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Nepal Industrial Visit Report: Economic Analysis

DATE – 6/11/2023
Rijal’s Food
Rijal’s food is one of the leading food and spice production company in
Nepal. With its variety of instantly appealing packaged products, it is easy to
see why it leads in the department.
Having to produce a massive quantity and variety of good, the clear
concept of division of Labour can be made out. Each ranging from unskilled
workers who mainly run repetitive and less technical works, semiskilled
workers who work for the running of machinery and skilled workers working in
labs and food testing.
Since the large quantity of fried food needs to be produced, the heating
of the oil is mostly done by firewood which may deem harmful to the
environment. However, the factory is mostly well managed and the raw
materials used are mostly local so not much of foreign trade is done.
Everest paint
Everest paint is one of the leading paint companies of Nepal. Established
in 2012 by a group of youths, it had a few shifts and mishaps and is now on a
smooth sail.
The products include paints for doors, window panes, iron bars and
houses. A large portion of the raw materials are produced from Traded
materials. Despite having to produce a comparatively small variety of products,
the factory still has a giant warehouse for storage. The quality testing a
producing lab is also present. The presence of labor could not be seen so it is
The smell of the paint may be a little disturbance to the surrounding but
most of the waste seems to be managed well and not much harmful ways were
used for production.
Mount Everest Brewery
Mount Everest breweries is of the well-known breweries of Nepal.
Established in 1999, it has come to be a big beer name of the country. The
company produces around 1.5 million cases of beer every month.
A huge factory with no less than a hundred workers all working in their
sectors. Again, the brewery has a clear concept of division of labor and the
variety of levels of labor from unskilled to skilled.
Alcoholic beverage is not already not the best thing to consume and
waste management is hard. However, expired beer is returned to the factory
and is chemically made disposable.
Chaudhary Group (CG)
CG is probably the most well-known brand name of Nepal. Producing goods on
not just a large scale but also on a completely different level, with industries
ranging from the production of a large variety of products.
CG dominates the market for most of the packaged food. It also is the biggest
name for technical products produced in Nepal. When comparing other brands
to CG, they fall short due to the sheer scale of the industry. They are the only
real good exporters of the country. The division of labor is again present over
here. The management of human resource is done in an organized manner.
With an industrial park that produces so much, pollution is a given. Smokes
from the factories do a lot of environmental depletion especially when they
are close by.
In conclusion, the factories and industries we visited were mostly of the
same kind. All of them work on similar principles so had a lot of similarities.
The management in some including CG and Rijal’s were better compared to
the others. All the industries were primary sector. The imports are seen to be
much higher than exports as suggested by the country’s statistics.