EXTERNAL INPUTS INPUTS INTERNAL INPUTS Economic system Product market Labour market Capital productivity Money market Technological changes Political system Legislative action -new legislation -amended existing legislation Legal system Statutory law Common law Implement standard labour legislation Social system Objectives and goals Values Perception Social structures Public opinion THE CONVERSION(Process) THREE PARTIES Two types of agreements Structures, procedures and process for conflict State (SECONDARY PARTY) Goals Conflict Emp Employe loye Powers es and rs trade and unions emp loye (primary parties) r party has its own POV Each Power orga (e.g. employer has a power nisat to appoint and dismiss ion /employee has a power to strike) Objectives (employer want a profit/employee wants a good salary and bonus) Values (employee want to spent more time with family / employer expects more overtime) THE OUTPUT Structures/ Bodies Industrial councils Conciliation bodies Shop steward committee Work Councils Safety committees In-company/ In-house procedures Discipline Grievance Retrenchments Disputes Appeal Processes Collective Bargaining Mediation Arbitration Strikes Lock- outs Work-stoppages Substantive agreements Rights and duties Wages Working condition Fringe benefits Procedural agreements Union recognitions Conflict (breakdown in relationship) Violence Dismissals Loss of union membership Loss of production Closing down