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Kyushu Ashi Trading Strategy: Advanced Ichimoku Guide

Free Edition
Copyright © 2022 by Forex Kei
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Table of Contents
1. What is Kyushu Ashi
2. How Kyushu Ashi is formed
3. Applying Kyushu Ashi in trading
4. Kyushu Ashi with Kihon Suchi market cycle
-- Below chapters are for Ichimoku Community Members --
5. The concept of Kyushu Ashi vs Ichimoku five lines
6. B pattern and Y pattern to capture potential new
7. Combining Kyushu Ashi with Ichimoku analysis
8 Comment from Kei
1. What is Kyushu Ashi
Kyushu Ashi is the concept that was introduced in Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
Weekly book. Kyu means 9, Shu means Week, and Ashi means Candles
in Japanese. So as the name suggests, it is a technique to analyze
market by 9 weeks as 1 candlestick. The Kyushu Ashi consists of a
close price level of current week and open price level of 9 weeks back.
Hence, just like normal candlesticks, Kyushu Ashi also has bull candle
and bear candle but without wicks unlike regular candlesticks.
The greatest feature about Kyushu Ashi is that it is simple and easy to
draw. Nowadays we have PC and it made very easy to check charts with
Ichimoku 5 lines, however, back when Ichimoku Kinko Hyo was
introduced, the charts and graphs were all hand written. Therefore,
there were traders who were not able to keep track on the key market
levels (start, close, high, low, and Ichimoku 5 values) everyday on
multiple markets. From this reason Kyushu Ashi technique was
introduced as Goichi Hosoda mentions in his original book by checking
the close price of the market once a week and create charts with Kihon
Suchi concept (9 is one of the Kihon Suchi numbers).
In other words Kyushu Ashi is a simplified Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. But
please remember what Goichi Hosoda says about this in a front page of
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Weekly book.
“The essence of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is introduced in Ichimoku Kinko
Hyo Complete book. Therefore, basically you should focus on the
information in the Complete book whenever and whatever markets you
watch. The pros of Weekly Kinko Hyo may be to be able to win profits
without doubts, thoughts, and much efforts. But it can be harmful for
your success before mastering what’s written in Ichimoku Complete
book.” (Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Complete introduces Ichimoku 5 lines and
3 major theories)
Kyushu Ashi is a simple strategy. And yet he warns to focus on the
basics without putting too much weight on this strategy.
2. How Kyushu Ashi is formed
Kyushu Ashi consists of a close price of a current candlestick and a start
price of 9 candles in the past. Please refer to below diagram for bearish
and bullish Kyushu Ashi.
<Bearish Kyushu Ashi>
Start price shifted
9 candles to the future
Kyushu Ashi
Current close price
< Bullish Kyushu Ashi >
Current close price
Kyushu Ashi
Start price shifted
9 candles to the future
Now, let’s compare a weekly candlestick chart and weekly Kyushu Ashi
Weekly chart by candlesticks
Weekly chart by Kyushu Ashi
Once you overlay the Kyushu Ashi on candlesticks, you know how they
are formed (Sorry there is a slight misalignment but I hope you get the
Candlesticks and Kyushu Ashi overlayed
3. Applying Kyushu Ashi in trading
As the Kyushu Ashi takes start price of 9 candles back, you can plot them
to the future before the market forms. Below diagram shows the start
price of future Kyushu Ashi by yellow lines. Please make sure that it’s
the 9 candles including current forming candlestick.
And as the next candle close is confirmed, you know whether it
becomes bullish Kyushu Ashi or Bearish Kyushu Ashi. Please check
below diagram.
Close above will become bullish Kyushu Ashi
Close below will become bearish Kyushu Ashi
And below is what happened to the market afterwards.
From the left, 1 bearish Kyushu Ashi, 3 bullish Kyushu Ashi, 1 bearish
Kyushu Ashi, and 3 bullish Kyushu Ashi are formed. Therefore it shows
bullish trend overall. Ichimoku 5 lines also show that the market is
4. Kyushu Ashi with Kihon Suchi market cycle
Kyushu Ashi also respects Kihon Suchi numbers in time cycle. Below is
the Kyushu Ashi chart and you can see that the bullish/bearish Kyushu
Ashi is reversing in Kihon Suchi numbers.
Kyushu Ashi with Kihon Suchi time cycle also suggests the next potential
Henka-Bi on weekly chart. Kyushu Ashi also works on monthly chart.
Free version up to here
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are available to Ichimoku community members.
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