 24 2 0 29 2 2 13 23 2 1 15 0 0 17 25 2 0 16 0 1 14 26 4 1 Q9 Q10 17 1 0 15 27 2 2 28 0 0 18 26 3 1 TABLE 5: abiotic and biotic factor measurements in frequently grazed area Abiotic factor Soil temperature (°C) ±0.1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Mean 13.30 12.80 15.20 15.10 14.50 14.50 13.50 14.70 13.10 15.20 12.74 Standard deviation 0.86 Soil depth (mm) ±1 Soil pH ±0.1 Soil moisture (%) ±0.03 Soil organic matter (%) ±0.04 Biotic factor Height of tallest plant (cm) Length of leaf (cm) 194.0 191.0 155.0 174.0 127.0 250.0 144.0 193.0 166.0 181.0 170.64 32.07 8.53 11.89 8.20 10.82 7.58 9.16 7.55 6.77 7.39 12.38 7.60 10.54 8.20 11.73 8.50 7.89 7.90 9.34 8.10 8.55 7.96 9.92 0.39 1.77 15.62 9.10 14.57 12.02 8.65 10.87 16.27 13.51 16.94 13.33 13.01 2.75 10.1 4.6 6.6 7.2 12.2 8.6 9.7 9.4 6.2 13.7 8.43 2.34 4.5 3.6 4.1 4.1 5.1 3.6 4.2 5.2 4.2 3.8 4.17 0.48 5 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar TABLE 6: Number of plants of each species in every quadrat in infrequently grazed area Species Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Spring Sandwort 19 20 13 24 13 47 18 Milkwort 5 0 0 2 9 0 1 Lady’s Mantle 5 0 48 2 30 5 4 Marsh Helleborine 3 3 1 4 0 4 9 Rock Rose 4 5 0 3 0 4 0 Grass-of-Parnassus 4 4 1 5 0 3 2 Alpine Penny-Cress 2 7 4 0 4 5 2 Scurvy Grass 22 5 2 8 0 8 7 Melancholy Thistle 3 3 1 1 1 6 2 Flat Sedge 8 9 12 10 13 3 6 Field Gentians 8 4 0 11 3 18 1 Blue moor-grass 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 TABLE 7: abiotic and biotic factor measurements in frequently grazed area Abiotic factor Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Soil temperature (°C) ±0.1 Soil depth (mm) ±1 Soil pH ±0.1 Soil moisture (%) ±0.03 Soil organic matter (%) ±0.04 Biotic factor Height of tallest plant(cm) Length of leaf (cm) Q8 3 3 4 0 11 8 0 2 4 7 11 3 Q9 31 0 32 2 0 0 4 4 4 0 7 5 Q10 0 4 35 0 0 0 1 0 3 23 5 6 Q9 Q10 Mean 12.2 15.2 12.2 13.3 12.2 13.0 14.6 14.2 13.3 13.3 13.35 Standar d deviatio n 1.04 64.00 172.00 201.00 329.00 145.00 132.00 420.00 199.00 225.00 110.00 190.90 118.46 7.79 35.05 7.88 44.32 7.62 33.67 7.56 32.90 7.62 35.26 7.54 37.98 7.50 41.09 7.49 36.38 7.56 41.36 7.43 42.24 7.60 38.03 0.14 3.98 12.63 14.10 11.47 13.62 8.57 9.67 14.85 8.97 10.02 10.56 11.45 2.24 35.90 38.00 51.00 42.20 41.00 42.50 46.70 48.50 34.20 55.00 43.50 6.38 13.20 14.70 15.20 11.80 11.00 12.30 12.50 13.00 18.20 8.00 12.9 2.57 PROCESSED DATA Calculation of average abiotic and biotic factors: Soil temperature – frequently grazed area (13.30 + 12.80 + 15.20 + 15.10 + 14.50 + 14.40 + 13.50 + 14.70 + 13.10 + 15.20) / 10 = 12.74 Calculation of species diversity π·= π(π − 1) ∑ π(π − 1) D = Diversity / N = Total organism number - all species / n = Total organism number - each species 6 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar Infrequently grazed Quadrat 1: N = 19 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 22 + 3 + 8 + 8 = 83 / N–1 = 79 – 1 = 82 / N(N–1) = 6806 ∑n(n-1) = (19×18) + (5×4) + (5×4) + (3×2) … = 994 π·= N(N-1) 6806 9945 = 6.85 TABLE 8: species diversity in infrequently grazed grassland Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 6806.00 7140.00 6320.00 2652.00 7832.00 Q6 1260.00 Q7 756.00 Q8 1806.00 Q9 3080.00 Q10 3192.00 ∑n(n-1) 994.00 2588.00 1314.00 468.00 2022.00 264.00 338.00 524.00 976.00 1024.00 Infrequently grazed diversity 6.85 2.76 4.81 5.67 3.87 4.77 2.24 3.45 3.16 3.12 TABLE 9: species diversity in frequently grazed grassland Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Frequently grazed diversity 2.98 3.11 3.13 3.33 3.06 Frequently grazed grassland Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 3.45 3.16 3.49 3.39 3.32 Infrequently grazed grassland Graph 1: Spread of species diversity as measured by Simpson’s Diversity Index in frequently and infrequently grazed grassland. It can be seen that the average species diversity in frequently grazed grassland is higher than in infrequently grazed grassland. Calculation of T test for species diversity π‘= π1 = mean1 π2 = mean2 π1 = standard deviation1 π2 = standard deviation2 |π1 − π2 | π π √π1 + π2 2 1 π1 = number of values1 π2 = number of values2 7 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar π‘= |3.24 − 3.74| √0.17 + 0.96 10 10 = 1.49 Degrees of Freedom = (π1 –1) + (π2 –1) = 9 + 9 = 18 / Critical Value = 2.1 The calculated value of 1.49 is lower than the critical value 2.1 for 18 degrees of freedom at a significance level of 0.05. This means that there is more than 5% probability that