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Example C++ Final Report

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The sensation and final upshot of this project required a lot of guidance and
assistance from many people and we are exceptionally honored to have got this all
along the completion of our project. All that we have done is only due to such
supervision and assistance so we would like to express our sincere and earnest
gratitude to all individuals who granted their helping hands to accomplish our
project timely and efficiently.
Firstly, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our lecturer for providing
such an splendid opportunity to do the project work in C++ and giving us all support
and guidance which made us accomplish the project duly. We are extremely
thankful to him for providing such a nice support and guidance. We owe our deep
gratitude to all our classmates and friends who took keen interest on our project
work and guided us all along, till the completion of our project work by providing
all the necessary information for developing a good system.
We are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support
and guidance from our senior brothers and sisters which helped us in successfully
completing our project work. Also, we would like to extend our sincere esteems to
the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering for granting us such a
platform of doing project work. So we would like to express our sincere gratitude
to our teachers to provide us with such an challenging task which would enhance
our skills and our knowledge related to the Object Oriented Programming.
This project work was given to us as a minor project for our academic session B.E.
(Computer) Second Year First Part as prescribed in the syllabus designed by IOE,
TU. The main aim of this project was to develop a user-friendly program using an
Object Oriented Programming language, C++. For this project we made a classic
shooter game where two players try to eliminate each other. The rule for playing
this game is very easy as it doesn’t have too many rules and regulations that users
have to follow. Each player can jump and shoot on desired direction. Health of a
player decreases by 10 when hit by a bullet shooted by enemy i.e. the player on the
same network in another computer. When the health of the player becomes zero,
the player dies and the game is finished displaying which player wins.
Table of Contents
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Literature survey
Existing System
Block diagram
Problems Faced and Solutions
Limitations and Future Enhancements
Conclusion and Recommendations
The main objectives regarding our project are as follows:
❖ To create a project on Object Oriented Programming (OOP) to make its
concept clearer.
❖ To explore the features of C++ language.
❖ To be familiar with resource reusability by making user defined header files.
❖ To learn the basics of game development and game physics.
❖ To be familiarized with graphics programming and game development
using SFML in C++ programming language.
❖ To build an attractive UI for the users to help them interact easily with our
❖ To optimize program in terms of time and space up to greatest extent as
❖ To make us able to work in major projects in coming future.
❖ To learn to work in a team.
Kurukshetra, which literally means battleground, is a 2D shooter game where two
players connected through a local network fight for their glory. Each player is
provided with a fully loaded gun. The game requires either player to kill the other
one to finish the game. It is one of the common games often played among friends.
Addressing the uprising technology in the today’s world, we considered making a
game to play in a common network in a place.
The name is inspired by a mythological place “Kurukshetra”, where the historic war
occured “Mahabharat” occurred between Kauravas and Pandavas. Portraying the
same war scenario in the modern approach, the two players fight each other for life.
This program has wide range of opportunities in the real world application. As we
are just beginners in the field of game development, our project might not compete
with the program made by the mainstream developers. But it might serve as a way
to entertainment. The program might not be much enticing graphically but will be
efficient enough to provide visual aid to enjoy the game while playing. As for the
system, it will just appear as a clone of the many programs that have been developed
till date. In gist, this program will introduce this challenging game to those who like
shooting game in a LAN.
Literature survey
Since this project is based on the application of Object Oriented Programming
concept, different books were suggested to refer by the teachers for the OOP
concept. The books like "The secrets of object oriented programming" were referred
OOP as reference for the development of program that assisted us to clear the
concepts regarding the language and make our program development easier. For
implementing the graphics in our project, we have use SFML and for this, different
e-books were referred and different video tutorials from YouTube were viewed.
Similarly, the networking part was quite challenging. Various books, online
documentations were consulted for the purpose. The book “Computer Network- A
Top Down Approach” proved to be much helpful for the concept of the application
layer, Transport layer, Sockets, types of Internet protocols, modes of connection of
two nodes.
Existing System
At present, there are many similar games at various online platforms with
different names. The most widely used version of this game is ‘Doodle Army 2:
Mini Militia’ by Miniclip.com for Android and iOS. Similarly, ‘Gang Beast’ by
BoneLeaf is of similar type for PC.
