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Earthquake Effects Lesson Plan Grade 6

October 3, 2016
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science and Health Grade 6 - A
Prepared by: Antonette A. Marimon and
Eula Jessa Abarca
At the end of the forty-five minutes period the learners are expected
a. describe how earthquake affects the environment;
b. demonstrate awareness of the effects of earthquake on the
environment; and
c. give the importance of studying the effects of earthquake.
Topic: Effects of Earthquake to the Environment
Skill: describing and writing
References: Science and Health Teacher’s Manual, Juanita Cruz M. et
al, pp. 123-127
Science for Daily Use Textbook, Juanita Cruz M. et al pp.
4th Quarter
Materials: charts, pictures, laptop and projector
Values Integration: Keen observation, Appreciation and Cooperation
Teacher’s Activity
A. Prayer and Greetings
 Good morning class!
 Before you take your seats,
please pick up some pieces of
papers and arrange your chairs
 You may now take your seats.
B. Review
Before we proceed to our lesson
this morning let’s first have our
What was our topic last meeting?
Yes, ********
Pupil’s Activity
Good morning Ma’am Antonette.
The pupils will pick the papers on
the floor and they will arrange their
Thank you ma’am.
Our topic last meeting was all
about difference between intensity
and magnitude of earthquake.
 Very Good, ********
 What is intensity?
 Yes *********.
Very good ********.
What do we use to measure the
intensity of an earthquake? Yes
Nice one ********.
Intensity is the measurement of
the damage caused by an
We use Rossi-Forel Scale of
Earthquake Intensities.
On the other hand what is
magnitude? Yes********.
Magnitude is the amount of
energy released by an earthquake.
Very good ******. And what scale
do we sue to determine the
magnitude of an earthquake? Yes
We use Richter magnitude scale
Very good. I’ll show two tables
and identify which table shows
the scale for intensity and for
magnitude. Yes **********.
The student will choose the
respective table for intensity and
magnitude scale.
Very good. What is now the
difference between intensity and
magnitude of an earthquake? Yes
Very good *********. It’s
wonderful that you have fully
understood our topic yesterday.
The difference between intensity
and magnitude is that intensity
tells us about the damage done by
the earthquake while magnitude
refers to the energy released by
the earthquake.
Well done class, let’s now discuss
our next topic. But before that, I’ll
show you a video and you
observe keenly.
The teacher will show to the class
Okay ma’am
the video.
Based from the video that you’ve
watched what did you observe?
Yes *******
Good observation *******
Yes, *********
Very good *******
I observe ma’am that there are
many buildings and houses that
are destroyed.
I had observed ma’am that there
are dead people.
Another one, Yes *********
Very good observation *******
What is the situation of the
people in the video presented?
Yes *******.
I observe ma’am that the ground
has a huge crack.
Very good. So what we must do
for them?
Yes ********.
Very good ******. The very first
thing we can do for them is to
pray. Aside from simply saying
our prayers we must also help
them by giving their needs in our
simple and doable ways.
The people there need help.
We must give them relief goods
such those used clothes and other
needed materials for them to
survive. Most importantly we must
pray for them.
D. Lesson Proper
All of your observations are
correct. Your observations are
related to our topic this morning.
But before that let us read first
our objectives.
Who wants to read our
Lesson Proper
At the end of the forty-five minutes
period the learners are expected to:
a. describe how earthquake affects
the environment;
b. demonstrate awareness of the
effects of earthquake on the
environment; and
c. give the importance of studying the
effects of earthquake.
Yes, ********
Thank you *******
In order for us to know what our
topic is all about I’ll show you a
The teacher will show a picture.
What can you see?
Yes *******
Nice observation ********
There’s our planet earth ma’am
Another observation, yes
Very well said *******
There are many pictures of
damaged buildings, houses and
even a very huge wave ma’am
From those observation, who can
tell what our lesson is for today?
Yes, *********
Earthquake ma’am.
Hmmm. Almost there ****** but
still needs refining of idea.
Another, yes, ********
Effects of Earthquake ma’am.
Earthquake ma’am is the strong
and sudden shaking of the ground.
Well said ********. That’s our
topic for today. But to be more
specific our topic is all about
effects of earthquake to the
Since our topic for today is all
about the effects of earthquake.
Who can give me a description or
definition of what an earthquake
is? Yes **********.
Very good ********. Earthquake is
the strong and sudden shaking of
the ground due to the movement
of the crustal plates.
Since we know what an
earthquake is. Have you ever
watch news about earthquakes in
the television?
Oh that’s nice because you are
watching news. Do you observe
some effects of the earthquake?
Can you give me one? Yes
Well said *****. Earthquakes
results to landslides. (The teacher
will show a picture of a landslide
due to the earthquake.)
What do you think is the reason
why do during an earthquake
landslide happens? Yes *********?
Very good *******. Landslides
happen during earthquake
because the loose rocks and soil
along the mountainside will erode
due to the movement of the
earth’s crust.
What other effects have you
observe specially on the ground?
Yes ******.
Yes ma’am.
