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Ecocriticism: Concepts, Approaches, and History

RAFINA RAMATIKA - 2079202005
Ecocriticism is the study of literature
and the environment where all the
sciences come together to analyse the
One of the main goals in
ecocriticism is to study how
individuals in society behave and
react because it is important to the
relationship between human
beings and nature
It studies the global ecological
crisis through intersection of
literature,culture, and the
physical environment
• Possible solutions
• correction
Environmental wisdom
• local genius
the community’s ability to accept, choose,
and take culture from outside that is considered
• Cultural identity
is a part of person’s identity that is related to
nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, etc
• Indigenous culture
culture or something that is considered certain
• Local wisdom
is a way of life by local people which is the result
of heredity adaption process over a very long period
of time to the natural environment in which they live
Cheryll Glotfelty
• relationship betweenliterature
and physical environment
• Human culture is connected to the
physical world, affecting it and
affected by it
• Calling for collaboration between
natural scientist, writers, literary
critics, anthropologists, historians
and more.
Lawrence Buell
• Commitment to environmentally
from whatever critical vantage
• Nature really exists
• Ecocriticism deals not only with
3 waves of criticism
1. characterized by its emphasis on
nature writing as an object of study
and as a meaningful practice
2. Raising an awarenessof class, race
and gender through ecocritical
reading of text
3. It advocates for a global
understanding of ecocritical
practice through issues like global
Key concepts in ecocritics
1. Interconnection
2. Ecosystem vs ethical system
3. Nature as actor in drama
4. Anthropocentric vs biocentric
3 approaches in ecocritic
1. Domination model
2. Caretaking model
3. Viocentric model
Ecocritic characteristics
1. Pastoral model
focuses on dichotomy between urban
and rural life, retreating to return to
or to the past
2. Apocaliptic model
3. Ethical model
relating to moral principles or doing what
the law requires