MPSET PYQS UNIT 3 BUSINESS ECONOMICS Complete Course for: 1. 2. 3. MPPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2023 4. म प्र उच्च माध्यममक मिक्षक 2023 – Economics (अर्थिास्त्र) 5. MP SET EXAM 2023 MPPSC Taxation Assistant Exam 2023 म प्र उच्च माध्यममक मिक्षक (वाणिज्य) 2023- Commerce You will get: 1.Recorded Video classes (unlimited views) 2.Classes by CA/ NET/JRF Qualified teachers 3.MCQ Practice session 4.Printable PDF Notes ( In Hindi & English both) 5.Practice MCQ 6.Mock Test & Quizzes Download our app and enroll in the best Course: Q1 : The term Opportunity cost refers to A. Variable Cost B. Short-run Cost C. Cost forgone in favour of production of another product D. Cost related to an optimum level of production Q1: अवसर लागत िब्द ककसको संदमभथत करता है ? A. परिवर्तनीय लागर् B. शॉर्त -िन लागर् C. किसी अन्य उत्पाद िे उत्पादन िे पक्ष में लागर् िा भुगर्ान D. उत्पादन िे इष्र्र्म स्र्ि से संबंधिर् लागर् Q2 : The theory of Revealed Preference was propounded by A. A Marshall B. P.F. Drucker C. J.R. Hicks D. Paul Samuelson प्र2: प्रकट वरीयता का मसद्ांत ककसके दवारा प्रततपाददत ककया गया र्ा? A. ए माशतल B. P.F. प्रंर्ि C. जे. आि. हिक्स D.पॉल सैमुएलसन • Revealed preference theory, in economics, a theory, introduced by the American economist Paul Samuelson in 1938, that holds that consumers’ preferences can be revealed by what they purchase under different circumstances, particularly under different income and price circumstances. • The theory entails that if a consumer purchases a specific bundle of goods, then that bundle is “revealed preferred,” given constant income and prices, to any other bundle that the consumer could afford. By varying income or prices or both, an observer can infer a representative model of the consumer’s preferences. Q3. GDP at Factor Cost is A. NONE B. GDP MP– IT – S C. GDPMP + IT + S D. GDPMP – IT + S Q4. What is the characteristic of a purely competitive market? A. Large Number of buyers and sellers B. A Few Sellers C. A Few Buyers D. Abnormal Profit Q4. वविद ु ् रूप से प्रततस्त्प्ी बाजार की वविेषता क्या है ? A. खिीदािों औि प्वक्रेर्ाओं िी बडी संख्या B. िुछ प्वक्रेर्ा C. िुछ खिीदाि घ. असामान्य लाभ Q5. In case of Perfect Substitute indifference curve is A. Right- angled B. Linear upward sloping C. Linear downward sloping D. Concave to origin Q5. सही ववकल्प के मामले में उदासीनता वक्र क्या है ? A. समिोण B. िै खखि ऊपि िी ओि ढलान ग. िे खीय नीचे िी ओि ढलान घ. अवर्ल से उत्पप्ि Q6. Suppose a Canadian Firm Imports Bananas of Dollar 1,000 and sells them for Dollar 2,000. The effect on GDP would be Q6. मान लीजजए कक एक कनाडाई फमथ 1,000 डॉलर के केले का आयात करती है और उन्हें 2,000 डॉलर में बेचती है । GDP पर क्या प्रभाव पडेगा? A. It will decrease by 3,000 Dollar B. It will increase by 3,000 Dollar C. It will increase by 2,000 Dollar D. It will increase by 1,000 Dollar Q7. Rise in general price level along with declining output in the economy is called? A. inflation B. deflation C. Stagnation (Stagflation) D. demand pull inflation Q7. अर्तव्यवस्र्ा में उत्पादन में धगिावर् िे सार्-सार् सामान्य मल् ू य स्र्ि में वद् ृ धि िो क्या ििा जार्ा िै ? A. मद्र ु ास्फीतर् B. अपस्फीतर् C. स्र्ै गफ्लेशन D. मांग मद्र ु ास्फीतर् िो खींचर्ी िै Q8. Which kind of economics explains the phenomenon of cause and effect relationship? A. Normative B. Positive C. Micro D. Macro Q8. किस रिाि िा अर्तशास्र िािण औि रभाव संबंि िी घर्ना िी व्याख्या ििर्ा िै ? A. मानि B. सिािात्मि ग. माइक्रो घ. मैक्रो Q9. In case the price(P),quantity (Q) and changes( ) are represented by respective symbol given in the brackets, the price elasticity of demand(Ed) is measured by Q9. यदद मूल्य (P), मारा (Q) और पररवतथन () को कोष्ठक में ददए गए संबंध्त प्रतीक दवारा दिाथया जाता है , तो मांग (Ed) की मल् ू य लोच को ककसके दवारा मापा जाता है ? A. Ed = ∆Q/ ∆P B. Ed = (∆Q/Q) / (∆Q/P) C. Ed = ∆P/ ∆Q D. Ed = (∆P/P) / (∆Q/Q) Q10. Which is the other name given to Average Revenue Curve? A. Profit Curve B. Demand Curve C. Indifference Curve D. Income Curve Q10. औसत राजस्त्व वक्र को ददया गया दस ू रा नाम क्या है ? A. लाभ वक्र बी. मांग वक्र ग. उदासीनर्ा वक्र घ. आय वक्र ANSWERS 1C 2D 3C 4A 5C 6D 7D 8B 9A 10B