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Climate Exam Questions - Social Science Class 9

Which one of the following places receives the highest rainfall in the world?
(A) Silchar
(B) Mawsynram
(C) Cherrapunji
(D) Guwahati
Answer: (B)
The wind blowing in the northern plains in summers in known as:
(A) Kaal Baisakhi
(B) Loo
(C) Trade winds
(D) None of the above
Answer: (B)
Which one of the following causes rainfall during winters in north-western part of India?
(A) Cyclonic depression
(B) Retreating monsoon
(C) Western disturbances
(D) Southwest monsoon
Answer: (C)
Monsoon arrives in India approximately in:
(A) Early May
(B) Early July
(C) Early June
(D) Early August
Answer: (C)
Which one of the following characterises the cold weather season in India?
(A) Warm days and warm nights
(B) Warm days and cold nights
(C) Cool days and cold nights
(D) Cold days and warm nights.
Answer: (C)
In which place of India are houses built on stilts?
(A) Bihar
(B) Assam
(C) Goa
(D) None of these
Answer: (B)
SOL : Houses in Assam are built on stilts. These variations have given rise to variety in lives of people –
in terms of the food they eat, the clothes they wear and also the kind of houses they live in.
In which place of India there is very little difference between day and night temperatures?
(A) Bihar
(B) Bangalore
(C) Thiruvananthapuram
(D) All of these
Answer: (C)
Most parts of India receive rainfall during which of the following months?
(A) June to September
(B) May to July
(C) September to March
(D) None of these
Answer: (A)
SOL : Most parts of the country receive rainfall from June to September but some parts like the Tamil
Nadu coast get a large portion of its rain during October and November.
Kal Baisakhi is associated with:
(A) Punjab
(B) Odisha
(C) Karnataka
Answer: (D)
10-H. What do you mean by weather?
(A) State of the atmosphere over an area at any point of time
(B) Envelope of air surrounding earth
(C) Generalised monthly atmospheric conditions.
(D) None of these
(D) West Bengal
Answer: (A)
SOL : Weather refers to the state of the atmosphere over an area at any point of time. The elements of
`weather and climate are the temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity and precipitation.
11-M. Which one of the following is an element of weather and climate?
(A) Atmospheric pressure
(B) Temperature
(C) Humidity
(D) All of these
Answer: (D)
SOL : The elements of weather and climate are the temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity
and precipitation.
12-M. Around the time of its arrival, the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues constantly for
several days. This is called:
(A) North-easterlies
(B) Jet stream
(C) South-west monsoon
(D) Burst of the monsoon
Answer: (D)
SOL : Around the time of its arrival, the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues constantly for
several days. This is known as the ‘burst’ of the monsoon, and can be distinguished from the premonsoon showers.
13-M. Which of the following is a component of westerly flow?
(A) North-easterlies
(B) Jet stream
(C) South-west monsoon
(D) Kal Baishakhi
Answer: (B)
SOL : The upper air circulation in this region is dominated by a westerly flow. An important component
of this flow is the jet stream.
14-H. What prevents the southwest monsoon winds from escaping from India?
(A) The Indian deserts
(B) The Himalayas
(C) Low pressure over Central Asia
(D) None of these
Answer: (B)
SOL : The Himalayas protect the subcontinent from extremely cold winds from central Asia. This
enables northern India to have uniformly higher temperatures.
15-M. Which winds brings widespread rainfall over the mainland of India?
(A) Sea breeze
(B) North easterly
(C) Southwest monsoon winds
(D) None of these
Answer: (C)
SOL : The Southwest Monsoon winds blow over the warm oceans, gather moisture and bring
widespread rainfall over the mainland of India.
Which one of the following places in India have cooler climate even during summers?
(A) Jaisalmer
(B) Surat
(C) Mussoorie
(D) All of these
Answer: (C)
SOL : The hills are cooler during summers. Mussoorie in in India have cooler climate even during
What does the word monsoon literally mean?
(A) Wind pattern
(B) Change
(C) Seasons
(D) All of these
Answer: (C)
SOL : The word monsoon is derived from a word which literally means Season. These monsoon winds
bind the whole country.
Which is the coldest place in India?
(A) Shillong
(B) Srinagar
(C) Drass
(D) None of these
Answer: (C)
SOL : On a winter night, temperature at Drass in Jammu and Kashmir may be as low as minus 45°C.
Which one of the following states in India suffers from loo?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Bihar
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) All of these
Answer: (C)
A striking feature of the hot weather season is the ‘loo’. These are strong, gusty, hot, dry winds
blowing during the day mainly in Uttar Pradesh
20-M. What causes rainfall in West Bengal during the hot weather season?
