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Computer Vision Exam - Ain Shams University

Faculty of Computer & Information Sciences
Ain Shams University
Course Code: 4XX
Course Name: Computer Vision
Exam: (Final ) 26/5/2018
Year: ( 2nd term) 4th undergraduate (SC)
Instructors: Prof. Dr. Sayed Fadel
Dr. Dina Khattab
Offering Dept: Scientific Computing
Academic year: 2017-2018
Duration: 3 Hours
Total Grade: 65 Marks
Answer the following questions
Question 1:
A) State whether each of the following statements is either True of False.
1. A non-linearly separable training set in a given feature space can be made linearly
separable in another space. √
2. Adaboost classifier accounts for outliers by lowering the weights of training points that
are repeatedly misclassified. X
3. The k-NN classifier does not require an explicit training step. √
4. If we initialize the Mean-shift clustering algorithm with the same window size but
different starting positions for the window, the algorithm will always converge to the
same solution. √
5. For an SVM, if we remove one of the support vectors from the training set, the size of the
maximum margin increases. √
B) Answer briefly the following questions:
i. Name two methods for deciding whether two feature descriptors match or not.
Lec 5 slides 43 - 50
ii. How many point correspondences are needed to fit a 2D translational model?
1 point
iii. Given the following image as a result of k-means clustering, if you want pixels of similar
color but in discontiguous regions to be clustered in different clusters, what kind of
feature(s) you may use as input to the k-means algorithm?
Original image
K-means result with k=3
Color + position
iv. RANSAC (RANdom SAmple Consensus) is an algorithm for fitting a model to very noisy
data. Its basic idea is to fit models to small samples of data, and then look for “consensus”
from the entire dataset. Complete the following pseudo-code for RANSAC
data - a set of observations
model - a model that can be fitted to data
s - the minimum number of data required to fit the model (fixed for a given model)
t - a threshold value for determining when a data point fits a model
d - the number of “consensus” data points required for a “good” model
OUTPUT: BestModel
FOR (a number of iterations)
CurrentSet := sample a data subset of size s
CurrentModel := model fitted to CurrentSet
ConsensusSet := CurrentSet
FOR every data point not in CurrentSet
IF (CurrentModel(point)>t) // the point fits in CurrentModel
Add point to ConsensusSet
IF #(ConsensusSet) > d
BestModel = ConsensusSet
RETURN BestModel
Question 2:
A) Describe the Harris detector for corner detection of a 2D image by giving the main steps of
the algorithm with description of the used parameters.
Lec 4 slides 32 - 36
B) The SIFT descriptor is a popular method for describing selected feature points based on local
neighborhood properties so that they can be matched reliably across images. Assuming
feature points have been previously detected using the SIFT feature detector,
i. Briefly describe the main step(s) of creating the SIFT feature descriptor at a given feature
Lec 5 – slides 27 - 29
ii. Name three image changes that the SIFT descriptor is invariant to.
Rotation, scale, illumination, noise ,…
C) In foreground-background image segmentation, the Grabcut is considered one of the
fundamental approaches. Answer the following questions about Grabcut:
i. What image features can be used for segmentation?
Pixels’ intensity or color
ii. How initial segmentation of image pixels can be done?
Drag a rectangle around the object of interest (foreground object) which creates initial
segmentation of all pixels outside the region as background, and all pixels inside as
iii. What kind or model representation can be formulated to define both foreground and
background classes?
Gaussian distribution of pixel colors as a mixture of Gaussians (GMM). Each with k
iv. What is the main technique upon which the Grabcut approach depends for graph
Graph cut which considers the image as a graph and use max-flow min-cut algorithm for
graph partitioning.
Question 3:
A) Consider the following two-class data set
i. Visualize the given data set on a 2-D plot.
ii. If this data is to be classified using a linear SVM, which data points do you
think should be used as support vectors? Highlight them on your plot.
(1,1), (2,1) and (1,2) are the support vectors
iii. Calculate the equation of the decision boundary learnt by this SVM, and
the Margin (M) that maximizes the distance between the two classes.
Let W = [ ]
p+q+b=-1  (1)
2p+q+b=-1  (2)
P+2q+b=1  (3)
From 2,3
from 1,2
-p=0  p=0
Them –q=-2  q=2
Then b=-3
The equation of the decision boundary: W.X+b=0
Then [ ] X – 3 =0  2x2 -3 =0  x2 = 1.5 , x1 can be any value
The margin M = ‖
=1 #
C) In a visual inference problem, we have some data set of observed features x, and we have a
set of object classes {Ck} about which we have some prior knowledge. Bayesian pattern
classification asserts that:
( |
i. Give the name for, and explain the meaning of, each of these three terms:
( |
( |
( |
is the posterior which is the probability of a pixel that it belongs to class
given the x feature of that pixel.
( |
is the likelihood calculated form given data, which is the percentage of the
feature x from the population of pixels belonging to
class. This probability is used
to plot a histogram as an approximation of the probability distribution of the x
he prior which is the percentage of
pixels that usually occur in images. It
can be used as a constant.
ii. Provide a decision rule using (
to minimize misclassification.
Lec 6 slide 62
for assigning classes based on observations in order
With Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Sayed Fadel
Dr. Dina Khattab