IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 48, NO. 4, APRIL 2012 1673 Design Optimization of Gapped-Core Shunt Reactors Abbas Lotfi and Mohsen Faridi Electrical Engineering Group, Higher Education Institute of Roozbeh, Zanjan, Iran Department of Electrical Engineering, Khodabandeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khodabandeh, Iran Shunt reactors are important components for the development of UHV power systems since they compensate large capacitive currents generated by HV transmission lines over great distances. Shunt reactors can also limit over voltages resulting from load shedding operations or from a line-to-ground fault. With regard to construction, shunt reactors are designed in distributed gapped-core which has one winding and a core divided into several laminated magnetic steel disks separated by air-gap wedges. The Volume of the gap is in relation with reactive power of the reactor and maximum magnetic flux density as well. After calculating the gap volume, the way for separating of the gap area and length is an important matter. It plays main role in reactor dimensions, used materials and power losses. In this paper a method based on minimizing the cost is presented for selecting the gap area and length by ratio with constant volume constraint. finding an optimum value for Index Terms—Gapped core, optimization, shunt reactor. I. INTRODUCTION HUNT reactors are important components for the development of UHV power systems since they compensate large capacitive currents generated by HV transmission lines over great distances. Shunt reactors can also limit over voltages resulting from load shedding operations or from a line-to-ground fault [1]. Concerning the construction, shunt reactors are designed in distributed gapped-core which has one winding and a core divided into several laminated magnetic steel disks separated by air-gap wedges [2]. This construction is shown in Fig. 1. This type of reactor is usually oil-immersed construction. The volume of the gap is in relation with reactive power and maximum value of magnetic flux density . After calculating the gap volume by a simply obtained equation which is presented in Section II, the way for separating of gap area and length is an important matter. It plays main role in reactor dimensions, used materials and power losses. There are no remarkable works about the mentioned problem and in point of fact, most of the researches are related to interaction between shunt reactors and power system in different transient conditions [3]–[5]. In this paper, a method based on minimizing the cost is presented for selecting the gap area and length by finding an optimum value for ratio with constant volume constraint. As a matter of fact, increasing the gap area in constant volume, the gap length will be decreased. This is corresponding to increase of ratio that leads the used iron to be increased. In other view, increasing that ratio causes the reluctance of magnetic path to be decreased. So, it is necessary to decrease the number of turns for tuning of the inductance. In the same way, decreasing of the ratio S Manuscript received August 15, 2011; accepted October 11, 2011. Date of current version March 23, 2012. Corresponding author: A. Lotfi (e-mail: Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2173180 Fig. 1. Gapped core shunt reactor. can result increase of winding turns and decrease in iron. As ratio has a result, choosing different value for the considerable effect on used main materials (iron and copper). Therefore it seems that, we can find the optimum value for the mentioned ratio to minimize the iron and copper consuming and their losses as well. At the following sections, formulating the gap volume as a function of reactive power as well as copper and iron mass and losses as function of the ratio, we try to find optimum value of that ratio by minimizing a suitable cost function. The method used in this paper is based on the magnetic circuit’s theory. It should be noted that, although we can use other methods such as finite element method (FEM) to obtain very accurate calculation of magnetic flux density and inductance [6], [7], but such methods are very time consuming that makes them unsuitable for an optimization problem. Whiles relations resulted from magnetic circuit’s theory provide simple equations for obtaining the best beginning point for optimum design process. In addition, it is important to mention that the fringing effect has been ignored in this work. In practice the large gap length of the reactor is divided to several smaller gaps which lead to lower fringing effects. So, it is very simple to control its effect on the total inductance by number of core blocks (see to Fig. 1). Therefore, we can use a compensation factor correct the fringing effect on inductance. Anyway, if it is necessary, there are some useful equations for calculating the fringing factors [8], [9]. 0018-9464/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE 1674 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 48, NO. 4, APRIL 2012 II. FORMULATION All of the structural parameters used in following subsections are depicted in Fig. 1. A. Required Gap Volume In order to obtain an equation for gap volume, we start from the following well-known relations: (1) (2) Fig. 2. Winding cross sectional area (disc type). (3) C. Copper Mass and Losses By manipulating the above equations: The copper loss is calculated by following laws: (4) is the phase effective voltage, is the current peak, where is the reactive power, is the number of turns, is the maximum flux density, is the frequency, is the fringing effect factor, and is free space permeability. The left side of (4) is the gap volume and will be constant if the reactive power, flux density and frequency are kept