m M chapter CHAPTER 5 ACCRUAL BASIS CASH AND _ cash Purchases _______‘____-_____._________._ Chapter Outline: 5 customers. in Expenses, general Bad debts To $011: WML—m____ 15 T—accounts of retained earnings // SYSIEII] [Hal FBCUgIllLCb received and expenses when cash is paid. \S a l'cvcuuc wuc‘u Luau Com 3 arison of Cash Basis and Items of ‘ I Comarison Sales - 1 Z 0 Cash sales Collection of trade accounts receivable Collection of notes recivlable ‘ Includes 0 Income other when eai ned rather it is incurred Father tthan Accrual Basis Accountin Cash Basis Includes: n 74 1 Accrual BaSis Includes: 0 Cash Sales o Credit sales (Sale account) on; Includes those payable Payment in advance to 0 su - liers lnCIUdeS only thOSe expenses that are paid “in C05“ ' ‘ i items - . I T-account approach “5mg 1m.“ m W112: are: 1usmg T,-account. the procedures P1 0t the gwen data in the T-account 75 ‘ I 0 Cash purchases 0 Purchase on account t i 5. .i‘ Includes those items that are incurred regardless of when aid Depreciation is typically provided. K ,3 t I ‘J ) i’ g 1:, 5 Doubtful accounts treated as bad debts. are I following: 1) Accounts receivable /notes receivables/advances from customers; 2) Allowance for doubtful accounts; 3) Accounts payable / notes payable/ advances to supplier; 4) Merchandise inventory; 5) Property, plant and equipment; 6] Accumulated depreciation; 7) Rent receivable / Unearned rent income; 8) Prepaid rent/Rent payable; 9) Capital; 10) Retained earnings; 11) Net Assets. Gui trade those Payment 0f trade accounts payable Payment of trade notes Includes: T-ACCOUNTS APPROACH In order to compute for the cash payments or collections for certain account, it is suggested that the T~account approach will be used on the 1:: Accrual Basis Accounting It is an accounting SYStem that recognizes revenue when cash is received and recognizes expenses as when cash is paid. ° Cash purchase DepreCIation is typically provided except when the cost of equipment was treated as exense No bad debts expense is recognized since cash basis not does recognlze Eceivables. Although some problem may give an indication that the accounts written off were charged to bad debts ex ense. Depreciation m Lash U‘dSlS 'dCCOUHUllg 0 _ allowance for bad debts 7. T-accounts of payable / advances to suppli accounts payable / notes 8. T—accounts of er“ merchandise inventory 9. T-accounts of property, plant and equipment 10. T-accounts of accumulated depreciation 11. T-accounts of receivable / unearned rent income 12. T-accounts of rent rent/rent payable 13. T-accounts of prepaid 14. T-accounts of capital Cash Basis Accounting Includes the following; 0 “‘ accounting basis 1. Cash . ’ basis accounting accrual baSlS accounting 2. Accrual and basis Comparison of cash 3. approach T-accounts 4. T-account apPrOaCh Guidelines in using 5. receivable / notes receivables / advances fro 6‘ T-accounts of accounts and Accrual Basis 4:; f £ I, g E l i g 'i 3 i- I 5 ? g3 9W / \ W f, ________________’I___ _______ it ng A customers Accounts receivable {Notes receivable trade /Advances from XX XX Balance end AR Beg. balance - AR XX XX Balance end - NR Beg. balance — NR ac coun Recoveries r XX XX XX XX XX XX . XX. Beg- balance - Advances Sales rmums and allowance* Sales discounts Collections including recoveries erteioff X . , , /-————--——\ balance - AR XX I xx XX iicoveries } I l | l Balance end - AR Sales returnsand /WEN Beg account leg on XX I 1 allowance,“ sales discounts Collections includin ‘ grecoveries/ Write-off i 5, l i i Allowance for doubtful accounts E t \. Accounts - written Off Balance end . . XX XX XX XX Beginning balance Doubtful accounts expense XX, RCCOVerieS .. . ,. ._ _ , , . The format of the T-accounts was derived from the following journal 1. To g; record sales on account Accounts receivable cr Sales 2. To record receipt of note from sales on account Notes receivable Sales 3. xx / record sales return from a cus:omer / returns and allowance Accounts receivable t To To ' un the (11560 record collection wrthm Cash ~ r / I; XX 4 XX Sales 4. ;, XX XX L mad P E :‘V 52’ XX 1:1? ‘33:: XX / i? XX Q g‘ 77 ‘ / / T.ACCOUNT: ALLOWANCE FOR DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS l Accounts receivable [/Qf t Accounts receivable Sales discount 76 . CCOUNT: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE T—A — k alloy/yam:ct entries: T-ACCOUNT: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, NOTES RECEIVABLE AND ADVANCES FROM SUPPLIER Balance end - Advances Sales on account and S . If the ‘I ‘ roccivwble ’ c an d adVan from are no notes ces When tthoefrtehe Account receivable is: Customers, the T. . collections from customers. 5 I 005k ( rfcciva For example, let's use T-account ofaccounts receivable, notes receivable a "d advances from supplier below. The same procedures are to be applied when computing for the collections from customers. Get the sum of the debits [this includes the beginning balances of the accounts and notes receivable, balance end of the advances from customers and recoveries and sales on account) and deduct the sum of the credits (this is the total of the balance end of the accounts and notes receivable, beginning balance of the advances from customer sales returns and allowance, sales discounts and accounts written off]. The difference is the squeezed figure in the credit side which is the total amount of cash and Accrual Basis sales returns and mgaltal‘e deducted from the aCcougt-w custB—mcr, it should not be included inatfies arise from cash lawn files. ‘3 t-account of the To facilitate computation, the beginning balance iS Placed m the n9rmal balance of an account and the ending balance will be at the Other S'de of its normal balana? (e.g- the normal balance 0fthe aCCOU”ts .recewable is debit so the beginning balance will be placed at the debit Side while the ending balance will be placed at the credit side.) ‘ 3. Compute the total debit and the total credit. 4. The difference between the total debit and the total credit is th 6 squeezed figure. When computing for sales on account, plot the given data on the T-account get the sum of the credits (this is the total of the balance end of the accounts. and notes receivable, beginning balance of the advances from customer sales returns and allowance, sales discounts and collection and accounts written off) then deduct the sum of the debits (this includes the beginnin balances of the accounts and notes receivable, balance end of the advance: from customers and recoveries). The difference is the squeezed figure in the debit side which is the sales on account. r - ’ only those *mcludidreceivable. 2. \. 5 / 5 , l l l Chapter 5 i 6' To record XX Accounts receivable accounts Allowancrz for doubtful ? E accounts record collection of 3 ‘ xx customers advances receivedfrom To record 8. l «’/ Cosh Advances from customers 1 xx ~ advances goods to customers with To record delivery of xx 7 Advances from customers 9. g Sales F To H). of during the year record the provision for bad debts Bad debts xx ' 500,000- 547,000 4,000 865,000 865,000 th Balance end AR Balance end » NR Beg. balance Sales ret. and Advances allowance Sales discounts Collections including — recoveries Write-off W ii E. I . 1. . Year: xx for do”btful accounts-Ia!nuary 1 ' doubthI acco untS-December 31 5 for Ilowance 30.000 the nts 000 written; off accou durmg f current collectible year ' ts Un A L000 . p reViOUSIY Wnttend 0f Recoveries ofaCCOun nt te bts for the total bad e - d; Comp” expense during the curre Requ're AIIOWan cc xx year: Advances from customers - December 31 Sales returns and allowance Sales discounts Uncollectible accounts written off during the current year Recoveries of accounts previously written off Sales - accrual basis . “[ustrationl .11 Complxzrt'grzported by Helium Company during data the current The f0 How1 g Illustration: Computation of Collections Hydrogen Company during the current The following data were reported by 1 , Total ‘ example sales on account, the Observe that in the journal entries, for T-account of the accounts accounts receivable is debited, so in the receivable, that same amount is also debited Accounts receivable - January 1 Accounts receivable ~ December 31 Notes receivable - January 1 Notes receivable - December 31 Advances from customers — January N. " trade/Adm" 150,000 120,000 40,000 3,000 1,000 xx Note: ~/ - dvances Sales Recoveries XX Allowance for bad debts 100,000 210,000 55,000 - GER R end - A Balanon account previously written off Accounts receivable E balance XX . ‘ ivabug/Notes receivable ‘ Beg, balance Beg. C6 XX To Cash 7. i : n: ucl b l5 1 xx rc—cstublishment of accounts previously written r5ebabua'w’m”'uu. . written 0/7 accounts To record