INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER FLOWTRONIX ARABIA LTD. INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 (ISM-001) Prepared By: MR Reviewed By: Manager Sales Approved By: General Manager This IMS manual is the property of: FLOWTRONIX ARABIA LTD. COPYRIGHT No part of this IMS manual may be reproduced in any form by print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means wholly or in part or disclosed to any person outside Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. without the written permission of the General Manager. JUNE 2018 Page 1 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Table of Contents Page 2 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL Page 3 of 39 ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER REVISION RECORD Revision Date Section Changed Summary of Changes Authorized By 00 20/Jun/2018 All First Issue as per the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 standards General Manager Page 4 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER INTEGRATED POLICY It is the policy of Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. to provide services related to “Industrial Electrical, Power, Instrumentation and Process Control Systems. Design & engineering, material supplies, equipment installation, panel integration, commissioning and facility maintenance services. Operational safety, IT networking & security solutions and water treatment for industrial facilities”. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. is committed to comply with the requirement of the customers and to continually improve the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System. It must be clearly understood that this Integrated Policy, Integrated Manual and associated Procedures and systems are mandatory on all staff. Undertaking our activities goes along with high responsibility, competency and professionalism, so in order to realize our commitment and maintain our leadership position in this business we’ve established a structure that includes all the organization’s activities and describes the processes including the aspects of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment. Our policy is established on the following items: Conserve and optimally use key resources, provide services leading to customer satisfaction and implement measures for maintaining safe working & occupational health practices. Create awareness for occupational health & safety and environment by training & meaningful communication of Integrated Policy to the employees, persons working on behalf of the organization and relevant interested parties. Continually improving the effectiveness of our adopted Integrated Management System in accordance with ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015. Review our objectives and achievements periodically for continual performance improvement of our processes. We operate our workplaces to comply with requirements of quality, health, safety and environment applicable local and global regulations, and with the policies of our group using best practice as a guideline. Plan and evaluate our processes via consideration of the associated business Risk. Risk associated with our activities and services to employees and other interested parties, surroundings and the information and goods entrusted to us are known and controlled in a responsible manner. We’ll maintain the best possible Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental performance, and in order to achieve this Standard, we prevent occupational injuries and illnesses. We’ll establish, implement and maintain a framework to measure our objectives and targets and to ensure the continual improvement of our QHSE program and Documented Management System. Develop processes and operating conditions that promote environmental protection and reduce the associated environmental impacts Provide training and education to all employees to work in a manner, which maximize the environmental protection, and to understand the implication of the Environmental policy. ____________________________ General Manager Page 5 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER SCOPE This is the official Integrated Manual of Flowtronix Arabia Ltd., which describes the elements and requirements of quality, health, safety and environmental management system, and it is structured to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 standards. The Integrated Management System is designed in order to demonstrate company capabilities and commitment to deliver high quality services with consistency, which conforms entirely to the customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, thereby ensuring Customer satisfaction, also to improve occupational health, safety and environment, eliminate OH&S hazards, prevention of pollution, improvements in quality, health, safety and environment performance, minimize risks (including system deficiencies), take advantage of opportunities, and addresses Integrated management system nonconformities associated with its activities. The Scope of the Integrated Management System activities of Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. is of; “Industrial Electrical, Power, Instrumentation and Process Control Systems. Design & engineering, material supplies, equipment installation, panel integration, commissioning and facility maintenance services. Operational safety, IT networking & security solutions and water treatment for industrial facilities.” NORMATIVE REFERENCES International Standard ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System – requirements International Standard ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System – requirements. International Standard ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System – requirements List of Procedures, Process Flows & Work Instructions – Appendix-A Master Process Map – Appendix-B Integrated Objectives – Appendix-C Organizational Chart – Appendix-D List of Forms – Appendix-E Terms & Definitions – Appendix-F TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Terms and Definitions associated with this manual are mentioned in Appendix–F of this Integrated Manual. Page 6 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER CONTEXT OF FLOWTRONIX ARABIA LTD. Understanding Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. and its Context Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established, documented, implemented and maintained the information in procedure # MR-ISP-004 for determining and evaluating the external and internal issues or factors relevant to its operating environment (context), strategic planning and which affect its ability to achieve its objectives and intended outcomes. Information relevant to these external and internal factors is effectively maintained, considered while managing the associated addressed risks and also monitored through defined mechanism in order to ensure smooth and consistent business execution. Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established, documented, implemented and maintained the information in procedure # MR-ISP-004 for determining the interested parties relevant to its Integrated Management System and the requirements of these interested parties. Information relevant to these external and internal parties is effectively maintained, reviewed and monitored through defined mechanism in order to ensure smooth and consistent business execution. Related Document: Issues with Relevant Interested Parties – ISP-004 Determining the Scope of the Integrated Management System Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has determined the boundaries and applicability of its Integrated Management System while establishing its scope. As documented in clause 01 of this Integrated Manual, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. scope of work is; "Industrial Electrical, Power, Instrumentation and Process Control Systems. Design & engineering, material supplies, equipment installation, panel integration, commissioning and facility maintenance services. Operational safety, IT networking & security solutions and water treatment for industrial facilities.” While determining the Scope of work, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has considered the following; External & Internal issues associated with Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. business (refer to clause 4.1). The requirements of relevant interested parties (refer to clause 4.2), and The scope of the organization (refer to clause 01), Other interested parties, in addition to workers, that are relevant to the integrated management system; (refer to clause 4.2) Relevant needs and expectations (i.e. requirements) of workers and other interested parties; Which of these needs and expectations are or could become legal requirements and other requirements. Page 7 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER All the requirements of ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015 standards are applicable to the Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. scope of work. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. is also involved in design and development activities so 8.3 clause is applicable. The scope of work is effectively reviewed and maintained whenever required. This scope has stated the types of services being delivered to the customers. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has addressed the requirements (clauses) of ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015 in this Integrated Manual and has focused on their effective implementation in order to ensure no effect on Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ability or responsibility to provide conformity of its services, to enhance Customer Satisfaction, eliminate hazards and prevent pollution. Integrated Management System and its Processes Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established, implemented, maintained and continually improved its Integrated Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015. For this purpose, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has determined the following; a) Processes required for the Integrated Management System and their application throughout the Flowtronix Arabia Ltd., b) Inputs required and the output expected from these processes, c) Sequence and interaction between these processes, d) Criteria and Methods needed to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes, e) Resources needed for these processes and ensuring their availability, f) Assigning the responsibilities and authorities for these processes, g) Address the Risk and opportunities associated with the processes, h) Evaluating these processes through a defined mechanism of monitoring, measurement and analysis of processes performances and evaluating any changes needed to ensure that these processes achieve their intended or planned results. i) Improving the process of the Integrated Management System. