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İngilizce Bağlaçlar ve Zarf Tümleçleri

Conjuctions & Adverbial Clauses
Yan cümle ile ana cümleyi bağlayan yapılardır. Bağlaç + yancümle, ana cümle veya ana cümle + bağlaç+yan cümle şeklinde kullanılabilir.
Time, Place, Manner, Purpose, Cause, Concession and Contrast, Condition, Result olarak gruplandırılabilir.
Zaman bağlaçları %100 zaman uyumu ister.
Yan cümlede will/would/shall/be going to, Ana cümlede have/has V3/ been Ving yapıları gelmez
Yan cümlede have/has V3 varsa ana cümlede present yada modal kullanılır
After you had left, I got a phone call from Stuart.
-den sonra
I will start to solve the exam after finish my study.
Before tou make a decission, you should think twice
-meden önce
Clean up that mess before your father sees it.
When he saw me, he waved.
-diğinde, -diği zaman
I gave him your message When I saw him yesterday
As soon as I get home from work, I will call you
-r .... mez
As soon as
I am planning to get a playstation 3 as soon as it is released
While he was playing chess, His opponents already had finished their matches.
They was leaving office while I was entering the office.
Once I’ve found somewhere to live I’ll send you my address.
from the time when something happens
It gets easier to play once you learn the basic rules.
The momenet the snow are melted, the indian women begin their work
the moment
-r .... mez
I reconized her immediately I saw her
-e kadar
Women in Turkey didn’t have right to vot untill the law was introduced in 1931
-e değin
You will not get satisfaction from your jocb till you learn to be happy wit it.
The virus had already accupied the whole body in a diagnosis was made
-e kadar
By the time
By the time we arrive at home, she had already gone.
As I was getting in to the car, I noticed a piece of paper on the floor.
-ken, -dikçe, -diğinde
He is taking life more seriously as he gets older
(just) as
As the bomb went off, everybody around got scared.
The first time I went to Ankara, I stayed at a three-star hotel.
The First Time
İlk/son/gelecek sefer –dığında
The last time I went there, I visited many friends.
The Last time
The next time I go there, I won’t stay at the same hotel.
the next time
used to show that something happens immediately after I had no sooner received his letter than he himself arrived.
No sooner than
something else
No sooner had we got home than the phone rang. ( No sooner başta iken devrik yapı kullanılır)
Hardly had I arrived home when my phone rang. (I had hardly arrived home when my phone
When a story is told in the past tense, the adverbials
rang.) (Başta ise devrik)
hardly, scarcely, barely and no sooner are often used to
Scarcely .... when / before
Scarcely had she finished reading when she fell asleep. (She had scarcely finished reading
emphasise that one event quickly followed another.
when she fell asleep.) (Başta ise devrik)
Beklentinin aksine çıkan durumlar CONCESSIVE CONTRAST
belirtilen bir durumdan beklenmeyen bir sonucun çıktığım ifade etmemizi sağlar.
Even Though
Much as
-e rağmen, -dığı halde
-e karşın
-se de
Even if
-e rağmen
Bu kullanımdaki alternatifleri
However,Nonetheless, Nevertheless
While /Whilst
In spite of
Buna rağmen, _____.
S___,though /
_____. S,
-e rağmen, -dığı halde, -e
-e rağmen, -e karşın
(tam cümle almazlar)
, Tam
However + Adverb / Adjective
No matter how + Adverb / Adjective
No matter + question word
Adverb / Adjective as + SVO
Adverb / Adjective Though + SVO
-e rağmen, -dığı halde
-e karşın
-se de
-e rağmen, -dığı halde
-e karşın
-se de
Preposition -in spite of
Adverb - nevertheless
Conjunction - although
Although/ Though /Even though she is quite good at music, she doesn’t want to be a musician.
She doesn’t want to be a musician although/ though /even though she is quite good at music.
Much as I would like to help you, I'm simply too busy at the moment.
Even if he hadn’t studied har enough, he was able to pass the examination.
Even if she survives, she’ll never fully recover.
İki ana cümleyi birleştirir.
I didn’t like the film; I liked its background music though.
While/Whilst it has proved to be useful, this method is not perfect.
In spite of the wonderful look of the food we were offered at the party, it tasted awful.
Sue rejected the job with the accounting firm despite the big salary she was offered.