the results are due to chance. Thus, I can accept the null hypothesis: There is no significant difference between species diversity in frequently and infrequently grazed grassland. Calculation of T-test for height of plants π‘= |8.43 − 43.5| √2.34 + 6.38 10 10 = 37.6 Degrees of Freedom = (π1 –1) + (π2 –1) = 9 + 9 = 18 / Critical Value = 2.1 The calculated value of 37.6 is higher than the critical value 2.1 for 18 degrees of freedom at a significance level of 0.05. This means that there is less than 5% probability that the results are due to chance. Thus, I can accept the alternative hypothesis: There is a significant difference between height of plants in frequently and infrequently grazed grassland. Calculation of Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient for soil moisture and soil organic matter vs. height of plants As height was greater in infrequently grazed grassland than frequently grazed grassland, abiotic factor measurements were taken into consideration in order to establish whether there is a significant correlation in the average values of the same factor in the two grasslands. A Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient calculation was carried out for soil moisture and soil organic matter, as a significant difference was noticed. Simpson’s diversity index in each quadrat is compared with both abiotic factors. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient is used to establish strength of a relationship between two factors. If the value of the correlation coefficient is close to ±0.01, a strong relationship can be assumed. The sign determines whether the relationship is negative or positive. It can be used to provide explanation for the difference in height of plants between two grassland due to difference in soil moisture and soil organic matter. π= ∑ππ − √(∑π 2 − (∑π)(∑π) π (∑π)2 (∑π)2 2 ππ₯ ) (∑π − ππ¦ ) ∑π = sum of X values / ∑π = sum of Y values / n = number of ‘pairs’ of data 8 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar Graph 2: Height of plants is compared against Soil Moisture Levels in each quadrat. An overall positive correlation can be seen in the graph – as % soil moisture levels increase, height of plants increases. Seeing as height can be considered an indicator of growth, higher soil moisture levels allow for greater growth, therefore more flowering. This results in greater number of seeds, leading to more plants. TABLE 10: Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient Values for species diversity vs. soil moisture X =Height of plants X2 Y = Moisture % Y2 XY 10.10 102.01 35.05 1228.50 354.01 4.60 21.16 44.32 1964.26 203.87 6.60 43.56 33.67 1133.67 222.22 7.20 51.84 32.90 1082.41 236.88 12.20 148.84 35.26 1243.27 430.17 8.60 73.96 37.98 1442.48 326.63 9.70 94.09 41.09 1688.39 398.57 9.40 88.36 36.38 1323.50 341.97 6.20 38.44 41.36 1710.65 256.43 13.70 187.69 42.24 1784.21 578.69 35.90 1288.81 11.89 141.37 426.85 38.00 1444.00 10.82 117.07 411.16 51.00 2601.00 9.16 83.91 467.16 42.20 1780.84 6.77 45.83 285.69 41.00 1681.00 12.38 153.26 507.58 42.50 1806.25 10.54 111.09 447.95 46.70 2180.89 11.73 137.59 547.79 48.50 2352.25 7.89 62.25 382.67 34.20 1169.64 9.34 87.24 319.43 55.00 3025.00 8.55 73.10 470.25 ∑π = 520 ∑π 2= 20179.63 ∑π = 479.32 ∑π2=15614.07 ∑XY = 7615.97 9 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar π= 1737.56 − (520)(479.32) 10 (520)2 (479.32)2 √(20179.63 − ) 10 ) (15614.07 − 10 = 0.9414 Degrees of Freedom = (ππ₯ –1) + (ππ¦ –1) = 9 + 9 = 18 / Critical Value = 0.562 The absolute value of the calculated value of 0.9414 is higher than the critical value 0.562 for 18 degrees of freedom at a significance level of 0.01. This means that there is less than 1% probability that the results are due to chance. Thus, I can reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis: There is a significant correlation between soil moisture levels and height of plants, and the positive correlation seen in the data is most likely due to chance. For soil organic matter: π= −221.181 √(134.082)(4126.69) = −0.2973 Degrees of Freedom = (ππ₯ –1) + (ππ¦ –1) = 9 + 9 = 18 / Critical Value = 0.562 The absolute value of the calculated value of -0.2973 is lower than the critical value 0.562 for 18 degrees of freedom at a significance level of 0.01. This means that there is more than 1% probability that the results are due to chance. Thus, I can accept the null hypothesis: There is no significant correlation between soil organic matter and height of plants, and any