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. Integrated Management System is structured to achieve a good internal management system and to get the results of customer satisfaction and effective continual improvement. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has maintained documented information wherever there is a need or requirement to have documented information, either by this international standard “ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015” or by organization for its effective planning, control and operation. Clause 7.5 of this Integrated Manual has addressed requirements of Documented Information. As mentioned in clause 01, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has maintained Process Sequence and interaction in Master Process Map (Process Interaction), Appendix-B of this Integrated Manual. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has maintained the list of Procedures in Appendix-A of this Manual. Organization hierarchy is established and maintained in Organization Chart, Appendix-D of this manual. Page 8 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER LEADERSHIP AND WORKER PARTICIPATION Leadership and Commitment General Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. Top Management has demonstrated effective leadership and commitment with respect to its Integrated Management System by ensuring the following; a) Taking overall responsibility and accountability for the prevention of pollution, work-related injury and ill health as well as the provision of safe and healthy workplaces and activities; b) Top Management has undertaken whole accountability for the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System. c) Top Management has ensured that Integrated Policy and Integrated Objectives (documented in Appendix – C of this manual) are documented, implemented and maintained. The documented policy and objectives are made compatible with the context and strategic direction of the organization. d) Top Management has ensured integration of the Integrated Management System requirements in to its Business process through establishment of effective documentation structure (detailed in clause 7.5 of this manual). e) Top Management has ensured the use of “Risk base approach” and “Process approach” through effectively defining and promoting the Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. documentation structure. f) Top Management is committed for continual improvement. Where training, new equipment, additional support or personnel is needed, the management shall exert all efforts to acquire or hire all essential resources. g) Top Management has ensured that effective communication processes are established for communicating the importance of effective Integrated Management System and importance of conformity to the Integrated Management System requirements. h) Top Management has ensured, via process for Quality Assurance, including Management Review and Internal Audit, that its Integrated Management System achieve its intended result. i) Top Management has ensured that personnel at each level are effectively engaged, directed or supported in order to demonstrate their contribution for the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System. This is ensured for example, via implementation of defined organization hierarchy, assigned responsibilities and authorities and other monitoring parameters. j) Top Management has emphasized on the promotion of continual improvement of its Integrated Management System through defined mechanism of monitoring and / or measurement. k) Top Management has always encouraged and supported personnel on Management Roles for demonstration of their leadership skills, within their area of responsibility. Page 9 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Customer Focus Top Management has ensured and committed that Customer requirements are determined and fulfilled with the aim of attaining customer’s satisfaction. This includes company’s commitment to comply with the requirements of work order contract / service suitability and conformity. Risk and opportunities that can affect conformity of services and the ability to enhance customer Satisfaction are determined and addressed. The focus on enhancing Customer Satisfaction is maintained via defined mechanism of evaluating Customer Satisfaction, as documented in Clause 9.1.2 of this Integrated Manual. Integrated Policy Establishing the Integrated Policy Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. Top Management, as evidence of its commitment, has established, documented, implemented and maintained via continuous review, an Integrated Policy. The Integrated Policy is documented in this Manual. Communicating the Integrated Policy Top Management has ensured that this Integrated Policy is communicated, understood, applied within the organization and made available to interested parties via different defined means of communication. This Policy is effectively reviewed at defined interval, within Management Review in order to ensure its continuing suitability with respect to Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. Management System and its business needs. Organizational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities Top Management has ensured that responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned, communicated and understood within the organization. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. Organizational Chart (documented in Appendix-D of this Integrated Manual) pictorially represents the designations of personnel and their inter-relationships. Functional roles of each division/department/unit, duties and responsibilities of personnel are clearly defined to them, which is part of Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. IMS. The responsibilities of Top Management of Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. are given below: General Manager As vested to him by the Shareholders, the General Manager is responsible for providing resources for establishment of Integrated Management System, for customer satisfaction and improvement of internal system, and shall pursuit and implements continual improvement in order to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of Integrated Management System. He is also responsible for following; Final confirm and approve major annual plans and work. Establish Integrated Policy and approve Integrated Management System Manual. Heads overall management review. Page 10 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Delegate Management Representative to implement and maintain Integrated Management System. Management Representative The Top Management of Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has appointed Management Representative (MR), assigned for effective implementation of Integrated Management System (ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015) Requirements. The technical administration of this Integrated Management System is delegated who is vested on him the responsibility, authority and accountability for all Quality Control and Assurance functions. The MR on the performance of the Integrated System including the needs for improvement. He shall also communicate with the customers and other interested parties on the promotion of Quality, Health & Safety awareness and matters pertaining to the Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Programs. The responsibilities of the MR are given below: Ensuring that processes, needed for the Integrated Management System, are established, implemented and maintained and delivering their intended output. Reporting to Top Management on the performance of the Integrated Management System and any need for improvement. Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization Ensuring the integrity of the Integrated Management System is maintained when changes to the Integrated Management System are planned and implemented. Project Manager/Project Lead Project Manager/Project Lead shall be responsible for: Overall supervision and implementation of all the contract activities in an efficient and controlled manner. Ensure implementation of Quality System at the project. Preparation of project budget and recommendation for cash flow. Ensure availability of T&P at site. Coordinate with customer and manage resources. Represent FTA in all meetings held at site with the customer. Communication/correspondence with FTA office. Liaise with the sub-contractors on all aspect of the project activities and resolve any differences that may arise. Effective and efficient utilizations of company resources Ensuring that the work is being carried out as per the Project schedule, quality inspection plan & QMS system Ensuring that all staff is adequately trained and experienced to perform its duties in accordance with requirements of the project quality plan. Ensuring all necessary safety measures are taken during execution of jobs. Page 11 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Implementing appropriate corrective action where deficiencies are detected. Determining and reporting the root causes of non-conformances identified at site. Site In-charge Site In-charge shall be responsible for: The supervision of field construction activities. Efficient and effective deployment and utilization of manpower and other resources as per work front Verifying that the quality policy of the company is being fully implemented and maintained Checking and verifying that construction work is being carried out as per the latest approved drawings. Ensuring that the work is performed in accordance with the specifications. Ensuring that the work is being carried out as per the project quality plan. Ensuring that all staff are adequately trained and experienced in their discipline, to perform their duties in accordance with the project quality plan. Determining and reporting the root causes of non-conformances Implementing appropriate corrective action where non-conformances are identified Ensure that all necessary safety measures are taken during execution of jobs. Ensure implementation of HSE policies and procedures Ensure valid calibrated test equipment is used at site Ensure all T&P is safe and in proper working condition. Planning & Control Engineer Planning & Control Engineer is responsible for: Project planning and progress monitoring of the work Preparation of site planning team before start of the project. Preparation of master schedule of the project. Calculate cost to complete the project. Prepare the monitoring module which covers the progress of works, resources utilization and financial status reports. Generate the weekly/ monthly progress reports. Generation of analytical reports to update project progress/status. Invoices are generated on the basis of progress of work done. Liaise with the sub-contractors regarding the materials, progress of works and invoices verification. Identifying any delays