accounts doubtful Allowance for Accounts receivable 5_ 5 E :Eesle'lgjcggatw te 100,000 150,000 210.000 120,000 40.000 55.000 3000 1,000 4,000 500,000 Required: Determine the gross sales under the cash basis of accounting year-7 Solution: \ Allowance for bad debts Ending balance Write-off 30,000 5,000 20,000 14,000 1,000 5 1": Beginning balance Bad debts expense Recoveries i i x 4 PAYABLE, NOTES PAYABLE AND ADVANCES T0 SUPPLIER T-ACCOUNT: ACCOUNTS Accounts Pazable {Notes Paxable TradelAdvances to SuBElier Payments PUrChase returns and allow. PurChase Beg. discount balance - Advances Balance end Balance 0nd _ XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX _ Beg. balance - AP Beg- balance ' NP 79 [3 f ‘ Balance and Advances Purchases i‘: I“ ‘/’,/ _ 78 {V 't. I V, ,, I 92:;th and advances t notes payable are no there When 0 payable is: Account of the PAYABLE TRADE T-ACCOUNT: Suppliers the T-acc0u ACCOUNTS ‘ xx xx and allow. Purchase returns Purchase discounts Balance J AD GDd'AP ‘ ,, _‘ ‘ The 1. ’_"‘ IL - = N To XX Purchases XX XX Notes payable To record return 3. of merchandise to supplier XX Purchase returns and allowances 4. To record payment within the discount period. XX Accounts payable Purchase discount XX XX Cash To record advances to suppliers hH Advances to suppliers XX xx Cash 6. To record receipt ofgoods from Purchases Advances to suppliers suppliers arising from advances XX AM» XX T-ACCOUNT: MERCHANDISE INVENTORY 7, _ Merchandise lnvento Beg. Balance Net Purchases Total XX XX AA XX '1 : XX AA 80 Balance end Cost 0r LOSI Of bales Sales Less: Cost of sales computed as follow5;=== Net purchases is TX xx Gross purchases XX Freight-in Add; discount XX Purchase Less: allowance Purchase xx Purchase returns Net Purchases presented is applicable to finished goods inventory of The T-account merchandising company. Kindly refer to Chapter 12 inventories for discussion of T—accounts of the Work-in-Process and Raw Materials: / Tor Illustration: Computation of Purchases following data were reported by Lithium The year: XX Accounts payable 6 ‘ XX account record issuance of note for purchase on _ *XT H c_ll_...:..n :nnrnnl nnfrincfrom the following journal entries: T-accounts were derived To I entries, it follows m , . account record purchase on I ‘ 7% Accounts payable 5. / , Purchases 2. m XX . Total ,, '“ 3 following form” the computation ofthe Co StofSales; xx Merchandise inventory, beginning purchases XX Add; Net for available sale TOT Total goods Merchandise inventory, end XX \ Accounts Pa able Trade balance AP Burchases [gross] xx xx peg. xx Payments s: got?“ using this T—account, aside frOm the joum w “WWW rflfl/ ___.—I Company during the current 100,000 150,000 210,000 120,000 40,000 55,000 3.000 1,000 500,000 Accounts payable - lanuary 1 Accounts payable — December 31 Notes payable - January 1 Notes payable - December 31 Advances to suppliers Ianuary 1 Advances to suppliers - December 31 Purchase returns and allowance Purchase discounts Payment — under the Required: Determine the gross purchases / accounting. Accounts Pa able Payments Purchase ret. and allow. Purchase discount Beg. balance - Advances Balance end - AP Balance end - NP / / / ’ accrual basis of YMW, Advances to Su hers Notes Pa able balance ' AP 100,000 Beg500,000 balance— N: es) 210,000 Beg. 3,000 end - Aos‘snc Balance 55,000 1,000 Purchases (gr 40,000 {9,000 150,000 120,000 81 \ _ W y . 1"] ; 11125531221; year: nts ring the CUrrEn Cost of Sales Com utation of t Beryllium Company d” reported by datapwere ayable-Ianuary 100 I 000 1 December 31 2:231:15 Sayable January Merchandise inventory 1 120'000 3’000 1,000 500,000 20,000 Dec- 31 Merchandise inventoI'Y‘ allowance Purchase returns and Purchase discounts ' Paymem : .ACCOUNT A D DEP I/w———«-v~-~*---—-—--——~—~~~.~._.JEE951§on Accum. Solution: Notes Pa able NP Accounts Pa able AP 100,000 Beg. balance - AP 500,000 Payments NP 3,000 - Beg. balance Purchase ret and allow. (gross) Purchases 554,000 1,000 Purchase discount 150,000 Balance end - AP Balance 6nd,, W 210,000 570,000 120,000 660,000 Computation of the net purchases: purchases on account Ending balance Cost ofsales 554,000 on nnn Ithuuu 3,000 11011 570,000 D Total Less: Purchase returns and allowances Purchase discount Net purchases T-ACCOUNT: PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT ! Prnnertz, Plant, and Equipment Hag:nr»irr.;{k,gnanccv-~-~. _ a -r (105101 UM f)? ix’YJEt qunirml X] [NEH I 2mmdefémfi’fiyéa, ‘ BuI/gmU: (-1.” :IV 82 'I. Be / ,, , ., .,,,XX 1“ "M m“ gmmng balance xx . ‘1 f,, 1 L xx Do . . r 1'. PPE Cash 2 I 3 . T-accounts were derived from the fou - Journal entries: owmg acquisition of cash PPE record To To XX | w XX ' . record derecognition (cg. sale, do nation, retirementggofppg cash Accumulated depreciation Loss on sale or Gain on sale x); xx XX XX illustration: Computation of Cost of Machine Acquired and Sold information in relation to its property, Boron Co. provided you the following account: equipment plant, and 01/01[16 Merchandise lnvento Beginning balance Net urchases XX PPE /_____—__——— V, * L ; \ - Balance end - NP degreciation of asset derecogmzed Cash purchases accounting? ww- 1‘ The 1, under the accrual basis of total cost of sales Required. How much is the CCUMULARH” Machinery Accumulated depreciation P135000 50,000 12[31[1_6__ P150000 45,000 Additional information: a) Depreciation is 10% per annum. As a company policy, newly acquired of purchase and no assets are depreciated for a whole year at the year year of'disposal. depreciation is provided for assets disposed at the value b) At the start of the year, a fully depreCiated machine without scrap acquired. machine was was sold for P5,000, at the same date, a new following: Required: Based on above data, answer the acquired? How much is the cost of the machine 50W 2) How much is the historical cost of the machine 1) SOLUTION: Machiner Beginning balance c0“ of asset act uired Total 135,000 20,000 35,000 150.000 170,000 170,000 83 C(istofznsset den-609.“Zed Balance end Accumulated depreciation of asset derecognized Balance end 50.000 15,000 20,000 45,000 Beginning balance Depreciation expms 3 (150,000 x 10%) 65,000 65,000 {Unearned rent income Rent receivable Balance end — Rent rece- Beg. balance — balance end — I XX Unearned rent XX XX Beg. balance Unearnediaeble 560,000 60,000 500,000 Total 710.000 710,000 following journal entries: Prepaid RentzRent Bazable Ce — Prepaid bCadZIlld — Accrued N 0 te: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 2. 3. XX Prepaid rent/ Rent payable . . ‘ xx ~. To record adjusting entry for the expired portion of rent XX XX XX of rent expense XX XX Illustration: Computation of Rent Expense The following data were reported by Nitrogen Illustration: Computation of Rent Income The following data were reported by Carbon Company during the current year: 100,000 150,000 60,000 50,000 500,000 Required: How much is the total rent income under the accrual basis To record accrual XX Rent expense Rent payable To record accrual of rent receivable Rent receivable-lanuary 1 Rent receivable-December 31 Unearned rent income - January 1 Uneamed rent income - December 31 Collection of rent .. a payable. This T-account is also applicable to prepaid salaries/salaries ‘ Rent expense Prepaid rent XX Rent receivable Rent income a. Cash of the rent income Unearned rent income Rent income : Balance end — Prepaid aaset Beg. balance — Accrued llab. Expense , h T—accounts were derived from the following journal entries: To record payment of rent in advance XX Ie XX Unearned rent income / Rent receivable accounting? asset liab. 12L—————————___________ I Cash _ Beg. balance - URI Collections T_ACCOUNT: PREPAID RENT / RENT PAYABLE l The T-accounts were derived from the To record collection of rent 1. 3. Unearned Rent income URI 150,000 Balance end RR 100,000 50,000 Ea'filems receivable/unearned interest applicable to interest This T-account is also receivable/unearned royalty income and other deferred income, royalty assets. To record adjusting entry - RR , Rent income Beg. — ______— 2. Cash and Accrual Basis Beginning balance Balance end - URI RENT INCOME RECEIVABLE / UNEARNED RENT T-ACCOUNT: XX — Rent Receivable RR \\ Total Rent receivable WIII-fix.