(A) Kaal Baishakhi
(B) Southwest monsoon
(C) Retreating Monsoon
(D) None of these
Answer: (A)
SOL : The season for localised thunderstorms, associated with violent winds, torrential downpours,
often accompanied by hail. In West Bengal, these storms are known as the ‘Kaal Baisakhi’.
Which area is not an area of low precipitation in India?
(A) Assam
(B) Deccan plateau
(C) Both a and b
(D) None of these
Answer: (A)
SOL : Assam is the area of low precipitation. The rest of the country receives moderate rainfall.
Snowfall is restricted to the Himalayan region.
22-H. What factors affect the climate of a place in India?
(i) Location (ii) Surface winds (iii) Relief features (iv) Upper air circulation
(A) (i) and (iv)
(B) (i) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (ii)
(D) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Answer: (D)
23-M. The word ‘Monsoon’ has been derived from the Arabic word ‘Mausam’ which means:
(A) Climatic changes
Answer: (B)
(B) Seasons
(C) Weather condition (D) Climatic variation
24-H. What is the average temperature of Chennai during winter?
(A) Between 24° - 25°C
(B) Between 10° - 15°C
(C) Between 20° - 25°C
(D) Between 25° - 30°C
Answer: (A)
25-H. Which of the following state is affected by Kaal Baisakhi?
(i) Assam (ii) West Bengal (iii) Chennai (iv) Orissa
(A) (i) and (iii)
(B) (i) and (iv)
(C) (i) and (ii)
(D) All states (i), (ii, (iii) and (iv)
Answer: (C)
26-H. Which of the following seasons are recognised in India?
(i) Cold Weather Season
(ii) Hot Weather Season
(iii) Advancing Monsoon Season
(iv) Retreating Monsoon Season
(A) Only (iv)
(B) Only (iii)
(C) Only (i), (ii) and (iii)
(D) All season mentioned in option (i), (ii), (iii) &(iv)
Answer: (D)
27-H. What is climate?
(A) Sum of total weather conditions and variation over a large area for a long period of time.
(B) Sum of total weather condition over a particular area.
(C) Temperature condition of a particular region.
(D) None of these
Answer: (A)
Which of the following place receive highest rainfall in India as well as in the world?
(A) Silchar
(B) Cherrapunji
(C) Mawsynram
(D) Guwahati
Answer: (C)
The wind blowing in the northern plains in summer is called
(A) Loo
(B) Trade winds
(C) Kaal Baisakhi
(D) All (A), (B) and (C)
Answer: (A)
30-M. Which of the following causes rainfall during winter in the north-western part of India?
(A) Cyclonic depression
(B) Western disturbance
(C) Retreating monsoon
(D) South west monsoon
Answer: (B)
Monsoon arrives in India approximately in:
(A) Early May
(B) Early June
(C) Early July
(D) Early August
Answer: (B)
32-M. The most important characteristics of cold weather season in India is:
(A) Warm days and warm nights
(B) Warm days and Cold nights
(C) Cool days and cold nights
(D) Cold days and warm nights
Answer: (C)
The climate of India can be described as
A) hot
B) cold
C) monsoonal
D) freezing
Answer: C
The word 'monsoon' is derived from the Arabic word
A) Mausam
B) Mausim
C) Monsoon
D) Mausin
Answer: B
35-M. The 'Coriolis force' is caused by
A) the earth's rotation
B) wind movements
C) jet streams
D) cyclonic disturbances
Answer: A
36-H. The full form of ITCZ is
A) Inter Tropical Continental Zone
B) Inter Typical Coriolis Zone
C) Inter Tropical Convergence Zone
D) Inter Tropical Cyclonic Zone
Answer: C
37-M. The term ENSO is referred to
A) El Nino Southern Onset
C) En Nina Southern Oscillation
Answer: B
B) El Nino Southern Oscillations
D) None of these
38-M. Around the time of arrival, normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues for several days.
This is called
A) Burst of monsoon
B) onset of monsoon
C) breaking of monsoon
D) end of monsoon
Answer: A
39-M. Monsoons retreat during the months of
A) July and August
B) August and September
C) November and December
D) October and November
Answer: D
40-M. Tropical cyclones are often very destructive and arrive on the coasts of
A) Karnataka and Goa
B) Odisha and West Bengal
C) Maharashtra and Gujarat
D) Kerala and Maharashtra
Answer: B
Which one of the following places receives the highest rainfall in the world?
A) Cherrapunji
B) Mawsynram
C) Guwahati
D) Shillong
Answer: B
42-M. Which one of the following causes rainfall during winters in north-western part of India?
A) Cyclonic depression
B) Western disturbances
C) Retreating monsoon
D) Advancing monsoon
Answer: B
Which time of the year does monsoon arrive in India?
A) Early June
B) Early August
C) Early July
D)Early September
Answer: A
44-H. Which one of the following characterizes the cold season in India?
