Yassin: Good afternoon sons Yassin to Yazan : how are you, yazan? How was your school day? Yazan : ( yazan grunts) it was good nothing important I as Yassin: did you take any homework today Yazan: No No we didn’t take any homework Yassin (Shouting): leave your phone while talking to me Yazan: come on dad leave me alone please I want to finish my game Yassin: are you sure that you finished your homework? Yazan: Yeah sure completely sure )Yassin goes to Talal( Yassin: How are you my son Talal Yassin: How was school today with you? Talal: huh what are you saying, dad? Yassin: leave your phone, leave everything, and talk to me seriously Talal: what do you want dad Yassin: what about your homework? Did you finish it Talal: Yes, of course I finish before half an hour Yassin: can you focus on your studies instead of listening to music all the time Talal: huh Okay dad no problem don’t worry at all I will bring the full mark I’m sure dad Yassin: Promise Talal: I promise you dad don’t worry at all )Yassin goes to loay( Yassin: how are you son? Did you finish your school homework? Loay: yeah sure of course Yassin: can you show me your homework Loay: I didn’t take homework today today dad Yassin: R U Sure son Loay: Yeah of course dad no homework today Yassin goes to Qusai Yassin: how are you my dear son Qusai I know that you are one of the best students in ur class Yassin to Qusai: did u take any homework today Qusai: yeah, I took but I did it at school Yassin: I’m sure that ur gonna take the full marks in the report card Qusai: yes of course dad I assure that ~~~~~~~Best student part Omar borhe: good afternoon my dear sons ,how are u today Borhe to rayan: are u using ur phone today Rayan: no of course I didn’t use it today I have a lot of homework Borhe to ram: what about u my dear son ram? , do u have any problems Ram: no dad everything is going well, I must finish all of my homework before 7 pm Borhe : are u using ur phone now Ram: no father it’s turned off and as I told u I have a lot homework and I want to be on top of my class Borhe: I hope so from u. Go ahead son Borhe: how are my son Ibrahim, how is ur studying Ibrahim; I’m doing so well dad, I’m trying to finish all my homework today Borhe: are u using ur phone Ibrahim to Borhe: no dad it’s time for studying and the phone will distract me from doing all my work Borhe : I hope ur gonna take the full marks in ur report card Ibrahim: yes of course dad it my aim and my goal to make u proud so don’t worry at all Borhe to zaid : how are u my son zaid, how was school today Zaid: it was fine but I have a difficult physics homework and we have an upcoming test next week Borhe to zaid: are u using ur phone today Zaid: phone?! No of course dad I’m not gonna use my phone while I have all that work ahead of me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yassin ( nervously) : hey my sons, what I heard today is that all of the students at the school took their report cards Yassin to yazan: hey yazan did u take ur report card today Yazan: HUH?! No I don’t think we took it at all Yassin(shouting): leave ur phone mr gamer and listen me while I talk to u Yazan: please dad just leave me alone I want to finish the game Yassin(shouting): this phone has been nothin but destroying ur educational level at school and it has been distracting u from everything,WHATS THIS !!PAPER? Is it ur report card Yazan to yassin : I don’t know maybe Yassin: mr gamer u took an F in most of your subjects!!! CAN U TELL ME WHY NOW? Yazan: dad please I studied hard but my luck was not with me this time Yassin ( shouting) : u wasted ur times in playing all these dumb games mr gamer!!! YOUR NEVER GONNA SEE UR PHONE AGAIN Yassin to talal: and what about u mr music Talal: (while ignoring his dad and dancing which the music) What do u want again dad Yassin: I WANT TO SEE UR REPORT CARD NOW !! SHOW IT TO ME Talal: I don’t know where is it Yassin ( shouting) : LEAVE THE PHONE AND THE MUSIC AND LISTEN TO ME Yassin( taking the report card from the book) WHATS THIS HUH??! YOU HAVE FAILED IN 4 SUBJECTS !!!! CAN U TELL ME WHY MR MUSIC talal: no problem dad it’s not the end of the world I can pass after the makeup tests Yassin : BY WASTING UR TIME LISTENING TO MUSIC U WILL NEVER PASS UR TESTS >GIVE me THAT DISTRACTING PHONE AND KEEP STUDYING FOR THE TESTS Talal:PLEASE DAD I CANT LIVE whithout MUSIC PLEASE GIVE IT BACK TO ME Yassin to loay: WHAT ARE U DOING MR BLOGGER loay: I’m live now dad can u leave me alone for a bit Yassin: WHERE IS UR REPORT CARD?! I JUST KNOW THAT IT WILL BE SHAMEFULL LIKE ALL OF UR BROTHERS Loay: ( to the livestream) hey guys sorry for this distraction I’ll come after a couple mins> DAD please can u not disturb me while I’m live Yassin: GIVE ME THAT REPORT CARD OF URS LOAY: sure take it dad but just let me finish my blog Yassin : OH MY GOD!! U HAVE FAILED IN 5 SUBJECTS!!!! WHAT BIG SHAME THAT IS , GIVE ME THAT PHONE THAT IS DISTRACTING U ALWAYS AND GO STUDY FOR THE MAKE UP TEST NOW Now my dear son Qusai. I know that you are different from your brothers. What about your report card? .Qusai: Crying, sorry my dad. My marks are low and I failed in Physics Yassin: What. What are you saying. It’s impossible. I expected from you the .full marks Qusai: Dad, I am affected by my brothers. This year I played games so much. So sorry dad Yassin: Give me that phone. You will not take it until you do the makeup .exam .…………………………………………………………… Omar: good afternoon my dear diligent sons How are you Rayan? Did you take your report card Rayan: Yes dad . I am so happy. I took the full marks in all subjects except biology I took 98 from 100 but I promise you to take the full mark the next time Omar: congratulations my dear son go ahead what gift do you want me to bring to you rayan: I was thinking about an iPhone 14 Omar:okay my dear son no problem tomorrow it will be with you rayan:thanks dad .Omar to ram:and what about your report card my dear son ram Ram: everything is perfect dad I took the full marks in all the subjects look at my report card Omar(holding the report card saying) wow it’s amazing what gift do you want me to bring to you ram: I want more books to read I’m interested in reading Omar: okay son God bless you Omar to Ibrahim: what About you my dear son Ibrahim Ibrahim: my report card is amazing that’s because of your wise instructions to us I got the full marks in all subjects except mathematics I lost 1 mark Omar: I know that you are diligent my dear son which gift would you like .Ibrahim: I want a pc it will help me in my studies omar:okay son no problem after a week I’ll bringing it to you )Now the poem( PHONES ARE A BIG DISTRACTION ALL OF US MUST STAND AND TAKE IMMEADIATE ACTION TO LIVE UP TO OUR FULL POTENTIAL LEAVING THE PHONE IS ESSENTIAL WE NEED TO FOCUS IN CLASS SO ANY CHALLENGE, WE CAN PASS TO GROW UP AND BE GREAT ALL OF OUR CHALLENGES WE WILL ANNIHILATE