Date ______________________ Name ____________________________ Learning Goal I can … EXIT TICKET Rate Your Level of Understanding 0 1 2 3 Identify and explain 3 – 5 new vocabulary words from this Write at least 5 synonyms of the word… lesson… Write three complex sentences including new vocabulary words above… @NikkiMiltonFE Upgrade the following sentence using ambitious vocabulary (AV) and ambitious punctuation (AP)… 4 Name ____________________________ Learning Goal I can … EXIT TICKET What do you think? Fill in the Pyramid with four important pieces of information that you have learned about today (1 – the most important – to 4-the least important). Next to each section write a sentence explaining WHY you chose this as the most or least important. @NikkiMiltonFE Date ______________________ Rate Your Level of Understanding 0 1 2 3 4 Date ______________________ Name ____________________________ EXIT TICKET Learning Goal I can … 2 Rate Your Level of Understanding 1 0 2 1 1 2 3 4 ave H l il t s I s n io t s e u Q 1 3 s t c a 3 F ned r a e L I @NikkiMiltonFE 2 1 Interesting or Surprising Detail Date ______________________ Name ____________________________ Learning Goal I can identify an opinion and explain reasons why it could be biased. Opinion @NikkiMiltonFE EXIT TICKET Evidence of Bias Rate Your Level of Understanding 0 1 2 3 4 Date ______________________ Name ____________________________ Learning Goal I can give examples of formal and informal texts and explain why they belong to that category. EXIT TICKET Formal: ________________________ @NikkiMiltonFE Rate Your Level of Understanding 0 1 2 Informal: ___________________________ 3 4 Name ____________________________ Learning Goal I can create sentences using three ambitious vocabulary (AV) words I have learned in today’s lesson. AV1: _______________________ AV1: _______________________ AV1: _______________________ @NikkiMiltonFE EXIT TICKET Date ______________________ Rate Your Level of Understanding 0 1 2 3 4 Name ____________________________ Learning Goal I can write a few sentences using a range of language techniques. EXIT TICKET Sentences @NikkiMiltonFE Date ______________________ Rate Your Level of Understanding 0 1 2 3 Language Technique(s) used 4 Name ____________________________ Learning Goal I can write for different purposes. EXIT TICKET Write about ‘making a sandwich’ for at least two of the purposes below. To Instruct To Describe To Persuade To Inform @NikkiMiltonFE Date ______________________ Rate Your Level of Understanding 0 1 2 3 4 Date ______________________ Name ____________________________ Learning Goal I can… 3 significant ideas that I took away from the lesson… @NikkiMiltonFE EXIT TICKET What concepts from the lesson are squared away in my mind? Rate Your Level of Understanding 0 1 2 3 4 What one or two questions are still circling in my head? Name ____________________________ Learning Goal I can… EXIT TICKET Date ______________________ Rate Your Level of Understanding 0 1 2 3 4 Explain how you have managed to bridge the gap with your learning today. Focus on what you felt you know at the start of the lesson and how confident you feel with the concepts at the end of the lesson. Before @NikkiMiltonFE After Date ______________________ Name ____________________________ Learning Goal I can demonstrate my mastery of learning. EXIT TICKET Rate Your Level of Understanding 0 1 2 3 Thinking about today’s lesson, how can you explain / demonstrate your mastery of learning? I can remember… @NikkiMiltonFE I can understand… I can apply… I can analyse… I can evaluate… I can create… 4