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The Softball Coachs Guide to Popup Priority EBOOK

Introduction………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Why do we have Popup Priority?…………………………………… 4
Types of Popups………………………………………………………………….. 5
Defining the Roles………………………………………………………………. 6
Popup Priority Rules…………………………………………………………… 7
Popup Priority Tips……………………………………………………………… 8
Trouble Areas……………………………………………………………………….. 9
Practice Drills……………………………………………………………………….. 10
© 2016 FungoMan LLC. All rights reserved
Communicating the importance of the popup priority defensive
technique enables teams to WIN GAMES. It’s vital that coaches set time
aside in practice to break down the in’s and out’s of how to deal with
popup and fly ball situations.
Why do we have Popup Priority?
It’s safety. You want to play another game, preferably with all of your
players standing. We don’t like train wrecks. We also don’t want three
girls on the DL.
Why do for
Why do we have Popup Priority?
It’s simple. You want to catch the ball and record the out; with clarity of
play and without collision.
In this guide, you will learn:
The basic differences in popups and fly balls
The necessity for Popup Priority Rules
The role of each player on the field
Popup Priority Rules that should be implemented into game situations
Tips to help you and your team catch more tough popups
The Trouble Areas (the Bermuda Triangle)
Drills to help you improve
Types of Popups
What is a popup?
A short high ball, hit in or near the infield. Some balls will
carry into the outfield or into foul territory.
A popup is characteristically in the air long enough for at
least one player to run underneath the ball and catch it.
Characteristics of popups:
Hit with backspin
Hit with high altitude
Important note:
A popup is a hit to the infield,
A fly ball is a hit to the outfield
Defining the Roles
The Popup Priority system is
in place to help fielders in
situations where two or
more players are able to
make a play on the ball with
similar chances of making
the catch.
For the purpose of the
Popup priority rules, the
popup must be potentially
catchable by more than one
Why do we give the Center
Fielder more priority than any
of the infielders?
Players should try to catch
everything they can and assume
the play is theirs until they know
the ball will be caught by
someone else. This ensures that
the team doesn’t have multiple
players allowing a ball to fall
between them.
If two or more players call for
the ball, the pop-up priority
system is in place to determine
who makes the play on the ball.
It’s easier to run in and
catch a ball, than to turn
and run to catch a ball over
your head. The same logic
applies to the reason for
infielders taking more
priority than catchers. The
catcher has the mask to
contend with, and is at a
severe disadvantage to
catch any popup. 1st and
3rd baseman should catch
the ball that is questionable
to catch.
Check out this infographic including the above mentioned game situations:
7 Communication Plays That Win or Lose Games.
Popup Priority Rules
PITCHER has priority over the CATCHER
INFIELDERS have priority over the PITCHER & CATCHER
2ND BASEMAN has priority over the 1ST BASEMAN
3RD BASEMAN has priority over the 1ST BASEMAN
SHORTSTOP has priority over all other INFIELDERS
When to call the ball:
Wait until the ball reaches the
peak of its climb before calling
for it.
If you call it too soon, the ball
may travel further into an
area that another player may
be able to make an easier
Wind also influences the ball,
so give the ball a chance to
reach its peak.
How to call the ball:
Call the words “I got it” or
“ball” three times minimum to
warn other players that you
are going to catch the ball
Use your hands to “wave” off
other players non-verbally
Position yourself so that you
“look” like you are going to
catch the ball
How to call off another player on
a popup:
Call the words “ball” three
times minimum
Use priority system to
determine who will catch ball
“Scare the other players off”
to give them the assurance
that you will catch the ball
What to do when a player “calls
you off” on a popup:
Peel Off, get out of the way,
give way to the other fielder
Call the words “take it” so
other player knows you know
he is catching the ball
Popup Priority Tips
Popup Priority Tips:
Players should try to catch everything they can and assume the
play is theirs until they know the ball will be caught by
someone else. This ensures that the team doesn’t have multiple
players allowing a ball to fall between them.
If the other player has already called the ball, determine if the
other player is camped under the ball (set up to catch the ball).
Try to take all popups away from the catcher, unless she is
It is easier to catch a ball running in than it is running
back, so, if you are coming in on the ball, and the other player is
running out, take charge of the ball.
If it is an easy play for you to catch the ball, call it at its
highest peak to let others know you can make the play.
All players not involved with catching the ball must point
to the ball to help with tracking and communication.
When the ball gets lost in the sun or lights: players must be
vocal telling other players “I can’t see it” or “take it”;
minimum of three times, and alerting others by waving her
Trouble Areas
Down the 3B line (PP: 3B, SS, LF)
Short Right field (PP: 2B, CF, RF)
3B line (PP: 3B, P, C)
Down the 1B line (PP: 1B, 2B, RF)
Short Left field (PP: SS, LF, CF)
In front of Home Plate (PP: C, P, 3B, 1B)
Short Center field (PP: SS, 2B, CF)
1B line (PP: 1B, P, C)
Behind the Pitcher's Mound (PP: P, 3B, 1B, 2B, SS)
Practice Drills
Double Popup Fungo Drill
2 coaches hit popups; 1 coach hits fungos to left
side of the field and other to right side of the field
(2nd base dividing)
Players start in normal positions
Pitching Machine to fire balls to various locations
on the field
Batting Practice
Challenge: No balls hit the ground
FungoMan Popup Priority Drill
9 balls to the trouble areas
Shuffle the routine to keep players from
anticipating next ball
Exact ball makes the drill run quickly and
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