However hungry I am, I won’t be able to finish off a whole pizza
However late it is, you can call me for help. (Ne kadar geç olursa olsun, yardım için beni arayabilirsin.)
You must know how to stand alone however many friends you have. (Ne kadar çok arkadaşın olursa olsun kendi başına
ayakta durmayı bilmelisin.)
No matter how late it is, you can call me for help. (Ne kadar geç olursa olsun, yardım için arayabilirsin)
You must know how to stand alone no matter how many friends you have.
No matter what you do, don’t join a street gang. (Ne yaparsan yap, ama bîr sokak çetesine karışma.)
No matter where you go, keep some money in reserve. (Nereye gidersen git, kenarda biraz para bulundur.)
It is generally thought that animals love us no matter who or what we are. (Genelde hayvanların kim ya da ne olursak
olalım bizi sevdiği düşünülür.)
No matter who you are, come and join us.
Difficult as the exam was, I was able to pass it by studying hard enough.
Hard as he tried, he couldn't persuade his father to let him go out at night.
Comprehensive though this book is, I can’t find what I look for in it.
Carefully though the project was planned, there were still some drawbacks.
notwithstanding the evidence, the consensus is that the jury will not reach a verdict
I didn't like it. Notwithstanding, I remained calm
notwithstanding that the hall was packed with bullies, our champion played on steadily and patiently
Direct Contrast Tam Zıtlık
İki cümle arasındaki tam zıtlığı ifade etmektedir.
Oys, iken
He is at around sixty, whereas his wife looks about thirty.
Tom is very social and self-confident while Katy is shy and quiet.
Bir şeyin sonucunda ne olduğunu veya olacağını anlatırken kullanılan yapılar.
So + adj/adv +that
O kadar ki
Such + adj + noun + that
O kadar ki
-----------, so (that)
Or else
Bu yüzden
Aksi taktirde
The soup was so hot that I couldn’t drink it.
She drives so carefully tat she hasn’t had any accident so far.
I was such a hot soup that I couldn’t drink it
She such a careful driver that she hasn’t had ant accident so far.
I couldn't find a faster solution, so that algorithm we using takes a long time.
She has to have the operation, or (else) she will die soon.
He must be quite intelligent; otherwise, he couldn’t have learned quicly.
To Vo
In order to Vo
So as to Vo
With a view to Ving
So that
In order that
For fear that / Lest
-mek mak için
-mek mak için
-mek mak için
-mek mak için
-sın diye
-mek için
-mesin / -mesin diye
We carried out this method to observe the changes of performances
We all need stress in order to achieve and do our best work.
He read a lot so as to learn about the intellectual history of Europe.
These measures have been taken with a view to protecting children.
I was standing in the shadow so that you could not see my face clearly.
In order that safety standards are maintained, regular checks are required.
So that you deserve to be respected, you should respect people first. ( Saygı görmeyi hak etmen için, saygı göstermelisin)
Helen turne the radio down lest she miss the phone ringing.
She turned away from the window lest anyone see them.
She had done all things that he said for fear that he kills her family.
Bir olayın nasıl olduğu yada eylemin nasıl yapıldığı anlatılırken kullanılır.
(Just) as
-dığı gibi
As if
As though
-mış gibi
Until the police arrive, we had better leave thing as they are.
We want to make as you make. I want to speak English as the Americans they playing on TV Shows speak.
Just as railway bridges were the great structural symbols of the 19th century, so highway bridges became the engineering
emblems of the 20th century.
He behaves as if I did a bad thing. ( Unreal durum da past yapı)
As if they did not want him to prepare the presentation, at the same time they forced him to work until late hours.
The little girl is talking as though she has seen the movie before.
As if / as though yapıları cümle başında kullanıldıklarında genelde unreal yapıda çekimlenir bu nedenle present yapıları tercih etmeyin. Ayrıca as if/as though yapılarından
önce seem, look, appear, behave, act, treat, describe, feel gibi filler kullanılmaktadır.
Söylenen bir şeye neden sunmak için kullanılır.
-den dolayı
-dığı için
-diğine göre
-den dolayı
-dığı için
-diğine göre
-den dolayı
-dığı için
-diğine göre
Madem ki
-r diye
... ihtimaline karşılık
-dığı takdirde
In so far as
In as far as
-dığı ölçüde/kadarıyla
-dığı sürece
Seeing that
Seeing as
Inasmuch as
Now that
(just) in case
on the grounds that
for the reason that :because
-mesi bakımından
-den dolayı
In that + SVO
In terms of + Noun Phrase
Because of
Owing to
-den dolayı
On account of
-nın sayesinde
Due to
Noun C.
