Pantao National High School Pantao LIbon Albay LESSON PLAN IN DISASTER READINESS AND RISK REDUCTION Semester: Core Subject: Lesson: Date: Time Allotment: Grade: Second Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Fire Hazards May 23, 2023 120 minutes Grade 12 Fidelity CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate understanding of… Fire hazards and related concepts: 1. Fire triangle 2. Causes of fires 3. Phases of a fire emergency. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learners develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide them on what to do before, during, and after a fire incident. Learning Competencies At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: a) state the positive and negative effects of fire; b) define and identify the components of the fire triangle; and c) recognize elements of fire triangle in different situations. Subject Matter Topic: Fire Hazards Materials: Laptop, TV, PowerPoint Presentation, Manila Paper and Marker, candle, jar, matches/lighter, I. Learning Tasks ROUTINES Prayer Greetings Attendance Checking Classroom Management Motivation: There will be a video presentation that will be shown to the students. After that, the students will enumerate the things that they observed in the video. ACTIVITY This will be a group activity: 1. The learners will be grouped into 5. 2. Each group will be given a certain picture. There will be guide questions that will be given to them. 3. Two representatives will report their outputs in class. ANALYSIS The teacher will ask the following questions based on the students’ activity: 1. What was the picture assigned to your group? 2. Are they destructive? 3. How does it affects our environment? 4. Do you think this has in connection with the human activities? Why? Why not? ABSTRACTION Discussion process on Other Related Geological Hazards. Generalization 1. What are the different other related geological hazards? 2. What is a landslide, sinkhole, and rainfall-induced landslide? 3. How does it affects the slope of the land? 4. How are you going to describe the effects of those hazards to the environment, people and animals? 5. As a student, how are you going to educate the people about the harmful effects of those related hazards? APPLICATION Answer the following questions below. 1. What are geological hazards? 2. What are other related geological hazards? 3. Compare and contrast the rainfall-induced landslide and the natural landslide. 4. Explain the concept of sinkhole. 5. What do you think should be done to avoid these hazards? II. Assessment Each group will prepare a poster showing the different mitigation strategies on how to avoid or prevent the occurrence of these other related geological hazards. Reflection: Reflect on this quotation: “Disaster is like a thief in the night when people are unprepared.” III. Assignment Research on the different Hydro meteorological Hazards. Prepared by: NEZERIE P. CONDE Teacher I IV. Assessment Each group will prepare a poster showing the different mitigation strategies on how to avoid or prevent the occurrence of these other related geological hazards. Reflection: Reflect on this quotation: “Disaster is like a thief in the night when people are unprepared.” V. Assignment Research on the different Hydro meteorological Hazards. Prepared by: NEZERIE P. CONDE Teacher I