NEUROPLASTICITY-LTP Dr. vishnu prasad. P Moderator: Dr. Ch. V. N. Saritha Total no of slides : 48 Total duration: 30 min First year pg Dept of psychiatry SRMC nandyal 1 NEUROPLASTICITY • The ability of the brain to change and adapt itself as a result of one’s experience. • The ability of neural circuits to undergo changes in function or organization due to previous activity. • It plays a role in adaptation to sensory inputs and transient changes in behavior and short lasting memory. • Long term changes in neuroplasticity play a role in neuronal development during the growth and formation of long term memories. 2 Applications of Neuronal Plasticity • ‘Learning new things’ • ‘Making new memories’ • ‘Rewiring circuits’ 3 Basis of plasticity: - Hebb’s Rule : “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” ”Neurons that fire apart, wire apart.” - When one cell repeatedly assists in firing another, the axon of the first cell develops synaptic knobs (or enlarges them if they already exist) in contact with the soma of the second cell." - Hebb postulated that this behavior of synapses in neuronal networks would permit the networks to store memories. 4 Types of Neuroplasticity Type Mechanism Duration 1. Enhancement of existing connections Synapse development Physiological ms-1 to hours Synapse strengthening Biochemical hours to days Unmasking Physiological minutes to days Sprouting Structural days to months 2. Formation of new connections 3. Formation of new cells Self-replication stem cell variable 5 Enhancement of existing connections - Synapse development - Synapse strengthening: 1. Facilitation (10-100 ms): o The increase in amplitude of a postsynaptic potential due to rapid repeated activation. o The facilitated neuron returns to its resting potential between activations, and its enhanced postsynaptic response is fleeting. 2. Augmentation (several seconds) 3. Potentiation (seconds to minutes): o Potentiation, in contrast, is a special type of facilitation in which an increased postsynaptic potential persists after the facilitating stimulus has subsided. o A high frequency burst of presynaptic impulses lasting several seconds, called a tetanic stimulus, can cause a posttetanic potentiation, (PTP) lasting several minutes. o Extended tetanization engenders long-term potentiation, (LTP) which can result in elevated postsynaptic activity for hours or days. LTP is sustained, in part, by molecules called retrograde messengers. - Increased use of a synapse in existing pathways • e.g. Learning a new task - Alternative pathways following damage - Cortical re-mapping (phantom limb) 6 ➢ Formation of new connections: - Unmasking of pre-existing pathways o Possible reasons why some synapses could be ‘silent’ o On distal dendrites o Inhibited by dominant pathways o Too little transmitter o Too few receptors o Don’t fire with other inputs - Sprouting of new pathways ➢ Formation of new cells: self replication, injury --- nerve growth factors 7 LONG TERM POTENTIATION • Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a long lasting enhancement in signal transmission between two neurons that results from stimulating them synchronously. • LTP is roughly defined as an increase in the strength of a synapse that lasts from minutes to several days and is widely considered one of the major mechanisms by which memories are formed and stored in brain. • In contrast, a period of stable low-frequency stimulation of the glutamatergic axons results in a persistent reduced efficacy of synaptic neurotransmission, a phenomenon known as long term depression (LTD). 8 • Classical properties: • Cooperativity: probability of LTP, magnitude of change increases with number of stimulated afferents • Associativity: LTP only induced at weak input when associated with activity in strong input • Input specificity: Unstimulated weak pathway not facilitated after tetanus of strong pathway 9 Figure 17.22 Roles of NMDA and AMPA Receptors in the Induction of LTP in CA1 Region (Part 1) 10 Figure 17.22 Roles of NMDA and AMPA Receptors in the Induction of LTP in CA1 Region (Part 2) 11 Roles of NMDA and AMPA Receptors in the Induction of LTP in CA1 Region (Part 3) 12 13 • But for long term potentiation : • To increase the synaptic strength and for long period of time. • We have to : • 1. increase the amount of neurotransmitter release from pre synaptic neuron. • 2.increase number of receptors for the neurotransmitters on the post synaptic membrane. • 3.increase the number of synapses or formation of new synapses. 14 • LTP is produced in different parts of brain. • LTP in hippocampus ( part of limbic system ). • Phenomenon of LTP in hippocampus explains the mechanism of long term memory. • LTP IS IMPORTANT FOR BOTH LEARNING AND MEMORY. • As LTP is produced it leaves traces of previous stimuli (memories) at the synapses which persists for mins, hours, days and even years which help in recollection. 