(Th fact that + SVO olarakd a
In view of
As a result of
As a consequence of
Dikkate alındığında,
In view of
+ Verb(be) + in view of
Düşünüyor, planlıyor
As it was very cold in the garden, we decided to eat inside the restaurant.
Because Jason had necessary qualification, he easily got the post.
Since she wants to lose weight quickly, she is on a strict diet.
Seeing that the traffic was rather heavy, we decided to take the back roads to work.
Seeing as you’ve got lots of money, you can pay for the drinks.
Seeing that we need to arrive there by 9 o’clock, we had to better leave at six
Ann is guilty, inasmuch as she knew what the others were planning.
This was a good decision inasmuch as it worked for you.
We felt sorry for them inasmuch as they couln’t recognize that they were wrong.
Now that the children have left home, we can move to smalller house.
Now that you are settled, why don’t you take up some serious study.
(just) in case anyone was following me, I made an extra tour on purpose.
I can work late (just) in case it is necessary.
I will take my umbrella with me in case it rains/should rain.
The members couldn’t reach an agrement, for each had different ideas.
She cites other academicians’ work only in so far as it supports her own theories.
The research suggests that the drug will be successful, in so far as one can draw conclusions from such a small sample
Many critics have objected to the proposal on the grounds that it would be too costly.( Pek çok eleştirmen, çok maliyetli
olacağı gerekçesiyle teklife itiraz etti.)
They have some problems with accomodation in that they don’t know anywhere here. (Durumu açıklamak için kullanılır)
They didn’t go out for a walk, on account of bad weather
In view of he apology, we decide to take no further action.
Owing to internet cafes, people can reach their e-mail boxes easly
She is an experience teacher. Thanks to this, she knows her student well
The strike was due to the fact that the workers had poor working conditions.
In view of the fact that AKP has a totalitarian manner of rule, brain drain is an inevitable result in Turkey.
In view of what you've said, I think we should reconsider our proposed method.
Emre is in view of learning new skills to improve knowledge.
Öznel yargı veya değerlendirme bildiren yapılar
Given that / Considering that (Bağlaç)
-mesi dikkate alınırsa, - i düşünürksek
Given / Considering (edat)
-mesi dikkate alınırsa, - i düşünürksek
As far as/ so far as
-dığı kadarıyla, -e göre
Given that we had so many stops on the way, we made pretty good time on our trip.
Considering that he was the youngest on the field he played well.
Considering the strength of the opposition, we did very well.
Given the circumstances, you’ve done realy well.
As far as our vendor are concerned, we are working so much.
Zarf tümleçleri aktif ise Ving, Pasif ise V3 / Being V3 ile kısaltılır. Eğer aktif cümle daha önce yapılmış bir eylemi anlatıyorsa etken fiiller Having V3, edilgenler ise Having
been V3 şeklinde kısaltılabilir. Her iki cümlede de özneler aynı olmalıdır. Boşluktan virgüle kadar özne yoksa boşluktan sonra özne var ise bir kısaltma sorusu diyebiliriz.
Genel anlamda zarf cümleciklerinde kısaltma yapılırken temel cümlecikte özneleri aynı olan zarf cümleciklerinde to be fiili varsa özne ve to be birlikte atılır.
Ving.................................... , Özne ....... : Eş zamanlı Aktif
V3 / Being V3.................... , Özne ....... : Eş zamanlık varsa Being V3 Pasif
Having V3......................... , Özne ....... : Farklı zamanlı Aktif
Having been V3................ , Özne ....... : Farklı zamanlı Pasif
1 – Aktif Fiilin kısaltılması
Ving ile kısaltılır. Having V3 eylemin daha önce yapıldığını vurgulamak için kullanılabilir. SEBEP (REASON) içeren bağlaçlar özne ile birlikte atılır. Diğer gruptaki
bağlaçlar istenirse atılabilir.
While I was reading a book last night, I fell asleep.
While reading a book last night, I fell asleep,
Reading a book last night, I fell asleep.
After we ate/had eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.
After eating/After having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk. (yeme eylemi yürüyüşe gitme eyleminden önce olmuştur)
Having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.