Yes ma’am
I observe in the news ma’am that it
causes a landslide.
Landslide happens during
earthquake ma’am due to the
movement of the ground. Such as
in the mountains. The side of the
mountain may erode due to the
There’s a huge opening or crack on
the ground ma’am.
Ma’am, there are huge openings
because of the movement of the
crust. The ground may split or
open ma’am if the earthquake is
Good one ******. Who among you
here knows why there are huge
openings or crack of the ground?
Yes ********
Good idea ********. Remember
class that earthquake is the
sudden release of the earth’s
interior energy. So when this
happen during a very strong
earthquake the ground may be
lifted up or be separated and this
will cause the opening of the
Another idea about the effects of
the earthquake from the news
you have heard. Yes **********.
Very good ********. Strong
underwater earthquakes may
cause tsunami. But by the way
what is a tsunami? Yes ******.
Very good *******. A tsunami is
very huge wave generated by an
earthquake. (The teacher will
show a picture of a tsunami.)
Tsunami is a Japanese term which
means literally “harbor waves”.
There are other effects of
earthquakes as what you have
observed in the video I presented
awhile ago. Who can give other
effects, this time on the people
and other living organism? Yes
Very good *********. When an
very strong.
I also observed from the news
ma’am that earthquakes may
cause tsunami.
Tsunami ma’am is a very huge
ocean wave created by an
Earthquake can destroy the
habitats and dwelling places of
living organism specifically
humans. When houses and
buildings are destroyed.
earthquake hits a certain place it
can destroy the habitats and
dwelling places of living organism
such as humans. Our houses and
building will be destroyed. On the
other hand the animals’ habitat
also will be destroyed during a
tsunami and landslide specifically
those animals which are land
Another effect of earthquake to
living organism. Yes ***********
Very good********. Why do
earthquakes cause death to living
organism specifically humans?
Yes *********.
Good idea *********. One of the
most devastating effects of
earthquake is when our loved
ones died. When our houses are
destroyed we feel sad. But when
we lost even a single loved one it
is sadness which we could not
explain. We can build our houses
and building back. We can even
build better ones. But if we talk
about the lives lost during an
earthquake. It is the only effect of
earthquake and any other
calamity that could never be
rebuilt. When life is lost we could
no longer regain it.
Anyways, so much for the
sentimental moments. Aside from
Earthquake can cause death to
living organism ma’am specifically
to humans.
Earthquake can cause death to
humans ma’am due to the fact that
during many humans are trapped
when buildings and houses
collapsed. They may also be
drowned when a tsunami occurs.
Yes ma’am there is.
Earthquake ma’am is the reason
why we have different land
formations due to the movement of
the land.
those negative effects of an
earthquake. Thus earthquake has
a positive and beneficial effect?
Yes ********.
And what is it ********.
Brilliant idea ********. We have
our different landforms due to
earthquakes. We know that
earthquakes happen due to the
movement of our crustal plates.
When these crustal plates collide,
separates or slide pass through
each other there will formation of
land forms. Such as mountains,
hills, valleys and many more.
However, it takes a millions and
thousands of year’s process to
make such. It does not mean that
in one earthquake there will be a
major land formation that will
occur. But it takes hundreds of
them. Anyway don’t bother
yourself about that too much we
will discuss this deeper on our
next topics.
However, if I may ask, is it
necessary for us to study about
the effects of earthquake?
Why do you say so? Yes *******.
Yes ma’am
It is important for us to study about
the effects of earthquake ma’am so
that we would be able to plan what
we must do before, during, and
after an earthquake.
Well said *******. The main
reason why we must study about
the effects of earthquake in the
environment so that as humans
we will know what we must plan
before, during and after the
earthquake. This means that by
studying the effects of
earthquake we can open our eyes
to the possible scenarios that will
happen when we are hit by an
earthquake by that we will now
know how to cope when the
situation arises.
Thus to strengthen your
understanding of the lesson. This
time let us have an activity in
relation to our topic, look at your
nametags, there are different
shapes, we have circle, square,
heart, star and triangle.
Have you seen those shapes?
That would be the basis for your
Listen to the instructions. In your
group choose a leader, IM
You are given 5 minutes to
discuss and plan with group
IM managers please get the
envelopes here.
 Circle Group
Given set of pictures,
 The pupils will do the activity.
Identify which pictures
shows the effects of an
earthquake. Label the
 Square Group
Present a 2-minute role
play presenting a situation
of a community during an
 Heart Group
Create tableau/scene that
pictures out a community
representative to explain
your work.
 Star Group
Simulate a 2-3 minutes
news report about an
earthquake that hits a
Time’s up. Everybody take your
seats. Let us listen and observe
each group’s presentation.
Circle Group present work.
The teacher will check the work
of group
Very good Circle Group . Let’s
give them a clap 3x.
 Circle Group’s representative
will discuss their work.
 Square Group will present their
 Heart Group will present their
 Star Group will present their
Yes ma’am
Square Group present work.
Very good group 2. Let’s give
them a round of applause. ( At
the same time the teacher will
give additional input. It may vary
with regards to the presentation
of the students)
Heart Group, present now your
Very good heart group. Let’s give
them a round of applause
Star Group present your work.
