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Fast Food Health Effects Essay Outline

Type of writing Expository
There are many fast food restaurants in the world such as McDonalds, KFC and
Taco Bell. However, eating a lot of fast foods can affect your health. Write an
essay on the effects on your health when you eat too much fast food.
Do you enjoy eating fast food very often?
you can write a question or something
basic about the topic
Topic background
write two sentences to continue from
your hook about the topic
Thesis statement
tell the readers about the essay
Body Paragraph 2
Main Idea 1:
First of all, if you eat too much
fast food then your body will be
Body Paragraph 3
1. What are some of the most popular fast foods that you
know? (Give three examples)The most popular fast
food is hamburgers, french fries and fried chicken.
2. In your opinion, how often do you eat fast food in a
month?I eat fast food seven times a month.
3. Do you think eating too much fast food can affect your
Therefore, in this essay I will write about the effect of eating
too much fast food.
● They can not walk well and move comfortably.
The food contains no vitamin and a lot of fat
If you eat fast food you gain weight and you
● Our body needs carbohydrates, vitamin and
Main Idea 2:
In addition, fast food does not
contain a balanced diet for us.
protein for our health
Fast food mostly consist of carbohydrates and
fat that also has a lot of sugar and salt
On top of that, usually we drink it with cola or
soda which is also bad for our health
Conclusion: Thus,
Body Paragraph 3
● The type of diseases are obese, high blood
Main Idea 3:
Last but not least, we can get
diseases if we eat too much fast
pressure and diabetes
We can get a lot of health problems
For instance, if we drink to much soda and cola
it can risk to get diabetes
Conclusion: To sum up,
Concluding remark
summarize the topic
Summarize your ideas
write three sentences about your ideas
Tell readers what you hope for
In conclusion, are there many serious effects to your health
when you eat too much fast food?yes
1. Do you think people should eat fast food
2. How much do you recommend people to eat fast food
in a month? Only five times in a month.
3. In your opinion, is it important to eat healthy food for
your health?In my opinion, it is important for our
I hope that many people will get healthy reading this essay.