Before she came to this city, she lived in the countiy.
Before coming to this city, she lived in the country. (Before kısaltma yapılırken atılmaz)
Until I went to Australia, I had never seen a kangaroo.
Until going to Australia, ɪ had never seen a kangaroo.
 Since, "...den beri' anlamındaysa since + doing (aktif) /being done (pasif) biçiminde kısaltılır.
Since I came to this city, I have lived in the same house.
Since coming to this city, 1 have lived in the same house.
 When, arka arkaya yapılmış eylemleri ifade eden iki cümleyi bağlıyorsa; active cümlede when + clause yerine on/upon + doing kullanılır.
When she finished her report, she left the office.
On/upon finishing her report, she left the office.
When, bazı cümlelerde "while" anlamında kullanılır. Yani temel cümle ile yan cümledekieylemler aynı zamanlıdır. Bu durumda kısaltma, when ÷ doing biçiminde yapılır.
When you are travelling abroad, make sure you have traveller’s cheques with you.
When travelling abroad, make sure you have traveller’s cheques with you.
Neden sonuc ilişkisi bildiren clause’larda as, since, because gibi bağlaçlar atılarak doing -being done/having done - having been done kullanılır.
Because she is married now, she has more responsibilities.
Being married now, she has more responsibilities.
Eğer adverbial clause’daki eylem temel cümledeki eylemden önce gerçekleşmişse, having done/having been done kullanılır.
Because I sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty walking.
Having sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty walking.
Because I had sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk.
Having sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk.
She was speaking strangely, as if she was trying to conceal something from us.
She was speaking strangely, as if trying to conceal something from us.
2 – Edilgen Fiilin kısaltılması
While it was being carried, the table got broken.
While being carried, the table got broken.
After he was / had been promoted, he became more interested in his job.
After being/having been promoted, he became more interested in his job.
Having been promoted, he became more interested in his job.
Before she was elected Prime Minister, she worked as a university teacher.
Before being elected Prime Minister, she worked as a university teacher.
 Passive cümlede ya da "be" fiilinin asıl fiil olduğu cümlede, özne ve "be" fiili atılır; when + past participle/a noun/adjective kullanılır
When he was a young man, he was very ambitious.
When a young man / When young, he was very ambitious.
When they ate used too often, sedative drugs may cause addiction.
When used too often, sedative drugs may cause addiction.
Prepositions must be studied until they are learnt by heart.
Prepositions must be studied until learnt by heart.
 Since, "...den beri' anlamındaysa since + doing (aktif) /being done (pasif) biçiminde kısaltılır.
Since it was occupied by the USA, Iraq has gone from bad to worse.
Since being occupied by the USA, Iraq has gone from bad to worse.
Because he had been transferred to a remote branch, he resigned.
Having been transferred to a remote branch, he resigned.
 If, unless, as if, whether ... or not
Koşul cümlesi oluşturan bağlaçlardan if, unless, as if ve whether...or not kısaltılmış yapıyla kullanılabilir.
If they were collected together, his poems would fill a volume.
If collected together, his poems would fill a volume.
Unless this case is explained properly, it will continue to confuse people.
Unless explained properly, this case will continue to confuse people.
As if he was unknown to everyone there, he came to the party and left immediately, without saying a word. (Kimse tarafından tanınmıyormuş gibi)
As if unknown to everyone there, he came to the party and left immediately, without saying a word.
Whether they are cooked in the oven or deep-fried, aubergines are my favourite vegetables in summer.
Whether cooked in the oven or deep-fried, aubergines are my favourite vegetables in summer.
When it is activated on April 15th, this new account will enable us to transfer money.
Activated on April 15th, this new account will enable us to transfer money.
After they had been held in prison for three days, they got a chance to make a statement.
Having been held in prison for three days, they got a chance to make a statement.
While jane was being operated on last night, she had an unexpected heart attack.
Being operated on last night, she had an unexpected heart attack.
When he was admitted to the hospital, he had high blood glucose levels.
When admitted to the hospital, he had high blood glucose levels.
I did a lot of sightseeing while I was on holiday in Antalya.
I did a lot of sightseeing while on holiday in Antalya.
3 - REDUCTION of ADVERBIAL CLAUSES with the Verb TO BE ( To Be fiili ile yapılan kısaltmalar.