correlation seen in the data is most likely due to chance. CONCLUSION The aim of this investigation was to establish whether there is a significant difference in species diversity between frequently and infrequently grazed grasslands, to see if conservation grazing in employed in Malham Tarn and biodiversity is conserved. As can be seen in the graph 1, and supported by the T-test, there is no statistical significant difference in species biodiversity between frequently and infrequently grazed grassland (mean of 3.24 vs. 3.74 species diversity index respectively). These findings do not support my original hypothesis but can be explained by the fact that conservation grazing is employed in Malham Tarn, which maintains biodiversity. As described above, grazing is usually thought to reduce diversity of plants as animals eat all the plants in the grassland, leaving the soil bare. However, in this experiment the diversity of plants in frequently and infrequently grazed grasslands were found to be really close. This can be explained by the fact that conservation grazing was employed in Malham Tarn, which seemed to maintain biodiversity. Firstly, livestock allows allows the less competitive plants, for example wildflowers, to grow alongside more competitive plants by eating and removing vegetation (South Manchester Nutrition, 2009). This also encourages germination as the build-up of dead material is removed, which is necessary as all grass and wildflower seeds need to be in direct contact with ground to establish a root system and germinate (South Manchester Nutrition, 2009). As mentioned previously, the area is grazed by cattle. Due to the structure of their mouth and fewer teeth, they are only able to consume the top part of plant, leaving the rest untouched. This allows more sensitive species to survive in frequently grazed grassland, maintaining biodiversity (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2019). Furthermore, biodiversity is improved by dispersal of seeds by animals’ hooves during grazing and reduced competition between the same species of plant as the seeds are more likely to be found further away from their 10 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar parent. Livestock also break up the crust by trampling the soil, stimulating the growth of grass (, 2019). This ensures a variety of species continues to flourish (, 2019). As can be seen in graph 2, and further supported by the T-test, there is a significant statistical difference in height of plants in frequently and infrequently grazed grassland (mean of 8.43cm and 43.50cm respectively). A reason for higher plants in infrequently grazed area could be soil moisture levels. Frequently grazed grassland had an average of 9.92%, whilst infrequently grazed grassland had an average of 38.03% water. Neither of the areas had an optimal soil moisture percentage. In infrequently grazed area the soil is oversaturated, whilst in frequently grazed area it is too dry. When clay soils are dry, they become difficult for the roots to dig in and when they are over-saturated, they deprive the plant of oxygen (Soils, 2017). However, soil moisture levels in infrequently grazed grassland are more optimal for plant growth (optimal levels: 20-35%) than in frequently grazed grassland, which could be the reason for increased plant height in infrequently grazed grassland (Spruce, 2019). To further support this, a Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient was calculated, which stated that there is a significant positive correlation between height of plants and soil moisture levels: as soil moisture levels increased from 6.77% up to 42.24%, height of plants increased form 4.6cm to 55cm. All the other abiotic factors that were measured do not vary much between the two areas, hence it can be assumed that they do not make a big difference for plant life. For example, soil temperature was 12.74ΛC in frequently grazed area and 13.35 ΛC in infrequently grazed area. Because measurements were not taken simultaneously, it can be assumed that time of the day has affected these results. Soil depth differed by 20cm between the two areas (170.64cm in frequently grazed and 190.9cm in infrequently grazed), however since both of these measurements are above the minimum soil depth required for plants to grow (45cm), it can be assumed that soil depth did not affect biotic measurements. Even though the average soil organic matter is higher in frequently grazed are than in infrequently grazed