“ Chapter 5 reciation Accumulated De year: Prepaid Rent - January 1 Prepaid Rent - December 31 Rent payable - January 1 Rent payable - December 31 Payment of rent Requh‘ed: of Company during the current 100,000 150,000 60,000 50,000 500,000 accrual expense under the How much is the total rent i 1 i b23515 of E e ‘f i. s accounting? i 5 w RentPa able RP Rent PR Pre aid 100,000 Beginningbalanca~PR 50,000 500,000 Balunceend—RP mentol‘rent 650,000 Solution: [)a Total T-ACCOUNT: if Balance end_PR 150,000 60.000 T-ACCOUNT: RETAINED EARNINGS , Beg. balance_RP 650,000 V W, XX] XX .VA inventories or other withdrew merchandise 2, n owner debited to an amoum equaloh Note: When the account should be drawings the cash assets, the merchandise or “OM l0 of value selling price or fair the cost, not the ash asset withdrawn. l ‘aiita 2. XX I To record withdrawal by the 3. Cash xx 3. or any other appropriate account To close the drawing account to 4. XX net income to capital account Income summary To close the Capital 5. To close the net loss to E 9. e; g. ‘r E i 1 3 ¢ i i XX XX To close net loss to retained earnings / / XX XX Capital -]anuary1 Capital - December 31 Cost of merchandise withdrawn by Oxygen Sales value of merchandise withdrawn by Oxygen Principal amount of Notes payable paid by Oxygen with her personal checking account No. of months on the notes payable also paid by Oxygen Interest rate of notes payable paid by Oxygen xx XX Drawings XX / E Illustration: Computation of Net Income or Loss . The following data were reported by Oxygen Company during the current year: XX capital Capital ” / : To close net income to retained earnings Retained earnings Income summary owner Drawings ‘ Prior perfiiyoddezl'x: Net income : To record Cash ‘ ML BLrigmnm ' ' I b! Income summary Retained earnings journal entries; derived from the following 'l‘he 'F-ziccounts were investment made by the owner 1. ,, , XX XX XX I The T-accounts were derived from the following journal entries: To record declaration ofdiw'dends 1. Retained earnings XX Dividends payable (cash, stocks, property, etc.) XX . M I] A“ Balance and Prior period error Dividends declared Netlosfi ,, XX , XX XX Total Begmnjng balance lel ~m‘uw mm— end Balance i ’ CAPITW W' Wunurdwg. lUldl '2 ' l ’ Retained earnings Rent ex enSe 440,000 I C XX XX Required: How much 100,000 400,000 60,000 80,000 200,000 6 12% is the Net income (or loss) during the year? capital account Capital Income summary Balance end Withdrawal at cost Net loss Total , L'a ital 400,000 I 100,000 212,000 60,000 148,000 460,000 460,000 Beginning balance Additional investment Net income i I l i 9 5 ,r 'r [ ? “Sm, F 86 87 l w’ Chapter 5 — Accrual Basns Cash and T-ACCOUNT: NET , V r i ASSETS Statement of _ increase 1.” la l Decreasemaft-aims Dividends declared / , : Net Assets Financial Position xx xx DecreaSe in asset ' IncreaSe in liabilities r XX xx xx XX / Increase in share ca pital xx XX Increase 1n share premi Illustration: Computation of Net Income or Loss \ Changes in the accounts of Neon Co. for 2016 are as follows: ~ Cash _ w ¥ XX,“ Net "’55 Accounts receivable Allowance for bad debts Merchandise inventory Investment in associate Property, plant and equipment Accumulated depreciation Notes payable Bonds payable Discount on bonds payable / Ordinary share capital Share premium r_ W Net. income, < Note: ' , . _ J This T-account follows the ba51c rule In making )ournal enny th its normal balance while it is decreasatfi account is increased through normal balance, for example increase in as eds, the other side of the deeresett 4 balance of an asset while debited which is the normal normal balance. of credited which is at other side the Illustration: Computation of Net Income or Loss Company for the current year Changes in the accounts of Fluorine follows: Total Assets Total liabilities Share capital Share Premium Retained earnings Jan. 1 , 2,000,000 800,000 1,500,000 450,000 7 Dec. 31 3,000,000 1,100,000 asel a g 093 6 / ' . OJ fie % capiti' currrent ysar,dthe company issued 80,000, P10 par per 5 are- ivi ends paid on December 31 the Current yea] 0f amounted to P750000. fDourilnlgsthe . . . . . Decrease in liabilities . . DiVidends declared Net loss Total . - 300,000 75 0,000 / 800,000 _ - ' . .5" 400.000 250,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 800,000 12/ 2,600,000 / (2,800,000) [600,000] / 3,900,000 200,000 2,600,000 320,000 ‘ Solution: \ Net Assets SFP - Increase in asset (Cash Net Assets SFP - Decrease in asse 2_400,000 / Solution: 1,000,000 m" 3000300 Required: Compute for the net loss during the year. Required: How much is the net income (or loss) during the year? Increase in asset (3 M2M) " Additional information: o On December 31, 2016, Neon Co. declared Cash dividends amounting to P500000 and share dividends amounting to P800000. Also during the year, the company appropriatedytained earnings for the retirement of ' bonds amounting to P100,000. paid off and P2,000,000 of loan bank 0 obtained a Neon year, During the lnterest of 0F?100,000. interest and P1,600,000 of amortization loan interest no was There 2016. 31, December on accrued is P180000 payable at the end of 2015. In 2016, Neon Company acquired treasury gm, 5* shares from its existing shareholders. reas duo 7 é 1102 / Revaluation surplus Treasury shares (g0 / / Lucrease 1.0951359) 500,000 (4.600300) (460,000) . 4,800,000 5,760,000 to PPE) t Decrease in liabilities Dividends declared - Increase in liabilities (1.1M_800’000) ' Share Cal"Ital Increase m (80,000 x 10) Increase in share premium (80,000 x 5) Net income caSh Treasury shares N“ 1055 . — ‘ ( 500,000 320,000 1,100,000 400,000 3,900,000 200,000 2,600,000 400,000 180,000 __T0tal , 7,680,000 7,680,000 89 88 I H Decrease in asset Increase in NP, Net value ofBP (2.6M2.8M+600,000) increase in share capital increase in share premium Increase in reval'n surplus lncrease in loans payable [2M — 1.6M) lncrease in int. 3 able ' / We» My fl’h" ‘VH N—h‘w'fiwfl' -"""‘"""”“"“"“~‘-‘“MAJ-v4.2. 4_.A_4 __,_‘{W_._W‘V“ MM _ VL ‘ '12“ ________.__,_2_____'. 5= REV‘. , Chapter ' Computation of Sales Company during the Current y were reported by Franz e The following data PROBLEM 5-1 January 1 Accounts receivable December 31 receivable Accounts January 1 Notes receivable December 31 reCeivable Notes January 1 Advances from customers December 31 customers — Advances from allowance Sales returns and ' 180,000 240,000 V 1 170,000 55,000 40.000 — - ' . .000 Sales discounts , 3:000 600 00. Determine the gross sales under the cash basis ofaccounting P666,000\ b. P668,000 I . PROBLEM 5-5 Computation of Income Other Than Sales The following data were reported by Chaste Company during the current year: 0 c. 19696300 PROBLEM 5-2 Computation of Bad Debts The following data were reported by Azul Company during the current year, Allowance for doubtful accounts—January 1 Allowance for doubtful accounts-December 31 Uncollectible accounts written off during the current year Recoveries of accounts previously written off p 25 000 How much is the total rent income under the agrual basis ofaccounting? C. P800,000 P650,000 a. d. P970,000 b. P770,000 40’000 8,000 2:000 How much is the total bad debts expense during the current year? c. P21,000 \_ P9,000 a. d. P23,000 b. P15,000 PROBLEM 5-6 Computation of Expenses in General The following data were reported by Chessy Company during the current year: PROBLEM 5-3 Computation of Purchases 200,000 250,000 400,000 2100.000 50,000 68,000 6,000 3,000 800,000 P \ Determine the gross purchases under the accrual basis ofaccounting 21. P651000 c. P687,000 b. 13654000 d_ p678,000 200,000 250,000 80,000 65,000 850,000 Prepaid Rent - January 1 Prepaid Rent - December 31 Rent payable - January 1 Rent payable - December 31 Payment of rent The following data were reported by Sipag Company during the current year: — 200,000 250,000 90,000 30,000 660,000 Rent receivable-January 1 Rent receivable-December 31 Unearned rent income - January 1 Unearned rent income - December 31 ' Collection ofrent d. P699,000 Aceounts payable - January 1 Accounts payable December 31 Notes payable - January 1 Notes payable - December 31 Advances to suppliers ~1anuary 1 Advances to suppliers - December 31 Purchase returns and allowance Purchase discounts Payment fi" 4 How much is the total cost of sales under the accrual basis of accounting? C. P1,040,000 P859,000 3. d. P1,049,000 . b., 191,050,000 \_ 2'000 Sales - accrual basis a. FROBLEM 5-4 Computation of Cost of Sales The following data were reported by Haste Company during the current year: 200,000 Accounts payable January 1 250,000 Accounts payable - December 31 Merchandise inventory - January 1 400,000 Merchandise inventory — Dec. 31 210,000 6,000 Purchase returns and allowance 3000 Purchase discounts Payment ' 800,000 10,000 Cash purchases , 4,000 the current year Uncollectible accounts written off during off written Recoveries of accounts previously 5 — Cash and Accrual Basis — an P 200 ' . I ‘ 'A CHAPTER [VIM (19:57.13: r How much is the total rent expense under the accrual basis ofaccounting? a. P785,000 c. P850.000 b. P820,000 d. P915,000 '\ I PROBLEM 5-7 Computation of Cost ofMachine Acquired and Sold Phosphorus Co. provided you the following information in relation to its Property, plant, and equipment account: End Beginning . -'. _ Equ1pment Accumulated depreciation 100,000 15,000 120,000 18,000 - 91 90 ,';5 Chapter 5 a) b) — Cash and Accrual Basis W f . Depreciation is 15% per annumAt the Start Of the year: Phosphorus C0"achIred a.