Eğer yan cümlecik “be” fiili ise kurulmuşsa kısaltma yaparke be fiili atılır, Bu durumda öznelerın aynı olmasına gerek yoktur.
As it is in the passage, you can use the word “early” as ana adverb or an adjective
As in the passage, you can use the word “early” as ana adverb or an adjective
While she was in the US. She got used to living in hard conditions.
While in the US, She got used to living in hard conditions.
When he was in London, he visited the British Museum.
When in London, he visited the British Museum.
Although/though their products are not as good as ours, they are more expensive.
Although/though not as good as ours, their products are more expensive.
(Bizimkiler kadar iyi olmadığı halde onların ürünleri daha pahalı.}
Although/though it was constructed many years ago, the building is still in good condition.
Although/though constructed many years ago, the building is still in good condition.
Although/though my grandmother is in her late seventies, she still does all the housework herself.
Although/though in her late seventies, my grandmother still does all the housework herself.
 Adverbial clause’da be + adjective kullanılmışsa, bu yapıyı being + adjective ya da sadece adjective biçiminde kısaltabiliriz.
Because she is responsible for opening the office, she has to be there early.
Being responsible for opening the office, she has to be there early.
Responsible for opening the office, she has to be there early.
Olumsuz cümlelerde not doing/not having done kullanılır.
Because I don't know her phone number, I can’t call her.
Not knowing her phone number, ɪ can’t call her.
Because she hadn't slept well the night before, she felt tired in the morning.
Not having slept well the night before, she felt tired in the morning.
Yan cümlecik ile ana cümleciğin özneleri farklı ise yine kısaltma yapılabilir ama bu durumda özne atılamaz. Özneyi atmadan kısaltma yaparken
Ving  Etken fiil, Edilgen Fiil V3 şeklinde özneden sonra kullanılır. Bu şekilde kısaltma yapıldığındad yan cümleciğin öznesinin önüne with gelir.
The day was a great success because the team won 3 bronze medals and 5 certificates of merit.
The day was great success with the team winning 3 bronze medals and 5 certificates of merit.
The students left the school since the lesson was cancelled.
The students left the school with the lesson cancelled.
Bunların dışında kısaltma yapmanın bir başka yoluda bağlacı atıp öznenin ardından etken yapılarda Ving / having V3 , edilgen yapılarda V3, Being V3, Having been
V3 yapılarını getirmektir.
As the weather was bad, the match was cancelled.
Weather being bad, march was cancelled.
After the book had been edited, the writer sent it to the publishing house.
The book having been edited, the writer sent it to the publishing house.
Concessive Contrast (Beklentinin aksine)
Even so
All the same
Ancak, ama yine de
Yine de, böyle olsa bile
Ama yine de
Yine de
Ama yine de
Buna rağmen
The first part was easy, however, the second took hours.
The new method is not perfect; even so, it's much better than the old one.
The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.
The weather was terrible, but we still had a good holiday.
There was no news, nevertheless, she went on hoping. (yine de umut etmeye devam etti.
It rained every day of our holiday - but we had a good time all the same.
Direct Contrast
On the other hand
In contrast
By contrast
Unlike + NP/NC/Ving
In contrast to + NP/NC/Ving
Contrary to + NP/NC/Ving
-diğer yandan, aksine
Diğer taraftan/yandan
Oysaki, diğer yandan
Oysaki, diğer yandan
-nın aksine
-nın aksine
-nın aksine
In real life, nobody was all bad, nor, conversely, all good.
John does whatever his teacher assigns, on the other hand, Stewart doesn’t
Their economy has expande enormously, while occurs, by/in contrast, has declined.
Onların ekonomisi aşırı derecede büyüdü, aksiyne bizim ekonomimiz düşüş gösterdir.
Unlike her sister, she is tall
In contrast to office workers, the working hours of farmers are quite flexible.
Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.
Contrary to what you might think, neither man was offended.
At first /initially
In the meantime
İlk olarak
Daha sonra
Bu süre içinde, bu arada
Bu arada, bu sürede
I will start initially with starters.
We had tea, and afterwards we sat in the garden for a while.
Eventually your child will become an independent adult, but in the meantime she relies on your support.
Bake the aubergines till soft. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a heavy pan.