A) Warm days and warm nights
B) Warm days and cold nights
C) Cold days and cold nights
D) Cold days and warm nights
Answer: B
Which of the following places in India, does precipitation take place in the form of snowfall?
A) Drass
B) Chandigarh
C) Shillong
D) Thiruvananthapuram
Answer: A
Which of the following places in India experiences very high diurnal range temperature?
A) Kolkata
B) Western Rajasthan
C) Bengaluru
D) Man galore
Answer: B
47-M. Which of the following is also known as Ferrell’s law?
a) Coriolis force
b) Jet stream
c) Western cyclonic disturbances
d) None of the above
Answer : a
Which of the following causes destruction in West Bengal?
A) Kaal Baisakhi
Answer: A
B) Mango showers
C) Jet streams
D)Tropical cyclones
49-M. Which one of the following are called pre-monsoon showers in Kerala?
A) Kaal Baisakhi
B) South-west monsoons
C) Mango showers
None of these
Answer: C
50-M. By which of these winds does the Coromandel Coast receive rainfall?
A) South-west monsoon winds
B) North-east monsoon winds
C) Westerly jet streams
D) South-easterly winds
Answer: B
51-M. Which of the following prevents the south-west monsoon winds to escape India?
A) The Malwa plateau
B) The Deccan plateau
C) The Chotanagpur plateau
D) The Himalayas
Answer: D
52-M. Where is monsoon type of climate mainly found?
(A) South and South East Asia
(B) North and Northwest Asia
(C) North Asia
(D) West Asia
Answer: A
Which part of India experiences the highest range of temperature in a day?
(A) North India
(B) Thar desert
(C) Western part
(D) All the above
(C) Western Ghat
(D) None of these
Answer: B
Where does Malabar coast lie ?
(A) Eastern Ghat
(B) South India
Answer: C
55-M. Name two coldest areas in India.
(A) Srinagar and Jammu
(B) Drass and Kargil
(C) Shillong and Kolkata
(D) None of these
Answer: B
Name the place in India receiving highest rainfall.
(A) Mawsynram
(B) Delhi
(C) Chennai
(D) Mumbai
Answer: A
57-M. Name two states where mango showers are common.
(A) Rajasthan & Bihar
(B) Gujarat and Tamil Nadu
(C) Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh
(D) Kerala & Karnataka
Answer: D
Name two months associated with retreating monsoon.
(A) July & August
(B) October & November
(C) May & June
(D) All the above
Answer: B
What is the name given to the climate of India?
(A) Cold climate
Answer: C
(B) Warm climate
(C) Monsoon climate
(D) All the above
The local wind which is hot and dry is called(A) Cyclone
(B) Trade wind
(C) Jet
(D) Loo
Answer: D
61-M. From where do western disturbances come to India?
(A) Pacific ocean
(B) Mediterranean sea
(C) Indian ocean
(D) Bay of Bengal
Answer: B
62-M. What kind of weather precedes western disturbances?
(A) Cold weather
(B) Warm weather
(C) Both
(D) None of these
Answer: B
63-M. What is the velocity of rain bearing winds during the monsoon?
(A) 30 km per hour
(B) 40 km per hour
(C) 50 km per hour
(D) 45 km per hour
Answer: B
64-M. Name the water body from which the cyclonic depression originates.
(A) Nicobar Sea
(C) Arabian Sea
(B) Bay of Bengal
(D) Andaman Sea
Answer: D
Name the hill which deflects the Bay of Bengal branch of advancing monsoon to India.
(A) Nilgiri hills
Answer: C
(B) Vindhya hills
(C) Arakan hills
(D) None of these
Monsoon arrives in India approximately in:
(A) Early May
(B) Early June
(C) Early July
(D) Early August
Answer: B
Besides landforms and drainage, which is the third basic element of the natural environment?
(A) Temperature
(B) Wind
(C) Rainfall
(D) Climate
Answer: D
Which one of the following is NOT the Climatic Controls of a place?
(A) Latitude
(B) Longitude
(C) Altitude
(D) Pressure and wind system
Answer: B
Who had named the seasonal reversal of the wind system "monsoon"?
(A) Portuguese
(B) Arabs
(C) Both (a) and (B)
(D) None of these
(C) 130-150 days
(D) 80-100 days
Answer: B
The approximate duration of monsoon is:
(A) 100-120 days
(B) 150-180 day
Answer: A
Parts of western coast and north-eastern India receives .................. rainfall annually.
(A) Over 400 cm
Answer: A
(B) Less than 60 cm
(C) 200-400
(D) 20-40
Which one of the following protect Indian subcontinent from extremely cold wind from central
(A) Himalayas
(B) Western Ghats
(C) Peninsular Plateau (D) None of these
Answer: A
The cold weather season begins from .............. in northern India.
(A) Mid-October
(B) Early November
(C) Mid-November
(D) Early December
Answer: C
Which one of the following places receives less than 60 cm rainfall?