through project analytical reports, which are highlighted in Project Schedule Reasons of delay of projects are recorded on project delay report by suitable means Issuance of revision in Project Schedule. Page 12 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Purchasing Lead Purchasing Lead is responsible: For procurement of all contractor-supplied materials, consumables, tools and plant, safety gear and temporary supplies as per procedure of Quality Management System. Request for quotations from pre-qualified suppliers / vendors and evaluate the quotations received on the basis of commercial and technical comparisons Coordinate with QC representative for inspection. Issue Purchase Order to the finalized supplier / vendor as per authorized limit Coordinate with finance department for release of payment to the suppliers / vendors. Take necessary actions to achieve smooth, timely and efficient flow of materials to the projects. Acquire information on all Government policies regarding, Custom Duties, Sales Tax and all other levies affecting the “Landed Cost”. Advise right procedures and methods for the efficient opening / establishment of the Letter of Credit (L/C). Ensure efficient and effective custom clearance for goods to be imported. Ensure safe & timely delivery of goods from port to projects / warehouse to port / from supplier’s premises to projects. Ensure the release of Indemnity Bonds / Bank Guarantee / Post Dated Cheques deposited with Customs in order to avail the all-possible benefits. QA&QC Lead QA & QC Lead is responsible To ensure implementation of Quality Management System at site. To prepare the Project Quality Plan as per Project’s specifications and drawings received from Customer. To prepare the inspection procedures/protocols/formats for site execution as per specifications provided by customer. To arrange/depute the QA/QC manpower for sites on the requirements of project manager/project lead. To arrange the raw material inspection at market as per Purchase requisition. Ensures that adequate corrective actions are taken for any NCR raised at sites. Liaise with site QC Teams to resolves the QC matters. Co-ordination with Third party Inspection/calibration Team. Coordinates with store staff and site QC for calibration of inspection, measuring and test equipment being used at site. Ensure Quality Dossiers of completed jobs are complied by the site QC. HSE Lead HSE Lead is responsible for: Keeping close liaison with the client safety department. Page 13 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Establish and implementation of safety procedures during construction (at site) and also at the residential area (camp). Arranging training of staff/workers for all safety discipline and assess the adequacy of such training by monitoring the personnel at site. Advising the management for measures required for pollution free, healthy and hygienic atmosphere for site workers/ staff. Making arrangements for fire prevention and emergency evacuation. Arranging first aid kits for all busy locations of site/ works/ camp. Making audits of records of lifting equipment tools and tackles and advise management for safety improvement. Introduction/ installation of safety signs/ warnings and arrangement of safety tool box meetings with site staff, as per requirement. Reporting of site accident and ensure timely investigation for root cause and submit reports with recommendations to avoid recurrence Issue agreed weekly/ monthly performance reports regarding HSE parameters to top management. Project Engineers Responsibilities of area engineers include: Prepare the job plans according to work front Review design docs and carry out activities accordingly. Assign required resources including manpower, T&P and material in efficient ways Supervise the job activities and provide guidance to crew where and when required for effective delivery of the job plan Assist the planning department for actual measurements of work done required in the preparation of running bills Co-ordinate and liaise with other disciplines and interfaces Compile daily progress reports and analyze against targets and highlight any delay/problem Assist Planning department for reports generation for head office and client Assist in preparing the final consolidated plan Ensure that all necessary safety measures are taken during execution of job Report to the project lead regarding any technical problems, work front issue or modifications required Maintain a good teamwork spirit and cordial relationship with staff. Consultation and Participation of Workers The Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established, implemented and maintained a process for consultation and participation of workers at all applicable levels and functions, and, where they exist, workers’ representatives, in the development, Page 14 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER planning, implementation, performance evaluation and actions for improvement of the Integrated Management System. The organization shall: a) Provides mechanisms, time, training and resources necessary for consultation and participation; b) Provides timely access to clear, understandable and relevant information about the Integrated Management System; c) Determines and remove obstacles or barriers to participation and minimize those that cannot be removed; d) Emphasizes the consultation of non-managerial workers on the following: Determining the needs and expectations of interested parties (Clause 4.2); Establishing the policy (Clause 5.2); Assigning organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities as applicable (Clause 5.3); Determining how to fulfil legal requirements and other requirements (Clause 6.1.3); Establishing integrated objectives and planning to achieve them (Clause 6.2); Determining applicable controls for outsourcing, procurement and contractors (Clause 8.1.4); Determining what needs to be monitored, measured and evaluated (Clause 9.1); Planning, establishing, implementing and maintaining an audit program (Clause 9.2); Ensuring continual improvement (Clause 10.3); e) Emphasizes the participation of non-managerial workers in the following: Determining the mechanisms for their consultation and participation; Identifying hazards and assessing risks and opportunities (Clause 6.1.1, and 6.1.2); Determining actions to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks (Clause 6.1.4); Determining competence requirements, training needs, training and evaluating training (Clause 7.2); Determining what needs to be communicated and how this will be done (Clause 7.4); Determining control measures and their effective implementation and use (Clause 8.1, 8.1.3 and 8.2); Investigating incidents and nonconformities and determining corrective actions (Clause 10.2). PLANNING Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities General Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established, documented, implemented and maintained the information, in procedure # MR-ISP-005 for determining the Risk and Opportunities associated with; a) Determined External and Internal issues (Clause 4.1). Page 15 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER b) Determined External and Internal interested parties and their needs and expectations (Clause 4.2). c) Scope of the Integrated Management System. When determining the risks and opportunities risks and opportunities related to integrated management system and its intended outcomes, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has addressed and shall take into account: a) b) c) d) e) Risk and Opportunities related to environmental aspects, Issues with works or relevant interested parties, hazards Identification OH&S Risks and Opportunities Compliance obligations, Legal and other requirements The purpose of this procedure is to ensure provision of assurance that Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. Integrated Management System can achieve its intended results, enhance desirable affects, prevent or reduce undesirable affects and achieve improvements. Environmental Aspect/Impact, Hazard Identification and Assessment of Risks & Opportunities Environmental Aspect / Impact Assessment The established procedure aims to identify and document in a register its environmental aspects and the resulting impacts of its activities and services that it can control or influence, taking into account planned or new developments or new or modified activities and services. The procedure determines the criteria of defining aspects that have significant environmental impacts. Related documents: MR-ISP-011 - Environmental Aspects / Impacts identification and Evaluation Procedure OH&S Hazard Identification The established procedure identifies ongoing hazards, risk assessments and the necessary control measures for: Routine and non-routine activities (emergency, breakdown, etc.) All activities of all personnel in the company including visitors and subcontractors. All the company facilities and work places. The procedure defines the methodology for hazard identification and risk assessment. All the assessment results are considered in setting the objectives and program. The assessment and risk control is updated. Assessment of OH&S Risks and Other Risks The Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established, implemented and maintained a process to: a) Assess OH&S risks from the identified hazards, while taking into account the effectiveness of existing controls; Page 16 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER b) Determine and assess the other risks related to the establishment, implementation, operation and maintenance of the Integrated Management System. Assessment of OH&S Opportunities and Other Opportunities The Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. establish, implement and maintain a process to assess: a) OH&S opportunities to enhance OH&S performance, while taking into account planned changes to the organization, its policies, its processes or its activities and: Opportunities to adapt work, work organization and work environment to workers; Opportunities to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks; b) Other opportunities for improving the Integrated Management System. Related documents: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control Procedure – MR-ISP-016 Determination of legal requirements and other requirements and Compliance Obligation Legal and other HSE requirements applicable to Integrated Management System of Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. are identified, accessed and updated periodically in legal Requirements Identification and Compliance Evaluation Register. The applicable legal and other a requirement with which subscribes to have been taken into account while establishing, implementing and maintaining the Integrated Management System. The Management Representative is responsible for ensuring the updating, communication and compliance of the applicable legal