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Keep in mind that all writing tasks must be carried out with clarity, conciseness, and simplicity.
The purpose of a note or a memorandum is to give brief information or instructions to oneself or to
another person, or to act as a memory aid.
Hints for effective notes:
Note form is better than full sentences for conciseness if the notes are clear
Some words may be abbreviated once clarity is not lost
Arrange ideas in the best order for clarity and simplicity
Note taking is a reading skill where one extracts the main points in a reading selection. It is a useful
study skill and uses various techniques.
What are the purposes of note taking?
To help in the retention of information
To review material later without having the read the whole text
To use one’s own words to understand fully the topic or material read
Forms of note taking:
There are THREE different forms of note taking:
The main points are written in an outline form
A bulleted list of items
Tables, charts, and diagrams (Venn and cluster diagrams)
MEMORANDA (Singular: Memorandum) – from indeed.com
The memorandum is a brief document used to convey information about routine work matters and
as with all business writing should be clear, concise and simple.
A memo, or memorandum, is a written document that businesses use to communicate an
announcement or notification. While memos were once the primary form of written internal
communication in a business, they are now commonly sent in the form of an email.
What is a memo?
A memo is a short message that's typically used to communicate official business policies and
procedures within a company. Memos are usually meant as mass communication to all members of
an organization rather than a one-on-one personal message. There are many types of memos, but
they typically provide a progress report, asking someone or a team for something, confirm an
agreement between parties) or request input on how to solve a problem.
Memo template
The following is a sample memo you can use as a guide for your next document:
When you should write a memo
For the most part, the purpose of writing a memo is to inform. However, memos can occasionally
include a call to action or a persuasive element.
Here are some instances when a memo might be useful:
Informing employees about company policy or process changes
Providing an update on key projects or goals
Making an announcement about the company, such as an employee promotion or new hire
Reminding employees about a task that needs to be completed
Making a request of all employees
Communicating a message that employees will refer to more than once, such as a detailed
proposal or recommendation
Memos are also an efficient way to communicate brief but important messages to a wide audience
within the business. This can include product changes, meeting schedules, procedure changes,
policy additions, summaries of agreement terms and reminders. Additionally, you can send a memo
when you want your audience to print or save the information contained in the message in some
way for later reference.
How to write a memo
While each memo should be written to address its unique needs, there are a few steps you can
follow to create a clear, highly readable document. Like many other professional business
documents, memos will include an introduction, body and conclusion.
1. Start with a header that clearly indicates that the communication is a memorandum, the
intended recipients, the sender, the date and the subject.
2. Write an introduction that uses a declarative sentence to announce the main topic of the memo.
3. Include a body paragraph with discussion points that elaborate or list the main ideas associated
with the memo's topic. To make your memo easier to read, write in short paragraphs and break
the information into smaller, more manageable chunks. Since the recipients will likely be
scanning the memo, you should also use subheadings and bulleted lists when possible.
4. Conclude your memo with any remaining information following the body paragraph. This is a
summary of the memo and should clearly inform the reader of any actions required.
5. Close with your name, email address and phone number in case anyone needs to contact you.
6. Ensure any necessary attachments are included if your intended recipients will need to refer to
other information, such as a graph, image, or chart, below the end of your memo.
Tips for writing an effective memo
Here are tips to consider improving your memo:
Always consider your audience when writing a memo. While an acronym or abbreviation
might be commonly used in the marketing department, it could be unknown to the IT
department. If you're writing a memo for the entire company, use clear and concise
language accessible to everyone. Keep it professional using business formal language.
Proofread and review before sending. Reading your memo aloud is a helpful way to check
for typos, inconsistencies, and tone. If you have time, share it with a trusted colleague who
can offer a second pair of eyes. When sending a company-wide memo, you are speaking for
the organization, so be sure the style and message are accurate.
Write a subject that is straightforward and clear. For example, if you need to send a memo
announcing the observance of a holiday, include the name, date, and day of the week of the
observed holiday in your subject line. Send your memo at least a week before the event or
due date so people have time to adjust their plans.
12 TIPS FOR WRITING EFFECTIVE EMAILS (Drexel.edu,Posted on October 17, 2018)
We rely heavily on email to communicate with colleagues, clients, vendors, etc. Some emails are far
too long, stringing paragraph after paragraph together, while others are too brusque, while some
are way too formal, or entirely too informal, and still others might even put the company in legal
Since we rely so heavily on email, every email we send should be well-written, and serve the
intended purpose to disseminate information, while also being collegial. Effective emails, not only
share information in a clear and concise manner, but also save time and effort for both the reader
and the recipient.