“ eqmpment same time disposed of an equxpment With a carrying amount a“dah of P250“: accumulated depreciation of P15,000 for P35,000. 5 ~ "7 Questions: 1. ' How much is the cost of the machine disposed? c. P120,000 a. P60,000 b_ d. P40,000 [3160,000 b- \ 2. \\ i 12/31/16 12/31/15 6,000 3,700 61,500 550,000 40,000 14500 53,000 415,000 2 5,000 items: Additional dam: Accounts receivable written off Cash received from customers Cash paid to creditors Sales discounts Sales returns and allowances :urcgase discounts ~ P 41,500 123,500 481,000 1,980,000 Sales Questions; Based on the above data, answer the following: 1. How much IS the insurance expense on the income statement for 2016? a. b. P40,000 _ 2. , ' 3. C2; iiifggrfrrim tenants d. P55,000 p ‘ Questions: questions: Based on the above data, answer the following 1. What is the amount of gross sales? c. 4,210,000 4,110,000 a. 4'160'000 d' 4’260'000\ How much 15 the interest reVEnue on the income statement for 2016? P90,500. C. P117500. b. P112,700. m d. P156500. How much is the salary expense on the income statement for 2016? a. P366,500_ C_ 13489500$ b. P472500. d. 9595,500 No uncollectible accounts 2. were written off during 2016. Had the cash bag. of accounting been used instead, how much would have been reported; receipts for 2016? it: ‘ ' 400,000 Interest , 4. 10,000 4,200,000 2,800,000 30,000 20,000 C. a. Cl P1383000 d. P2,115,000 b' What is the amount of gross purchases? c. 2,600,000 3,000,000 :1). . 3,050,000 . ,650 ,00 0 \ d 2 What IS the amount of the cost of sales for the year? . 3. i:- I:g. . balances have been excerpted from Chlorine's Statement of The following for the year 2016: Position Financial P100000 Accounts receivable, decrease 25.000 Merchandise inventory, decrease 200,000 decrease Accounts payable, 100,000 Notes receivable-trade, increase 14,000 Rental receivables, increase 40,000 decrease income, Unearned rental 5.500 decrease interest, Prepaid 8500 IntereSt payable, Increase 7,500 Sulfur Com p an y rep0 rte d th e fo ll owmg ' d urmg ' 2 016 the followmg ‘ Insurance premiums paid Interest collected Salaries paid \ PROBLEM 5-9 The following balances have been excerpted from Sulfur’s statement Off maml Posmon: Prepaid Insurance Interest Receivable Salaries Payable Accounts receivable Allowance for bad debts recovered Assuming that the company wrote-off P25,000 and subsequently much how instead, used accounting been of basis p20,000. Had the cash 2016? receipts for as reported been would have “£25,000 c_ p1I390'000 a_ d. P1,905,000 P1,840,000 b. PROBLEM 5-8 J \ 6. How much is the cost of the machine acquired? P60,000 a. 6- P120.000 d. P40,000 b. P160,000 5.. Assuming that the company wrote-off P25,000. Had the cash basis of accounting been used instead, how much would have been reported as receipts for 20167 a. Ellingooo P1,820,000 a, P1343000 ' ’ 8 ’000 c. 2.673000 §:2251000\ 75,000 (1. . 93 2,725,000 (. I Chapter 1 5 — BaSIS Cash and Accrual rePOrt for the year, Mental revenue should the company What amount a, 454,000 b. 426,000 \‘ ‘ ' 222%?) 5' ' report for the year? company expense should the How much interest 103,000 1 5 ' i)‘ . 86 000 c. 97'000 , (1. January 1 200'000 , Accounts receivable NotIes receiva M e C, :ielVCd {ralllncfgorilclgs urns an a v c . 300 I 000 _ Si: 15031352”? Account1 5811:)?“er 5,1303 200 0 ' 00 50,000 100,000 6 NoteSpa} able p p:::h::: 3:353:55“ allowances Payments to suppliers Accrued rem receivable unearned rent income Collection ofrent prepaid salaries Accrued salaries payable payment “salaries 70 000 80'000 ' 100 000 75.000 ' ‘ . QUCSUOHS: Determine the following: 1. The Gross Sales for the year 2016. 1,000,000 : . 2_ b. 6501000 600,000 :1. The Gross income fort a. b, 4. 1,030,000 The net purchases for the year 2016' 3' 3. c, 970,000 d. 1,240,000 300 000 350’000 he 550 500,00?) Year 2016- " C- d~ 270,000 320000 , 00 b. 300 ' 000 d- c. 460,000 d. 500,000 . “l I I mm” StatememS D °C- 31 250 ,000 100000 1,120,000 20 , 00 0 10000 100:000 25,000 75,000 40,000 6&0'000 40'000 0’000 40'000 4801000 125,000 50'000 350'000 é P : I I l . | Additional information: o Collections from customers included customer’s deposit of P80,000 ol which P20,000 selling price ofgoods were already shipped and received by the customer. The shipment of goods was not recorded by the company although the cost of merchandise was properly excluded in the count. . Collections from customers also included P30,000 payment from customer of accounts receivable in which a check dated January 15, 2017 was received. - Collections also included recovery of accounts previously written off amounting to 138.000included in the payment to trade creditors was a check drawn and recorded 0 by the company to the supplier in December 2016 amounting to P20,000 which was delivered to the payee on Ianuary 10, 2017. the company did not record payment to supplier amounting to - Also P30'000' | i I I i "l i: | ii ‘I II ll QuesuonS: Determine the accrual balance ofthe following as ofDecember 31, 2016: 1. . c. 350,%%% 450' “AM have Egon excerpted from Potassium’s Statement of The {01lowmg balzfancels 16: . ' 1Position ortieyear January 1 DCC' 31 . 200,000 300,000 Accounts receivable 20,000 30,000 Allowance for bad debts 380,000 330,000 Merchandise inventory 100,000 150,000 . Accounts payable 50,000 Accounts receivable written off 1,498,000 customers from received Cash creditors 1 200 000 . , Cash pal-dt O trade 20,000 discounts Sales 10,000 Purchase returns 80.000 70.000 receivables Rental 35,000 60,000 Rental payable 120,000 tenants Cash received from Theiglggies expense for the year 2016. 3' - “(0131301541 7 - income for the year 2010. The rent a, 470.000 490,000 1), 114,000.\ PROBLEM 5-10 - u r have been excerpted from Argon's financial gift?“o:vttgbol;2lanccs In ytdl W "" ll 2. Net Sales a. 1,400,000 1'550'000 b' 55 i! fl | 1,470,000 d' 1'570'000 c. Net Purchases 1,130,000 b. 1,160,000 all 1: :Fl 55! c. 1,140,000 d. 1,170,000 a. _a! 15 'r. I' g I ‘I u'. , I. o'. 94 95 . Chapter 5 3, b. 5. ofsales 1,180,000 1,210,000 C. b. Bad debts expense ' 5) of 1, d. ' d. 00 233‘” 12,000 c- 2_ Comprehensive PROBLEM 5-12 basis. The balance sheet 0 December statements on the cash Calcium prepares n the year 2016 are as follows; income statement for 31, 2016 and Statement of Financial Position: 1,500,000 '7 r'nn nnn “35" 3. Balance, January Add: Net income Total 5. Income Statement: 5'000'000 7. 1,200,000 800,000 750,000 You decided that the statements should be you assemble the prepared on the accrual basis and information below: The furniture and equipment were acquired on July 1, 2015. The estimated life is 10 years. The 12% Promissory note is 2) Year” were“ is PaYable on the datedated April 1, 2016 and matures in one of maturity. 3) Accounts receivable: 1) , 2 l 4) : . 32::2lger311016 "3112015 AC “mad rent on 750,000 500,000 [/Tf‘ \\ 2,400,000 d. 2,200,000 c. Noncurrent asset 2,125,000 3. b. 2,225,000 C. (1. Total Asset 2,600,000 2,200,000 2,400,000 4,800,000 d. 4,600,000 4,625,000 4,525,000 c. Current liabilities 1,000,000 a. b. 1,090,000 ' c. (1. Total Owner's equity 1,190,000 1,200,000 ; F 3,610,000 d. 3,400,000 3,625,000 3,435,000 c. 5 PROBLEM 5-13 Comprehensive financial statements of JULIE ANN You are engaged in the audit of the The following information Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2016. was prepared by the bookkeeper. receipts: Collection on accounts receivable Less: Cash discounts taken Cash sales of merchandise Sale of warehouse equipment Insurance proceeds from boiler explosion Sale ofland on November 3 Cash Cash December 31, 2016, 13100000. 96 c. Current Asset 2,500,000 b. 2,300,000 b. 2,750,000 2,250,000 a I d. 2,210,000 a. Expenses: ' 2,010,000 b. Total Rent Supplies Other operating expenses Netincome I ] b alance Net income a. 6. Professional fees ' 3_ 1,600,000 2,250,000 3,850,000 1 - V~\\-\ 250,000 300.000 The Professional fees 5,000,000 a. 5,250,000 b. b. 1,000,000 Capital: Cash and Accrual Basis 9 supplles unuse OffiCDecember 31, 2016 December 31. 2015 aI 4. Note payable — Questions: above and the result of . audlt, determine the accru Based on the as of December 31' 203;?” following the 145,000 c. 135,000 130,000 155,000 2' 1,490,000 1,220,000 d. Rentlncome a. Chap ter 5 Accrual Basis Cost 3. 