requirements. Relevant information about applicable legal and other requirements is communicated to employees through various means of communication. Same is also communicated to customers and interested parties, upon request, through company profile, company manual, policy and meetings. Records of compliance with the applicable legal and other requirements including compliance evaluation are also maintained. Relevant Procedure legal and other Requirements Identification, Compliance and Evaluation Procedure (ISP-017) has been established for the purpose of identifying legal and other requirements applicable to the OH&S hazards and evaluating compliance to such requirements on a periodic (yearly) basis. Related documents: ISP-017 – legal and other Requirements Identification, Compliance and Evaluation Procedure. ISF-017/1 – legal Requirements Identification and Compliance Evaluation Register. Planning action Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has planned actions to address significant environmental aspects, compliance obligations, risks and opportunities, address legal requirements and other requirements and prepare for and respond to emergency situations. We have planned to integrate and implement the actions into its integrated management system processes or other business processes and evaluate the effectiveness of these actions; Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has taken into account the hierarchy of controls and outputs from the integrated management system when planning to take action. When planning these actions, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. consider its technological options and its financial, operational and business requirements. Page 17 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Integrated Objectives and Planning Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established and documented Integrated Objectives at relevant functions, levels and processes needed of the Integrated Management System, in Appendix – C of this Integrated Manual. Documented Integrated Objectives are; a) b) c) d) e) f) Consistent with the Integrated Policy, Made Measurable, Taking in to account applicable legal requirements, Relevant to conformity of services and to enhancement of Customer Satisfaction, Communicated and Monitored, Reviewed (in Management Review at defined planned interval) and updated as necessary. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has also established achievement plan for documented objectives, with in Appendix – C of this Integrated Manual. This achievement plan covers the following; a) Actions to be taken for achievement of the objectives or the means by which objectives are to be achieved. b) Required resources. c) Target time. d) Responsible department / person. e) Monitoring mechanism including frequency. Related document: Integrated Objectives – Appendix-C Planning Objectives – ISP-008 Planning of Changes When the organization determines the need for changes, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ensures that integrity of the Integrated Management System is maintained while planning and implementation of changes. This shall be carried out in accordance with the planned arrangements, as mentioned in clause 9.3.2. SUPPORT Resources General The Top Management of Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. along with the concern Department Managers has determined and provided the resources needed to implement and maintain the Integrated Management System and continually Page 18 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER improve its effectiveness, preventing pollution eliminating hazards and ill health and to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements. While determining the required resources, the organization has also considered risk associated with this process, including; The capabilities of, and constrain on, existing internal resources And the requirements for outsourcing of resources from external providers. People Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has determined and provided the persons necessary for the effective implementation of its Integrated Management System and for the operation and control of its processes. Man power requirements for each activity are determined and provided by the assigned Manager which is further then further evaluated for adequacy. To achieve its performance improvement objectives, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has encouraged the involvement of its personnel by: Having continual training and awareness, Defining responsibilities and authorities, Ensuring effective & efficient teamwork, Communicating suggestions and opinions, Recognizing and rewarding. Infrastructure Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has determined, provided and maintained the infrastructure necessary for the operations of its processes and to achieve conformity of its related services. Environment for the Operation of Processes Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has determined, provided and maintained the environment necessary for the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of services. The determined work environment covers Social, Psychological and Physical factors, as addressed in Risk Assessment relevant to the working environment process. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. personnel work, allocated by the customer. Prior to deployment of personnel, each one is briefed thoroughly about the requirements of customers and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements includes but not limited, to quality, health and safety and general workmanship safety orientation. Page 19 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Monitoring and Measurement Resources General Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has determined and provided the resources needed to ensure the valid and reliable results when monitoring or measurement is used to verify the conformity of service to requirements. These resources include; a) Methods or 2nd / 3rd party reference standards used for monitoring of product to requirements. b) Reference equipment used for monitoring or measurement purpose during inspection, testing or any sort of verification. c) Personnel with their specific competency relevant to the monitoring or measurement of any specific process or service. For example, like Welder qualification requirements in Welding process. d) Any other resource related to Infra structure or Work Environment, needed to ensure valid and reliable results. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall maintain appropriate documented information as evidence of fitness for the purpose of monitoring or measurement resources. Measurement Traceability Where Measurement traceability is the requirement, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. observes proper control of measuring and test equipment, determines the monitoring and measurement to be undertaken and the monitoring and measuring equipment needed to provide evidence of conformity of service to determined requirements. It established processes to ensure that monitoring and measurement can be carried out and are carried out in a manner that is consistent with the monitoring and measurement requirements. To ensure valid results, measuring equipment; a) are calibrated or verified, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards; where no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be retained as documented information; b) adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary; c) have identification in order to determine its calibration status; d) safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result; e) Protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage. Company’s Specialist Technicians or Third Party Calibration Lab is responsible for the calibration of all test equipment. The QA/QC personnel shall ensure that only calibrated equipment is used in inspection and testing operations. List of measuring and test equipment shall be identified suitable to the need of the job specification. Calibration shall be done against a certified reference standard whose accuracy is traceable to national standard or obtained from independent reproducible standard. Calibrated test equipment shall be provided with calibration Page 20 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER status identification sticker or Tag. Defective equipment or those calibration date had expired should be immediately segregated for appropriate action. A list of Calibrated Measuring and Test Equipment shall be maintained showing the equipment identification, serial number, the calibration dates and due dates. Organization Knowledge Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has determined and maintained the necessary knowledge specific to processes & competence for personnel performing work requirements. The knowledge is determined in terms of evaluation of personnel work experience for specified process, at the time of hiring or at the time of transfer from one process to another. This is covered as part of competency parameter itself which include other parameter like education, training, skill and experience. Competence Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. provides training or take other actions to achieve the necessary competence, evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken. Ensures that its personnel are aware of the Integrated Policy and relevant Integrated Objectives, their contribution to the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System including the benefits of improved performance, the implications of not conforming to the Integrated Management System requirements. Maintains appropriate document information of education, training, skills and experience. Awareness All new employees of are required to undergo Induction training program to familiarize their job requirements and the Management System. This program defined in such a way that new employee clearly understands the channels of internal communications and System requirements. Through immediate superior or department head, the Management conducts performance evaluation to each employee as their basis for giving increment and regularization. The new employee will be evaluated on the basis of their performance by their immediate superior or the department head prior to the completion of their probationary period of 3 months or prior to their regularization. Communication The Procedure for Communication (ISP-018) is implemented to have effective arrangements for communicating the hazards, Aspects and management system internally and externally. Employees are involved in hazard and risk analysis, incident investigation and are consulted on matters that may affect their health & safety in the workplace. The means of communication are via internal memos, posters, notice boards, letters, website, trainings and internet. Consultations with