Good job star group. Let’s give
them a round of applause.
Well done everyone. It seems
that you have grasped out topic.
Please go back now to your 
proper seats.
Are you settled?
F. Application
Good. This time. Please get a ½
sheet of paper.
I’ll show you pictures of the
effects of earthquake. On your ½
sheet of paper choose only one
effect of earthquake that you
think has the greatest impact to
the environment and to humans
specially. Explain your answer.
You have five (5) minutes to do
the activity.
Time’s up. Stop writing
Who wants to share his/her work.
Yes *******.
Very good ********. Another one.
Yes *******.
 Students will do the activity.
For me ma’am I choose landslide.
Because if ca destroy houses,
buildings and can kill people
ma’am specially those who are
located at the foot of the
I choose ma’am tsunami. This huge
wave ma’am has the greatest
chance of destroying a coastal
town or city and there’s only a few
chance that people and animals
can survive tsunami if they will be
caught by it.
I choose ma’am death of people
and other animals. This is the
greatest impact of earthquake
since when life is lost we could
never bring it back. We may build
back buildings and houses but as
to life we can’t.
Yes ma’am there’s a positive
impact of earthquake ma’am.
Earthquake ma’am shapes the
world we have today. As what you
have said ma’am that earthquake
is due to the movement of the
plates. This earthquake shapes the
world, the landforms we have
Well said *******. Another one
who wants to share his work.
Brilliant idea ******. A sad reality
but it is the fact. However is there
a good impact of earthquake in
the environment?
Yes ********.
And what is it *********.
Wonderful idea ********. Due to
the movement of the earth’s
crust we have land formations.
The mountains, the valleys and
all land formations is due to the
movement of the earth crust we
called earthquake and we will
discuss deeper on how do
earthquake shapes the world
today on our next lessons.
Well done everyone. You have
grasped the lesson. You have
shown awareness of how
earthquakes affects the
environments specially us
humans since we are part of the
Our topic for today was all about
effects of earthquake to the
Landslide ma’am
Opening of the ground ma’am
Tsunami ma’am.
Death of living organisms ma’am
such as humans.
Destruction of the habitats of
living organisms, ma’am. Such as
Thus, to sum up our lesson
today. Let us answer this
concept map.
What was our topic for today?
Yes *********
Very Good ******
Who can give me one effect?
Yes ******.
Very good.
Another? Yes *********.
Well said *****.
Other effects. Yes *********.
Nice one ********.
Is there other effects? Yes
Very good ********.
Another ********. Yes ********.
Very good *****. A very
concrete example.
Is there another? One last
effect. Yes *****.
Brilliant idea *******.
for humans the houses, the
From those effects, what do
you think is the importance of
studying this lesson? Yes
Brilliant idea *******.
Well for that reason, have you
Shaping of different land
formations ma’am.
The importance of studying this
lesson ma’am is for us to know
the impact that an earthquake
brings and through this we can
plan our action on how to cope
with the situation.
Yes ma’am
None ma’am
understood our lesson class?
Are there any questions or
Effects of
Earthquake to
the Environment
Opening of
the Ground
on of
of Land
Since there’s no question. Get
½ sheet of paper and answer
the question. You have 5
minutes to answer.
Test 1. Choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write your
answer on a sheet of paper.
1. All are effects of earthquake
a. landslide
b. flood
c. tsunami
d. shaping of land formations
1. B
2. B
2. During an earthquake, landslide
a. the land could no longer hold the
wet soil.
b. the loose rocks and soil will be
eroded due to the grounds
Student’s will get ½ sheet of
paper and will answer the
c. the ground starts to open.
d. the soil and rocks erodes because
there are no trees that will hold
3. C
3. It is a very huge wave generated
by an
earthquake which literally means
a. tidal wave
b. ocean wave
c. tsunami
d. sea waves
4. D
4. Which of the following is a
beneficial effect
of earthquake?
a. landslide
b. tsunami
c. uplift of the ground
d. shaping of land formation
5. B
5. Which of the following statements
about the importance of studying
the effects of earthquake to the
a. It gives us idea to advocate a clean
green environment.
b. This lesson make us aware of the
effects of earthquake which will lead
to making plans on how to cope
when the earthquake happens.
c. This lesson is helpful since it can
help us citizens of the nation to be
more active in making laws on how to
The student will pass their
help others during earthquake.
d. Through this lesson we will be
more keen observer of the situation
especially if there is a calamity like
Finish or unfinished pass the
papers forward. At the count of
five all papers must be in.
(counting will start).
Don’t forget to copy your
assignment for tomorrow.
In your assignment notebook.
Answer the following questions.
1. List at least 3 precautionary
a. before an earthquake.
b. during an earthquake.
c. after an earthquake.
The students will copy their
None ma’am.
Good bye and thank you
Ma’am Antonette.
2. Why is it important to know the
precautionary measures before,
during and after an earthquake.
Any question with regards to the
If none, then that would be all
for today.
Good bye class!