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Final Lab Practicum Study Guide
Instructions: Any of the following terms may part of this assessment. You must be able
to spell each term correctly. Since the exam is cumulative, you may be assessed on any of
the terms here, as well as terms listed on study guides 1 and 2.
(R/L) = right and left
* = may be found on model or dissection
Muscles of the Thigh & Leg
1. Iliacus
2. Psoas major
3. Sartorius *
4. Pectineus
5. Adductor longus
6. Gracilis
7. Rectus femoris *
8. Vastus lateralis *
9. Vastus medialis *
10. Vastus intermedius *
11. Tensor fasciae latae
12. Gluteus maximus
13. Gluteus medius
14. Biceps femoris *
15. Semimembranosus
16. Semitendinosus *
17. Tibialis anterior *
18. Extensor digitorum longus *
19. Fibularis longus *
20. Fibularis brevis
21. Gastrocnemius *
22. Soleus *
23. Calcaneal tendon *
24. Tibialis posterior
25. Flexor digitorum longus
26. Flexor hallucis longus
Cardiovascular System
• External anatomy of the heart
27. Pericardium *
28. Left auricle *
29. Right auricle *
30. Apex *
• Coronary arteries and cardiac
31. Left coronary artery
32. Circumflex artery
33. Anterior interventricular artery
34. Right coronary artery
35. Right marginal artery
36. Posterior interventricular artery
37. Great cardiac vein
38. Small cardiac vein
39. Middle cardiac vein
40. Superior vena cava
41. Inferior vena cava
42. Pulmonary trunk
43. Pulmonary arteries (R/L)
44. Pulmonary veins (R/L)
45. Ligamentum arteriosum
46. Ascending aorta
47. Aortic arch
48. Internal anatomy of the heart
49. Myocardium *
50. Right atrium *
51. Right ventricle *
52. Left atrium *
53. Left ventricle *
54. Interventricular septum *
55. Pectinate muscles
56. Trabeculae carneae
57. Right atrioventricular valve *
(tricuspid valve)
58. Pulmonary valve
59. Left atrioventricular valve (mitral
valve) *
60. Aortic valve
61. Papillary muscle *
62. Chordae tendineae *
• Arteries
63. Brachiocephalic trunk
64. Common carotid artery (R/L)
65. Internal carotid artery (R/L)
66. External carotid artery (R/L)
67. Vertebral artery (R/L)
68. Basilar artery
69. Subclavian artery (R/L)
70. Axillary artery (R/L)
71. Brachial artery (R/L)
72. Radial artery (R/L)
73. Ulnar artery (R/L)
74. Thoracic aorta
75. Intercostal artery
76. Abdominal aorta
77. Celiac trunk
78. Common hepatic artery
79. Left gastric artery
80. Splenic artery
81. Superior mesenteric artery
82. Inferior mesenteric artery
83. Common iliac artery (R/L)
84. Internal iliac artery (R/L)
85. External iliac artery (R/L)
86. Femoral artery (R/L)
87. Popliteal artery (R/L)
88. Posterior tibial artery (R/L)
89. Fibular artery (R/L)
90. Superior sagittal sinus
91. Internal jugular vein (R/L)
92. External jugular (R/L)
93. Subclavian vein (R/L)
94. Brachiocephalic vein (R/L)
95. Axillary vein (R/L)
96. Brachial vein (R/L)
97. Radial vein (R/L)
98. Ulnar vein (R/L)
99. Basilic vein (R/L)
100. Median cubital vein (R/L)
101. Common iliac vein (R/L)
102. Internal iliac vein (R/L)
103. External iliac vein (R/L)
104. Femoral vein (R/L)
105. Popliteal vein (R/L)
106. Posterior tibial vein (R/L)
107. Great saphenous vein (R/L)
Respiratory system
108. Nares
109. Superior nasal meatus
110. Middle nasal meatus
111. Inferior nasal meatus
112. Larynx
113. Epiglottis
114. Glottis
115. Arytenoid cartilage
116. Corniculate cartilage
117. Vocal fold
118. Thyroid cartilage *
119. Cricoid cartilage *
120. Trachea
121. Tracheal cartilage *
122. Carina *
123. Primary bronchus (L/R)
124. Secondary bronchus
125. Right lung
126. Superior lobe
127. Middle lobe
128. Inferior lobe
129. Left lung
130. Superior lobe
131. Inferior lobe
132. Lung tissue
133. Bronchiole
134. Alveolus
135. Pleura
136. Diaphragm *
Digestive System
• Salivary glands & ducts
137. Submandibular gland
138. Submandibular duct
139. Parotid gland
140. Parotid duct
141. Sublingual gland
142. Sublingual duct
• Dentition
143. Crown
144. Enamel
145. Dentin
146. Pulp cavity
147. Gingiva
148. Neck
149. Root
150. Cementum
151. Root canal
152. Periodontal ligament
153. Central incisor
154. Lateral incisor
155. Canine
156. First premolar