4. r Cash and a" at P1,513,000 13,000 I 2 _ P15001000 160'000 12'000 42'000 20‘000 l: i' disbursements: : Payments to trade creditors General and administrative expenses I ' 97 f. . [II/"w" .0: A” 929329.19?” 3"" “We” % Cash Bas's x—x ’ mers merchandise warranty contracts on May 1 Purchase of land November 10 purchase on pter Accounts receivable P inventory admin. Expenses Prepaid gen. and Expenses gen. and admin. expenses Total Operating p 146 b. 7' 0 .000 8- 3.000 Gain 9- 5 10, b. 2. Cash 3. 4. co P12341100 h. P1,178,000 P1,522,000 c. P1,682,000 d. P1,349,000 C~ ." 5 ‘1 a, F3000 gain 136,000 1055' C- P14,000 gam d- / /‘ ACE:“m8 payable a ' (1. I - “2'000 1 gain 1347.400 740,000 100,000 x z' i '5: \ n . 30.000 'J l, .7 518,000 200,000 and there h fi 200,000 220,000 180,000 99 _ 5 400,000 are also available: \ 1 I ‘ c. P35,400 lecemble :4???“ “‘59 i“ventory .. ? 13283001055 12/31/2016 P1,174,000 d. P1.358,000 c. _/ i! receipts: The following data 98 A or loss as a result ofjanuary 15, explosion. (“the sales 0“ account, P10,000 was returned because of poor quality return of P8,000. ’4 K 9 d' P12,000 gain was a Purchase c. P1,298,000 d. P1,354.000 P1.350,000 P1,230,000 p16,0001055 (1 Nil [)5'0001055 P13,000 '055 Cost of Sales 3‘ b. P295200 . Total purchases a. ' Cash disbursements: Purchase ofland and building on April 1, 2016 Full payment of furniture and fixtures purchased on July 1, 2016. On accounts payable and administrative expenses Selling expenses d. P1,362,000 P1,522,000 P1,509,000 6- P211200 P204300 Collection on sale on account Cash Sales 2016 and due Proceeds of a note payable dated Oct b 0 er 1’ October 1, 2018, discounted at 18% Net Sales b. 3. P1,S35,000 P1,695,000 P4,000 33‘“ P4300 loss Netilrlcome 955,400 b, P61,800 Cit Gross sales a. "1+- pROBLEM 5-14 Comprehensive in your second annu engaged . daglvixammaunn of the financial You have been The Co. following Scandlum PmVlded to you by the statements of ere company accountant: Questions: adjusted balances of the following Based on the above information, compute the accounts as of December 31, 2016: J (1. a_ 2016. 1. a. b. .5 I a. b. V f ' sale of warehouse equipment Gain or loss on (8,400 -' ’ 2016 and Was used as a Storage facili Land was purchased on Mav 1 this purpose and “’35 501d on Novembgr for unsuitable be to was found a. b. 00 190' P291200 sale of land Gain or [055 on .v e explosion. 5] d. 24,000 Accrued 4 10,000 Accounts payable z) Depreciation for 2016was meson. acquired in 2009 3] equipment sold during 2016 was ata Cost The warehouse method of depreciation wa double—declining and "Fed The of P25,000. P16,000 at date of sale, If the S: raight—line accumulated charges were the accumulated depreciation at date f Sale Wou|d method had been used, 0 have been P10i000. 4) occurred on January 15, 2016 in which a b ‘1 er' not the An explosion 01 dest building. was completely It was depreciatiODFSVYed. structural component of a P48,000, of cost chrde gughased inhlalnuary 2008 at a had accumulated at theasdate of th: straig t— ine method and P20.000 I C- 16.000 W Ls ‘ P2040008 1220720 b. information: ledger: Supplementary were taken from the general 1) account balances 12¢;ng following ‘ December The 124,000 186,000 9,600 7,000 382,000 3 5' 6,400 Co. stock Drum shares of Tommy Cash and Accrual Basis 5 and 120,000 purchases of made on , chap/f“? admlnlStrath 12/31/2015 150,000 190,000 230,000 1: 5: I, _ 3 pter 5 40,000 30,000 expenses . Accrued rent allocated to the and buildin Land the purchase price of is 0f the total depreciation is 5% on the building andgl’o‘f;% the fumlture an d Land. Annual on fixtures. O de The Depreciation gross profit P200,000 are 40% of amount. expenses of expense administrative Selling preciafiOn part of the expenses are to be administratiVe expenses. There are no UH pald Selimg total ofthe 31. expense is 20% of December administrative expenses as 2. d. c. 528,000 d. 520,000 I 3. Payment ofaccounts payable 462,000 3. b. 470,000 478,000 d. 486,000 4. 5. 6. c. e: f. ' , 40000 . ed made on March 31, 108n em The -bank 2016. A note of paym umng ' ° - interest and principal on March 31,$331571?“ . Fetirest rate IS 12/3 furniture were purchased 'llPhe equipments: on January 2016. and useful life- of 10 years Wlth “0 anuclp‘Eited ‘3 estima have an salvage per year Is p4,000. value- DEPT.eciation at the end 0 fthe y earrecost P100000or; hand Inventories at as s I December 31, 2016 We follows: P20 Amountners ofinventory 000 To i i To :hlggtility compban-ilding 1,000D re U1 PLOOO per month. On 8C ember 1’ 2016' Rent on the S“) t was -d is m P31 advance. ths ren four.n:;(())rrlne for the year was P7 in t Ne _ y . g h. Questions: for the fouowmgl data co Based on the above mpme Total selling and administrative expenses c. 260,000 718,000 3. d. 248,000 b. 710,000 1. Cost of furniture and fixtures a. 60,000 2, Cash 3. b. c. 120,000 d. 240,000 PROBLEM 5-15 Comprehensive The I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND Company was started by Paul McCartney early in 2016. Initial capital was acquired by issuing shares of ordinary Shares to various investors and by obtaining a bank loan. The company operates a retail store that sells records, tapes, and compact discs. Business was so good during the first year of operations that Paul is considering opening a second store on the other side of town. The funds necessary for expansion will come bank loan. In order to approve the loan, the bank requires financial :zzgnziergi: Paul aSkS for your he‘ll in preparing the balance sheet and presents you following information for the year ending December 31, 2016: a. Cash receipts consisted ofthe following: 100 000 15,000 30,000 and furniture PurChaseo fequipment as c. 30,000 ’ P300 Utilities Insurance d. Payment ofadministrative expenses c. 56,000 48,000 3. d. 40,000 b. 60,000 b. 100,000 v ent Salaries 900,000 790,000 Net Purchases 420,000 b. 428,000 a. P360000 of Inventory Signage 1 1" audit, determine the balance of the fOnowing data and your above the Based on 31,2016: as ofDecember c. as 155“ 1 Questions: account m bank loan Fro d_ is bursements were as follows: and Gross Sales on a. 800,000 b. 890,000 cash and Accrual Basis From m _ 1. ’ / // ' 3. l i ! i c. 532,000 306,000 393.000 Current Liabilities 70,000 b. 100,000 (1. 699,000 C. 121,000 d. 130,000 g i I i 1 Shareholders' equity 3. 176,000 b. 323,000 l with the I 101 l i i a. 5. 1 i 496,000 d. 663.000 c. Total Assets b. z i Current Assets 103,000 a. b. 270,000 a. 4. 393'000 3'. 560,000 Nil 167,000 I c. 411,000 l d. 599,000 s , .j_ I‘ i Prepared in 201 Volks Company Entry the Hon Single for 5-16 PROBLEM P051 6 Fmancnal The Statement of‘ lances: Han report the followmg ba 31-Dec 330,000 750,000 P Assets p 200,000 210,000 6‘35" 740,000 950 000 Notes Receivable 1,600,000 1 500'000 Accounts Receivable 120,000 Inventory : ' 00 1000 400 000 Prepaid Expenses 1001000 000'000 Investment (at cost) Equipment Liabilities and Equity Notes payable Accounts payable W P Interest payable Accrued expenses Bonds payable par Share capital, P100 Share Premium Retained earnings 580,000 750,000 30,000 50,000 P - 750,000 600,000 - 1,300,000 1,500,000 40,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 P4,810,000 P4,390,000 — M r5 — . Cash an d Accrual BaSls data, compute for the 2016 in sales total Baserlghe Quesfi:::;,e above 370,000 P1170 000 b. P I purchases in 2016 total The 3' PNBO'OOO 1’ a. 1 2. b. 132,080,000 4 The 3_ . b. 5 . interest expenses in 2016 Nil. P10.000 income in 2016 The total net a, P1,000,000 P1.550.000 b. . . Wing: 133,570,000 :- I . C- (1. '\ P1.880,ooo [32,380,000 depreciation in 2016 The total 3_ Nil. b, P100,000. 3: £0110 ‘«.. a" . c. PBO'OOO d. P480000 E“ 1330300 c. d. 1340.000 x E C. d_ 13950300 P5001000 \. ‘g Y. i 1 discloses the following: receipts and disbursements An analysis of cash Receipts 800,000 issue of share capital accounts Trade debtors-notes and discounted: receivable Note Face value, P200,000, proceeds 12% one-year note issued to bank, issued and discounted on March 1, 2016 Sale of investment 13 1. 2,9 50,000 190,000 300,000 250 0 00 4,49 0,000 Tm Disbursements: Trade creditors-notes and accounts P2,100,000 790,000 400,000 280,000 500,000 4,070,000 Expenses Dividends Equipment Bonds Total 102 103 I, ("1), g I g ; r . - Chapter “wees.” 6 — CHAPTER 6 CORRECTION OF I ll COM EM “‘- iii » Chapter Outline: i 1. ' 2. 3. 4-. 5. 6. 7. Errors Prior Period Errors ofprior period error Accounting treatment oferrors concepts in the correction Cha Accounting . 'l‘i'cillmC"t or P 1‘10!“ Period lirroi- Accordingr m i “‘5. 