15 16 Hebbian Mechanism • Donald Hebb (1949): ‘When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased.’ • ‘Cells that fire together, wire together’ • Coincident activity in two synaptically coupled neurons increases the synaptic strength between them • Not all forms of LTP obey Hebb’s law: e.g. Mossy fiber-CA3 synapse 17 • Hebbian theory is a theory in neuroscience which proposes an explanation for the adaptation of neurons in the brain during the learning process. • It describes a basic mechanism for synaptic plasticity, where an increase in synaptic efficacy arises from the presynaptic cell's repeated and persistent stimulation of the postsynaptic cell. • Introduced by Donald Hebb in his 1949 book The Organization of Behavior. 18 LTP (E-LTP; L-LTP) • Mechanism: Repeated activation NMDA-receptor releases Mg2+ ‘early ‘LTP (< 90 min) [Ca2+] ↑ ↑ AMPA-receptors ↑ and ionic conductance ↑ ‘late’ LTP (> 90 min) Protein synthesis POSTSYNAPPTISCH Glutamate, depolarization 19 LTP: mechanisms for induction, expression and maintenance • Multiple mechanisms for induction • Increased [Ca2+ ]I • AMPA and NMDA (Hebb) • Cooperativity : strong synaptic input necessary to depolarize membrane, AMPAR) • Associativity/input selectivity: weak input in itself does not relieve Mg2+ block • VGCC (voltage gated calcium channel) • Mechanisms for L-LTP highly conserved across species (cfr Aplysia) 20 LTP maintenance • E-LTP: phosphorylation of substate protein • L-LTP: alteration in gene expression • • • • • • Transcription factors (fos, zif268) Cytoskeletal proeins (arc) Signal transduction molecules (CaM kinase II) Critical time window (<2h) Synapse specificity: tagging by kinase(s) Positive feedback/re-activation of L-LTP mechanisms 21 Long term depression Repeated activity (Hippocampus: 10 min, 1 Hz) NMDA-receptor releases Mg2+ [Ca2+] ↑ AMPA-receptor defosforylatie internalisation AMPA-receptors • Learning mechanism in cerebellum (eye-blink reflex: decrease in synaptic strength in a postsynaptic inhibitory neuron) • Reversal of LTP • NMDA-dependent and – independent mechanisms POSTSYNAPPTISCH Depolarization 22 23 LTP or LTD Depends on: - Brain region/type of neuron - Increase in [Ca2+] - mild -> LTD (protein phosphatase) - high-> LTP (protein kinase) - Characteristics of repeated activity - High frequencies-> LTP - Low frequencies (≤ 1Hz) -> LTD • Long-term potentiation (LTP) is the long-lasting strengthening of the connection between two neurons • can last from hours to days, months, and years. 24 • LTP was discovered in the rabbit hippocampus by Terje Lømo in 1966 . • tetanic stimulation consists of a high-frequency sequence of individual stimulations of a neuron. 25 dentate gyrus (1) cornu ammonis (2) Their three layered cortex is continuous below with the subiculum (3) which has four, five then six layers as it merges with the parahippocampal gyrus (4). 26 27 • Schaffer collateral synapse on the hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell, showed that a brief period of intense stimulation of the Schaffer collateral (100 Hz) resulted in a subsequent persistent increase in the efficacy of synaptic neurotransmission at these synapses. • This phenomenon is known as long term potentiation (LTP) and is quite widespread with regard to glutamaergic synapses. • LTP IS PRODUCED IN MANY PLACES. • MANY EXCITATORY NEUROTRANSMITTERS (Ach…GLUTAMATE…aspartate) • SCHAFFER COLLATERALS (between CA 3 and CA 1) AND GLUTAMATE. 28 • PROCESS OF FORMATION OF LTP: • 1. HIGH FREQUENCY (100 Hz) stimuli to the Schaffer collaterals at CA3 zone. • 2.increased production and release of glutamate from pre synaptic neuron( ie from schaffer collaterals axon terminals). • 3.depolarization of post synaptic neuron ( CA 1 ZONE : dendrites of pyramidal neurons). • 4.increase production of receptors on post synaptic membrane. • 5.increase production or formation of new synapses (ie increase in dendritic spines) 29 30 31 • After Ca 2+ influx into post synaptic neuron. • It acts as a important secondary messenger and activates many other pathways. • LTP: • EARLY LTP : modulating proteins already at the synapse. • LATE LTP : new protein synthesis. 32 33 34 • ROLE OF NO (NITRIC OXIDE) : • Calcium helps in production of NO from arginine, as NO is soluble gas, it diffuses from post synaptic neuron to pre synaptic neuron and in pre synaptic neuron it increases the production of glutamate. 