157. Second premolar
158. First molar
159. Second molar
160. Third molar
161. Tongue
162. Filiform papilla
163. Fungiform papilla
164. Vallate papilla
165. Oral cavity
166. Gingivae
167. Hard palate
168. Soft palate
169. Oropharynx
170. Uvula
171. Palatine tonsil
172. Lingual tonsil
173. Esophagus
174. Gastroesophageal sphincter (cardiac
175. Stomach
176. Fundus *
177. Lesser curvature *
178. Greater curvature *
179. Body of the stomach *
180. Rugae *
181. Pyloric sphincter *
182. Serosa
183. Muscularis externa, longitudinal
184. Muscularis externa, circular layer
185. Muscularis externa, oblique layer
186. Small intestine *
187. Duodenum
188. Major duodenal papilla
189. Jejunum
190. Ileum
191. Plicae circularis
192. Villus
193. Lacteal
194. Goblet cell
195. Intestinal crypt
196. Ileocecal valve *
197. Large intestine *
198. Cecum *
199. Appendix *
200. Ascending colon *
201. Transverse colon *
202. Descending colon *
203. Sigmoid colon *
204. Taeniae coli
205. Haustra
• Mesenteries
206. Greater omentum
207. Lesser omentum
208. Transverse mesocolon
209. Mesentery
210. Sigmoid mesocolon
211. Rectum
212. Anus
213. External anal sphincter muscle
214. Internal anal sphincter muscle
215. Liver
216. Right lobe
217. Left lobe
218. Falciform ligament
219. Caudate lobe
220. Quadrate lobe
221. Liver tissue
222. Liver lobule
223. Portal triad
224. Bile duct
225. Portal venule
226. Portal arteriole
227. Central vein
228. Hepatic artery (R/L)
229. Hepatic vein (R/L)
230. Hepatic portal vein
231. Heptaic duct (R/L)
232. Common hepatic duct
233. Cystic duct
234. Gallbladder *
235. Bile duct
236. Pancreas *
237. Pancreas tissue
238. Main pancreatic duct
239. Hepatopancreatic ampulla
Reproductive System
• Male Reproductive Structures
240. Scrotum *
241. Dartos muscle
242. Testis *
243. Rete testis
244. Head of epididymis
245. Body of epididymis
246. Tail of epididymis
247. Spermatic cord *
248. Cremaster muscle
249. Pampiniform venous plexus
250. Testicular artery
251. Superficial inguinal ring
252. Inguinal canal
253. Ductus deferens (vas deferens) *
254. Ampulla of ductus deferens
255. Ejaculatory duct
256. Seminal vesicle
257. Prostate gland
258. Prostatic urethra
259. Membranous urethra
260. Bulbourethral gland
261. Spongy urethra
262. Penis
263. Prepuce
264. Corpus cavernosum
265. Corpus spongiosum
266. Glans penis
267. Epididymis tissue
268. Seminal vesicle tissue
269. Penis tissue
270. Sperm
271. Head
272. Nucleus
273. Acrosome
274. Midpiece
275. Mitochondrion
276. Tail (flagellum)
• Female Reproductive Structures
Vulva (external genitalia)
277. Mons pubis
278. Labium majorum
279. Labium minorum
280. Clitoris
281. Vestibule
282. Perineum
283. External urethral orifice
284. Ovary *
285. Primordial follicle
286. Primary follicle
287. Secondary follicle
288. Vesicular (Graafian) follicule
289. Ovum
290. Corpus luteum
291. Corpus albicans
292. Uterine tube (Fallopian tube) *
293. Fimbriae
294. Infundibulum
295. Isthmus
296. Ampulla
297. Uterus
298. Fundus
299. Body of uterus
300. Isthmus
Uterus tissue
301. Endometrium
302. Myometrium
303. Perimetrium
304. Cervix
305. Internal os
306. Cervical canal
307. External os
308. Lateral fornix
309. Vagina
310. Mammary gland
311. Nipple
312. Areola
Collecting duct
Minor calyx *
Major calyx *
Renal pelvis *
Ureter *
Urinary bladder *
348. Rugae
349. Detrusor muscle
350. Internal urethral sphincter
351. External urethral sphincter
Urinary System
313. Kidney *
314. Renal capsule
315. Hilum
Renal blood vessels
316. Renal artery (R/L) *
317. Segmental artery
318. Interlobar artery
319. Arcuate artery
320. Cortical radiate artery
321. Afferent arteriole
322. Glomerulus
323. Efferent arteriole
324. Peritubular capillaries
325. Vasa recta
326. Cortical radiate vein
327. Arcuate vein
328. Interlobar vein
329. Renal vein (R/L) *
330. Renal cortex *
331. Renal medulla *
332. Renal pyramid *
333. Cortical nephron
334. Juxtamedullary nephron
Nephron structure
335. Renal corpuscle
336. Glomerular (Bowman’s)
337. Glomerulus
338. Proximal convoluted tubule
339. Descending loop of Henle
340. Ascending loop of Henle
341. Distal convoluted tubule