Bu yapılar and sonrasında sıklıkla görebileceğiniz yapılardır. And bağlacından sonra kullanıldığında and kullanım kuralları geçerli olur. Ayrıca bu yapılar öncesine olayın nedenini
devamlarında ise sonucunu alırlar bu nedenle bu yapılarda tense ilişkisine dikkat edilmelidir. ------, sonuç zarfı + Ving kullanımı vardır.
Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories.
Bu yüzden, bundan dolayı, dolayısıyla
Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty.
Bu yüzden, bundan dolayı, dolayısıyla
The cost of transport is a major expense for an industry. Hence factory location is an important consideration.
Bu yüzden, bundan dolayı, dolayısıyla
We have a different background. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures.
Bu yüzden, bundan dolayı, dolayısıyla
Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills
Bu yüzden, sonuç olarak, dolayısıyla
are inefficient.
His departure was totally unexpected and, as consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement.
As a consequence
Sonuç olarak
As a result of the pilots’ strike, all flights have had to be cancelled.
As a result
Sonuç olarak
She hadn’t studied, and therby failed. (Devamında cümle almaz, herhangi bir yerde kullanılabilr cümle başı
Diets that are high in saturated fat and choloesterol tend to clog up our arteries, therby reducing the blood
Böylelikle, o suretle, böylece
flow to our hearts and brains. (Kolestrol ve doymuş yağ oranı yüksek diyetler genellikle damarlarımızı tıkar,
bu nedenle kalbimize ve beynimize olan kan akışını azaltır)
Dahası, üstelik, ayrıca
I’m cold, and I’m also hungry and tired.
Dahası, üstelik, ayrıca
The hotel was not comfortable; besides, it was not reasonably priced.
Dahası, üstelik, ayrıca
Inflation is below 5% and set to fall further. (Dahası düşmeye hazırlanıyor)
Dahası, üstelik, ayrıca
The whole report is badly written. Moreover, it’s inaccurate
Dahası, üstelik, ayrıca
The majority of Americans increased their wealth in the past decade. Furthermore, prosperity of US increased.
In addition
Dahası, üstelik, ayrıca
Part-time English classes are offered. In addition, students can take classes in other languages.
What’s more
Dahası, üstelik, ayrıca
I’ve been fortunate to find a career that I love and, what's more, I get well paid for it.
Besides + NP /NC/Ving
In addition to + NP /NC/Ving
Apart from + NP /NC/Ving
Aside from + NP /NC/Ving
Along with
Together with
-nın yanısıra, -e ek olarak
İle birlikte
She speaks French besides english.
In addition to basketball, I'm good at volleyball.
There were no others apart from me and the trainer.
he has nothing aside from the clothes he stands in
He found what he was looking for on the bottom shelf, along with other oversized volumes.
Every month we'll deliver the best articles, together with the latest fashion news.
Many will work alongside emergency specialists but some will stand in for junior doctors. (Yerine geçecek)
For instance
Örneğin, mesela
For example
Örneğin, mesela
For instance, he offers two explanations for his interest in magic.
The problem is the unpredictability of mere humans - when pedestrians and cyclists do something unforeseen, for
To illusturate
As an example
Some concepts are hard to explain. To illustrate: Imagine trying to explain what kindness is.
Örneğin, mesela
Sensile Technologies as an example of a successful exporting company.
Örnek olarak
In particular
Our service is designed specifically for college students.
More important problems, notably the fate of the children, had to be decided.
he situation in rural areas in particular is worrying.
More local employment will be created, particularly in service industries.
That is
In other words
That is to say
Başka bir deyişle
These cities are poor settlemets. That is, they are located near the bad locations.
One group of people seems to be forgotten, namely pensioners.
We're all the same, in other words; national differences count for nothing in these psychic regions. (bir şey ifade etmez)
All the B Vitamins work synergistically. That is to say, they are more potent(etkili) when taken together than when used
In the same way
Aynı şekilde, benzer şekilde
Aynı şekilde, benzer şekilde
Aynı şekilde, benzer şekilde Buna bağlı olarak
Aynı şekilde, benzer şekilde
I am sure he will think likewise and want to stop me getting past him.
Most of the men who now gathered round him again were similarly dressed.
Life in the city is more expensive, but salaries are correspondingly higher.
In the same way, I also feel closer to both of them.
Aslında, gerçekte
Gerçekten de, doğrusu, hatta
As a matter of fact
Aslında, gerçekten
As such
Aslında, gerçekten
That sounds rather simple, but in fact it's very difficult.
