Uploaded by Eka Dummy


Branch Personnel:
Position :
Type of Cash Difference
Shortages above P100.00
Overages above P100.00
Amount :
Mode of Payment:
Date Cash Diff. Incurred:
Date CDR Prepared :
No. of CDR for the month :
Explanation/Justification of Personnel Involved
Signature Over Printed Name/ Date
Disposition/Action to be Taken
(Ambassador or Cluster or Area Head)
Signature Over Printed Name/ Position/ Date
Authority to Deduct
This is to authorize eBusiness Services Inc., to deduct the amount of P___________ from ___________ to
__________. I also agree that any amount receivable from me will be deducted from my separation pay
upon my resignation.
Signature Over Printed Name/ Position/ Date
EPB 2011-003
Page 2 of 2
Approved by:
For Branch:
For Salary Deductions:
Recommended by:
Signature Over Printed Name/ Date
Signature Over Printed Name/ Date
Area/Cluster Head
HRD Compensation and Benefits Administration
Signature Over Printed Name/ Date
Signature Over Printed Name/ Date
Chief of Branch Operations
Human Resources Department Head
Signature Over Printed Name/ Date
Signature Over Printed Name/ Date