employees are done during safety meetings, tool box talks, interviews, discussions and investigation process. Contractors and suppliers who work for or on behalf of are consulted on changes in the workplace or activities that could affect their Integrated Management System. Decision to communicate externally Page 21 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER about significant environmental aspects and the required methodology is documented in the procedure Communication (ISP-018). For External communication, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has defined or designated the responsibility for each relevant department. External communication included communication to and or from external interested parties, such as; Communication to and / or from customer relevant to the contracted services, its feedback including resolution of complains. Communication to and / or from external providers relevant to the purchased product. Communication to and / or from Regulatory bodies Where ever required, organization shall retain documented information for internal and external communications. Related document: Communication Procedure – ISP-018 Page 22 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Documented Information General Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established Integrated Management System which includes documented information for Integrated Policy & Integrated Objectives and the structure of its documentation is in Four (4) levels to ensure that the services provided By Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. conform to specified requirements and continually improves its effectiveness. The structure of the IMS documented information is illustrated below and elaborated in the succeeding paragraphs: IMS DOCUMENTATION STRUCTURE Level 1: Integrated Manual Level 2: Integrated System Procedures Level 3: Process Flows / Work Instructions Level 4: Records / Formats Creating & Updating Level 1 – Integrated Management System Manual (This manual), as documented information, is introductory describing Flowtronix Arabia Ltd.’s Integrated Policy and objectives and broadly stating what are to be done to assure expected quality of services. The manual has covered all the requirements of the International Standard ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015. The Integrated Manual also makes reference of the applicable procedures. Level 2 – Quality Procedures are the documented information which describe the overall procedures and responsibilities for operating the Integrated Management System (IMS) by all divisions/departments/units of Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. to effectively implement each requirement of ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015 standards. It covers the documented procedures and records required by ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO Page 23 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER 45001 and to include those other documents and records that may be needed by Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its process. Level 3 – Quality Process Flows/Work Instructions are documented information, which describes the specific quality process. Contain individual process flow documents, work instructions, internal specifications operational processes & instructions and plans pertaining to the business operations. Level 4 – Quality Records/Forms: These comprise the fourth level of the Integrated System documentation. They are generated and maintained as per the system requirements. They provide evidence that the Integrated System has been implemented and maintained effectively. The particular record to be generated and the standard formats to be used are detailed under the relevant functional procedures. Control of Documented Information As part of documented information, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. maintains a documented procedure for control of documented information. The details of the process of documentation including review, approval, changes and distribution of document are found in the Procedures –Level ‘2’. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. adheres to the adequate control of documented information, is an essential requirement in the pursuit of an efficient operation. The IMS Manual distribution is divided into two (2) categories, i.e.: a. Controlled Copies: Controlled copies of the IMS Manual shall be stamped “Controlled Copy” in red and issued to the authorized holders. Any changes in the IMS Manual affected by any revisions shall be incorporated to the controlled copies issued. The originals of the IMS documents are under the custody of QA / QC Head. List of Controlled Copy holders are the following; 1. General Manager – Copy # 01 2. Management Representative – Copy # 02 3. Library Copy – Copy # 03 b. Uncontrolled Copies: Any photocopy of Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. IMS document is considered an “Uncontrolled Copy”. A soft copy of the original Integrated Management System Manual (in PDF format) is available at Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. Portal. Documented Information Control Coverage Documented information subject to control can be in the form of hard copy or electronic media. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ensure that documented information of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of Integrated Management System. Page 24 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Documented Distribution Control Management System are identified and their distribution controlled. Documents cover but not limited to the following: Department Functional Procedures Quality / Safety Programs/ Plans Specific Work Process Procedure. Maintenance/ Procedure. Industry Codes and Standards Engineering Standards and Specifications. Client Specifications. Materials Specifications. Change Orders / Contract Amendments Third Party Test and Inspection Reports External Audit Reports a) Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. prevents the unintended use of obsolete documented information, and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose. b) While creating or updating any documented information, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ensures; proper identification and description on the documented information, to have it in proper format and media and to have proper review and approval for adequacy. c) Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established a documented information in form of Procedure to define the controls needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposition of documented information. The Company’s documented information to be retained (Quality Records) is described in Doc. No. MR-ISP-001, to include Final QA/QC documented information comprising all Test and Inspection Certificates/Reports for a particular contract shall be treated as documented information (quality records), a special type of documented information to provide evidence of conformity to the requirements and effective operation of the Integrated Management System. d) All documented information to be retained (quality records) shall be maintained and filed in an orderly manner for a retention period as specified in contract agreement with customers. e) Documented information (Quality record) retention shall be identified and marked with “Date of Destroy.” Expiry of the retention period is described in Documented Information; Document no. MR-ISP-001 (Clause 7.5). Periodical audits shall be conducted to ensure safety storage of the documented information. f) All company’s computers are protected with anti-virus program (i.e., MacAfee Virus Scan Enterprise). Documented information in computer shall be retained or provided with backups. Related document: Control of Documents – MR-ISP-001 Page 25 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER OPERATIONS Operations Planning and Control General Flowtronix Arabia Ltd.’s business starts with the identification/selection of prospective activity & preparation of prequalification within the framework of its Integrated Objectives. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd.’s Business Development arm has a full knowledge of the company’s line of businesses and it has established and maintains processes required for management and execution. Each processes are identified, evaluated, planned, documented and controlled. Inter-dependent Related documented information (such as Technical Services, Manpower, QA/QC, Purchasing, etc.) shall maintain with proper coordination to achieve an effective and efficient operation to satisfy the customers and other interested parties. To outline Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. operations, the following shall be considered: Determine and communicate significant features of the processes Define training requirements in the operation of processes Share skill and experience to every work group/section Measure and audit processes Analyze, review and improve the processes Ensure safety for all employees Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall maintain and retain the documented information in order to have confidence that processes have been carried out in planned manner and to demonstrate the conformity and relevant service to the defined requirements. When any change is required to be planned, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall control such planned changes via reevaluation of the addressed risk associated with such changes and shall ensure that all the action are effectively planned and implemented in order to mitigate any adverse effects. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall strive for continual improvement to provide satisfactory activity, to improve customer satisfaction and confidence, to improve utilization of resources, to improve safety program and reduction of waste to achieve more effectiveness and efficiency of processes. To ensure continual improvement on activity realization, the company shall retain evaluation of existing processes, revising Procedures and Work Instruction (as required) and providing appropriate resources. Established Procedure as Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control (ISP-016) is established for defining and managing required Operational Control to ensure that operations and activities associated with specified OH&S Risks are controlled and related responsibilities and accountability are determined and defined. Page 26 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Controls related to all OH&S hazards and risks are identified in, Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Observations Register where resultant risks are rated and adequacy of controls is determined. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established Operational Controls Procedure for defining and managing required Operational Control to ensure that operations and activities associated with specified EMS Risks and Significant Environmental Aspects are controlled and related responsibilities and accountability are determined and defined. Controls related to all Significant Environmental Aspects and their impacts are identified in, Environmental Aspects & Impacts procedure, where resultant impacts of the Environmental Aspects are rated and adequacy of controls is determined. Controls include: a) Operational controls in the form of method statements, work instructions, safe systems of work and effective supervision; b) Controls related to purchased goods, equipment and services (i.e. obtaining approval for raw material & consumable material purchase, supplier evaluation, availability of product information, documents for preventive maintenance, etc.). c) Controls pertaining to supplier and other visitors to the workplace (i.e. IMS induction, operating procedures, work supervision and monitoring). Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks Controls related to all OH&S hazards and reducing OH&S risks are defined Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Operational Control Procedure (ISP-016). OH&S Hazards and OH&S Risks are identified in, Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Operational Control Register where resultant risks are rated and adequacy of controls is determined. Controls include: Operational controls in the form of method statements, work instructions, safe systems of work and effective supervision; Controls pertaining to supplier and other visitors to the workplace (i.e. induction, procedures, work supervision and monitoring). Related document: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control Procedure – ISP-016 Management of change The Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established a process for the implementation and control of planned temporary and permanent changes that impact Integrated Management System performance, including: a) New services and processes, or changes to existing services and processes, including: workplace locations and surroundings; work organization; Page 27 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER working conditions; equipment; work force; b) Changes to legal requirements and other requirements; c) Changes in knowledge or information about OH&S hazards and OH&S risks; d) Developments in knowledge and technology. The organization shall review the consequences of unintended changes, taking action to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary. Procurement General The Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established, implemented and maintained a process to control the procurement of products and services in order to ensure their conformity to its IMS. Contractors The Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. coordinate its procurement process with its contractors, in order to identify hazards and to assess and control the OH&S risks arising from: a) contractors’ activities and operations that impact the organization; b) organization’s activities and operations that impact the contractors’ workers; Outsourcing The Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ensures that outsourced functions and processes are controlled. Its outsourcing arrangements are consistent with legal requirements and other requirements and with achieving the intended outcomes of the Integrated Management System. Requirements for Services Customer Communication To ensure effective arrangements of communication with the customers, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has implemented effective communication with customers in relation to: Providing information relating to services. Client Information. Enquiries, contracts, amendments and change order. Customer’s feedback including complaints. Handling or Controlling Customer Property. Specific requirements of contingency action, when relevant. Page 28 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Determining the Requirements for Services As a fundamental business practice, viability of a certain contract undertaking depends on the full understanding and acceptance on the contents of the Contract Agreement with the customers. From bidding and negotiating stage, the company exercise proper assessment of documents and any changes identified shall be incorporated in the Final Contract Agreement. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. determines and implement procedures to ensure adequate understanding of the needs and expectation of the customers, including the classification and review of all relevant information. Relevant information related to the activities: Contract Agreement and Specification Job completion requirement Inspection and Test requirements and other requirements necessary for specified or intended use Statutory and Regulatory requirements applicable to the Activity Any additional requirements as needed Review of the Requirements Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall ensure that services requirement are properly defined, any differing contract or order requirements are resolved and its ability to meet the defined requirements. If required, sales and marketing department will be formed to evaluate the requirements of the activity. This review shall be conducted prior to Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. commitment to supply services to the customer such as submission of bids, acceptance of contracts or orders, acceptance of changes to contract or orders. Prior to quotation submission, thorough review shall be made by the Review Committee member/s decided by the Head Service & Operations Manager on cost estimates to ensure all contract requirements is achievable. Once the quotation is approved, the Estimate & Proposal Unit of the Technical Services Department shall review the contents of the Contract Agreement and cross-check the Pre-bid documents for any possible changes or addendum. It is then endorsed to the General Manager for Contract Acceptance and signing. Pre-bid documents are recorded in a Control Log Book, maintaining the date of receipt and subsequent changes or revisions. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall retain the documented information on the results of review and on any new requirements for the contract / service. Changes to Requirements for Services Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall ensure that relevant documented information is amended, and the relevant persons are made aware of the changed requirements, when any of the service requirements are changed. Page 29 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Design and Development FTA has a system to carryout design and development of product or process as required by customer. The design & development includes detailed engineering of a project on basis of inputs from the customer and deliverable like the preparing bill of quantities and detailed drawings etc. Control of Externally Provided Products and Services General Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ensures that externally provided products and service confirms to the requirements. The type and extent of control applied to the external provider and the purchased product, shall be dependent upon the effect of the purchased products on organization’s ability to consistently deliver confirming services to its customers. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall retain documented information of selection, evaluation, re-evaluation and performance monitoring of external providers and any necessary action arising from such evaluations. Type and Extent of Control Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ensures that such out sourced activities do not adversely affect its ability to consistently deliver confirming services to its customers, by ensuring the following; Such outsourced activities remains within organization’s control. Controls related to the external providers and to the resulting output from the outsourced activities are defined and effectively applied. Effectiveness of the application of control and potential impacts of the outsourced activities on Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ability to fulfill customer requirements is ensured. Information for External Providers Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ensures the adequacy of the requirements prior to their communication to external providers. The Procurement Department is responsible for the purchase of materials / products in compliance with the products standards and specifications set forth by the customer. Purchase Orders are prepared from the Purchase Requisitions, containing all relevant technical and quality information. Purchasing information, communicated to external provider, shall describe the requirements for purchasing, including, where appropriate; a) b) c) d) e) requirements for approval of product, procedures, processes, methods and equipment, requirements for qualification of personnel, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. IMS requirements, External provider interaction with the organization, Controls and monitoring of the external providers’ performance to be applied by the Company, Page 30 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL f) ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Verification or validation activities that Flowtronix Arabia Ltd., or its Customer, intends to perform at the external providers’ premises. Aside from Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. Inspectors and if stipulated in customer’s requirement/s, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. allows customer’s representative to have access to the supplier’s facilities to conduct verification to ensure that the products conform to the specifications. This however will not relieve Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. and the external providers of its obligations for any subsequent rejection that may be found during inspection. As an Integral part of the overall inspection and testing processes, the Material Management Plan shall detail the requirement of receipt inspection, storage, preservation, traceability identification and inventory control before it is released for service. Documented information relevant to the Purchase Order shall be retained. Service Provision Control of Service Provision Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established and maintained procedures, and plan actions to execute specific contract treated as a whole activity works that requires documentation and pre-qualified program aimed to ensure controlled conditions, preventing deviation during the stages of services and completion of the activity. Controlled conditions shall include, as applicable, a) The availability of documented information that describes the characteristics of the services or the activities to be performed, and the results to be achieved. b) the use of suitable infrastructure and environment for operation of its processes, c) the availability and use of monitoring and measuring resources, d) the implementation of monitoring and measurement activities at appropriate stages, e) the appointment of competent persons, including any required qualification, f) the validation, and periodic re-validation, of the ability to achieve planned results of the processes for services provision, where the resulting output cannot be verified by subsequent monitoring and measurement, g) The implementation of actions to prevent human error. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. maintain the documented information required to justify the effective implementation of above defined controlled conditions. Identification and Traceability Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. maintains proper identification and documented information to every materials and products for any specific contract job to ensure traceability and identification during the stages of installation. Page 31 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER The system of identification, marking and traceability shall be established and incorporated in the Purchase Order (as appropriate) to form part of the specification attachment. This covers bulk materials, fabricated items or finished products coming from the suppliers and subcontractors. Property Belonging to Customers or External Providers Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall exercise care with property belonging to Customers or External Providers (including, where applicable, materials, components, tools and equipment, premises, intellectual property and personal data) while it is under the Company’s control or being used by the organization. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall identify, verify, protect and safeguard customers’ or external providers’ property provided for use or incorporation into the product. If any customers’ or external providers’ property is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, documented information shall be retained and reported to the customer or external provider on what has occurred. Preservation Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. properly identifies the product and adheres with the necessary handling procedure, storage, packaging, protection and delivery of materials/products to its intended destination in order to maintain conformity to the requirements as per the Material Management Plan. At every stage of process, materials are handled according to company regulation to protect from damage and maintain its quality. Post – Delivery Activities Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ensures fulfillment of all requirements relevant to post-delivery activities agreed contractually with the customer. While determining the extent of post-delivery activities that are required, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. considers; a) Statutory and regulatory requirements, b) The potential undesirable consequences associated with its service, c) The nature, use and intended life time of its product, d) Customer requirements and e) Customer feedback Control of Changes during Services When any change is addressed, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall review and control such changes, to the extent necessary to ensure continuing conformity with the requirements. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall maintain documented information of such changes, including the results of the review of changes, the person authorizing the changes and any necessary actions arising from the review of such changes. Page 32 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Release of Products and Services Evidence of conformity, as documented information, shall be affirmed and retained through test and inspection during receipt of the materials, services processing and once completed. Result of inspection and acceptance shall be retained as documented information in the QA/QC Department. The product and services shall be monitored and measured based on: Client issued Non-Conformance Report (Client’s Standard NCR Form) and Internal Non-Conformance Report. Weekly coordination meeting report. Complaints raised during regular coordination or special meetings with client recorded in the minutes of meetings. The release of services and products and delivery to the customer shall not proceed until the planned arrangements have been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise approved by a relevant authority and, where applicable, by the customer. Control of Non-Conforming Outputs Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. maintains documented information in handling non-conformance to contract specification and/or purchase order as observed during the course of QC inspection and after delivery or use has started. It deals with non-conforming outputs in one or more of the following ways: a) By taking action to eliminate the detected non-conformity; b) By informing to customer where applicable and required; c) By authorizing its use, release or acceptance under concession by a relevant authority and, where applicable, by the customer; d) By segregation, containment, return or suspension of provision of services. e) By taking action appropriate to the effects, or potential effects, of the non-conformity when nonconforming product is detected after delivery or use has started. When non-conforming product is corrected it shall be subject to re-verification to demonstrate conformity to the requirements. Documented information shall be retained, covering following information; Description of Non-Conformity; Description of the actions taken; Describes any concession obtained; Identifies the authority deciding the action in respect of the Non-Conformity. Page 33 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Emergency Preparedness and Response The procedure for Emergency Response (MR-ISP-006) supported by Emergency Response Plans (ERPs) have been developed and relevant personnel have been identified in order to effectively communicate and take any necessary actions. The Management Representative and safety personnel ensure that drills and other emergency practices are conducted regularly and recorded, wherever applicable, in order to create awareness of the OH&S consequences, actual or potential, of their work activities and the benefits of improved personnel performance. Review of response plans is mandatory at defined interval and specifically, immediately after the occurrence of any incident or emergency. Related document: Emergency Preparedness & Response Procedure – MR-ISP-006 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Performance Evaluation General Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established and maintains documented systems in monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes to prove that conformity of the activity is in relation to the Integrated System and customer’s requirements. a) Service Conformity Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. ensures effective and efficient measurement; collection and validation of data to ensure the finished service conform to the requirements. All completed services are subject for test and inspection at appropriate stages of processes, as specified in the Quality Plan or required by customer specification. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. continually monitors its performance improvement actions and retains documented information of its result. These data results from improvement activities shall be used as added input during the Management Review Meeting. These provide information for improving the quality of the activity and operational sequence. b) Integrated Management System Conformity To ensure effective continual improvement, Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. has established and maintained documented information for planning and implementing Audits, to verify quality activities and relates results comply with planned arrangements, and to determine the effectiveness of company’s Integrated System. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall identify the need for statistical techniques required for establishing, controlling or verifying process capability and product characteristics, including the establishing and maintaining documented information to implement and control the application of the statistical techniques. Page 34 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER c) Integrated Management System Effectiveness Satisfactory results from past services shall be the basis of analyzing the effectiveness of the Integrated System continual improvement. Technical reports which features advance technology for effective processes shall be another source of identifying the need of improvements. Customer’s feedbacks and non-conforming reports shall be statistically analyzed to attain appropriate information to implement corrective actions. Test and Inspection results can be analyzed statistically to provide data suitable to the customer’s requirement. Statistical analysis generated by the company will be released to the customer (if required). Customer Satisfaction Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall determine Customer Satisfaction through survey by providing questionnaire to the customer at least once in a year to ensure service requirement is achieved. Customer feedback (as indicator of Company’s performance) such as complaints, non-conformities, performance indices, deficiencies including commendation for excellent performance are normally issued to Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. in documented forms of communication / documented information i.e.: a. Client issued Non-Conformance Report (Client’s Standard NCR Form) b. Complaints raised during regular coordination or special meetings with client recorded in the minutes of meetings. c. Performance Indices report issued by Customer on monthly basis to Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. serves the basis of knowing the degree of satisfaction of customer on Company’s performance. d. Excellent Performance Rating included in the Customer’s website re: “Posting of Contractors Name with Best Performance in completing the ahead of schedule, high quality and well administered” (if available). Where customer complaint is received, the Management Representative and work services heads shall conduct a thorough investigation to provide appropriate corrective actions to satisfy the conformity of the services. Analysis and Evaluation Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. determines, collects and analyzed appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the quality management system and to evaluate where continual improvement of the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System can be made. This shall include data generated as a result of monitoring and measurement and from other relevant sources. The