8.1])2Fr i'ctl‘OSPCC“,vL y m I' U‘ " ~» ~ "v i w .dh Lm'ty Shall correct m' ‘ r'rSt Set Ofl'inancizil rrtat ,. Mum pm)" period x (.mcnts authorized for ,‘rors -' discovery by: qftcr their “Sue _. . , comparative amounts for thC prior ‘rcsmung the l'5 ’ Presented me‘ltS) (a) occurred; or error the in which error occurred before the earliest prior ier‘ t presented, [b] if the. dim restating the opening balances 0f assets, liabilities equlty lor the ‘m Cal-[jest prior period presented. _ retrospective restatement . . error shall be corrected b retrospective restate:"erdt A prior p eriod . . . I Y is it that impracticable to determine either the extent except to the p m effects or the GumUlathC Effect 0fthe error. Limitations on Basic Working capital Types oferrors offinanciai position errors Balance sheet or statement specific errors 8. income statement I offinancial position «1nd inc01ne statemen errors statement 9. Combined errors t 10. Counterbaiancmg errors Non-counterbalancing 11. Errors Auditing No. 240, “error refers to an According to Philippine Standards on statements including the omission financial in unintentional misstatement including: of an amount or a disclosure, processing data from which financial 1. A mistake in gathering or statements are prepared; estimate arising from oversight or 2. An incorrect accounting misinterpretation of facts; accounting principles relating to 3. A mistake in the application of measurement, recognition,classification, presentation or disclosure." impracticable to determine the period-specific effects of an error When it is Comparative information for one or more prior periods presented, the on restate the opening balances of assets, liabilities and equity entity shall earliest period for which retrospective restatement is practicable for the current period). (which may be the impracticable to determine the cumulative effect at the beginning When it is anerror on all prior periods, the entity shat] restate ofthe current period of information to correct the error prospectively from the the comparative earliest date practicable. Basic Concepts in Correction of Errors entity’s Prior period errors are omissions from, and misstatements in, the to failure from a financial statements for one or more prior periods arising use or misuse of reliable information that: were (a) was available when financial statements for those periods authorized for issue; and into (b) could reasonably be expected to have been obtained and taken financial account in the preparation and presentation of those statements. mistakes, mistakes in Such errors include the effects of mathematical misinterpretations of facts, and or oversights applying accounting policies, fraud. ,r ’,r—'~-\ \. \Effect in the Relationship Direct Inverse Net Income Errors affecting net income: Overstated Understated Understated IfSales are overstated IfCost of sales is overstated lexpenses are overstated Prior Period Errors 104 '- I ~“‘“N~—~W‘RWM i Effect in Cost of Sales Errors affecting cost of sales: IfBeginning inventories are overstated If Net purchases are overstated IfEnding inventories are overstated Working capital Inverse I I Relationship Direct Direct Inverse Overstated Overstated Understated . . , capital: Errors affecting working If the current assets are overstated Ifthe current liabilities are overstated 105 Effectin ' a ital woglfgftgtepd U \derstated n i t - da uto-day working capital is the capital of a busmess that Is ltlsesiilnnu; the)current trading Operations_ computed as the current asse s liabllltles. a i ~ts R E Iatjonsmp' Direct Inverse I g Y 813.23: 6 2. 3; tic!“ Samuiremcl‘t N0" 1 TYPES OF ERRORS 3. (J13? - Ccrrectisn of Errars Bsiaztce she-ct or statement Income statement errors statement errors Combined statement of financial position and income a. Counterbalancing errors b. Non-counterbalancing errors Statement ofFinancial Position or Balance Sheet Errors Statements of Financial Position or baiance sheet errors affect only the presentation ofan asset. Iiabifity, or stockholders’ equity account the error is discovered in the error year, the company reclassifies th 6 item to its proper position. \“a'hen I f NR unaffected ha 0V over Ni) under and AP unaffected NI :30 Nl is 3) Land unde“ .nvesgment Property unaffecwd but N1 is lover Adjusted baiance entries Eggsting I Example: £314: Land ofP1,0G,OOO in 2015 was erroneously debited to notes receivabl e. i balances Unadjust ed R \ under and A , the error in a prior year is discovered in a subsequent pericd th e ccmpany should restate the statement of financial position of the prior. year for comparative purposes. If x uireme“t NO' 2 31‘ Reclassifi'ing entries: g Land Notes receivable f 1,000,000 1,000,000 V O I 2014 5,000,000 2015 6,000,000 ( l 1) Notes receivable of P10,000 was receivable. erroneously debited to accounts 2) Notes payable ofP15,000 was erroneously credited to accounts payable. 3} Land of P100,000 was erroneously debited to investment property account Required: ' 1. 2‘ 0 0 Compute for the adjusted net incomes in 2014 and 2015 and Retained earnings as ofthe years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015.‘ Prepare adjusting entries assuming errors were discovered In (a) 2014, [b] 2015, and (c) 2016, . 0 0 O 53001000 3000900 5000000 11 000 003 . if errors are dlSCOVETEd in: . Notes recewable Accounts receivable 10,000 Accounts payable Notes payable 15909 10’000 15000 100,000 100’000 Land 100,000 100000 Land 100,000 Investment property 100,000 Note: In 2015 and 2016, there are no adjusting entries for the errors on the notes receivable and payable because they are assumed to have been settled or received at the end of those years. Income Statement Errors statement the :fififtssztjfg ent errors are errors affecting. only 131W include impmper CEaSSlficauon 0 “avenues d- mmgxreexpenses. vers the error in L , A company must make a reclassification entry When it xsco the error year. the If the error I ‘ ear) company Should restate dlscovered pertams t0 the income . statement of the prior year for CO m p amtwe pu p 7 . l/ 1139091900 _ I 106 Earnings 2015 0 Investment property 2016: In an audit ofthe financial statement for the year ended December 31, 2015, the following errors are discovered (all errors were made in 2014): 5300 000 ’ g 0 anestment property 2015: Ret , 201421111811 0 Land [Hustrationz Statement ofFinan cial Position Error U Can Be A Topnotcher Company reported net income for the first two years ofoperan'on as follows: . W Net Income 2014. 2015 5,000,000 600000 Reg offinancial position errors ' \y\ 107 W \V‘J/ Chapter 6 — Correction of Errors Since these errors involve two nominal accounts, net income and retained earnings during the period are unaffected. Illustration: Income statement Error “I.I.‘-. Rent income amounting to P10,000 in 2015 was credited instead of [mer est income. Effect of the error: um: 0 - Overstated Legend: U - Understated Reclassifying entries on: 2015 Rent Income Interest income J ! j chap sol ter 6 ution: “irement No. x - No effect No adjusting entry 14 3,000,000 20 40001300 ' N1 expense .and rent under 0:”, 1‘” expense o Supplies and over 2) NI n derI NI over' lPjurchaseS Reta-lne . Earnings 2014 ‘1 3‘0001000 7 2015 '000’000 0 0 0 0 0 under, undfient income miscellaneous under, :3] NI over over, income balance Adjusted Year 0 0 0 0 0 3900000 40001000 3 000 000 . Office supplies expense Purchases 25,000 In an audit of the financial statement for the year ended December 31, 2015, the following errors are discovered: Miscellaneous income Rent income 30,000 1) Interest expenSe of P20,000 in 2014 was erroneously debited to rent 2015: No adjusting entries 2016: No adjusting 2014 3,000,000 2015 4,000,000 expense. Office supplies expense of P25,000 in 2014 was erroneously debited to 2) purchases. 3) Rent income of P30,000 in 2014 was erroneously credited to miscellaneous income. Required: 1. 2. Compute for the adjusted net incomes in 2014 and 2015 and Retained earnings as of the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015. Prepare adjusting entries assuming errors were discovered in (a) 2014, (b) 2015, and [c] 2016. 