This project is based on C++ programming language utilizing SFML graphics
library, and “Object Oriented Programming” concept. Different classes were
created with required number of private and public member data and member
functions for smooth running of the program preserving the concept of data hiding.
The concept of code reusability, data abstraction were implemented in the project.
The events for each object was handled by the different member functions and that
they formed a final outlook working together simultaneously.
C++ has the capability to manage the memory allocation/deallocation on any
objects that we've created which can increase the performance of our game. Game
is performance critical software that requires 100% usage of the hardware user has,
and C++ is only popular language that gives you such abilities:
● High abstraction level - fine Object oriented programming and generic
● Very good and deterministic control of the resources you use.
● Ability to optimize special parts to very high level that is almost impossible
to achieve with other popular languages.
The strength of C++ when it comes to game development is the ability to exactly
layout the data-structures that your software will use. C++ provides the ability to
override important performance bottlenecks such as memory allocation. It has the
ability to structure and place things exactly where they want in the memory. On top
of this it's a flexible programming language that provides a decent development
velocity. This project needed the concept of graphics but since we only had the
knowledge of C++ graphics which may not fulfill the required objectives of our
project having limited features. For development of the game, we used SFML which
has high resolution which can definitely fulfill the objective of our project. So, we
started learning SFML through various sites and e-books and understand the basic
gaming logic though various gaming sites and forums along with the books
regarding C++ and object oriented programming itself.
Then we had to decide the right compiler and IDE. So, we decided to CLion by
JetBrains as IDE, which uses GCC compiler and GDB as debugger. For the
graphics and other game related works, we decided to use the latest version of
SFML library i.e. version 2.5.1. After collecting necessary materials, we developed
the algorithm of our project and we worked according to it. The coding has been
done according to the basic idea of OOP. We have created various classes and
related functions and data binding has been used. All the features of C++ like
objects, classes, data abstraction and encapsulation, polymorphism, message
passing etc. has been used.
SFML is used for various modules: system module for vector and Unicode string
classes, portable threading and timer facilities, window module for window and
input device management including support for joysticks, OpenGL context
management, graphics module for the hardware acceleration of 2D graphics
including sprites, polygons and text rendering, audio module for the hardware
accelerated spatialized audio playback and recording and network module for the
TCP, data encapsulation facilities.
Mainly in the program, these classes are used, serving their own purposes:
1. Animation: This solely handles all the animation of both player and enemy
at every state of their gameplay.
2. Bullet: This is the basic definition of the bullets rendered during the game.
It includes, bullet velocity, bullet number, bullet direction etc.
3. Camera: This is the class which handles the camera movement during the
4. Collider: Various collision detection during the game will be handled and
managed by this class.
5. Enemy: This represent the enemy of the main player whose events are
handled by the socket communication.
6. Game: This is the main Game window class which exists throughout the
game and runs every loops of updating and drawing the objects in the screen.
7. GameClient: This is the class which acts as the client i.e. receives the
information from the server at the other node.
8. GameServer: This is the class which acts as the server i.e. sends the data
and information to the client at the other side.
9. IpEnter: Each users are said to enter their respective ip address and see
others in this class.
10. MainMenu: This class handles the main menu of the game. This is the first
window seen in the game.
11. Platform: This is the class representing the walking basement and the walls
in the game arena.
12. Player: This is the class which contains the attributes and methods of the
player in the game.
13. ResourceHolder: This is a template class which handles all resource
management of the game. It loads textures, fonts, sounds etc. required for
the game.
The programming methods we’ve used can as summarized below:
Analyzing the concept that can be used to develop proper program.
Discussion on the topic that might be faced onwards.
Making the project schedule.
Initial coding for creating logic.
Coding the program.
Execution and testing the program.
Program Documentation.
The game starts with the menu that consists of Play Game, About and Exit.
● Play Game: This takes user to a screen where he is shown his IP Address
and is asked to enter the IP Address of the Player with whom he/she is going
to play the game along with the option of being either Player 1 or Player 2.
After entering the valid IP Addresses and selecting the player number,
which is complementary to each other, the user is taken to a window where
there is an arena with the other player waiting to kill him. Each player has
health 100 when he/she is spawned and each bullet of the opponent reduces
health by 10. The player which can reduce the health of other player to 0
wins the game. And the game successfully ends.