Employ the following 12 tips to craft an effective email.
It drives me crazy when I get an email from someone, and the subject line is a tease or does not
relate to the content of the email. Again, this will add time to my day, when I’m trying to search
through my emails for specific content, but the subject line doesn’t match that content.
Bullet points make it much easier for the recipient to read the email quickly and effectively. It also
helps the reader identify the main points of the email. If the recipient is expected to do something
after receiving the email, highlight the call to action.
No one has the time to read a 10-paragraph email, so don’t sent it. If you have 10-paragraphs, or
even four-paragraphs, then you’re likely including unrelated content.
Stick to one content area per email. If you are sending a follow-up email to a colleague after a
meeting, then it is unnecessary to add in something about a different client or information about
the company picnic, etc. When you muddle content, it makes it much harder for the recipient to
find the email in a search because the content they are looking for won’t match the subject line.
Always open your email with a pleasantry. I often craft my email, then go back and add in the “I
hope you had a great vacation” or “Have a great weekend – enjoy the Fall weather.”
The tone of an email is difficult to assess, but often, the reader will assign a tone, even when one
was not intended, so be careful not to craft the email with tone by watching the use of exclamation
marks, using inflammatory words, etc.
I find I use too many exclamation marks in my emails, usually to sound excited, but one could also
read the exclamation marks as being angry, frustrated, etc. NEVER use emojis in a work email, to
anyone other than a close friend.
More and more you see quotes at the bottom of emails. Some are benign inspirational quotes, such
as “Be the best you can be every day,” these are fine; however, avoid quotes with religious meaning,
quotes that could be viewed as excluding others, etc. could offend a co-worker, a client, or a vendor,
which could result in the loss of productivity and business.
Sending out an email with typos, misspelled words, etc., makes you look bad. Take the extra minute
to proofread the email.
If you need to write the email, do so in a word document, where it is impossible to hit the send
button by accident.
Email chains can be effective, but sometimes it is more effective to pick up the telephone and have
a conversation in five minutes versus four hours of back-and-forth emails. Also, be careful not to
change content areas without changing the subject line.
Remember, your email, your colleague’s email, even the vendor’s email is subject to a warrant
should illegal activity occur, or a lawsuit be filed. Furthermore, emails sent to and from your work
email address, are the property of your employer. Thus, NEVER put anything in an email that could
compromise you or the company from a legal perspective (or from a professional perspective). This
includes, but is not limited to, defamatory comments, harassment, admitting to wrong-doing,
accusing someone of a crime or wrong-doing, promising a quid pro quo, and promising something
that can’t be delivered (especially when it comes to products).
Countless articles have been written on how to craft effective emails, but I receive poorly
constructed ones daily. Part of the reason is that the ability to write has been cast aside. We live in
a world of 240-character Tweets and text messages, where everyone’s quote at the bottom on their
email sent from their phone say something about “excuse my typos.” Even though we live in this
world, writing is still important. These 12 tips offer a formula for constructing an effective email,
which ultimately makes it easier.
I hope you will take the time to follow these rules because your emails will be better written, more
easily understood, and less likely to require follow-up. In the end, this saves time and allows you to
work on other important tasks.
Anne Converse Willkomm
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department Head of Graduate Studies
Goodwin College, Drexel University
The 5 C's of creative communications for better business
By Tom Zender – Contributing writer
Nov 14, 2014
Both new media and traditional media offer a dazzling collection of how to convey our business
communications. We are never without messages to send and receive in all their many forms. What
makes business communications good – or not?
New media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter are digital vehicles to convey our business
communications – plus digital publications, online advertising, email, and texting. Traditional media
continues in abundance with print publications, voice messages, postal mail, and even bumper
What is essential in both new and traditional business messages? Context, Content, Clarity, Color
and Carrier – always.
Context: Why is the message being sent and what are the surrounding factors, conditions, and
environment? A straightforward explanation about the purpose of the message is important. Most
recipients won't go further unless they understand why they are receiving the communication in
the first place.
