Uploaded by Samuel De witt

Biodiversity Loss & Conservation Notes

with human population explosion due to indusrial revolutions and antibiotics we acclerating the 6th mass extinction not only wild but even domestic species. with one 3rd being at risk, geneic diversity between species and within species
for example there r 100s of aples species but only like a handful of apples u buy
and we look at species extinguish we must broaden our view to th whole ecosyemsytem since their is a complex web of inderdepenat and divers plants and animals and
the extingishin of 1 puts the whole ecosyemt at the risk of collaspse gene banks collecting samples hav to be so careful not contaminte dna how they use a light electric current to stun fish then scoop them up in net
namibia cheetahs
small geene pools
chgeetahs r so similar they can receive each others skin grats in situ conservation-(which i already knew from construction since u get in situ cincrete where u make and pour it on site)
but in conservation its preseving population size and biological diversity in its own habitati problems r interbreeding amd l
a sail boat can go faster than the wind