PCC Training Specialist II Exercise 09 May 2023 2:00 PM onwards Background: 2019 Regional Roadshow on Competition Law and Policy (Third round) Target Date Venue July 31- Aug 2 General Santos City Aug 13-16 Iloilo City Sept 3-6 Legazpi City Objectives: 1. Enhance public awareness and understanding of the Competition law and its benefits to stakeholders 2. Introduce the Commission and its role in implementing and enforcing competition policy and law to the public, LGUs and Key Stakeholders 3. Build strong collaboration and coordination among key partners in the government, academe, and interest groups 4. Develop mechanisms for improving interface between stakeholders and the PCC for follow-through sessions Background: Activities 2019 Regional Roadshow on Competition Law and Policy (Third round) Target Participant s Public Exhibitions showcasing the activities and accomplishments of PCC Distribution of information materials both in print and Electroinic forum Forum on the PCA with local Stakeholders LGUs, Regional Government Agencies, Consumer Groups and Cooperatives, MSMEs, business trades associations and chambers of commerce, academic institutions, law firms, professional organizations and local media outfits in Legazpi City, Iloilo City and General Santos City. Challenges Region V Legazpi City Sustaining the competitive level at the local level. Major cities and municipalities in the region struggle to maintain their ranksi n the cities and Municipalities Competitiveness Index (CMCI) Consolidation and management of data. Local data and information influence some investors in their decision making for investment. (lack of personnel, lack of appreciation, repository data of different LGUs) Strategies Strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of LGU Improve LGUs data management and information system Provide input in the review of anti-competitive legalization and policies Recommendations Continuously conduct a progressive program on PCA to priority stakeholders (Orientation > Workshop > Training) Coordinate with DICT to support and enhance the skills of personnel in IS and DMS as part of the whole of government approach Monitor and Evaluate the Competition Index of Cities per quarter/sem/annual Groundwork/PreWorkshop Steps and Other Important Considerations on how you will execute the atual delivery of the activity Communication Needs Post-Workshop Production of Workshop Materials/Needs Day of Event