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Make to Stock
Make to Order
Template Allocation
CPTJ - Template Allocation
CPTA - Individual Processing (Single)
VAN1 - Revaluation at Actual Prices
CPTD - Collective Processing (Multiple)
VA44 - Overhead Revaluation at Actual Prices Results Analysis
MFN1 - Individual Processing (Single)
KKA3 - Individual Processing
CON2 - Collective Processing (Collective)
KKAK - Collective Processing Overhead Settlement
KGI2 - Individual Processing
VA88 - Settlement
CO43 - Collective Processing
Preliminary Settlement for Co-Products, Rework
CO8B - Individual Processing
CO8A - Collective Processing Work in Process
KKAX - Calculate (Single)
KKAO - Calculate (Collective) Variances
KKS2 - Individual Processing
KKS1 - Collective Processing Settlement
KO88 - Individual Processing
CO88 - Collective Processing