35 • Role of CO (CARBON MONOXIDE ): • Carbon monoxide is produced during the metabolism of heme by the action of heme oxygenase (HO). • Carbon monoxide has been implicated in the development of hippocampal LTP, although lines of evidence are contradictory. Carbon monoxide and tetanic stimulation of nerves leads to increased excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). • HO inhibitors that block carbon monoxide production lead to impaired induction of LTP and reduced calcium-dependent release of glutamate neurotransmitter. 36 Role of glutamate • Glutamate clearance by high affinity transporters is essential for the maintenance of glutamate homeostasis, which requires a functional level of expression of glutamate transporters at the membrane level of both astrocytes and neurons. • Glutamate uptake is not a static process and can be finely adjusted in accordance to synaptic needs. • Glutamate transporters are able to control the level of activation of glutamate receptors by controlling the level of glutamate present at the synaptic level. • These changes can be achieved either by an over or under expression of glutamate transporters, altered cellular trafficking or changes in the transporter conformation, all processes that affect the affinity of these transporters for glutamate. • For LTP, glutamate uptake needs to be enhanced when compared to basal levels (Pita-Almenar et al., 2006, 2012) 37 Neurons and glial cells are produced by asymmetric divisions of self-renewing neural progenitor cells (NPC) Glutamate may influence NPC either directly or indirectly by stimulating the production of neurotrophic factors and other signalling molecules in neurons. An example of evidence supporting a direct action of glutamate on NPC comes from studies of cultured human NPC which respond to glutamate by increasing their proliferation rate, and by increasing their potential for neurogenesis. Glutamate stimulates the production of BDNF in neurons, and BDNF promotes neurogenesis 38 Associative learning 39 • APPLICATIONS : • 1.LTP requires the activation of NMDA receptors as demonstrated by the fact that it is blocked by NMDA receptor antagonists such as the dissociative anesthetics ketamine and phencyclidine (PCP). • Conditions resulting in blockade of LTP in the hippocampus are associated with impairments in the formation of new memories. 40 • The extinction of conditioned fear has been shown to be an active process mediated by the activation of NMDA receptors in the amygdala. • Treatment of rats with NMDA receptor antagonists prevents the extinction of conditioned fear whereas treatment with the glycine modulatory site partial agonist D-cycloserine facilitates the extinction of conditioned fear. 41 • (D-Cycloserine is an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis that has 50 percent of the efficacy of glycine at the NMDA receptor.) • To determine whether the phenomenon generalizes to humans, patients with acrophobia were administered either placebo or a single dose of D-cycloserine along with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). • D-Cycloserine plus CBT resulted in a highly significant reduction in acrophobic symptoms that persisted for at least 3 months as compared to placebo plus CBT. 42 • Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), which is deficient in individuals with fragile X syndrome, appears to be synthesized locally within the spine during times of NMDA receptor activation and also plays a role in transporting specific mRNAs to the spine for translation. • Notably, mice in which the FMRP gene has been inactivated through a null mutation as well as patients with Fragile X syndrome have fewer dendrtic spines, the preponderance of which have an immature morphology. • In mice with a selective deletion of NMDA receptors in the CA1 field of the hippocampus, many aspects of CA1 physiology remain intact, but the CA1 neurons do not exhibit LTP, and memory impairment is observed in behavioral tasks. . 43 • The role of LTP in disease is less clear than its role in basic mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. • However, alterations in LTP may contribute to a number of neurological diseases, including depression, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, and neuropathic pain. • Impaired LTP may also have a role in Alzheimer's disease and drug addiction. 