(A) Western Ghats
(B) Assam
(C) Western Rajasthan
(D) Uttar Pradesh
Answer: C
75-M. Which one of the followings is the unifying bond in the context of India?
(A) Himalaya
(B) Peninsular plateau (C) Monsoon
(D) Northern plain
Answer: C
What refers to the state of the atmosphere over an area at any point of time?
a) Weather
b) Climate
c) Monsoon
d) Humidity
Answer : a
The word monsoon is derived from the Arabic word ‘mausim’ which literally means______
a) Winds
b) season
c) summer
d) Moisture
Answer : b
78-E. Localized thunderstorms, (associated with violent winds, torrential downpours, often
accompanied by hail) in West Bengal, are known as the
a) Kaal Baisakhi
b) Mango showers
c) Loo
d) Chinook
Answer : a
The climate of India is described as the ______ type.
a) Tropical
b) Equatorial
c) monsoon
d) None of the above
Answer : c
Which areas experience less contrasts in temperature conditions?
a) Interior areas
b) Desert areas
c) mountain areas
d) coastal areas
Answer : d
There is decrease in rainfall generally from _______ in the northern Plains
a) East to west
b) West to east
c) North to south
d) South to north
Answer : a
82-M. Tamil Nadu coast gets a large portion of its rain during _____
a) October and November
b) August and September
c) June and July
d) None of the above
Answer : a
83-M. Which of the following are major controls of the climate of any place?
a) Latitude, altitude, pressure and wind system
b) Distance from the sea (continentality)
c) Ocean currents and relief feature
d) All the above
Answer : d
Air temperature generally ______________ from the equator towards the poles.
a) Increase
b) Remains constant
c) Decrease
d) none of the above
Answer : c
85-M. Why are the hills cooler during summers?
a) Low altitude, higher temperature
b) Higher altitude, temperature increase
c) Higher altitude, temperature decrease
d) Low altitude, low temperature
Answer : c
86-H. What condition is known as continentality?
a) As the distance from the sea increases, its moderation influence decrease.
b) as one goes from the surface of the earth to higher altitude, the atmosphere becomes less dense
and temperature decreases.
c) Temperature generally decreases from the equator towards the poles.
d) As the distance from the sea increases, its moderating influence also increases.
Answer : a
87-M. The cold weather season begins from _____ in northern India and stays till ______.
a) mid – August, October
b) mid – October, April
c) mid – November, February
d) none of the above
Answer : c
Which of the following is true about the weather conditions, normally marked in winter?
a) Clear sky
Answer : d
b) Low temperature
c) Low humidity
d) All the above
89-M. Subtropical westerly jet streams are located approximately over ______ north latitude
a) 20° – 30°
b) 27° – 30°
c) 17° – 20°
d) 11° – 18°
Answer : b
An easterly jet stream, called the sub-tropical easterly jet stream blows over peninsular India,
approximately over _____ during the summer months.
a) 11° N
b) 14° N
c) 20° N
d) 27° N
Answer : b
91-M. Which of the following is responsible for bringing the western cyclonic disturbances experienced
in the north and north-western parts of the country?
a) Sub-tropical westerly jet streams
b) Sub-tropical easterly streams
c) Sub-temperate easterly streams
d) None of the above
Answer : a
92-M. The western cyclonic disturbances are weather phenomena of the winter months brought in by the
westerly flow from the____________
a) Indian Ocean
b) Pacific region
c) Mediterranean region
d) None of the above
Answer : c
93-M. Monsoons reach Mumbai approximately on ____
a) 4th week of June
b) 29th of June
c) 10th of June
d) 1st week of September
Answer : c
94-M. Around the time of its arrival, the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues constantly for
several days. This is known as ______________.
a) Burst of the monsoon
b) Breaks of the monsoons
c) Showers of the monsoon
d) None of the above
Answer : a
Which one of following is the dries station?
a) Mumbai
b) Leh
c) Bengaluru
d) Delhi
Answer : b
Which one of the following sates suffer from loo?
a) Haryana
b) Punjab
c) Odisha
d) Both a & b
Answer : d
97-H. Which of the following statements defines weather?
a) Envelop of air surrounding earth
b) State of the atmosphere over an area at any point of time
c) Atmospheric conditions over a large area for a long period of time
d) Generalized monthly atmospheric conditions
Answer : b
Which of the following places of India experiences the highest summer temperature?
a) Pahalgam
b) Leh
c) Thiruvananthapuram
d) Jaisalmer
Answer : d
Which of the following is the rainiest station?
a) Shillong
b) Mumbai
c) Chennai
d) Kolkata
Answer : a
100-E. which of the following places in India experiences a very high diurnal range of temperatures?
a) Kolkata
Answer : b
b) Jodhpur
c) Chennai
d) Delhi