He did indeed keep important documents inside his hat.
When we asked to see more we were refused. Indeed we were escorted away by men with guns.
It's not that difficult. As a matter of fact, it's quite easy.
No, I'm not a student. I'm a doctor, actually.
One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.
He wasn't interested in coaching as such he was interested in playing ideas.
-e gelince
-e gelince, söz konusu olunca
-e gelince, söz konusu olunca
-e gelince, söz konusu olunca
-ile ilgili olarak, -bakımından,
ile ilgili olarak, ilişkin
Ilişkin, e dair
ile ilgili olarak, -e göre, e dair
The city has some wonderful museums. As for hotels 'Coco Reef' is a great choice.
He would be proactive when it comes to his health
With regard to inequalities, Turkey is the last country in the OECD.
With respect to violence against women, all men say that women are flowers.
There is no decision as to when the work migh start.
An authorized person gave a speech concerning the event that happened in diyarbakır.
He refused to divulge any information regarding the man's whereabouts.
As regards breast changes, our definition of "normal" varies with age and experience.
In fact
As for
When it come to
With regard to
With respect to
As to
As regards
Pertaining to
ile ilgili olarak, -e göre, e dair
It was a list of questions, all of them apparently pertaining to her mental health.
In summary
In brief
In short
In conclusion
To be brief (ph verb)
To sum up
All in all
To wrap up(ph verb)
Özet olarak, Kısacası
Sonuç olarak
Özet olarak, hepsini hesaba
In summary, hexavalent chromium was not found in almond kernel.
In brief, take no risks.
Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. In short, anything challenging.
In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.
I’ll be brief; a lot of changes are going to happen.
The words sum up our religion and mean exactly what they say.
We both thought that all in all it might not be a bad idea.
they hope to wrap up negotiations within sixty days
Hariç tutma alamında kullanılan yapılardır. Execept that ve save that dışındaki yapılar NP, NC, gibi isim gibi işlev gören yapılar alır.
Except hat
Save that
Except for
Apart from
Aside from
-den başka, hariç dışında
-den başka, hariç dışında
-den başka, hariç dışında
-den başka, hariç dışında
-den başka, hariç dışında
-den başka, hariç dışında
They look very similar except that one is little taller.
My entire department is just a bunch of idiots! Well, save for Janet—she's all right.
Everyone had learned English very well on time except for Me.
All my students but Jack were in the class
Apart from the salary, its not a bad job ( -denbaşka anlamında da kullanılıyor)
With the help of
With the help of
By means of
Aracılığıyla, vasıtasıyla
Aracılığıyla, vasıtasıyla
Aracılığıyla, vasıtasıyla
Aracılığıyla, vasıtasıyla
Aracılığıyla, vasıtasıyla
Noun Phrase, Noun clause yada Ving alırlar
Noun Phrase, Noun clause yada Ving alırlar
Noun Phrase, Noun clause yada Ving alırlar
Noun Phrase, Noun clause yada Ving alırlar
Noun Phrase, Noun clause yada Ving alırlar
Regardless of – e bakılmaksızın
Regardless of
Irrespective of
Whatever they say
No matter what they say
e bakılmaksızın
e bakılmaksızın
Ne söylerlerse söylesinler
Ne söylerlerse söylesinler
It accept anybody regardless of religion, colour, or creed.
Everyone should be treated equally, irrespective of skin colour.
Örnek cümle çevirileri
Financial markets have imploded every decade or so, whether because french and Spanish kings reneged on their debt in the 16th century, or because speculators inflated
railway stock in the 19tth century. (Finansal piyasalar, ister 16. yüzyılda Fransız ve İspanyol kralları borçlarından döndükleri için, ister 19. yüzyılda spekülatörlerin demiryolu
stokunu şişirdiği için olsun, her on yılda bir çöktü.)
People treat foreign banknotes as though they were Monopoly money. (İnsanlar yabancı banknotlara Monopoly parasıymış gibi davranırlar.)
Unlike the Atlantic and Pacific, the Indian ocean has no natural outlet to the north, although the Suez canal at the northern tip of the red sea links it with the Mediterranean
sea. (Atlantik ve Pasifik'ten farklı olarak, Kızıldeniz'in kuzey ucundaki Süveyş kanalı onu Akdeniz'e bağlasa da, Hint Okyanusu'nun kuzeye doğal çıkışı yoktur.)