108 , ,- A/ .4”... —“\ '. \x . )I ‘/ 20 000 25,000 30,000 entries Note: In 2015 and 2016, there are no adjusting entries for the errors because when these are closed to the retained earnings, the balance have already been corrected. Combined Statement of Financial Position Errors and Income Statement ~ ‘ ' and mcome Posmon Errors affecting both the statement of financ1al Statement can be classified as: 1. Counterbalancing errors and 2. I. .4“ t 7 000 000 if error 15 discovered in: 20,000 2014: 0 . Interest expense Rent expense Illustration: Income statement Errors Dare to Dream Company reported net income for the first two years of operation I“ ‘ 1] 61:: Adjusting entries ‘ \ Requirement N0“ 2 10,000 I 1 djusted balances una t expenSe under' as follows: ! , . correction of Errors r 2016 10,000 f Non-counterbalancing errors Counterbalancin g Errors , reaed over tWO Counterbalancing errors are errors that W111 offset f” be Cor accounting periods. Examples include the followmg. I 109 ‘ Kiwi? ._ Chapter 6 .7 Correction of Errors 4 Accrued Expenses Accrued Revenues "t I Omission of deferred expense insurance premium of P12,000 effective April The Company paid one-year 1, 2015. The entire amount was debited to expense account and no adjustment was made at the end of 2015. nn Effect of the error: ‘ ‘ ' 2015 .' J-_ f ; ; _5 i , ’ ‘ ' Adjusting entries: 2015 3,000 Prepaid insurance“ Insurance expense 3,000 2016 Insurance expense Retained earnings ‘ i . x . No effect "160 me ' ' 2015 etamed earnings Rent Income R 4 00 v 0 > 4.000 4000 {Accrued Expense - ecordmfg 0 salanes expense 0f P4'000 was “or l"ecorded at the end f 1:22:1th . 0 2015. Effect of the ’1 . ‘. S “2:6 . e a a ' . 4' 550mm '- “&$ u error' . fter closin at the end of the ear Oversmted U ' U"derst’a‘ted ca - ital 0' entries: Ad).usting 2015 Salaries expense Salaries payable iegend= ' 2016 Retained earnings 4,000 4,000 ffEC t 4.000 Salaries expense 4,000 Nonrecording of Accrued Revenue rent receivable of P8,000 was not recorded at the end of 2015. u Accrued Effect of the error: 3,000 3,000 *(12,000/12x3) Omission of Deferred Income The company leased a pomon of its building for P12,000. The term of the lease 15 one year ending April 30, 2016. Collection of rent was credited to rent revenue account. At the end of 2015, no entry was made to take up the unearned portion of the amount collected. Effect of the ” n n- error: m2015 - 2016 Retained earnins after closin 5. Workin ca ital at the end ofthe ear U - Understated Legend: 0 - Overstated 4. - 4000 inCome Rgneamed rent 412,000/12 x 4) 7. 5 . 'ustmg 6 2015* Ad] of the followmg: Overstatement 0r Understatement subsequently recorded the recorded in the first year and 5. Sales not following year (or vice versa). subsequently recorded recorded in the first year and 6. Purchases not versa). the following year (or vice inventory. ending Error affecting 3 -‘. nmES: . _ 3. 5 Correction of Errors — — M“ — Omissions of the following: Prepayments under the expense method.) 1, Deferred expense (or (Precollection under the revenue method.) 2 Deferred income I: , r6 Retained earnins after closin Workin caital at the end of the ear understated Legend: 0 - Overstated U- 4. S. 110 2016 Adjusting entries: 2015 Rent receivable X - No effect . 8,000 Rent income Sales X - No effect U - Understated 0 - Overstated Legend: not recorded in the 2016 after closmg Rentlncome Retained earnings _ 8,000 first year and 000 8' 8 000 1 subsequently rewrded the f0|lowing year. unting to Sale of merchandise on atcount on December 29; zoiiaiyosz" The P20,000 was not recorded until it was COH‘?‘3t‘3.d ont}: in 2015. merChandise was properly excluded in the ending “We” ry Y. ‘9: J 'i i1 :5? ' / W M KM“ “u 0,, Effect of the “ error: — I‘M“ “ —““ 2. Accounts receivable :. waged earnit; s :Eter CIESlfn o e or 'n caita at een Overstated Legend: 0- Adjusting entries: 2015 bl e ' Accou tsreceiva ear U- Understated 2016 5a]; Retained earnings 20,000 Purchases not recorded in the ect 20,000 Sales ' 20,000 x _ No eff first ear and 20 00 subsequently recorded ' 0 y the following year. . amounting account on December 27, 2 to Purchase of merchandise on 1512:: On paid was it until 1130316. The P50,000 lNaS not recorded inventory merchandise was properly included in the ending Effect of the error: Legend: n In U - Understated 0 - Overstated x - No effect Adjusting entries: 2016 2015 Purchases 50,000 Accounts payable 50,000 Retained earnings Purchases 50,000 50,000 Error affecting ending inventory (e.g. overstatement) On December 31, 2015, the ending inventory was overstated by P5,000. I. n Effect of the error: 2015 1. Cost of sales 2. Endin invento 4. Retained earnins after closin 5- workin ca ital at the end of the ear Legend: 0 - Overstated U - Understated 112 2016 Chapter 6 Correction of ErrOrS — 3‘ V A 4m Adjusting entries: 2015 C 20 5000 ost of Sales Merchandise invento W . Notes / / 5,000 . 16 Retained,earnings Mdse Invent - s S adjusting entries: on 000 i 'ou mal entries in . the ’ The ad'ustin ) g Year error will . of Inclu ‘ real account. account. and. a . nomma] iournal entries during the se de a :I‘he adjusting c0nd Year after th account momma] and year of Errol. retained mdUde a . _ 1 earnings_ I é 50 ' Umbeg. . k g 8 I” For comparative purposlesl mstatement is necessary EVen -f journal entry 15 not requn'ed. E g Illustration 1: Combined and Counterbalancing Errors Se]f_53crifice Company reported net income for a two_year follows: 2014 120,000 2015 i p mod as i I 180,000 l 1 In an audit of the financial statement for the Year ended December 31 2014 ' ' the following errors are discovered: § i‘ s paid one-Year insurance premium of P18,000 effective May 1, 2014. The entire amount was debited to expense account and no adjustment was made at the end of 2014. 2) The company leased a portion of its building for P24,000. The term of the lease is one year ending June 1, 2015. Collection of rent was credited to rent revenue account. At the end of 2014, no entry was made to take up the unearned portion of the amount collected. 3) Accrued salaries expense of P12,000 was not recorded at the end of 1) The company 2014. 4] Accrued interest receivable of P15,000 was not recorded at the end of 2014. 3. e. E S I i i t A g l i ffqlégrfigute for the adjusted net incomes in 2014 and 20151'cénd RetamEd earnings as of the years ended December 31f 2014 end 20 2. Give the effect of the error in the 2014 worklng Cagltal' d -n [a] 2014 . 3_ prepare adjusting entries assuming errors were dlscovere (b) 2015, and (c) 2016. 1 i- E. i i;E. K ¥ 3: if g E3 g x ' No effect 3 €- 113 WK xi” ‘ iI Chapter 6 - Correction of Errors Illusfiafi?" 1 Net Income 2015 2014 under Adjusted balance working Effect on the Retained Earnings (10,000) 180900 (6.000) 10,000 2014 120,000 6,000 (10,000) (11000] 121000 [12,000] 120.000 6.000 Unadjusted balances 1) under ins. Exp. over, NI over 2)Rev over, Ni expense 3) Salaries under. N1 over 4) int income under, Ni 15,000 15,000 . capital (WC) y Requirement No. 2 discovered in: Adjusting entries if error is (18,000/12 x 4) Ins. Prepaid 2014: i insurance Expense Rent Revenue (24,000/12 x 5) Uneamed Rent Revenue i ) Salaries expense Accrued salaries payable 3 1: 5' a 2015: 3 ’. Insurance Expense [18,000/12 x 4) Retained earnings 3 E \' 201: 6 \. 1 15 . ' ' ' No adjustmg Journal the Year Ended December 31 .0000 00 ory Reqmred: 9 by for the ad-lusted net Incom . Compute . Decersgelfszlolet and 2015 th of . earmngs as and Retamed oftizaerfrgnqed 2014 énd 2015effect the 2 014 working 2. GiVe the c warezmtal. lusung enmesI‘m assum' errors 3. Pre are , (1' lscoveredi (a) 2014 lng 002015a and (c) 2016' 1. _ ~ Solution: Requirement No. 1 ’ 10 000 ‘ 6. 000 10,000 Unadjusted balances 1] Purchases over, under NI 3) over, NI over Ending inventory over, 12,000 N1 over Adjusted balance 6,000 Effect on the working 2015 120,000 300,000 20,000 (50,000) (20,000) 50,000 20,000 {25,000} 65,000 25,000 {25,000} 235,000 65,000 (50,000) 300,000 capital (WC) over, Advances to supplier under, WC under Sales over, advances from customer under, WC over 2) 1) Purchases 3) Ending 12,000 2014 ;, Z: 2 5 37 i; ‘ a i . ll ' (5 I: 4.‘ i': Over or (under) 6,000 10.000 %_ Retained Earnings 180,000 120,000 2]Sa1es 12,000 “ Net Income 2014 2015 6 000 12,000 inventary over. WC 0V8" capital —overstated by Effect on the W orking 15.000 2014 (20.000) 50300 5&2. 15,000 entries 114 '\ a 12 ’000 Retained earnings Salaries expense Interest income Retained earnings i f ' errors are discovered?r as s 5 In Were delivered. ‘ 2014 but the . 2m the Yea£30003 es m 014 31 December ending On the P25,000' was Overstat d 00 (2%14 00) 16 ,000 10,000 D, ~. 3] goods Retained earnings Rent Revenue (24,000 / 12 x 5) J .3 15,000 15,000 9 :2 audit of the statement In an following , 2014, the Advances to supplier in 2_014 were ' follow‘i‘gcorded as pu merchandise was receiv 1T1 the rchases b 2) gYear,p20 cuStom:;1 ut the {000 2014 r Advances from followingeCorded 15,000 Interest receivable Interest income i i 0 - over 4] Rent receivable under, WC under Int. income under, capital —overstated by Effect on the Working f 300.00 OVer or (und er) Salaries expense g fouowsz 2015 ‘ Err01's net incomemfg0r 1 a m0~year Period as 80,000 1) under, WC under 1) Prepaid insurance ins. Exp. over, revenue under, WC over 2)Rev over, Uneamed 3) under, Salaries payable under, wc i Ompany reported Self-Sacrl Ice Solution: Requirement No. zEcombimd and count erbalanc. 