constant. (9) (10) where is the copper loss, is the winding resistance, is the mean length of turn and is the specific conductance of copper. In this paper the variation of specific conductance as a function of temperature is ignored. For calculating we can use the following equation: B. Winding Area and Number of Turns (11) In according to inductance definition, it can be written: (5) Finally, using the (9) with (8), (10) and current density definition, the copper losses can be expressed as (12) where is inductance (per phase) of the reactor that can be calculated by (6) where is the eddy loss factor of winding. And eventually, the copper mass is For winding area calculation, according to Fig. 2, the winding area can be simply expressed: (13) where is the copper density. (7) D. Iron Mass and Losses where is the winding area, is the rated current, is the winding filling factor and is the wire cross sectional area. By using the current density definition and (5) we have By using Fig. 1, it is simple to obtain volume of the legs and yokes as be done in the following equations. Then by multiplying to iron density, the mass of iron and consequently its power loss can be obtained as follow: (8) (14) where is the current density. It is necessary to mention that the wire insulations as well as number of cooling channels between discs for thermal considerations have direct impact on value of filling factor. In the optimization process dimensions of the winding will be changed. So, the power loss of winding and finally number of cooling channels will be changed. As a result, the filling factor is not a constant. For purposes of this paper and avoiding of complication we consider the to be constant. (15) Thus: (16) (17) are the cross section area, the where volume, the mass and the losses of legs respectively, is the LOTFI AND FARIDI: DESIGN OPTIMIZATION OF GAPPED-CORE SHUNT REACTORS 1675 is the iron density, is increment lamination factor, loss factor of core block, is the specific power losses of iron. By the same way, for the yoke (see Fig. 1): (18) (19) (20) where is the core structure factor, are the cross section area, length, mass, losses of the yoke and is the specific loss of iron in the yoke. Note that, according to the above-mentioned relations between yoke and leg structure and the FEM analysis [7], the following approximated equation was presented for magnetic flux density: Fig. 3. The cost function versus . (21) where are magnetic flux density in yoke, leg and gap, respectively. By calculating the flux density, it is simple to extract specific power losses of iron using the relevant specific loss curve. E. Cost Function In order to find the optimum value for the following cost function is defined: ratio, the (22) where is the mass, is the cost, is the fine for excessive losses. is defined as follows: (23) Fig. 4. The cost function versus In point of fact, if the calculated losses becomes smaller than desired value , guaranteed loss, is gotten to be zero. Thus the fine cost is not considered. According to relations presented in subsections to , all components of the (22) are function of ratio. In addition, for a constant value of ratio, is also constant. So, we can consider the (or ) being free parameter in optimization problem. As a final point, the total is a function of and cost It is necessary to mention that parameters of are selected by insulation design and other parameters comprise , , , J, and are selected by manufacturer experience as well as FEM analysis. . III. CASE STUDY In order to validate the presented method, a 50 MVAR, 400 kV shunt reactor which has been optimized and built by Iran Transfo Inc. (the largest manufacturer of power transformers in Zanjan, Iran) has been selected. Using its construction data the optimum value for and is estimated. In the first step the Bw is considered to be equal to winding width of the test object. And by using its construction informaratio. As tion, we try to find an optimum value for can be seen in Fig. 3, there is an optimum value of 0.733 for ratio corresponding to minimum point of cost function versus . 1676 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 48, NO. 4, APRIL 2012 TABLE I COMPARISON BETWEEN OPTIMIZE AND BUILT VALUES ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Iran Transfo Inc. for providing the test results. REFERENCES In the second step, considering the Bw to be free parameter we try to find minimum points of Cost Function versus ratio. And then by plotting that Cost Function versus Bw the best value of Bw is obtained. As can be seen in Fig. 4, this optimum value for Bw is 0.26 m that is corresponding to AgLg ratio of 0.8. The Cost values in comparison with test object is given in Table I that shows decrement in Cost Function at estimated points. IV. CONCLUSION In this paper, sets of equations are presented for calculating the iron and copper mass and loss which are function of dimensional values of the shunt reactor. Using these relations and a suitable cost function, it is very simple to find an optimum value for area and length of the gap. The presented method can be tuned by FEM and used for optimization of shunt reactors. As be done in this paper, developed method is great congruity with a built and optimized reactor by empirical and validated equations. [1] J. C. Whitaker, Ac Power System Handbook. San Diego, CA: Morgan Hill, 2007. [2] Y. Ikeda, H. Naito, and M. Abe, “Technological trend in the recent development of shunt reactor,” Fuji Electric Review, vol. 28, no. 2, 1982, Tokyo, Japan. [3] P. Mestas, M. C. Tavares, and A. M. Gole, “Implementation and performance evaluation of a reclosing method for shunt reactor-compensated transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 954–962, Dec. 2011. [4] C. D. 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