results of data analysis shall be retained as documented information and shall be used to evaluate; a) b) c) d) The degree of customer satisfaction, Conformity of service, The performance and effectiveness of the Integrated Management System’ If planning has been effectively implemented, Page 35 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER e) The effectiveness of the actions taken to address risk and opportunities, f) The performance of external providers, g) The need for improvements to the Integrated Management System. Evaluation of Compliance Compliance with legal (statutory and regulatory) and other requirements applicable to the operations and activities is evaluated periodically for conformance to established Integrated Management System as per documented Procedure for Legal Requirements identification and Compliance Evaluation Procedure (ISP-017) where the results of periodic evaluation are recorded in Legal Requirements identification and Compliance Evaluation register. Related document: Legal & Other Requirements Identification, Compliance and Evaluation Procedure – ISP-017 Internal Audit Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. planned and conducted Internal Audits for each functional area of the company at least once per year in order to determine the compliance of the Integrated Management System to the requirements of ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015 standards established by the organization, and is effectively implemented and maintained. The Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. shall ensure all corrective actions and recommended improvements are effectively implemented. Quality Planning shall also be flexible in order to allow changes in emphasis based on the results and objectives evidence during the audit. The audits and follow-up actions shall be carried out in accordance with documented procedures and deficiencies found by the Auditor shall be notified to the relevant function. The Auditor will review the deficiency; assess the corrective action suggested by an auditee and sign off the audit if satisfactory. The Auditors shall be independent or impartial during the conduct of audit to the area they are assigned to audit. Auditors shall not audit the area of his work assignment. The criteria and scope of the audit shall be defined while managing the audit process. Department/sections audited must ensure corrective actions are implemented within the specified time frame. Internal Audit Process shall be managed in accordance with the documented information for internal audit process, maintained in ISP-002. Documented information of the audits and its result shall be retained. Related document: Internal Audit / Control of Non-Conformity / Correction & Corrective Action Procedure – ISP-002 Management Review General Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. Management reviews its Integrated Management System at least once in a year, as per maintained documented Information # ISP-003, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. This Page 36 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER review meeting includes the opportunities for improvement and the need for the changes to the Integrated Management System. It also includes the review of Integrated Policy and Integrated Objectives. This review being conducted by the Management Committee chaired either by the General Manager or by department heads, process owners for the purpose of reviewing and ensuring the continuing suitability and effectiveness of the Integrated Management System. Management Review Inputs Review inputs shall evaluate efficiency as well as effectiveness of the Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. Integrated Management System to sustain and maintain a continual improvement program of the Integrated Management System. All approved decisions or actions are programmed for implementation including but not limited to: a) Results of the audits, (Internal & External), b) Changes in External and Internal issues that are relevant to the Integrated Management System, c) Customer feedback, (Complaints & Satisfaction Survey), d) Process performance and service conformity, e) Status of correction and corrective actions, f) Follow-up actions from previous management reviews, g) The performance of external providers, h) The extent of which Integrated Objectives have been met, i) The adequacy of the resources, j) The effectiveness of the actions taken to address risks and opportunities, k) Changes that could affect the Integrated Management System including any change in relevant applicable regulatory and statutory requirements, and l) Opportunities for improvement. Management Review Outputs The output from the management review shall include any decisions and actions related to: a) Improvement of the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System and its processes, b) Improvement of services related to customer requirements, and c) Resource needs Documented information, as evidence of the results of Management Review, shall be retained. Related document: Management Review Procedure – ISP-003 Page 37 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER IMPROVEMENT General Flowtronix Arabia Ltd., in consideration to commitment for continual improvement, demonstrated in the Integrated Policy, continually improves the system in order to meet customer requirements and to enhance customer satisfaction. This shall be carried out through the use of the Integrated Policy, Integrated Objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective actions and management reviews. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. considers the results of the analysis and evaluation, and the outputs from the Management review, to determine if there are needs or opportunities, which shall be addressed as part of the continual improvement. Incident Investigation, Non-Conformity and Corrective Action Incident Investigation The procedure established for Incident Investigation (ISP-019) demonstrates the method of how the carries out an incident investigation (accident, near miss or emergency) as well as the specific responsibilities and authorities of personnel. Incident investigation log forms part of reactive measures of performance as stated in Section 9.1 Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Performance Evaluation of this Manual. Incident facts are entered initially either in form Incident /Accident Report or in form NCR / CA Report after which a full investigation report is finalized and submitted to the General Manager. The procedure for Incident Investigation (ISP-019) delineates how the following processes are carried out and by whom: Incident scene preservation; Incident investigation documentation; Investigation process. Related document: Incident Reporting & Investigation Procedure – ISP-019 Non-Conformity and Corrective Action The need for corrective and preventive action is determined on the basis of identified actual and potential nonconformities. Corrective Action Requests are normally generated in response to non-conformities such as a deviation in Quality planning, safe working systems, procedures or work instructions, unsafe acts and conditions as a result of inspections and surveys, deviation in emergency response, or an audit finding while Corrective actions result from identification of any problems requiring corrections or the use of appropriate sources of information such as trend analyses of incidents, audit reports, records, risk analyses updates, new information on hazardous materials, safety inspections, and consultation and advice from employees. Reference can be made to the established procedure Internal Audit, Control of Non-conformities, Correction & Corrective Action (ISP-002) on how non-conformities are handled. Page 38 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL ISM-001 Revision 00 Issue Date: 20/Jun/2018 PREPARED BY: MR REVIEWED BY: MANAGER SALES APPROVED BY: GENERAL MANAGER Requirement for corrective actions are documented in a Non-Conformance Report where the nature of the nonconformity is recorded. The process owner identifies the proposed corrective action and sets reasonable time frames for implementation. After the due date, Management Representative reviews the action taken and evaluates the effectiveness of the corrective action. This Corrective Action Procedure defines the requirements for: a) Identify a non-conformity, correct it and take action to mitigate its consequences; b) reviewing non-conformities (including customer complaints) c) Investigate a nonconformity, determine its root cause and take action to prevent its recurrence; d) evaluating the need for corrective actions to ensure that non-conformities do not recur e) updating the risks and opportunities determined during planning, if necessary f) determining and implementing the action needed g) records of the results of action taken h) Review the effectiveness of corrective action taken i) Addressing changes to the Management System if necessary or required as part of addressed corrective action The Management Representative maintains records of all the corrective actions initiated analyses and reports trends periodically and during management review meetings. A procedure for Internal Audit, Control of Nonconformities, Correction and Corrective Action (ISP-002) is established to describe the method for taking corrective actions in order to avoid recurrence and prevent occurrence of non-conformities. Risk is carried out prior to implementation of corrective actions that identify new or changed hazards or necessitate new or changed controls. Changes arising from corrective actions are then incorporated to the integrated management system documentation. Related document: Internal Audit / Control of Non-Conformity / Correction & Corrective Action Procedure – ISP-002 Continual Improvement Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. in consideration to commitment for continual improvement, demonstrated in the Integrated Policy, continually improves the system in order to meet customer requirements and to enhance customer satisfaction, eliminating Hazards and preventing pollution. This shall be carried out through the use of the Integrated Policy, Integrated Objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective actions, opportunities for improvements and management reviews. The Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. continually improves the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the Integrated Management System, by promoting the participation of workers in implementing actions for the continual improvement of the Integrated Management System. Flowtronix Arabia Ltd. considers the results of the analysis and evaluation, and the outputs from the Management review, to determine if there are needs or opportunities, which shall be addressed as part of the continual improvement. THE END Page 39 of 39 Issued date: 20/Jun/2018 Rev: 00 ISM-001