area (13.01% compared to 11.45%), no correlation was found in the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient between soil organic matter and height of plants. In conclusion, conservation grazing is employed in Malham Tarn, which maintains diversity of plants, even though heights of plants and plant leaves are affected. EVALUATION One of the strengths of the investigation includes that a number of abiotic and biotic factors were taken into consideration, and after carrying out a correlation test, an effect of certain abiotic factors could be determined on biotic factors. For example, height of plants was found to be significantly affected by % soil moisture. Trying to examine the reliability of collected data, it is usually compared to previous measurements. However, there are no abiotic factor data collected before in these locations. From the processed data, we can tell that the standard deviation is relatively low for most of the measurements, suggesting the data points are close together, implying reliability of results. However, considering every quadrat was only measured once, the results can be assumed to be unreliable. No uncertainties are implicated as measuring tools were not used, which could also impact reliability of results. Abiotic measurements were found to have low standard deviation, implying that the data points are not spread out, suggesting that data is reliable, however, lack of repeats in each quadrat questions the reliability of data. No anomalies can be identified due to lack of previous research done in this area, leading to lack of expected results. In attempt to minimize the effect of natural variations on the abiotic factor measurements in different quadrats, 10 samples were taken. 11 Downloaded from by Mira Maizar TABLE 8: limitations and modifications of the investigation PROBLEM CORRECTION Research bias when More repeats. collecting data One person collecting all the data. Difficult to count More repeats. small plants Difficult to More repeats. distinguish between Track every plant down its root. different plants Measuring height of More repeats. Use a ruler with a smaller plants scale. Take measurements from the same point at the root. Measuring length of leaves Measuring soil depth Trampling reduces flowering of plants Measure all longer leaves. Stretch out all leaves. More repeats. Measure in multiple points in the quadrat and take the average. More repeats. Carry out an investigation in a wider area. Establish species of plants by their leaves rather than by their flowers EFFECT ON RESULTS Species may be omitted or unnoticed depending on the researcher. Many plants in both, frequently and infrequently grazed areas, were very small and hard to identify. Many plants had many leaves, which covered the roots and vegetation was thick. This made it difficult to tell the number of plants in a quadrat. If the starting point of the measurement is different for each plant, different heights are recorded, affecting the conclusions drawn from investigation. Because some leaves were not stretched out, they could have appeared shorter than they are and were therefore not measured. The depth in the center of the quadrat was not representative of the depth of soil in the quadrat as it varied in different points. In frequently grazed area, plants’ ability to flower is reduced, therefore they can be more difficult to distinguish, making it easier for the researcher to misclassify plants and hence identify less species. Suggestions for further research As species diversity was not found to be statistically significant, it can be assumed that the plants that grow in frequently grazed grassland have different structure to those that grow in infrequently grazed grassland, thus a research question can be generated, “How does the root type vary between frequently and infrequently grazed land?” As the aim of this research was to establish whether sustainability is maintained in conservation grazing, it would be interesting to investigate whether deforestation has an impact on biodiversity – “Is there a significant difference in biodiversity between grassland and woodland?” As cattle is primarily employed in Malham Tarn, further investigation can be done to research “How does the type of grazing animal affect biodiversity/height of plants?” BIBLIOGRAPHY (2014). Soil moisture and temperature consideration. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2019]. (2019). 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