Content. What is the message, what does it convey in facts and feelings, and what is the intended
call-to-action for the reader? The content must be quickly and efficiently delivered to the intended
audience without unnecessary, extraneous added information. Most messages, particularly
marketing content, should be informative, engaging and with a call to action for the recipient - and
an easy way for them to respond.
Clarity. How does the message read or sound, it is uncluttered and understandable, and does it
entice the recipient to want more information? Brevity counts, whether the communication is
written, visual or audio. Effective messages are straight forward, easy to comprehend, and not
offensive. Experts suggest crafting messages at a mid to late grade school level to improve
effectiveness and durability.
Colour. Who looks at the message and what do they need to see or hear for maximum attraction to
the information being conveyed? Great art is even better with a great frame. Use interesting fonts,
graphics, colors, photos and sounds that enhance the message and engage recipients, but without
cluttering and confusing the main message or driving the recipient away. Tasteful design counts,
even in audio messages.
Carrier. Where does the message move from, in one or more media, to best reach the intended
audience? While media cost is a factor, the age, location, and other demographics of the recipient
audience determine good choices of new media or traditional media as the carrier. Sometimes, a
well concocted mixed media program, such as some social media along with some printed or voice
messages can be particularly effective.
No surprise: companies long recognized for durable, effective marketing and other messages
include Coca-Cola, Wendy's, Nike, Volkswagen, and Apple.
Need help? Outside communications experts can boost an effective media program by addressing
all five C's.
The bottom line
Communicate creatively. Construct marketing and other messages effectively by using the 5 C's as
a guide: Context, Content, Clarity, Color and Carrier. Make the messages simple, engaging, easy to
comprehend and with calls to action. Get more business.
Writing Definitions (owl.purdue.edu)
A formal definition is based upon a concise, logical pattern that includes as much information as it
can within a minimum amount of space. The primary reason to include definitions in your writing is
to avoid misunderstanding with your audience. A formal definition consists of three parts:
The term (word or phrase) to be defined
The class of object or concept to which the term belongs
The differentiating characteristics that distinguish it from all others of its class
For example:
Water (term) is a liquid (class) made up of molecules of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of
2 to 1 (differentiating characteristics).
Comic books (term) are sequential and narrative publications (class) consisting of
illustrations, captions, dialogue balloons, and often focus on super-powered heroes
(differentiating characteristics).
Astronomy (term) is a branch of scientific study (class) primarily concerned with celestial
objects inside and outside of the earth's atmosphere (differentiating characteristics).
Although these examples should illustrate the way the three parts work together, they are not the
most realistic cases. Most readers will already be quite familiar with the concepts of water, comic
books, and astronomy. For this reason, it is important to know when and why you should include
definitions in your writing.
1. When your writing contains a term that may be key to audience understanding and that
term could likely be unfamiliar to them
"Stellar Wobble is a measurable variation of speed wherein a star's velocity is shifted by the
gravitational pull of a foreign body."
2. When a commonly used word or phrase has layers of subjectivity or evaluation in the way
you choose to define it
"Throughout this essay, the term classic gaming will refer specifically to playing video games
produced for the Atari, the original Nintendo Entertainment System, and any systems in-between."
Note: not everyone may define "classic gaming" within this same time span; therefore, it is
important to define your terms
3. When the etymology (origin and history) of a common word might prove interesting or will
help expand upon a point
“Pagan can be traced back to Roman military slang for an incompetent soldier. In this sense,
Christians who consider themselves soldiers of Christ are using the term not only to suggest a
person's secular status but also their lack of bravery.”
Avoid defining with "X is when" and "X is where" statements. These introductory adverb
phrases should be avoided. Define a noun with a noun, a verb with a verb, and so forth.
Do not define a word by mere repetition or merely restating the word:
"Rhyming poetry consists of lines that contain end rhymes."
"Rhyming poetry is an artform consisting of lines whose final words consistently contain identical,
final stressed vowel sounds."
Define a word in simple and familiar terms. Your definition of an unfamiliar word should not
lead your audience towards looking up more words to understand your definition.
Keep the class portion of your definition small but adequate. It should be large enough to
include all members of the term you are defining but no larger. Avoid adding personal
details to definitions. Although you may think the story about your grandfather will perfectly
encapsulate the concept of stinginess, your audience may fail to relate. Offering personal
definitions may only increase the likeliness of misinterpretation that you are trying to avoid.