115 V «I .v—,_ w-«g./ — ‘es: ting enm AdluS Correction of 2014-: 20,00O Advances to supplier Purchases 50,000 Advances from customers 25,000 25,000 Cost of sales Merchandise inventory end 20,000 Purchases Retained earnings 50.000 25,000 journal entries No adjusting offset in the next accounting period Non-counter balancing errors do not entries, even if they hava' correcting make must Therefore, companies closed the books. Examples: 1. Prepayments under the asset method 2. Precoiiection under the liability method 3. Error in recording depreciation 4. Improper capitalization of expense 5. improper expensing of capital expenditures 6. Error in recording of proceeds of sale of an asset (e.g. PPE) as other income Prepayments under the Asset Method The Company paid one-year insurance premium of P12,000 effective April 1, 2015. The entire amount was debited to asset account and no adjustment was made at the end of 2015. Effect of the error: 2015 2. Preco 2016 “suiance expenseh Retained earningsm 9,000 ** ( 2016 Insurance ex ense Pre aid insurance A ‘ l 000 3,300 PFEpaid insurance / 12 x 3) . I 12,000 *u(12‘000/12 x 9) “ectjon under the Liability Method of its buudin g f0 r P any leased a. portion . 12,000 Th The ec‘i’sm ending April 30. :ne year 2016. Collection of rent w:st:rr$of the rned rent revenue account. At the end of 2015, no lted to entry Wa uniaup the earned portion of the amount collected. 5 made to Effect of the error: “ Rent revenue Unearned rent revenue .1 Retained earnin s after closin workm ca - ital at the end of the ear U - Understated Legend; 0 - Overstated 45. Non-counterbalancing Errors 1. I 000/12 x 9) *(12 25,000 Retained earnings Mdse. inventory beginning 9 Prep ta 9 50,000 Sales 2015 * expense Ce Insurazid insurance leaS 20.000 Retained earnings 2016: 20.000 50,000 Sales 2015: \L‘ - Requirement No. 2 Adjusting entries if error is discovered in: Adjusting entries: 2015 Uneamed x _ No effect 2016 rent income 8,000 Unearned rent income 8,000 Rent income* Rent income“ 12,000 4,000 3,000 Retained earnings*** *(12,000/12 x 8) **(12,000/12 x 4) ***(12,000/12 x 8] Error in Recording Depreciation (e.g. understated) Depreciation expense in 2015 was understated by P2,000. Effect of the error: 2015 2. Accumulated de - reciation 4- Retained Legend: n earnins after closin 0- overstated U - Understated 2016 ' X No effect Adjusting entries: D 4. 1 -- —~-v-v H — — Chapter 6 I M Inn-UV" Retained earnin s after closin 5. Workin caital at the end of the ear ted undersm Legend: 0 - Overstated U ' X - No effect 2015 :p n expense 2016 Retained earnings ’ 2,000 ccumulated depreciation 2:900 Accumulated deprec1atlon 2,000 2 000 , 116 117 "(rim-1 fl ,.,_,. 1.7...7.” J .l Chapter 6 W i“ __ , “X” Ely“ J7 7 Chap recording 0f proceeds 0f sale 0f an asset (e g . . in Error Correction of Errors clkilarged to had been Capitalization “Experzfimmg to P10,000 expense _35 been ‘mpmi’e' Depreciation the building a 1 2015 useful llfe of the Repairs expense on Januaryd O'n year remaining on account the 4 the building 2016 base recorded in 2015 and building. ! — Effect of the E In“ In 2016 error: —“ after Closm Retained earnins ' i BUllCllIl net derecration 6 Accumulated Overstated Légend: o4. 5. ' ' “ s: Adjustiznglesntne Repairs expense Building d U t d "5” e 2016 Retained earnings 10.000 2,500 X - No 4. 5' f. after closin _ Retamed earm'n s the end of the ear at ital Workin ca other mcome Accumulated dep n (squeeze) Loss on sale Equipment 2014 1) 2) Adjusting entries: Building Repairs expense 3) 50,000 _ 50,000 (50,000/4) -I .. .ml p 4) 50 , 000 5) 12,500 Dep.n expense. 5 ‘ ; Retained earmng dEPTCClatlon Accumulated ,000 15,000 3 5000 50.000 2016 Retamed ' earnmgs“ Accumulated dep’n Equipment *[30,000 + 5 , 0 00) i ‘ 50 000 ‘ as 01” a 6,000,000 2015 8,000,000 The Company paid one-year insurance premium of P240,000 effective April 1, 2014. The entire amount was debited to asset account and no adjustment was made at the end of 2014. The company leased a portion of its building for P480,000. The term of the lease is one year ending April 30, 2015. Collection of rent was credited to unearned rent revenue account. At the end of 2014, no entry was made to take up the earned portion of the amount collected. Depreciation expense in 2014 was understated by P12,000. Depreciation expense in 2015 was overstated by P14,000. Bad debts expense of P11,000 was not recorded in 2014- COmpute for the adjusted net incomes in 2014 and 2015 and gimmgs as 0fthe years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015. 2. We the effect of 2014 working capital“ the 1" 25,000 error in the 118 1 Required: 5 Dep'n expense 12,500 Accumulated de reciation Building Retained earnmgs 50000 1 r 0 follows: x - No effect U - Understated x ‘ No effe ct Combined and Noncount er Balancin gErrors Illustration: . . Self-Sacrifice Company reported net income f two-year period earnins after closin Accumulated dereciation 0 - Overstated ' U understated 0' entrles: Adjusting In an audit of the statement for the year ended December 31, 2014, the following errors are discovered: 2°16 “W” “t agend: I Accumulated de reciation Overstated 7 . Reairs exense Retained “E'- LMOSSO“53‘E 2015 to repairs mm_ error: Legend= Expenditures Improper Expensing of Capital amounting to P50,000 had been charged building Major improvements on Improvements have a life of 4 years. 2015. January 1, expense on 1. Effect of the , 2,500 Other 2015 trhe Cash 1; 2 500 PP E 2015, an equipment costi PSO’OOO ) as Was sold f0 January '1 ng the eqmpment On P30,000. At d had an accumulated demee.latlon , r of of 521 .e, he date recelved was recor ed as other income P15I000_ in 2 effect . 1 Other income 10,000 [10,000/4) 2°15 inc"me 10,000 5,000 Accumulated dep'n Retained earnings Depreciation expense Effect of the error: _ g Burldmg 10,000 2,500 Accumulated dep’n expense Depreciation ' U" W I” 119 Retained //>-// I- LI...u- I ' of of Errors Correction an OwanCe fOr maintain the allowance mpany Should hould mamtaln company's for ,J- outstandmg . experience, __..~oriPnCey the C0 nurcfnnr‘linfl balances. balances, ast CUStomer 5 at 5% of the _ 5‘ l Chapter 5 6 6) — _ 5315103131” agcounts stions: _ answer the folloimng: 2016? above data, the on unadjusted net loss in 3:5; 1 ' How much is the c. 253,200 a. b. 2. 73,200 33,200 How much is 282,250 a. 281,250 0. 110,000 d. loss in 2016? net adjusted the 287,900 c. 280,850 d. as ofDecember 31, 2016? assets adjusted total the is much 1,108,750 3. How C. 1,176,750 1,140,100 3. 1,150,150 d, b. December 3 2016? 4, adjusted current liabilities as of 1. How much is the 436,000 C. a. 418,000 336,000 d_ b. 318,000 shareholders' e ui December 31' total adjusted is the of 5. How much as 2016? 214,150 q W 222,100 C_ a. 190,750 d_ b. 240,750 ' W H «um; , tantive Test of chapter Ontline: ' . - . “a I -"u-n-“n- ‘ “fljhtroductlon t0 aUdi_t 0f Cash and cash equivaleng-I“-..-‘..-'-"""“""" I 3. Management assertions Audit objectives . Primary Substantlve procedures 1;. Additional audit consideration 6. Special audit consideration 7' Summary ofaudit procedures per assertion ' 3. ' IntrodUCtion ' most the of assets of a business. important one is Cash Almost all the entity's transactions ultimately result in either receipt or payment of cash Cash usually includes cash in bank, cash on hand and cash equivalents. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid instruments that are both easily convertible to known amount of cash. Examples of cash and cash equivalents include, but not limited to, petty cash fund, payroll fund, money orders, cashier's checks, treasury bills and others. Because of the '; i very nature of cash, it is considered a high-risk area — most vulnerable to misappropriation than other assets that requires good internal controls and careful monitoring. Due to its high degree of inherent risk, more audit time is devoted to the audit of the account than is indicated by its peso amount. F I i; 5 Management Assertions When auditing an account balance, the auditor should use assertions for classes of transactions, account balances, and presentation and disclosures 1n sufficient detail to form a basis for the assessment of risks of material misstatement and the design and performance of further audit procedures. if ; ' . . . The auditor uses assertions in assessing risks by conSidenng the different types of potential misstatements that may occur, and thereby deSignlng and“ Procedures that i ,2 ,_ are responsive to the assessed risks. Assertions used by the auditor fall into the following three broad categori-eséi 1' Assertions about classes of transactions and events for the per10 under audit: Occurrence transactions and events that have been recorded have 3Occurred and pertain to the entity— ' 130 131 if .