44 Role of plasticity in psychiatric disorders: • • • • - Stress: Stress is a known contributor to psychological and physical disorders. Stressful life events have been related to occurrence of mood disorders in those vulnerable to it. Stress leading to excess release of glucocorticoids results in pyramidal cell loss in hippocampus, a postmortem finding in depression. Schizophrenia: In cases of schizophrenia, dendritic spine density is found to be lower in areas like Dorso-lateral Pre Frontal Cortex (DLPFC) and there is a reduction of Cortical Dopaminergic (DA) signals. Depression: In depression, there is a prominent deficit of explicit memory which is a function of hippocampus and medial temporal lobe. Antidepressant use reverses the loss of spine density in various brain areas. Chronic antidepressant administration leads to neurogenesis in hippocampus and increase in Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) expression in hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex (PFC). Drug abuse: Increased Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor BDNF levels in ventral tegmental area and Nucleus Accumbans are associated with behaviors like drug seeking and withdrawal state. 45 Role of plasticity in psychiatric disorders: • - Synaptic Plasticity Can Be Measured in Simple Hippocampal Circuits The post-synaptic region has both NMDA and AMPA receptors. Glutamate first activates AMPA receptors. NMDA receptors do not respond until enough AMPA receptors are stimulated and the neuron is partially depolarized. NMDA receptors at rest have a magnesium ion (Mg2+) block on their calcium (Ca2+) channels. After partial depolarization, the block is removed and the NMDA receptor allows Ca2+ to enter in response to glutamate. The large Ca2+ influx activates certain protein kinases – enzymes that add phosphate groups to protein molecules These effects all increase the synaptic sensitivity to glutamate. The activated protein kinases also trigger protein synthesis Strong stimulation of a postsynaptic cell releases a retrograde messenger that travels across the synapse and alters function in the presynaptic neuron. More glutamate is released and the synapse is strengthened. Somatic intervention experiments – • pharmacological treatments that block LTP impair learning. Behavioral intervention experiments – show that training an animal in a memory task can induce LTP. In neuroscience, long-term potentiation (LTP) is a long-lasting enhancement in signal transmission between two neurons that results from stimulating them synchronously. 46 • CONCLUSION: • LTP is roughly defined as an increase in the strength of a synapse that lasts from minutes to several days. • Widely considered one of the major mechanisms by which memories are formed and stored in brain. • Study of LTP is required for study of many diseases related with memory and learning. • It is important for invention of new psychiatric and neurology drugs. 47 REFERENCES • CTP 10TH • Neural_Plasticity_and_Disorders_of_the_Nervous_System • • Abraham, W.C., Jones, O.D. & Glanzman, D.L. Is plasticity of synapses the mechanism of long-term memory storage?. npj Sci. Learn. 4, 9 (2019). • • THANK YOU • READ • REPEAT • REMEMBER LTP MEMORY • doi: 10.1196/annals.1418.005 • 48 Alcohol‐dependent molecular adaptations of the NMDA receptor system Genes, Brain and Behavior, Volume: 16, Issue: 1, Pages: 139-148, First published: 01 Decem ber 2016, DOI: (10.1111/gbb.12363) 49 50 Role of glutamate in neuroplasticity 51 The NS is a series of connections • Birth = 100 billion neurons • 6 year old has twice as many synapses as an adult • By late adolescence, synapses begin to disappear 52 53 More dendritic spines on dendrites where new synapses are made Dendritic spines from a cerebellar Purkinje cell, drawn by Cajal (Ramón y Cajal, 1899b). 54 LTP expression • CA3-CA1 synapse: • (5) increase of functional AMPA • (4) P of AMPA receptor: increased conductance • (4) TARPs: AMPA receptor trafficking 55 Synaptic Plasticity Can Be Measured in Simple Hippocampal Circuits • The large Ca2+ influx activates certain protein kinases – enzymes that add phosphate groups to protein molecules. • One protein kinase is CaMKII – it affects AMPA receptors in several ways: • Causes more AMPA receptors to be produced and inserted in the postsynaptic membrane. 56 Synaptic Plasticity Can Be Measured in Simple Hippocampal Circuits • CaMKII : • Moves existing nearby AMPA receptors into the active synapse. • Increases conductance of Na+ and K+ ions in • membrane-bound receptors. • These effects all increase the synaptic sensitivity to glutamate. • The activated protein kinases also trigger protein synthesis 57 Synaptic Plasticity Can Be Measured in Simple Hippocampal Circuits Strong stimulation of a postsynaptic cell releases a retrograde messenger that travels across the synapse and alters function in the presynaptic neuron. More glutamate is released and the synapse is strengthened. 58 Synaptic Plasticity Can Be Measured in Simple Hippocampal Circuits • Somatic intervention experiments – pharmacological treatments that block LTP impair learning. • Behavioral intervention experiments – show that training an animal in a memory task can induce LTP. 59