● About: This takes user to a screen where he/she can see information about
the developers of the game i.e. us.
● Exit: This allows user to close the program.
In overall, the following methods were implemented for the completion of the
project, which is regarded as the basic steps for developing the software and listed
as follows,:
● Study, research and analysis: Gathering information about the topic of the
● Proposal submission: Documenting the information about the project was
carried out before starting the coding.
● Designing of the layout of the project: Proper positioning of the
components required for the project was designed properly.
● Coding: Coding of the project was done as mentioned in the proposal.
● Testing, modification and Documentation: Project is tested and modified
continuously as per requirement to make it more attractive and error free.
Block diagram
Server Socket:
sends info to
Recieves info
With the completion of the project, the objective of the project was achieved and
the game was designed and completed as per the requirement. The complete game
was designed with the necessary features.
The main objective for the development of this game was fulfilled, but still some
features in this game could not be completed which might be due to the time
constraint, and also, this is the learning phase due to which much time was spent on
learning the subject matter as the topic was completely unknown before the starting
of project.
From this project, we can take positives as we achieved the cooperation between
the team members, learnt to work in a team, backing up each other in need and also
the challenges to develop the software by developing this small gaming program.
Problems Faced and Solutions
This project was completed on time with lots of effort. Although the project was
completed on time, many problems and errors were faced during the development
of the game and solutions to the problems were obtained by discussing with friends
and teachers and thorough study of the codes finally made the game error free. The
major problems that occurred during the development of program can be listed as
● As SFML graphics library was completely new for us, we had to go through
the e-books and video tutorials related to this library and check and the codes
time and again.
● We faced problems while sending the information of player from one
computer to another, since Socket Programming was completely new to us
which was solved later by taking information from different websites and
the documentation of SFML itself.
● We had difficulty in implementing physics in game like parabolic path for
jumping of players and bullet and collision of bullet and player which was
resolved by reading different reference materials related to game physics.
● We had difficulty in finding the appropriate sprites and textures i.e.
background and platforms like walls.
● We had problems related to graphics options. We were not known to various
graphics function and their workings.
● We had great difficulties in developing proper logic due to lack of proper
reference materials.
● Problems occurred while merging the code from different members like
linking the main game with the main menu. The function in one could not
be called from the other.
Limitations and Future Enhancements
As we’ve completed the game in limited amount of time, many more features can
be added to make the game more attractive and more popular among users in the
competitive market. The following features can be added to our project:
● The game can be extended for multiple players to play in LAN and network
peer discovery could also be added.
● This game could be enhanced by adding arenas and the players could be
respawned after a certain period of time and rejoin the game until the time
for the game is finished.
● Weapon types could be added. Different types of guns and bombs could add
beauty to the game.
● Different types of obstacles could be added and player could be made to fly
using the booster for a certain period of time.
● Tournament type game play can be designed to make the game more
interesting using different levels of AI.
Conclusion and Recommendations
This project was unquestionably a good way of learning and implementing the way
for programming practice. This project leads us to the winding up on the
programming practice that for developing software a good judgment and proper
analysis of the topic is required at first rather than the coding. The coding is not the
initial step for emergent of any program, rather a good planning on the basic
framework and making decision on the way of implementing the program is the
most. After the coding of the program the system may not be as per our requirement
but debugging, if any error, and testing and execution of the program are
furthermore required. After the completion of the system, its management takes, is
another most required obsession that is to be handled with great care. Also on using
the graphics we might have to load different images for different purpose so proper
discussion and proper decision is required as per the situation emerges.
Thus, after the completion of our project, we can conclude proper judgment and
implementation of the problems or topic leads to the good programming practice
which might lead to have desired output.
● Robert Lafore,
“Object Oriented Programming with C++”, Sams
● Daya Sagar Baral and Diwakar Baral, “The Secrets of Object oriented
Programming”, Bhundipuran Prakasan
● Harvey M. Dietel and Paul J. Dietel, “C++ How to program”, Pearson
Education Inc.
● James Kurose and Keith Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down
Approach”, Pearson Education
● Jan Haller and Henrik Vogelius Hansson, “SFML Game Development”,
Packt Publishing
● https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.5/